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S07.E17: FOMO in Mexico

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Just now, ghoulina said:

That was amazing. I haven't thought of that song in decades, much less in response to a panic attack. 

The last time I thought of it was in an episode of American Crime Story: OJ Simpson, I think they used it in the scene when Marcia Clark was getting a makeover!

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On 4/3/2019 at 10:10 PM, KnoxForPres said:

And here I just thought she was a hot 20 something spewing whatever bullshit felt right bc she thought she looked cool.  Not everything is multi faceted 

It is when it causes harm to groups of people that have already been marginalized, which is what @HunterHunted graciously took the time and energy to explain to @LibertarianSlut. The only time things aren’t multi-faceted is when you come at situations from a point of privilege.

As a white woman, I’m really uncomfortable with asking for more emotional labor from Black/AA/POC on this board to educate and refute more comments on Lala’s gross cultural appropriation (unless they want to). I am happy to discuss this further on the small talk thread and I can suggest some resources (from WOC) that I’ve used in trying to unpack my own white privilege that apply to this discussion. If anyone wants to meet over there, tag me! 

On a completely different note, this “puke and rally” thing overwhelms me. I’m in my late 30s now and also childfree by choice, but I just can’t drink like these people do anymore (although I can certainly stay up late and enjoy with the best of them- the benefits of being a night owl, I guess). I did my fair share of drinking in my twenties and an unfortunate amount of puking, but, even then, there was no rallying after the puking. Once I puked, I went to bed. Just the thought of rallying would probably make me want to puke again. I once tried to “rally” the day after at brunch and I couldn’t finish even half of my Bloody Mary!  For this (and many other reasons), I definitely couldn’t hang with this crew.

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On 4/2/2019 at 9:53 PM, HunterHunted said:

I've seen reviews that have mentioned Sandoval being at TomTom working. It's pretty clear that Sandoval is in this for real. Schwartz has soft skills. He's not a bartender and he has no management abilities. However, nearly everyone says he's really personable and the single most charming muthafucka in the cast by a country mile.

I totally agree.  I've long maintained that it will be Sandoval that views this as the great opportunity it was and takes real pride of "ownership" whereas it'll be Schwartz and Katie being the drunk owners sitting at a table, guzzling drinks.  If this were owned 100% by the Toms and not Lisa Vanderpump, I'd half expecting John Taffer to be walking in a year from now to save them.  

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Overall I liked this episode. The FOMO infomercial was hilarious.  I constantly accuse my dog of having FOMO, as he zips from room to room seeing what everyone is doing.  

Kristen was actually endearing, even with all her crazy antics I can't hate her.  Her Spanish segments were hilarious, I now have DSL's.... hahaha

Stassi has also grown on me, I couldn't stand her before but leaving the show and being dumped then treated awful by Patrick for all to see did something to her.  I love her whit.  She may need some counseling though to deal with her issues.  Although I think they both had valid points in their argument, they were both being a tad melodramatic too.

I agree with those who feel Sandoval seems more invested than Schwartz in TomTom.  Schwartz and Katie both give off a lazy vibe. I'm glad this season Katie isn't as much of a focus, last season was wayyyyy to much Katie.  Don't hate her, she's just not that interesting. 

My daughter is gay and I'd say she dresses "soft butch".  She doesn't want to be trans, but she's still different in other people's eyes.  So I am sensitive to how Billie is treated.  I do like that Lisa is very supportive of the gay community.  I was half watching when they all got mad at Billie.  Did she say something on Twitter about them excluding her?  I can't recall exactly.

The segment of Ariana partying was actually pretty funny, she was like Tommy Lee in The Dirt.  They don't have kids and they are on vacation, I say live it up! 

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On 4/4/2019 at 1:16 AM, Rubyslippahz said:

There was ALOT of shirtless, crying Beau here and a lot of opportunities to muse about his various tattoos.   

Did Stass just get her boobs done again? Last I remember I thought she had a reduction.

Tom saying he had the cute police on the phone about Ariana ☺️

I don't have a pastime of staring at Stassi's boobs or anything but I was also thinking they looked much larger than usual. Perhaps she just hides them well in regular clothes?  And she has gained weight (a good healthy weight) so maybe they have gotten larger again after her reduction.

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8 hours ago, MrsWitter said:

It is when it causes harm to groups of people that have already been marginalized, which is what @HunterHunted graciously took the time and energy to explain to @LibertarianSlut. The only time things aren’t multi-faceted is when you come at situations from a point of privilege.

Since my screename was mentioned, I just want to say that, while I respect your perspective, @MrsWitter, I don't agree with you with respect to what you discuss about racial "privilege," especially what I bolded above.  I am inquisitive by nature and if someone makes a statement that I don't understand, in any capacity, I always have and always will ask "why?"  And if I don't understand, I will continue to ask "why" until I have an answer with which I am satisfied.  Not to get too bogged down in history on a thread about a show whose main players probably think that Las Vegas is one of the 35 states, but I think that is a big part of what the Enlightenment was about, and shutting down inquiry for fear of exerting some type of privilege is about 179 degrees away from the way I view the world. I said I respected the post by @HunterHunted and that it was educational, and we found much common ground.  At the same time, I don't think @KnoxForPres is necessarily incorrect in her assessment of the situation.  

The different and articulately expressed viewpoints are why I come to this board every day.  I am constantly impressed with the perspectives of my fellow posters.  I actually stopped listening to the Watch What Crappens podcast because I found that Ben and Ronnie, while masters of the art of imitation, seem to shy away from controversy and don't explore the issues with near as much depth as PTV posters.  So--poof--they are gone from my universe.  I'd rather read here.

When F. Scott Fitzgerald said, "the test of first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function," he clearly wasn't talking about me, because I am only about third-rate intelligence on my best day, but I am happy to agree with two competing ideas about what may or may not be motivating a person's behavior.  That's what makes this whole experience exciting to me. 

I just wanted to make sure I wasn't swept up in any ideas outside the realm of which I had expressed agreement.  I want to underscore the fact that I do not buy into apologist culture at large (wth exceptions, clearly), and I don't want to be in any way associated with equating earnest inquiry or expression of unpopular viewpoints with any type of societal privilege.  That couldn't be further from the way I view things, so I just wanted to put that out there for posterity. 

I was just slightly uncomfortable with the way it could be perceived that I might endorse something with which I don't agree by virtue of this post.  Otherwise, please don't mind me.  I would actually prefer not to discuss this any longer, now that everyone has staked their ground, but obviously it's not up for me to decide what people discuss.  Carry on.

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@LibertarianSlut- I honestly tried to understand what you’re getting at with the philosophizing and history of the Enlightenment, but you’ve lost me and I’m ok with that. You’re talking about intent, which matters little to me, and I’m talking about tangible harm to marginalized peoples (which occurs regardless of intent). I’m jumping out of the bog. As I said, I’m happy to further discuss issues of racial privilege in the small talk thread.

Edited by MrsWitter
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Since my name was mentioned I’ll agree if what she’s doing offends that is not ok. I don’t watch this show as closely as I watch a show with a compelling plot so can say while I think Lala is an idiot- I really didn’t know she was such a high offender. Also can’t recall Jenny McCarthy being on there so missed that but that is ridiculous of her to say. 

Where she has not offended but put me off is with her crassness and vulgarity. And I’m a sailor with a pretty dirty mind so that’s no small feat. Where at one time I was almost taken aback by her beauty I no longer see that beauty and see a real try hard trying to look like she has it all figured out. And it all reads fake to me. I think when she mimics a blowjob she thinks she looks sexy and wants the rest to feel so lousy in bed. It makes me think she’s probably a total bore in the sack. Thou doth protest too much. 

I hope one day she looks back and wishes she’d played this a little better. In the words of ole drunk Lu, she’s “not cool”.

Speaking of being taken aback by beauty While I wish she had 99% less screen time on this show  I find Lisa when she’s her version of casual so beautiful.

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On 4/3/2019 at 11:17 AM, LibertarianSlut said:

Can I get an amen and a hallelujah to this?  I didn't take particular issue with Beau urging Stassi to dance at the club--probably because I missed something--but the idea of "hanging out" vs "going to bed" was so silly.  Especially--Beau--it is one hour earlier in Puerto Vallarta, not two--but the point is that Beau and Stassi should have had a conversation prior to this vacation that there are going to be all-night ragers and there are going to be nights when they go to bed at the early hour of 3 am.  If they can't argee on this, they probably can't agree to much of anything, and may want to split for awhile.  

Has Stassi ever been single over this show's duration, other than her off-again moments with Patrick?  Stassi, I have a freaking brilliant idea--be single for a hot second.  Weren't you just lecturing Kristen about the toxicity of her relationship with Carter and how she deserves better?  Why don't you try it on for size, Stassi?  Isn't it true that if you love something and set it free, it'll come back to you?

This post is perfection.  Stassi can definitely benefit from one-on-one therapy and she should strive to better herself, but Beau was so conniving here.  I was shocked that the initial returns on these boards seemed to be 100% anti-Stassi.  Stassi wanted to go to bed at a reasonable time for 30-something people on vacation and Beau was so upset that she wanted him there that he kind of lost his shit and pulled every trick out of the manipulative fighting book.  I was impressed Stassi didn't really fall for it, and stuck to her logic.  

Did Beau actually call himself "battered"?  I must have missed that, but...no comment on how fucked up that is.  And, hmm, has someone been watching old episodes of this show and catching up?

I think the Stassi-Beau fight boils down to a difference of opinion, but it's a significant difference of opinion.  One person wants to party into the wee hours and the other does not.  One is not better than the other, but it may mean that they're incompatible and should go their separate ways.  When I got together with my husband, he was younger than Beau, but older than me by nine years and I just took it for granted that I was hooking up with someone who was over that partying bullshit (which he was), and I put my partying ways behind me, and now we're married and we have a common understanding.  It's not that one or both of us couldn't theoretically party until dawn, it's just that it would be something we would discuss beforehand, because it's not the norm.  I can be like, "I am going to hang out with this friend, and I'll probably sleep there," and said friend and I could and have gone out and done crazy shit in NYC until dawn.  From my perspective, it's fine to do that once in a blue moon as long as I come home the next day, and my husband agrees.  But just wanting to do that without warning and on multiple back-to-back nights is strange to me at their ages. 

I feel like, if this makes any sense, Jax is walking that walk, whether he and Brittney have actually talked that talk.  I noticed neither Jax nor Brittney were at that final Yellow Robe Jones party, and I have a feeling that they didn't have a war about it.  Jax is just growing up.  Beau, borrow a page.

I did think it was inappropriate for Jax to *joke* that he still had feelings for Stassi mere seconds after Stassi lowered her bikini-clad body into the water.  That's fucking creepy Jax.  Also, Stassi is so much thinner than I had perceived her.  Someone--I think it was @yourmomiseasy pointed out that Stassi's head and face make her look bigger than she is.  If so, WTF?  I was watching WWHL this morning as I was getting ready for work, and they showed season 1 Stassi, and she looked like a different person.  I would have sworn she had gained 20 lbs since then, but her body tells a different story.  It's only her head that grew, which is so strange.  She needs to go in that unfortunate camp of head-growers, such as John Travolta and Alec Baldwin.  How does that even happen?   

First, I just want to acknowledge that the prejudices that minorities face (sometimes foisted upon them by other religious/ethnic minorities) can be stomach-churning.  Just this morning my mom told me a story about how a little boy of a different race wasn't allowed to play with the other kids when she was growing up, and I have been feeling kind of sick all day, so I don't want to minimalize that.  I feel so bad for that little boy.  

But I'm just not sure why Lala is being singled out for her speech/ behavior as it relates to black people.  Let's assume that Lala is not even partially black (which a lot of people are, and they don't look it or even know it).  So what if she grew up in Utah, or has demonstrated a proclivity for this or that party?  Is there a certain way a person is prescribed to act if they are from one state or one party?  I understand the idea that this is evidence that the entire "Lala" persona may be one that was invented whole cloth...but so what if that is the case?  I may be jaded, because I just assume that someone who is living in LA who has hailed from Utah has reinvented themselves.  Katie is from Utah, and I am quite sure she's reinvented herself.  I assume that pretty much everyone living in the heart of LA, even if they are from Los Angeles County proper, like Scheana, is completely different than the identity they were born into.  No one else on this show is from LA, if I'm not mistaken, and I don't think that's some kind of accident.  Another example is that, for a few seasons now, Kyle has been the only RHBH Housewife who was from LA, or even California.  My mom's entire side of the family moved out west to reinvent themselves, which they did with such finesse that it is scary, so maybe that is my steotype showing...I dunno.  I think it's a good thing.  I reinvented myself in Miami, and I love that I had the opportunity to do that.  

If Lala has found words and/or actions that work for her that have originated in the Afro-American community, I wold think that was a compliment to the AA community.  People all around this world borrow from each others' cultures constantly, and I think we're better off for it.  Asians and Europeans have literally been taking from each others' cultures for millennia.  There is nothing wrong with cultural appropriation in and of itself IMO.  If Lala were to say, "Now, listen to me, Billie, I am black," I'd be like, "she's nuts," and I totally think she is nuts (it seems like she has an unprovoked panic attack every other season) and she's offensive, but I don't think she's hurting the black race.  I'm not sure she's hurting the white race, or the Asian race for that matter.  I think she's hurting herself with some of this venom she's spewing...

Having said all of that, I am on the Lala love train (go ahead, judge) merely for her making statements like, "I'm. Not. Sorry."  I think we live in such an apologist culture, that I find it refreshing when someone stubbornly digs in their heels and refuses to apologize, sometimes even when they're wrong.  I feel like there is too much apologizing going on today.  

Andplusalso, this whole thing is probably moot now that Lala has "admitted" she's an alcoholic and has been seeking help from AA for the past five months.  She is going to come into the reunion singing a completely different tune, and I guess we're all supposed to lap it up, because she's (in hushed tones) sober now.  As with Luann on RHNYC, cry me a river.  You're still responsible for your behavior, no matter what your higher power tells you.  So it's a little bit of a mixed bag with Lala.

Was I the only one not charmed by the three attempts by Kristen to get Siri to interpret Spanish for her?  Once, cute.  Twice, eh. Three times, can we go back to literally anything else, even if it means more of Beau crying?  

Just check into “Tongon crypt gang” from Utah...assumptions can’t be made on a person based on geographic origin 

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8 hours ago, Shellbell59 said:

Just check into “Tongon crypt gang” from Utah...assumptions can’t be made on a person based on geographic origin 

No one said there were no gangs or criminals in Utah. Lala has admitted that she has no bona fides when in comes to criminal affiliations or ever being in a fight. She has admitted to being a poseur. She has said that she puts on this faux Black accent and persona when she wants to seem tough. The issue here is whether one thinks Lala deliberately trying to sound like a stereotypical Black person when she wants to convey that her threats of violence be taken seriously is a bigoted act. I say it is. Some people agree with me. Others don't.

I don't think Lala thinks she's being a bigot or knows she might be doing something that is bigoted. I would never say that a child, who chose the white doll over the Black doll in the Clark study and the subsequent studies, was a bigot. However, choosing the white doll because it's prettier, better, or cleaner is NOT a neutral act nor is a white woman who didn't grow up around Black people deliberately deploying a blaccent when she wants to seem tough or dangerous. These things should be explored and called out.

Lala is grown. She should be able to handle discussion and criticism of her actions.

Edited by HunterHunted
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Either way, Lala cannot be taken seriously.  Sucking on a baby bottle?  Crippled by panic attacks ( aka probably close to OD on something), to the point of laying down on the floor of a party bus after exposing yourself multiple times and commandeering a DJ booth?  Oh but wait!  She’s in AA now!!  She can do whatever she wants!  I hate when people use the program as a PSA or excuse, which is what I feel she is doing.  

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She’s just auditioning for future roles in films produced by MYMAN or Rand or whoever he is. Whatever it takes for a PJ?  Give me a break. 

I’m fortunate to be friends with people that have PJ’s and I never had to give any of them oral. She is disgusting. Your friends invite you because they like to have you around. 

It is an incredibly awesome way to fly.

She gives private jets a bad name.

She’s a fool and gross and a poser and I don’t like her.

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1 minute ago, AntAnn said:

She’s just auditioning for future roles in films produced by MYMAN or Rand or whoever he is. Whatever it takes for a PJ?  Give me a break. 

I’m fortunate to be friends with people that have PJ’s and I never had to give any of them oral. She is disgusting. Your friends invite you because they like to have you around. 

It is an incredibly awesome way to fly.

She gives private jets a bad name.

She’s a fool and gross and a poser and I don’t like her.


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3 minutes ago, AntAnn said:

I’m fortunate to be friends with people that have PJ’s and I never had to give any of them oral. She is disgusting. Your friends invite you because they like to have you around. 

It is an incredibly awesome way to fly.

Can your friends be my friends? Kidding... sorta.

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1 minute ago, geauxaway said:

Do you have DSL’s?

I don’t get injections like Doute to plump them further, but I am told they are nice. That said, the main appeal to me about @AntAnn‘s friends is that they seem cool with sharing the PJ without any oral. 😉

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13 hours ago, AntAnn said:

She’s just auditioning for future roles in films produced by MYMAN or Rand or whoever he is. Whatever it takes for a PJ?  Give me a break. 

I’m fortunate to be friends with people that have PJ’s and I never had to give any of them oral. She is disgusting. Your friends invite you because they like to have you around. 

It is an incredibly awesome way to fly.

She gives private jets a bad name.

She’s a fool and gross and a poser and I don’t like her.

I had a similar thought amongst all this outrage at Lala. Didn’t Kristen Cavallari and The Hills teach us this all is bullshit anyway?  They’re probably being fed lines. Both in the literal and cocaine sense. 

There is so much to be mad about at the world right now. Putting Lala on that list gives her too much power.

I watch VP as an escape. There’s enough of that in real life.  Id rather discuss Tom and his flat iron and Stassi and her boobs. And Katie losing her shit. 

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For chrissakes, Beau. Man up and stop your crying! I am not a Beau fan.  He's loving being the "good guy" and making Stassi feel like there is something wrong with her.  Ohhhh, I'm on the show for you, I'm friends with your friends because you want it... I do it all for you, Stassi! Shut up you famwhore! What's wrong with you, Beau? He is just as bad as her other boyfriends except in a different way. He totally lost me with the crying battered boyfriend spiel. If she is so controlling then put your foot down and tell her to stop the bullshit but instead he wants everyone to see how long suffering and sweet he is to put up with her. 

Now that I've gotten that off my chest, here is what I don't understand. The fight started out with Stassi being pissed that Beau likes to stay out and party until really, really late. I can relate. That would be annoying AF expecially since he is pushing 40 and she is over that. Is cut off time at 1am so horrible? 

But then they are fighting and crying about Stassi worrying Beau is going to cheat on her, she can't trust men because her parents have both been married 3 times, all her ex's cheated, she can't deal with divorce, blah blah. 

So what is the issue with their relationship? Is it that she doesn't trust him because of her past or is it that she doesn't like to party as late in to the night as he does?  These two have issues and it's not all Stassi's fault and I'm sick of people praising Beau and blaming Stassi for everything wrong in the relationship. 

Whew! I feel better now even if nobody agrees with me.

Edited by bichonblitz
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On 4/5/2019 at 6:15 PM, Shellbell59 said:

If Lala has found words and/or actions that work for her that have originated in the Afro-American community, I wold think that was a compliment to the AA community.

I cannot imagine any 'community' that would be flattered that Lala appropriated their culture. She's a hideous beast with no manners and thinks her out of control obnoxious ways are somehow 'cute'. Girl, NO.

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1 hour ago, Claire Voyant said:

And if you laugh too hard, they can feel like one, too.  For a little while....🤣🤐

Not when you buy and use Cuntkins. Try some today!

Edited by Higgins
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Mr. Mytmo remarked that Stasi is right that if Beau doesn't want to come to bed with her someone else will.  There is a better chance you will have a better time going to bed with your girlfriend than hanging out with your chucklefuck friends.

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1 hour ago, mytmo said:

Mr. Mytmo remarked that Stasi is right that if Beau doesn't want to come to bed with her someone else will.  There is a better chance you will have a better time going to bed with your girlfriend than hanging out with your chucklefuck friends.

I think they both just need to learn to work on delivery and compromise in this situation:

Stassi needs to quit turning into a whiney psycho if he dares to urge her to join in on a group party night while on vacay. And Beau needs to quit pouting and claiming to be a “battered wife” when she naturally is ready for them both to return to their room as a unified couple by 2 or 3am.

At his age and at this stage in their relationship, I do find it a bit odd that Beau wants to keep drinking with those guys long past 3am...why lose an entire day from a trip because you wanted to keep drinking until 5 or 6am? I find that far more worrisome than Stassi constantly guiltily harping at him about why she likes to go back to the room earlier as a couple. Not everyone likes to party til they puke on vacay and that’s okay!

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On 4/3/2019 at 7:00 PM, Callaphera said:

I mean... I'm a 35 year old woman and I had an almost identical social media post when they announced that Avengers: Endgame tickets were on pre-sale now. That's a weird thing to point to, IMO, but I'm also a massive nerd/fan-girl of stuff and I'm not embarrassed to admit it or talk about it. 

Yeah, I’m 46 and posted something even less dignified when filming on Bill & Ted 3 was announced. I may have written WYLD STALYNS 4EVA!!! with about 10 suuuuuper mature emojis. Can’t hate on Beau for that. But I do agree he needs to stop buying his own “good guy” press. Stassi was not being unreasonable at all. 

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On 3/29/2019 at 6:03 AM, OnceSane said:

"FOMO in Mexico".

As the Mexico trip continues, Stassi unleashes her insecurities on Beau; Ariana attempts to show Lala the error of her mean girl ways; Lisa oversees TomTom's first dinner service; Jax dredges up old accusations against Kristen.

I joined this episode in a marathon yesterday but have no recollection of it. I must have stopped watching for a season or two or three. 

Ugh, I forgot how much of a crass poser LaLa is! Yeah, yeah, you're tough and "gangsta" yet suckle baby bottles and have crippling "panic attacks" for the camera. 🙄 Was it in her first season that someone called her bluff and she ran home to her mother in UT for a week? 

I remember Britney's doctor telling her to quit drinking and assumed she'd ignore his advice, so no surprise there.

Watching "battered" Beau blubbering in bed was cringe-worthy, but then I noticed the microphone wire taped to his shaven chest... 🤔

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On 4/1/2019 at 9:05 PM, chewycandy said:

Whoa. Stassi’s parents were divorced three times each?

Katie doesn’t mind Tom seeing Lala’s boobs now?

Ariana, who is Yellow Smith?

“Kiss from a Rose” soothes a panic attack?

Lots of questions tonight!

I was surprised Katie even went topless. Call me a prudie American, but I would be uncomfortable with my friends' boyfriends or husbands seeing my boobs. Awkward. 

lol the Kiss from a Rose suggestion made me laugh. 


On 4/1/2019 at 10:14 PM, njbchlover said:

I still don't understand this group.  They are supposed to be adults in their 30's, but yet, when they go away somewhere, anywhere, they all revert to college kid behaviors-it's like once they get those passport stamps, it gives them a license to act like immature idiots.  The guys drinking and getting shitfaced in a hotel room and Sandoval farting in everyone's face was just disgusting and not even college kid behavior - more like jr. high.  The girls - skinny dipping or running topless into the ocean, or drunk and topless in the hot tub - these are things they should have outgrown at least ten years ago.  The whole group - drunk and stupid, and I mean falling down stupid, black out drunk.  It's just not a good look as you get older.  

I'm all for having a good time and partying, but this all just gets so "old" (for lack of a better way) - it's more of the same shit, different day with these people.  

Even Jax seems to be over it~~well, he is older than all the rest, so maybe that makes sense. 

I will say, though, that so far, it seems like everyone is having a fairly good time, even Katie and Kristen.  Maybe James not being there is a good thing.

And, Lala definitely has some anger issues she needs to figure out, unless she's using this as an audition reel as a "tough girl from the hood" role (if that's the case, it's not working, unfortunately for her).

Agree. I feel like I'm watching people 18-22, but almost all of them are much older.

Lala confuses the hell out of me between being so aggressive with the way she speak and then sucking on baby bottles. She's like Brandi Glanville light. Brandi would be this aggressive bully but then could also be a crybaby.

I also never got the appeal of getting trashed and can't relate to finding alcohol irresistible even if you have an ulcer. 

Edited by RealHousewife
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3 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

I was surprised Katie even went topless. Call me a prudie American, but I would be uncomfortable with my friends' boyfriends or husbands seeing my boobs. Awkward. 

Agree. I feel like I'm watching people 18-22, but almost all of them are much older.

I also never got the appeal of getting trashed and can't relate to finding alcohol irresistible even if you have an ulcer. 

No one is ever seeing my breasts other than the mammogram technician and my future significant other. 

I know SIXTY-year-olds who still get trashed and dance and sing at the top of their lungs. On a regular basis.

I hate to go there. But did Brittany drink alcohol while she was pregnant with Cruz?

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4 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

I was surprised Katie even went topless. Call me a prudie American, but I would be uncomfortable with my friends' boyfriends or husbands seeing my boobs. Awkward. 

lol the Kiss from a Rose suggestion made me laugh. 


Agree. I feel like I'm watching people 18-22, but almost all of them are much older.

Lala confuses the hell out of me between being so aggressive with the way she speak and then sucking on baby bottles. She's like Brandi Glanville light. Brandi would be this aggressive bully but then could also be a crybaby.

I also never got the appeal of getting trashed and can't relate to finding alcohol irresistible even if you have an ulcer. 

I love that you take the time to read old posts!!!! 

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12 minutes ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

I love that you take the time to read old posts!!!! 

I love that you engage with me as a new fan even though these shows are years and years old. :)

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2 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

No one is ever seeing my breasts other than the mammogram technician and my future significant other. 

I know SIXTY-year-olds who still get trashed and dance and sing at the top of their lungs. On a regular basis.

I hate to go there. But did Brittany drink alcohol while she was pregnant with Cruz?

Unfortunately, I don't doubt she drank while pregnant. 

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4 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

I love that you engage with me as a new fan even though these shows are years and years old. :)

I love reading a fresh point of view. And you remind me of behavior or characteristics that I had forgotten about. We are very happy that you joined us.

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41 minutes ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

I love reading a fresh point of view. And you remind me of behavior or characteristics that I had forgotten about. We are very happy that you joined us.

Thanks, you are so sweet and welcoming! 

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3 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

I love reading a fresh point of view. And you remind me of behavior or characteristics that I had forgotten about. We are very happy that you joined us.

I'm jaded, and cynical!

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7 hours ago, ZettaK said:

Unfortunately, I don't doubt she drank while pregnant. 

I feel the same way. Which would explain why Cruz might have some learning disabilities. But I also think Jax would looove to weaponize that and humiliate her, again. And he hasn’t yet, as far as I know. Unless he’s worried that a judge would give them joint custody of Cruz. And he would rather Brittany have full custody, so Jax will be able to live like a bachelor again?

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On 6/17/2024 at 12:12 PM, RealHousewife said:

Lala confuses the hell out of me between being so aggressive with the way she speak and then sucking on baby bottles. She's like Brandi Glanville light. Brandi would be this aggressive bully but then could also be a crybaby.

One thing LVP got right was when she said something like "Lala goes after everyone else but then wants to play baby girl when they fight back."  IMO that stupid bottle was for she - it has never been seen again! 🙄

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1 hour ago, princelina said:

One thing LVP got right was when she said something like "Lala goes after everyone else but then wants to play baby girl when they fight back."  IMO that stupid bottle was for she - it has never been seen again! 🙄

Oh yes I remember that, something about Lala being provocative but also wanting to be the baby girl. You can’t have it both ways. I totally agree with you and LVP.

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On 6/17/2024 at 3:10 PM, hoodooznoodooz said:

No one is ever seeing my breasts other than the mammogram technician and my future significant other. 

I know SIXTY-year-olds who still get trashed and dance and sing at the top of their lungs. On a regular basis.

I hate to go there. But did Brittany drink alcohol while she was pregnant with Cruz?

I honestly don’t think she would’ve done that.

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2 hours ago, princelina said:

One thing LVP got right was when she said something like "Lala goes after everyone else but then wants to play baby girl when they fight back."  IMO that stupid bottle was for she - it has never been seen again! 🙄

I still can’t believe that she was stupid enough to do that in front of the camera.  Unbelievable.

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