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S09.E09: A Wolf In Camille’s Clothing

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1 hour ago, ChitChat said:

Other issues that can cause bad breath are periodontal disease (treatable), crowns leaking (as Dance4Life said), and if it's a sulfur smell (from bacteria), the rinse Smart Mouth helps.  Again, it was tacky of Camille to mention that to the group.  There are some things you just keep to yourself!  

I love the random things I learn on this forum - when Camille mentioned LVP having bad breath I only assumed it was because of cigarettes.  But I guess a lot of women on TV smoke to stay thin so cigarette breath is not a big deal.

I was not so horrified at Camille's behaviour - she was drunk and babbling about everything so it didn't seem to be malicious.  I just can't wait until she turns this sharp tongue (hopefully when sober) on Doridiot.

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20 hours ago, boochay8888 said:

Let me start by saying this is definitely not a defense of Dorit and her absolutely astounding stupidity...I believe the point she was trying, and failing, to make about PK’s diabetes is that if he doesn’t get it under control there will obviously be severe consequences.  I have Type 2 diabetes as does my mother.  Mine is pretty mild and pretty much under control.  My mother on the other hand uses insulin plus her regular medications and it’s still quite wonky. But dumb Dorit, it’s still Type 2. 

Right. I appreciate Dorit trying to impress the seriousness of the high blood sugar levels to PK, but, she needs to get her facts straight about Type I and II. I'm Type I and cringe a little when the disease is misinterpreted. (Type II's don't convert into Type I's. And what you eat doesn't make you a Type I...anyway, she meant well, I suppose)  I'm not a Dorit fan at ALL, however, she may need some sympathy. If PK keeps going that way, she's going to be taking care of a disabled man with amputations, organ failure or dementia....or be a widow.  Constant blood sugars over 300! OMG. He is living on borrowed time. But, it's his choice. 

I had forgotten about the negative side of Camille, but, this sealed it for me.  Joking is fine, but, to make sport of someone's physical ailment, like dental problems is just cruel.  No amount of alcohol makes you delight in hurting a friend.  And, she knows that she's on tv and that LVP and the world would see it.  That takes a special kind of mean, imo.  I'm not sure if she was trying to impress Andy or not, but, she sure showed her true colors.  I have ZERO use for her and she's now in the same category as a certain former HW with initials BG...

  • Love 17
55 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I had forgotten about the negative side of Camille, but, this sealed it for me.  Joking is fine, but, to make sport of someone's physical ailment, like dental problems is just cruel.  No amount of alcohol makes you delight in hurting a friend.  And, she knows that she's on tv and that LVP and the world would see it.  That takes a special kind of mean, imo.  I'm not sure if she was trying to impress Andy or not, but, she sure showed her true colors.  I have ZERO use for her and she's now in the same category as a certain former HW with initials BG...

Ditto about BG! To me this was sort of like the milder version of what BG said about Joanna Krupa. I don’t think it was as mean, and Camille was drunk, unlike Brandi. But it was the same sort of comment that can really embarrass someone. I’ve already seen posts about possible causes of Lisa’s alleged bad breath. I don’t know if she’s had dental problems and there’s truth to what Camille said or not, doesn’t really matter for me. It all says more about Camille than it does about Lisa. Before this, all I heard was Lisa walks around smelling really good actually. I think Bravo folks and fans who’ve met her said she smells like roses all the time. A lot of us fans forgave Camille and felt sorry that she was so hated season 1, but she sounded like season 1 in that particular scene. Again, I don’t think she’s nearly as cruel as Brandi, but she definitely has a mean bone. 

I know it’s been discussed Lisa throws jabs too-I admitted I didn’t like her jabs about Dorit being this gassy snore she didn’t want to share a room with. I don’t enjoy that kind of humor and would rather someone just tell me she’s upset with me. But I don’t think Lisa would sit there with a group of women and crap on someone she’s on good terms with, especially when said person already feels like an outcast with this group.

Edited by RealHousewife
  • Love 12
24 minutes ago, RealHousewife said:

Ditto about BG! To me this was sort of like the milder version of what BG said about Joanna Krupa. I don’t think it was as mean, and Camille was drunk, unlike Brandi. But it was the same sort of comment that can really embarrass someone. I’ve already seen posts about possible causes of Lisa’s alleged bad breath. I don’t know if she’s had dental problems and there’s truth to what Camille said or not, doesn’t really matter for me. It all says more about Camille than it does about Lisa. Before this, all I heard was Lisa walks around smelling really good actually. I think Bravo folks and fans who’ve met her said she smells like roses all the time. A lot of us fans forgave Camille and felt sorry that she was so hated season 1, but she sounded like season 1 in that particular scene. Again, I don’t think she’s nearly as cruel as Brandi, but she definitely has a mean bone. 

I know it’s been discussed Lisa throws jabs too-I admitted I didn’t like her jabs about Dorit being this gassy snore she didn’t want to share a room with. I don’t enjoy that kind of humor and would rather someone just tell me she’s upset with me. But I don’t think Lisa would sit there with a group of women and crap on someone she’s on good terms with, especially when said person already feels like an outcast with this group.

Agreed about the "jokes", it's a very fine line and Lisa is often right up on it (sometimes, imo, over), but the "receding gums, get new crowns, bad breath" combo was over. Clearly over.

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16 hours ago, MatildaMoody said:

Kyle is a TERRIBLE friend. And, I know it's important to Andy that LVP and Kyle make up, but Lisa has been the only loyal person in that friendship and should walk away from the toxicity. 

I get why Andy wants that from the standpoint of someone who is trying to bring in the ratings. A lot of viewers enjoyed their friendship when they were getting along and not just frenemies or work friends. They’ve had a lot of cute moments together throughout the seasons. They’re the two OG’s left. Lisa is the fan favorite, but Kyle is the one who gets along best with other cast members. They are the anchors of the show and have been since the beginning. 

They are two of my favorites personally. Who I side with varies season to season, sometimes episode to episode. Lol 

Lisa was so hurt by Kyle, already vulnerable, and that was hard to watch. I love that Kyle is so forgiving and doesn’t expect perfection from people. That’s probably why she has so many friends and can get along with cast members better. But I wish she’d learn that you can’t just say whatever happens to be your honest opinion, throw in I love you, and it will all be okay. Did she expect Lisa to admit to something she didn’t do? I don’t know what she thought would happen when she went to their house. I get why Kyle is suspicious because as fabulous as Lisa is, one of my criticisms of hers is that she does put image above friendship at times. Kyle’s not always wrong. I just don’t like how she confronted Lisa. 

I wish Kyle told the other ladies, “I don’t know how this story got out. Sure, someone accused her of selling stories years ago, but there’s never been any proof. Your guess is as good as mine.” She didn’t have to say there was no way Lisa or her camp has anything to do with it if there was any doubt in her mind, and she would have still remained honest. 

I think since these two were friends before the show ever even started, it’s possible for them to make up. When you have so much history, the hurt can get really bad, but all the love and memories sometimes do make you want to forgive and forget. I think if Kyle were to apologize to Lisa (really heartfelt), there is possibility for Lisa to forgive. I think Lisa just doesn’t appreciate hearing from her (or anyone) if all it’s going to be is, but “I love you, can we just move on?” I love you’s are nice only when you feel actual love from the person saying it. Apologies are only meaningful when someone is sincerely sorry and doesn’t want to hurt you the same way again. She’s tired of forgiving someone who seems to see more negative than positive in her. 

  • Love 11
6 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Can we talk about how absolutely nuts LVP looks when she walks in heels, it is time for her to wear lower heels, the teetering makes her look older.

That day comes for all women no matter how much they fight it. While she's got the sledgehammer out LVP is due for an overall style refresh. So many of her outfits lately are Little House on the Prairie school marm at the pie auction. She can do much much better.

  • Love 14
4 minutes ago, Double A said:

That day comes for all women no matter how much they fight it. While she's got the sledgehammer out LVP is due for an overall style refresh. So many of her outfits lately are Little House on the Prairie school marm at the pie auction. She can do much much better.

Oh yes.  LVP is wasting a great opportunity, because with the right makeover, including hair, makeup, clothes, etc.  she could really be a knockout.  Her style really dates her.  She just can't seem to let it go.  Too bad.  Maybe someday before too long.

And, what was that look that Kyle had going on at the table with other ladies.  That black hat...omg..it was like she was doing a Boy George impersonation! lol Sometimes, I wonder about her lack of taste too. 

  • Love 9
40 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

And, what was that look that Kyle had going on at the table with other ladies.  That black hat...omg..it was like she was doing a Boy George impersonation! lol Sometimes, I wonder about her lack of taste too. 

Kyle has always had terrible taste.  She favors mumus and caftans and batwing blouses that make her look wide even though she isn't big, wide or heavy.  She could look cute, but hot pink suits, hats, and batwing blouses are not her friend.  She needs a new stylist if she pays for one.

  • Love 19
8 hours ago, Kiki777 said:

I love the random things I learn on this forum - when Camille mentioned LVP having bad breath I only assumed it was because of cigarettes.

Yes, I forgot about cigarette breath!  Garlic is actually the worst.  I hate whenever someone comes in and either eats a meal with heavy garlic before coming in or takes garlic pills.  It reeks from the pores!  I can deal with almost anything, but garlic is one of the worst!  The odor from periodontal disease is actually very distinguishable from other smells.  Sorry to be gross, but it's all in a days work to me!  We get through it by saying something like "I pulled a lot of BBQ from that guy's teeth.  Ooh, BBQ sounds good for lunch!"   Some things you just laugh about or else you'd cry!!  

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Camille says mean mean things. That are super catty. I think what makes it worse is how she smirks and shrugs about it, like it's so casual, when she is making really hurtful comments. Her first season she made the cover of a ma for, "Most hated housewife" almost exactly for acting and making comments like she did about LPV and Dorit. Maybe it's a storyline, not sure.


  • Love 4
28 minutes ago, ChitChat said:

Yes, I forgot about cigarette breath!  Garlic is actually the worst.  I hate whenever someone comes in and either eats a meal with heavy garlic before coming in or takes garlic pills.  It reeks from the pores!  I can deal with almost anything, but garlic is one of the worst!  The odor from periodontal disease is actually very distinguishable from other smells.  Sorry to be gross, but it's all in a days work to me!  We get through it by saying something like "I pulled a lot of BBQ from that guy's teeth.  Ooh, BBQ sounds good for lunch!"   Some things you just laugh about or else you'd cry!!  

Sarah Ferguson was on a talk show (can't remember which one) and mentioned that champagne and cocktail shrimp give people horrible breath.

  • LOL 4
10 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Right. I appreciate Dorit trying to impress the seriousness of the high blood sugar levels to PK, but, she needs to get her facts straight about Type I and II. I'm Type I and cringe a little when the disease is misinterpreted. (Type II's don't convert into Type I's. And what you eat doesn't make you a Type I...anyway, she meant well, I suppose)  I'm not a Dorit fan at ALL, however, she may need some sympathy. If PK keeps going that way, she's going to be taking care of a disabled man with amputations, organ failure or dementia....or be a widow.  Constant blood sugars over 300! OMG. He is living on borrowed time. But, it's his choice. 

I had forgotten about the negative side of Camille, but, this sealed it for me.  Joking is fine, but, to make sport of someone's physical ailment, like dental problems is just cruel.  No amount of alcohol makes you delight in hurting a friend.  And, she knows that she's on tv and that LVP and the world would see it.  That takes a special kind of mean, imo.  I'm not sure if she was trying to impress Andy or not, but, she sure showed her true colors.  I have ZERO use for her and she's now in the same category as a certain former HW with initials BG...

It sounds like Bravo needs to have a crawl at the bottom of the screen that says:

Pay no attention to Dorit.  She has no clue about diabetes and is actively making America dumber every time she opens her mouth on the subject.

Dorit is the Jenny McCarthy of diabetes!

brian george no GIF
Edited by dosodog
Jenny McCarthy. Plague Enthusiast!
  • LOL 5
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11 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Right. I appreciate Dorit trying to impress the seriousness of the high blood sugar levels to PK, but, she needs to get her facts straight about Type I and II. I'm Type I and cringe a little when the disease is misinterpreted. (Type II's don't convert into Type I's. And what you eat doesn't make you a Type I...anyway, she meant well, I suppose)  I'm not a Dorit fan at ALL, however, she may need some sympathy. If PK keeps going that way, she's going to be taking care of a disabled man with amputations, organ failure or dementia....or be a widow.  Constant blood sugars over 300! OMG. He is living on borrowed time. But, it's his choice. 

The only thing I can think of is that maybe the doctor told PK he'd need insulin shots rather than oral meds, so then Dorit thought that only those with Type 1 diabetes have to inject insulin so that would automatically make PK a Type 1.   I've known a few people with Type 2 diabetes who had to take insulin shots, but it didn't make them a Type 1 of course.  I think she needs to further educate herself on the differences of the disease.  I just hope PK understands that he can't eat everything he wants to and expect that insulin will cover it, sugar & carbs be damned.  

SunnyBeBe, my brother has Type 1 diabetes so I understand the daily struggle with the highs and lows of it.  My jaw hit the floor when Dorit said his blood sugar was 318.  I'm surprised that he seemed to be feeling so good.  When my brother's goes up (not that high, but a little bit,) he doesn't feel well at all, and we can tell.  I sure hope PK will take this seriously.   

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10 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

 They’re the two OG’s left. Lisa is the fan favorite, but Kyle is the one who gets along best with other cast members.


 I love that Kyle is so forgiving and doesn’t expect perfection from people. That’s probably why she has so many friends and can get along with cast members better. But I wish she’d learn that you can’t just say whatever happens to be your honest opinion, throw in I love you, and it will all be okay. Did she expect Lisa to admit to something she didn’t do? I don’t know what she thought would happen when she went to their house. 


I wish Kyle told the other ladies, “I don’t know how this story got out. Sure, someone accused her of selling stories years ago, but there’s never been any proof. Your guess is as good as mine.” She didn’t have to say there was no way Lisa or her camp has anything to do with it if there was any doubt in her mind, and she would have still remained honest. 

I think that Kyle is part of the reason the others don't get along as well with Lisa, though, as she tends to push that LVP is her BFF but that she is a puppet master, which is kind of a weird stance.  I also think she does expect quite a lot from LVP, in that she is constantly demanding that LVP affirm her love for her, that she show she's a higher priority friend than Dorit, and that she have Kyle's back ALL the time, no matter what Kyle did or said.  But, when push comes to shove, she doesn't return the favor.

Even if she didn't want to jump in and totally defend LVP, she could have just said, look, she's my friend. I don't know what happened here, but she is my friend and I'm staying out of it.  I get that you're upset and I know you think she did it, and I'm sorry this is happening, but I don't want to be in the middle of this.  And then LEAVE. 

8 hours ago, izabella said:

Kyle has always had terrible taste.  She favors mumus and caftans and batwing blouses that make her look wide even though she isn't big, wide or heavy.  She could look cute, but hot pink suits, hats, and batwing blouses are not her friend.  She needs a new stylist if she pays for one.

Kyle somehow manages to wear old lady looking clothes and then also every single trend that comes along at the same time.  She would be much better off figuring out what flatters her and sticking to it, rather than hopping on every bandwagon and dressing like she's her daughters.  Also, she probably should lean away from her own instincts, because I suspect she is dressing in what she feels is a good look, which isn't really working well.  

4 hours ago, ChitChat said:

Yes, I forgot about cigarette breath!  Garlic is actually the worst.  I hate whenever someone comes in and either eats a meal with heavy garlic before coming in or takes garlic pills.  It reeks from the pores!  I can deal with almost anything, but garlic is one of the worst!  

I will never forget the time I was traveling for work and then came home after my husband had gone to bed.  He'd evidently decided that it was a good idea to eat a bunch of garlic toast with whatever  he'd had for dinner and when I opened the bedroom door it was WHAM! Wall of garlic! 

  • Love 15
18 hours ago, AttackTurtle said:

Love her or hate her, Bethenny on WWHL in her way summed up how dumb this take down of LVP is.  She claims that she’s texted Rinna and Kyle about the LVP feud and she told Rinna, if you’re going to do this, you better make sure “she’s dead...like nothing moving” and then she said, “and she ain’t dead.” Basically, don’t risk losing your job to do this, because if you fail, it’s not going to end well for you.

I think Andy favors Kyle as well, but favoring Kyle doesn’t mean he believes the show works without LVP.  Kyle brings house porn, a beautiful family, but she’s not smart/witty/funny and does not have the following of LVP.  He wants them both and I think he’s going to bend over backwards to get them to make nice.

NY could lose a person and it would survive (the fact that Ramona has always been on the show is just incredible...the one constant).  I’m already checked out of BH, knowing LVP is not going to be involved.

Bethenny did give great insight and she was right to do that. Before the season premiered despite all this leak talk, LVP was damn near silent. The other women were gleeful about how they were taking her down and knew the audience would be on their side. Week after week as that hasn’t been the case they’ve gotten more and more outrageous on social media trying to build a cast. More than anyone I feel Lisa Rinna is in trouble because she has no clear storyline beyond pushing this. She also doesn’t have a close friendship where her exit would be glaring. The biggest problem for her is that she publicly threatened to sue Bravo if LVP is given a Vanderpump Dogs spin-off. You can’t tell me they’ll take lightly to a HW threatened that in public. 

With that said, Camille really disappointed me after a string of fabulous seasons. Had it been a regular season that could be passed as a funny joke, but considering the entire cast is piling up on LVP it just felt low. I really appreciated that Denise used her own judgement and didn’t join in on the pile up. What I will say felt false were all the well wishes Teddi and Rinna kept giving when you know they were happy to run her off. Now that she’s gone they want the appearance they’re sad and hope she has time to heal? Girl bye!

I will say I’m happy from the promos it appears she truly is staying on, just not filming with the majority of the cast. I know for sure she has scenes with Dorit coming up because it was in the trailer and it wouldn’t be crazy to expect more scenes with Denise or Camille. I also wonder if the Vegas opening was filmed for this season or if they’ll throw that on Vanderpump Rules next year. 

  • Love 15
22 hours ago, AttackTurtle said:

Love her or hate her, Bethenny on WWHL in her way summed up how dumb this take down of LVP is.  She claims that she’s texted Rinna and Kyle about the LVP feud and she told Rinna, if you’re going to do this, you better make sure “she’s dead...like nothing moving” and then she said, “and she ain’t dead.” Basically, don’t risk losing your job to do this, because if you fail, it’s not going to end well for you.

I think Andy favors Kyle as well, but favoring Kyle doesn’t mean he believes the show works without LVP.  Kyle brings house porn, a beautiful family, but she’s not smart/witty/funny and does not have the following of LVP.  He wants them both and I think he’s going to bend over backwards to get them to make nice.

NY could lose a person and it would survive (the fact that Ramona has always been on the show is just incredible...the one constant).  I’m already checked out of BH, knowing LVP is not going to be involved.

I think Bethenny clarified that she didn't mean that the women plotted ahead of time to take down LVP. She said she's great friends with Rinna and of course Kyle and she said that her comments weren't supposed to insinuate that the women were conspiring to take down LVP, she was giving her friend advice that if she's going to go up against LVP, LVP won't go away quietly and she will fight back with every bit of strength she's got. Maybe she was warning Rinna that if the women think they can simply band together and make a united claim against LVP won't be enough to keep her down.  

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, RHJunkie said:

I think Bethenny clarified that she didn't mean that the women plotted ahead of time to take down LVP. She said she's great friends with Rinna and of course Kyle and she said that her comments weren't supposed to insinuate that the women were conspiring to take down LVP, she was giving her friend advice that if she's going to go up against LVP, LVP won't go away quietly and she will fight back with every bit of strength she's got. Maybe she was warning Rinna that if the women think they can simply band together and make a united claim against LVP won't be enough to keep her down.  

I didn’t feel that Bethenny was confirming that they plotted the takedown (which sorry B, it is absolutely a takedown.  And I do believe Rinna and Erika have been dying for an opportunity)but I do think that since the episodes have aired, that Bethenny is aware, like everyone, that the cast is doubling down on their attacks on LVP.   Bethenny knows from her experience with Jill just how much these feuds (takedowns) can backfire.  Jill only made it to Season 4 because B skipped it.   And as much as I like Bethenny, I think LVP’s fan base is bigger than B’s.  

I think Rinna, Dorit, and Teddi are all very expendable.  Personally, I think Teddy is handling the social media attacks the worst and I can see her quitting.  Erika will stay.  

  • Love 11
On 4/10/2019 at 4:37 PM, KungFuBunny said:

However, I did notice Kyle's crooked teeth and it was during the reunion my Blue Bunny Brethren appeared.

It was the scene where the bunny came out and Kyle was trying to stuff her hand into her mouth to keep from laughing 


Oh, that's hilarious! I never could quite figure out what her expression was. I thought she was shocked and embarrassed. But seeing it in a loop like this, it's obvious she is practically chewing her hand off to disguise her laughter.

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Maybe, it wouldn't be appropriate, but, considering how many people who are now diabetic, I would appreciate a segment on the show, where PK goes to an Endocrinologist and gets some accurate and concise information about the disease, so he can get his act together. (Most smoothies are not diabetic friendly.) While he is Type II, they can briefly explain the differences from Type I.  Both can need insulin, though.  It is complicated and I suppose Dorit just spoke without thinking.  And as ChitChat said above, (if your brother is Type I, you know. I've just started new pump Medtronic 670G dubbed the artificial pancreas. lol) having high blood sugar levels can make you feel horrible.  Does PK know this?  PK should be taking this seriously.  And, I'm not trying to be funny, but, extended high blood sugar levels can cause cognitive decline.  I've seen that happen with a family member who kept ignoring it. (Along with hypertension.)  It brings tears to my eyes when I think of what happened to this person.  So, at a certain point, the person's brain is incapable of processing their condition and how to treat it. So sad. 

For all the angst I had for Dorit, I"m starting to soften, because, what she has on her plate with PK....it's serious and not likely to end well. Rant over.  lol  Of course, I still don't side with her on any of the puppy gate. lol 

  • Love 3
2 minutes ago, renatae said:

Oh, that's hilarious! I never could quite figure out what her expression was. I thought she was shocked and embarrassed. But seeing it in a loop like this, it's obvious she is practically chewing her hand off to disguise her laughter.

I think another poster mentioned her hair at dinner with Mauricio and the cheese wheel.

I think it's a product called Topik or something that does the same job, the lighting showed it. It hides the bald/thinning patches on the scalp. In the GIF I posted, her hair person - hid the spots by teasing notice how the part is not straight but 2 chunks of hair that cross over?

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15 hours ago, smores said:

I think that Kyle is part of the reason the others don't get along as well with Lisa, though, as she tends to push that LVP is her BFF but that she is a puppet master, which is kind of a weird stance.  I also think she does expect quite a lot from LVP, in that she is constantly demanding that LVP affirm her love for her, that she show she's a higher priority friend than Dorit, and that she have Kyle's back ALL the time, no matter what Kyle did or said.  But, when push comes to shove, she doesn't return the favor.

Even if she didn't want to jump in and totally defend LVP, she could have just said, look, she's my friend. I don't know what happened here, but she is my friend and I'm staying out of it.  I get that you're upset and I know you think she did it, and I'm sorry this is happening, but I don't want to be in the middle of this.  And then LEAVE. 

I agree what Kyle’s said about Lisa probably doesn’t help. It is also definitely a weird thing to call a BFF a manipulative chess player. But so many other housewives have said negative things about Lisa. So the women’s attitude toward her may be different if other cast members didn’t also feel manipulated or whatever. I think Kyle feels like she’s held to a higher standard with Lisa, and that’s what frustrates her. I agree that Lisa seems more loyal when you’re on good terms with her. I even remember when Kyle and the others were questioning Taylor about her abuse and her knowledge of the letter Russell sent Camille. Lisa said “this is your friend,” wondering why Kyle was questioning Taylor. She was also one of the few (maybe only) who gave Taylor benefit of the doubt she had no knowledge of the letter Russell sent Camille. It seems Kyle values honesty more, but Lisa is more about loyalty.

Sometimes I see Kyle’s side, but sometimes I see more Lisa’s. I really wish Kyle had shown more sensitivity and loyalty to Lisa this particular season. I’m honestly kind of surprised because Kyle seems like a super sensitive person. 

And I completely agree with the second part, that’s pretty similar to the way I said I wish Kyle handled it too. I think both honesty and loyalty are important. I’ve been in the middle with friends before, and it isn’t a comfortable position to be in. (And in Kyle’s defense, it seems like she’s the one always stuck between two close friends. Like when Lisa wanted Kyle to back her up with Faye. The times Lisa’s backed Kyle up have been against people like Camille or whoever is new on the show, women she’s not exactly besties with. I don’t recall a Kyle vs Mohamed situation for example.) But Kyle still didn’t need to add to all the crap Lisa’s already getting from the group. 

Edited by RealHousewife
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Why would Bethenny say, "But as I said to Lisa (Rinna) by text, (and I don't know all the backstory, because it's intense and there is a lot of backstory) if you're going to take a shot at that V, you'd better not miss..."

It came off to me like she's saying, "Hey Rinna, I warned you about this..." (in advance). That's my takeaway anyway.

Viewers responded that they saw this as proof that there was a plan and Bethenny has denied that, with several tweets. (I just looked again this morning and she appears to have removed one, as I recall there being something about her knowing (as/for a) FACT that Rinna and Kyle didn't plant the story. I remember it because she said it like this: FACT. And it made me wonder how she'd know anything about this story as fact if someone, somewhere didn't tell her something they knew for sure.)  

Bethenny says in a tweet:

Furthermore, any “takedown” accusations are absurd. Sometimes, a group gets fatigued from a castmates’ actions & communicates on & off camera. @KyleRichards is real friends with @LisaVanderpump & I was expressing that LVP is not one to take that lying down.

<Tilting head sideways, scrunching up nose>

Isn't Lisa's alleged nine year run of chess playing and behind the scenes manipulations an accepted fact amongst the cast? I mean, that's all they are talking about this year. So, some HWs plot and scheme, but the idea that others might is "absurd"? Especially those who are fatigued by a castmate's actions? Come on, now.

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4 hours ago, AttackTurtle said:

I didn’t feel that Bethenny was confirming that they plotted the takedown (which sorry B, it is absolutely a takedown.  And I do believe Rinna and Erika have been dying for an opportunity)but I do think that since the episodes have aired, that Bethenny is aware, like everyone, that the cast is doubling down on their attacks on LVP.   Bethenny knows from her experience with Jill just how much these feuds (takedowns) can backfire.  Jill only made it to Season 4 because B skipped it.   And as much as I like Bethenny, I think LVP’s fan base is bigger than B’s.  

I think Rinna, Dorit, and Teddi are all very expendable.  Personally, I think Teddy is handling the social media attacks the worst and I can see her quitting.  Erika will stay.  

It seems there were enough people that felt that she was admitted that the women were attempting a pre-orchestrated takedown, hence, her additional comments clarifying. I hadn't even heard what she said on WHHL until I was lazily scrolling IG and saw a gossip write up on it with her most recent comments about it. I think how you've interpreted it makes a lot of sense. She's trying to warn the people she's close to on the BH case to be careful how you tread because it could backfire big time so if you're going to pursue and double down, make sure you don't miss your shot otherwise there may be repercussions. I don't recall seeing Bethenny pipe up about what's happening with other franchises and she also put out a social media statement about the reality TV world is a minutia and that while it survives off the backs of the viewers, it shouldn't be taken so seriously. Sounds like she's trying to subtly defend her friends and the backlash they're receiving right now.

I'm sure they must be getting support too and LVP must be getting some backlash herself by those who believe that she's a snake and is getting what she deserves but from my general observations, it  seem like the court of public opinion is in LVP's favour.

Edited by RHJunkie
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When was Bethy doing all this texting with Kyle?  Before or during the takedown plot?  Because it sounds like Bethy was aware there was a takedown planned or in progress.  If it were after the season started airing, then I suppose it's possible she was just telling them how to behave now after their on-camera takedown plot garnered bad publicity for the conspirators and manipulators.

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12 minutes ago, RHJunkie said:

It seems there were enough people that felt that she was admitted that the women were attempting a pre-orchestrated takedown, hence, her additional comments clarifying. I hadn't even heard what she said on WHHL until I was lazily scrolling IG and saw a gossip write up on it with her most recent comments about it. I think how you've interpreted it makes a lot of sense. She's trying to warn the people she's close to on the BH case to be careful how you tread because it could backfire big time so if you're going to pursue and double down, make sure you don't miss your shot otherwise there may be repercussions. I don't recall seeing Bethenny pipe up about what's happening with other franchises and she also put out a social media statement about the reality TV world is a minutia and that while it survives off the backs of the viewers, it shouldn't be taken so seriously. Sounds like she's trying to subtly defend her friends and the backlash they're receiving right now.

I'm sure they must be getting support too and LVP must be getting some backlash herself by those who believe that she's a snake and is getting what she deserves but from my general observations, it doesn't seem like the court of public opinion is in LVP's favour.

Isn’t in Lisa’s favor?

2 hours ago, Jel said:

Viewers responded that they saw this as proof that there was a plan and Bethenny has denied that, with several tweets. (I just looked again this morning and she appears to have removed one, as I recall there being something about her knowing (as/for a) FACT that Rinna and Kyle didn't plant the story. I remember it because she said it like this: FACT. And it made me wonder how she'd know anything about this story as fact if someone, somewhere didn't tell her something they knew for sure.)  

Bethenny says in a tweet:

Furthermore, any “takedown” accusations are absurd. Sometimes, a group gets fatigued from a castmates’ actions & communicates on & off camera. @KyleRichards is real friends with @LisaVanderpump & I was expressing that LVP is not one to take that lying down.

Backpedal backpedal.

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3 hours ago, JAYJAY1979 said:

eason 1 of this series is the template...organic drama, real life drama in their personal lives, no group gatherings, and when in their day to day lives not rehashing drama

You are so right. None of the housewives shows are organic any more - it’s all manufactured- that’s why RHOBH, RHOA, RHONJ, have not been enjoyable for the last few years. Nothing is organic anymore in these shows - it’s manufactured drama over stupid things ad nauseum.

Mexican Dyansties is so enjoyable because it’s not fake - just fabulous rich  people with amazing lives and real relationships. And normal drama. 

Bravo (Satan Andy) lost their way with the real housewives franchise.

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Honestly BH really has to dwell on petty shit because they don’t have a whole lot else to complain about.  Dorit is not going to cop to her major financial issues.  The only real drama on BH so far (Camilles house still has to burn down) is the fact that LVP’s brother recently killed himself, which is why the decision to go for her feels really gross to many.

NY has some genuine issues and they don’t hide them.  Luanne was in rehab, Bethenny’s on/off died, Sonja is still delusional about her current social standing, Tinsley’s desire to have a baby seems to be more and more unlikely, etc...

Meanwhile on BH, we have puppygate....a storyline in which someone did something terrible to an animal and a “friend” and yet somehow is a “victim@.

  • Love 15
11 minutes ago, AttackTurtle said:

Honestly BH really has to dwell on petty shit because they don’t have a whole lot else to complain about.  Dorit is not going to cop to her major financial issues.  The only real drama on BH so far (Camilles house still has to burn down) is the fact that LVP’s brother recently killed himself, which is why the decision to go for her feels really gross to many.

NY has some genuine issues and they don’t hide them.  Luanne was in rehab, Bethenny’s on/off died, Sonja is still delusional about her current social standing, Tinsley’s desire to have a baby seems to be more and more unlikely, etc...

Meanwhile on BH, we have puppygate....a storyline in which someone did something terrible to an animal and a “friend” and yet somehow is a “victim@.

Exactly. We have puppygate because the RHOBH cast is creating a drama to cover the actual drama that is occurring in their lives (i.e. - Erika's husband getting sued, Kyle's husband getting sued, Dorit & PK's financial problems and getting sued). Why is it that NY can be honest and deal with their issues, but BH has to manufacture a dumbass story about who tattled on Dorit? These ladies are obsessed with LVP, so I wouldn't be surprised if they try to pin the Kennedy assassination on LVP next. 

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19 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Maybe, it wouldn't be appropriate, but, considering how many people who are now diabetic, I would appreciate a segment on the show, where PK goes to an Endocrinologist and gets some accurate and concise information about the disease, so he can get his act together. (Most smoothies are not diabetic friendly.) While he is Type II, they can briefly explain the differences from Type I.  Both can need insulin, though.  It is complicated and I suppose Dorit just spoke without thinking.  And as ChitChat said above, (if your brother is Type I, you know. I've just started new pump Medtronic 670G dubbed the artificial pancreas. lol) having high blood sugar levels can make you feel horrible.  Does PK know this?  PK should be taking this seriously.  And, I'm not trying to be funny, but, extended high blood sugar levels can cause cognitive decline.  I've seen that happen with a family member who kept ignoring it. (Along with hypertension.)  It brings tears to my eyes when I think of what happened to this person.  So, at a certain point, the person's brain is incapable of processing their condition and how to treat it. So sad. 

For all the angst I had for Dorit, I"m starting to soften, because, what she has on her plate with PK....it's serious and not likely to end well. Rant over.  lol  Of course, I still don't side with her on any of the puppy gate. lol 

Exactly. PK will die a slow horrible death with Blood Glucose levels at that level. It's the worst.

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I wonder why Bethenny deleted this tweet, (deleted by Bethenny, but saved by People) where she says:

“I was on @BravoWWHL last PM & @andy asked me about the “dog”. I’m real friends with @lisarinna bc she shoots straight no chase. I text her & my friend @kylerichards all the time & FACT, they had ZERO to do with any items leaked. That much i know,” the Real Housewives of New York City star wrote on Thursday.

  • Love 6
59 minutes ago, Jel said:

I’m real friends with @lisarinna bc she shoots straight no chase. I text her & my friend @kylerichards all the time & FACT, they had ZERO to do with any items leaked. That much i know,” the Real Housewives of New York City star wrote on Thursday.

Actually, Lisa Rinna spews bullshit from her mouth with no regrets!  I'm sure Rinna truly believes the crap she puts out there.  I'm surprised Bethenny is getting in the middle of this.  

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3 hours ago, Jel said:

I wonder why Bethenny deleted this tweet, (deleted by Bethenny, but saved by People) where she says:

“I was on @BravoWWHL last PM & @andy asked me about the “dog”. I’m real friends with @lisarinna bc she shoots straight no chase. I text her & my friend @kylerichards all the time & FACT, they had ZERO to do with any items leaked. That much i know,” the Real Housewives of New York City star wrote on Thursday.

The only way she could know for a "FACT" that they didn't do it, would be because she knows who did. Right? Maybe she sold the story,..and why is she even involved? It just gets more and more convoluted.

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38 minutes ago, SweetieDarling said:

The only way she could know for a "FACT" that they didn't do it, would be because she knows who did. Right? Maybe she sold the story,..and why is she even involved? It just gets more and more convoluted.

I think she's talking out of her ass because she has to be involved in everything.

My money is on Rinna as the leaker.

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1 hour ago, Rosiejuliemom said:

I think she's talking out of her ass because she has to be involved in everything.

As she usually does.  😉  Bethenny also thinks that everything she says is the gospel truth.  *eyeroll*

On 4/12/2019 at 8:55 AM, SunnyBeBe said:

I've just started new pump Medtronic 670G dubbed the artificial pancreas. lol)

That's great, SunnyBeBe!  They've come a long way with insulin pumps over the years.  I'm raising my glass of unsweet tea in a toast to your health!  I sure hope that PK will make an effort to help himself.  Maybe Dorit has been trying to help all along and we just never knew about it, but it sure makes it tough on her if he won't take it seriously.  

Edited by ChitChat
Wrong name on the HW.
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15 minutes ago, ChitChat said:

Maybe Dorinda has been trying to help all along and we just never knew about it, but it sure makes it tough on her if he won't take it seriously. 

I find it easier to believe that Dorinda has been trying to help than that Dorit has.  (Forgive me, it was irresistible.)  🍰

Bethenny famously said when she was called a know-it-all that maybe it's because she does know it all.  She was being sarcastic, but I suspect that's really what she thinks.

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6 minutes ago, Mondrianyone said:

I find it easier to believe that Dorinda has been trying to help than that Dorit has.  (Forgive me, it was irresistible.) 

Ha ha!  I caught my error before I read your post!  It's good that we have each other on here to keep us straight on which show we're commenting on.  😉   I think Dorinda would whip PK's ass in shape.  

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