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S08.E09: One Month Down, Forever To Go

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Meanwhile, Will and Jasmine are a joke. Will obviously doesn't like her at all. I know he feels judged by her and like she expects him to bring everything to the table while she does nothing. He was too harsh with his rating and then stupid math calculations. But Jasmine set herself up for that, big time. So I can't be super mad.

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1 hour ago, LennieBriscoe said:

Lying Pukehead! He disliked Kate from her walk down the aisle! "You drink too much," my BFWA!

7.5, also my BFWA.  Maybe 5, if he's lucky,  IYKWIMAITYD!

Decifer please.  

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2 minutes ago, Elizzikra said:

He is such a fucking gaslighter. I hate him. I am so sorry that they just skipped over the whole episode of Luke’s drinking binge that left him too sick to come home (at least Kate was spared cleaning up after him). 

I realized when one of the other husbands said he wanted to fall in love with his wife that this is one of Luke’s major problems. He doesn’t want to fall in love with Kate. He doesn’t want the marriage to work. He isn’t even trying - in fact he’s trying to make it as awful as possible. When he was sitting there on the anniversary evening dinner blathering on about capers, I just wanted to smack him. I was really hoping he would come home to find Kate gone.

He really is a villain.

Yup sometimes he has this look that is positively evil.....but I sure wouldn't be moping around like she is.  I could not stand the sight of him every day.  I know she's very disappointed ~ this wasn't what she expected but just walk away and be done.  She is allowing him to torture her and that is not good.

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Really? It looked like she walked into their apartment. It didn't look like she walked into a storefront. 

ETA: referring to whether Keith brought his cooking meal home.

Edited by ECM1231
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Jessica is worthless and needs to get the boot. She handled fuckface with kid gloves because he wants to play then victim. No pity. For him to give Kate the cold shoulder because she rated herself low? Maybe try reassuring her and stop making this about you. This guy. I can’t even.  

Jasmine has no hopes of getting laid being such a snit.  Maybe instead of being offended find out what you can do to improve.  Sure washing his clothes is nice but treating him like an imbecile. I’m not surprised she is single and will likely stay so with that attitude. 

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Luke knows good and well he meant to write -75 as his rating. Kate just needs to ignore Luke or leave him at this point, he couldn't be more disrespectful if he tried. 

Jasmine, girl I like you but you need to chill. You can't ask your new husband to rate you as a wide then become angry when he rates you .2 less than you rated yourself.

I'm proud of Keith for learning how to cook. He's definitely on the right track. AJ still needs some benadryl in his juice at times, with his overly hyper self.

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Why didn’t Blondie have that troublemaking conversation with Puke and Kate instead of A.J. And Stephanie?  She was making something out of nothing.  That little speech A.J. Made about production was the truth, and Blondie tried to twist it like he was wrong.  A.J. and Stephanie are doing fine.  Leave them alone.  No one is complaining.  In marriage, everyone has their moments of frustration, and that’s o.k. If they let it out.  Blondie should concentrate more on Puke as their is major gaslighting going on there.  He’s making her like she is going off the rails.  He’s a smooth operator he is.  I don’t care for Dr. Jessica’s take on marriage at all.  I’ve been married to the same guy for many many years, so I feel like I can talk my opinion.  Just because she has degrees doesn’t mean she’s right about everything in a marriage.

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50 minutes ago, shouldbedancing said:

Meanwhile, Will and Jasmine are a joke. Will obviously doesn't like her at all. I know he feels judged by her and like she expects him to bring everything to the table while she does nothing. He was too harsh with his rating and then stupid math calculations. But Jasmine set herself up for that, big time. So I can't be super mad.

I thought Will’s math calculations were hilarious. I love Vulcan like logic. 

47 minutes ago, endure said:

Yup sometimes he has this look that is positively evil.....but I sure wouldn't be moping around like she is.  I could not stand the sight of him every day.  I know she's very disappointed ~ this wasn't what she expected but just walk away and be done.  She is allowing him to torture her and that is not good.

Saw it in the second episode. Psycho. 

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Unfiltered: Panel JamieO, Blondie, Kristine, Puke

Puke’s reel of his mistreatment of Kate...cue the violins.....

Evasive mumblings...deep sighing...what a giant puss...he can’t even articulate any excuses for his boorish behavior, no understandable reason for his outright insulting and vile behavior to Kate....running off the set because he can’t take real criticism of what a horrible person he is...how the hell was he chosen as a groom...he cannot articulate worth shit....nor can he choke out any apologies or excuses...

Puke is a selfish jerk off with ugly cry face and running snot...he cried big fat crocodile tears to avoid getting blasted by the panel for his misdeeds.

Blondie reassure him he’s not a bad guy....but wants to know why he acts like an ass and gleefully mistreats Kate again and again.

No satisfying responses from Puke so move on.....

Kristine’s revisit Keith’s Dad not showing up...like he’s not shown up many times before...Keith wasn’t surprised but Kristine is pissed the Dude pocketed the plane ticket

Funny, how Puke could speak coherently about Keith and Kristine’s missing Dad but can’t put two words together that makes sense of his ill treatment of Kate.

Puke says Kate’ baby pictures looks like John C. Reilly....that is the nicest he’s treated her...on camera

Kristine can’t stand Puke.....she’s just being polite.

Blondie....what a disappointment and lost opportunity to let Puke have his just desserts for his bad conduct.

JamieO did a good job trying to let Puke explain his actions...but he forgot how to talk....

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19 minutes ago, Soup333 said:

I thought Will’s math calculations were hilarious. I love Vulcan like logic. 

He is sooo the logical engineer/financial thinker.  But the facial expressions as he was computing his score was even funnier to me.   It looked like he started with a 5 in his head, realized that would upset her, considered rating her an 8, but his logical side wouldn’t let him tell that lie, and settled on 6.8.  

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55 minutes ago, Adeejay said:

So let me see if I understand this.  It's okay for Jasmine to give Will a 5, but it's not okay for Will to give her a 6.8.  Alrighty then.  And Jasmine, just so you know, you can't take sex off the table when it was never on. 

I have a feeling Luke is going to talk Kate out of getting a divorce to save face and then dump her as soon as the cameras are gone.

I totally agree with you about these two couples. I also think that Mr. Passive Aggressive’s going along with the “marriage experiment” is somehow connected to his moonlighting gig as a Speed Dater Host. Poor sweet Kate, she doesn’t deserve any of this.

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Jas’ boobs need to stay in her shirts...why does she let the hounds loose ...at dinner? 

AJ could ask left boob to pass the rolls....

Puke knows everyone at the couples’ dinner thinks he’s a steaming pile of shit....because they all know how awful he is to her.

Kate’s drinking is Puke’s go to reason for his continued revulsion of her.

Deflection and finger pointing, is Puke’s m.o.

What a lying liar.

Why can’t he just admit he is a cruel soulless prick that shouldn’t be married to a woman he can’t quit being mean to....

Will and Jas....they got no nothing.

Will got himself and his penis out of marital sex with Jas with that insultingly low 6.8. ..made her mad...Smart man.....

Jas countered Will is a 5....out of spite....

Puke set his alarm and ran out the apartment at 8am to avoid their anniversary...cowardly jerk

Kate wake up...your 1 month gift....double middle fingers from Puke....you scared the cameraman with your sudden outburst of emotion...

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6 minutes ago, answerphone said:

Could the participants (primarily Kate) obtain an annulment rather than a divorce?

I feel so bad for her and I've lost respect for the experts. 

Annulments are difficult to receive and the criteria is narrow. I can't see how anything in Kate and Luke's situation meets the criteria. Despite popular belief not consummating a marriage is not grounds for an annulment unless one partner is diagnosed as impotent by a doctor. And I don't see a doctor putting their licence on the line for this, so I don't see that happening. I'm pretty certain that in the history of the show, no couple who has split has gotten an annulment. 

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 The tease has Kate falling for more of Puke’s manipulating her to believe he wants to continue filming the show...the marriage because he can’t give up being filmed he cares about her...Her wish washy  inability to decide she’s had enough and completely baffling willingness to be used by Puke and the show frustrates the audience.

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Well, I've said it all already so it's getting harder for me to comment.  Like I said last week, the show should be doing something to help Kate, not just focus in on her depressed face and let her swing in the breeze while that asshole continues to abuse her.  It's just WRONG and they shouldn't be letting it continue.  Weak comments from Dr. Jessica pointing out the obvious aren't enough.  Kate is so beaten down she doesn't have enough energy left to defend herself and I cringe for her.  Drama is one thing, but watching a cruel bastard grind a woman into the mud is not what I consider entertainment and it's getting harder and harder for me to take or justify watching.

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I fully expected luke to announce he's gay when he left to compose himself and returned!  That just has to be it!  I suspect he's thought about it for a long time.  It would also explain his mother's chat with Kate!  Kate may think she can change him!  The whole marriage is upsetting!

Will and Jasmine.  They surely aren't rushing into anything are they?  I can't even imagine them having sex.  It's hard to imagine!

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Clueless Jasmine got what she deserved with Will's 6.8 rating.  He doesn't say much but that score spoke VOLUMES.  A classic example of "what goes around comes around".  You can't spend 24/7 being critical, controlling, condescending, stuck up, snobby and full of yourself to a guy and expect him to give you more than that.  I actually think he was being generous and I was LOL at his "that was out of 9" justification.  Yeah, right, sure.  Will, just own up to it, don't back pedal!

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5 hours ago, aphroditewitch said:

Oh look fake tears from Luke on Unfiltered and it looks like Dr. Jessica is going to give him a pass on his behavior. And several of his condescending smiles. And now he needs a break. 

Kristine doesn't seem to be buying it. 

Jessica is so much better than the first love coach way back when. I think intuitive but doesn’t pile on. Kristine is mature and I think a great mate for Keith 

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I am so pissed after watching this. I can’t take Luke. What a vile human being. Kate gave him an out and he sat there blinking at her like my husband does our cat when he’s trying to calm him down. And then with the drinking again. And did he say her bad attitude was the problem?! What a fucking sociopath. The experts are piling on now too, but they continue to let this poor girl spiral downward anyway. Why? Look at the comments here and on social media for your answer. Just disgusting. Oh, and the crying on Unfiltered? Give me a break. He is a villain if ever there was one!

One more thing: Jasmine sweetie, if the show has backed off forcing people to rate their spouse because it’s a shit show, why are you going there? Did you not see the Dave and Amber debacle?!! I thought he was being kind. Those two are doomed. Will gives compliments like he is reading a financial report. Talk about cruising until decision day.....

Nothing to add about the other two - they seem good. Which is exactly why the show will continue to cast couples like Kate and Luke.....

Stupid show - outside shot and happy music - oh, it must be AJ & Steph; sad, foreboding music, definitely Luke and Kate.....

Whoo - thank God for this forum where I can vent - now I can go to sleep in peace! 🙂

Edited by Ilovepie
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5 hours ago, Gem 10 said:

.. Jamie weekly update, unfiltered.  

I think I like Jamie.  She put Puke on the hot seat, but good.  The creep was stammering and stuttering.  He didn’t know how to answer Jamie’s questions she was throwing at him.  He had to take a break, the little pussy.  Plus, he told his Mother everything that was going on.  He is bad news.  Jamie, I like you.🤗. Go get him !

I really like Jamie. She’s been there and didn’t exactly click with Doug. She knows what it takes. She asks the hard questions and is persistent.  What she does isn’t easy and she keeps my attn. 

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5 hours ago, aphroditewitch said:

Oh look fake tears from Luke on Unfiltered and it looks like Dr. Jessica is going to give him a pass on his behavior. And several of his condescending smiles. And now he needs a break. 

Kristine doesn't seem to be buying it. 

Kristine gets it. I like her.  

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Dr. Jessica is worthless.  What do they even pay her for?  On "Unfiltered" Kristine showed far more insight and understanding for what's going on with Puke and Kate than she did.  Meanwhile Blondie's comments sounded surface and hollow, like she just walked in off the street and had to spin some BS of the top of her head.  It's making me suspect that she is complicit in his lies and deception.

Puke is FOS.  He is not being honest or open about the REAL reasons for anything we're seeing on the screen.  His crocodile tears on "Unfiltered" were manipulative, like everything he does and says.  So now we're supposed to feel sorry for him?  Not on your life!  I can see through that ploy!  For someone that seems to have such insight into other people he couldn't possibly be that clueless about himself, which leads me to see him as more of a villain, not less.  Because he should know better.  He's not a totally unaware person.  He knows damned well what's really going on and the reason he's not sharing it even when asked point-blank tells me the honest answer is just evil, not something that would make me feel any compassion for him.  Because if he was just not attracted to Kate, why not just admit that?  I think people would actually have more sympathy for that, his abuse notwithstanding.  But the abuse coupled with his refusal to be open about what's behind his behavior seem more nefarious to me.  Like he had no business being on that show in the first place and lied his ass off to get on it for selfish reasons.

Edited by Yeah No
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5 hours ago, linleyphd said:

Luke rated himself a 7.5. I needed a good laugh today.

A bully. He is a bully. I still think he resented her for not remembering him at the skating center. He resents her. From minute one.  

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4 hours ago, linleyphd said:

I just don't think Will is into Jasmine.

I do in a way.  He said he would do it again and was real sweet st the winery and then moved forward to kiss her. Then she took over and pulled his

lis lips to hers. That was a turn off to Will. Do you think Jessica is a little embarrassed about her waist and hips. Will was moving body in intimately and she interrupted it.   She can get him but she needs to let him lead now. 

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5 hours ago, aphroditewitch said:

Jasmine and Will have so many unnatural sounding conversations. 

That confused me.  Do you think he rated her a 5 and then crossed it out and turned it into 7.0?   Scratching out 7.5 for 7.0 seems petty but a 5 could be embarrassing.  

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1 hour ago, Yeah No said:

Dr. Jessica is worthless.  What do they even pay her for?  On "Unfiltered" Kristine showed far more insight and understanding for what's going on with Puke and Kate than she did.  Meanwhile Blondie's comments sounded surface and hollow, like she just walked in off the street and had to spin some BS of the top of her head.  It's making me suspect that she is complicit in his lies and deception.

I think it is because Dr. Jessica has not visited Philly much this season. Have no idea why since she lives in MA and Dr. Pepper lives in WA and has visited more? Kristine's Airbnb is suppose to be pretty close to Kate's and they have bonded so of course Kristine would know more because she has seen more. I would have rather just had Kristine Luke and Jamie on tonight. I think Luke would have been scared without Dr. Jessica there to save him. I bet Kristine knows a lot more then she is saying and is showing a ton of self control. 

The tears on unfiltered should have been from Kristine not Luke. She bought Keith's dad plane ticket and then he stands up her husband. That is more tear worthy , then Luke please don't call me a villian. Love how he popped out from behind the set the minuet Jessica said nice things bout him. Does Keith;s dad live in Jamaica or the states?

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5 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

Jas’ boobs need to stay in her shirts...why does she let the hounds loose ...at dinner

Yeah that looks painful and totally cringeworthy. Also, the boots she wore to the anniversary trip..they may be cool and fun..but just not for her. It looked also very uncomfortable and painful. 

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It wasn't so much this episode (even with the anniversary absentee puke), but the brief hint at next time - when puke and kate are having some sort of discussion (he with the every present condescending facial expression that I would dearly love to smack off with the back of my hand) and she mentions the word 'divorce'  - that convinced me the only reason he shows even a modicum of civility to kate is so that she will not dump him on national tv. After he snows her into saying she wants to stay married, he'll either dump her or wait until after that first reunion so he can collect more bucks. The only smart thing she's done since the wedding is making public his nasty behavior and lies. By doing so she has presented herself as a doormat, but has also maneuvered herself out of the sort of potentially nasty edit other women have had to deal with.

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The more I think about it, the more I am certain puke told kate he was too drunk to come home because that was the only acceptable excuse he could think of to justify staying wherever he was at the time. He always has to make things not his fault and in his warped mind 'I was too drunk to come home' plays much better than 'I didn't want to come home'. I hope he's getting and continues to get tons of hate mail for the rest of his miserable existence.

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Puke's  blames heavy drinking as the excuse for his rejection of Kate, now uses his heavy drinking binge as the excuse to stay away from their place.

Liars use whatever they can to cover their ass and finally Kate is pushing back...with one pinkie finger....

 I was hoping Kate would push Puke more like Elaine did...both hands....

What is more hurtful to Kate is Puke acts like she is his dirty secret...he is nice to her when the cameras are off but mistreats her during documentation so he can look hip and awesome.

Well, that is backfiring because his running off the set like a weakling who won't own up to his rotten treatment of Kate is very damaging to his image as a good guy...

Puke is just a giant fragile ego, inarticulate, devoid of actual feelings because he is an empty hipster shell and the biggest fraud MAFS has let on the show...

Puke duped "the experts" and especially Kate...but he couldn't hoodwink the audience and the crew who sees him as a faking faker.

Edited by humbleopinion
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9 hours ago, endure said:

Yup sometimes he has this look that is positively evil.....but I sure wouldn't be moping around like she is.  I could not stand the sight of him every day.  I know she's very disappointed ~ this wasn't what she expected but just walk away and be done.  She is allowing him to torture her and that is not good.

Give this guy two horns and he will look like thr DEVIL he is.    Hey Puke .. if you are really gay, leave the show and go to your lover and get off my fucking screen.

Edited by Gem 10
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9 hours ago, Kiss my mutt said:

Jessica is worthless and needs to get the boot. She handled fuckface with kid gloves because he wants to play then victim. No pity. For him to give Kate the cold shoulder because she rated herself low? Maybe try reassuring her and stop making this about you. This guy. I can’t even.  

Jasmine has no hopes of getting laid being such a snit.  Maybe instead of being offended find out what you can do to improve.  Sure washing his clothes is nice but treating him like an imbecile. I’m not surprised she is single and will likely stay so with that attitude. 

Yes, yes, yes, yes, Get her off.  She’s so smart, she couldn’t even figure out her own marriage, thus getting a divorce.  What happened there Miss PhD?

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9 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

Advice for Jasmine: don’t go fishing for compliments if you’re not prepared to reel in a bloated corpse instead of a prize winning bass...

Exxxxxxxxactly.  Don't ask questions you don't want to hear the answers to, Jas.  What praytell does she imagine she's done to break into 7+ territory?

I was glad to see Keith taking initiative to learn how to cook something, but he wanted a little too much credit for this one meal and still talked about cooking like it was Kristine's job.  "Now I can help you in the kitchen" is not as good as "Now we can cook together" or "Now we can share the cooking duties." 

5 minutes ago, humbleopinion said:

Dro, that's an earworm( sung as an aria) that I won't be able to get outta my head...

@humbleopinion sorry about that, I needed to get that off my chest before I could post anything else about the episode.

It's meant to be sang in G major.

Just now, Gem 10 said:

Get her off.  She’s so smart, she couldn’t even figure out her own marriage, thus getting a divorce.

Many of the smartest people I know are divorced.  I hope Kate gets a little smarter.

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Luke really is a disgrace. What a narcissistic bully. But did I hear right, that Kate has FEELINGS for him? I sure hope those feelings are hatred and anger and nothing positive. I feel so sad for her and the look on her face is heartbreaking, but for goodness sake girl, end that marriage. The experts claim you have an out. Whether or not that's true, I don't know.. but they told her she did. She walks around like a puppy dog trying to figure out what she did wrong. She gave herself a 6.8 for her effort in the marriage? She deserves a 50 out of 10 as she's the only person I can imagine that would still stay with him after all of this. I almost feel like she enjoys feeling sorry for herself. It's not like she's known him for years and he used to be different. She JUST met him a month ago and he's been treating her like shit from day 1. Her calm demeanor after he keeps saying she's an alcoholic (yet he drinks more), told her he's repulsed by her and he felt dead inside, is actually making me think that if he physically abused her, she'd still say. They have no history. The only thing keeping them together must be the paycheck if you stay together until the end.

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7 minutes ago, Drogo said:

Exxxxxxxxactly.  Don't ask questions you don't want to hear the answers to, Jas.  What praytell does she imagine she's done to break into 7+ territory?

I was glad to see Keith taking initiative to learn how to cook something, but he wanted a little too much credit for this one meal and still talked about cooking like it was Kristine's job.  "Now I can help you in the kitchen" is not as good as "Now we can cook together" or "Now we can share the cooking duties." 

@humbleopinion sorry about that, I needed to get that off my chest before I could post anything else about the episode.

It's meant to be sang in G major.

Many of the smartest people I know are divorced.  I hope Kate gets a little smarter.

Tell me about it Drogo.  A very, very close member of my family is a PhD in psychology and is dumb as rocks when it comes to love.

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5 hours ago, Ms.C. said:

That confused me.  Do you think he rated her a 5 and then crossed it out and turned it into 7.0?   Scratching out 7.5 for 7.0 seems petty but a 5 could be embarrassing.  

When they were at the group dinner they were rating themselves not their partner.

To me it was unnatural when she later asked him what he would rate her as a spouse. I just don't see anyone asking that in real life. I've never asked someone to rate me as a girlfriend. It came across as a producer prompted conversation. Which a lot of their conversations have seemed like to me. Most if not all of their conversations about finances have sounded fake to me. 

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Jasmine-I just can't.  She asks a question for which she expected a specific answer and then became angry when she got a different answer.  And, she really showed her high self-image when Will stated that she gave herself a 7 and she responded that she was being humble.  Her continual put downs of Will and self-elation is really unappealing to me.  Don't worry Will, it's almost over...

I was really hoping that Dr. Pepper would have told Kate at the dinner to just leave and not worry about the contractual consequences.  Kate was just so sad during the entire dinner.  And Luke's all-why???  Loved that Kate threw his own drinking back into his face when he was trying to tell her that she drank too much.  I really wish the "experts" would call him out on his own drinking.  However, I am also over Kate at this point.  Although she does make some statements about Luke's behavior, she just needs to leave.  I know it's hard and there's a lot of pressure from production, but it's just a repeat cycle during every episode.  

Although both relationships have some issues, I'm all in for Kristine and Keith and AJ and Stephanie.

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31 minutes ago, Drogo said:

Exxxxxxxxactly.  Don't ask questions you don't want to hear the answers to, Jas.  What praytell does she imagine she's done to break into 7+ territory?

She said she puts up with his messiness so I imagine in her mind she’s an 11+. Delusional. 

Jasmine is so obtuse that it boggles my mind. She wants a man to be the head of the household and foot all the bills but she wants to run everything including how he cooks her turkey bacon and how he kisses her. She just doesn’t seem to get how her behavior is actively chasing Will away. 

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3 minutes ago, seacliffsal said:

Jasmine-I just can't.  She asks a question for which she expected a specific answer and then became angry when she got a different answer.  And, she really showed her high self-image when Will stated that she gave herself a 7 and she responded that she was being humble.  Her continual put downs of Will and self-elation is really unappealing to me.  Don't worry Will, it's almost over...

I was really hoping that Dr. Pepper would have told Kate at the dinner to just leave and not worry about the contractual consequences.  Kate was just so sad during the entire dinner.  And Luke's all-why???  Loved that Kate threw his own drinking back into his face when he was trying to tell her that she drank too much.  I really wish the "experts" would call him out on his own drinking.  However, I am also over Kate at this point.  Although she does make some statements about Luke's behavior, she just needs to leave.  I know it's hard and there's a lot of pressure from production, but it's just a repeat cycle during every episode.  

Although both relationships have some issues, I'm all in for Kristine and Keith and AJ and Stephanie.

If you notice, Kate’s head is always down now,like a beaten dog.  Pathetic what he is doing to her,and more pathetic that the experts and production is allowing this. I don’t get it.  Is this for real or fake?

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