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Extra Hot Great

David T. Cole

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I thought I was the only one with a shameful Tosh.0 habit. Though I only watch in spurts, usually when all the shows I watch are on hiatus, but I guess casual addiction is still addiction. Anyone want to be my sponsor?

And since this is a safe space, I should also admit to watching Long Island Medium. And sometimes I cry. Because I'm a stupid, gullible human being.

Honored guest Trip "Willa Fortune" Payne joined Regina Dentata, Juana B. Arthur, and Salacious Bum to tell the T about Drag Race: what we like (Snatch Game), whom we hate (Santino), which queens we think will win (it's a surprise) (…not really). We celebrated The Good Wife's big twist and bemoaned Scandal's "Quuck" pairing; Sarah drew parallels between Olivia Benson and Carol Hathaway; and Dave invited everyone to join the forums' Firefly rewatch. A seminal '90s sitcom ep was considered for the Canon before we declared the week's winner and loser, and played a fan-tastic Game Time. We're serving radio realness (and possibly giving away a toaster oven) on this week's Extra Hot Great.

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Thank you Sarah! Finally, someone who isn't in mourning over Will dying on TGW! I hated Will and haaaaaaaaaaaaated Will/Alicia so I am thrilled with this turn of events (dreading grieving!Alicia though)! I'm actually several weeks behind and got spoiled on Facebook Sunday night by my preschool teacher. And I may have been so excited that it took me extra long to fall asleep. 

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As The Walking Dead trudges its last walker of the fourth season across our screens, first-time guest/Walking Dead Particleer Omar Gallaga joins us to discuss it, all the way from Austin for our first tri-city podcast! Around The Dial finds us discussing Call The Midwife, Lindsay, How I Met Your Mother, and Jim Henson’s Creature Shop Challenge. Omar offers up South Park’s *Terrance And Phillip In: Not Without My Anus* for submission into The Canon, and then after we name the week’s Winner and Loser, it’s on to THE Game Time of the season! Brains! Butts! Get into it!

Check it out!

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Also: I don't really want to get into a full discussion of the Colbert stuff, but I thought this bears mentioning. Obviously the joke was made with good intentions and the whole "cancel it" thing is misguided, and I don't think anyone actually wants that (at least the person who started it doesn't). But, there is something to be said for:

If I were to predict which minority group the writers of a show like “The Colbert Report” would choose for an edgy, epithet-laden parody, I’d grimace and prepare myself for some joke about rice, karate, or broken English.

(from here, which is worth reading)


Unrelatedly: I like that the last two canon submissions have both been Important Episodes that aren't in themselves necessarily that great. (Not to put a major gay rights landmark on the same plane as a bunch of fart jokes, but, well, kind of doing that.) More fun for me than the run of reality canon submissions, which kind of reinforced for me that no, I don't think I really need to be watching all the reality that y'all are watching and I'm not.

The season 2 premiere of Friday Night Lights, Last Days of Summer. Julie is flirting with some gross sweaty stinky unwashed ogre who goes by The Swede. Tim Riggins is having threesomes. Lyla has found JEBUS HISSELF and won't shut the fuck up about it. Oh yeah, Tyra and Landry murder Tyra's almost rapist from last season. WHAT THE HELL HAVE YOU DONE WITH MY TV SHOW?????!!!!!!

Sarah I have been on board with your "Minty" obsessions for years. I just want to GO there. Surely they have to have some kind of tour? I was so jealous that my daughter's class got to go to the Federal Reserve Bank here in Atlanta on a field trip. (NO no one asked me to chaperon!!!??) She came back with a bag of shredded money that she really enjoyed looking at under the microscope. We both collect coins and I would love to talk to your dad any time about cool coins. He should do an Ask Sarah's Dad about money, the literal edition. :D

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HBO’s monster hit sci-fantasy series Game Of Thrones, which means we tapped our two Thronesters — Rankler Jeff Drake and Particleer Nick Rheinwald-Jones — to discuss it. We also go Around The Dial to touch on David Letterman’s retirement from The Late Show; the Season 3 premiere of Veep; the series premiere of Turn; the promised crossover of Captain America: The Winter Soldier and Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D.; and the Previously.TV forum rewatches of Firefly and Stargate SG1. We consider user Victor Savage’s Canon submission: the “Insane In The Mainframe” episode of Futurama. Then it’s on to Winner and Loser and a non-regulation Game Time with THREE Dave Points at stake! Feed your dragon and settle in.

Listen to the episode.

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I think all of the Clone High episodes have an enjoyable A or B plot (or both!) and a side of Scudworth plot but "Plane Crazy: Gate Expectations" is mediocre all around.

A plot: Ashley Angel from O-Town flirts with Cleo to make Abe jealous.

B plot: Ghandi becomes a rapper.

Scudworth plot: Squirrel keeps messing with Scudworth.

I agree that this maybe wasn't the best episode of Clone High, but I still say the worst episode of Clone High is better than a lot of show's best episodes (I'm looking at you, Two and a Half Men and According To Jim!) Plus, I will admit that I love the reference to the sunny beaches of Canada and the Buddy Holly plane joke pretty much always makes me laugh.

(As a sidenote, my husband works with the guy who directed Clone High and he (the director) said working on that show was an absolute nightmare. So sad to hear!)

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