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S02.E06: A Happy Refrain

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The Orville crew is surprised when Claire's personal life takes an unexpected turn. Gordon makes an unusual grooming suggestion to Bortus.

Airdate: Thursday, January 31, 2019

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Issac in a dirty tank top/tee and also dirty underwear was fun to see. But the missed making that pair of underwear even dirtier. 


Overall, I really enjoyed watching this episode and actually seeing Issac and Dr. Fin in a relationship was good. At first, I was thinking that this would just ape the Naked Now (where Yar actually sleeps with Data) but they really made it their own episode. I also liked the way Issac apologized to Fin and also Gordon's quib on how weird the Orville is. 

Edited by TVSpectator
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12 minutes ago, ketose said:

This started out as a ripoff of "In Theory" then went on to exceed it in every way.

I googled this to see if it was TNG episode I was thinking of, and found it was directed by Patrick Stewart and co-written by Ronald D. Moore! Anyway, I agree it was better. 

I think the comments will be split, but I really enjoyed this episode, one of my favorites of the whole series so far. 

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1 minute ago, ketose said:

I appreciated that there was an orchestra that toured various ships in the fleet, rather than the weird TNG habit of spontaneous chamber music combos made up of crew members with time on their hands.

Oh yeah, I liked that too and it made more sense that there would be touring orchestras as well. With TNG it seemed like the orchestra was more like hobbies they were just showing off their talent to the rest of the crew. I hope that there are also touring bands of actors in this universe as well. Overall, there is nothing wrong with the way they did it on TNG but it was different and I thought that The Orville's way made more sense. Like THe Orville is a ship that gets in routinely para-military incidents but why would they put that many of civilians at risk? 

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3 minutes ago, Superclam said:

I googled this to see if it was TNG episode I was thinking of, and found it was directed by Patrick Stewart and co-written by Ronald D. Moore! Anyway, I agree it was better. 

I think the comments will be split, but I really enjoyed this episode, one of my favorites of the whole series so far. 

I don't like Ron Moore for multiple reasons, mostly focused on BSG and DS9. His endings are always depressing, whether they should be or not.

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One of my favorite episodes so far. I'm not sure which visual was better: Isaac in human clothes or Bortus with his mustache. I lost it when Isaac literally flipped the table on their date. When Isaac said Claire asked him out, Yaphit looked so upset. I'm not sure how a gelatinous blob with no eyes was able to look that way, but he did and it was hilarious. Also when Gordon tried to give advice and Isaac just cut him off. 

John's advice about getting a woman to break up with you by being terrible is just...yikes.

The rain on the bridge was definitely spontaneous, but I hope all that equipment is water-proof. And I love how no one bothered to get up and get out of the rain, instead just sitting there like, "sure, why not?" Gordon is right; they are definitely the weirdest ship in the Union. 

The traveling symphony was a nice touch, and it's good to know that bowling is still around in the 25th century, complete with late 20th century pop music for the atmosphere. 

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15 minutes ago, phalange said:

The traveling symphony was a nice touch,

Was that an actual conductor? That would be something SMF woiud do, he seems to have a lots of friends willing to appear on his show.

Edited by marinw
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Did Isaac say how he made himself look like a human male?  Presumably the human male we saw is the actor who wears the Isaac outfit.  

Isaac has not learned enough about humans if he doesn't know that Gordon and Lamarr are the last ones he should ask about relationships (next to Yaphit).

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Super silly. I laughed out loud at Lamar and Gordon racing each other to the bridge to spill the beans. 

It’s not fair, but I cannot stand the new security person. That actress reminds me of tiny, 30 year old women who look 45 because they smoke. Every time she speaks, I hear my late grandmother. 

Not sure what this show’s obsession with dating and romantic relationships is. Seth is projecting, I guess. I especially had no interest in the doctor’s love life or the emotions and crew reactions after an AI “broke up” with her. Childish. The only time my interest perked up was when they found the two stars. 

And what’s with all the weird shots of the ship coming in from commercial? Camera flying up or down or through the engine. So odd. 

And really, would anyone in this century remember there were tree-shaped car air fresheners?

Edited by Ottis
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1 minute ago, Driad said:

Did Isaac say how he made himself look like a human male?  Presumably the human male we saw is the actor who wears the Isaac outfit.  

Isaac has not learned enough about humans if he doesn't know that Gordon and Lamarr are the last ones he should ask about relationships (next to Yaphit).

Looks like Mark Jackson to me. On Twitter there's a pic of him in the Isaac suit with no head piece.


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Everyone on that bridge took being in the rain way more in stride than anyone I've ever worked with would if I up and unleashed rain on them!

3 minutes ago, Driad said:

Did Isaac say how he made himself look like a human male?  Presumably the human male we saw is the actor who wears the Isaac outfit.  

I looked it up to confirm, and yep, that was Mark Jackson.

Honestly, I don't know if anyone else in this cast other than Penny Johnson could have made this storyline not just work, but be so heartwarming. 

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1 minute ago, Driad said:

Did Isaac say how he made himself look like a human male?  Presumably the human male we saw is the actor who wears the Isaac outfit.  

Isaac has not learned enough about humans if he doesn't know that Gordon and Lamarr are the last ones he should ask about relationships (next to Yaphit).

I think it was just him using the not-holodeck. He probably found a way to just make him look like a human and yes, I believe that was the actor who plays Issac. 


I am just wondering but were any of the guest actors on this episode were from Trek?


11 minutes ago, phalange said:

One of my favorite episodes so far. I'm not sure which visual was better: Isaac in human clothes or Bortus with his mustache. I lost it when Isaac literally flipped the table on their date. When Isaac said Claire asked him out, Yaphit looked so upset. I'm not sure how a gelatinous blob with no eyes was able to look that way, but he did and it was hilarious. Also when Gordon tried to give advice and Isaac just cut him off. 

John's advice about getting a woman to break up with you by being terrible is just...yikes.

The rain on the bridge was definitely spontaneous, but I hope all that equipment is water-proof. And I love how no one bothered to get up and get out of the rain, instead just sitting there like, "sure, why not?" Gordon is right; they are definitely the weirdest ship in the Union. 

The traveling symphony was a nice touch, and it's good to know that bowling is still around in the 25th century, complete with late 20th century pop music for the atmosphere. 

Bortus with a mustache was cute but I kind of like how many people just hated it but never told him. Also, it was his husband that made him to shave it off but overall, I felt that he was the one who just spoke what was on the minds of all of the other characters. 

As with John's advice- yeah that is a "yikes" but I hope that at least Issac learned something about relationships and humans, in general, that wasn't just for his home planet report. 

I am not going to lie, it seems that Seth MacFarlane is really leaning towards the "no internal" conflict strategy from early TNG but overall he is doing it in a way that isn't upsetting me. The characters generally just get along with each other but when they do something crappy to each other they respond in a way that seems like they are human. Instead of either going to either extreme- like just forgetting about it/forgiving it right away and/or holding a grudge (like some other shows that I have watched). It seems like the crew is actually made up of adults that know they need to do their jobs. Also, Ed must really be a bad captain- only because it seems like this is the only ship where an officer's porn addiction, that nearly destroys the ship, can be forgiven and also having the android officer make it rain on the bridge and not have to worry about repercussions like being thrown into the brig. 

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"As I am incapable of stuttering..." OMG. I have to tuck that one away for future use.

I think they basically reduced Isaac to an adult human-sized sex toy except he also could carry on a conversation. And figure out how to hit it and quit it. I have mixed feelings about it.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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33 minutes ago, Driad said:

Isaac has not learned enough about humans if he doesn't know that Gordon and Lamarr are the last ones he should ask about relationships (next to Yaphit).

Well, he at least learned enough to only ask Lamar because he made to clarify that he was NOT asking Gordon. I'm also glad that the show made a point to have Yaphit overhear the date news and be incensed.

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My daughter's SO watches the show. This is the episode I will recommend that she watches.




Isaac turning himself into a human male was initially creepy but then became quite touching. Yaphit’s attempts to do the same thing did not work as well.

I think if Yaphit's personality was more Claire's type, it could have worked.



1 hour ago, ketose said:

I don't like Ron Moore for multiple reasons, mostly focused on BSG and DS9. His endings are always depressing, whether they should be or not.

But this episode's ending was surprisingly uplifting—just when I thought it couldn't possibly be—an example of good use of the skills of a creator who leans to the depressing. Can we credit Seth for this? I got the impression from a recent interview that he is often not that involved with his projects.



1 hour ago, phalange said:

When Isaac said Claire asked him out, Yaphit looked so upset. I'm not sure how a gelatinous blob with no eyes was able to look that way, but he did

Yes. I'll have to rewatch just to see how this was accomplished. Yaphit does have a mouth, and mouths can be expressive, but it might have also been the responses of those around him to his reaction.

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Isaac could look human only in the not-holodeck. I initially thought he and Claire went to her quarters, but apparently it was another manifestation of the not-holodeck.  Which made them less likely to be interrupted by her kids.  And Ed did not zip past the window.  I would have ROFL if human-Isaac had looked like Ben Sisko (Deep Space Nine).

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Great episode.  I really enjoyed that.  It was definitely The Orville's version of TNG's "In Theory" but they did a far better job with that.  I was never much of a fan of In Theory.

I liked that this episode focused exclusively on Finn and Isaac's relationship and both the actors delivered.  Virtual Isaac was cool to see.  They were complimented further by a fine musical score, something the show does very well.  I also loved the idea of a touring symphony which makes a lot more sense then when they used to have these performances by crewmembers on TNG.  Was that conductor an actual conductor?  Based on his acting, I would say yes.  Anyway, I also like that The Orville has a big observation deck where the crew can gather.  The Enterprise-D on TNG was awesome but they never had a gathering hall/observation deck even close to that size and it was probably the only missing from the ship.

I laughed out loud two times.  Isaac in his dirty underwear saying those lines to Claire.  Those are old cliché lines but hearing Mark Jackson recite them in the Isaac voice with his manner of speaking made them legitimately funny.  Also, I know I should have been expecting it but Norm MacDonald appearing in the flesh as Yaphit human counterpart was unexpected and hilarious.  Norm's always been a weird looking guy and more so now.

I actually liked the Bortus mustache.  Clyden's complaint about the food in it was great.

I thought Isaac appearing in the holodeck...er, simulator door surrounded by a bowling alley was a really fun visual.  Was also hoping he'd play something embarrassing that Gordon had said to him.

I've said it a hundred times but I'm glad I didn't give up on this show after the early episodes last season.

Edited by benteen
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3 hours ago, TVSpectator said:

Oh yeah, I liked that too and it made more sense that there would be touring orchestras as well. With TNG it seemed like the orchestra was more like hobbies they were just showing off their talent to the rest of the crew. I hope that there are also touring bands of actors in this universe as well. Overall, there is nothing wrong with the way they did it on TNG but it was different and I thought that The Orville's way made more sense. Like THe Orville is a ship that gets in routinely para-military incidents but why would they put that many of civilians at risk? 

Touring acting troupes would be fun, reminiscent of an original TOS episode. Cute episode. I kept wondering if they were using it as a way to make Isaac get a face. Well, he got a holo face, anyway. 

What orchestra was that? And what fun for the players. 

At first I was like whuuu? With the relationship. But I think I get it. Not only has he saved her family, he's attentive to her children, a calming influence, a great sounding board, never intentionally hurtful, mean, or short-tempered. He'll never feel neglected if she has to work long hours. He listens to her and remembers what she tells him. Hey, he's almost the ideal boyfriend! 

Edited by Andromeda
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I haven't finished watching the whole episode,  so i dont know how this hilarious and yet sad story will end,  BUT,  i hope I'm not the only one who yelled at Isaac NO!!!!!!!! as he entered Engineering.  Don't tell John and Gordon.  Sure enough,  as the players emerged from hiding after hearing the news, and I saw the two infants,  John and Gordon scrambling to get to the bridge, I felt bad for Claire.  As much as I applaud her boldness,  Isaac will always see her as an experiment to be experienced and that can't bode well for Claire or the boys. 

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Yep, this definitely was Seth MacFarlane's version of TNG's "In Theory", only this one ended way better for everyone!

I'm still unsure if Claire and Isaac can ever work long term, but I thought the episode did a solid at showing why Claire would end up being attracted to him, and that, in his own way, Isaac does have feelings for her and despite being a robot, his programming is capable of somewhat changing and adjusting, so a relationship and the possibility of growth is possible.  There are still a few loopholes and questions going forward, but I hope they can be addressed.  And having them being able to create a Virtual Human Isaac is certainly one way to answer the sex question!  Cool that Mark Jackson was able to show his actual face for once.  And then Yaphit trying it and basically being Norm Macdonald.  Ha!

Isaac in that underwear was a hilarious sight.  And makes me wonder where he actually got that underwear...

While I can understand the crew being pissed over how Isaac "terminated his relationship" with Claire, I would think LaMarr deserves some of that for being the one to actually suggest that method of breaking up.

I still don't mind Keyali, but since she only just got her, it didn't feel right for her to be in all of the scenes with Claire and Kelly.  It would have made way more sense if Alara was still around and she was there, because we've seen them bond and whatnot, but not so much here.

Bortus growing a moustache was an amusing diversion.

So, is all that rain/water going to just remain on the bridge or does it disappear after the simulation ends?  So many questions!

For those wondering, the composer for the symphony was apparently Mark Graham, who apparently does a crap ton of music stuff in films and television.  Fun easter egg, I guess.

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Like I mentioned before, most Ron Moore Trek episodes were about the misery of the human condition. So "In Theory" ended up being about a dumb human who didn't have the emotional awareness to understand Data barely cared about her, with a B-plot involving some crew deaths. That's really too bad, because "Skin of Evil" showed us Data lamenting the fact that when Tasha Yar died, Data found himself thinking about how her death would affect him, which was actually a human reaction. There was also a part about Data's program becoming used to someone, but I don't know if that was from the same episode.

The Orville managed to integrate those aspects of "Data" in this episode better than other individual episodes of TNG.

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8 hours ago, ketose said:

I appreciated that there was an orchestra that toured various ships in the fleet, rather than the weird TNG habit of spontaneous chamber music combos made up of crew members with time on their hands.

As well as having an audience consisting of more than just the regular cast.

Oddly, this is my favorite episode this season so far. I remember last week's moodswing halfway through last week's episode, and thought, "Oh, crap, what's going to happen to imperil the ship and crew?" Happily, NOTHING!

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"We have the weirdest ship in the galaxy."

Now that's an understatement if I ever saw one.

This was a great, character-driven episode that highlights just how good this show can be at its very best. I especially enjoyed that Issac's "inner humanity" shone through, as, although he's still at a loss to truly understand human emotions and feelings, you get the sense that he is at least trying and actually learning from it. It would have been easy to write him as a logic-bound pain in the rear who would have just stopped dating Claire after he had sex with her- because "the experiment is complete"- but Issac the character is so much more than that. Glad it peered through. I also liked Ed's way of communicating with Issac- Ed explained to Issac his feelings in only a way that Issac would understand, and Issac got it. Another great touch to the writing.

Further shoutout to Norm McDonald making an actual appearance, and Bortus with a moustache was hilarious.

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10 hours ago, ketose said:

I don't like Ron Moore for multiple reasons, mostly focused on BSG and DS9. His endings are always depressing, whether they should be or not.

But that's the best thing about Ron Moore! Well, that, and his podcasts. Putting on BSG is the perfect thing when you're in one of those moods and just want to wallow. 

This show, on the other hand, has a very different tone. I actually laughed out loud when Lamar and Gordon were busting it to the bridge to share the gossip.

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1 hour ago, NutmegsDad said:

Oddly, this is my favorite episode this season so far. I remember last week's moodswing halfway through last week's episode, and thought, "Oh, crap, what's going to happen to imperil the ship and crew?" Happily, NOTHING!

And if nothing ever imperils anyone, it becomes a soap opera, I guess. Blech.

This show has a terrible time figuring out how to juxtapose plots. It's either 5, very similar, things at once, or one single plot that drags on and on. They need to master the ST ability to have a main plot, and a sub plot - AND they need to be very different. That way if one isn't very interesting, perhaps the other is.

I thought they were going to do that when the Orville found the two stars (the visuals were fantastic, BTW), but nope, that was only scenery.  I also was hopeful when Claire started asking about Isaac's planet, people and mission (because I think something bad is going to come from that, in a future show), but that was dropped as well.

We've now had, in fewer than two seasons, a show about Claire's kids getting marooned on a planet, a show about one of Claire's kids being viewed as a troublemaker and cheat and now a show about Claire failing in love. 0 for 3 for me, I don't watch space shows to see family issues. Maybe as a C plot. Hope they get back to something meaningful. Isn't she a medical officer? Let's see her "medical" besides as a ship's counselor.

Edited by Ottis
comma ignorance
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In the bar scene where Yaphit appears as Norm McDonald, it would have been great to have the bartender actually be Jason Alexander, and for Patrick Warburton to be hanging around on the next barstool. 

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I'm really surprised that Yaphit was jealous of Isaac.  Didn't he learn from his experience with bunny-boiler Claire that he actually dodged a bullet where she was concerned?  Yaphit, how many times do I have to tell you?  Be careful what you wish for!

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11 hours ago, Ottis said:

Super silly. I laughed out loud at Lamar and Gordon racing each other to the bridge to spill the beans. 

This was the main laugh in the episode for me. I just can't get past the skeevy premise. And the implied self-deception that as long as Isaac looks more human, Claire's totally okay -- better than okay, apparently -- with it.

And the thing with Isaac wearing underwear and insulting her? Yeah, that was just gross.

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I forgot something else that made me laugh out loud, Isaac literally flipping the table over after Claire advised them to flip the table over.

5 hours ago, thuganomics85 said:

For those wondering, the composer for the symphony was apparently Mark Graham, who apparently does a crap ton of music stuff in films and television.  Fun easter egg, I guess.

I had a feeling he was an actual composer, based on his acting.  That's a hell of a resume he has there.

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10 hours ago, Driad said:

Isaac could look human only in the not-holodeck. I initially thought he and Claire went to her quarters, but apparently it was another manifestation of the not-holodeck.  Which made them less likely to be interrupted by her kids.  And Ed did not zip past the window.  I would have ROFL if human-Isaac had looked like Ben Sisko (Deep Space Nine).

That was the most practical use of the simulation room / holodeck I've seen.  Just change the room before "desert".

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I enjoyed this ep (it was a nice touch having the actors playing the parts of Isaac and Yaphit make an appearance) but I found myself getting bored by the musical padding. Claire entering her room to see Isaac on the couch wearing someone's underwear cracked me up, as did the two guys racing to the bridge to be the first to spill the beans.


10 hours ago, benteen said:

I also loved the idea of a touring symphony which makes a lot more sense then when they used to have these performances by crewmembers on TNG.  Was that conductor an actual conductor?  Based on his acting, I would say yes.  Anyway, I also like that The Orville has a big observation deck where the crew can gather. 

I am pretty sure the concert was held in a launching bay with the door left open as a backdrop.

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13 minutes ago, Ubiquitous said:


I am pretty sure the concert was held in a launching bay with the door left open as a backdrop.

Yep, IIRC 1 of the characters even said see you in launching bay or something to that effect

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6 hours ago, thuganomics85 said:

For those wondering, the composer for the symphony was apparently Mark Graham, who apparently does a crap ton of music stuff in films and television.  Fun easter egg, I guess.

A lot of Mark Graham's work has been doing the music for Seth's other shows, so I see his appearance as an acknowledgement of Seth's appreciation of that work and wanting to garner some public notice for Graham. 


Bortus looks okay with the mustache, but better without it--which is what I imagine a doodling writer noticing.

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56 minutes ago, chaifan said:

I totally didn't get that reference when I heard it in the episode.  What is it to? 

I don’t think it referenced anything, it was just Ed thinking very quickly so as not to appear to Isaac that they were gossiping about him.

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8 hours ago, Vandy10 said:

But that's the best thing about Ron Moore! Well, that, and his podcasts. Putting on BSG is the perfect thing when you're in one of those moods and just want to wallow. 

He's like the "Everybody Hurts" of scifi.

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Another episode title that's from a song lyric, this time Singing' in the Rain.

I think Isaac in his underwear berating Dr. Finn was probably the funniest moment of the series so far.

I also liked Ed's "my father will never be a weightlifter" comment, quick thinking on his part.

I thought Bortus looked good in the moustache.

Everybody was pretty good natured about the simulated rain on the bridge, it looked like everyone was getting soaked.  Touching move from Isaac though.

Poor Yaphit, maybe he would have done better had he been able to change into a younger Norm MacDonald.

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