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David T. Cole

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The draft was great -- I admit I was a little confused by DA, Executive ADA and Junior but I think I figured it out (like, I know what those positions are in practice, I think I just never knew the title distinctions). What I think this shows is that the entire franchise consistently hired really competent actors over time (with a few glaring exceptions.) I liked that they always hired actors with gravitas, with distinctive looks, and with good speaking voices -- as opposed to the too-glossy types you see on so many other shows. Thank you, Sarah, for having this idea.


I cannot waaaait for the Star Trek version. I agree with leaving the movie stuff out of it (and definitely the JJ Abrams stuff.) There's plenty to chew on with just the TV shows. (Nobody choose Neelix. Please. The worst.)

OK, more Star Trek categories


THEME SONGS!  A race not to get stuck with Enterprise

Costumes/Make Up

Special Effects

(I feel in general we can get away with more non-human aspects in a Star Trek draft than a Law & Order draft, though if I were drafting for Law & Order I would damn well be taking L&O UK's legal wigs as my wild card if such a thing were legal.)

Add "Significant Others" to "Pets and Kids"?  That could pad out that category. Make it a general "Family" category.  Miles' wife is the one that comes to mind. Quark had family at some point too?   

Where do Tribbles go?  Pets and Kids or Enemies?

Ok, I've made a first draft pass for those interested. I think it will be viewable with Comments at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1e_6vXmdsKVvDRnZFuFtdIcts5t-c3u7ueFIALW3xYss/edit?usp=sharing

Ships are there. I think there are enough Children/Pets by themselves, so Love Interests are in with Significant Others. "Embarrassing and Long Lost Relations" are in a thing, and I'm probably missing a bunch there especially from later series. I just added Theme Songs though I wasn't sure exactly how many people would hypothetically be drafting, so right now there's enough that you might not necessarily get stuck with Faith of the Heart.

Anyway, if anyone is really interested in filling in beyond what you can leave me in comments message me your e-mail and I'll send you a link for editing.

kimbrchick, I've done a couple of rewatches in the years since it ended, and it has held up for me, especially that series finale, which still makes me tear up every time. But SFU is my favorite show of all time, so of course I'm biased.

And I'm in complete agreement with Sarah about "That's My Dog," the carjacking episode in S4. Nonac material for sure. I loathed that episode, mostly because I find the events in it to be completely unbelievable for many different reasons. I've been talking with some people on the SFU board who like that episode though, so...as we say, YMMV.

Happy to share anyone who'd like it on the "verified" draft doc I used! There were a number of errata -- i.e., the very first DA, Wentworth, should have been on that list but didn't get ported over for some reason -- but you can download and shuffle/edit as you wish. Just let us know how it goes in live play! I'm so pleased people are into it.


sarah at previously dot tv is my email for share requests, and for offers to collaborate on the Whedonverse draft. 

I loved this, even though I've only seen maybe 2 episodes of original and a handful of SVU and didn't know who most of the people were. I'd love to see this done again with another show or type of show (like the law/medical drama suggestions above). What I think would be really helpful for listeners if you do this again is to have a document posted with the episode that shows actor and character names together (for listeners who don't know the shows well) and categories so that we can follow along as you draft. Still a really fun episode even without that.

Yeah, totally will do more play-along stuff next time.


What I think would be really helpful for listeners if you do this again is to have a document posted with the episode that shows actor and character names together (for listeners who don't know the shows well) and categories so that we can follow along as you draft.

Nice to hear some love for Last Tango in Halifax. I don't know anyone who watches it, but I have gotten a couple of people into it and I've pimped it out to many.

Because it revolves around a couple in their 70's it may turn most people off to it without seeing, but let me tell you, it's a lot about the crazy messed up lives of their children(both have daughters who don't exactly get off on the right foot in their first meeting) And Sarah Lancaster who plays one of the daughters is so amazing in the role of Caroline. One minute she can make you laugh and the next she'll crush your heart. She's such a damn good actress. She also play the leads in the great series Happy Valley on Netflix. I could go on and on with more pimping but I'll stop now.

Give it a chance I say! Thanks Stephanie for talking about it.

I would like to call shenanigans on the final round of the game time. David T. Cole has been wielding his powers as host capriciously, and it is time for a commissioner of game time. Game time needs someone who can safeguard the integrity of the games, I would like to nominate Olivia, who I am confident would be able return faith for the contestants and fans of game time.

For fun? SyFy's  Sharknado: The Musical!  It must have Tara Reid and Ian Zeiring headlining it. Accept no substitutes*!  *well, maybe some substitutes.


Buzzr, the retro game show network- Betty White : Queen For A Day, Queen Forever. It covers her amazing career from when she was told she was "unphotogenic" to her early TV successes to when she meets Allen Ludden, her husband-to-be, and finally through her work on Off Their Rockers.  It shows how her career has come full circle and how she's been enjoyed for nearly 70 years in various media.


ABC already has a musical in Galavant, so why not do, essentially, half of a season live?!  The first half of Season 3 in two hours of live insanity could be a blast. Or Fresh of the Boat, a la Hamilton?


CBS: Elementary- The Song Sung Blew ( or something more cool).  Alfredo, the M.E., and Detective Bell can show-off their pipes, as well as our leads and Captain Gregson. It's to do with the record biz/download stuff/rights and doesn't have to be murder, though attempted murder, off-stage/-screen, is okay.

I nominate Dallas, TX as the new L&O base. We have the diversity Stephanie mentioned, in(s)ane politics, various groups trying to keep status quos for everyone but them while getting themselves richer, liberals and Hudson University needs a rest from being the preeminent Murder College of the U.S. We are the fifth largest media market, iirc. There is talk radio of all kinds. So the examinations of what the media does to help/hinder cases is still in play. 


If not Dallas, then maybe Austin, the state capitol, because that is where some really...interesting stories originate, just look at Molly Ivins' books. (They are funny and lolsobby.)  I was going to suggest Detroit, but Stephanie said it, so I had no trouble nominating a couple of places here.


If you want a non-ghost-towny casino heavy place, maybe Shreveport, LA?  Louisiana/Texas have a New York/New Jersey closeness that could also lend  a familiar tone for fans of the original mothership. Tourists are big business in all three locales I mentioned, so unfortunate out-of-towner opens and cases will not have to be sacrificed. 

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