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S15.E20: The Whole Package

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Owen and Teddy have to deal with the surprise arrival of Megan Hunt, who knows nothing about their situation. Catherine preps for her first surgery back on a war veteran who's not emotionally prepared for his procedure. Meredith worries about DeLuca operating alone with Richard.


Original Canadian air date: 4/3/19
Original U.S. air date 4/4/19

I liked that Alex went to Linc to see if he could help Jo.  A good partner.

Shut up, Megan. Shut up, shut up, shut up. When someone decides that two people need to be together and spends her time pushing them together, it creeps me out. Also, Teddy is happy with Korachik; don't screw that up.

RH null really is called golden blood. I like it when Grey's teaches me something about medicine, although there are apparently 8 donors in the world right now. I don't understand why they didn't treat the hemophilia and then start banking his blood.

  • Love 12

I wonder if Jo is now going to suffer from a problem with alcohol?  

Also liked that Alex asked Linc for help.  It's the mature thing to do.  Also laughed at Bailey realizing that Alex did some things better than she did as chief.

Hated Owen's sister throwing him at Teddy, but the confrontation at the end was pretty great when she told him he clearly has a lot of crap to sort out and needs therapy.

The thing with Bailey and the students was mildly amusing but also a cheap way to get laughs.

  • Love 15

Everything about Megan, Owen, and Teddy bothered me this episode. I feel like Megan is supposed to be this audience insert, but the entire time it feels like she doesn't really understand what's going on and her pushiness and the way Owen and Teddy react, just bothers me. It felt weird that teddy seemed fine to let Megan yell at Owen as if Teddy has no agency in this and is too agreeable to do it herself (she's not). Then we go to my frustration with Teddy. Her character motivation this season is either willfully being ignored because they know it ruins her character or they just forgot that the characters on this show should have a consistent motivation. This is Teddy's third (or fourth?) time mentioning that she thinks she's going to be a terrible mother, but we have no idea why. And Teddy is just now looking to get a house despite the fact that she took a job in Seattle months ago, and before that had already quit her job to fly to Seattle with the idea that her child should be raised near the father. It's just absurd that she's just now settling into a more permanent housing situation all under the guise that she can't rent a place. And then the kicker for me is that the only concern Teddy voices about living with Owen, is not wanting to step into Amelia's role and not any of the other million red flags she should have about being with Owen. And of course we learn here that Teddy seems to think she would step into a romantic thing with Owen if they lived together, so maybe she shouldn't be with Tom.

And then Owen, I know learning from past experiences isn't Owen's thing, but he should stop asking women to live with him without actually having a proper conversation about boundaries and how that would impact their currently platonic, but once romantic relationship. I'm not totally sure what to make of the conversation he had with the soldier other than the set up for PTSD counseling, but it definitely made me wonder more about how Owen viewed Cristina when he first came back. And I'm a little worried that Owen's PTSD is going to be his version of a brain tumor that can excuse away any and all bad behavior. I feel like they are already just lumping a lot of his life choices together instead of exploring the motivations behind those actions. I personally think he's not proactive about what he wants in life. He just seems to gravitate toward whatever woman is most available. He completely fails to think about the long term consequences of actions. He doesn't set expectations clearly enough. He could stand to be less rigid about how things should be done. Maybe the therapist will address those things, but I'm just worried they won't actually delve into the real problems there and it will all just be him self sabotaging his chance with Teddy.

I can't believe that Meredith's storyline this episode was worrying about Deluca. This is how many episodes in a row now where Meredith's focus is on how Deluca is doing. And this sudden push to give Deluca a personality is only make me like him less. I know at GSMH, it's seen as a good thing when a resident fights their superior, but all I see is someone who thinks they are too good to follow the rules (like Cristina). I've seen a lot of people say they like the idea of Merluca as a fling, but every episode just seems to confirm that they are trying to make them more than that.

Bailey is the worst, and everything about her this episode bothered me so much. It's her first day back and she's upset that Alex wanted to wear a suit and immediately assumes he messed up because she can't find the reports she was looking for. And then again assumed Alex messed up and yells at him. And then at the end of the episode a bunch of young girls are so impressed with her and all of the women when she was actually being a terrible chief all day. Alex delegating work is cute, but I really don't think it's appropriate for surgical interns to do admin work for the chief. I'm also really tired of Bailey acknowledging Alex' success privately while being an asshole to him. I'm not sure where all of this supposed to go for either character, but I do hope it actually goes somewhere. Bailey hasn't been a very compelling character as chief and it'd be nice to see her do something new. And Alex needs to have gotten something out of this experience.

Any particular reason why Jackson and Mer are just now realizing the role Richard has played in their lives? The dialogue felt super forced, like the writers talking about the relationship, and not the characters.

And Jo... I feel like this is this season's version of April's crisis of faith storyline, but I'm just really struggling to connect with Jo's feelings, whereas I had no problem with April's despite not being religious at all. I already struggle to relate to Jo's entire backstory, but I just really don't understand what exactly she is feeling. I think the runner monologue was supposed to reveal some of that, but it just feels like a forced way for Jo's life to parallel her moms. I also don't really care for Jo and Link as friends. They expositioning a really close relationship, but it just doesn't ring true for me. But it is nice to see people looking out for Jo (*cough cough*, unlike what we saw for April).

Side Notes:

  •  Mer being bubbly with Megan seems weird for Mer
  • I wish I could go to therapy as often as Megan does
  • Megan really annoyed me in this episode
  • I wish my hair looked as good as Jo's after laying bed for a week
  • They used the word penis maybe 3 times too many in this episode
  • I hope we can properly address Jackson's need for recognition soon
  • Love 17
37 minutes ago, fakesnakesablaze said:

And I'm a little worried that Owen's PTSD is going to be his version of a brain tumor that can excuse away any and all bad behavior. I feel like they are already just lumping a lot of his life choices together instead of exploring the motivations behind those actions.

That was my first thought as well. I'm sure Owen doing therapy is how his terrible behaviour will be excused, just like Amelia (whose behaviour was more annoying than terrible, though). You can clearly tell who the writers' favs are. This entire season Owen and Amelia are freaking EVERYWHERE. Where was Alex's therapy after beating a guy to the hospital? It wasn't even brought up. Instead the story was just dropped and went nowhere. Alex would have certainly benefitted from counseling. He clearly has some things to work through. But who cares about that if you can use Alex's violent tendencies for shock value every now and then?

I don't know what to make of Jo's story so far. The scenes this episode were okay, but I just hope all this leads to something. I hope Jo's words about being a runner are an indicator that it will be addressed how she's running from Alex too, even if it's more in a metaphorical way. But she's kept so many secrets from Alex and keeps shutting him out about important things in her life and it's honestly too much at this point. And I don't like that Alex just has to accept it.

Edited by GSMHvisitor
  • Love 8

I liked that Alex confided in Link. It probably would've been "the sun" if Meredith wasn't so busy propping Deloser, but Link is the better choice because they're old friends. And I like the idea that maybe Alex and Link could be friends one day, too

Owen + therapy is nothing new. This will be the third or fourth time we see him in therapy. And they said April's story had run its course? 

Tom Koracick should've been courting Meredith, who after 14+ seasons has been done a disservice being reduced to this mess with Andrew.  Tptb have been trying way too hard to make him her perfect match all season when there are far better options. He's the type of character that works best sparingly, and for good reason (see: the past three seasons). No amount of screen time or Maggie's blessing or Richard's stamp of approval or sudden medical prowess will convince me that he's a leading man. Krista and the writers' obsession with the Italian makes me dislike him. Meredith is better than this, or at least she used to be. 

  • LOL 1
  • Love 14

I’m going to do something I never thought I would do.  I’m going to make a large part of my Grey’s Anatomy episode commentary about Jo.  For me, Jo has never been one of my favorite characters and I have often felt guilty about it.  I mean she was a character designed to pull your heartstrings.  She almost never pulls mine mainly she pulls my annoyance strings.   This episode was the same.  I was annoyed because she should tell Alex what happened but she didn’t and  worse she’s lying and he knows it.  She’s lying in bed depressed, drinking and pushing everyone way including Linc. He comes over and she’s pretty awful, then she confides in a him a little then pulls away. Then miraculously she gets me.  She starts talking about how when the first guy told her he loved her she literally couldn’t look at him because she felt so much shame because why would  he would love her she broke up with him and left him town.  She says it happens to the second guy that told her he loved her as well. And just when I start to see Jo, she says I’m a runner I’ve always been a runner.  My mom was a runner too.  She says she can’t be in a room with me even though she loves me.  AND that’s when she lost me hard.  Jo your mother isn’t a runner she’s a rape victim.  Her being pregnant wasn’t a CHOICE.  A lot of women wouldn’t want to raise their rapist’s child.  The fact that she absolutely refuses to characterize her mother’s rape and her lack of choices is infuriating.   It reminded me of the Stephanie situation.  Jo’s jealous and needed a reason Stephanie is excelling and she’s not so she decides Stephanie is making up her childhood illness which is crazy and let’s face it sort of racist (not the making up the illness but the assumption that Jo should be better than Stephanie and there must be a reason why she isn’t).  I want to think the Grey’s Anatomy is making a commentary on victims and how they don’t have to be perfect to be victims but I don’t give them this much credit.   It’s really difficult to feel sorry for someone who is such a JERK. Jo needs therapy and she needs to start viewing other people and their experiences outside of her own self pity.  

Megan Hunt is back.  Shonda must have wanted to ask about the royal wedding because God knows why she’s here.  She mostly meddles and tries to push Owen back with Teddy which is a NO.

Then there’s this whole side plot on Richard giving Deluca a surgery.  Meredith and Deluca both think it’s some sort of a test like because Richard is like her father. I want to tell both Meredith and Deluca not to flatter themselves no one including Richard cares about this relationship.  

Then there is another plot about Catherine doing a penis transplant.  A little while into it Catherine decides she doesn’t want to do the transplant because the person she’s doing it for doesn’t have a support system.  This plot seriously annoyed me as well because there are people who are alone and are they not allowed to have surgeries.  I mean if your health is in jeopardy do you need to get some friends and a spouse so you can have surgery. Catherine people can buy a support system it’s called hiring a nurse.  

Edited by dmc
  • Love 20

Ahhhh, Alex, you remind me of something my 2nd favorite teacher in high school used to say, "You can take the boy out of high school, but you can't take high school out of the boy."


Just like the episode with the party at Jackson's apartment, Alex sitting on the couch cramming as much food in his maw as possible not really listening to Jackson drone on and on and on about money and HEY!!!!! YOU HAVE A PING PONG TABLE?!?!! SWEET!!!

  • Love 3

Oh God, I see where this is going. Owen is going to get therapy and it will magically solve all of his issues in one afternoon, he'll have an epiphany about always being in love with Teddy and she'll love him again and they'll get together, and I HATE it already. Hate hate hate.

GSMH must be a haunted place that makes every adult that enters its premises act like they're 13. Megan Hunt was the latest unfortunate victim. I really wanted to slap her hard when she went all Phoebe-stanning-for-Rachel-and-Ross-to-reunite, multiplied-by-700 on us. Just shut the hell up, lady. You don't know anything about the situation.

DeLuca gets Richard Webber's Seal of Approvement. What a shocking development no one could see coming.

So, Alex did a better job than Bailey and Richard by... not actually doing the job and having someone else do it for him instead? K then. And how did those interns even know how to do whatever it is they were doing and why were they dealing with some bureaucratic crap instead of learning about medical procedures? And why does Bailey think it's some kind of a genius move? I don't get it.

What else I don't get: Jo. Her story still makes no sense. "My mother is a runner and she can't be in the same room with me even though she says she loves me". Like, what? 1) When did she say that? and 2) THAT is what you took from that entire conversation with her? Seriously? I get that she's deeply shaken and that her mind is a mess, but that's actually being detached from reality in a "you need to get on meds NOW" kind of way. I'm not sure it was supposed to play out like that.

Oh, and "My baby brought me a penis" is not a thing someone would say and the "Catherine Fox Award" will always be ridiculous. 

  • Love 18
14 minutes ago, Joana said:

Oh God, I see where this is going. Owen is going to get therapy and it will magically solve all of his issues in one afternoon, he'll have an epiphany about always being in love with Teddy and she'll love him again and they'll get together, and I HATE it already. Hate hate hate.

GSMH must be a haunted place that makes every adult that enters its premises act like they're 13. Megan Hunt was the latest unfortunate victim. I really wanted to slap her hard when she went all Phoebe-stanning-for-Rachel-and-Ross-to-reunite, multiplied-by-700 on us. Just shut the hell up, lady. You don't know anything about the situation.

DeLuca gets Richard Webber's Seal of Approvement. What a shocking development no one could see coming.

So, Alex did a better job than Bailey and Richard by... not actually doing the job and having someone else do it for him instead? K then. And how did those interns even know how to do whatever it is they were doing and why were they dealing with some bureaucratic crap instead of learning about medical procedures? And why does Bailey think it's some kind of a genius move? I don't get it.

What else I don't get: Jo. Her story still makes no sense. "My mother is a runner and she can't be in the same room with me even though she says she loves me". Like, what? 1) When did she say that? and 2) THAT is what you took from that entire conversation with her? Seriously? I get that she's deeply shaken and that her mind is a mess, but that's actually being detached from reality in a "you need to get on meds NOW" kind of way. I'm not sure it was supposed to play out like that.

Oh, and "My baby brought me a penis" is not a thing someone would say and the "Catherine Fox Award" will always be ridiculous. 

Thank you,  how did Jo get that from what her mother said? I was like oh jo is finally realizing her issues then that WHAT

  • Love 7

I’m beyond done with the oedipus vibe between Catherine/Debbie Allen and jackson/Jesse Williams. The penis joke thing to embarrass Jackson was funny in season 8. Exclaiming “my baby bought me a penis!” Is just bordering on gross. Stop it! 

Meredith and jackson are NOW somehow exchanging dialogue (cause it did not feel like a natural convo) about how Richard is their father more than their own fathers? Meredith, we’ve known this for years. Jackson? You're screwing his biological daughter. Stop it! 

No Megan, Owen and teddy shouldn’t be a thing. They shouldn’t be coparenting. Owen can def benefit from therapy but they better not try and link his crap behavior to his PTSD. Also a grown woman shouldn’t be saying “dum dum” if you’re not talking about the candy. 

I wish this show actually cultivated friendships. Heck I wish they hired better actors. The actor who plays Link just has such a fake delivery. Like he’s saying things as if he rehearsed. It’s weird and distracting. Plus we are 20 episodes in and NOW we are giving context to their friendship. Be better krista! 

Jo is getting a similar downward spiral arc that April got last year except this time people will actually give a damn and be proactive. What a concept! 

I dont have too much comment on jo’s actual spiral cause I couldn’t imagine learning what she learned. If anyone needs to be in therapy it’s her. 

Edited by moonorchid
  • Love 11
11 minutes ago, moonorchid said:

Jo is getting a similar downward spiral arc that April got last year except this time people will actually give a damn and be proactive. What a concept! 

Even that feels somewhat recycled. Back then, Arizona thought that April was just "having fun and moving on with her life" until she witnessed first-hand how she was acting (which was then bizarrely dropped and never addressed again). And now Alex thinks Jo looks fine, even though she's obviously hammered and giggling like a maniac to an old cartoon, until someone (who hadn't been a part of Jo's life for like a decade) tells him that she is, in fact, not fine. And really, if that's her "being fine", I'd really hate to see what she's like when she's not fine.

I had high(-ish?) hopes for this storyline, but now it looks like it's not going to be any better than all that Paul nonsense. 

  • Love 5
12 minutes ago, Joana said:

Even that feels somewhat recycled. Back then, Arizona thought that April was just "having fun and moving on with her life" until she witnessed first-hand how she was acting (which was then bizarrely dropped and never addressed again). And now Alex thinks Jo looks fine, even though she's obviously hammered and giggling like a maniac to an old cartoon, until someone (who hadn't been a part of Jo's life for like a decade) tells him that she is, in fact, not fine. And really, if that's her "being fine", I'd really hate to see what she's like when she's not fine.

I had high(-ish?) hopes for this storyline, but now it looks like it's not going to be any better than all that Paul nonsense. 

I don't get where you think Alex thinks Jo looks fine, he obviously feels something is wrong, but she has completely shut him out and he didn't want to get into a screaming throwing plates and pots and pans type fight right before he goes off to work, especially when he's wearing his big boy clothes.

Keep in mind that Alex for all of his growth still has a good deal of that teenager in him and is probably still distracted in regards to his mother AND bailey returning to the title of Chiefy McChiefy Chief, and Alex probably doesn't like that, cause she didn't show him much respect or deference while he was chief, as her conversation with Webber proved.

1 hour ago, Joana said:

Oh God, I see where this is going. Owen is going to get therapy and it will magically solve all of his issues in one afternoon, he'll have an epiphany about always being in love with Teddy and she'll love him again and they'll get together, and I HATE it already. Hate hate hate.

GSMH must be a haunted place that makes every adult that enters its premises act like they're 13. Megan Hunt was the latest unfortunate victim. I really wanted to slap her hard when she went all Phoebe-stanning-for-Rachel-and-Ross-to-reunite, multiplied-by-700 on us. Just shut the hell up, lady. You don't know anything about the situation.

DeLuca gets Richard Webber's Seal of Approvement. What a shocking development no one could see coming.

So, Alex did a better job than Bailey and Richard by... not actually doing the job and having someone else do it for him instead? K then. And how did those interns even know how to do whatever it is they were doing and why were they dealing with some bureaucratic crap instead of learning about medical procedures? And why does Bailey think it's some kind of a genius move? I don't get it.

What else I don't get: Jo. Her story still makes no sense. "My mother is a runner and she can't be in the same room with me even though she says she loves me". Like, what? 1) When did she say that? and 2) THAT is what you took from that entire conversation with her? Seriously? I get that she's deeply shaken and that her mind is a mess, but that's actually being detached from reality in a "you need to get on meds NOW" kind of way. I'm not sure it was supposed to play out like that.

Oh, and "My baby brought me a penis" is not a thing someone would say and the "Catherine Fox Award" will always be ridiculous. 

I ❤️ you. 

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, Joana said:

So, Alex did a better job than Bailey and Richard by... not actually doing the job and having someone else do it for him instead? K then. And how did those interns even know how to do whatever it is they were doing and why were they dealing with some bureaucratic crap instead of learning about medical procedures? And why does Bailey think it's some kind of a genius move? I don't get it.

I think she thinks it is a genius move because she never thought of delegating the crappy admin tasks and spent a ton of her time on them. And it appears the interns did a good job at the paperwork, since Bailey and Richard were impressed by them. Probably because the interns are still young and hungry and are putting a lot of effort into it. So Alex did less work but still got what was needed done.  I agree that it isn't really fair for the interns to take time away from actual learning, but I don't think Bailey and Richard were thinking about that. 

I can understand Megan being upset that Owen didn't tell her he is having a baby. That will be her niece/nephew and it is the kind of thing you tell family. But it was ridiculous for her to insist Owen/Teddy should be together if Teddy says she doesn't want to be with Owen.  Are we supposed to think she knows Teddy and Owen's feelings better than them? She was declared dead for a decade, she doesn't know everything that happened with them.

Regarding Jo, I get being upset about what she discovered, but not telling anyone what happened after a whole week seems contrived to me. During her speech about running, I was worried it was foreshadowing her leaving Alex.

  • Love 6
11 hours ago, KillingAdam said:

I don't get where you think Alex thinks Jo looks fine, he obviously feels something is wrong, but she has completely shut him out and he didn't want to get into a screaming throwing plates and pots and pans type fight right before he goes off to work, especially when he's wearing his big boy clothes.

But when he comes home from work and sees her watching tv, he actually says something like "She seems fine now." And Link tells him she is not at all fine. 

My biggest annoyance was Megan trying to tell Teddy how she felt about Owen: "You love Owen" etc.  Shut up Megan.  You have not been around them in months [not to mention the years she missed when she was MIA/POW].  You do not get to tell someone else how she feels.  Teddy may have been in love with Owen but she seems to have moved on.  Even if M thought that Teddy was in denial/Koracik was a rebound or something, should could have phrased it different, or you know, just ASKED Teddy how she felt about Owen and having a child with him. 

  • Love 4

Megan can stick around if she's going to tell Owen he's an idiot. Someone needs to do it.

But she gets demerits for pushing the Owen + Teddy = twu wuv crap

I still like Meredith and Jackson's strictly platonic friendship. Talking about their dad stuff and teasing each other about the Award Winning Surgery is what I want to see more of (especially if that means seeing less of Owen Hunt, Man Baby, who thinks that asking a woman to move in with him solves every problem).

  • Love 11
12 hours ago, KaveDweller said:

I think she thinks it is a genius move because she never thought of delegating the crappy admin tasks and spent a ton of her time on them. And it appears the interns did a good job at the paperwork, since Bailey and Richard were impressed by them. Probably because the interns are still young and hungry and are putting a lot of effort into it. So Alex did less work but still got what was needed done.  I agree that it isn't really fair for the interns to take time away from actual learning, but I don't think Bailey and Richard were thinking about that. 

I can understand Megan being upset that Owen didn't tell her he is having a baby. That will be her niece/nephew and it is the kind of thing you tell family. But it was ridiculous for her to insist Owen/Teddy should be together if Teddy says she doesn't want to be with Owen.  Are we supposed to think she knows Teddy and Owen's feelings better than them? She was declared dead for a decade, she doesn't know everything that happened with them.

Regarding Jo, I get being upset about what she discovered, but not telling anyone what happened after a whole week seems contrived to me. During her speech about running, I was worried it was foreshadowing her leaving Alex.

The interns shouldn't have been doing those tasks, but Bailey finding the concept of delegation a genius move was such dumb writing. Like a Chief of Surgery wouldn't have an admin assistant to compile those kinds of reports in real life. 

Given Jo's speech about running, I'm guessing the cliffhanger for Jolex will be Alex coming home and finding Jo has packed up and left. 

Edited by Evie
  • Love 13
53 minutes ago, Ohwell said:

I don't have anything to add, except that I thought it was gross of Megan to lift her shirt up and show her stomach scar in public with complete strangers around.  It was at a food cart and no one wants to see your ugly scar while they're eating.

So that whole thing about chicks thinking scars are HAWT!!!!!!!!! is garbage?

And going by this logic I suppose someone who has had surgery involving part of their skull being removed and left with a scar MUST become a shut in and be banned from EVER going out in public again because scars are so GROSS and ICKY.

  • Love 7

The thing that drives me nuts about the whole Jo storyline is that it would have never happened.  There is no way a healthy white infant would not have been adopted.  A baby left at a fire station would have been front page news while the authorities looked for the mother which would have resulted in a long list of people wanting to adopt her.  A far more plausible storyline would have been some sort of abuse taking place by her adopted parents which she then ran away from.  

  • Love 11
14 minutes ago, KillingAdam said:

So that whole thing about chicks thinking scars are HAWT!!!!!!!!! is garbage?

And going by this logic I suppose someone who has had surgery involving part of their skull being removed and left with a scar MUST become a shut in and be banned from EVER going out in public again because scars are so GROSS and ICKY.


  • Love 1

Didn't Owen spend something like 10 years or more thinking his sister was dead? Now they're acting like they've always been in each other's lives and are back to squabbling like a couple of kids. There was just something unusually mundane about their interaction in this episode, when you consider what a profound event it was for Owen to learn his sister was actually alive. It was almost like Megan was some other sister he hadn't lost and then found again. And I had already forgotten all about Riggs.

I did get a kick out of Bailey and her kids walking in on the most awkward moments taking place around the hospital, but they took it too far at the end with the kids praising all they've learned from her. I could have lived without that. The comedy relief was enough without having to blow smoke up Bailey's ass.

  • Love 9
21 hours ago, GSMHvisitor said:

don't know what to make of Jo's story so far. The scenes this episode were okay, but I just hope all this leads to something. I hope Jo's words about being a runner are an indicator that it will be addressed how she's running from Alex too, even if it's more in a metaphorical way. But she's kept so many secrets from Alex and keeps shutting him out about important things in her life and it's honestly too much at this point. And I don't like that Alex just has to accept it.

Not to mention it goes completely against her characterization from these past two years (which goes against the s11-13 characterization which went against the s9-10 characterization ad fucking infinitum.)  Anyway, this time last season Jo was getting on Alex because he was ignoring her about his bank balance and she gave him a long speech about how they weren't going to do this anymore, they were going to talk like adults.  And when she proposed she mentioned always running but that now she didn't have to because she was finally home and with someone she trusted, blah blah blah.

These writers don't watch their own show.

  • Love 12
3 hours ago, MarylandGirl said:

Was Megan always that annoying?


But, I was good with the Mere and Riggs hook up, and she spoiled it all. And now it looks like she's going to do with again with Teddy and Koracick. So, as far as I'm concerned, Megan Hunt can suck on a big bag of donor dicks... and her brother can help. 

Edited by ChicksDigScars
  • LOL 3
  • Love 6

This was a so-so episode that was pretty much just set-up for the rest of the season. I don't want Teddy and Owen together, but I thought Meghan's final scene, where she pointed out how fucked up Owen is, was needed. Owen has been an asshole who makes awful life decisions since he joined the show. It was nice that they referred to how far back this goes - dumping his ex-fiance over Email, the way he treated Cristina, the back-and-forth with Amelia and Teddy last year, etc. I've always felt like Owen had a lot of great qualities as a character, but his lack of growth has been so annoying. He and Amelia have been going in circles for 5 years. I like that Amelia is having a fun, care-free thing with Link, and I'd be happy to see Owen develop something similar with someone else. Going to therapy is a (long-overdue) good start. 

Seems like Alex's patient will be around for a few episodes, probably through the end of the season. I love seeing him work with kids, and excel as a doctor, so I'm excited about that. The storyline with Jo was something that I worried they'd wrap up immediately, so I'm glad that isn't the case. It was smart (and super mature) of Alex to reach out to Link. If Jo isn't ready to talk to Alex, he did the next best thing by trying to find someone that she may open up to. I really feel for Jo, and her speech about always leaving people made me sad for her. I'm interested to see how this progresses through the final few episodes. 

Meredith needs an interesting storyline, STAT. I don't mind her and DeLuca having a cute little fling, but having her storylines all be based solely around him ain't it for me. We didn't need Richard's approval. I don't mind DeLuca and I'm fine with seeing him develop more as a surgeon, but this was forced. 

Given that we have only 5 episodes left, one of which is solely based on Amelia/Link going to New York, it's interesting how little we know about what's to come. By this time last year, we know that we had a Jolex wedding coming up and that both April and Arizona would be leaving. Right now, all we know about the final 4 episodes is that Owen will be going to therapy and Jo's storyline is ongoing. 

  • Love 5
49 minutes ago, Deanie87 said:

Not to mention it goes completely against her characterization from these past two years (which goes against the s11-13 characterization which went against the s9-10 characterization ad fucking infinitum.)  Anyway, this time last season Jo was getting on Alex because he was ignoring her about his bank balance and she gave him a long speech about how they weren't going to do this anymore, they were going to talk like adults.  And when she proposed she mentioned always running but that now she didn't have to because she was finally home and with someone she trusted, blah blah blah.

 These writers don't watch their own show.


Dealing with trauma defies logic. Wanting to be open and honest about banking is very different than discussing the fact that you're the product of rape. Jo and Alex have been much more communicative and open the past two seasons, but this is something else. She's probably dealing with the intense fear that people will look at her differently when they discover that her father raped her mother. Beyond that, it's just a lot to deal with internally. She had an idea of her mom in her head all these years that turned out to be way off. Falling into a depression because of that doesn't necessarily make her character inconsistent. What matters now is how Alex deals with it (and I think he's been going about it the right way, first telling her that nothing could change his opinion of her, and then asking Link to try).   

Edited by BaseOps
  • Love 3
11 minutes ago, BaseOps said:

Dealing with trauma defies logic. Wanting to be open and honest about banking is very different than discussing the fact that you're the product of rape. Jo and Alex have been much more communicative and open the past two seasons, but this is something else. She's probably dealing with the intense fear that people will look at her differently when they discover that her father raped her mother. Beyond that, it's just a lot to deal with internally. She had an idea of her mom in her head all these years that turned out to be way off. Falling into a depression because of that doesn't necessarily make her character inconsistent. What matters now is how Alex deals with it (and I think he's been going about it the right way, first telling her that nothing could change his opinion of her, and then asking Link to try).   

I think they have always had communications issues and the only reason they have been more open and honest is all her secrets are mostly out.  But this is part of a pattern, Jo doesn’t tell Alex things.  She’s secretive and only comes clean when forced to.  Alex should have addressed it with her before they got married. 

I hope Alex deals better than I would because I couldn’t be married to someone who couldn’t talk to me and I’m not willing to play detective.  

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, BaseOps said:

Dealing with trauma defies logic. Wanting to be open and honest about banking is very different than discussing the fact that you're the product of rape. Jo and Alex have been much more communicative and open the past two seasons, but this is something else. She's probably dealing with the intense fear that people will look at her differently when they discover that her father raped her mother. Beyond that, it's just a lot to deal with internally. She had an idea of her mom in her head all these years that turned out to be way off. Falling into a depression because of that doesn't necessarily make her character inconsistent. What matters now is how Alex deals with it (and I think he's been going about it the right way, first telling her that nothing could change his opinion of her, and then asking Link to try).   

I understand that in a real life situation, but from a storytelling situation, none of this seems earned to me.  Of all the many, many things that Jo has been through (and apparently we haven't touched bottom yet) it doesn't make character or storytelling sense to me why this is the thing that causes her to call out of work for a week to drink and lay in bed.  I understand the trauma and I understand pushing Alex away to a degree, but this all seems excessive and contrived, but with no explanation as to why they are contriving it.  There doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to it.  Maybe its all building to something, but I have my doubts.

  • Love 14
6 hours ago, Deanie87 said:

I understand that in a real life situation, but from a storytelling situation, none of this seems earned to me.  Of all the many, many things that Jo has been through (and apparently we haven't touched bottom yet) it doesn't make character or storytelling sense to me why this is the thing that causes her to call out of work for a week to drink and lay in bed.  I understand the trauma and I understand pushing Alex away to a degree, but this all seems excessive and contrived, but with no explanation as to why they are contriving it.  There doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to it.  Maybe its all building to something, but I have my doubts.

What really gets me is that, at least based on her conversation with Link, the main issue for her is not as much that she's a product of rape (which would understandably upset everyone), but that her mom doesn't want to hang out with her. The woman she had never met and for all she knew could have been long dead or a junkie who had alredy forgotten she ever had a baby or simply some nasty piece of work who would have accused of ruining her life when she was young and slammed the door in her face. Not to mention that the woman actually has a very valid reason for not warming up to Jo immediately, because she was, you know, raped. That Jo flatly refuses to even ackowledge that, especially after all she's been through in her life is really mind-boggling and seems wildly out of character for her. But then again, Jo's entire backstory is one huge pile of retcons at this point, she bears no resemblance to the character we were first introduced to all those seasons ago, so we might as well have a new Jo v.53, because why not. 

Edited by Joana
  • Love 13
7 hours ago, AzraeltheCat said:

My biggest annoyance was Megan trying to tell Teddy how she felt about Owen: "You love Owen" etc.  Shut up Megan.  You have not been around them in months [not to mention the years she missed when she was MIA/POW].  You do not get to tell someone else how she feels.  Teddy may have been in love with Owen but she seems to have moved on.  Even if M thought that Teddy was in denial/Koracik was a rebound or something, should could have phrased it different, or you know, just ASKED Teddy how she felt about Owen and having a child with him. 

Making it worse was Teddy not shutting her down, like she wanted Megan to fight with Owen for her.

This show thinks it's so cute when thirtysomethings or fortysomethings, or sixtysomethings in the case of Richard and Katherine, act like immature children.  But it's not.

  • Love 10
1 hour ago, statsgirl said:

Making it worse was Teddy not shutting her down, like she wanted Megan to fight with Owen for her.

This show thinks it's so cute when thirtysomethings or fortysomethings, or sixtysomethings in the case of Richard and Katherine, act like immature children.  But it's not.

Teddy has a weakness towards Owen she really wants to believe that he’ll choose her first I just don’t think so based on his history.  I hope he doesn’t lose a good person over him again.

Also, I think part of the reason that Jo doesn’t tell Alex things is his response when she does.  That’s no excuse but I think that’s part of it.  Twice, his temper has almost gotten him fired or arrested. And then there was the time he told he marriage wasn’t right for because the way she grew up ruined her. I mean for someone who feels like nothing it this is an impediment. 

  • Love 2
11 hours ago, Ohwell said:


Hey, stop stealing MY THING, which is a THING that is original and I came up with it ENTIRELY ON MY OWN and did not at all STEAL COMPLETELY  from Drew Magary.

Although I certainly approve of banishings provided they are done with a mob of enraged local citizenry armed with torches, shovels, at least one HUGE double bladed axe, pitchforks, (which are to be thrust in the air at random times) and inexplicably there must be at least one person brandishing a broom and at least three people wearing overalls.

  • LOL 2
On ‎4‎/‎4‎/‎2019 at 7:54 PM, Joana said:

So, Alex did a better job than Bailey and Richard by... not actually doing the job and having someone else do it for him instead? K then. And how did those interns even know how to do whatever it is they were doing and why were they dealing with some bureaucratic crap instead of learning about medical procedures? And why does Bailey think it's some kind of a genius move? I don't get it.

so true--so you're a first year intern and part of your job is handling vendor contracts? what ???

I also like how they just pretend admin people don't exist. If Bailey actually is in charge of hospital vendor contracts (I know, chief of surgery somehow is hospital CEO), there is an admin person who will help her create spreadsheets with headings. They act like the only way to learn new WP skills is to delegate to one of those young intern kids who know about computers. . . It's just silly

  • Love 7
On 4/4/2019 at 3:45 PM, fakesnakesablaze said:

Alex delegating work is cute, but I really don't think it's appropriate for surgical interns to do admin work for the chief.

Not to mention all that stuff seems like something for, you know, an actual hospital administrator, not the person in charge of the surgical department. (Vendor contracts? Why is the chief of surgery dealing with vendors? It's like when it was Owen's responsibility to arrange the plane that crashed. No, there would be someone whose actual job is arranging things like transportation and they would already have vendors/services set up that they use.)

On 4/4/2019 at 3:45 PM, fakesnakesablaze said:

I think the runner monologue was supposed to reveal some of that, but it just feels like a forced way for Jo's life to parallel her moms

I don't see how her mom is a "runner"...she seems to have a pretty stable life with a husband and kids and nice house. That a young woman gave up a child born of rape because she was in no way equipped to handle that situation doesn't make her inherently flighty. But she doesn't fit the picture Jo had in her head so therefore she's a bad person.

On 4/4/2019 at 7:00 PM, dmc said:

AND that’s when she lost me hard.  Jo your mother isn’t a runner she’s a rape victim.  Her being pregnant wasn’t a CHOICE.  A lot of women wouldn’t want to raise their rapist’s child.  The fact that she absolutely refuses to characterize her mother’s rape and her lack of choices is infuriating.

Exactly. Jo seems incapable of looking at things from anyone else's point of view. She wanted to find a mom who was always in bad circumstances who obviously couldn't be blamed for abandoning her but would welcome her with open arms and when she finds out the truth she can't stop to think of what the real situation would have been like for her.

On 4/4/2019 at 7:00 PM, dmc said:

This plot seriously annoyed me as well because there are people who are alone and are they not allowed to have surgeries.  I mean if your health is in jeopardy do you need to get some friends and a spouse so you can have surgery. Catherine people can buy a support system it’s called hiring a nurse.

Me, too. He did have his mom; she was obviously supportive. And even if his girlfriend (fiancée?) was there from the beginning, there's no guarantee that the relationship would survive his recovery from surgery; if she was his only support, that could go away at any time (also, she's military; she could easily have gotten a new assignment next week and be gone for months or more). Do they take away his new penis, then?

I did like his mom's line about at least telling him the donor's shoe size.

The amount of time they seem to spend in a surgery not looking at what they're doing while having supremely inappropriate and personal conversations over an open body cavity is getting to be as annoying as the amount of time TV characters spend looking at the person in the passenger seat while they're driving. (But at least the surgery thing is restricted to a certain genre of show; the driving thing is everywhere.)

  • Love 12
1 hour ago, ams1001 said:

The amount of time they seem to spend in a surgery not looking at what they're doing while having supremely inappropriate and personal conversations over an open body cavity is getting to be as annoying as the amount of time TV characters spend looking at the person in the passenger seat while they're driving. (But at least the surgery thing is restricted to a certain genre of show; the driving thing is everywhere.)

That annoys me too.

When Meredith and DeLuca start tonguing each other over a brain surgery, that's when I'll call it quits on this show.  I swear, it could happen.

  • Love 3
On 4/5/2019 at 3:28 PM, Joana said:

What really gets me is that, at least based on her conversation with Link, the main issue for her is not as much that she's a product of rape (which would understandably upset everyone), but that her mom doesn't want to hang out with her. The woman she had never met and for all she knew could have been long dead or a junkie who had alredy forgotten she ever had a baby or simply some nasty piece of work who would have accused of ruining her life when she was young and slammed the door in her face. Not to mention that the woman actually has a very valid reason for not warming up to Jo immediately, because she was, you know, raped. That Jo flatly refuses to even ackowledge that, especially after all she's been through in her life is really mind-boggling and seems wildly out of character for her. But then again, Jo's entire backstory is one huge pile of retcons at this point, she bears no resemblance to the character we were first introduced to all those seasons ago, so we might as well have a new Jo v.53, because why not. 

I have never warmed up to Jo, and can't stand her ever-changing illogical backstory.  But I think she is traumatized by finding out her mom gave her up because she was raped and couldn't "stand to be in the same room with her."  Jo is still processing that, which is why she can't talk about it yet.  She almost told Linc when she brought up her father, but couldn't. 

That's how I see where they seem to be going with Jo.  But I am still annoyed by it because this show always annoys me with the way they handle her past.

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, Biggie B said:

I took an instant dislike to DeLuca's patient. When she came on to him, hard, and then told him not to leave a scar, I was hoping hard that she'd end up with the equivalent of a road map on her abdomen. 

I figured that's exactly what would happen, anyway. We didn't even see her after surgery, did we? It turned into an open procedure so she would have wound up with a huge scar and we didn't even see her find out? That's unlike Grey's.

  • Love 2
59 minutes ago, TTG said:

Megan wasn't around for a decade and didn't see all the bullshit Owen's pulled. And then she tells Teddy "I watched you suffered for years" because of her brother but still pushes her to go for that? Wow okay Megan...

It's just a dumb way to push Teddy/Owen together by the end of the season. It's stupid plot devices like this that stop me from rooting for any couple. First, they use Tom as a mere obstacle for Teddy/Owen and now Megan has to be the one to push Owen for therapy to redeem himself and to get Teddy/Owen together once their baby's born.

I'll only accept all of this is it ends the season with Teddy/Owen leaving town with their children, as I've stated. Shed some of those series regular roles off for next season and then I never have to see Owen on my screen. 

This Jo stuff could be interesting but I hate the way she's treating Alex. However, if this gives Jo and Alex a storyline, then I can't complain too much. Plus, I like that they're using Link and Jo's past friendship a bit more. It's a nice change from 15 episodes of Teddy/Owen/Amelia family drama and Meredith/Deluca Yawn-mance. But I've never minded Jo, so that may help with me not hating this storyline. Jo's reaction to all of this may not be pretty to watch, but I get it.   

  • Love 8
On 4/4/2019 at 8:54 PM, Joana said:

So, Alex did a better job than Bailey and Richard by... not actually doing the job and having someone else do it for him instead? K then. And how did those interns even know how to do whatever it is they were doing and why were they dealing with some bureaucratic crap instead of learning about medical procedures? And why does Bailey think it's some kind of a genius move? I don't get it.

I actually agree that it is a smart move.  He is delegating, while helping interns see the bigger picture about why administration decisions are made.  It takes some of the stress off the job and allows him time with his patients.  Not all of them are going to be chief someday, but being well-versed in the "behind the scenes" reporting makes for a more collaborative work environment.  

Just my two cents worth.

2 hours ago, Mrs. DuRona said:

I actually agree that it is a smart move.  He is delegating, while helping interns see the bigger picture about why administration decisions are made.  It takes some of the stress off the job and allows him time with his patients.  Not all of them are going to be chief someday, but being well-versed in the "behind the scenes" reporting makes for a more collaborative work environment.  

Just my two cents worth.

For me, I'm just surprised that the Chief of Surgery DOESN'T have an administrative assistant. 

Also, maybe a minor nitpick, but I was a bit annoyed with the beginning of the episode, when Contacts said that Bailey had those three STEM students coming for the day and Bailey was starting to tell Contacts to not bring them in, but then he did it anyway. I don't like Bailey much in the recent seasons, but it felt like Contacts was disrespectful to Bailey and didn't bother listening to her telling him that she was too busy that day to take care of the STEM students. 

  • Love 3
On ‎4‎/‎5‎/‎2019 at 7:26 AM, Ohwell said:

I don't have anything to add, except that I thought it was gross of Megan to lift her shirt up and show her stomach scar in public with complete strangers around.  It was at a food cart and no one wants to see your ugly scar while they're eating.

As someone who likes to look at scars, (I'm a weirdo I know) if she did that to me, even if I was eating lunch, she better be prepared for me to put down my sandwich and come over to examine those stitches like a grandma cooing over an 8 month pregnant lady.

Don't invite me to your situation and expect me to ignore you.

  • Love 3

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