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S09.E15: Bow Down


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15 hours ago, ghoulina said:

I was a bit concerned with Leah's segments tonight. I hate when she speaks for the girls. She kept insisting, "Jason is never mean" instead of asking them what they are really thinking and feeling. She's not fostering a relationship where her kids will feel comfortable coming to her.

And that's the thing...what if they don't like Jason for a very horrible reason? Maybe it's my paranoia, as a victim of child molestation; but I started getting a very uncomfortable vibe during that car conversation. The girlses body language was quite closed off and hostile. 

And I know kids say dumb shit, shit they don't mean; but poison seems a bit specific and extreme. And then when Gracie says, "He loves me best because I look like you". That FLOORED me. Where did she get that idea???

I don't know. Maybe it's just as simple as they're used to no rules and Jason busts in with his alpha male, gotta break them BS; and they just don't want to live that life. 

Either way, i think that dude is scum. 

I agree.  I get a weird vibe from him, and when Gracie said that about Jason loving her because she LOOKS like Leah, I got a bad feeling.  And as you pointed out in another post, pedophiles usually seek out and date single moms.  They groom them first and gain their trust.  It is so gross.  And of course, Leah is a prime target - she is neither book nor street smart, and very trusting.  

11 hours ago, CDC said:

I know Chelsea is trying to present Cole as some badass, but I think his reaction to finding the break-in pretty stupid.  He (probably loudly) demanded that his wife and children all meet up in one spot (probably on the second floor?) and then went searching for himself because he was worried? And then called 911 afterwards? I don't care if I'm trying to be some alpha male- I would immediately get my family OUT OF THE HOUSE instead of putting their lives, regardless of my own, at risk.


He may be handy around the house, and nice, but he is about as smart as a box of Chelsea's messy hair.

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15 hours ago, druzy said:

If I were Cory or Jeremy I would be on my way to Dirty John's AirBnb to whip him into shape for disciplining my kids.

Yeah...his whole "Alpha Male" lecture and "My father was military" therefore I'm a tough disciplinarian would have been a deal breaker for most women. That just screamed "GET OUT" to me. Her girls can be a handful but Cory and Jeremy need to be the ones to discipline their kids...not this guy.

  • Love 13
17 minutes ago, kicksave said:

Exactly! The whole time this convo between Chelsea and Cole I was thinking "GET A SECURITY SYSTEM!!!"....you live in the boonies and there probably aren't too many drive by police checks too often. Also, you should never post any photos or tweets that inform the general public that you and your family are out of town! 

I can’t believe they don’t have a security system, it’s just unreal to me.  Chelsea is home out there in the country with those babies alone all day (I presume), there’s no way I wouldn’t have a security system in place for the emergency response services alone, aside from burglary, trespassing, etc.  

I find it hard to believe Cole doesn’t have deer cams on their property. (Insert Leah / Robbie joke here).  But seriously, every hunter I know that lives out in the country and has land has deer cams and motion lights up.  It’s just what they do.

Edited by geauxaway
  • Love 14

I think Kailyn said she'd been in touch with the baby daddy's sister about shower details, but it is weird that she and her sister haven't been in touch. I think the girl is over Kail and saw her true colors in NY when after all they'd discussed regarding Chris, the silly cow leapt into his arms at the hair event.

Also, when Kail was trying to give her advice about how a baby impacts a relationship, the sister was like, girl, please. I am in a secure relationship, my man and I have had serious discussions about being parents, and I am not you, Miss Three Baby Daddies. 

And why is Kail looking so top heavy?

As for Leah. OMG. Those girlses were like, WTF. Hell no we don't "love" him. She sounded like an utter ass talking about the inevitability of it all. Is she insane? And all of that talk of poison? My word! They're probably over him because he likely has rules, especially if they're going to be at his house all of the time. I bet Jeremy has rules, too.

And Amber. That was crazy. Bow down? I bet Andrew's family was very impressed if they saw that and she'd better hope they don't.

Chelsea needs to join a Mommy and Me group. She has lots of good and long-time friends. The "problem" is they were too sensible to get knocked up by a deadbeat at 16 and are doing single girls things that she can participate in only periodically. As I recall, only one of her friends had a baby at a young age.

Jenelle is a hot mess and her jackass husband an even better one. Why is he messing with her opportunity to make money, especially when his sorry ass doesn't work?

  • Love 13
15 hours ago, BitterApple said:

Why? He didn't hit them or anything, and it's his house. Their issue should be with Leah's lazy ass, not Jason.

Are you kidding me? They aren't his kids! So what if it's house (supposedly it's his house) he still shouldn't be disciplining them...not his place. "He didn't hit them or anything..." OMG! That's the standard ? 

  • Love 6
10 minutes ago, kicksave said:

Yeah...his whole "Alpha Male" lecture and "My father was military" therefore I'm a tough disciplinarian would have been a deal breaker for most women. That just screamed "GET OUT" to me. Her girls can be a handful but Cory and Jeremy need to be the ones to discipline their kids...not this guy.

I'm no Jason fan, but I don't think there's any reason why he should not be able to tell them it's 11 pm, time to go to bed, especially if the "soft touch" mother is too stupid to do so, or ask them to pick up their crap if they're leaving it around his house. I doubt he's doling out any punishments more serious than a time-out if even that. If they're shacking up part-time in someone else's house, they need to follow the rules.

When we've seen them all together, like at the birthday party, everyone seemed to get along well, so I suspect it was more a you all aren't going to do my house like you do yours (without actually saying that) and other basic guidelines.

I also seriously doubt that Jeremy or Corey would be willing to discipline their kids for something they did at someone else's house. And I'm certain Miranda is allowed to discipline the twins when they are at her house.

Edited by politichick
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  • Love 24
14 hours ago, Dance4Life said:

If someone asked Nova about what she did with her mom that weekend.  Nova would not hesitate to spill Briana’s tea. About how she is always gone with men, etc.  3 since last season. Luis, Javi and now this New Yorker.

This is Briana’s m.o.  Don’t bring men around Nova.  Just leave town every weekend!  

Totally. Briana is very, very stupid, so she doesn't realize that Nova, who is much smarter, has almost certainly figured out what's going on with her mom suddenly going to NY every other weekend to visit "a friend," then this "friend" showing up and everyone acting weird around him before her mom goes somewhere to spend the night with him.

Plus, it's pretty likely that Roxane and Brittany discuss this issue along with all of their other business in front of/within earshot of Nova. Is anything in their apartment out of earshot? So Briana is making the whole situation more difficult and confusing for Nova by lying to her about it.

Are Briana and John still together? I didn't realize that Leah and whatshisname have already broken up and she's back with Jeremy (which, WTF?).

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, geauxaway said:

I can’t believe they don’t have a security system, it’s just unreal to me.  Chelsea is home out there in the country with those babies alone all day (I presume), there’s no way I wouldn’t have a security system in place for the emergency response services alone, aside from burglary, trespassing, etc.  

I find it hard to believe Cole doesn’t have deer cams on their property. (Insert Leah / Robbie joke here).  But seriously, every hunter I know that lives out in the country and has land has deer cams and motion lights up.  It’s just what they do.

Hahaha I found this unreal too! It reminded me so much of that scene from the secret life of the American teenager (ugh awful show!) when Amy moved in with ricky and insisted that he buy a new bed, because Adrian had slept in that bed before. Like...insisting that an unmarried, twelfth-grade father with a part-time job buy a new bed frame, mattress, box springs, and sheets, because she doesn't like his ex-girlfriend, when maybe she could have just replaced the sheets and been fine. Total overkill! Why not just get a security system? I bet Chelsea wanted to move anyway, and this was her chance to say something. 

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, TheRealT said:

Totally. Briana is very, very stupid, so she doesn't realize that Nova, who is much smarter, has almost certainly figured out what's going on with her mom suddenly going to NY every other weekend to visit "a friend," then this "friend" showing up and everyone acting weird around him before her mom goes somewhere to spend the night with him.

Plus, it's pretty likely that Roxane and Brittany discuss this issue along with all of their other business in front of/within earshot of Nova. Is anything in their apartment out of earshot? So Briana is making the whole situation more difficult and confusing for Nova by lying to her about it.

Are Briana and John still together? I didn't realize that Leah and whatshisname have already broken up and she's back with Jeremy (which, WTF?).

I forgot to comment on this. Lol to the (which, WTF?)

Agree with the above. Plus, what kind of awful person must Luis be that Stella wants nothing to do with him, but was joyfully giving John fries and adores Devon? It was nice of him to bring them gifts and try to interact with the girls.

Why won't they move to a bigger home? It's so weird!

  • Love 12
1 hour ago, politichick said:

I forgot to comment on this. Lol to the (which, WTF?)

Agree with the above. Plus, what kind of awful person must Luis be that Stella wants nothing to do with him, but was joyfully giving John fries and adores Devon? It was nice of him to bring them gifts and try to interact with the girls.

Why won't they move to a bigger home? It's so weird!

Because they poison the child’s mind.  Like everyone has posted.  That apartment is tiny and Nova can hear everything.  Stella, too. 

Supposedly, Nova is saying horrible things about her own father.....during these last few episodes. 

In one breath ...Devoin is wonderful such as those Puerto Rico scenes.

Now, the coven is back to trashing him.  

We have heard them all.  When Briana mentions Luis.....Britney is there doing her lip smacking trash talking.

 Briana is only interested in looking good.  Last night was laughable! 

The .......I don’t pick men over my kids declaration!  Hahahahaha!

You don’t bring men around Nova.....but, you sure leave town every chance you get.

You really think Nova doesn’t know where you have gone?   Nova cannot google her own name and see your crap...??? You are beyond ignorant.

Then she allows Stella to tag along because she is little.

Girrrrl, Bye! You got men meeting your young child that cannot even talk.

This is a huge....NO!

Edited by Dance4Life
  • Love 9
On 4/22/2019 at 9:32 AM, druzy said:

Addie is spilling the tea

I don’t even know where to begin with this mess... fuckin sad! From gracies whorish makeup, to putting all 3 of them on the spot about liking/loving Jason (her fuck buddy of just a few mos), to their nasty ass gas station food... this bitch is trashy af! As much as I hate and mean HATE David and jenelle, they’re right Leah is a drugged up fuck up. Period. 

  • Love 4
23 hours ago, ghoulina said:

I was a bit concerned with Leah's segments tonight. I hate when she speaks for the girls. She kept insisting, "Jason is never mean" instead of asking them what they are really thinking and feeling. She's not fostering a relationship where her kids will feel comfortable coming to her.

And that's the thing...what if they don't like Jason for a very horrible reason? Maybe it's my paranoia, as a victim of child molestation; but I started getting a very uncomfortable vibe during that car conversation. The girlses body language was quite closed off and hostile. 

And I know kids say dumb shit, shit they don't mean; but poison seems a bit specific and extreme. And then when Gracie says, "He loves me best because I look like you". That FLOORED me. Where did she get that idea???

I don't know. Maybe it's just as simple as they're used to no rules and Jason busts in with his alpha male, gotta break them BS; and they just don't want to live that life. 

Either way, i think that dude is scum. 

Gracie's comment definitely demanded further questioning. Maybe she wants to poison him because he's hurting her, maybe not, but I hope Leah got the kid alone and asked some more detailed questions. I doubt it though.

I hope that the girls have a stronger relationship with Corey. Even if there's no abuse in Leah's home, between the pills and the men, Leah has created an unstable environment for them. It's going to affect them later in life.

  • Love 15
4 hours ago, SlutAssBitchAssHor said:

I almost forgot how un-blended her weave was. I also think most of the other TMs were at least smart enough to buy property with the MTV checks. WTH are these people spending all their money on cauldrons?  

Whaaaat?  You gotta keep up! Hahahaha!

Ass, tits, lipo, (two times) new labia, tummy tuck, Apple Jacks cereal, plane tickets to NYC, 1 Louis Vuitton bag, restaurants bills......and, 1 clothing haul for Stella! 

Maybe Las Brujas were saving for a house down payment.....but, Luis messed that up for them.

Briana has to pay for Stella’s  Day Care now! 

I dunno!  The only reason they are in that apartment is because it is free or rent is like $300!   NOTHING else....makes sense! 🥳

  • LOL 2
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9 hours ago, politichick said:

And Amber. That was crazy. Bow down? I bet Andrew's family was very impressed if they saw that and she'd better hope they don't.

Oh they saw!  She went on a rampage about them last month.  They think she is trash.  She is.

9 hours ago, Mr. Minor said:

Now I see why she has that Carhartt hat on all the time.

Her hair... is that some kind of style I am not familiar with?  With the pieces hanging down, it looks like she styled it that way.  Is she doing this on purpose??

  • Love 4

I know everyone has said some variation of this post before but I will say it again, The Coven's living situation is so odd. It's so weird watching an entire family unit sit around for years doing nothing all day but tending to Briana's woopsie babies, not to mention restarting the entire cycle over again with Stella even though Briana got pregnant with her as a grown adult! And then continuing to babysit while she hops on a plane to go get laid by her flavor of the month. At this point, she probably specifically choose men out of state so she can justify going out of town every weekend. Maybe it's the money, but I don't understand Roxanne or especially Britney's motivation to devote your life to coddling a spoiled family member who not only fails to appreciate your sacrifices to essentially raise her children for her, not to mention gives zero fucks about any of your wants or needs, but flat out just doesn't seem to like you very much to begin with. Beyond being "the baby," I don't get Briana's appeal within her own family. And definitely not to the degree where she apparently gets to dictate what everyone in the apartment does daily and controls the long-term life trajectories of her mom and sister.

51 minutes ago, SnarkEnthusiast said:

I know everyone has said some variation of this post before but I will say it again, The Coven's living situation is so odd. It's so weird watching an entire family unit sit around for years doing nothing all day but tending to Briana's woopsie babies, not to mention restarting the entire cycle over again with Stella even though Briana got pregnant with her as a grown adult! And then continuing to babysit while she hops on a plane to go get laid by her flavor of the month. At this point, she probably specifically choose men out of state so she can justify going out of town every weekend. Maybe it's the money, but I don't understand Roxanne or especially Britney's motivation to devote your life to coddling a spoiled family member who not only fails to appreciate your sacrifices to essentially raise her children for her, not to mention gives zero fucks about any of your wants or needs, but flat out just doesn't seem to like you very much to begin with. Beyond being "the baby," I don't get Briana's appeal within her own family. And definitely not to the degree where she apparently gets to dictate what everyone in the apartment does daily and controls the long-term life trajectories of her mom and sister.

In all fairness, I think that Brittany actually has her own place, separate from the Coven, but they all pretend to live in that apartment for the show. Even so, ITA with what you're saying. The De Jesuses are definitely WAY too enmeshed and Briana is seriously lacking as a parent. With that being said, I get where Roxane and Brittany are coming from because Briana is very dumb and, if left to her own devices, it's 99% certain that she would put herself and her children in bad situations over and over. They're trying to prevent that (with limited success), which I get.

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6 hours ago, TheRealT said:

In all fairness, I think that Brittany actually has her own place, separate from the Coven, but they all pretend to live in that apartment for the show. Even so, ITA with what you're saying. The De Jesuses are definitely WAY too enmeshed and Briana is seriously lacking as a parent. With that being said, I get where Roxane and Brittany are coming from because Briana is very dumb and, if left to her own devices, it's 99% certain that she would put herself and her children in bad situations over and over. They're trying to prevent that (with limited success), which I get.

Ok, but can't they prevent it in something bigger than a bread box?

  • LOL 3
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8 hours ago, SnarkEnthusiast said:

 Maybe it's the money, but I don't understand Roxanne or especially Britney's motivation to devote your life to coddling a spoiled family member who not only fails to appreciate your sacrifices to essentially raise her children for her, not to mention gives zero fucks about any of your wants or needs, but flat out just doesn't seem to like you very much to begin with. Beyond being "the baby," I don't get Briana's appeal within her own family. And definitely not to the degree where she apparently gets to dictate what everyone in the apartment does daily and controls the long-term life trajectories of her mom and sister.

Don't forget, Briana snagged the golden (MTV) ticket.  Don't kid yourself, they are all making $$$ thanks to Briana's bad judgment landing her on Teen Mom. 

  • Love 5
20 hours ago, politichick said:

And why is Kail looking so top heavy?

I am not one to usually comment on weight, but she is definitely gaining weight.  her face is getting bigger. 

10 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

Oh they saw!  She went on a rampage about them last month.  They think she is trash.  She is.

Her hair... is that some kind of style I am not familiar with?  With the pieces hanging down, it looks like she styled it that way.  Is she doing this on purpose??

Yea it's a style - messy bun sort of thing. 

  • Love 2

Leah has confirmed her position as stupidest of the Teen Moms.  Even her spawn are smarter than she is.  The fact that she apparently has broken up with her geriatric lover (according to previews) is based, it seems, on taking the advice of her elementary-age daughters--and it's good advice.  Christ she's dumb.

I don't think anything untoward has gone on between Jason (or whatever his name is) and the girlses; I think the girlses recognize an asshole when they see one.  And we get to see a pattern that is repeated across all these trashy reality shows:  the protagonists are not shy about using and discarding sex partners when their utility has expired. 

It is really, really creepy that Jason (or whatever his name is) prefers Gracie because she looks most like her mother.  Hell, I think it's kind of creepy that someone has told Gracie that she most looks like her mother.

I grew up in Charleston WV and have a vested interest in watching Leah (because I might see someone I know).  That is my only reason for not ffing through this dummy's episodes.

  • LOL 1
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21 hours ago, TheRealT said:

Totally. Briana is very, very stupid, so she doesn't realize that Nova, who is much smarter, has almost certainly figured out what's going on with her mom suddenly going to NY every other weekend to visit "a friend," then this "friend" showing up and everyone acting weird around him before her mom goes somewhere to spend the night with him.

Plus, it's pretty likely that Roxane and Brittany discuss this issue along with all of their other business in front of/within earshot of Nova. Is anything in their apartment out of earshot? So Briana is making the whole situation more difficult and confusing for Nova by lying to her about it.

Are Briana and John still together? I didn't realize that Leah and whatshisname have already broken up and she's back with Jeremy (which, WTF?).

Dying laughing. I just thank God Nova seems to have gotten her brains from Devoin's side of the family. Or maybe Brittany/Roxanne. Anyone but her mom. You know the Coven talks about everything in front of those girls!

I'd like to see Briana and Devoin get back together so poor Stella can have him as her daddy too.

  • Love 7

Does dumbass David not realize that by sabotaging Jenelle's filming, he's eventually going to mess up their money? Does he work? Will he be able to support the entire family without MTV money? If so, then she should just quit, but after numerous threats to do just that, I'm pretty sure that they don't want to get off this money train anytime soon. Jenelle can't hold a regular/normal job to save her life. She better wake the hell up and get out of that abusive marriage while she still can. I can't stand her but I'm really concerned for her being with him.

I see the talk about Leah sexualizing her kids but calling a 9 year old a hoochie is totally wrong. Like it was mentioned, she's in cheer. All of those who compete wear a lot of makeup and do those wild hairstyles. 

I can't believe Chelsea, who has shown her house on tv, would post about being away on social media. Regardless of the fact that other homes were broken into (the thieves probably just capitalized on the opportunities since they were already there), as a public figure, that was a rookie mistake. I don't even do that and I don't have shit in my house worth taking. How could she not have an alarm?

Kail's moaning about not having support is tiring. Imagine how much support she would have it she wasn't such a bitch to everyone. If you haven't spoken to your sister in a while, pick up the damn phone and call her. I'm sure that girl has a job and other regular people stuff she's dealing with, on top of being pregnant. 

  • Love 15
2 hours ago, Dmarie019 said:

I am not one to usually comment on weight, but she is definitely gaining weight.  her face is getting bigger. 

Yea it's a style - messy bun sort of thing. 

Both Kail and Briana have gained a lot of weight. I don't understand why they went through the trouble of having extensive plastic surgery when neither is willing to diet and exercise to maintain it? 

  • Love 6
On 4/23/2019 at 5:26 AM, Dance4Life said:

Those 2 didn’t skip a beat and started blaming Adam on TV!  LMAO

 Chelsea said his name and smirked at the camera. 

I deleted it already, but I'm pretty sure she said that the police, or someone, asked about Adam and she said she didn't think it would be him because the types of things that he would be interested weren't taken.  I think the smirk was because she enjoyed that someone else thought that it could be him. 

Did she also say that electronics and many other valuables were left behind?  Some jewelry was taken I think (I really need to stop deleting right away, because I almost always want to go back to reference something), but every room had been gone through.  I wonder if it was just someone who wanted to invade her privacy and see what she keeps in her closet tubs.  But then the fact that there were other break ins make me think it was random.  IDK, but how weird to rob someone and go through every room, but not take much.  Unless she's keeping quiet for investigation purposes. 

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19 minutes ago, eskimo said:

I deleted it already, but I'm pretty sure she said that the police, or someone, asked about Adam and she said she didn't think it would be him because the types of things that he would be interested weren't taken.  I think the smirk was because she enjoyed that someone else thought that it could be him. 

Did she also say that electronics and many other valuables were left behind?  Some jewelry was taken I think (I really need to stop deleting right away, because I almost always want to go back to reference something), but every room had been gone through.  I wonder if it was just someone who wanted to invade her privacy and see what she keeps in her closet tubs.  But then the fact that there were other break ins make me think it was random.  IDK, but how weird to rob someone and go through every room, but not take much.  Unless she's keeping quiet for investigation purposes. 

I do that, too.  Don’t delete for reference. 

She said his name and smirked on camera. ......to have an effect!  Her usual bitchy ......we are better than you, Adam....effect! 

Half of her story didn’t make sense.  I am sure the police asked her.....can it be someone you know......someone you don’t get along.....type of generic questions.

I am not sure if it was a smart thief or what.  But, it is not wise to steal electronics since most have a tracking device. (Location services) 

The thief was a Millenial!

all they stole was her Walmart’s pearls! 

(Did she insinuate personal clothing items???)

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, MitaJo said:

Does dumbass David not realize that by sabotaging Jenelle's filming, he's eventually going to mess up their money? Does he work? Will he be able to support the entire family without MTV money? If so, then she should just quit, but after numerous threats to do just that, I'm pretty sure that they don't want to get off this money train anytime soon. Jenelle can't hold a regular/normal job to save her life. She better wake the hell up and get out of that abusive marriage while she still can. I can't stand her but I'm really concerned for her being with him.

Yes, UBT is too stupid to understand that sabotaging his, and now Jenelle's, MTV careers will leave them without an income. I actually want an explicit statement from MTV that Jenelle's pay for the season was cut dramastically since she's down to only appearing via Skype. There's no way she should be getting the same money as those who have to endure the crews in their homes for days/weeks. The mere thought that she might still be getting paid substantially pisses me off to an irrational degree.

1 hour ago, Mr. Minor said:

Karl had all kinds of support and pissed it all away. She's fake AF and will always run off any support she gets, people will only put up with her BS for so long. 

Exactly. I think her sister already sees through her. Their staged conversation on the patio was really awkward. I think that when Kail invited her to go to NYC for a "bonding" trip and was making such a big deal about wanting to get close, she was kind of weirded out by also having to film scenes that were essentially scripted by Kail to make herself look good. That would be especially weird with a relative you didn't know very well. On top of that dynamic, Kail was her usual self-involved self during that trip, obsessing over Chris. The sister (can't remember her name. Mikaila?) was probably thinking that Chris sounded like an asshole, their "relationship" sounded fucked up, and she wished Kail would STFU about him while Sis was trying to enjoy NYC.

But still, she tried to be nice and support Kail. Then Chris showed up at the event and Kail dropped her like a hot potato in 1.3 seconds. They were probably supposed to hang out after the event, but Kail totally blew her off and didn't contact her until she needed her to film the scene rehashing the drama at the event. I could totally see Sis sitting in her hotel room all day waiting to hear from Kail, only to be summoned to perform for MTV (possibly with Chris sitting in the corner refusing to film). Then when the scene was done, Kail was like, "Thanks. It was good to see you. The producers will get you a car to the airport." Then she didn't hear from Kail anymore until she wanted to come to TX to... film scenes for the show. And THEN she had the nerve to try to give "big sisterly" advice, throwing shade on Sis's relationship. Their relationship has barely begun and Kail has already shown her true colors. She can't help it.

Edited by TheRealT
  • Love 13
On 4/23/2019 at 2:12 PM, kicksave said:

That's not the issue...the issue is his bold declaration that he is the Alpha male and would discipline her kids the way he was disciplined as a child of a military man. 

He literally used the words, "break them". Like a fucking wild horse. The girlses could certainly use some discipline, but this dude gives me a bad vibe. 

On 4/23/2019 at 3:01 PM, politichick said:

I forgot to comment on this. Lol to the (which, WTF?)

Agree with the above. Plus, what kind of awful person must Luis be that Stella wants nothing to do with him, but was joyfully giving John fries and adores Devon? It was nice of him to bring them gifts and try to interact with the girls.

Why won't they move to a bigger home? It's so weird!

Someone said this before; but I think the only answer that makes sense is they are locked into a 10 year lease or something. Otherwise it makes no sense. Their home gives me so much anxiety. No wonder they always have takeout. You can barely see the stovetop!

  • Love 9
4 hours ago, blubld43 said:

I'd like to see Briana and Devoin get back together so poor Stella can have him as her daddy too.

Devoin has become a good daddy, amazingly.  He seems so young to me, though; almost another generation than Briana.  Maybe it's her makeup or just that she's such used goods (and he may be, too, but biology is kinder to the male), but he strikes me as a teenager compared to her mid-thirties fading former high-school beauty queen.  I have had trouble imagining them "dating" enough to produce Nova; I truly can't see them as a couple.

  • Love 9
2 hours ago, TheRealT said:

Yes, UBT is too stupid to understand that sabotaging his, and now Jenelle's, MTV careers will leave them without an income. I actually want an explicit statement from MTV that Jenelle's pay for the season was cut dramastically since she's down to only appearing via Skype. There's no way she should be getting the same money as those who have to endure the crews in their homes for days/weeks. The mere thought that she might still be getting paid substantially pisses me off to an irrational degree.

Exactly. I think her sister already sees through her. Their staged conversation on the patio was really awkward. I think that when Kail invited her to go to NYC for a "bonding" trip and was making such a big deal about wanting to get close, she was kind of weirded out by also having to film scenes that were essentially scripted by Kail to make herself look good. That would be especially weird with a relative you didn't know very well. On top of that dynamic, Kail was her usual self-involved self during that trip, obsessing over Chris. The sister (can't remember her name. Mikaila?) was probably thinking that Chris sounded like an asshole, their "relationship" sounded fucked up, and she wished Kail would STFU about him while Sis was trying to enjoy NYC.

But still, she tried to be nice and support Kail. Then Chris showed up at the event and Kail dropped her like a hot potato in 1.3 seconds. They were probably supposed to hang out after the event, but Kail totally blew her off and didn't contact her until she needed her to film the scene rehashing the drama at the event. I could totally see Sis sitting in her hotel room all day waiting to hear from Kail, only to be summoned to perform for MTV (possibly with Chris sitting in the corner refusing to film). Then when the scene was done, Kail was like, "Thanks. It was good to see you. The producers will get you a car to the airport." Then she didn't hear from Kail anymore until she wanted to come to TX to... film scenes for the show. And THEN she had the nerve to try to give "big sisterly" advice, throwing shade on Sis's relationship. Their relationship has barely begun and Kail has already shown her true colors. She can't help it.

Kailyn is TOTALLY that friend you had when you were in HS/College who would obsess over her own f'ed up relationship and barely listen to you when you needed a chance to vent.

All conversations are about her or the friendship is over.

  • Love 18
2 hours ago, Dance4Life said:

Janelle was like.......I don’t say anything when others say that only Andrew touches your son!

not you!

Janelle is a fan of OG Teen Mom! 😂

I hate them both, but Jenelle is actually being pretty hypocritical with that comment. She has never been a very "hands-on" mom, ever. She abandoned Jace when he was an infant, first while she was living with him, then even more so once Barb threw her out. She has never seemed particularly eager to take care of her two subsequent offspring either. It's clear that UBT, fucked up asshole that he is, is BY FAR the more hands-on parent to all of the kids, including Kaiser (and Jace when he's there).

I actually think Amber is a better mom than Jenelle. (Which, wow, just contemplate that for a moment.) Amber is only barely functional as a parent (at times), but I believe that she has some affection for her kids. I think she would have to be in a really, really, really bad situation to even consider, say, killing one of her kids or helping her boyfriend cover for having done so. Jenelle? Not so much.

  • Love 16
1 hour ago, TheRealT said:

I hate them both, but Jenelle is actually being pretty hypocritical with that comment. She has never been a very "hands-on" mom, ever. She abandoned Jace when he was an infant, first while she was living with him, then even more so once Barb threw her out. She has never seemed particularly eager to take care of her two subsequent offspring either. It's clear that UBT, fucked up asshole that he is, is BY FAR the more hands-on parent to all of the kids, including Kaiser (and Jace when he's there).

I actually think Amber is a better mom than Jenelle. (Which, wow, just contemplate that for a moment.) Amber is only barely functional as a parent (at times), but I believe that she has some affection for her kids. I think she would have to be in a really, really, really bad situation to even consider, say, killing one of her kids or helping her boyfriend cover for having done so. Jenelle? Not so much.

I think they are both horrible! Amber will forever be sick and attached to the couch/bed/folding garage chair.

I don’t think Amber ever bonded with the baby boy. She kept threatening suicide.

I am not here to figure out who is the better mom....but, just to scream at the sky that none of those petty immature bitches have custody of their first kid!

Jace and Lea will both grow up knowing they are loved and with some sort of normalcy.

Then there is Lea. And, to some extent  Briana.  Sweet, loving, caring moms.

Their parenting style is dangerous. They are prime targets for pedophiles. 

  • Love 5
On 4/23/2019 at 11:23 PM, TheRealT said:

In all fairness, I think that Brittany actually has her own place, separate from the Coven, but they all pretend to live in that apartment for the show. Even so, ITA with what you're saying. The De Jesuses are definitely WAY too enmeshed and Briana is seriously lacking as a parent. With that being said, I get where Roxane and Brittany are coming from because Briana is very dumb and, if left to her own devices, it's 99% certain that she would put herself and her children in bad situations over and over. They're trying to prevent that (with limited success), which I get.

Seriously. I agree. I think Brittany & Roxanne know Briana is not bright. They probably legitimately worry Briana would forget to breathe without them around. The girl cannot adult and they know it (and I'm sure the MTV money helps keep them around so much as well).  

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 11
21 hours ago, Mothra said:

Devoin has become a good daddy, amazingly.  He seems so young to me, though; almost another generation than Briana.  Maybe it's her makeup or just that she's such used goods (and he may be, too, but biology is kinder to the male), but he strikes me as a teenager compared to her mid-thirties fading former high-school beauty queen.  I have had trouble imagining them "dating" enough to produce Nova; I truly can't see them as a couple.

On Briana’s original 16 & Pregnant I definately understood their appeal towards each other. Devon wasn’t into drugs then, and Briana was so fresh faced. I think all the DeJesus women are attractive, but plastic surgery and poor choices have taken away the youthful glow (besides Brittney). As far as the poster upthread who commented as to why the family was so immeshed and focused on “helping” Briana- this may be the Sib in me coming out, but there are a lot of people who are capable of making decisions, but don’t have the capability to make good decisions. I don’t think Briana is intellectually disabled but I do think she is very very very much on THIS SIDE of competent, and her sister/Mom know it. They don’t want anything to happen to her. Again this might be my Sib self talking- my sister is a Tall Toddler who isn’t capable of making any decisions, but I see the MESS that happens when people are capable of making decisions but not good ones. 

I am on vacation so I haven’t seen the episode yet BUT- Leah and Jeremy are back together for real?

47 minutes ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

Seriously. I agree. I think Brittany & Roxanne know Briana is not bright. They probably legitimately worry Briana would forget to breathe without them around. The girl cannot adult and they know it (and I'm sure the MTV money helps keep them around so much as well).  


  • Love 8
14 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

I don’t think Briana is intellectually disabled but I do think she is very very very much on THIS SIDE of competent, and her sister/Mom know it. They don’t want anything to happen to her.

I think you may be right.  I've commented before on how Briana's default mode is sexy flirt, and the fact that she's had two babies by two different men, neither of them apparently capable of supporting (financially, emotionally, practically, otherwise) the children they help create, illustrates her lack of judgment in spades.

She *does* need protection, and what comes across as Roxane's crazy, nosy questioning of any new beau might be evidence of the coven's plan to do what they can--admittedly not much, once Briana's decided to drop her drawers--to encourage adult behavior from the men in Briana's life.

She made terrible decisions about her body as well, and has had to have some of her plastic surgery undone.  I think she probably needed her mother with her in the doctor's office when they were arranging just how big her ass needed to be.

  • Useful 2
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On 4/23/2019 at 3:06 PM, Christina87 said:

Hahaha I found this unreal too! It reminded me so much of that scene from the secret life of the American teenager (ugh awful show!) when Amy moved in with ricky and insisted that he buy a new bed, because Adrian had slept in that bed before. Like...insisting that an unmarried, twelfth-grade father with a part-time job buy a new bed frame, mattress, box springs, and sheets, because she doesn't like his ex-girlfriend, when maybe she could have just replaced the sheets and been fine. Total overkill! Why not just get a security system? I bet Chelsea wanted to move anyway, and this was her chance to say something. 

Wow, the furniture store in that town cleaned up if every guy Adrian slept with had to go out & replace their entire bed...

(yes, I'm completely ashamed that I knew *exactly* what you were talking about.  And the actress herself, Francia Raisa, is a lovely girl.  I believe she gave Selena Gomez a *kidney*.)

  • Love 3
On 4/25/2019 at 1:37 PM, Scarlett45 said:

On Briana’s original 16 & Pregnant I definately understood their appeal towards each other. Devon wasn’t into drugs then, and Briana was so fresh faced. I think all the DeJesus women are attractive, but plastic surgery and poor choices have taken away the youthful glow (besides Brittney)

I think Briana was really pretty during her original TM3 era. I loved her with the shorter hair. She seemed more "fresh", as you say. Just clean, sassy, original. Now she tries to look like every basic bitch out there and half the time she's a mess. 

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