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S10.E05: Mariah's Big Announcement

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24 minutes ago, Absolom said:

Fall of 2017, but yes that's the way reasonable people do things.

Yes 2017 is what I meant.  We actually started thinking about and visiting colleges and researching costs & scholarships in Spring of Junior year, and my sister, who is contemplating a move to a different state, is thinking 2.5 years ahead so that a move would coincide with when her elder daughter enters college and younger daughter enters high school or they'll stay put for another 4 years. But she is not married to a self-appointed cult leader.

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Why do folk keep comparing what they do to what “reasonable people” do?  No “reasonable” man, in 2019 has any “reasonable” justification for fathering 15 children, I don’t care how many wives he has.  It ain’t 1819 , folks.

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7 hours ago, Gothish520 said:

I understand everyone's issues with Kody, but I just can't fault him for wanting to keep his family together. To me, discussions about wives and underage kids living hours away sounds crazy. 

Marriage is about compromise, and sometimes one spouse will get their way over the wishes of the other. My father always had a dream to move back to his hometown, and when we kids were grown, he presented the idea to my mother and began searching for houses. My mother did not want to move, but my father wanted it badly. He found a great house within his price range, put our house on the market and they made the move. Now, granted, the town was only 20 minutes away, so it's not like they moved to another state. But if my mom had her choice, they would not have moved. 

That's all well and good, when it's a smart idea to move in the first place. Let's not pretend this was smart.

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1 hour ago, Joan of Argh said:

As Kootie and Christine drove around with the realtor I kept waiting for this magical land that would take my breath away but all I saw was a lot of dirt, rocks, a few ugly trees and Kooties hair flying in all directions at once from the excessive WIND!

The pond or more accurately MUD PUDDLE was a joke.

The view of the mountain was okay but not a gorgeous vista like they described... 

I'm sure the local mosquitoes threw a party and celebrated since they won the blood lottery with all the Brown's coming to town. 


I had the privilege of living in Lake Arrowhead CA for a few years.  THAT is forest beauty.  Nothing against Flagstaff, I am sure it’s pretty.  But their constant gushing....

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9 hours ago, Gothish520 said:

Getting into a good college is pretty cool though. Not necessarily "gather the family" cool, but still, she should be proud of that accomplishment. 

Exactly. “Not necessarily ‘gather the family’ cool”. I think that’s what my post was saying. I thought it was silly and a grab for attention to make this huge deal out of getting into Loyola. Loyola is fine. Is it monumental? No. She wanted big cheers and applause and I found that too needy, knowing what I’ve seen of Princess Mariah.

Whatever happened to Mariah wanting to be a doctor? I think getting into medical school deserves a little hoopla. 

And I’m speaking as a parent of a kid that got into a bunch of solid schools this year. Did we call the whole mischpucha over to make a big announcement? And face time more mischpucha? Nah. We told them all the next time we saw them. 

Edited by VedaPierce
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8 hours ago, Gabs66 said:

THIS!  We are moving from Wisconsin  to Vermont later this year and I have been on Zillow so often I feel like I already know the town. They have a street view option that allows you to actually "travel" through the streets. It is invaluable!

I’m a weirdo that roams around Zillow all the time. I love looking at different houses. Big and small. And I love looking at other parts of the country. Fantasizing about living here or there. I also get amused by some of the crazy pictures people post. Like a picture of a living room—with someone’s grandpa sitting in a recliner! 

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So I don't think Kody's plan lived up to "securing their future." In Kody's moving presentation he believed they would pocket a profit in the low seven figures. His thought was they bought their homes in the 440's and would sell them in the high 600's giving them about a 250,000 to 260,000 profit per home, giving them a profit of a little over a million.

However the homes have not sold yet and continue to get reduced. The more likelihood is that these homes once sold may get a profit of 150,000 each and could quite possibly be less. But giving them the benefit of the doubt that they all sell giving them 150,000 a home, they walk away with a profit of 600,000. (My real guess is that they will probably walk away with 520,000 based on the current market.)

Now they have had the additional costs of renting and one mortgage in flagstaff while they wait for their Vegas homes to sell, which is probably costing 10-12 thousand a month so up to this point since the move they have spent an additional 96,000 to rent in flagstaff, with no end in sight until they build and move into their new homes. (Just think if they still live in the rentals, every month that's an additional 12,000 that eats away at any profit they would get out of selling their homes.)

And they also have the four mortgages back in Vegas they are having to pay for.

So his 7 figure profit off the homes in reality may end up 300,00-350,000. 

And that profit will get eaten up quick with building 4 new homes. Plus weddings and college, and living in a more costly residence such as flagstaff.

Hope Kody has a plan B to finance his younger children's future.

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36 minutes ago, Armchair Critic said:

Kody brought the wives separately to Flagstaff because he wanted to butter them up alone. He probably slept with Christine that night to soften her up and he even had his arm around Meri when he was showing her around the land.

And said the two magic words "Wet bar." 

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11 hours ago, VedaPierce said:

Exactly. “Not necessarily ‘gather the family’ cool”. I think that’s what my post was saying. I thought it was silly and a grab for attention to make this huge deal out of getting into Loyola. Loyola is fine. Is it monumental? No. She wanted big cheers and applause and I found that too needy, knowing what I’ve seen of Princess Mariah.

Whatever happened to Mariah wanting to be a doctor? I think getting into medical school deserves a little hoopla. 

And I’m speaking as a parent of a kid that got into a bunch of solid schools this year. Did we call the whole mischpucha over to make a big announcement? And face time more mischpucha? Nah. We told them all the next time we saw them. 

I'm still trying to figure out whatever happened to Mariah turning on the tears and proclaiming she wanted to be in a polygamist relationship so she could manipulate the family into paying for the more expensive college.  

With this cast of jackholes from which to pick, Mariah has to be the one who grates on me the most.  

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1 minute ago, Persnickety1 said:

With this cast of jackholes from which to pick, Mariah has to be the one who grates on me the most.  

 I'm sure we all have our favorites, but my vote is always for Robyn.  I can't stand her for a million reasons.

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1 hour ago, Persnickety1 said:

With this cast of jackholes from which to pick, Mariah has to be the one who grates on me the most.  

Table for two. I have no use for the pretentious, entitled little twit or her lying, grifting girlfriend.

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7 hours ago, lma said:

Did Kody just smack Christine on the bottom in that one scene? Lol.  I’m too lazy to rewind it. Well if so, she is definitely back in the rotation.

But it’s a shame that she had to get “skinny” before Kody paid her any attention. And a shame how she has just “blossomed” because of it. She is clearly looking better and appears to be feeling better these days, presumably because her “man” is spending time and being affectionate with her.

Huh. Imagine that.

Christine is very different than she used to be, on camera, imo.  They implied, if not said outright that she suffered from an illness.  I think they discussed medication, but, not sure. It's been a while ago.  But, later, when Christine seemed much improved, I took it that she got her medication adjusted OR it was due to her mother moving in with her.  They both happened around the same time.  So, were they factors that caused her to become such a happy camper?  This week Christine basically said to Meri that if you want things to be different, you make it happen.  Sort of like she made up her mind to make things better in her life and it happened......

Does anyone know where Christine's mother is now?  

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7 hours ago, lma said:

Did Kody just smack Christine on the bottom in that one scene? Lol.  I’m too lazy to rewind it. Well if so, she is definitely back in the rotation.

But it’s a shame that she had to get “skinny” before Kody paid her any attention. And a shame how she has just “blossomed” because of it. She is clearly looking better and appears to be feeling better these days, presumably because her “man” is spending time and being affectionate with her.

Huh. Imagine that.

Oh yes he did, which I thought was hilarious and quite telling. I agree, Christine is definitely in the rotation!

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3 hours ago, Persnickety1 said:

I'm still trying to figure out whatever happened to Mariah turning on the tears and proclaiming she wanted to be in a polygamist relationship so she could manipulate the family into paying for the more expensive college.  

With this cast of jackholes from which to pick, Mariah has to be the one who grates on me the most.  

Mykelti and Tony are probably the ones that annoy me the most, but I enjoy their appearances just for the snark that inevitably ensues. 

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On 2/25/2019 at 11:40 AM, laurakaye said:

...while Janelle stared off into space and willed herself to dissolve into the couch cushion and Robyn started wiping her eye-boogers because that dastardly other man stole her cookies before Kody could get 'em.

...thought bubble over Janelle while staring into space...wishing she had not shared her cookies and had kept them for herself...

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I am not a realtor nor play one on the internet, but I would think that trying to sell 4 homes all at the same time in the same cult de sac would be a red flag to any buyers.  Either a buyer would think there is something wrong like a its a toxic dump ( well kinda is with all the sistawives hate ) or if explained there was a polygamous family, they may not agree with that lifestyle and be turned off by it or could care less there was a D list family living there or maybe just the cost of a plumber to get all of Cody's receding hairline out of the pipes.

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4 minutes ago, Roslyn said:

They spew ad nauseam about they are all the moms and they are one family and then show with actions that they are four separate "sisters" living four separate lives with occasional big get togethers.  Just like lowly monogamous families do every damn day.

The entire post was definitely quotable, but I only wanted to say ::::::Standing Applesauce:::::::

Great post!

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17 hours ago, NotinKansasanymore said:

So I don't think Kody's plan lived up to "securing their future." In Kody's moving presentation he believed they would pocket a profit in the low seven figures. His thought was they bought their homes in the 440's and would sell them in the high 600's giving them about a 250,000 to 260,000 profit per home, giving them a profit of a little over a million.

However the homes have not sold yet and continue to get reduced. The more likelihood is that these homes once sold may get a profit of 150,000 each and could quite possibly be less. But giving them the benefit of the doubt that they all sell giving them 150,000 a home, they walk away with a profit of 600,000. (My real guess is that they will probably walk away with 520,000 based on the current market.)

Now they have had the additional costs of renting and one mortgage in flagstaff while they wait for their Vegas homes to sell, which is probably costing 10-12 thousand a month so up to this point since the move they have spent an additional 96,000 to rent in flagstaff, with no end in sight until they build and move into their new homes. (Just think if they still live in the rentals, every month that's an additional 12,000 that eats away at any profit they would get out of selling their homes.)

And they also have the four mortgages back in Vegas they are having to pay for.

So his 7 figure profit off the homes in reality may end up 300,00-350,000. 

And that profit will get eaten up quick with building 4 new homes. Plus weddings and college, and living in a more costly residence such as flagstaff.

Hope Kody has a plan B to finance his younger children's future.

The issue with this @NotinKansasanymore, is that you are using real math, logic, and facts.   The Brown’s ever-changing religion does not include this “tenant”.  

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21 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

If Dayton is special needs what kind of college will be be attending?  

He has Autism so it's social skills and interactions that are challenging for him, not academics. He'll attend a normal college, but kids who have IEPs (Individualized Education Plans-the document that would label a student as "special ed") can get certain accommodations in college, mainly extra time and the option to take exams in a room alone, but sometimes other things. In college though, these students have to advocate for themselves to get those accommodations instead of having a teacher responsible for making sure they get them. This can be hard for young adults with Autism, depending on the individual of course, but most can learn to do it for themselves. So yes. Robyn's concerns about Dayton settling into college do have some basis in fact, but it's not enough to permanently uproot a giant family. 

Edited by sucker4reality
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15 minutes ago, sucker4reality said:

He has Autism so it's social skills and interactions that are challenging for him, not academics. He'll attend a normal college, but kids who have IEPs (Individualized Education Plans-the document that would label a student as "special ed") can get certain accommodations in college, mainly extra time and the option to take exams in a room alone, but sometimes other things. In college though, these students have to advocate for themselves to get those accommodations instead of having a teacher responsible for making sure they get their accommodations. This can be hard for young adults with Autism, depending on the individual of course, but most can learn to do it for themselves. So yes. Robyn's concerns about Dayton settling into college do have some basis in fact, but it's not enough to permanently uproot a giant family. 

I'm hoping Kody was courting a new wife and bargained with Robyn for permission, since she wears the pants up to her honkin' chin in the family.   He said if he uproots everyone and moves to Flagstaff for her (and pays a lot more $$$$ for a lot less space) then he gets to court a new wife.  And Robyn said "ok".    She can PRETEND she's the first wife all she wants - but she's not.

Only I know for a fact that Robyn would say:  "NO!  We ARE moving to Flagstaff and you will keep your flowing man-bun at MY home where you belong!"   Then she pinched his earlobe (or his nose) and marched him into the kitchen to feed the kids their dinner.   

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Kootie kept bringing up the idea of all living in one house but added how it kills intimacy.

I thought the Brown's only did it missionary and are very modest so how would that kill intimacy?

Me thinks kootie just revealed that at least with some or maybe one wife things must get pretty loud and raunchy...

I had visions of Christine hanging from a chandelier, squealing like a school girl while kootie smacks her butt 😵

I would have said Janelle but there's no chandelier large enough and when he's with Sobbin it's probably HIM hanging from the light fixture.  😂

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1 hour ago, Joan of Argh said:

Kootie kept bringing up the idea of all living in one house but added how it kills intimacy.

I thought the Brown's only did it missionary and are very modest so how would that kill intimacy?

Me thinks kootie just revealed that at least with some or maybe one wife things must get pretty loud and raunchy...

I had visions of Christine hanging from a chandelier, squealing like a school girl while kootie smacks her butt 😵

I would have said Janelle but there's no chandelier large enough and when he's with Sobbin it's probably HIM hanging from the light fixture.  😂

::::Whip:::::            "Ok, Robyn, OW!  I'll do...OW!! ... whatever you tell me to do!"

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10 hours ago, Persnickety1 said:

I'm still trying to figure out whatever happened to Mariah turning on the tears and proclaiming she wanted to be in a polygamist relationship so she could manipulate the family into paying for the more expensive college.  

I wonder how Kody would feel if Mariah did embrace polygamy with one legal wife and a few spiritual wives.  Would he want them to sleep in separate homes?

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1 hour ago, Joan of Argh said:

Kootie kept bringing up the idea of all living in one house but added how it kills intimacy.

I thought the Brown's only did it missionary and are very modest so how would that kill intimacy?

Me thinks kootie just revealed that at least with some or maybe one wife things must get pretty loud and raunchy...

I had visions of Christine hanging from a chandelier, squealing like a school girl while kootie smacks her butt 😵

I would have said Janelle but there's no chandelier large enough and when he's with Sobbin it's probably HIM hanging from the light fixture.  😂

Bahaha! The visuals! I should be appalled but I'm laughing too hard!

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From an article in 2013:

Mariah, one of Kody’s seventeen children, revealed this week that she intends to be a part of a plural marriage.  

Her mother Meri explains, “Kody’s always said that you should not live plural marriage unless you feel the call to it — you don’t just do it just to try it out. I completely agree with him on that. And I think that Mariah has had that calling. She just feels that.”

On the episode, Christine’s daughter Mykelti jokes that she foresees Mariah’s future family having four wives and twenty-three kids.  Madison balks at this number.  Last season, she made it perfectly clear that she wouldn’t be following in her parents’ plural footsteps, admitting, “I would not be able to share my husband like that.”  I can’t say I blame you, Madison!

Edited by ginger90
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12 hours ago, Joan of Argh said:

Kootie kept bringing up the idea of all living in one house but added how it kills intimacy.

I thought the Brown's only did it missionary and are very modest so how would that kill intimacy?

Me thinks kootie just revealed that at least with some or maybe one wife things must get pretty loud and raunchy...

I had visions of Christine hanging from a chandelier, squealing like a school girl while kootie smacks her butt 😵

I would have said Janelle but there's no chandelier large enough and when he's with Sobbin it's probably HIM hanging from the light fixture.  😂

Bring on the brain bleach...I don't think I can unsee that in my head...LOL!

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9 hours ago, Joan of Argh said:

I'm still trying to figure out whatever happened to Mariah turning on the tears and proclaiming she wanted to be in a polygamist relationship

Personally, I think she "switched teams" just to get some attention. To be edgy. She's the first one to "come out of the closet" so she is not just like all the other 16 children. Then again, maybe she really was all along and was in denial and Pudge, Sludge or whatever her name is showed her some attention and she gave in to what she always knew was true. Either way, gay or straight, I can't stand the little entitled "princess".

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56 minutes ago, llewis823 said:

Personally, I think she "switched teams" just to get some attention. To be edgy. She's the first one to "come out of the closet" so she is not just like all the other 16 children. Then again, maybe she really was all along and was in denial and Pudge, Sludge or whatever her name is showed her some attention and she gave in to what she always knew was true. Either way, gay or straight, I can't stand the little entitled "princess".

Or she already knew she didn't want to marry a man and figured the best way to get around that in her religion was to marry a man who'd only be around every 3-4 days. 

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Okay, I'm 6 minutes into this episode and I'm done. Never watching this manipulative douchebag and his harem of suckers again. But I love that he wants to live somewhere that reflects his conservative values but is liberal enough to accept them for being "different"! His values? Like being a lousy husband and selfish father? What a load of horseshit. I'm out. 

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On ‎2‎/‎25‎/‎2019 at 7:41 AM, bichonblitz said:

She never raised her own children. Back in Utah she couldn't stand to be a stay at home mom. She had a good job and made all the money for the family while Christine took care of her kids all day. That was back in the earlier days before Sobbyn came in to the picture.  

Christine didn't deal with Janelle's children before school.  Logan did it all.  I remember wondering where the heck Maddie was - she was only one year younger, and yet Logan even dealt with Savannah.  I'm guessing that's why Maddie was quick to become a teen bride and immediately have a child, and Logan is doing the opposite.  

On ‎2‎/‎26‎/‎2019 at 7:22 AM, VedaPierce said:

I hated Janelle for that comment tonight about 'wanting the privilege of raising her child'....since when, Janelle. Ugh. She gets on my nerves the most. 

Janelle left for work before the kids woke up and arrived home after dinner.  I wonder if being with her kids 24/7 in LV made her regret how little she was with her children in the earlier years.  Plus, she's already had four fly the coop, so maybe she's really clinging to the two youngest.  

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It was astutely pointed out upthread and bares (bears?) repeating that the Browns were on the brink of a financial crisis and their resolution was not to bring in more income, but to bank, literally, on the uncertainty of the equity in their homes, move to four rentals, and buy land. 

Meri is doing the B&B on her own, ON HER OWN GUYS DID YOU KNOW THAT, so I don’t think the Brown family sees it as a stream of revenue for everyone.

Christine, Maddie, and Mykelti started selling LLR. Whether any of them are in the black is anybody’s guess.

Have there been any other changes that could positively affect their income?

I would be an anxious mess if I were them. No one has a a job with guaranteed income. Everybody is always at home, staring at each other, while mortgage and rental payments are due month after month.

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Just now, Marshmallow Mollie said:

No one has a a job with guaranteed income.

Which is why Kootie would sell his soul to the devil to keep TLC renewing their load of BS totally scripted fascinating "reality" program.

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4 minutes ago, Marshmallow Mollie said:

It was astutely pointed out upthread and bares (bears?) repeating that the Browns were on the brink of a financial crisis and their resolution was not to bring in more income, but to bank, literally, on the uncertainty of the equity in their homes, move to four rentals, and buy land. 

Meri is doing the B&B on her own, ON HER OWN GUYS DID YOU KNOW THAT, so I don’t think the Brown family sees it as a stream of revenue for everyone.

Christine, Maddie, and Mykelti started selling LLR. Whether any of them are in the black is anybody’s guess.

Have there been any other changes that could positively affect their income?

I would be an anxious mess if I were them. No one has a a job with guaranteed income. Everybody is always at home, staring at each other, while mortgage and rental payments are due month after month.

I guess it would be too much to expect a restaurant in town is hiring... or the local 7-11 or grocery stores?  ANYONE hiring?  Do the kids even have jobs after school?  When I was first on my own with my kids I did anything (within reason) that I could to support them.  I even took a paper route which is a 7 day a week job - in addition to everything else I was doing.

I guess for these people that would be like trying to fill a swimming pool with thimblefuls of water.  No regular job would pay enough to make a difference.

3 minutes ago, Kohola3 said:

Which is why Kootie would sell his soul to the devil to keep TLC renewing their load of BS totally scripted fascinating "reality" program.

I only WISH that were true, Kohola.  But unless Robyn gives her approval, he won't do squat.  I really want him to take another wife.  TLC would LOVE that.....!     Robyn would have a fit.

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The issue with Mariah when she was young being the only child to flat out say that yes, she would definitely be living polygamy in the future etc was kind of covered, but in a wide number of episodes and interviews. There are too many individuals to really quote from...

From the beginning Mariah was the only child who really embraced their religion and was vocal about it. Even at a young age she made statements that she was going to be a doctor AND a polygamist because she was in the modern age and could be anything she wanted.  She was the one child who flat out refused to attend public school and stayed in the church school while the others went to public. She was also the child that when they announced the move she wanted to stay behind with family to stay in her school.  Stating that she was wanting to stay within the bubble of their leg of the religion.

After moving to LV there was a mention that Mariah was active within an LDS study group, something about she got up for school very early to attend a church group before school started, which is pretty dedicated for a teenager.  My son needed a train wreck to get him out of bed...

However...that was years ago.  When Mariah was flat out refusing to even look at any college except for the very expensive Westminster she used "returning to Utah to be back in the bubble of their religion" as her driving force.  I'm sure she wanted that school, but dedication to religion seems to be a strong trump card with Kody.  HOW can he deny the one and only child who is very strongly stating that what she wants is because of her strong pull of spirituality!!?? We all know that Mariah got exactly what she wanted in the end.

Yet...after Mariah came out all of these strong ties to the polygamous religion melted away.  At some point there was a statement (I don't remember if it was on the show or in an interview) she made about how she had the inkling of being gay, but her religion trained her to be repulsed by that thought, so throwing herself into the religion and being the MOST righteous child of the whole bunch was her defense against admitting to herself that she was, in fact, gay. By embracing every aspect of the religion she was trying to cover up inside herself. Once she finally admitted it to herself, and being surrounded by a more open thinking peer group at university, she was able to come out and accept herself and realize the religion was just a cover, after that it all just melted away.  I also think it is the sole reason that she was such an unlikable teen (also...Meri's stubborn and cranky genes don't help) and now she seems more settled within herself (as well as having the SM audience to take her above and beyond into the "influencer" of women and leader of social justice and all that other stuff....which she most likely gets from her Moses complex father...genes are complicated)

If you read stories about young people within the LDS religion who are gay, heck, any young person pretty much.  The church is over the top controlling with sexuality in all forms and outright condemning to homosexuality.  There are heartbreaking stories of people getting out of that religious bubble, just like with any cult/religion that's goal is to leach you of money as well as your soul.

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5 minutes ago, Marshmallow Mollie said:

I would be an anxious mess if I were them. No one has a a job with guaranteed income. Everybody is always at home, staring at each other, while mortgage and rental payments are due month after month.

Hell, I have occasional anxiety that we will outlive our retirement income.  And we have no debts.    I think Kody is beginning to get anxiety, but I also think he is so much a grifter that he thinks he will always figure a way out.   I expect they will continue to move frequently especially as that seems about the only thing that will keep this train wreck on the TLC tracks.   I don't think he wants more children or wives so maybe Mariah getting married would do it--especially if she were to do plural marriage to a few more women.   Or if Janelle and Meri flew the coop, leaving him with Christine and Robyn.  Or Janelle went for weight loss surgery.   Or Christine flew the coop and took Robyn with her.  Or Mitch insisted Aspyn do plural marriage, and he wanted another Brown as Wife #2.   

Bleech, I can't believe I came up with that many scenarios.  

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13 minutes ago, Twopper said:

Hell, I have occasional anxiety that we will outlive our retirement income.  And we have no debts.    I think Kody is beginning to get anxiety, but I also think he is so much a grifter that he thinks he will always figure a way out.   I expect they will continue to move frequently especially as that seems about the only thing that will keep this train wreck on the TLC tracks.   I don't think he wants more children or wives so maybe Mariah getting married would do it--especially if she were to do plural marriage to a few more women.   Or if Janelle and Meri flew the coop, leaving him with Christine and Robyn.  Or Janelle went for weight loss surgery.   Or Christine flew the coop and took Robyn with her.  Or Mitch insisted Aspyn do plural marriage, and he wanted another Brown as Wife #2.   

Bleech, I can't believe I came up with that many scenarios.  

Like Robyn would ever leave.  She's leading Kody around by the hair.  That's why he grew it out like that.    And Mitch WILL probably take another wife or two.

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Mariah's Big Announcement:  Ooh, could it be she's finally going to comb her hair?!

RECAP is in the spoiler box:


Previously on Blister Hives...

The wives did lunch with Hard-Hatted Hannah.  Kody wants to go back to Utah and run for office.  The wives poo-poo-ed his moving presentation.

We're treated to shots of palm trees and burros as one particularly mangy looking burro walks up to Meri's house.  Oh wait, that's Kody!  Kody tells us that he wants to move to Prescott, Arizona, but that he's been looking at all kinds of places and checking out prices and "pitchers."  He shows Meri a picture of trees in Flagstaff.  From the couch, the wives tell us that it hasn't been a fun couple of weeks and they aren't getting sleep.  Christine really doesn't want to go, but she also doesn't want to rock the boat.  Janelle tells us that it'll be 5 years until they have another break with no kids entering their senior year.  Back at Meri's, Kody continues to scroll through "pitchers" while nonchalantly slipping the idea in there of only building one home.  He interviews that this would save 20%.  Uhhhhh, not sure how he arrives at that, but ok.  He then brings up condos or townhomes.  From the couch, Janelle tells us that sister wives need privacy and autonomy.  Meri thinks their cult-de-sac is the perfect set up.  She and Kody then change the subject to talk about how Mariah and Audrey's leases are up so they're coming home for the summer.  In the fall, Mariah will be going to grad school somewhere.  Kody wants to know if one of them will be staying at Christine's, because in their family they don't allow couples to live together in the same house.  This doesn't make sense to Meri.  She points out that she has 2 available rooms in this house that's too big for her.  Kody and Meri interview about their traditional family standards, which have now switched from "same house" to "same room."  They then swing the topic back to moving and Kody says he's super motivated to get the houses sold and he doesn't want to grow old in Vegas.  Just like boho John Denver, he's a country boy.  On the couch, the wives stress that they need to know where they're going.  Kody tells Meri that nobody's on board with him.  Meri asks if he still plans on moving in 4 months.  Kody interviews that Meri's questions are patronizing.  Meri tells him that he needs to win over the moms who still have kids on school, and that if they need her she'll be on their side of the argument, and then she dissolves into laughter.  I don't get the joke, but maybe she'd been looking at Kody's hair so long she just couldn't hold it in anymore.  They semi-joke about not having any spare time and Kody leaves.

Aspyn and Mitch are now walking up to what looks like someone's back door.  They inform us that this is their first dance lesson for the first dance at their weddingk.  Aspyn is nervous and says she isn't coordinated.  Mitch tells teacher Dana that he's taken one ballroom dance class before.  They start off learning the box step.  On the couch, Christine says the dance lessons are adorable and OMG YOU GUYS I wish I could take a screenshot of Kody because we have reached critical mass!  He's sitting there absolutely stonefaced, with a fu manchu-esque downward sloping mustache, the tendrils of his hair curling upwards and outwards like the tentacles of an octopus.  Let me just stop spluttering...  He awakens to say, "If you want to do it right, get a lesson.  Maybe that's good advice."  No comment.  Meri had never heard of a first dance until their kids started getting married.  Sure, Jan.  Janelle describes a traditional polygamist reception to us.  Then flashback to...Meri and Kody dancing at their wedding!  These chuckleheads never can keep their stories straight.  Flashback to each of the wives picking out a song to dance with Kody to at his and Robyn's reception.  Flashback to Caleb and Tony trying to pull Maddie's and Mykelti's arms out of their sockets, respectively.  In Dana's basement, Aspyn and Mitch continue to butcher the waltz but they're cute about it.  Their song will be, "Dream A Little Dream."  

We're now flying over Meri's house and re-hashing her "unsafe," "walls," conversation with Christine.  Meri invites Christine over to continue that conversation, and to protect herself she's built a wall made of eyeliner.  Meri tells us that there was a time in the past when she and Christine had a good relationship, but that at some point things went south.  Christine says that continuing the conversation would be lovely and invites Meri to go first.  Meri recognizes that Christine's intention was to help and heal, but that it should have been more private (ie, cameras!) and that future conversations should be made more SAFE.  Christine apologizes for saying things wrong the first time around and not being clear that she was coming from a place of kindness.  Abraham Lincoln pops up to tell us that Meri and Christine used to have a fun relationship.  Or is that the Unabomber?  Oh wait, it's just Kody!  He says there have been trust issues.  Neither Meri nor Christine know where to go from here.  Meri says that they don't need to work on their relationship because they already know each other, to which Christine points out that they never talk.  Meri thinks the distance is due to their kids being grown up now.  She is still fun and crazy with her friends.  Christine says she cut off everything else and solely focused on being a mom after Truely was born.  She says she doesn't go talk to Robyn or Janelle all the time either.  Meri then apologizes for her reaction in 2012 when she and Christine discussed the struggles Christine and Kody were having.  Meri admits that she and Kody were struggling back then too.  She apologizes for not opening up about that and making Christine feel alone.  But, Meri needs Christine to know that she isn't mad or preoccupied all the time, she just has RBF.  (Which, if you don't know, stands for something that rhymes with Resting Witch Face.  Frankly, both are applicable in this family...)  Meri continues that she wants to have a good relationship with everyone, and sees that things aren't there, and realizes that she's the common denominator of the problems.  She fills like she's looking in from the outside.  She says it's hard to have the sister wife relationship when she feels like she doesn't actually have a husband.  Christine remembers that feeling of being outside, and says that she had to make herself likable and lovable again.  Her advice - just decide to be a good wife and sister wife.

It's another day at Meri's and Sol frolics with a dog in the living room.  Mariah and Audrey are in town and Meri wants to get everyone together for a super fun announcement.  Christine hopes it's a marriage announcement.  Meri says that they've been dating over a year and are doing very well.  Kody is concerned because Audrey is the first person Mariah has ever dated.  Meri and Christine point out that Kody is the first person they dated.  As tinkly, comical music plays, he takes it back.  Janelle's brood arrives at Meri's, including a toddling Axel.  Janelle interviews that their whole world revolves around him.  Mykelti (sporting bangs!) and Tony (sporting a tank top!) are now there, as is Mindy.  Christine tells us that Mykelti wants babies but Tony has put the brakes on.  On a tablet, Meri is facetiming with the Cowardly Lion.  Oops, my bad, it's Kody again!  He's in a car with Robyn and "the girls."  Kody informs us that they were in Flagstaff on a birthday trip.  Mariah gets everyone's attention for something that's not really a big deal and not really an announcement.  Way to start strong.  She tells them that after the summer she and Audrey will move to Chicago because she got into Loyola.  Meri tells us that Mariah had dreamed of that school for a long time.  Mariah continues her address to the crowd by saying she will get her master's in both social work and social justice.  Audrey will look for jobs in advertising.  Janelle asks about coming to visit, and Mariah & Audrey let slip that they'll only be using one bedroom in their place so they'll have extra rooms.  Janelle wants to go for St. Patrick's day.  "Boston would be funner for St. Paststrick's day," slurs the Cowardly Lion.  Go home, Lion, you're drunk.  Speaking of which...Meri explains that in Chicago they dye the river green and drink for 24 hours.  Kody wonders how everyone doesn't get dehydrated.  Everyone is happy for Mariah and Kody is glad she found someone she feels "safe" with.

The producers are really in a hurry to dump all of their stock footage of the strip!  We're treated to a shot of the famous Welcome to Las Vegas sign just before Kody greets Christine with a smack on the posterior.  Sin City, indeed!  They're packing to take a trip to Flagstaff, Arizona.  Christine has not yet been there.  As he loads up an Infiniti SUV, Kody tells us that he was looking for a conservative state but a liberal town.  He's taking Christine there on a birthday trip, so she's going to like it no matter what...or else.  They cuddle on the couch and Christine asks Kody if that was his ulterior motive.  "If we move to Flagstaff it'll be your birthday every day," he says.  Robyn tells us that they're not discussing the move with the kids until they have a concrete plan to pitch to them.  But Christine says that she has  already floated the idea with the kids and Gwendylyn handled it, "like a dream."  Christine brings up safety, and tells us that a bunch of the kids had talked about going to the concert where the mass shooting took place.  Kody reiterates that they want to get the "triplets" settled in a new school before their junior year starts.  He picked a beautiful town to help get the wives on board with the move, but it turns out that Flagstaff is more expensive than LV!  Sounds like Mr. Research dropped the ball.  "We need to just go.  Consequences be damned," says Kody.  The Brown Family Motto.

Along those lines, Janelle is now going over to the Brown-Brush house to tell some of her kids about the move.  She interviews that Kody's presentation was 5 weeks ago and she's had a dramatic change of heart since then.  She's a mountain/camping/fishing/hiking girl and doesn't love the LV weather.  Supposedly, Savannah told Janelle that she wants to go to school in a place with, "mountains and pine trees."  Sure, Jan...elle.  Gabriel, on the other hand, has a girlfriend and is on varsity wrestling and is really struggling with the idea.  After the last move was so traumatic for Maddie and Hunter, Janelle doesn't want to go through that again with Gabe, but she's pushing for the move because she thinks that Flagstaff will offer a better quality of life for her kids.  She tells them that Dad and Christine are presently in Flagstaff meeting with a realtor.  Janelle says that at least Gabe isn't depressed, to which he replies, "That's what you think."  Janelle says she knows it's hard leaving a girlfriend, but they'll have outdoor stuff to do!  Gabe interviews that the offer of "outdoor stuff" is like being offered flowers after getting one's leg chopped off.  He asks if he can stay with Maddie, which Janelle immediately shoots down with, "I want the privilege of raising my child."  "I want the privilege of choosing where I go to school," he interviews.  Janelle tells Maddie that plans are pretty settled because all of the adults have united around the idea of Flagstaff.  Gabe tells us that he had just lettered in wrestling and was on track to be varsity team captain his senior year.  He wishes his parents could see all the work he's done and everything he's passionate about, and how they're kicking it out from under him.  Well, sorry Gabe.  In the Brown world only Meri's passions count, the word "work" doesn't exist, and consequences be damned!

Kody and Christine are now in Flagstaff, looking a little bit like weather reporters do when they insist on standing outside during a hurricane.  They meet realtor Shelbi, who had also met Robyn on her trip.  She hasn't met polygamists before but doesn't have a problem with it because she's about to make fat commission on four lots.  She's about to show them a 1400 square foot model, but I don't think even that would be big enough to contain the concoction that the wind is making out of Kody's hair.  They step inside and Kody immediately starts raving about the "finish work."  It's a pretty house, but obviously smaller than any of the Vegas McMansions.  Kody tells Shelbi that they're moving an army so the task is astronomical.  Kody says he's "intimidated" by moving into smaller houses.  He tells Christine that he has two wives who like stuff and won't downsize.  They move on to a second model home with a bigger great room and Christine is in raptures.  Now Shelbi is taking them 30 minutes east to look at lots.  Raves again from Christine, but I guess since I'm not from the SW I'm not as impressed with the amazing picturesque surroundings.  It's a flat brown area, with low, rolling hills dotted with evergreen trees in the distance.  Oh, and even more wind.  The area is known for wind.  Kody wants to look at property that actually has trees on the land.  He says the budget will determine where they go, unless it's the windy tree-less place, in which case budget be damned.

Back in the cult-de-sac, Robyn has invited Meri over to hear about their trip to Flagstaff.  They start out talking about Meri's recent trip to Chicago.  Robyn starts talking about Flagstaff being close to Utah and having lots of trees.  "I can't. rilly. tell. how. Robin. is filling. about. it," says Meri.  There's definitely some dancing going on here, and it ain't the box step.  Robyn is keeping mum but encourages Aurora to talk.  Aurora tells Meri that she loved Flagstaff, even though she had been sobbing because she didn't want to go.  (And Kody calls Gabe the dramatic one?  Oy.)  But then Aurora saw trees, and she started crying again, not in sadness but in arboreal amazement.  On the couch, Breanna adds that the town felt cute and clean and people seemed nice.  Robyn tells Meri that she and Kody looked at land and it felt, "kinda cool."  One piece of land in particular gave her a happy, sparkly feeling.  Breanna talks about Francisco Peak, and Aurora adds, "it's very pitcheresque."  Robyn keeps trying to play it cool, but Meri can tell she found her favorite place.  However, they both stress that everyone will have to agree and the budget will have to work out so options are still open.  They're also overwhelmed by all of the work it'll take to leave Vegas and living in rentals and building from scratch again.  Robyn tells us that her Vegas home is the first home she's ever owned, so it's a big dill for her.  She didn't even have to burn her Victoria's Secret frillies in the woodstove to heat it.

In Flagstaff, Kody, Christine, and Shelbi are looking at another model home.  It's a four bedroom with an open floor plan.  Kody says that the kitchen won't be big enough for some of his wives, and they worry if the entire family can fit in the living room for get-togethers.  Kody tells us that they're looking at houses that are 1000 square feet smaller than the Vegas homes, but that cost 50% more.  What genius came up with that idea?!  On the couch, Christine and Kody say that the cost and the distance from their older kids may be deal-killers.  They're now going to the last site, which is the site that lit Robyn's fire.  It's a gated community with two 2-acre lots, one 4-acre lot, and one 5-acre lot.  There's a pond/drainage ditch which Christine loves but Kody is not impressed.  The wind is still raging.  They hike a bit up into the trees and Shelbi goes into Always Be Closin' mode - the price of the lots was just reduced but they're going into their busy season so they'll have to act fast!  Christine thinks Janelle will love it but thinks Meri's more of a city girl.  Kody closes with some final thoughts but I tune out.

Next time:  Meri's turn to go to Flagstaff and she doesn't know how to fill.  Kody likes one lot but Christine and Robyn like another.  Janelle has more trouble with Gabe.

Edited by LilWharveyGal
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On ‎2‎/‎25‎/‎2019 at 12:22 PM, LibertarianSlut said:

I have been totally remiss in keeping up with these threads because everyone writes so fast and so funnily, and I'm afraid of losing my job if I started reading, but I have gotta ask a question (and feel free to redirect me if this has totally already been answered):

Why are they moving?

All I can remember from last week was Kody drawing a straight line on the x axis and a squiggly line on the y axis, a a polka dot in between and I Interpreted that in my Kody-to English-dictionary to mean they were in a buyer's market or at least upside-down on their mortgages and needed to get out...

This week, however, they are planning on building half the space of housing on new land, and it is going to be more expensive, so...there goes that.  To be fair to Kody, he did say he was abandoning his plans from his presentation, but the question still stands:  Why are they moving?

If your hear it from Janelle, it is because Flagstaff offers more hunting, fishing and outdooor activities (because Nevada offers none of that stuff), so she is going to uproot her 16 y/or son who has compared this move to having his foot chopped off, so that Janelle (Janelle, y'all) can hunt and fish.  Ok.

If you hear it from Christine, it is a safety issue.  Yeah, suburban Las Vegas is so terribly unsafe.  To hear about the gang warfare that is going on there, you just want to cry out for the children.  Oh, no wait, that is Chicago; what exactly is going on in Las Vegas that would be so dangerous to adult children that they would have to move?  A shooting at a concert?  A freaking Congresswoman got shot in Arizona just a few years ago, so there goes that...

If you hear it from Robyn, Las Vegas never felt like home.  Considering you 'can't' go back home, because of the polygamy laws, which no one gives a shit about, as long as you are not loafing off of the welfare system, is that a legitimate reason to rip one of the triplets (can someone cut my throat next time they use that phrase to invoke three teenagers of the same age, one of whom is not biologically related to the other two) from her school?

I haven't heard Meri's take on it, other than she seems to want to make Kody happy so that he will pay for Meriah's grad school...

All they kept talking about last night was the trees.  The trees and the goddamned wind.  That is lovely.  It sounds like a Van Gogh painting.  But why are y'all moving, and why are you doing it now, when three of the kids are going into their junior year?  Is if for a storyline?  Because if it's for a storyline, I genuinely hate them all.  Ya just moved a gigantic family from Utah to LV "in the night" and all the kids are so upset about it that some of them (Paedon) don't ever want to go back to Utah ever?  But you're going to do it again because of some trees?  Fuck all the way off, all of you, especially Janelle, who is so fucking selfish that she is going to ruin Gabe's life so that she can "raise him," (think that ship has sailed honey) when he just lettered onto a team.  Why, in fact, can't Gabe live with Maddie and be a live-in babysitter for Axel?  Why are these fucking people so selfish?  I can't stand it.  

Oh Mylanta, I just abhor Bobbyn-Sobbyn and her crotch fruit. Those girls seem so incredibly uneducated and simpering- I have issues with women like that. "I was sobbing and having anxiety attacks and the I saw TREES...on both sides of the car...TREES!!"

WTF does that even mean? I am no Janelle fan but at least her kids aren't simple...or entitled.

That windy lot made me laugh- his hair- that was actually an epic scene. The editors hate his guts; that's a given.

I always end up thinking their kids come off WAY more knowledgeable and mature than any of the adults.

If I was Gabe- and with the family's public persona that they must worry about constantly, in order to keep the show going...I would have told them I wasn't going anywhere or I would run to People magazine and spill my guts about every dirty deal and grift they had pulled over the years. By the time I was done with Kodouche- he would be paying MY rent in an apartment in LV.

You know why most of his kids don't respect him? Cus he has ZERO respect for anyone else but himself. The way he manipulated Christine on that trip was sickening to watch. He's an asshole of the first order.

And while I know I am supposed to be kind about Dayyyyytuhhhn....why does he matter more than any of the other kids? He doesn't.

I am truly a hate watcher- there is not one person I care about on this show other than a few of the kids.


PS: that's a drainage ditch, not a pond.

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