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S02.E11: Double Eviction

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I  was sorry to see Tom go. I always root for the underdog. Lolo had a difficult time making her noms because the rest are all in her alliance. So now they all have to turn on each other.

It looks like Tamar has this now. And since TPTB love Tamar, she will most likely get AFP as well. 

Edited by DakotaLavender
typos corrected
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I wasn't rooting for Tom Green -  I don't like Tom Green and I'm not a fan - but I'm annoyed that something went the way Lolo wanted. Though I did appreciate her giant stank-face over not getting pulled for the Veto comp. Hee! Running a close second was the "someone smeared shit under my nose and now I can't escape the smell" look on Natalie Eva Marie Patricia Jemma Jean's face when Tom used the Veto on Ricky and named Lolo as the replacement.

We're almost done, guys. Thank God.

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Tamar for America's Favorite.  She did the victory dance I couldn't when Tom the Full-of-Himself was finally overthrown and booted! 

And Tom you don't stand up and take a bow after your are evicted either.  A wave will do.  You did not just put on some performance where is was all about me me me.  Oh wait, he thought he did.

Tom's inability to treat others as equals aka form an alliance where everyone worked together instead of a dictatorship was his downfall.  If you want what you want then try and be subtle about it and learn to compromise.  You might have some "friends" left in the house if you had.  You managed to estrange everyone.  Good riddance to him as he was the "Paul with a joke" of this season.

Edited by green
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Oh thank God! I missed you guys so much. This show is insufferable without anybody to snark with.

Tom was the last person I was rooting for (and that was mainly to spite LoLo) so now I really don’t have a horse in this race. The Dolphins fan in me wants to root for Ricky but he’s just so boring. I did think it was sad/hilarious when, in his exit interview, Tom basically said “What I learned from this show is that people suck.”

”Cousins” cracked me up. Man, last year’s cast was so much better.

ETA: It wasn’t until Tom was doing his hip hop thing during the colours comp that I suddenly remembered he was once in Organized Rhyme. I had completely blocked that from my memory. I actually used to like one of their songs. In fact, I’m pretty sure they were nominated for a Juno for Best Rap song or something back in the early 90s.

Edited by Rachel RSL
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Coming into this season I did not have a favorite, I tried to find someone to root for and there is no one left. After tonight I don't think I even want to watch the feeds. Tamar's loudness and behavior is just too annoying. I think having so many house guests that are so clueless about how to play the game has made this season hard to watch. Lets hope BB21 has a great cast. 

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Why was Lolo struggling so hard with who to nominate?  I thought the obvious choice for her was Tom and Dina.   Is she trying to work jury votes?

 I do have an appreciation for Kandi, especially after this episode.  Her only (quasi) allies are Dina the scatterbrained (but surprisingly showing up to the party lately), Mt. Saint Tamar who defies Kandi's every attempt to protect her and Tom, who's so far off the reservation he passed Canada, crossed the Arctic Circle and ended up in Finland.  And yet she doesn't lose her cool, doesn't blow up, doesn't tell them what idiots they are.  She's not perfect at herding these cats (although she's cordial and trying to be friendly with Tom, you can tell it's a front and she doesn't like him) but at least she's trying to play rationally.  

really showed herself tonight.   I don't like Tom and less so after his crazy behavior tonight, but Tamar acting a fool while he walked out was really tacky.   There's been many a houseguest glad to see someone walk out the door (and ones with much more contentious history) and they still acting more an adult than Tamar did.

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8 hours ago, Maverick said:

Why was Lolo struggling so hard with who to nominate?  I thought the obvious choice for her was Tom and Dina.   Is she trying to work jury votes?

I don't know, but Julie was on the verge of getting PISSED. I wanted to see what would happen if Julie did decide  enough was enough and took Lolo's HOH away.

I'm going to scream if Dina Kaycees this to the end, which is starting to look like a real possibility.  Well Kaycee won a lot of comps I know, but I mean in the sense that she's along for the ride with no real enemies. 

Edited by vb68
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1 hour ago, Nashville said:

Giving the block ads 1/3 of the page width really quashes the readability IMHO.

  • WTF happened to Multiquotes...?  😞

ETA: Well, hell - there they are.  Weren’t there ten minutes ago, when I could’ve used them.... 😉

Or are they...?

Yeah the multi-quotes weren't there then they were there then they weren't there again.  They keep disappearing then reappearing then disappearing constantly.  This new format has some MAJOR bugs.  Don't they ever beta test this stuff?

And again how come the text boxes here are all squished onto the left side?  Most laptops have wide formats.  Where is the controls to expand the boxes to the right instead of this Mickey Mouse crap I see right now which seems to be made for my old 1999 tube monitor?

In other news when Metta World Peace is more fun than any of the houseguests this season you know CBB2 sucked.  Hell Omarosa was the bright spot last episode.  And Ross, you still should have won CBB1!

Edited by green
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Tamar is the worst. Seriously, what a prick. Does she know that these jurors watch back? Though she doesn't seem to care with the way she danced in front of Tom. Unfortunately, the Canadian in Tom is probably going to make him way too nice for his own good.

I thought Tom was a shit gameplayer, but he still is more likable than most of the other houseguests so I will miss him. 

I was hoping that Lolo wouldn't be able to make a nom and I was hoping Julie's pissy anger would boil over and take away her HOH. We've never seen that happen and I would have loved to see how they would have determined the new HOH (they certainly wouldn't have had time to redo the comp). 

Seriously, CBB? A dumbass safety comp as a twist that didn't work out in your favour and then simply redoing the comp for HOH? I was fully expecting the veto comp to be the exact same as well!

Good to see Metta and Ross, I guess! Though why would they invite a quitter back to their show? 

Well, now I'm only rooting for Kandi. 

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Show really pissed me off last night. First, I am irritated at all the flip flopping and folks NOT playing the game (Kandi irked me at not doing as Tom, HoH, wanted and voting out Ricky....then she spilled all to hot headed Tamar...then stupid Tom pulled RICKY off the block saying that maybe then Ricky would not vote him out next, which Ricky does). Then....Lolo wouldn't make a 2nd nom. Julie is having a hard time this season (maybe that's a plan of the show)...with them not complying and then being loud and obnoxious when she tries to talk and when they're evicted and sit in the chair to interview. Speaking of not complying, when the ET news came on the TV none of them gave a shit...nobody came running and even Ricky, who was standing right there, didn't even look up at the TV. Next...Tamar didn't use veto on Kandi. Beeech....you're a piece of work. And, the icing on the cake...Tamar's effing tapdance at Tom's eviction. These crappy D-listers are ruining the show. I don't care if I watch the rest of this season. NOPE. (Oh, and not fun to watch 'the bedroom gang' pagong their way to a W).

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I am done watching for the season.  I was so sad to see Tom go.  He was respectful and kind to these shit heads, and treated them well and they were all shitty back.  What a bunch of assholes.  Especially Ricky and Tamar.  Disgusting. 

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Tamar has poor jury management skills and she's been super extra the entire time, so I don't fault her for the two dancing because that's to be expected. What I don't like is how she didn't use the Veto on Kandi.

Tamar keeps getting annoyed that Kandi is ruining Tamar's game, but Tamar has no problem doing the same to her. Screaming at Tom two seconds after Kandi confides in her. Not using the veto, when you know Kandi would have immediately helped Tamar out. I hope Lolo/Ricky turn on her and that Kandi helps out with this.

As for Tom. I think he played horribly and let his paranoia get to him. But he didn't deserve the vicious treatment from the Gold Room.

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Tom’s error was playing this as a game when your standard BB player, in any edition, KNOWS it’s a game but the tension of the house and the money at the end makes all rational thought fly out the window.

Tamar doesn’t care that you’re all business, Tom.  She wants the cash for her kid.

That said, Tamar is the WORST and I don’t know how anyone can spend five minutes with her.  I can’t remember which ep it was but the way she spoke with Dina about her catfish was atrocious.

I feel like if Lolo didn’t make a decision right quick Julie was going to have her ass take a seat next to Tom in the nomination chairs.

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On 2/9/2019 at 9:37 AM, mojoween said:

I feel like if Lolo didn’t make a decision right quick Julie was going to have her ass take a seat next to Tom in the nomination chairs.

If only!

The best part of this entire season was in this ep: Dina saying, "I vict to evote Tom." I was rolling.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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4 hours ago, Nashville said:

Tamar’s on my shit list so bad, she might as well wrap herself in Charmin and flush it - the perfect portrait of a sore winner and a classless ass.

She has been on mine since the first day. She has been loud, obnoxious. I know in part this is for TV. She has been n the reality spotlight a long time. Has a long running show. Watched BB forever. She knows how to manipulate the cameras and audience. But her insistence that Kandi play the game her way annoys the heck out of me. One conversation she had with Lolo she got so angry when Lolo said "i think" and screamed, "you think", I am telling you.

Throughout the season I have preferred Lolo to most of the houseguests. I just feel her reactions have all been real, not for ht cameras. Yes, she has  hot hot hot trigger temper but that is real. She tries hard in competitions. And, as thing have calmed down she has done some reflecting. Last night she said to Ricky that Tamars reaction to Toms eviction was not right. She felt bad about it.

Tamar screaming when Lolo won first POV, screaming , thats what i'm talking about. So over the top. How come Kato never asked her is she had been to the acting academy ( LOL, that just cracked me up).

I am all about ANYONE but Tamar. For the win and for AFP. I fear Tamar has the most voting fans and will get AFP. I would hate to see that happen.

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Lolo cracks me up when she is getting ready to begin a competition.  Even when she's just lined up in her little box for a True/False comp, she gets all hunched down and tenses up like she is waiting for a starter's pistol to go off.

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6 hours ago, green said:

Yeah the multi-quotes weren't there then they were there then they weren't there again.  They keep disappearing then reappearing then disappearing constantly. 

I already reported it, and it’s been classified as a bug - so hopefully it’ll get fixed.


This new format has some MAJOR bugs.  Don't they ever beta test this stuff?

I’m sure they did - but with any revamp this major, weird shit is always going to sneak in the back door somehow.


And again how come the text boxes here are all squished onto the left side?  Most laptops have wide formats. 

According to their tour that’s a design feature, not a bug; on wide-format displays, the ads are automatically thrown over into a sidebar to allow for ad-uninterrupted display in the scroll of the discussion posts.


Where is the controls to expand the boxes to the right instead of this Mickey Mouse crap I see right now which seems to be made for my old 1999 tube monitor?

I asked if maybe the sidebar-ad display could be a user-selectable parameter instead of automatic, but they apparently have no plans for that at present.  😞


In other news when Metta World Peace is more fun than any of the houseguests this season you know CBB2 sucked.  Hell Omarosa was the bright spot last episode.  And Ross, you still should have won CBB1!


Edited by Nashville
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5 hours ago, Lamima said:

then stupid Tom pulled RICKY off the block saying that maybe then Ricky would not vote him out next, which Ricky does

And Ricky does it with the biggest smile on his face. Most emotion we've seen from him all season.

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13 hours ago, green said:

Tamar for America's Favorite.  She did the victory dance I couldn't when Tom the Full-of-Himself was finally overthrown and booted! 

I thought Tamar looked absolutely ridiculous doing that asshole-ish victory dance. I don't vote for America's Favorite anything, but I HOPE it's not her.

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6 hours ago, Lamima said:

Show really pissed me off last night. First, I am irritated at all the flip flopping and folks NOT playing the game (Kandi irked me at not doing as Tom, HoH, wanted and voting out Ricky

Huh?  Kandi is playing for Kandi, she is NOT Tom's servant.  But that is how Tom treated anyone he was "allied" with therefore he had no one at the end.  He was Paul with a smile.  An absolute complete control freak who tried to boss everyone else around.  Good riddance to him!

5 hours ago, CheezyXpressed said:

Tamar keeps getting annoyed that Kandi is ruining Tamar's game, but Tamar has no problem doing the same to her. Screaming at Tom two seconds after Kandi confides in her. Not using the veto, when you know Kandi would have immediately helped Tamar out. I hope Lolo/Ricky turn on her and that Kandi helps out with this.

It was good game play NOT to use the veto and I'm sure Kandi totally agrees with her.

1.  It keeps Dina in their back pocket as their third by keeping her off the block and gives them the majority over Ricky/Lolo is Tamar wants t go that route. 

2.  It helps keep their final two hidden or at least not so obvious because had she used the veto when not needed everyone else would know for sure they had a final two. 

3.  Everyone knew it would be a three to zero vote to get Tom out.  Period.  Kandi wasn't in any danger whatsoever.  So good more NOT to use the veto.

3 hours ago, Nashville said:

I already reported it, and it’s been classified as a bug - so hopefully it’ll get fixed.

I’m sure they did - but with any revamp this major, weird shit is always going to sneak in the back door somehow.

According to their tour that’s a design feature, not a bug; on wide-format displays, the ads are automatically thrown over into a sidebar to allow for ad-uninterrupted display in the scroll of the discussion posts.

I asked if maybe the sidebar-ad display could be a user-selectable parameter instead of automatic, but they apparently have no plans for that at present.  😞


I don't think the problem was multi-quotes would be an item to "slip through" since it is one of their most major features.  And who the hell doesn't use an ad blocker in this day and age.  All I have is blank space filling up a third of my screen and it looks stupid. Less stupid than seeing ads I grant you but VERY BAD design failure. 

Thanks for reporting all this btw.  I don't come to relax and be entertained on boards like this and NOT to follow links to talk tech with people and could not be bothered with such.  Glad you did.

Also what is QFT?

1 hour ago, Rachel RSL said:

I really hope Tom wins AFP just to show these jackasses that being a kind, decent human being pays off and maybe they should try it some time.

How was Tom decent.  He bullied and bossed and ordered people around like he was Dear Leader the whole time.  He could NOT keep an alliance together because he was insufferable and drove everyone away with his control freak demeanor and paranoia and was backstabbing half his alliance half the time.

Glad the "Paul with a joke" guy who thought he was the producer all season isn't winning.  Hope anyone but him wins America's favorite. 

And what was that stupid speech he gave to try and get people to keep Lolo over Purple Hair.  Something about it being "our" (he used the term "our" for sure) patriotic duty to support "our" Olympic team.  Dude, you're Canadian.

Like mentioned above I thought it was hilarious when everyone in the house totally ignored the "twist" music including Ricky who was right in the room for it.  Between Julie having to repeat everything the dude said in the video and later having to threaten Lolo to choose, damn it, it was funny as hell.  Heck she had to shout down people talking over her in the living room several times too.  Julie was like herding cats all night. 

God I hate the squished box format.  I want to use my whole screen!!!

Edited by green
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1 hour ago, Rachel RSL said:

I really hope Tom wins AFP just to show these jackasses that being a kind, decent human being pays off and maybe they should try it some time.

I agree. Sure, he mugged for the cameras sometimes but he was one of the few who didn't always display full-on 'Bitch Mode.' He was having fun with it, and that was a rarity this season.

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Just now, green said:

I don;t think the problem was multi-quotes would be an item to "slip through" since it is one of their most major features.  And who the hell doesn't use an ad blocker in this day and age.  All I have is blank space filling up a third of my screen and it looks stupid. Less stupid than seeing ads I grant you but VERY BAD design failure.  Thanks for reporting all this btw.  I don't come to relax and be entertained boards to follow links to talk tech with people and could not be bothered with such.  Glad you did.

It was, indeed, a bug with the missing multiquote buttons but it has been fixed.

Just for future reference, if you see any other bugs or have any other comments or concerns with the update, you can take it here and they can be addressed and/or fixed.

3 minutes ago, green said:

How was Tom decent.  He bullied and bossed and ordered people around like he was Dear Leader the whole time.  Glad the "Paul with a joke" guy who thought he was the producer all season isn't winning.  Hope anyone but him wins America's favorite. 

He never bullied anyone. He was paranoid, sure, but he wasn't a bully, and definitely nowhere close to being like Paul. I like that Tom kept reiterating that it's a game...because it is. I just laughed at Tamar saying that he was being threatening, because he wasn't. Tom told Kandi that he was thinking of putting Tamar up. Kandi ran to complain to Tamar. Tamar overreacted and said that he was being a bully...all because he was considering putting her up? What? 

I think Tom will win AFP. Better than Tamar winning, at least...although I'd rather someone like Kandi win AFP. Kandi's awesome. 

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27 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

He never bullied anyone. He was paranoid, sure, but he wasn't a bully, and definitely nowhere close to being like Paul. I like that Tom kept reiterating that it's a game...because it is. I just laughed at Tamar saying that he was being threatening, because he wasn't. Tom told Kandi that he was thinking of putting Tamar up. Kandi ran to complain to Tamar. Tamar overreacted and said that he was being a bully...all because he was considering putting her up? What? 

I think Tom will win AFP. Better than Tamar winning, at least...although I'd rather someone like Kandi win AFP. Kandi's awesome. 

Tom was a passive aggressive bully.  The worst kind.  I even hope Tamar's legion of online followers vote her in over Tom because ANYONE BUT Tom for America's Favorite.  Hell I'll take Dina over him.

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Would anyone else actual;y watch Cousins? No? Just me. Ok. 

I'm only sort of kidding. It was entertaining, and would be entertaining in a short term, but for very long. Metta was actually funny intentionally, as opposed to last year when he was unintentionally funny voting for people to stay instead of leave. 

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13 hours ago, Rachel RSL said:

”Cousins” cracked me up. Man, last year’s cast was so much better.

Note to CBS:  Add Grover Grover Johnson to the cast of "Cousins" and you, my friends, have your next hit!  Big Bang Theory who? 

Edited by Thalia
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1 minute ago, sara416 said:

Would anyone else actual;y watch Cousins? No? Just me. Ok. 

I'm only sort of kidding. It was entertaining, and would be entertaining in a short term, but for very long. Metta was actually funny intentionally, as opposed to last year when he was unintentionally funny voting for people to stay instead of leave. 

"I VOTE CHUCK!" *leaves before Julie can correct him*

I probably wouldn't watch Cousins in real life, but it wasn't the worst thing ever. 

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12 hours ago, vb68 said:

I don't know, but Julie was on the verge of getting PISSED. I wanted to see what would happen if Julie did decide  enough was enough and took Lolo's HOH away.

Clearly Julie caught a look at herself in the mirror before the show started, realized that she looked like a little girl wearing her mom's Christmas nightie, and started the show pissed off.

I mean, the HGs are already making Chenbot glitch out with the way they vote (note to future HGs: wait until Julie asks you to cast your vote and then wait until she says 'Thank you'. There's a rhythm to this, damn it!). Then Lolo eating up so much live air time with her fake dithering? I would have died to see it happen. 

11 hours ago, Nashville said:

Say what you will about Tom, but he was the only one who appeared inclined to treat this game LIKE A GAME.  His particular brand of Canada Dry humor isn’t everybody’s cup of tea, obviously, but the OTT demonization demonstrations got tiresome a while back - and left to his own devices, Tom certainly turned in the most effective HoH reign of this season with his breakup of the inseparable Lolo/Natalie pair.  Tom has my vote for AFHG.

Watching Natalie Eva Marie Brittany Terri Ella hug everyone on their way out the door and then very deliberately stick her arm straight out for the shake when Tom tried to go for the hug was eye-roll inducing. I think she had a harder time separating game and real life than Lolo does. I usually don't follow this people afterwards to see the drama when they leave the house but I am legit curious to see the reactions of her and Tom now that they're free. 

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41 minutes ago, green said:

Tom was a passive aggressive bully.  The worst kind.  I even hope Tamar's legion of online followers vote her in over Tom because ANYONE BUT Tom for America's Favorite.  Hell I'll take Dina over him.

I'd take Dina for America's Favorite, too. Anyone but Tamar. BTW, are you trained to actually diagnose a passive/aggressive personality? I'm just curious.

Edited by mikewho
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1 hour ago, Lady Calypso said:
1 hour ago, green said:

How was Tom decent.  He bullied and bossed and ordered people around like he was Dear Leader the whole time.  Glad the "Paul with a joke" guy who thought he was the producer all season isn't winning.  Hope anyone but him wins America's favorite. 

He never bullied anyone. He was paranoid, sure, but he wasn't a bully, and definitely nowhere close to being like Paul. I like that Tom kept reiterating that it's a game...because it is.

I only somewhat read the live feeds thread. But from what I saw on the show, Tom was one of the few who could actually have a sense of humor about the whole thing. I think it's the ones who are LEFT who have been bullies/bossy/obnoxious. Tamar's dance. C'mon. How old is she?

And Paul? Really? 

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Agreed! There was no way Tom did anything even remotely close to bullying. As for being a dictator or whatever in his alliances, that’s ridiculous. Tom did the exact opposite of a dictator, he sat down with the person he was working with and discussed his options. But because Kandi didn’t like one of his options, she ran to Tamar and blabbed. Then Tamar freaked out and called him a bully because....what? He dared to consider nominating her? Tom was never mean, never hurtful, I don’t even recall him even raising his voice. On the other hand, the Mean Girls decided nobody should even be allowed to talk to him. They’re the assholes in this scenario.

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I feel like I definitely missed something when Tamar did the dance after Tom was voted out after he ... didn't nominate her when he was HoH the first time and then ... didn't nominate her when he was HoH again.

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14 minutes ago, Eolivet said:

I feel like I definitely missed something when Tamar did the dance after Tom was voted out after he ... didn't nominate her when he was HoH the first time and then ... didn't nominate her when he was HoH again.

Tom committed a cardinal sin; he mentioned Tamar’s name in game talk - and NOBODY DOES THAT IN TAMARLAND!!!  NOBODY!!!

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3 hours ago, green said:

Thanks for reporting all this btw.  I don't come to relax and be entertained on boards like this and NOT to follow links to talk tech with people and could not be bothered with such.  Glad you did.

No problem - I’m an IT tech by trade.  🙂

3 hours ago, green said:

Also what is QFT?

QFT = Quoted For Truth

(aka “What S/He Said”)   ;>

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3 hours ago, green said:

Tom was a passive aggressive bully.  The worst kind.  I even hope Tamar's legion of online followers vote her in over Tom because ANYONE BUT Tom for America's Favorite.  Hell I'll take Dina over him.

You think Tom was a bully but Tamar is ok? Huh. 

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Is it wrong for me to want to vote for Ross for AFP?  I laughed at the "Cousins" show and found it much more entertaining that this current season.  This season's players are all too much drama for me and take themselves (and their public images) way too seriously.  I'm probably out at this point (even though there are only a few days left in the season) as I just don't like any of the remaining "celebrities."

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15 hours ago, vb68 said:

I'm going to scream if Dina Kaycees this to the end, which is starting to look like a real possibility.

Kaycee won a boatload of comps and was a central figure in the televised late game.

Dina is much more on the Victoria track to the final. Girl went weeks on end without being on the broadcasts only to end up 2nd...

Anyways I'm currently hoping for Dina to win so we will have a fittingly sham/shitty end to a shitty season. I'm at that 'local sports team that you are cheering to lose so they fire everyone and start again' state with how this has gone down. I'm kind of even hoping they are forced to end the CBB streak at two.

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3 hours ago, Rachel RSL said:

Agreed! There was no way Tom did anything even remotely close to bullying. As for being a dictator or whatever in his alliances, that’s ridiculous. Tom did the exact opposite of a dictator, he sat down with the person he was working with and discussed his options. But because Kandi didn’t like one of his options, she ran to Tamar and blabbed. Then Tamar freaked out and called him a bully because....what? He dared to consider nominating her? Tom was never mean, never hurtful, I don’t even recall him even raising his voice. On the other hand, the Mean Girls decided nobody should even be allowed to talk to him. They’re the assholes in this scenario.

When I watched, it felt like Kandi just wanted to vent about having a frustrating conversation she had with Tom. She understood that he wanted Ricky out and wanted to make sure that this was the way to go. I believe she even told Tamar this and said that Tom is just really gunho about Ricky leaving. Maybe it's because it's been 20 days, but she wrongly assumed that Tamar would be rational about it.

It did seem like Tamar was at first, but then the gold room told her to go ham on Tom. Kandi looked annoyed when she was hearing it, so I don't think she expected Tamar to do that.

This just makes me feel bad for Tom and Kandi. Tom, for obvious reasons. But Kandi hasn't had anyone to talk to since the beginning of the game, because Tamar made sure that everyone viewed her as an annoyance. People were afraid that if they spoke to Kandi, they'd face Tamar's wrath, so Kandi has been alone for most of the game. Dina has been there, but Dina is also not here. And despite all this, Kandi has been loyal to Tamar.

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16 hours ago, vb68 said:

Julie was on the verge of getting PISSED. I wanted to see what would happen if Julie did decide  enough was enough and took Lolo's HOH away.

I would have loved to see her pull the HoH from Lolo.  She should have had her noms ready.  Another person who is not really a super fan.  In the regular game the contestants run all over the place in mere minutes to set the shit up.

4 hours ago, green said:

Kandi is playing for Kandi

Kandi is playing a great game.  Her calmness will get her far.  I hope.

9 hours ago, missyb said:

I am all about ANYONE but Tamar.

Me too!  She is a business woman, she told us that.  She cooks but does not clean as you go like regular people.  She cooks like the baby of the family where mommy cleans up.  Shout out to @Nashville.

I hate that most of them don't do a hallway routine during voting.  Kandi tries and at least one person joined her once.

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2 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:

Dina is much more on the Victoria track to the final.

Victoria is the much better example. I have to agree. I wish I had thought of her.

I still don't want her to win, but that's mostly because of everything I've ever heard about her. 

Edited by vb68
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I do not know why, but I just cannot get into this season.  I have missed the last three episodes and I just do not care.  Maybe it is the cast, but I am not sure that is the case either. Mainly because I would be annoyed even if I missed an episode of a crappy regular season Big Brother (such as season 19). 

Oh well, Kandi for the win.  She was my day one pick and I find her to be very likable (though I have not even looked into the LF thread, so she might be a total monster and I do not know it).

Also, one more thing I find interesting is you would never see this many "older people" (by BB standards) if this were a regular season.

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1 hour ago, BK1978 said:

Also, one more thing I find interesting is you would never see this many "older people" (by BB standards) if this were a regular season.

This is because they can't get any "young" "celebrities" to play I think... but I'd always encourage having a wider disparity of ages, but the problem there I think is that most people can't take a whole summer off to do a tv show unless they are young or retired. Would be much more interesting I think.

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The groan from the audience when the HoH was decided told you everything.

Kandi didn't make sense to me, why should she completely ignore what the HoH and Veto holder wants, and then she goes blabbing about what was only a potential plan to Tamar knowing it would just blow things up.

Nobody much to root for now.

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10 hours ago, amazingracefan said:

The groan from the audience when the HoH was decided told you everything.

Kandi didn't make sense to me, why should she completely ignore what the HoH and Veto holder wants, and then she goes blabbing about what was only a potential plan to Tamar knowing it would just blow things up.

Nobody much to root for now.

I heard no groan from the audience.

And Kandi is not Tom's slave.  Why should she or anyone obey any HOH.  Period.  The HOH has absolutely NO say in how anyone votes.  They can try and shape the vote with their noms and their charm but they absolutely can NOT ever dictate the vote.  (And Tom has zero charm).

And that was what Tom was trying to do with Kandi.  Force her (dictate to her) to vote the way HE wanted her to vote for HIS game by endangering her ride or die.  The way you get someone to vote the way you want is to frame it from THEIR POV and spin a story about how this is a good move for THEM, not YOU.

One of many reasons Tom is now thankfully out the door is he failed BB 101 and made every move and vote about HIM and made it clear to everyone it was ALL about HIM.  That the others only existed to fulfill his desires.  He tried to be an absolute dictator and not be in an equal alliance with anyone. 

So there was Tom blowing up her game which is her final 2 with Tamar with his threat.  Why shouldn't she go warn her secret alliance mate?  Tom is a twit.  Why treat your now closest ally so badly when it was totally counter productive to do so for you?  There was no need to threaten Kandi into obeying His Uberness especially when he had two very valid targets up already he needed to get out first anyway.  Tom is a complete idiot and played CBB2 horribly.

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