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S15.E22: Head Over High Heels

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Okay.  Glad Owen saw a shrink, but wow, that was a real quick breakthrough.  

HAOG really effed up and lashed out at glasses.  Wish I was invested in where things go between them, but I just hope they wrap this story line up quickly and Nico heads to SF soon 

So Mer has officially told the kids about her and DeLuca.   And Alex found out about Jo’s drinking... they could seriously use some couples therapy before they implode  

But it was the Koricick and Amelia conversation that I hated the most as she kept trying to convince him that Owen and Teddy were inevitable.     Also that her relationship with Linc was easy and uncomplicated and she wasn’t just using him because Owen would always prefer Teddy.  

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No surprise they rushed the Owen therapy stuff. Magically, in one session, he unravels his ENTIRE reason for being the way he is through ONE (very obvious) event with his dad's death! And now he's cured and good to be with Teddy! Hooray! 

Except....I really wish Owen had started therapy earlier or if his revelation came in the season finale, rather than have it all happen at once. I know Amelia's brain tumour was a magical fix to get the audience to like her, but Owen's therapy session is just as big of a magical fix! 

Speaking of Teddy/Owen, they continue to make it clear that they're endgame through Amelia/Tom. I will say I absolutely love Amelia/Tom's friendship. They may be my favourite friendship on the show since Meredith/Cristina. I love Amelia and Tom both being blunt with each other. I also like how Tom explaining how Link is Amelia's "Teddy" because Link and Teddy are both uncomplicated, easy, and unbroken. It gave direct insight into how Tom views himself without him outright stating it. Poor guy; but I do think he's listening to Amelia when she says that Teddy/Owen will end up together and he won;t be as heartbroken. 

I also loved Amelia's explanation with Owen vs Link. I mean, girl just broke up with Owen maybe a month ago so of course she's not completely over him yet, but she can be with time. I wish she had also added that part to Tom. But honestly, Tom DOES deserve better and I've accepted early on that Teddy/Owen would be endgame, so I'm waiting for them to rip off the bandaid so Tom can find a new girlfriend. 

So, Meredith and Deluca get caught by Zola...which turns out to be pointless since Zola's over the whole creepy guy who slept on their couch about a year ago being her mom's new boyfriend. 

Bailey continues to irritate me. First, with her whole "I don't care about Tuck calling Ben "Dad" and why should Tucker care so much?" (nice to acknowledge that Tucker's still alive somewhere!) to Bailey telling Tuck to stop calling Ben "Dad". 

As for Jo/Alex....I mean, I did like Jackson trying to get through to Jo, but Jo's pissing me off. I know she's depressed and going through a lot, but that's no reason to be such an asshole to her husband. Poor Alex is worried that she's going to leave...and then she threatens to leave him! Man, and I was one of the few who have always liked Jo. This side of her is awful to watch. 

Edit: Oh, I forgot about HAOG and Contacts. The first semblance of a personality that wasn't "GAY" and HAOG is a righteous dickhead toward Contacts. I don't even like Contacts and I was cheering him on when he slammed that door. HAOG can go, now. I HOPE he's leaving, even if it means that this whole storyline was a waste of time.

Edited by Lady Calypso
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I loved that when Meredith found out Bailey knew about her and Deluca, she wasn't upset about it, even after she found out that Richard was the one who told Bailey because he's "very chatty."


I think even people who seem happy can benefit from therapy, but someone like Owen REALLY needs it. I'm glad he's finally getting some help because even without knowing about his past (Megan, the things he must have seen during his time in the military), he clearly had a lot of issues based on his behavior in his relationships. For someone who was so resistant to therapy, he had what seemed like the fastest breakthrough ever. I hope he keeps going because one session is not enough to heal everything. And the neuro emotional technique that the therapist used with Owen is a real thing.

I think it's fine that Amelia started sleeping with Linc casually while she was still getting over Owen. She and Linc both knew that it was casual sex with no strings attached. I think that's part of why being with him is easy. What's not to like about an attractive guy who will distract her with sex without being emotionally demanding (especially after being with Owen who was emotionally draining)?

I like that Tom and Amelia have a history and that they are candid with each other. It's nice to see another platonic friendship on the show, especially one where they can really be open and honest with each other.

Speaking of which, I really liked when Meredith told Alex he needed to give Jo some time and then pointed out that he has given her (Meredith) time and space when she needed it so he needs to do the same for Jo. I get that he's worried about her, and I would be too if my spouse started acting drastically different, but he can't force her to tell him.

What bothers me is not that she is refusing to talk about what happened in Philadelphia but that she seems to barely tolerate or acknowledge his presence at all. It's one thing to keep something personal a secret because you aren't ready to talk about it. It's another to act like your spouse is the enemy. I'm not saying she has to pretend that she's okay when she clearly isn't, but since she got back from her trip, she has avoided Alex, she ignores him when he tries to talk to her, and when they talk she is barely civil to him.

I liked that Jackson kept gently trying to get Jo to talk, but I was also down with his tough love when he told her that she'd better not come to work drunk again. Props to the makeup department for making Jo look tired and haggard but realistic.

HAOG needs to take a seat. I know that we tend to lash out at the people who we're closest to when we're upset but dude, that was uncalled for (and I say that as someone who doesn't even like Schmidt). There's snapping at someone and then there's being rude and mean.

While I get that Bailey got stuck in the middle of the Tucker/Tuck/Ben situation, I don't think it was necessarily her job to fix it. Tucker is the one who was upset about it but he didn't have the balls to talk to his own son about it. But the bigger issue to me is that Tuck can call Ben whatever he wants. That's not up to Tucker. I really didn't like that Bailey told Tuck that he had to apologize to Tucker and that he shouldn't call Ben "dad" anymore.

For the record, I'm with Linc. Sushi burritos are delicious. They're like a portable poke bowl.

Loved that Zola's only real question about Deluca was if she could request that he leave his guitar at home. Ha!

  • Love 11
18 minutes ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

What bothers me is not that she is refusing to talk about what happened in Philadelphia but that she seems to barely tolerate or acknowledge his presence at all. It's one thing to keep something personal a secret because you aren't ready to talk about it. It's another to act like your spouse is the enemy. I'm not saying she has to pretend that she's okay when she clearly isn't, but since she got back from her trip, she has avoided Alex, she ignores him when he tries to talk to her, and when they talk she is barely civil to him.

I liked that Jackson kept gently trying to get Jo to talk, but I was also down with his tough love when he told her that she'd better not come to work drunk again. Props to the makeup department for making Jo look tired and haggard but realistic.

Seriously, this is just horrible what they have done with Jo. Her world was rocked, but seriously she is acting like Alex forced her to seek out her birth mother and then couldn't handle the truth. Go to theorpy because if it can magically fix Owen in one session, probably do the same for you.


Bailey got stuck in the middle of the Tucker/Tuck/Ben situation, I don't think it was necessarily her job to fix it. Tucker is the one who was upset about it but he didn't have the balls to talk to his own son about it. But the bigger issue to me is that Tuck can call Ben whatever he wants. That's not up to Tucker. I really didn't like that Bailey told Tuck that he had to apologize to Tucker and that he shouldn't call Ben "dad" anymore.

That is NOT Bailey's job at all. That is Tucker and if he has such a problem (since we haven't seen him on the show in like 10 years). He has to deal with that, his son is a teen now, he is old enough to make his own decisions. Plus, Ben is a parent figure, no matter what. Even the way he talked to Tuck about everything on Station 19. Even Ben talking about how it wasn't easy for him, but he is a father by blood or not. Honestly, Tucker, get over yourself and how about you deal with being a parent and not the "fun dad". 


I think even people who seem happy can benefit from therapy, but someone like Owen REALLY needs it. I'm glad he's finally getting some help because even without knowing about his past (Megan, the things he must have seen during his time in the military), he clearly had a lot of issues based on his behavior in his relationships. For someone who was so resistant to therapy, he had what seemed like the fastest breakthrough ever. I hope he keeps going because one session is not enough to heal everything. And the neuro emotional technique that the therapist used with Owen is a real thing.

I said it a long time ago, that Owen's father was the source for a lot in his life and why he never sought help or why he was never recommended help after his military situations, is beyond me. The show acts like they don't have PSTD going on regularly now with people. 

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1 minute ago, readster said:

Seriously, this is just horrible what they have done with Jo. Her world was rocked, but seriously she is acting like Alex forced her to seek out her birth mother and then couldn't handle the truth. Go to theorpy because if it can magically fix Owen in one session, probably do the same for you.

Ha, totally! Given how quickly the therapist got Owen to figure out where his problem stemmed from, everything at Seattle Grace Grey Sloan needs to book an appointment with this guy immediately. You'll all be fixed in about an hour!

  • Love 11
4 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

No surprise they rushed the Owen therapy stuff. Magically, in one session, he unravels his ENTIRE reason for being the way he is through ONE (very obvious) event with his dad's death! And now he's cured and good to be with Teddy! Hooray! 

Except....I really wish Owen had started therapy earlier or if his revelation came in the season finale, rather than have it all happen at once. I know Amelia's brain tumour was a magical fix to get the audience to like her, but Owen's therapy session is just as big of a magical fix!

Yup. Just like we predicted 2 episodes ago therapy is used to excuse Owen's horrible behaviour. This is totally like Amelia's brain tumour. So now he has some long hidden trauma about the death of his father. And now that seems fixed and he will be a better man for it. Except I don't buy it and it's done nothing to endear Owen to me.

4 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

What bothers me is not that she is refusing to talk about what happened in Philadelphia but that she seems to barely tolerate or acknowledge his presence at all. It's one thing to keep something personal a secret because you aren't ready to talk about it. It's another to act like your spouse is the enemy. I'm not saying she has to pretend that she's okay when she clearly isn't, but since she got back from her trip, she has avoided Alex, she ignores him when he tries to talk to her, and when they talk she is barely civil to him.

She treats Alex terribly, but people who go through a bad time sometimes do that to people who least deserve it. Maybe it's kind of self-sabotage? Didn't she say 2 weeks ago that she used to feel like she didn't deserve for someone to love her? So maybe that's why she's subconsciously trying to destroy it now.

What matters to me is that Alex's POV and his feelings in all this were acknowledged and that he's not just taking it. I really liked his talk with Meredith. He's worried about Jo, but he's also worried about himself. And he is allowed to be both. As for the last scene, I gotta say, I'd rather see them fight than Alex continuing to coddle Jo and Jo giving him silence. I liked that last scene. It brought movement into this story and I hope that continues to happen. So far I am interested.

Can HOAG just leave now? Him acting like an ass does not make the character any more interesting and the actor is not exactly the best, to put it mildly.

The whole story about Meredith, DeLuca and the kids fell flat to me, but then again I just don't like that pairing at all.

  • Love 6

Why is this show becoming This Is Us? Pittsburgh. Dead Daddy Issues. Vodka in a water bottle. 

The list of scenes I fast-forwarded through:

1) DeLuca talking about how amazing he is with his 7243 cousins

2) Meredith and Bailey talking about how to introduce your new BF to your kids

3) That non-binary person's speech about hands and legs and whatever

4) The ending of Owen's magical therapy with him clutching his forehead or whatever he was supposed to be doing

5) DeLuca holding that baby while Meredith (presumably) looks on

So, basically, the entire Meredith/DeLuca stuff. Life is SO MUCH easier that way.

HAOG is a really bad actor. And apparently, he's not an Ortho God after all, so let's just call him HA? Also, he's a total jerk and I hope he gets shipped off to San Francisco before the next episode. 

Is Amelia strangely and ridiculously obsessed with Owen's supposed love for Teddy because actually SHE is in love with her and doesn't know how to channel it? I mean, of course not, but it wouldn't be worse than what's really happening in this dumpster fire of a storyline, so why not. I would sign up for that!

Wow, Jo looks like total crap. I'm actually mildly interested in how this trainwreck plays out. 

Edited by Joana
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Owen's bullshit is and always has existed on a cellular level inside him, yet it can (as was obvious from the episode's beginning) be solved in forty-five minutes?


Megan honking at Teddy and now Amelia squawking at Tom about the inevitability of Owen/Teddy?


This is the goddamn definition of telling not showing, show, and you can fuck right off.

Bailey and Maggie getting all self-righteous about HAOG's patient dying because of his fuck-up (I guess? It seemed like no one was really sure and just decided to blame HAOG)?


You two have both fucked up just as badly and watched others fuck up just as badly and not acted like assholes about it, and I'm not here for your hypocrisy.

Speaking of HAOG, I was with you about Glasses because he IS the worst always, but playing the "I NEVER FAIL" card?  Nooope.  I wish I cared at all about you (when you're beshirted) and Glasses and your chemistry-free relationship, but you're a terrrrrrrrrible actor, so...


Please leave now, and take Glasses with you.

Jo, ugh...


I would love to have compassion for you, I really would, but I do not.  You are acting like the most self-indulgent dickhead ever, and it just doesn't feel organic.  It's definitely an issue with the writing, it might be an issue with CL's acting, but I'm super over it and don't really care why it's not working.


This was a really horrid hour of television.

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16 hours ago, ams1001 said:

I missed something. What did HAOG do that it was his fault his patient died?

From what I understood, he messed up with the cement injection and somehow damaged the patient's artery without noticing it. But I could be wrong and they really should have explained it better. The patients scenes in general felt rushed through so more screen time could be saved for Meredith's and DeLuca's twu wuv and Amelia beating us over the head for the 67th time with how Owen And Teddy Are Meant To Be. 

I know that shout-outs to previous stuff and former characters are Krista's thing and it's fine, but not when it feels like it's being randomly shoved down our throats. What did we have here - Tucker! Cristina! Marie Cerone! Ollie! Ava! Izzie! Lexie! Speaking of Lexie, does she really belong in the distinguished company of Alex's Nutjob Exes? It seemed weird to mention her in that context. And speaking of shout-outs, 22 episodes into the season and not a single mention of or a reference to Arizona, so now I'm really thinking Jessica Capshaw didn't leave the show on good terms. 

Edited by Joana
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9 hours ago, Joana said:

The list of scenes I fast-forwarded through:

1) DeLuca talking about how amazing he is with his 7243 cousins

2) Meredith and Bailey talking about how to introduce your new BF to your kids

3) That non-binary person's speech about hands and legs and whatever

4) The ending of Owen's magical therapy with him clutching his forehead or whatever he was supposed to be doing

5) DeLuca holding that baby while Meredith (presumably) looks on

So, basically, the entire Meredith/DeLuca stuff. Life is SO MUCH easier that way.

this is a very good list of scenes I did not fast forward through but did not enjoy,

DeLuca and his cousins is not believable. When you are a resident, it's a very time consuming job. I don't see DeLuca going to Italy often enough to be super tight with all those cousins. definitely not a 2 year old. I get distracted by practical things and this was one of them.

Although it was nice for the continuity police to remember DeLuca was the couch guy and work that in--it was also jarring because it remind me of how it was just a few months a go he was sleeping with DACA intern--both of them unable to do focus on anything but that--and mourning the loss of the love of his life--who is not actually dead but in Europe where he could visit her during one of his many trips home to Italy to see all the cousins . . . . and now I'm supposed to see him as serious with Meredith. I don't see Meredith who knows all of this as feeling really great about their situation.

22 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:


I was glad to see I was not the only one. That was my exact reaction after a few seconds of "I know that actress. . who is it?" nice to see Whitley again, though Whitley would never have ended up with a shoe in her chest.

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I don't think Arizona has any real ties to anyone left so I can't imagine anyone mentioning her. Amelia just can't fricking stand to be wrong. If Owen and Teddy are not endgame then she has to admit she left him because he's a douche and she was wrong to ever hook up with him, much less do it twice. So she tried to sabotage Tom and Teddy. Shitty. Especially under the "good friend" guise. I've always found that when someone told me something for my own good , it really was not. After last week Amelia isn't really a credible source for life advice. Just saying. 

Dear God, Jo! No one died. Still got the husband and job. It's a blow, finding out you're the result of a rape but really, grip reality. It changes nothing. She had no real parents before and now she knows why. Still isn't her fault and never was.

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5 minutes ago, thewhiteowl said:

Dear God, Jo! No one died. Still got the husband and job. It's a blow, finding out you're the result of a rape but really, grip reality. It changes nothing. She had no real parents before and now she knows why. Still isn't her fault and never was.

Right and let's face it, people getting news like that can never be predictable. I had a friend years ago learn that her father was cheating on their family for YEARS towards the end of high school. Found out they were on anti-depressants, but it eventually came to them seeking consoling and actually TALKING to their friends about it. They were 17 when that bomb shell was dropped on them. Yet, they handled it with more maturity and other things about it. They have Jo turning into like she had a relative or the love of her life die. The drinking on the job, pushing everyone away. Doing the: "If you go to Pittsburgh, I will leave you!" 

 No, it's added drama and now we are seeing she is going to screw up on the job on the crossover. I get people in depression face these problems, I have dealt with depression for years and it sadly sneaks up on you when you least expect it or your life is going well. However, with Jo it just smacks you with: "Talk about it you dumb ass!"

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With Jo, her reaction just seems over the top. I keep wondering if this is based on someone's actual personal experience so that even though it seems too much, I should realize it's actually realistic. I would understand better if she told Alex what happened, but then was depressed about it. It's the complete not talking part/acting like Alex barely exists thing that makes it seem contrived for tv to me. That and the horrible way they've written Jo through the years--the groundwork where maybe I would get "hey, this is what Jo does. It's a realistic reaction for Jo" is not there.

  • Love 12

This show continues to suck.

Delucas cousin speech was such a crock of shit. The show is trying so hard to make him this perfect guy. Him and Meredith are one of the worst couples. Not even a bit of chemistry. I have to FF so many of their garbage scenes.

Jo is annoying. Yes what she learned was a shock but really her reaction is over the top. She’s being a fucking asshole and it makes no sense.

  • Love 18
1 minute ago, Marley said:

This show continues to suck.

Delucas cousin speech was such a crock of shit. The show is trying so hard to make him this perfect guy. Him and Meredith are one of the worst couples. Not even a bit of chemistry. I have to FF so many of their garbage scenes.

Jo is annoying. Yes what she learned was a shock but really her reaction is over the top. She’s being a fucking asshole and it makes no sense.

This times a million. Delicate and Mer are the worst couple ever (and given their competition of Maggie and Jackson and Ben and Bailey that is saying a lot). They don’t fit in any way and why they want to shove them down our throats is a mystery. I hate this with the heat of a thousand burning suns.

i can only assume Jo has a serious mental illness at this point because she is being soooo over the top that it is becoming parody. This is the scrappy girl that lived in her car, got thru medical school, outsmarted her stalker ex? We get she has the sadz, but she is acting like an insane person. I get learning something traumatic is bad but I can’t tell if they are trying to tell a serious story of depression, murderous anger, brain tumor or what? None of her actions make sense as a whole.  Ugh. Make it stop.

  • Love 18
26 minutes ago, AnnieHeights said:

can someone tell me what happened in the last few minutes?  We had weather alerts here and they chose the last minute and a half to update us on a non threatening storm.   

Not glasses had a job interview and was rude to Glasses.  Alex finally confronts Jo and threatens to go to Pittsburgh to find out what happened.  Jo threatens to leave if he does which since she hasn’t spoken to him in weeks seems like a not a real threat, emotionally she’s gone.  Alex threatens to tell Bailey if she’s drunk at work again which is lame because he should have already told her.  (The hospital will suspend her and force her to get help to come back which is what she needs).  Grey stares at Deluca holding a baby through glass.  Owen is cured after one therapy appointment.  

Edited by dmc
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Amelia saying that Linc is an "easier softer way" is a bad omen for the two of them. That phrase ("easier softer way") is from the AA Big Book- alcoholics are always looking for an easier softer way, but it never works.

I was really put off by how rude Owen was to the therapist with his snotty, "I don't believe in all this holistic voodoo," nonsense. Most therapists have treated resistant patients so I'm sure it's nothing the guy hasn't heard before, but could Owen really not behave like a normal professional adult? Or just find his own therapist who uses a modality he actually believes in, rather than just going to the same therapist as his sister?

But hey, he had a major breakthrough about childhood trauma in his first therapy session, so I guess it all worked out! The fact that Owen just discovered that apparently all of his issues trace back to his father's untimely death when he was a kid (just like Amelia, which we were reminded of last week) makes me really concerned that they're going to try to revive Owen and Amelia's relationship. Ugh.

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1 minute ago, h8omb said:

Amelia saying that Linc is an "easier softer way" is a bad omen for the two of them. That phrase ("easier softer way") is from the AA Big Book- alcoholics are always looking for an easier softer way, but it never works.

I was really put off by how rude Owen was to the therapist with his snotty, "I don't believe in all this holistic voodoo," nonsense. Most therapists have treated resistant patients so I'm sure it's nothing the guy hasn't heard before, but could Owen really not behave like a normal professional adult? Or just find his own therapist who uses a modality he actually believes in, rather than just going to the same therapist as his sister?

But hey, he had a major breakthrough about childhood trauma in his first therapy session, so I guess it all worked out! The fact that Owen just discovered that apparently all of his issues trace back to his father's untimely death when he was a kid (just like Amelia, which we were reminded of last week) makes me really concerned that they're going to try to revive Owen and Amelia's relationship. Ugh.

Owen is always rude he’s the worst 

  • Love 7
14 minutes ago, h8omb said:

But hey, he had a major breakthrough about childhood trauma in his first therapy session, so I guess it all worked out! The fact that Owen just discovered that apparently all of his issues trace back to his father's untimely death when he was a kid (just like Amelia, which we were reminded of last week) makes me really concerned that they're going to try to revive Owen and Amelia's relationship. Ugh.

never thought I'd say it, but at this point, if Owen absolutely HAS to be paired off with someone in the end, I'd much rather see him with Amelia than Teddy. At least the show has spent tons of time and energy (for reasons completely unknown to me, but still) building up their relationship, while it's been made well clear time and again that Owen has never taken Teddy seriously. Putting them together just because Megan and Amelia decided that they're made for each other would be so incredibly stupid. And hey, now that they've both had their "brain tumors" removed and they still seem to be hung up on each other, I'm more than fine with them having a 2nd (or rather, 49th) attempt at a relationship.

Not to mention that Link deserves someone who will truly put him first, instead of just seeing him as someone "easier to be with" than the person they actually pine for. And the same goes for Teddy. 

  • Love 9
On 4/18/2019 at 9:30 AM, funnygirl said:

Watching this show has become a chore. But jokes on me, because after 14 years - 8 of them exceptional - I'm not going to get off this ride in the hopes that the end is near (like next year, near). 

Meredith looked terrible in bed with Deloser. They do not compliment each other. 

What? Beauty is in the eye of the beholder indeed! I thought she looked great! and her laugh is a delight. I love smiling happy Mere. I love that she is having a fling with a younger guy and that younger guy seems to make her happy. I thought that whole story line was cute -- how to introduce your boy-toy to the children! Haha!

Poor Alex. Jo is gonna break his heart and drag him down. Alex DOES have a type--- broken woman. Sigh.

I haven't even learned the name of that doc that killed that young dude -- so I don't really care if he stays or goes.

Owen? no thanks.

  • Love 3

Remember when the characters had problems that didn't solely revolve around having an addiction, battling depression and/or PTSD? When everything wasn't an after school special/social justice topic? 

Oh right, that's when the writing, the acting, and the characters were good. 

Richard's an alcoholic, Amelia is an addict, Owen has PTSD, apparently now Jo is depressed... I'm tired.

Not to mention how all Grey's/Krista is doing now is writing for plot and making the characters fit around that, as opposed to writing for and staying true to the characters. 

This is what happens when you value money over storytelling. So what if Grey's remains ABC's highest rated show and broke the record for "longest primetime medical drama" if the stories and characters are suffering because of it. 

Edited by funnygirl
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4 hours ago, thewhiteowl said:

Dear God, Jo! No one died. Still got the husband and job. It's a blow, finding out you're the result of a rape but really, grip reality. It changes nothing. She had no real parents before and now she knows why. Still isn't her fault and never was.

Thank you (and everyone after you) for saying that! I was trying to say something similar without coming across as insensitive to how it might feel to find out your birth was the product of a violent act, but she's talking like she's suddenly lost everything. "I had a marriage"...um, you still do and your husband is wondering what the hell is going on. "I had a job"...um, you still do. You're having this conversation at work. How long has it been since she came back? Fucking talk to someone already and stop acting like the people who are worried about you are the bad guys!

  • Love 24

If Meredith was just having a fling with Deluca I might be able to stand it. Instead they are trying to force this serious thing where Deluca is great with kids and he somehow has some swanky apartment all of a sudden. He’s also meeting her kids. I can tell when this show is forcing a couple on me and that is Meredith and Deluca to the max. I hate them more as a couple then Maggie and Jackson and that is saying something lol.

  • Love 18
49 minutes ago, ams1001 said:

Thank you (and everyone after you) for saying that! I was trying to say something similar without coming across as insensitive to how it might feel to find out your birth was the product of a violent act, but she's talking like she's suddenly lost everything. "I had a marriage"...um, you still do and your husband is wondering what the hell is going on. "I had a job"...um, you still do. You're having this conversation at work. How long has it been since she came back? Fucking talk to someone already and stop acting like the people who are worried about you are the bad guys!

And fucking find a therapist!  This show is just the worst at dismissing and being hostile toward therapy when every one of them needs it badly.

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38 minutes ago, Marley said:

If Meredith was just having a fling with Deluca I might be able to stand it. Instead they are trying to force this serious thing where Deluca is great with kids and he somehow has some swanky apartment all of a sudden. He’s also meeting her kids. I can tell when this show is forcing a couple on me and that is Meredith and Deluca to the max. I hate them more as a couple then Maggie and Jackson and that is saying something lol.

Hm? I guess it all comes down to perception. I don't feel the show is forcing anything. In fact -- I find the whole Mere/Deluca thing kind of cute.

Deluca comes across as an affable kind of guy so of course children love him. And I don't give a shit if it's plausible that he travels back and forth to Italy. Half the crap on this show isn't plausible- if I let that stop me I would have stopped watching long ago. Plus he must be good in bed cuz Mere seems happy.

Oh and has anyone else notice how Derek's two children look nothing like him??!!! Haha! They both got Mere's hair for sure.

  • Love 4
8 minutes ago, nokat said:

That can happen. Although is Mere really a blond? Has been watching earlier episodes and she goes from blond to brown.

A lot of blond children get darker as they get older, too. My dad had curly blond hair as a child and straight dark brown hair as an adult. My brother had white-blond hair that darkened a lot (though I suppose you could still consider it in the blond range; well, the parts that haven't gone gray, anyway 😉). 

  • Love 1
3 hours ago, taanja said:

What? Beauty is in the eye of the beholder indeed! I thought she looked great! and her laugh is a delight. I love smiling happy Mere. I love that she is having a fling with a younger guy and that younger guy seems to make her happy. I thought that whole story line was cute -- how to introduce your boy-toy to the children! Haha!

Poor Alex. Jo is gonna break his heart and drag him down. Alex DOES have a type--- broken woman. Sigh.

I haven't even learned the name of that doc that killed that young dude -- so I don't really care if he stays or goes.

Owen? no thanks.

Unless I read it wrong which is possible, I didn’t read this as Meredith is unattractive but that she and Deluca don’t look good together or their looks don’t compliment each other.  

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, nokat said:

That can happen. Although is Mere really a blond? Has been watching earlier episodes and she goes from blond to brown.

it's more the straight scraggly hair I was referring to-- where are Derek's thick dark curls?

56 minutes ago, dmc said:

Unless I read it wrong which is possible, I didn’t read this as Meredith is unattractive but that she and Deluca don’t look good together or their looks don’t compliment each other.  

IMO I think they not only look good together -- I think their banter is kind of cute.

Edited by taanja
  • Love 3
On 4/18/2019 at 9:13 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:


OMG, I was trying to place her the whole episode but kept picturing her with Lisa Bonet and knowing she wasn't a Cosby kid.   I can't believe I didn't think of A Different World.  LOVED WHITLEY!!!   

9 hours ago, RedbirdNelly said:

DeLuca and his cousins is not believable. When you are a resident, it's a very time consuming job. I don't see DeLuca going to Italy often enough to be super tight with all those cousins.

Legit, I was like um... are these cousins also in America?  Because you aren't popping over to Italy all the time.  You barely leave the hospital.

4 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

Are they recycling April's meltdown scripts for Jo now?    

Except I understood April's meltdown (both of them) and I legitimately cared about nobody noticing or caring.   With this April's ex has noticed Jo's problem and has reached out... so, you know, not like the April situation at all.   And again I understood where April's meldown was coming from.  Even when I was angry with her I got it.  

9 hours ago, thewhiteowl said:

Dear God, Jo! No one died. Still got the husband and job. It's a blow, finding out you're the result of a rape but really, grip reality. It changes nothing. She had no real parents before and now she knows why. Still isn't her fault and never was.

As oppoed to this.  Look, people feel how they feel.  And this might be a legitimate reaction.  This might be the straw that broke the camel's back with Jo.  But this is a woman who has survived a whole heck of a lot to completely break down over this thing that seems small to me.  

And I can see how it wouldn't be, I guess, but she's not explaining to ANYBODY she's not even really giving hints so I'm just like, "Take a shower and get over it already." Which isn't a good response to depression but.... nevertheless... 

I genuinely don't care about any relationship currently on this show.  I was so, "eh, whatever." When Jackson asked Maggie to move in.   Why make Zola finding out about DeLuca a thing if she has literally no reaction to it?   I don't know but Zola's reaction was the only thing interesting about the start of this episode and by the end... um... nothing.   Yup, don't care.   I cared when HAOG was an arse to glasses but only because it was such a low blow.  I'm not invested in HAOG at all.   

  • Love 11
4 hours ago, ams1001 said:

Thank you (and everyone after you) for saying that! I was trying to say something similar without coming across as insensitive to how it might feel to find out your birth was the product of a violent act, but she's talking like she's suddenly lost everything. "I had a marriage"...um, you still do and your husband is wondering what the hell is going on. "I had a job"...um, you still do. You're having this conversation at work. How long has it been since she came back? Fucking talk to someone already and stop acting like the people who are worried about you are the bad guys!

I think it was maybe supposed to be some kind of a "be careful what you wish for/appreciate what you do have" kind of story, which might have juuuuust worked, but they've taken it way too far with Jo's reaction, and it looks like Camilla does not believe in it either because she's really not selling it, which doesn't help either.

Jo's enormous disappointment could have made more sense had she always been portrayed as dreaming to reunite with her birth parents, but it was literally never mentioned before she randomly decided to search for her mother, so why she feels like her life is meaningless now truly is a mystery. And I have a feeling they've kinda written themselves into a corner because there's no easy and quick way to fix this and unless they want this to keep going into the next season (which, God, no), they're running out of time.

My speculation is that they're going to do something totally melodramatic, like Alex does go to Pittsburgh to find out what the hell happened, tracks down Jo's mother and tells her how much Jo is struggling now, and then she seeks her out and they have *a moment*, she tells her she'll aways love her, blah blah and Jo is happy again. But hey, we'd get to see Michelle Forbes again, at least!

  • Love 5
11 hours ago, thewhiteowl said:

I don't think Arizona has any real ties to anyone left so I can't imagine anyone mentioning her. 

Alex, Carina, DeLuca, Richard, Bailey and Teddy were all Arizona's people! So many opportunities to mention her, especially with a geriatric pregnant Teddy, Alex (Arizona's mentee) as interim chief and all the baby-in-a-bag stuff. 

  • Love 2

Horny Deloser and her brother were not Arizona's "people". She had a shallow sexcapade with one and the other rented a room from her but they rarely interacted. But Alex, Bailey, Teddy and Richard were absolutely her people. You'd think she'd have been mentioned at least once in regards to Teddy's pregnancy, and maybe she still will if Teddy runs into labor complications. I'm actually surprised by the amount of times April has been mentioned, especially by Jackson, considering the optics that tptb couldn't get rid of her fast enough. 

Lexie Grey and Izzie Stevens could run circles around most of these current characters. If Krista intends on being cute with callbacks, have some respect on their names. 

  • Love 7
8 hours ago, nokat said:

That can happen. Although is Mere really a blond? Has been watching earlier episodes and she goes from blond to brown.

8 hours ago, ams1001 said:

A lot of blond children get darker as they get older, too. My dad had curly blond hair as a child and straight dark brown hair as an adult. My brother had white-blond hair that darkened a lot (though I suppose you could still consider it in the blond range; well, the parts that haven't gone gray, anyway 😉). 

And on top of that, blonde is recessive so even if Meredith gets her blonde out of a bottle, it’s still believable that her kids would turn out blonde. Mr. EB’s sister has dark brown hair/brown eyes and his brother had blonde hair/blue eyes. Their parents both have dark hair, as do all of the parents’ siblings. 

  • Love 3
17 hours ago, bybrandy said:

Except I understood April's meltdown (both of them) and I legitimately cared about nobody noticing or caring.   With this April's ex has noticed Jo's problem and has reached out... so, you know, not like the April situation at all.   And again I understood where April's meldown was coming from.  Even when I was angry with her I got it.  

Word. The Jo meltdown wishes it were the April meltdown. I don't understand why Jo is acting the way she is. Instead of feeling sympathy for Jo, I feel anger and annoyance towards her. She is not the who was raped. She is not the one who had to endure a violent and evil attack. She is not the one who had to carry a child she didn't want for 9 months. Jo is making her mother's attack ALL. ABOUT. HER. with no sympathy for the woman who was actually raped! It's truly infuriating. Also, since she's not talking to to anyone, we have no idea what's going on inside her head. It's terrible. Alex deserves better than this and so does the audience.

I hope that the HAOG guy is leaving. He is a terrible actor. His final scene where he's yelling at Contacts and then sits for his interview made him look like a sociopath, and it's 100% the acting.

Edited by PepSinger
  • Love 13
29 minutes ago, PepSinger said:

Word. The Jo meltdown wishes it were the April meltdown. I don't understand why Jo is acting the way she is. Instead of feeling sympathy for Jo, I feel anger and annoyance towards her. She is not the who was raped. She is not the one who had to endure a violent and evil attack. She is not the one who had to carry a child she didn't want for 9 months. Jo is making her mother's attack ALL. ABOUT. HER. with no sympathy for the woman who was actually raped! It's truly infuriating. Also, since she's not talking to to anyone, we have no idea what's going on inside her head. It's terrible. Alex deserves better than this and so does the audience.

Right, Jo is making it about her and acting like she is her biological mother who dealt with the trauma. Who even admitted it still hits her and she has had plenty of therapy and does still seek it out at times. What's Jo do? Oh she doesn't even talk about it, same with Meredith, because she has always ran away or hid things until they are exposed, then she finally gets  out then she GETS help about it. Now, they are showing this about to all boil over and possibly kill a patient. I'm sure they are going to have Bailey basically sit her in the chair and then yell out what the hell is wrong with her. Then Bailey is going to magically tell her to tell Alex and then SHE will start getting help


I hope that the HAOG guy is leaving. He is a terrible actor. His final scene where he's yelling at Contacts and then sits for his interview made him look like a sociopath, and it's 100% the acting.

He has been cast on a new Netflix series, so most likely he is leaving the show. I never liked his character and this also proved with characters acting like babies. In the OR Maggie is going off how he screwed up and everything. Yet, she acts like she never lost a patient. Since she has been on the show, every time she has a patient and gets mad at a coworker she goes off on them. Even when it has NOTHING to do with the patient. She did it with: Owen, Jo, Alex and now this guy. It's worst than when Callie use to talk about co-worker's sex lives during surgery until Richard finally told her to shut up! Wish someone would do that to Maggie and go: "This is time to save a life, no blame someone who has either nothing to do with this or the fact that things happen no one is aware of. 

We still don't know how a regular procedure caused a blood clot. Only that Bailey was: "You watch as a break the news and learn from it." He learned NOTHING, he ignored it and was: "I just need to get out of here." 

  • Love 8

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