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"The View": Week Of 2/23/2019

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6 hours ago, Giant Misfit said:

It appears that the View may be pre-empted today (2/27) for coverage of a live event. 

Is there really a live event or did the other ladies refuse to work with the despicable and unprofessional Meghan without at least a 24-hr time out?

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11 hours ago, ChicagoCita said:

My normally sweet View-supporting group on Facebook was frothing at the mouth over Meghan today, not so much on what she said, but how she said it. It takes a lot to piss off these ladies, but Meghan managed it, in spades. In fact, several of them decided they were too angry to write to ABC's feedback page re The View -- they made phone calls! I bet those poor ABC interns didn't know what hit them.

After reading here, I'm deleting the show unwatched.

Whatever patience I had with this shrieking spoiled girl is gone.

I deleted it after her 100% misinformed rant. I was like...that’s enough of her today. It made my stomach hurt, she was so wrong and yet wouldn’t give an inch. I don’t have a place for rigidity like that in my life. No matter what the topic. 

26 minutes ago, deirdra said:

Is there really a live event or did the other ladies refuse to work with the despicable and unprofessional Meghan without at least a 24-hr time out?

Michael Cohen testifying before Congress. 

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3 hours ago, Apprentice79 said:

What I don't understand is why Sunny socializes with Megan. Sunny better be careful what she shares with Megan when they are out drinking and talking.  Megan is a snake that would record Sunny while she is drunk.  I suspect it is why Joy refuses to hang out with Megan off the show.  

Sunny is extremely social person, who seems to get along with everyone.   I can see her having a drink with MM to be social, all while keeping her guard up.    Many of us attend work happy hours/lunches/social events, not because we want to, but we think we should to maintain a certain level of rapport with our coworkers.    I remember Joy/Sunny telling a story once about Sunny bringing an group of her friends/family to Joy's house for a party.   They stayed so long, Joy went to bed and left them in her living room.  That's friendship.  I just don't see a similar situation happening between Sunny and MM.  I doubt Sunny has seen the Constitution that decorates MM's walls.  

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Literally yelled at my tv because of that twatwaffe Megan McPainInTheArse. I can't with her. I just can't. What a moron. I should apologize to my neighbors for potentially hearing me yell at McPain to go F herself.. Ugh.

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MM really lost me yesterday. I can excuse her showboating and talking point sand hysteria about most things she rants about, but her being “intellectually dishonest” about the bill and pegging the entire party as something so wrong....you can’t really come back from something like that and be taken seriously. So disrespectful.

Edited by geekburger
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2 hours ago, tribeca said:

Kristin and Dex are really adorable JMHO.  It was interesting him talking to Sunny about jealousy.  She thinks her husband finds that sexy   

Dax and Kristen had a good take on it.  they trust each other, so they're not going to over-react when their partner is acting on a tv show and has a romantic scene with someone.  When you have trust, you don't get jealous, because you know they are committed to you.  It's about having confidence in the relationship.

Sunny thinks Manny LIKES her jealousy?  Is she still in high school?   I recall her saying someone from Manny's work made him a cake, and she threw it in the garbage because she was jealous that another woman made him a cake.  Somehow, I'm betting that Manny didn't find that very attractive. 

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13 minutes ago, tinkerbell said:

Sunny thinks Manny LIKES her jealousy?  Is she still in high school?   I recall her saying someone from Manny's work made him a cake, and she threw it in the garbage because she was jealous that another woman made him a cake.  Somehow, I'm betting that Manny didn't find that very attractive. 

That was my thought too.  It didn't sound like something an adult woman would say, especially one who has been married for a long time.  She seems to be very insecure when it comes to Manny.  And I remember the story about the cake.  She was proud of it, but I thought it made her look ridiculous.  I agree that Manny probably didn't find it cute at all.

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37 minutes ago, tinkerbell said:

Sunny thinks Manny LIKES her jealousy?  Is she still in high school?   I recall her saying someone from Manny's work made him a cake, and she threw it in the garbage because she was jealous that another woman made him a cake.  Somehow, I'm betting that Manny didn't find that very attractive. 

She literally* said he thinks it's "HOT."   What an idiot; I'm embarrassed for her almost every day.  I wonder how much ridicule (in the form of "good natured teasing") he gets at work.  He cannot be happy about it.

*I wanted to say "actually," but I know that's Abby's word.

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52 minutes ago, DebbieM4 said:

She really does seem to think she's special.  Her sense of entitlement and superiority is outrageous.

And the ABC and Disney executives apparently support and encourage that entitlement...along with her producer, Brian.  When Whoopi gets back she'll be the conductor of the Entitlement Train.

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10 minutes ago, ClaraF said:

I would prefer to hear from an even tempered republican. I enjoy hearing facts and all intelligent sides of an issue.

I do not like the condescending know it all, tantrums, huffing, snarking and rudeness.

I agree. Sometimes, I wonder if Meghan (and Elisabeth and Candace, etc.) is actually part of a plot to make conservatives look as ridiculous and immature as possible. There's no way any reasonable person on Meghan's "team" believes her ill-informed meltdowns ("The Party of Infanticide!") are assets. I want to hear from all parts of the political spectrum,  but I have no interest in coddling 34-year-old infants.

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10 minutes ago, Vanderboom said:

I agree. Sometimes, I wonder if Meghan (and Elisabeth and Candace, etc.) is actually part of a plot to make conservatives look as ridiculous and immature as possible. There's no way any reasonable person on Meghan's "team" believes her ill-informed meltdowns ("The Party of Infanticide!") are assets. I want to hear from all parts of the political spectrum,  but I have no interest in coddling 34-year-old infants.

The problem is it's people like Meghan that get the most attention.  The View had a reasonable Republican, Nicolle Wallace. And they let her go.  ABC doesn't care about what message is being presented. They only care that people tune into hear it. And if it's a bunch of garbage and outright lies so what who cares?  But if someone on the ABC news shoes called the Democratic Party the party of infanticide I'm pretty sure there would be blow black from TPTB but if it happens on the View they couldn't care less.  I for one think us, the View audience, deserve the same respect as the ABC news audience.

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19 minutes ago, Vanderboom said:

I agree. Sometimes, I wonder if Meghan (and Elisabeth and Candace, etc.) is actually part of a plot to make conservatives look as ridiculous and immature as possible. There's no way any reasonable person on Meghan's "team" believes her ill-informed meltdowns ("The Party of Infanticide!") are assets. I want to hear from all parts of the political spectrum,  but I have no interest in coddling 34-year-old infants.

They love it. It is all about owning the libs and Megan is typical and not atypical. She happens to be the worst of the worst.  It is all about slandering the other side with statements like the party of the infanticide and it is never about the exchange of ideas.

Edited by Apprentice79
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47 minutes ago, Vanderboom said:

I agree. Sometimes, I wonder if Meghan (and Elisabeth and Candace, etc.) is actually part of a plot to make conservatives look as ridiculous and immature as possible. There's no way any reasonable person on Meghan's "team" believes her ill-informed meltdowns ("The Party of Infanticide!") are assets. I want to hear from all parts of the political spectrum,  but I have no interest in coddling 34-year-old infants.

I don't know if you can put Candace in the same league as Elisabeth or Meghan. Candace seems like a sweet person who just wants to have everyone get along. I didn't watch much when she was on, but what I saw from her was someone who just stated her opinion and let others take it or leave it. She didn't expect people to challenge her views, which is why she wasn't a good fit on the show.

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I will be soooo glad when someone smacks Meghan upside the head and tells her:



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2 minutes ago, Alexis2291 said:

Not surprising that Meghan was quiet during the conversation about the racist Mark Meadows. I hope his comments about sending Obama back to Kenya continue to haunt him because that was appalling.

So glad Sunny brought up the classic "I have black friends so I can't be black" argument, which is what Meadow's did when he brought the black woman out (her name escapes me at the moment) to make a point. I mean, it did prove a point, but probably not the one he intended it to prove.

I was worried that Abby would say "You know, I don't think he's a racist for doing this even though it seemed a bad take or tone deaf on his part. It's just not good for the country to call one another racist and I hate when that happens. But he did seem like he was trying to do something, but it didn't translate. You know, I don't know what's happening or going on anymore. It was just a sad take all around. I fear for this country and just how divided we are."

Instead she agreed and even said, "If you have black friends, why not ask them if this is racist first." Which is sound advice.

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1 hour ago, CheezyXpressed said:

I don't know if you can put Candace in the same league as Elisabeth or Meghan. Candace seems like a sweet person who just wants to have everyone get along. I didn't watch much when she was on, but what I saw from her was someone who just stated her opinion and let others take it or leave it. She didn't expect people to challenge her views, which is why she wasn't a good fit on the show.

Born Again Barbie may be "sweet" but she coated her ridonkulousness in that sweetness. Like When the Black Lives Matter held protests, she suggested that they should "protest quietly" and not in public, because they were raising a ruckus. I remember mentioning and snarking on her cluelessness regarding how this country was founded and got free from the British. Did the forefathers sip tea in their parlor rooms and just write letters to King George and ask him politely to leave? Just because batshit crazies like her don't scream and froth at the mouth like Meghan does on a daily basis, doesn't mean they're not as bad. This Twat is begging for a smackdown and it will only happen elsewhere. Please let Paul Begala be there when it happens.

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Joy talks about the Republicans at the hearing, and Meghan takes it personally. And AGAIN  Meghan has to throw in "late term abortions," because that is how she refers to the democratic party.  Because the ONLY alternative to trump, according to meghan, is baby-killers.

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10 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Born Again Barbie may be "sweet" but she coated her ridonkulousness in that sweetness. Like When the Black Lives Matter held protests, she suggested that they should "protest quietly" and not in public, because they were raising a ruckus. I remember mentioning and snarking on her cluelessness regarding how this country was founded and got free from the British. Did the forefathers sip tea in their parlor rooms and just write letters to King George and ask him politely to leave? Just because batshit crazies like her don't scream and froth at the mouth like Meghan does on a daily basis, doesn't mean they're not as bad. This Twat is begging for a smackdown and it will only happen elsewhere. Please let Paul Begala be there when it happens.

She also said that the ten commandments should be on the federal buildings in DC, forgetting that would violate the separation of church and state.  Plus, her brother is Kirk Cameron a batshit crazy loon and I will never forget how she interviewed that guy from Who's the boss who was gay and HIV+. It was really telling how she really feels about people who are not like her. She may not have been a shrill like Elizabeth and Megan, but, she was just as dangerous.  Ironically, I think her not being like Megan and Elizabeth in how she delivered her opinions got her fired.

Edited by Apprentice79
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20 minutes ago, Apprentice79 said:

She also said that the ten commandments should be on the federal buildings in DC, forgetting that would violate the separation of church and state.  Plus, her brother is Kirk Cameron a batshit crazy loon and I will never forget how she interviewed that guy from Who's the boss who was gay and HIV+. It was really telling how she really feels about people who are not like her. She may not have been a shrill like Elizabeth and Megan, but, she was just as dangerous.  Ironically, I think her not being like Megan and Elizabeth in how she delivered her opinions got her fired.

Daniel Pintauro.

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No, Candace quit when the audience booed her off the stage, I believe.

Meghan is really just an all-around disgrace. For someone who likes to pretend she's not a Trump supporter out of one side of her mouth (to get spots on Colbert and other places), she pimps him more than anyone else that has ever been on this show--including people who weren't too cowardly to say they support him outright. I was happy Joy responded to her with the fact that Bernie Sanders is ONE candidate of many--how in the actual **** can the nonsense he says possibly represent "the whole" of the Democratic Party according to Miss Rich Bitch McCain?

Her saying she's a "highly educated woman" must be her attempt to discourage people from going to  "evil / liberal" college, lol, because who would want to come out the other side of an art class as stupid as she is.

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meghan is so disgusting for continuing to say democrats support infanticide and late term abortions. and by late term abortions, i'm assuming she is saying that women are terminating healthy pregnancies with no health risk to the mother or the baby.

what is going on with natasha lyonne's hair. is it fried?

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