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S06.E08: Obsessive Habits

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You guys are awesome!  You've said everything I was thinking about Twit's TH lies, lies, and damned lies. 

Twit definitely has hip and knee issues.  She walks stairs/rocks like I do...at age 64 with hip bursitis. 

Walking downhill is harder and I bet she used walking sticks also, cuz it's harder on knees.  I guess it's not cool to show that a morbidly obese delusional narcissist needs help. 

Also, Tal calling Buddy and Chelsea "animals" cuz they were making sex jokes?

 Last week Twit hollering "loins" into her dad's ear and even he called it vulgar. Twit's a pig, not cuz she's fat, but because she's a slovenly, rude  jerk to her parents.  

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14 hours ago, Donut Bear said:

Well it is true that eating three times a day regularly is the best way to maintain weight and health.  Breakfast, lunch and dinner.  But those three meals should not exceed 1500 to 2400 calories, depending on whether you are trying to lose weight or just maintain.  And unlike what Jessica said, best not to eat late in the evening.

Depends on the person, there's no "one way" for all. Intermittent fasting has been shown to work very well for people who don't mind feeling hungry, who have no health problems are not prone to binging when it is time to eat. If one is constantly putting fuel (mainly carbs) in one's body, it's harder to burn fat stores. Some runners in my circle do certain workouts on can empty stomach in order to burn through stored fuels and get to fat stores (to drop to race weight). They then eat strategically in late afternoon/evening--lean protein, complex carb, veggies. They're very lean so I'd say it's working for them. 

There's nothing wrong with eating in the evening if one is sensible about it, but I recall Jessica saying Whitney will run to french fries if she has not planned out her nutrition. Go figure, Whitney "not prepared". So for her, this might not be the best idea and eating more often will keep her from feeling hungry. 

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I have to give Whitney props for actually finishing that hike, and for realizing that a five-mile hike in AK is a stupid idea.

Why is she doing all that strength training in the gym?  Why isn't she working on cardio and endurance?  Sure, her thighs are probably real strong when she's lying on her back pushing weight with her feet, but how is that helpful in getting her to walk 2 1/2 miles?

I felt for her when she was sort of running downhill.  When you're fat, it's really hard to walk downhill slowly without causing pain in your calves and thighs.  It's easy to just let gravity do its thing and concentrate your efforts on not stumbling.

Whitney may well eat only one "meal" a day, and if she's decided 1600 calories is what her daily allowance should be, that's a hell of a meal.  Despite what we saw *one time* she doesn't cook her own food.  I feel sure that her one meal at the end of the day is at least an entire pizza or multiple orders from a drive-through.  I also believe she doesn't count the calories in all the snacking she does throughout the day, especially in her Starbucks drinks.  She probably feels entitled to extra calories anyway since she is going to the gym more frequently--which, if she's doing strength training (plus a swim at the end)--is a pipe dream.  Going to the gym more frequently, especially if she is not doing cardio, does nothing for weight loss.  Eating fewer calories leads to weight loss.

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Well, I was home sick and caught up on the past few episodes. At least it was an amusing distraction between bouts of vomiting and coughing like a coal miner.

I kind of feel for Whitney's trainers because while I think they are going about her exercise programs all wrong, they do seem to want to do right by her. Yes, telling your trainer that you're planning a trip that's going to entail heavy physical activity that you need to train up for so they can work it into your exercise program is the smart thing to do. Telling them a little over a week before you're supposed to go? Typical Whitey. Expecting that there's going to be a magic trick that will give her the ability to handle a long walk over uneven terrain when she knows that she wasn't able to before. The kind of strength training she's been doing is not going to help her do miles of walking if she's not accustimed to doing so.

When I went to Thailand last year do to my walk in the forest with elephants, I knew that I was probably going to be the oldest and (likely) the heaviest person in my group. I'm over 50 now (*sobs*) and didn't want to be the one holding the group back. Or worse, getting hurt on the trail and having to drop out. So months before the trip, I began to prepare by walking a lot more. I pushed myself to walk up hills and did a lot of treadmill work to build up my stamina and was really proud that I not only kept up with all the younger hikers, but was often walking well ahead of many of them. It ended up being a great experience, but it could have been a disaster if I hadn't done my work to build up for it. And when we visited a temple outside of Chiang Mai (Wat Phra That Doi Suthep), I knew that there was a 300 step staircase to get up to the temple itself. I took my time, paced myself and took a few breaks so that I was able to get to the top without having a heart attack.

What Whitney is doing isn't just setting herself up for potential disappointment and humiliation (because who will ever forget her skiing mishap), but can be potentially dangerous. And not just for her. If she gets hurt on this trek, the people who will have to rescue her will be put in some serious danger. I've helped injured hikers back in my younger days and it's hard enough to help down someone who's in relatively good shape and are even able to help themselves a bit. But trying to haul someone of Whitney's size out of the wilderness? That really is a recipe for disaster for everyone involved. It's obvious that she has no clue what she's getting herself into because she's more worried about her cute little binder and not just what all these exciting activities are going to demand of her physically.

I'll agree that having a trainer with her for that hike on what was a pretty easy mountain path was going to be pointless. The instant she slapped in her ear buds, it was clear that he was there just for company and not to actually teach her how to do a trek like this safely. She was, as others pointed out, just rushing through in order to get done and get herself through by sheer momentum. He's trying to slow her down so that she doesn't hurt herself and she's just tuning him out. I don't know if she just wanted him as a security blanket or to haul her ass down off the hill if she sprains an ankle, but he sure as hell wasn't there to train her.

And seriously... if you're not going to take the time to really appreciate your surroundings, why bother hiking at all? 

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I wonder if we are going to see the trainer guy again since he clearly failed so miserably on the hike. Whitney seemed quite annoyed that he didn’t realize his job there was to tell her how great she was doing (and carry her out if he had to). Instead he told her to slow down, that she was being stupid, that she needed to pay attention, and worst of all, ignored her when she decided to ignore him. I wonder if he will get another chance to be a Whitney cheerleader or if he blew it opportunity by being rational and logical.

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There's a 43-min YouTube video you can search for with "eating protocols will powell." This is about a year ago before Jessica started training Twit. It's worth fast-forwarding thru to see what each says about their eating routines.

The comment below is intended for those who have followed Twit on her SM pages. It is a SPOILER for those of you who haven't.


Since both Heather (1st week) & Buddy (2nd week) ended up in AK, it's obvious that Buddy & Chelsea broke up. As the scripts have become so repetitive, does this mean a replay of Twit's sighting Buddy? Only this time he will dramatically appear atop a pile of snow heaped up by a snowplow & Twit will lumber toward him, boots sinking into the snow, arms spread wide, shrieking "Boo Bear! Boo Bear!"

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1 hour ago, Kid said:

She does eat only once a day. Like I used to do it. I started the minute my feet hit the ground and I stopped the minute I went to bed at night. One long calorie ridden meal. And I only got up to 210 pounds. So her one meal a day is taking a whole lot more calories than I did.

So when you look at it this way, she is not lying.

Yes, but then you probably were not also consuming 4+ Starbucks fraps with extra heavy cream. Those have GOT to add another 3000 calories a day. And since we know it takes a surplus of 3500 calories a day to gain a pound..........

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34 minutes ago, Dot said:
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Since both Heather (1st week) & Buddy (2nd week) ended up in AK, it's obvious that Buddy & Chelsea broke up. As the scripts have become so repetitive, does this mean a replay of Twit's sighting Buddy? Only this time he will dramatically appear atop a pile of snow heaped up by a snowplow & Twit will lumber toward him, boots sinking into the snow, arms spread wide, shrieking "Boo Bear! Boo Bear!"

Dot, you are too much!!  If there had been coffee in my mouth, I would’ve spit it out!  That is SO her!!


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Let's be honest... what Whitney says that she eats vs what she actually eats are two very different things. How many times have we seen Dr. Now call one of his patients out on the carpet after they've insisted that they follow his diet and he shows that they aren't. How often have we seen Whitney ignore the dietary instructions given by her trainer, lie about what she was eating or hide how much she was eating? Short of locking her in a room and limiting what she has access to, there's no way to know what she's actually putting in her mouth.

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@Sasha888  - So very sorry for your loss. 

I am just amazed that if she is doing the gym thing everyday, she should have lost a lot more than 50lbs over the course of a year. The only reason she is not because she has not cut back on her caloric intake.  

Also, for the love of frappuccinos, why the hell is her sports bra's getting smaller and smaller ? My eyes can't take much more of this. 

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12 hours ago, fountain said:

For a woman who spends at least 50% of this show in sports bras she really needs to get better ones. I think some company that makes really good ones should give her some for advertising because if they can keep all that in place and I don’t have too see Whitney’s boobs  flap around anymore I most certainly know they could keep my gals in place on a run. It would be a win-win for everyone.

She needs to get some that actually fit and are actually sports bras (not yoga tops)! The whole point of a sports bra is so that your tits aren't going in every direction while you're bouncing around. Her bras give her absolutely zero support which means that they're either 1) cheaply made, 2) poorly fit or 3) not designed for the activity they're being used for. In Whitney's case, I think it's all of the above.

Unless you are totally flat-chested, we all need support for our girls during physical activity. High impact activities like running need bras designed for that purpose, 

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How on earth did she go from an ice pack on the knee & hobbling up a flight of stairs in one episode to doing a 5 mi (2.5 mi each way) hike/climb up a rocky path the next episode?  It's all a lie, biggest lie of all is that she is obsessed with showing us and the world that yes she's morbidly obese, but she's also extremely fit and healthy.  LOL.   So I guess we know that Buddy does indeed go to Alaska.  If this I had no doubt, because the entire Buddy-Chelsea thing stunk to high heaven from the get go.  She was a hired actress brought in to add some "interest" to this so-called show.  

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I'm re-watching the race in Hawaii and am just shaking my head at Whitney's hysterics and screaming and whimpering. This was a basic fun run where you go at your own pace over relatively level ground and finish when you finish. A long cry from a hike through the wilderness, climbing over rocks and fallen logs and far from anyone to help you if you really need it. Without Whitney having spent months after the race working her endurance and whatever the hell was going on with her feet (if there was anything really wrong with her feet), the idea that she would be ready for this kind of physical challenge is the height of idiocy.

Is she going to ask her elderly father to carry her down the mountainside if she runs into trouble?

Edited by Hana Chan
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On 2/19/2019 at 12:37 PM, TurtlePower said:

In Yosemite we had a nearly 300 lb, out-of-shape guy who required a litter-out from the upper falls (it was dark, the heli could not go out). It took 10 hours to get him down to the valley. Now I know that's the stuff we signed up for,

Hey Turtle Power, are you YOSAR? I worked with a few of you in DENA quite a few years back and have the hat to prove it. I was GIS support for SAR in Alaska Region. I cannot imagine a litter carry for someone of her size, how could you short rope her? I hiked all over Alaska and never really found the need to do a technical rock climb unless that was what I set out to do. The entire discussion about altitude was hilarious, Whittier where the race/hike was to take place is at sea level and maybe the highest pass is 2000-3000ft. Even my Acute Mountain Sickness suffering self can handle that.

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1 hour ago, Dot said:

There's a 43-min YouTube video you can search for with "eating protocols will powell." This is about a year ago before Jessica started training Twit. It's worth fast-forwarding thru to see what each says about their eating routines.

The comment below is intended for those who have followed Twit on her SM pages. It is a SPOILER for those of you who haven't.

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Since both Heather (1st week) & Buddy (2nd week) ended up in AK, it's obvious that Buddy & Chelsea broke up. As the scripts have become so repetitive, does this mean a replay of Twit's sighting Buddy? Only this time he will dramatically appear atop a pile of snow heaped up by a snowplow & Twit will lumber toward him, boots sinking into the snow, arms spread wide, shrieking "Boo Bear! Boo Bear!"


So funny to mimick her (unintentionally) slo mo,  beach trudge to get to BooBear (barf). 

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2 hours ago, TurtlePower said:

 I recall Jessica saying Whitney will run to french fries if she has not planned out her nutrition. 

Maybe it's just me, but I'm gonna say that a lot of us would run to french fries if we don't plan our nutrition. 

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36 minutes ago, Hana Chan said:

I'm re-watching the race in Hawaii and am just shaking my head at Whitney's hysterics and screaming and whimpering. This was a basic fun run where you go at your own pace over relatively level ground and finish when you finish. A long cry from a hike through the wilderness, climbing over rocks and fallen logs and far from anyone to help you if you really need it. Without Whitney having spent months after the race working her endurance and whatever the hell was going on with her feet (if there was anything really wrong with her feet), the idea that she would be ready for this kind of physical challenge is the height of idiocy.

Is she going to ask her elderly father to carry her down the mountainside if she runs into trouble?

Maybe they'll leave her ass on the mountain like they do with distressed climbers on Everest.

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16 hours ago, Snarkastikate said:

Would have loved to see her her going downhill!  In my experience is easier walking uphill than down.  Much more dangerous, it's hard to fall up.  Looking at her huff and puff herself up this slippery rocks I was waiting for the trip down.  Color me disappointed!

This is what I was wondering about when she decided that rappelling would be easier than rock climbing, in Alaska.
I can picture her pulling an arm off, or at least out of socket.

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6 hours ago, SneezeWeasel said:

She knows she has to admit to some sort of disordered eating , and finds it less shameful to say she doesn’t eat all day than that she eats too much. Conveniently she leaves out the fact that she consumes a lot of very high calorie coffee drinks. 

Why has the trainer not gone over getting rid of the drinks or if  Whitney needs Caffeine (not sure why she would since she seems to have no schedule or regular job to get up for) in the morning, how she can get it with less calories. My son gave up soda and caffeine after high school ended and lost 15lbs (it was what he wanted and all he needed to lose). It is surprising how much those drinks add up.

5 hours ago, SevenCostanza said:

Jessica said that Twit goes long times without eating then gets hungry and makes french fries.    That I can believe.   Her going 24 hours without eating I don't.  I hate how she bulldozes her way through things.   Slow down!    On the previews for the next week they show Twit running and Tal yelling about her pacing herself.  Why does she do that? Why can't she just walk with everyone normally?     

Whitney admitted to eating at night and in huge amounts. It was like multiple pizzas. It is easier then you think to go through your day without eating. She is drinking fancy coffees to give her energy and calories that she does not count. Then when she is settled at night she admits to ordering 3 pizzas and sides and eating them and them going to bed late. She has said she stopped the pizza but then has joked more then once about her pizza apps and how easy it is to order pizza. As much as I like her parents , I do think Dr. Now would call them enablers. She admits to having these pizza binges in college. Her parents giving her enough money , by the amount she said she ordered it have to be over $500 a month on pizza, they were enabling her habit. My parents paid for what my scholarship did not, they made sure my room and board was paid and books were bought, but they did not hand me $500 or more dollars for extra food. It is fine for parents to help but it seems like Whitney's parents helping has hurt her sometimes and now she seems like she is still stuck as a child in adulthood because of it. 

Edited by silverspoons
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Glenn and Babs oohing and ahhing over her fucking binder just shows what extreme arrested development Twit lives in. Her parents and friends treat her like a toddler. She’s in her mid-freaking-thirties and her parents think it’s impressive that she pulled a book report together? And lugged her ginormous ass up 2 feet from the ground? No wonder she’s a spoiled, entitled, narcissistic basket case. The Thores are a codependent’s dream. And a therapist’s nightmare...

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18 hours ago, sara1025 said:

I'm a bit confused by the whole "you need to eat more times a day!" lecture, it sounded like the way a doctor speaks to an anorexic, "you only have to eat 2 more times today, that's it! You can do it!". How does anyone believe she only eats once a day? To maintain her body weight, if she only ate once per day she would have to eat like 5,000 calories in that one meal, how is that possible without her stomach rupturing? I noticed how Jessica also said "she never really snacks" like it's a bad thing, yet Dr. Now says how snacking for obese people is a BAD thing. I don't think eating more times in a day is going to solve Whit's weight problem...

Eating all day long is considered once a day ? In Whit's mind

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Also, we have all said this as well, she is a spoiled and entitled brat. The trainer was saying slow it down, in the previews everyone telling her to slow down and she just doesn't f'ing listen. So if she pulls a muscle or twists her ankle and the forest service has to come save her ass, I hope they bill her for that.  Also, watching last night that she invited Todd over only to tell him that they only wanted her, not him for that conference, I truly believe she just loves to try and make other people miserable, just like how she feels on the inside. She wasn't sugar coating the Buddy & Chelsea with Heather, she was getting her kicks at hurting Heather ( I know..wtf over Buddy to boot )    

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33 minutes ago, spacefly said:

Hey Turtle Power, are you YOSAR? I worked with a few of you in DENA quite a few years back and have the hat to prove it. I was GIS support for SAR in Alaska Region. I cannot imagine a litter carry for someone of her size, how could you short rope her? I hiked all over Alaska and never really found the need to do a technical rock climb unless that was what I set out to do. The entire discussion about altitude was hilarious, Whittier where the race/hike was to take place is at sea level and maybe the highest pass is 2000-3000ft. Even my Acute Mountain Sickness suffering self can handle that.

Oh nice! I was YOSAR (still have the shirts!) and my duty station was LYV. We didn’t have many super-large patients as it was too hard for them to make it past Vernal Fall. Mostly we’d get called down to assist when they’d pass out on the Mist trail. Sure hope Whit doesn’t take a vacay there any time soon. We don’t want her attempting that “challenge”—plus I can only imagine her bellowing and shrieking her way past the waterfall in fear. 

I really cannot wait to see the Alaska episode. I love watching unprepared people make dumb mistakes out of my response area (sorry not sorry). 

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2 hours ago, Hana Chan said:

And seriously... if you're not going to take the time to really appreciate your surroundings, why bother hiking at all? 

To add it to her list of "accomplishments" that she can recite endlessly.
And your trip sounds wonderful.  Did you really walk along with elephants?  How exciting.

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23 minutes ago, Tipsymcstagger said:

Glenn and Babs oohing and ahhing over her fucking binder just shows what extreme arrested development Twit lives in. Her parents and friends treat her like a toddler. She’s in her mid-freaking-thirties and her parents think it’s impressive that she pulled a book report together?

Wow.  This really registered with me, because we've been discussing Sean, the 29-year old 600 lber who just died.
His mother treated him like a toddler, and they'd made a poster of things they'd do.

I think Babs would be happy to stay home this time.

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11 minutes ago, TurtlePower said:

Oh nice! I was YOSAR (still have the shirts!) and my duty station was LYV. We didn’t have many super-large patients as it was too hard for them to make it past Vernal Fall. Mostly we’d get called down to assist when they’d pass out on the Mist trail. Sure hope Whit doesn’t take a vacay there any time soon. We don’t want her attempting that “challenge”—plus I can only imagine her bellowing and shrieking her way past the waterfall in fear. 

Why can't they make people over a certain weight sign a waiver, stating that they accept that they cannot be safely carried/borne down, so will be left until a helicopter can evacuate them?

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4 minutes ago, Hana Chan said:

Here I am with my newest best friend. After fording a river (which is why my pants are soaked), she was frisking me for treats.

Wow!  This is the way elephants and people should interact.
I hate, despise, loathe, trophy hunters.

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1 hour ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

I am just amazed that if she is doing the gym thing everyday, she should have lost a lot more than 50lbs over the course of a year. The only reason she is not because she has not cut back on her caloric intake.  

Absolutely. I need to drop some weight, so a little over a month ago I cut carbs and calories and started keeping an honest food journal. I am never hungry, I am enjoying the new recipes I'm making, and I've dropped nearly 20 lbs already.

If I'd started out at 400 lbs, that would exponentially more just from hauling 400 lbs of body weight around. My progress on wanting to get active and exercise more can only be described as "piss poor!!!", as my dad used to say. 😆 So it's being done by watching what I eat alone.

Twat-waddle has chosen the hardest way possible to lose weight because she can't or won't give up the junk food and Starbucks. 

At her starting weight, losing 50 or so pounds over a period of months is not impressive. If she had really cleaned up her eating, like they try to imply on the show, it would've resulted in a lot more than 50 lbs by now.

What everyone here says about not being able to out-run a bad diet is SO true.

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1 hour ago, Hana Chan said:

She needs to get some that actually fit and are actually sports bras (not yoga tops)! The whole point of a sports bra is so that your tits aren't going in every direction while you're bouncing around. Her bras give her absolutely zero support which means that they're either 1) cheaply made, 2) poorly fit or 3) not designed for the activity they're being used for. In Whitney's case, I think it's all of the above.

Unless you are totally flat-chested, we all need support for our girls during physical activity. High impact activities like running need bras designed for that purpose, 

I’ve been saying this for a while and a couple of people pointed out that for her size she has a pretty small chest and the rest is flab and fat. I wonder if she has trouble getting a bra that will actually hold things in place. The majority of support from a bra comes from the band. A band cant give solid support if it’s just wrapped around fat. How tight would it need to be to actually get to her rib cage and be firm? Certainly she could make better bra choices than she currently does, but I wonder if even a high quality sports bra could give her decent support.

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7 minutes ago, auntjess said:

Why can't they make people over a certain weight sign a waiver, stating that they accept that they cannot be safely carried/borne down, so will be left until a helicopter can evacuate them?

I live in an area with many national parks and the rescue teams are mostly volunteers. There have been weeks in the hot over 100 degree weather when they have had to work 24/7 rescuing people not obeying rules. It is hard to see  restrictions and that not everyone can enjoy all aspects of a national park but the restrictions are not just for safety of the person but the rescue team. I have neighbors that thanklessly spend hundreds of hours in a summer rescuing people without any pay who did not follow the rules and then have to work full time or lose money from not being able to work and have families to support. Signing a waiver does not change what happens in an emergency because waiver or not teams have to go out and rescue. 

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Just because you can do something (in that no one is going to stop you) doesn't necessarily mean that you should do something. You have to be conscious of your limits and be aware that you might not just be putting yourself in danger, but others around you. Signing a waiver just means that you're agreeing not to sue if something happens - not that you won't need to have your ass rescued if you get yourself into something that you can't get out of.

There were a bunch of articles after a particularly lethal year on Mt. Everest about inexperienced climbers paying companies to ferry them up the mountain and creating a dangerous situation. Instead of being a mountain left to the most experienced climbers, anyone willing to pay could be all but carried up the mountain (creating a massive overcrowding problem). There were some companies claiming that they could get pretty much anyone up to the summit. Of course, this lead to more accidents, more deaths and more need for emergency evacuations. 

Let's be realistic... if Whitney stubs her toe on that hike and can't make it down on her own, there are going to be some very dedicated people putting themselves at real risk to get her over-sized rear end out of trouble. That's not to say that experienced hikers and climbers never get in trouble, but they have a better idea of how to mitigate risk. All Whitney seems to know what to do is try to plow her way through and damn the consequences.

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3 hours ago, TurtlePower said:

Some runners in my circle do certain workouts on can empty stomach in order to burn through stored fuels and get to fat stores (to drop to race weight).

The other reasons we do this (running fasted) are that in a long endurance race you will run out your glycogen stores. Runners refer to it as hitting the wall. It happens even if you're fueling (glucose during the race) and it's hard to push through. So you practice. Then, it's hard to run on a full stomach. Your blood is pumping to your legs to bring oxygen and fuel to your muscles, and it's not as focused on gut and digestion. Feels awful, like having a brick in the stomach, and can lead to puking. And the last reason is that running shakes shit loose. Literally. The last thing I want to have to do mid-marathon is take a dump.

Whitney hasn't got these concerns. When she talks about eating more meals in a day it's clear that what she needs to do is stop the continuous, wake-to-sleep stream of grazing and snacking and calorie laden drinks. She would benefit from setting some discrete meal times and eating and drinking absolutely nothing containing calories outside those sit down meals.

Can't even imagine how anyone could go on this trip with her and still buy that only-eats-one-small-meal-a-day bullshit!

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11 minutes ago, auntjess said:

we've been discussing Sean, the 29-year old 600 lber who just died.

😲 I had not heard that, but I guess I'm not totally shocked. His "Where are They Now" episode was not encouraging.

His relationship with his mother was toxic. Take note Glenn & Babs, when you create an emotionally stunted, adult-sized toddler, they do not magically grow up when you leave this world.

@Hana Chan your vacation pics pretty much kick the crap out of any vacation pics I've ever seen! So cool!

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37 minutes ago, 3girlsforus said:

I’ve been saying this for a while and a couple of people pointed out that for her size she has a pretty small chest and the rest is flab and fat. I wonder if she has trouble getting a bra that will actually hold things in place. The majority of support from a bra comes from the band. A band cant give solid support if it’s just wrapped around fat. How tight would it need to be to actually get to her rib cage and be firm? Certainly she could make better bra choices than she currently does, but I wonder if even a high quality sports bra could give her decent support.

I looked at the "plus size" online store for sports bras and the largest band size I could find was 54" which would be too small for her. 

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1 hour ago, aliya said:

Maybe it's just me, but I'm gonna say that a lot of us would run to french fries if we don't plan our nutrition. 

Not me. I loathe fried potatoes in any form. Except latkes --- specifically, MY latkes, because they aren't drenched in oil. 

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@Hana Chana, thanks for sharing your photos with us. You & your new friend are adorable! 😊 I was kinda in a bad mood bc my leg hurts & your photos are pickmeups for the rest of my day.

And @AuntJess I sure agree with you. Trophy hunters of these beautiful, endangered animals disgust me.

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That annoying, condescending tone in her voice while telling Todd she was going to NYC without him legit made me want to freaking smack her. What an asshole. Why not just email him? You HAD to do that in person. Like others have noted above she seems to revel in her barnacles’s misery. Such an empty, vacuous life. She’s gonna find herself very sorry about her ridiculousness when the cameras are gone and she’s a middle-aged, morbidly obese shut-in whose friends peaced-out long ago. Methinks poor Hunter better get used to ass-wiping and piddle pads...

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5 minutes ago, Tipsymcstagger said:

That annoying, condescending tone in her voice while telling Todd she was going to NYC without him legit made me want to freaking smack her. What an asshole. Why not just email him? You HAD to do that in person. Like others have noted above she seems to revel in her barnacles’s misery. Such an empty, vacuous life. She’s gonna find herself very sorry about her ridiculousness when the cameras are gone and she’s a middle-aged, morbidly obese shut-in whose friends peaced-out long ago. Methinks poor Hunter better get used to ass-wiping and piddle pads...

Can anyone explain what happened to Hunter. The first seasons we barely saw him. It seemed like he did not want to be on the show. He was living in NY on his own. Now he is back with his parents and I looked at his SM and he is acting like a college kid partying. Do Babs and Glenn have 2 adult children acting like kids that they are supporting?

Edited by silverspoons
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I'm so tired of hearing "Alaska."  If it were a drinking game, we'd all have alcohol poisoning. 

I wish Twit & Boo Bear would just get together & be done with it.  

I can't believe how small the Big Girls Dance Class has gotten.   Did all the loyal followers finally see the light?

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1 hour ago, Sasha888 said:

His relationship with his mother was toxic. Take note Glenn & Babs, when you create an emotionally stunted, adult-sized toddler, they do not magically grow up when you leave this world.

@Hana Chan your vacation pics pretty much kick the crap out of any vacation pics I've ever seen! So cool!

Thanks! I love to travel and this was a good year (Thailand, Budapest and Prague). Next year am hoping to return to Japan.

I don't get why Glen and Babs done wipe their hands of this over sized infant already because at their age, she's supposed to be helping them. Instead they are constantly placating her and patting her on the head like she's a six year old who just set the table all by herself. Her constant need for adulation, reassurance and support is kind of pathetic at this stage of her life.

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2 hours ago, Nicmar said:

I noticed how Jessica also said "she never really snacks."

But Jessica is Will's kid! I can't believe he never told her about the time he fired Whitney as a client when he found her clutching a giant partially eaten cookie in her car, amid a litter of fast food wrappings. When he told her she was supposed to be snacking on the power bars he had set her up with, she whined that she had already eaten them all. And from the look on his face, I'm guessing he had given her a couple of cartons, not a three-pack! What is Jessica's definition of a "snack" where Whitney is concerned?

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18 minutes ago, Ketzel said:

What is Jessica's definition of a "snack" where Whitney is concerned? 

Jessica has to personally witness Whitney eating it or it didn't happen?

The more of her I see on this show the more I am convinced that she (Jessica) will go along with whatever might get her some notoriety and more people to poorly train. She has clearly found a market to exploit, and exploit it she will. Her integrity and credibility as a person, athlete, and trainer are more and more questionable with every passing episode. I thought it was bad on Instagram. This episode shows that to be the tip of the iceberg.

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5 minutes ago, Barb23 said:

I'm so tired of hearing "Alaska."  If it were a drinking game, we'd all have alcohol poisoning. 

I wish Twit & Boo Bear would just get together & be done with it.  

I can't believe how small the Big Girls Dance Class has gotten.   Did all the loyal followers finally see the light?

All too true observations.   She sure doesn't support herself doing a few dance classes with a mere handful of participants and a 3 date tour.  It's her parents and the show.   And since her weird love life is in the dumpster lately,  TCL figures  "let's send the fat girl and her friends here and there and watch the ensuing drama".  Oh wait.... I forgot about the Buddy and his blow plot.  

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3 hours ago, Hana Chan said:

I'm re-watching the race in Hawaii and am just shaking my head at Whitney's hysterics and screaming and whimpering. This was a basic fun run where you go at your own pace over relatively level ground and finish when you finish. A long cry from a hike through the wilderness, climbing over rocks and fallen logs and far from anyone to help you if you really need it. Without Whitney having spent months after the race working her endurance and whatever the hell was going on with her feet (if there was anything really wrong with her feet), the idea that she would be ready for this kind of physical challenge is the height of idiocy.

Is she going to ask her elderly father to carry her down the mountainside if she runs into trouble?

Where did her plantar fasciitis go? No mention of it from Jessica or Whit.

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