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S10.E05: Mariah's Big Announcement

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Christine and Meri try to recover the fun relationship they had years ago; Kody and Christine go to check out Flagstaff, AZ; Mariah has something big to announce to her family; Janelle talks to her kids about the move.

Mariah: "OMG, Pudge (or is it Sludge??) and I just discovered avocado toast and coffee made from unicorn tears! Janelle, you MUST try this super amazing combo to help Strive your way off the couch! Oh, and here is how you get the dogs on a flight, FOR FREE......"

Janelle: "Your shit-for-brains father and his Legal Wife have decided that the only child in this fambly that matters is Day-un. So, once again, pack it all up and don't say good-bye to your friends."

Meri and Christine had a "fun" relationship? Why are we just hearing this now (I know, story line).

ROAD TRIP! We know how well the last road trip for Christine and Kody worked out (love the fambly, and I will love you; rock towers)

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This post is going to be a really big dill.  It's just a big dill... because of course my posts are a really big dill!

Kody's hair was so awful in that first scene with Meri - I didn't think it could get worse but I'll admit it - I was wrong!

I noticed that Kody took his legal and favorite wife to Flagstaff first to check it out (they probably toured the college with the girls along as a pretense - "Let's see if you maybe want to go here someday?") and THEN he took Christine because of course all of the viewers would be bent out of shape if he only took his one and only wife... I mean favorite wife... to check it out.  So if he takes another wife there later, it's ok.  For her birthday.  At least he didn't bring another potential sister wife to her birthday dinner to meet her.  (Oh wait - that's another show.)

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24 minutes ago, Granny58 said:

The whole world can see what a bad dill it is for Gabe and my heart is breaking.  Yet, kod y shall have his way!!!

"Who is Gabe?", Kody asked.  The producers reminded him that he is a son from one of his other wives - obviously not Robyn.  "OH! Well only Robyn's kids count, so he's just going to have to buck up".  

I wonder why there wasn't some way that Kody could have taken all four wives at once.  They have LOTS of older kids and even married kids to watch the little ones.  (Tony looked ginormous, as usual.)  I guess that would make too much sense to have all of the wives weigh in at once.

And one home?  It's a killer.  Absolute hell on earth. Trust me on that one. But the good news is that Meri will finally leave and go to her B&B and live.

OH - and did anyone else notice the timing when Christine shut down to everyone?  It was when ROBYN came into the family and became the ONLY wife.  Right after Truely was born.

Edited by Kyanight
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Silly, trusting Meri. She above everyone should know that Robyn holds her cards close to her chest.  After all, this is the same woman who jumped over two timid souls and bulldozed her to become the legal first wife. 

I don't follow these people on social media, so I don't know what is going on presently in their lives.  I just hope Gabe was allowed to stay in Vegas. 

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33 minutes ago, jacksgirl said:

Robyn is such a bad liar. Way to use your kids to try to convince Meri to move.

26 minutes ago, Armchair Critic said:

Christine will do anything to win favor with Kody

28 minutes ago, 80sBaby said:

"We have to get out of Vegas ASAP due to money for our future....but we are moving somewhere much more expensive for less house!!! WTH!!!

It's good that they're leaving Vegas:

Worst.  Poker.  Faces.  Ever.

All of 'em......

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If I was an Elder in the Official Mormon Church I’d shun these people, too.  Hell, I’m not even a Mormon and I’d have nothing to do with them.  They bring shame to their sect with every episode.

The whole basis of their supposed “fambly” is they all agreed to, once they spiritually joined him in marriage, that Kody, no matter how weird he really is or how “un-safe they feel” ~ is the titular head/shot-caller.  Don’t like it that one of your specific kids will get the shaft on their dream come true du jour that non-plyg family kids get to enjoy?  Too bad, you didn’t pick that way of life-pack their shit and move on, following your polygamist soulmate that you chose to shepherd your fambly and make sure to let them know they need to suck it up, Janelle.

You don’t get to have it both ways...either live in the secular, non-plyg world where things like being the captain of the team is important or get with the program and encourage your children that following Kody’s lead is THE MOST IMPORTANT THING that’s gonna get you into the Mormon afterlife you so desperately want.

Shit or get off the pot, people.

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13 minutes ago, Aethera said:


Guys, the Live Thread was unlocked from 7:30-10:15 PM Eastern Tonight. That's where Live Chat goes. I've already set it to re-unlock before next week's episode. Please use that. Moving all live chat there now.

Note: I checked "Live Chat" at 7:32, 8:00, ~9:00 & ~9:30 Eastern and it was locked every time so it was impossible for me to post there. 

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Just now, deirdra said:

Note: I checked "Live Chat" at 7:32, 8:00, ~9:00 & ~9:30 Eastern and it was locked every time so it was impossible for me to post there. 

Alright, we may well have a bug with the new system. I'll report it up to the admins. Next week, I won't be driving during the episode, and thus able to check on it during 🙂

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13 minutes ago, albarino said:

Yes, it is really hard to google homes for sale in Flagstaff and not find Zillow.  I think I'm with all of you who surmise Robyn had already made the decision and we're just following the plot line.

It is also a lot cheaper to google from home rather than driving to Flag four separate times.  You could practically see the real estate agent salivating at the thought of selling 4 lots/homes.  Kody nonchalantly mentioned subdividing 2 lots and adding extra rooms, but is that even possible in what appears to be a new subdivision with its fake pond already plumbed - there are zoning bylaws that typically constrain setbacks and whether the property can be subdivided. 

Edited by deirdra
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1 minute ago, deirdra said:

fake pond already plumbed

That is what we call a sump here in AZ. Because of our summer monsoon rains, we get a lot of water in a short amount of time, so neighborhoods have sumps to collect the run-off. I bet that lot was required to have one because of the amount of water that crosses it during run-off or snow melt. Not a good sign for building a house there.

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14 minutes ago, Galloway Cave said:

Absolutely loved the look on Kody's face when he was ranting about Mariah possibly marrying the first girl she dated, then Meri and Christine reminded him he was their first boyfriend. Robyn and Janelle just had the "not so much, here" look on their faces.

Yeah, I could make a very rude comment about Robyn but I will restrain myself for once.  Plus it's totally inappropriate.  

5 minutes ago, Galloway Cave said:

That is what we call a sump here in AZ. Because of our summer monsoon rains, we get a lot of water in a short amount of time, so neighborhoods have sumps to collect the run-off. I bet that lot was required to have one because of the amount of water that crosses it during run-off or snow melt. Not a good sign for building a house there.

A TERRIBLE sign for building a house there.  And you want to talk MOSQUITOES in the summer??!!!!!

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1 hour ago, Kyanight said:

OH - and did anyone else notice the timing when Christine shut down to everyone?  It was when ROBYN came into the family and became the ONLY wife.  Right after Truely was born.

I can't imagine having a newborn, the hormonal tidal wave that comes with that and watching a new wife in the mix. No thank you please. 

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I have tried to not watch too much of the show because some of the half truths they had told in the past episodes would get my blood pressure up. My internet was down and what I was streaming stopped for a minute and of course my TV was on TLC.

Why Flaggstaff? Honestly? No offense to anyone living there. I live in southern Utah where Mykelti lives. The closest neurologist for our child is in Phoenix. We have decided to leave Utah. I had done some research on AZ and we drove back through Flagstaff. Just like Robyn;s daughter said, I woke up from a long day of travel and saw the trees, it was lightly raining and colder and I felt a sense of calm and happiness. After years of extreme heat and desert, I wanted to get out of the car. We went through the mall, it was a "dead mall" but it did have a hot topic for the kids. I knew the community college had a program for my child that had health issues. I checked out the schools and the rentals homes and stopped to talk about health insurance costs and quickly found out even though medical care would be closer, the cost was so expensive. I also was bothered by what I saw a as big wealth divide? I only have spent 2 days in Flagstaff researching but I saw very nice exclusive homes and then the poor struggling working class and really no solid middle class. I was also told that during the super hot summer months that there is a large unsolved homeless issue with people trying to get out of the heat. i do not think Flaggstaff is a dream affordable city to move to? All I can think of is Kody remembered it from the RV trip via route 66? or there is a MLM there or an investor that will let them buy land with some weird non-exsistant equity ?

It also gets me so pissed that Kody still says that Polygamist are not welcomed in Utah or there are laws on the books. Everyday I see polygamist everywhere, they are not getting arrested. His ideal option was Cedar City Utah. If he had done research real research his city is Cedar City! It has a AUB church, he could final go back to church, it has 4 seasons, i has reasonable housing, good schools, a very good cheap public college (Logan toured it on an episode), plenty of building lots or homes just to buy, close to Meri's B&B and a few of their kids? Janelle had a great job working for the state of Utah she loved, maybe she could get back to working for them and get a pension.  There are no polygamists getting arrested! so it is not an excuse. Actually polygamy is so common no one would really care or look twice (well maybe at his crazy hair!) 

In our family's moving process. We sat down and wrote down what each of us  need and what we want. Needs are first, the we tried to find a place to get the wants too. We are starting to visit these cities, some I have never been too, but everyone gets a say. I realize it is easier with a family of 4. I take my child that is in high school needs seriously. They are captain of an academic team and I will not look at a school that does not have that team and would not accept her at a high level even if the city looks great. I felt bad for Gabe and the wrestling team. I forget all the kids, but they have 3 juniors, why not stay and have them finish because after that there are just Truley and then Robyn's little kids left? I stayed in Utah one last school year for my older child to graduate. I found out what a mess it would be to move my child at the end of high school, states have such different requirements for graduation. 

I wonder if Meri is just going to fade during the move. It is common to see wives as the age , move away and have a their own life, down the road so to speak. they don;t remarry but don;t live with the family. They are at all the family weddings and function but the live alone closer to town. I have spoken to these older women, they have wonderful stories, and clearly love all their "kids" dearly. They usually live in double wides or small homes closer to the city. I see Meri doing this. I'm very curious to see if Meri actually gets a home, not a rental but an actually newly built or owned home in Flagstaff. 

Edited by silverspoons
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What’s with “I have two wives who love their stuff”? Can’t he just say their names? We get it; you’re a huge stud. 

Why the hell can’t Gabe stay with Maddie? Janelle wants the privilege of raising her own child? She’s doing such a loving job of it right now. The poor kid. 

I liked when Kody complained about the native plants (weeds) in Flagstaff and the Realtor said something like “They’re so you,” probably thinking they looked like his hair.

That “pond” -yeah, “sump ” is right. Here in the PNW every development has a nice big ugly one - usually concrete - to catch rain. No way are they ponds OR cute, and the one Christine was gushing over was no different. I WISH developers could/would make them look more natural.   

I cant get over digging a bigger financial hole just to leave LV behind. And I can’t wait until Kody brings up the “one house” idea. Obviously he has not been paying any sort of attention to any relationship undercurrents for about 20 years now. Idiot. 

Edited by Tabbygirl521
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Saving money by downsizing,and paying less on homes, because  “our children are our future” and we need a nice wedding for Ariella, and  a proper crown for King Sol. Heck, let’s throw in a few more tacos for Tony.  He looks hungry.

Am I correct in believing the real reason for this sudden move is that these idiots took out 4 adjustable rate mortgages, and that after 7 years, the mortgage rates are about to flex and they can't get approved to refinance because they don't have a good income-to-debt ratio? They're not giving us any other good reason for this move besides "Kody hates Vegas" and "We need a new storyline to get renewed for another season." 

And it makes me sad that Christine and Janelle aren't fighting harder for their kids. I didn't expect much resistance from Robyn, but Christine and Janelle have really drank the Kool-Aid. Kody pouting at Meri's over everyone not being thrilled with his idea really put me off as well.

And Kody's hair is horrifyingly bad. He has 4 wives and not one will tell him the truth about how he looks. What's sad is that it really wouldn't be that bad if he would just cut it short. 

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8 hours ago, 80sBaby said:

So..."We have to get out of Vegas ASAP due to money for our future....but we are moving somewhere much more expensive for less house!!! WTH!!!   They are so frustratingly FOS.

"But we'll save 20%!"

Kody.  Come on now, we all know you're not the best at numbers.  Don't expect us to believe you actually did a budget and you came up with 20%.  

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Oh, how I love to hate watch this!  Do these people watch this show after it airs? Does Kody not see what an ass he is? Besides the horrible hair, his whole attitude about being the “ leader” of the family but he is so detached from the family. It seems he only shows up as a parent for symbolic things like giving away the bride at the wedding or conducting family meetings to uproot the whole family for his ADD.  Now that the whole world knows how terrible he is ( and the wives start talking to each other), why can’t these woman see that he’s not such a prize. When I see a text about Robyn ( admittedly his favorite) is plowing, I wonder WHAT does this guy do other then deposit sperm?

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5 hours ago, Tabbygirl521 said:

Why the hell can’t Gabe stay with Maddie? Janelle wants the privilege of raising her own child? She’s doing such a loving job of it right now. The poor kid. 

She never raised her own children. Back in Utah she couldn't stand to be a stay at home mom. She had a good job and made all the money for the family while Christine took care of her kids all day. That was back in the earlier days before Sobbyn came in to the picture.  

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