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Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (2019)


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7 hours ago, Danny Franks said:

You'd think the original trilogy were movies on a par with the greatest literature ever produced, the way some supposed fans act about the new movies. And, sadly for them, it's often very difficult to tell the difference between honest critiques and people who are doing so because they hate women and black people being portrayed positively in their wish fulfilment fantasies.

I’ve just started speaking up when people make negative comments. A dude in my class was complaining about Kennedy and all her “movies” (he put that in quotes). I jumped in and told him it sounded like he has bigger issues if he’s hating all the movies with female/non white leads (he was bagging on Rogue One and Force Awakens the most). I finished with a “yikes” and he didn’t complain the rest of class.

Personally, I will always love episodes 4, 5, and 6 but all the new Star Wars stuff coming out had been pretty fantastic-including the TV shows. I’m hoping this new movie has lots of Poe, Finn and Rey scenes. That clip of “They can fly now?!” is giving me some high hopes for it.

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15 hours ago, xaxat said:


Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker script wound up on eBay after John Boyega partied and forgot about it

A Disney employee purchased it before it was released in the wild, but probably a good thing for him that this is the last of the trilogy.

Tom Holland:  Leaks details on social media and interviews.

John Boyega:  Hold my beer.

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3 hours ago, Oreo2234 said:

The new teaser seems to show 

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the Millennium Falcon burning though it is hard to tell for sure. I like these movies but at this point it feels a bit excessive with how much of the old trilogy has been killed off already.

 Don't worry It's not the Falcon, it's a 


TIE fighterEKfcqLKWwAU041p?format=jpg&name=medium

Edited by VCRTracking
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Kevin Smith is rarely critical and, tends to react emotionally to movies he loves (Star Wars, Marvel, DC etc)

Here's his take from Rise of Skywalker. I actually agreed with a lot of his comments in his The Last Jedi review. So this gives me some hope.

BTW don't read the comments, I think I saw a spoilers (or just people stating something as fact but, i don't want to take the chance) 

 I'm still waiting to see what Jeremy Jahns has to say about Episode IX but, I'm a little curious now

Edited by Morrigan2575
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I was just going to post a warning about spoilers-apparently disgruntled fans are wildly posting spoilers all over the place. Ive already seen two spoilers looking at things not even Star Wars related. I’m not surprised there are disgruntled fans or that they’re posting spoilers but it does bum me out(that they’re doing it-not the spoilers). This series spans generations, just keep what you know to yourself until its out.

Makes me wonder if we’re ever going to see the day when movies won’t be released to critics early. Its not like people are going to wait to read the reviews to order their tickets for this one...

Edited by SnoGirl

Reading between the lines, this doesn't make me optimistic

39 minutes ago, SnoGirl said:

Makes me wonder if we’re ever going to see the day when movies won’t be released to critics early. Its not like people are going to wait to read the reviews to order their tickets for this one...

I think people on SM are just assholes when it comes to spoilers, some just get a kick out of ruining movies for others. IMDb Forums were full of those people, I remember trolls starting threads with spoilers in the title just to get attention (major victim of Fast 4).

  • LOL 1
Just now, Spartan Girl said:

I just want this to be better than Game of Thrones.

That shouldn't be hard, LOL.   I'm someone who feels that the worst thing about the TLJ was that we didn't get Luke, Leia and Han in a scene together and now it can never happen.  That's really unforgivable.   I was meh on this one but bought tix for Sunday and am mildly optimistic, I guess. 

I sought out spoilers but will just add yeah, be careful if you're avoiding them, they are everywhere.  Some contradict each other too.

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jeremy jahns didn't like it. Running theme the movie is over packed should have been 2 movies and, seems like a lot of it is a fix-it for TLJ.

Obviously everyone is different, I agreed with his takes on TLJ, TFA and Rogue One so I'm probably going to not like Episode IX. I'm debating getting a refund on my Friday ticket.

I’m scared reading these comments, but I haven’t been spoiled so far and already have my ticket for tomorrow so I’m going to go and hope for the best! I do think it’s odd they didn’t plan this out better. It’s possible it did need 4 parts and if that’s the case they shouldn’t have forced it into a trilogy just because that’s what we’ve had before. They should’ve put one person in charge to map out an entire trilogy if they wanted that. This whole switch and completely different ideas for what the trilogy should be seems like a sloppy way the end this saga. 

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I take no notice whatsoever of critics, particularly when it comes to Star Wars. For every honest one, there's an edgelord trying to gain credibility with that subset of 'fans' who have made it their main hobby to shriek about how terrible the sequel trilogy is.

All I know is, I've enjoyed ever Disney Star Wars movie so far, despite recognising clear flaws, and I intend to enjoy this one too.

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I found the movie pretty good, as always with JJ there were a few things that didn't make much sense or were contrived especially concerning the Emperor but the emtional moments worked for me and I liked Rey's story.

As for the negative critics I feel like a lot of them had already decided they were going to dislike the movie before even seeing it,  especially for the ones who loved the Last Jedi and see TROS as a rebuttal of it

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Since most of the sites I read have reviewers who loved The Last Jedi, I'm actually reassured by their negative reactions. I want Rise of Skywalker to fix things I didn't think worked in TLJ. I thought TLJ left the story in a horrible place, so I'm not surprised that the main consistent critique I'm seeing of Rise is that its overstuffed.

I continue to think its ridiculous that the trilogy had no outline or overall plan. I believe Johnson made horrible choices, but I also don't think he should have been put in the position that he was put in. 

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Just saw the movie (I'm in Sweden). WHOLE LOTTA SPOILERS AHEAD.


This movie felt like EXTRA EVERYTHING! Although Star Wars has never adhered to actual physics, they still hurtled between different planets, systems, scenes and concepts so fast my head spun. But perhaps the universe was smaller back then 😉 

Rey being a Palpatine (?!) felt very tacked on. Don't want to think about exactly how or with whom Palpatine managed to procreate. I have a strong feeling they had no clue who/what Rey was going to be in episode VII, or even VIII, and have been figuring it out as they go, probably having eyeballed every fan theory out there along the way. I would have been happier going with how she was a nobody born of nobodies, but perhaps how every Force sensitive could sense her power when she was born, or something. Having the greatest Force potential in known history.

It was quite dark both literally and figuratively. Could Exegol Sith HQ have BEEN any more bleak and horrible? And it's just me I know, but I always think about where all these legion of Sith eat/sleep/use the bathroom... or maybe that's the benefit of being Sith, bodily functions go away? Also, you'd better be a long time Star Wars fan, or you'll be a bit confused at the whole Palpatine/Sith going front and center again suddenly.

Although Lupita Nyong'o is a goddess I hate Maz Kanata with the fire of a thousand suns. She is almost Jar Jar level bad to me. Go away, over-CGI'd character. But speaking of CGI, Leia was SO well done and didn't do any ridiculous floating through space, and apparently trained as a Jedi! Miss you, Carrie.

I could have done without tiny megaphone droid. Forgot its name immediately. DO? "Happy!" Shut up.

I didn't want Rey and Ren/Ben together, then when they kissed, I DID, then he Force died. D'oh. 

Death Star looked amazing and wow wet t-shirt fight.

Amazing, amazing score by John Williams.

And now that I have picked my nits I have to add I still LOVED it. Got real teary when the Rebel non-fleet of "just people" showed up. 


  • Love 9

A review I saw said it best. This movie does a fine job wrapping this sequel trilogy up but a bad job wrapping up all 9 movies. That is part of the problem they didn't need to wrap up all 9 films. The Original trilogy ended already back in 1983.  One film to wrap up so much was never a good idea. They should have had an Episode 10 it seems.  I feel Luke, Han, and Leia maybe should have just been in one film and passed the torch to the new generation. It didn't have to be a Skywalker who yet again fell to the darkside. Kylo could have just been a student of Luke's who turned.  Rey maybe is a student who turned bad? Rey is a star pupil maybe she is the kid of Leia and Han.  Han being killed still probably would have happened because of Harrison anyway lol. 

I do feel the happy ending of ROTJ has been crushed a bit. As a fan that is just what annoys me. Others may feel different.  I didn't hate TLJ but I didn't love it either. It was okay. TFA was good but a bit safe. I already saw a person on desert plane discover they are a Jedi. 

Things feel rushed and crammed to me. I say again they probably needed one more entry in the saga to really wrap things up. Even though Disney while announcing they would wrap things up they forced their own hand.

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I've seen it! And loved it! A little safe sometimes, and maybe I missed some exposition. But while it isn't perfect, I really did enjoy it. Though there was one big moment that made me groan.


Yes, the kiss. Seriously? IMO, it was a spur of the moment you just saved me kind of thing, rather than a true sign that they're soulmates.

Either way, I say go and see it, expecially if you've already bought your ticket. I will be going at last once more, maybe further if I can. Hell, I saw TFA 6 times in the cinema.

And yes, I enjoyed both TFA and TLJ.

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Damn, Abrams. Didn't have the balls to just cut out Rose entirely but clearly had no interest in actually utilizing the character either.

Rey Palpatine makes zero sense and I despise that Abrams walked back the reveal about Rey's parentage. Dynastic bloodlines will forever rule in SW, apparently. 

Rey killed Ben! No, she healed him with the force! Palpatine killed Rey! No, Ben healed her with the force! Yikes. What a hack move. I was waiting for Rey to rerevive Ben at the end, is how ridiculous it was.

Abrams needed to put on his big boy pants and work with what he inherited, just like Johnson did. Instead he tried to turn this into a fix it movie and it didn't work.

The big lightsaber duel was exactly as good as people are saying, tho, that has to be said. And the actors really did give it their all. I know some people had issues with Leia's lines being so generic but there was nothing that could be done. Fisher is gone and recasting Leia was out of the question. I didn't have any problems with her scenes.

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I preferred the TLJ origin for Rey, with greatness popping up out of nowhere rather than being of special lineage. Still, let's see if I have this new version straight. Palpatine had a kid. I can't remember if it was son or daughter. This kid, later an adult, had their own kid, Rey.

Papatine could transfer his conciousness into Rey, but only if she killed him. Then there's some stuff about him draining both Ben and Rey's life forces? Ben was thrown down a pit, but even after his life force was mostly drained, he was powerful enough to climb out and give his remaining energy to Rey? There was some other stuff too, but I didn't quite follow.

That's my best guess after one watch. Sunday can't come soon enough.

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32 minutes ago, Anduin said:

I preferred the TLJ origin for Rey, with greatness popping up out of nowhere rather than being of special lineage. Still, let's see if I have this new version straight. Palpatine had a kid. I can't remember if it was son or daughter. This kid, later an adult, had their own kid, Rey.

Papatine could transfer his conciousness into Rey, but only if she killed him. Then there's some stuff about him draining both Ben and Rey's life forces? Ben was thrown down a pit, but even after his life force was mostly drained, he was powerful enough to climb out and give his remaining energy to Rey? There was some other stuff too, but I didn't quite follow.

That's my best guess after one watch. Sunday can't come soon enough.

Yeah, Palpatine realized that Rey and Ben were strong enough that if he drained them both he could "come back" rather than live through Rey, basically.

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Ooh, I did not care for that at all.

The first half of the movie is just the characters going from place to place to find a map? That's a terrible way to structure a movie. We never spend more than a few minutes in each location, meaning the new characters we meet have basically no impact. There is NO reason for the Keri Russell character to exist. The whole C-3P0 mind wipe stuff is sort of funny, but also pointless. They get caught by the First Order so many times in such a short span of time, and that they survive each time just makes the bad guys look incompetent.

Hated all the Palpatine stuff. Comes out of nowhere, and he does basically nothing. Going back to giving Kylo a boss after him taking over in the last movie felt like a dumb step back. The idea that Leia and Luke knew all of this all along, including about Rey, doesn't work for me at all.

The Kylo mask stuff was very odd, especially dropping it again soon after. Given the Mandalorian stuff this week, I wonder if they didn't have Driver for all of the shoot, and that was a double during the scenes with Richard E. Grant, etc.

Really hated the awful retcon to make Rey Palpatine's granddaughter. Completely reverses one of the main things I loved about TLJ.

The Leia stuff felt as creepy and morbid as the Cushing stuff in Rogue One, and incredibly awkward. Every time she was onscreen I could only think about the loops they were jumping through to set up the few lines of dialogue they had left over from TFA. I'd much rather she had died at the very start or between movies.

Incredibly annoyed by the way they completely sidelined Rose. She has barely half a dozen lines, and is basically an extra. Horrid.

The Luke scene was okay.

The Han scene was fine, but characters talking to ghosts who only exist in their heads is an annoying pet peeve of mine.

The acting was mostly good, but Driver was definitely not as good as in the last two. Still good, but he didn't blow me away.

The Hux-is-a-spy "plotline" was very weird and pointless. I've no idea what he was supposed to have done to help them, and I've definitely no idea why he did it. Richard E. Grant fulfils basically the same role as him anyway. Did Gleeson have to leave and do something else?

The space battle scenes were okay, but nothing new.

I'm really not a fan of all the mystical Sith stuff, so the Emperor's big plan just annoyed me. I didn't mind them stretching what the Force could do that much, even if it got a bit convenient in terms of the plot. All of the "secret Sith homeworld" stuff was dumb though, especially the dumb artifacts needed to find the way there.

I've never been a huge Star Wars fan, as I never watched as a kid, but The Last Jedi truly connected with me and got my hopes up, and this was a crushing disappointment.

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34 minutes ago, slf said:

Yeah, Palpatine realized that Rey and Ben were strong enough that if he drained them both he could "come back" rather than live through Rey, basically.

Okay, that makes sense. Thanks.

27 minutes ago, ApathyMonger said:

The Hux-is-a-spy "plotline" was very weird and pointless. I've no idea what he was supposed to have done to help them, and I've definitely no idea why he did it. Richard E. Grant fulfils basically the same role as him anyway. Did Gleeson have to leave and do something else?


Weirdly, I liked the Hux stuff. He just didn't want Kylo Ren to win. Considering how Ren treated him previously, I can see that.

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While I did really enjoy TROS, I agree with Adam Whitehead on the subject of fanservice.


At its best, the film is an epic and dramatic struggle between two characters struggling with their destinies. At its worst, it's an exercise in weaponised nostalgia, J.J. Abrams walking into the amphitheatre on Geonosis and playing the full four seconds of the film in which Wedge Antilles appears and screaming "ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED?" at baffled nine-year-olds.

I did indeed have a "Yes! Wedge!" moment. But he should have had more to do. Maybe that's all Lawson wanted to do. Ah well. At least he survived to the end.

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I loved it. Was it everything I wanted? No. I wish 7, 8, and 9 had a tighter storyline-sometimes I wish the focus was on storytelling and not what’s going to make more money for Disney. I wish Rey had been a Kenobi. I wish Disney had said “You know what-let’s make this a two-part movie” because holy moly that was a long movie that should have probably been two. And that kiss? No thanks.

But I still loved it. Seeing Rey, Finn and Poe together was everything I wanted in movie 8 but never really got. I believed their trio relationship. They acted like friends who had been through a lot together.

I never really liked the shipping between Kylo and Rey. But Adam Driver, you got me with the flip to Ben. He even reminded me of Han when he was fighting the Knights. Made me think of all we missed with Ben being darkside. I could have actually seen what could have been. I know the Force healing is going to be a point of contention with Ben healing Rey, but it was selfless and very much something Leia or Han would have done.

There’s so much to unpack. I can’t wait to see it again this weekend.

Anyone pick-up all the Jedi voices when Rey finally connected to them? Obviously there was Yoda, Obi Wan (old and young), Mace, Luke and Leia. There were so many, I was assuming Ahsoka Tano was one, and I was hoping Kanan Jarrus was another but they went so quick. I know in Force Awakens, the voices From when Rey found Luke’s lightsaber were confirmed pretty quick I hope the same happens here.

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This is what I imagined.

"Hello. Denis? Denis Lawson? This is J.J.Abrams and I just wanted to let you know that this is absolutely, positively, without a doubt, the last time anyone will ever ask you to be in a Star Wars movie.  Let us know by close of business tomorrow."


Now on to the show.

Enjoyed it very very much. I found it possibly to be the most visually beautiful of all the films. That opening sequence and the heart stopping horrific grandeur of the Sith lair was just tremendous and really sold me on the ret-con. Welcome back my Emperor.

I was very pleased with all things Carrie. They worked really hard on that and most important was the tone, which they got right.

I teared up at the chorus of voices. They pulled from so many sources, choosing to honor so many from the entire franchise. Well done.

Han was a shock. A most welcome shock. He finally gets his son back. 

I was an 18 year old heading off to art school the summer that Star Wars came out. I saw these films as an adult, in sequence, on the big screen from start to finish. Not like my seatmate who saw the prequels on video as a child and didn't see A New Hope until after he saw ESB and ROTJ.

I feel J.J. made this film especially with viewers like me in mind. It was very satisfying. I loved that it finished on the twins, as it truly was their story.

To a viewer like me Rose is but a freckle. Just one of many on a beautiful face.

Yes it was a frantic tap dance to recover from all the Rian blunders. But I feel they pulled it off.


Edited by MrsR
  • Love 11
1 hour ago, SnoGirl said:

I never really liked the shipping between Kylo and Rey. But Adam Driver, you got me with the flip to Ben. He even reminded me of Han when he was fighting the Knights. Made me think of all we missed with Ben being darkside. I could have actually seen what could have been. 

I actively loathe the shipping of these characters and really hated TLJ. But- watching Adam Driver play Ben and be a Jedi really just made me sad that this wasn't who he was playing all along. 

That's really how I felt about this whole movie. It was hard not to think how much better it could have been with a middle arc that made sense. The ultimate blame for that lies with Disney for not having a consistent vision for the entire story. And maybe for not locking Abrams into a contract for the whole trilogy in the first place, though I didn't love everything he set up in TFA either. I do wish we could know what he would have done with the middle and last parts- if only to know what the payoff was supposed to be for some things (Snoke, Knights of Ren, was Rey always a Palpatine, etc).

The movie was ok- it did what it needed to, and I am mostly happy with it. 

I liked Finn showing Force sensitivity (should have been done in TFA), liked that more troopers had defected (Jannah), thought the Leia moments were nice, and Han showing up was a surprise. Loved the friendship between the main 3.

Didn't like how constantly the tide kept turning for the rebellion. Anytime the rebels made any progress, something instantaneously came along to take it away. After a few times, I found myself rolling my eyes "of course they'll just transfer navigation from the tower to the ship", "of course the Emperor can just steal their life force now", etc. 

Not clear on how the Emperor survived or came back, and I've even read some of the canon novels that mentioned there being a plot to have destroyers hidden away. Not really sure how to feel about Palpatine having a child, especially after he was already an evil Sith lord. Feels like that maybe should have been from when he was a senator from Naboo, but then Rey would be his great granddaughter. 

Overall, I'm happy with it, I think. 

27 minutes ago, Jenniferbug said:

Not clear on how the Emperor survived or came back, and I've even read some of the canon novels that mentioned there being a plot to have destroyers hidden away. Not really sure how to feel about Palpatine having a child, especially after he was already an evil Sith lord.

My reaction is "ew who what where why and how"; but maybe did it the Darth Plagius way.

It makes more sense than Voldemort and Bellatrix taking a break to screw during the battle of Hogwarts, I guess, heh.

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On 12/19/2019 at 3:03 PM, slf said:

Abrams needed to put on his big boy pants and work with what he inherited, just like Johnson did. Instead he tried to turn this into a fix it movie and it didn't work.

But that's what Johnson did too. He dropped a bunch of plot points from Force Awakens.

Edited by ulkis
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On 12/18/2019 at 10:45 PM, ShadowHunter said:

A review I saw said it best. This movie does a fine job wrapping this sequel trilogy up but a bad job wrapping up all 9 movies. That is part of the problem they didn't need to wrap up all 9 films. The Original trilogy ended already back in 1983.  One film to wrap up so much was never a good idea. They should have had an Episode 10 it seems.  I feel Luke, Han, and Leia maybe should have just been in one film and passed the torch to the new generation. It didn't have to be a Skywalker who yet again fell to the darkside. Kylo could have just been a student of Luke's who turned.  Rey maybe is a student who turned bad? Rey is a star pupil maybe she is the kid of Leia and Han.  Han being killed still probably would have happened because of Harrison anyway lol. 

This I mostly agree with.

Edited by ulkis

A lot did not work for me at all, but a lot did so I'm fine with it. Both the Palpatine stuff and the Redemption of Kylo Ren were fails to me. However, Adam Driver almost pulled it off when he was Ben there at the end, and I wish I had seen more of that guy first before the torture-y whiny brat guy was introduced. The kiss also got a big no from me as well. I do like the joke I read on Twitter along the lines of incel Kylo had one kiss and then promptly died and that Rey's lesbian energy killed the first guy she kissed immediately. 

I couldn't emotionally connect to any of it until Luke raised the X-Wing. That got me.

What I did like was the trio. I could watch Finn, Poe, and Rey bicker and hang out for hours. The Han, Leia, and Luke stuff was okay but mostly made me want to watch the originals again. It's hard to recapture that magic, and even harder when a big part of the heart unexpectedly passed away. 

I do love the Star Wars universe and realized today that I think Rogue One has been my favorite of all the newish ones. Related to the original but told it own story with some new, fun characters. I hope that's the direction SW goes in now. I'd pay good money to see what happens to that kid at the end of TLJ. Tell me his story. 

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Gotta say I loved it. I loved it so much I'm hoping that the reports of Daisy et al not continuing will turn out to be either 1) not continuing in this particular saga or 2) the actors not continuing. Because I really, really want to see them again. I want to know that Finn joins Lando and Jannah to find the systems, families, and birth names of the stolen children. I want to know that Rey starts the new Jedi order from the Skywalker farm on Tatooine (my own head canon). I want to know that Poe becomes a fully realized Star Wars Captain Jack and romances his way across the galaxy while being a great leader. I'd prefer to see all of this in live action but I'll take references or animated versions. JJ didn't do a wrap up of this saga but instead set these characters up for a ton of spinoff stories. That doesn't mean the saga was unfinished, just that there are many more places the characters can go from here.

I'm gonna need someone to cast Daisy and Oscar as that married couple who argues a lot because they enjoy it but always have each other's back and completely love each other. Because those arguments at the start of the movie were smoking. Last Jedi had me convinced Poe was seriously crushing on Rey, and Daisy playing her as a bit bashful at their meeting didn't sway my thinking that they were being set up as  couple. Oh, well, they're great as friends as well so I'm not sad they didn't go there. Just that their arguing chemistry was right up there with Han and Leia. And Finn playing the exasperated BFF in the middle was fun too.

And John and Oscar are going to need to play a couple in a movie as well because they continue to have great chemistry through three movies.

Really, they just need to have Oscar romantically paired with his Star Wars co-stars in a bunch of movies. That should keep that group gainfully employed for years to come. He clicks with everyone.

Speaking of romance, the only part of the movie that I felt was unnecessary was Ben and Rey kissing. My general preference for his character was the version we saw in Last Jedi who wanted to be evil, who liked being evil, and would only kill characters like Snoke to further his own power ambitions. That was my preference but I found that I ended up enjoying his arc of rediscovering Ben Solo. It helped that he died of course because that's the only way that kind of arc can really end. He gave up his life for Rey and then died. I'm happy. Still, the kiss wasn't necessary. A hug would have worked just as well and have paralleled her hug with Leia. Plus Rey showed way more emotion during her reunion with Poe and Finn than she did after Ben died so there really wasn't a need.

Anway, to focus on the Kylo to Ben part of the story, I was impressed with how it was laid out. It didn't suddenly happen like it tends to on television, but unfolded scene by scene. I loved the confrontations with Rey and their saber fight on the water and that what saved him was a combination of the light side of the Force bringing him back and Leia using the last of her own power to get through to him via Han. And Leia getting through to him was the main reason he finally gave up Kylo Ren. I agree with those upthread who liked how Driver played Ben the Jedi but I also like that this wasn't who we got all along. This is who he would have been had he not given into his ego all those years ago. That's part of the tragedy of Ben Solo so I like that we got a glimpse of what could have been. And he gave up his life for Rey so his story ended in a satisfying way.

I loved how they handled Leia. There was no way it would be what they originally planned but I'm happy to be wrong about her dying before the movie started. Her key scenes with Rey and then Ben were far better suited for who she always was. And I loved the flashback to her training with Luke. We finally got a bit of Leia in proper Jedi mode! I wonder if Harrison agreed to come back because Carrie died? He was pretty much done and made it clear but he also loved her too so I could see him agreeing when they laid it out.

Force Ghost Luke was great and he finally raised his ship from the water! And his love for Rey and hers for him was lovely and strong. No wonder she chose Skywalker for her family name.

Let's see...oh, the whole Palpatine thing. I have no trouble buying that Palpatine had a kid. Unless told otherwise, I'll just assume it was a late in life birth, his wife/the mother died when the boy was young and then he was raised on Naboo because his father couldn't be bothered since there didn't seem to be any indication of Force sensitivity. It was only when Rey was born, with her innate Force capabilities, that he took an interest in his offspring so I can buy it. Besides, Daisy being English fueled speculation years ago that she would go evil since most of the English accented characters typically were with the Empire so why not play with that a little.

So, yeah, I really enjoyed this.

  • Love 5

For a grand finale either of a trilogy or all 9 films, the energy felt awfully low for most of the film. I feel like they kept going from place to place for fun mini adventures but I couldn't get a handle on what the overall goal of the film was or story. I did enjoy most of the call backs to previous films. I enjoy Keri Russell who it's a shame probably won't be featured again as what was a very promising character. I loved Lando's return, but overall it felt pointless. It felt more like a TV series edited into one movie. The Palpatine stuff was distracting and imo is one of the worst twists they've ever done. In the end the title of the film refers to Rey. Blood or not she still ended up a Skywalker, so why did we waste so much time making her a Palpatine and still not really meet her parents? It just seemed like such a waste when that story had already been tied up. 


Overall it was watchable, but either needed to be multiple films so a story could be drawn and fleshed out, or a TV series. As a film it did not work. This was a collection of fun moments. Almost like a clip show. 

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, scarynikki12 said:

And John and Oscar are going to need to play a couple in a movie as well because they continue to have great chemistry through three movies.

Oscar apparently was cool with that, but someone else higher up wasn't. So Finn and Poe weren't allowed to be gay. There was a lesbian kiss in the background at the end, but that was a poor substitute. I think one of them was D'Acy, but she had about three lines in two movies up to that point.

6 hours ago, ulkis said:

But that's what Johnson did too. He dropped a bunch of plot points from Force Awakens, including why did Luke leave a part of the map if he didn't want to be found.

I don't agree that Rian not expanding on every story point from TFA is the same as trying to retcon the whole movie which is what Abrams was transparently trying to do with this movie. Considering the sheer amount of material Abrams stuffed into the first film (Luke disappearing, the destruction of the Jedi temple, Kylo Ren being Han and Leia's son, Rey's mysterious parentage, Rey's inexplicable force abilities, Han's death, Finn defecting from the First Order, Poe representing the Resistance but ultimately in an undefined way (it's not clear at the end of TFA what his role will be going forward other than 'hotshot pilot') what the fuck's a Snoke, Kylo Ren wanting Rey to join him, Han and Leia's destroyed marriage, etc.) it's hardly surprising Johnson didn't expand on every single thing. Or couldn't, honestly, considering how mnay important story lines needed to be advanced in the second film (literally everything with Luke, Kylo Ren increasingly pulling back from Snoke before turning on him, etc.). And some things couldn't be expanded on in a satisfactory way, like Luke leaving a piece of the map when he supposedly didn't want to be found. The only reason that's even there is because Abrams sometimes falls back on a (boring and time consuming) video game-like 'collect the objects' quest whenever he wants to push the narrative forward but doesn't know how. That was one of the dumbest parts of TFA and there's a similar quest narrative in the first half of TROS that kind of weighs it down. Johnson resolved that 'plot point' as well as anyone could, imo: Luke was very conflicted, even moreso when faced with someone with such a strong force ability and reminded him a little too much of his nephew.

I didn't walk away from TLJ with the sense that Johnson hated TFA and was trying to retcon as much as possible. I think he was trying to open up the story in a way that didn't rely on so many tropes or just nostalgia. Watching TROS was a very different experience. Honestly, if there had been a title card that read, And Oh Yeah, Fuck You Rian Johnson I would not have been surprised. Now, that clearly worked for some fans but it just seems really childish and, imo, lead to the film being hugely overstuffed and clunky in the first hour or so.

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5 hours ago, scarynikki12 said:

I wonder if Harrison agreed to come back because Carrie died?

Yeah- thinking back on what they have said about this film, it seems clear that this was the big confrontation Leia was meant to have with Kylo.  I am a little conflicted about it, because I would have liked for her to have gotten that moment- but the surprise Han cameo was also probably my favorite thing in the film.

Otherwise, I thought this movie was fine- I already have plans to watch it again, so I’m kind of waiting to form a more complete opinion.

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47 minutes ago, slf said:

And some things couldn't be expanded on in a satisfactory way, like Luke leaving a piece of the map when he supposedly didn't want to be found. The only reason that's even there is because Abrams sometimes falls back on a (boring and time consuming) video game-like 'collect the objects' quest whenever he wants to push the narrative forward but doesn't know how. That was one of the dumbest parts of TFA and there's a similar quest narrative in the first half of TROS that kind of weighs it down. Johnson resolved that 'plot point' as well as anyone could, imo: Luke was very conflicted, even moreso when faced with someone with such a strong force ability and reminded him a little too much of his nephew.

Now you mention it, Alias was heavy on the scavenger hunt aspect. But the best macguffin quests aren't about the items themselves, they're about how the journey affects the characters. Look at LOTR. Sam learned he was tougher than he thought, while Frodo was permanently scarred in both body and mind. And we care about Aragorn becoming king because we care about Aragorn.

Here's something a little on the nose. I didn't realise it at first. But you know that celebration the aliens were in the middle of? It's only performed every 42 years. Yes, 1977 + 42 is 2019. JJ decided that his special movie was up there with ANH. It's just a little self-congratulatory. Or am I just being too nitpicky?

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1 hour ago, Anduin said:

Here's something a little on the nose. I didn't realise it at first. But you know that celebration the aliens were in the middle of? It's only performed every 42 years. Yes, 1977 + 42 is 2019. JJ decided that his special movie was up there with ANH. It's just a little self-congratulatory. Or am I just being too nitpicky?

I think it was just a cute nod to the anniversary.

This was fine. My friend and I kept (unfairly) comparing it to Endgame. Like when all of the ships showed up at the end with Lando leading the charge, that was their portals moment. Unfortunately except for Lando and two characters we had just been introduced to I didn't know who any of those people were. And then Rey and Palpatine mirroring Tony and Thanos final exchange with their "I am [insert allegiance]".

I thought this was better than TLJ, like much better, I love when characters get to interact a lot. I'm not big on splitting up the group. I still don't have a strong sense of who Poe or Finn are other than good people. My worst fears both did and didn't come to light, I am wholly opposed to Rey and Kylo, I find them repulsive but I was whatever about the kiss. I don't get it. But at least they didn't end up happily ever after.

Rey as Palpatine's granddaughter simply made me spend the last hour of the movie wondering "Who let old Palp get his rocks off?" (I know he looked human once but still). So yeah I just imagined Palpatine having sex. And that? Is disgusting. 

The Leia scenes all felt a little wonky. Clearly she was meant to be the one to bring Ben back to the light and they had to work extra hard to write around the footage they had. It's a shame they didn't do nearly enough with the character in the 5 movies they had her for.

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8:45 AM showing 85% full.

Congratulations JJ you managed to save the trilogy after the Dumpster Fire Johnson delivered.

I agree with the flaws mentioned, this was over stuffed and very fast paced they could have split this into 2 movies to allow for more development.

JJ wins extra points for finally giving Chewie his medal. Screw you, Lucas!

I actually liked the concept of the diode and how Rey/Ren were this pair/connected through the force. It reminds me of some of the stuff Feloni was doing in Clone Wars and Rebels.  That being said, I fully believe this would have worked better if Rey was a Skywalker and, not a Palpatine. She didn't have to be Luke's daughter but, I would have easily accepted that Rey was one of Palpatine's Clone experiments. I think if Rey had been a clone/grandchild of Anakin this would have worked perfectly. The connection between Rey/Ren would have made a lot more sense, IMO.

I was OK with Rey healing Ben, she did it for Leia. I was OK with Ben dying to save Rey, he was going home.  I'm bitter that in the end we didn't get to see Luke/Leia/Han/Ben as Force Ghosts. I know that Han couldn't logically be a Force Ghost but I'd have hand waved it for the Nostalgia/Family factor.


Edited by Morrigan2575
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I woke up at 8a so I could catch it and not be spoiled. Saw in the Dolby audio theater and that was awesome! Def a way to experience everything going on with the sound and the clarity.

I was disappointed that critics didn't like it very much so I went in thinking it wasn't going to be that great and really, I thought it was weaker from a storyline perspective but I did very much enjoy the fight scenes and particularly Oscar, Adam and Daisy were all very good in my point of view. I def thought it jumped too much around and the dialogue was a bit cringe but it's Star Wars so I think they do get away with some things.

It was a fun ride and I'm glad i saw it in the theater. I always think Star Wars is best on a big screen with great sound. I def agree also that was a big service to the fans esp with the Kylo and Rey stuff at the end, but I didn't mind that since Adam is such a great actor and his move from the dark to the light was well done (and 100% agree wish we saw more Ben).



I just got back from seeing it, and I LOVED it!  I do wonder what film it would have been had Carrie not died, but her scenes felt natural to me.  And yes, I teared up when Leia died -- and really sympathized with Billie Lourd, too.  I can't imagine how she must have felt during those scenes.

I absolutely loved that Luke finally was able to raise his X-Wing.  That got me all teary, too.  I loved loved loved that Chewie FINALLY got his medal.  I loved Luke's and Leia's force ghosts showing up for Rey.  I loved Lando and Chewie piloting the Falcon and helping save the day (not to mention saving Finn and Jannah).   I loved all the Jedi voices, supporting Rey when she needed it most.  I loved that we saw some of Leia's training, and that Leia had a light saber, too.  I loved that Rey used Luke's and Leia's sabers to destroy Palpatine.  And of course I loved even the brief shot of the Porgs, as well as the shaggy horse-like things.

I did not appreciate the kiss, until I realized that it was Leia helping Ben heal Rey -- that's why her body disappeared from the Rebel base immediately after, IMO.  I'm going to pretend that Rey sensed Leia in Ben.  But it doesn't hurt my feelings that Ben did not survive.

I have no opinion of Rey being a Palpatine by blood.  She is a Skywalker by choice, and that's what matters in the end.  Nice of it to end on Tatooine, as well.  I liked the call back to the original.

As for Hux being the spy, I'm good with that.  He was so consumed by hatred for Kylo Ren that he would do anything to see Ren fail, including betraying all he has ever known.  Petty, yes, but we've always known Hux was petty.

I can't wait to see it again.

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I enjoyed it but man, that was a lot of movie, whew! I think I need a second viewing to process everything then post my thoughts next week. I will say I feel bad for those hoping for a different outcome, but Abrams really set up where it had to go back in TFA. Rey was just too powerful too quickly where she just couldn't be 'nobody' and no other fate for Kylo would be acceptable to people after killing Han.




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