Armchair Critic January 21, 2019 Share January 21, 2019 I checked and my DVR also recorded 'Countdown to the new Season', are we talking about that here too? 1 Link to comment
Popular Post islandgal140 January 21, 2019 Popular Post Share January 21, 2019 Where is Meri finding all these fellow catfishers? She had one flying in with her daughter (who canceled) and this other woman. She might as well start a club/lodge like the Elks but call themselves the Catfish (of course) and glue some whiskers to MAGA hats and call it a day. When her fellow catfishee was talking about being lonely, wanting companionship and falling in love, which Christine touched upon, I kept thinking "Meri girl, this isn't helping your narrative. AT. ALL." I myself am tired of them beating this dead horse, who must be nothing but fossil dust by now, but there was something oddly satisfying about it. If Meri wanted to control and advance the 'he was just a friend' BS narrative, she failed miserably. At this point, I don't know who she is trying to convince: herself, the audience or her family. Janelle's whole attitude of 'why do I have to meet this chick' was right on. How Meri wanted and expected that meeting to go: What was the this talk about Meri borrowing against the equity in her home? Didn't they purchase their homes with no interest mortgages? So I very much doubt they have that much equity built up. 4 hours ago, shouldbedancing said: Is Meri in an MLM? Besides her "marriage and family?" 3 hours ago, SuzyRhapsody said: Kody is LOVING blowing Meri off. I mean, LOVING IT. Surprisingly enough, so am I. Don't get me wrong, Kody is full of shit and he needs to be thinking about his kid's college expenses and his retirement when he is trolling around in a 2 seater sports car or buying those expensive hideous watches, but that doesn't mean he is wrong about Meri. Meri just doesn't want to be questioned or called to answer for shit! She says it was just a platonic friend so you are obliged to believe her and she needs money so just fork it over or else the wall comes up. Trouble is the wall is a fence made of mental slats and we can see behind them to the emptiness and rot. 36 Link to comment
RedheadZombie January 21, 2019 Share January 21, 2019 5 hours ago, Galloway Cave said: Mariah's natural eyebrows! I thought Mariah looked good with the red hair and weight loss, and yet her eyebrows were just like Meri's when Mariah deliberately humiliated her on camera. 7 Link to comment
RedheadZombie January 21, 2019 Share January 21, 2019 5 hours ago, jacksgirl said: This is so boring..... Yes Kody, take care of yourself Yes! Notice how Kody said he had to take care of the kids' education and then himself. No mention of the four wives! 10 Link to comment
RedheadZombie January 21, 2019 Share January 21, 2019 5 hours ago, MissT said: I dont understand why they don’t call out Meri and say “you had an affair”! Not a physical one but an emotional one and her plan was to leave the family. How is anyone not being honest about it. it’s time to move on. Sell the houses and let Meri leave the family. She doesn’t want to be there and they don’t want her. And I wouldn’t give her one effing penny. I don't know. I get the very strong impression that this decision was made as a family, and it has more to do with Kody's fragile ego than Meri's inability to tell the truth. 5 hours ago, ThinkerBell said: So, Meri's pal admits that she fell into Sam's catfish trap because she was desperate to be in a romantic relationship with 'him'. Meri, you need to be honest and acknowledge that this is exactly what you were hoping for too, and would have walked away from your family had Sam been the 'rill dill'. Unless Kody admits that he emotionally abandoned Meri when she was outpaced by the other two brood mares, I feel no need for Meri to fess up to her catfish debacle. Kody abandoned her first, IMO. And then divorced her for his favorite, with a ridiculous excuse. 5 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said: Right? Mari's been dragging it out for eons, but the minute someone says "what happened? What did she say? How were you threatened?" she gets out pouty and doesn't want to talk. Piss or get off the pot, Meri. I can't imagine all of this hasn't been explained off camera, and a year or so ago. Kody is trying to get her to confess on camera, and I don't blame Meri for resisting. 1 11 Link to comment
Popular Post Sasha888 January 21, 2019 Popular Post Share January 21, 2019 A few notes on the very shallow side.... - Unless "Strive with Janelle" is a program to help you stay at the same weight or gain, she's failing. She doesn't look lighter or healthier. - Robyn may be striving with Janelle, because she seems to have put on a few herself, and looks just over it all and worn out. - Christine has definitely lost even more weight than last season...but unlike a lot of people I did not care for the boots she had on during the couch TH's. - Meri looks like she's been "rode hard and put up wet". Stay out of the tanning booth Meri, you're starting to look like an old leather handbag with fake eyebrows glued on. - Even after the above, I still think EVERYONE is aging better than Kody. Damn. He looks like shit stirred up with a stick! 34 Link to comment
Lady of nod January 21, 2019 Share January 21, 2019 I'm just really glad I read this board first so I could ff thru 80% of this mess and get to the part where greedy Meri gets shut down. And I'm really interested to know how she's just gonna "go sell some clothes" for a quick 40 grand, cause I could could use 40 grand myself. 24 Link to comment
Popular Post Fouts January 21, 2019 Popular Post Share January 21, 2019 Six thoughts: 1. Meri sure came off horrible tonight. It's almost as if the producers either had it with her personally, or they were setting up for her eventual departure. Meri's not going to be pleased with how she was portrayed. Girl appears not just selfish, but demented. 2. Did you catch the side-eye looks of contempt by Robin at Cody sitting next to her in Meri's living room? That bloom's long left the rose. 3. Meri loves to spring family meetings with secret and mysterious agendas on everyone but gets pissy when anyone else wants to host a meeting at all. 4. An earlier poster commented how they felt bad for Meri that the rest of the "adults" would meet without her. (I put "adults" in quotes not only because many of their children are of age, but Kody and his wives can be so infantile.) At first I had the same small moment of compassion for Meri about getting left out of the discussion. Then I re-wound the episode and saw where Meri instructs them all to "meet amongst yourselves" to talk over the B & B/financial issue. 5. Loved Janelle reluctantly explaining that they would all stay married together in the next life, according to their religion. They rarely like to spell such things out for us. Poor Janelle--getting stuck with Meri for eternity. I probably wouldn't have it in me to worry about my diet either if I knew what hell of eternity awaited me. 6. The wives seem to have made some off-camera pact to show a ton of support to Meri, no matter what. Are they worried Meri's one stroke of orange bronzer away from sanity, or are they scared she'll run away to her B & B alone and jeopardize their brand? 29 Link to comment
Popular Post Sasha888 January 21, 2019 Popular Post Share January 21, 2019 2 hours ago, kicotan said: these people claim to go to therapy, have been going for years, etc. Ha ha, "claim to", throwing a little shade in Nancy's direction. I see what you did there. :-) Yes, Nancy is a joke of a therapist. I think she is worse than not going to therapy at all. Maybe without Nancy's bullshit, they'd be able to have an honest conversation with each other. All Nancy has done is give Meri a bunch of new words to use when she wants to deflect. Now Meri doesn't feel "safe", she's "guarded", blah blah blah. Even when the talk is about business, not about emotional baggage and such, Meri refuses to give anyone a direct answer. "Would we all be equity partners?" Meri's answer? "I never said you wouldn't be..." Yeah, and you didn't say they would be either, did ya Meri? But you did say "You're not getting any control of my house!" through your clenched teeth. It was a simple yes/no question. If we try to come up with the money to help you, will we all be in this together? Clearly not. Anyone who has to deal with Meri should be given a free lifetime supply of barf bags, because she is just absolutely vomit-inducing. 30 Link to comment
zenme January 21, 2019 Share January 21, 2019 8 hours ago, Teafortwo said: How is it possible this catfish thing won't die?? Cats do have 9 lives. 18 Link to comment
ginger90 January 21, 2019 Share January 21, 2019 Some tweets during the show: 4 Link to comment
Kellyee January 21, 2019 Share January 21, 2019 (edited) I can't believe they are still trying to milk the catfishing thing for a storyline. Are they that desperate?? I turned it off after a while. I will watch it on my DVR tonight to I can hit fast forward when I need to. The last season was so boring, and I was hoping this season would be better. Then they start it off with this crap. Quote Unless Kody admits that he emotionally abandoned Meri when she was outpaced by the other two brood mares, I feel no need for Meri to fess up to her catfish debacle. Kody abandoned her first, IMO. And then divorced her for his favorite, with a ridiculous excuse. They want to be on reality television, but they don't want to be real. None of them want to put out some honesty. Meri was planning to bail on the marriage AND the family. I don't blame her for that, but she needs to just come out and say it and deal with it. At some point Meri needs to be an adult and quit this crap with "I was framed." Confronting Kody on his abandonment would be a really good start. Edited January 21, 2019 by Kellyee 24 Link to comment
Popular Post MrsWitter January 21, 2019 Popular Post Share January 21, 2019 10 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said: Quackery. What's next, essential oils? Well, there are two essential oil MLMs in Utah. One is even based in Lehi! I can see Meri now... “I can cure Ysabel’s scolisiois. It will only be $40,000.” I do feel horrible for Ysabel. She really did seem to be beating herself up a lot. And it sounds like she can’t play with friends, do any after school activities, sports, etc. because of her “exercise” schedule. Between the pressure her parents are putting on her with these exercises and the lack of relationships with kids outside the family, she has to feel very alone. That poor girl. 27 Link to comment
jumper sage January 21, 2019 Share January 21, 2019 5 hours ago, islandgal140 said: Janelle's whole attitude of 'why do I have to meet this chick' was right on. I know! If she wasn't looking she wouldn't have ended up being catfished. Oh, by the way Meri, there is a show CALLED Catfishing and they do it much better. So they have to pack up all those houses and move AGAIN? I think the women need to just leave Cody and the ones that get along stay together, or be neighbors. Not sure how that worked as a family. 8 Link to comment
VedaPierce January 21, 2019 Share January 21, 2019 10 hours ago, 80sBaby said: Meri needs to go do her own thing. I agree with Kodi 100% ...Meri is full of shit and he knows it. Janelle comforting Meri and her caring routine is very annoying and puzzling. Meri has treated Janelle like trash for years!!! Let that burnt orange sink by herself. "STRIVE" for a backbone Janelle..geesh. Christine and Robin are OVER IT!!! I couldn't STAND that!! Janelle is such a fake, phony sycophant! She knew the tide was heading in the direction of not giving Meri the she was secure, but then quickly sidled up to Meri and PRETENDED to be on her side to look like the good guy in Meri's eyes! What a bullshit artist! What a fucked up bunch of horrible people they ALL are! The manipulations that they must pull on each other for years, of which the camera just captured a tiny bit! Sick. They are all sick and playing games with each other. I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall when Robyn stole the legal marriage out under from Meri. That must have been some David Copperfield shit. 18 Link to comment
winsomeone January 21, 2019 Share January 21, 2019 Meri was bragging that she has saved $40,000 from her "clothing business." Isn't that money supposed to go into the family pot? Also, she said she could "pull" $40,000 in equity from her house, when it has been said all along that they only have made interest payments on the houses, so no equity period. Then when Cody was listing their expenses, he said Mariah's college..wonder if he was talking about the pricey four year college, or paying for her Master's Degree in Chicago? If he is, no wonder she is able to fly all over the place at will..daddy is paying! 17 Link to comment
Popular Post VedaPierce January 21, 2019 Popular Post Share January 21, 2019 I couldn't believe they were calling Kody aggressive because he wanted to ask questions before he forked over 40k. WTF is wrong with these people? Have they never had adult conversations involving business topics? I didn't see any aggression from him, he was asking good solid questions. They make him do the dirty work of telling Meri 'no' then try to paint him as a bad guy. 32 Link to comment
VedaPierce January 21, 2019 Share January 21, 2019 10 hours ago, Armchair Critic said: Catching up with the first hour now. I don't get Meri's thought process, even if she brings forward dozens of people who were Catfished by that same person, it still doesn't diminish the fact she was looking for romance and was planning on leaving the family for the Catfish. I think she wants the other victim to explain to the rest of them how easy it was to be tricked by the how many victims there are, that see? She's not the only one, so many other women have fallen for the con. I think she didn't realize how often romance and love and falling in love would be brought up by the sad just highlighted Meri's state of mind of intending to start up an affair and run away with Sam. Also, what's with the description the Sad Sack gave of Sam that made her fall so hard for him?? "Tall, VEGAN, handsome....." did anybody catch that? She was saying that at the table before Kody cut her off. What's with 'vegan' being a quality that lures in the ladies? Is it me thinking that bizarre or is vegan a thing that gets women hot now? Lol lol lol! 10 Link to comment
Kyanight January 21, 2019 Share January 21, 2019 10 minutes ago, VedaPierce said: I couldn't believe they were calling Kody aggressive because he wanted to ask questions before he forked over 40k. WTF is wrong with these people? Have they never had adult conversations involving business topics? I didn't see any aggression from him, he was asking good solid questions. They make him do the dirty work of telling Meri 'no' then try to paint him as a bad guy. I totally agree. I think Kody was asking fair questions concerning the amount Meri was asking for. Meri has to be one of the most selfish women I have ever seen on TV. I truly understand about her wanting that house - I get it. But there ARE other members of that family to support and she was PISSED when they said they needed the money to support the family. "Let them eat Ramon Noodles!" <~~~ Marie Antoinette 20 Link to comment
Kohola3 January 21, 2019 Share January 21, 2019 9 hours ago, Sasha888 said: I really wish I wasn't contributing to their ratings, I admire you @Kohola3! Well, see, here's the thing. It's all old news - some of this stuff was over two years ago. This isn't reality TV, it's all scripted and not very well. Why all of the angst and hoopla about the $40,000? We already know she got the money, we already know she bought some relative's B&B, we already know where her mother lives, we already know it's open for business, all of it. The filming with the fake confrontation on the money came long after the sale was done. It's all just bad acting by bad actors to try and keep the show on. Count me out. 17 Link to comment
blueiris January 21, 2019 Share January 21, 2019 You guys have said so much I was thinking - love you! Couple of random thoughts... Meri's renting room logic is beyond stupid. Even if you have 5 rentable rooms (not including the caretaker suite) and you are only allowed to rent 4 at a time - you would want to keep an extra room available. Rooms need repairs, they need painting, etc., so you want the availability. Unless of course, the place never has more than 1 or 2 rented at a given time. And if that's true, oh woe the business plan that will never be completed. I like the man bun, long hair and ponies on a man but c'mon Kody - yours looks like you were playing dress up with the kids and you let the little girls style your hair! Get a clue and get rid of the perm! And Meri - oh Meri you clueless idiot. She wants to be a therapist lol! Or did she quit that after she was so easily taken in by a catfisher while in school? I'm sorry for her catfished friend, but I wouldn't let a family member I didn't know well into my house to recover much less a complete stranger! I'm not feeling safe! I'm guarded! I don't trust you! Keep screeching that! These are all people you've been with for years you dumass. I long for the simpler seasons when Meri brought Robyn into the fahmly and their biggest problem was simple jealousy. You brought these issues into the house Meri. You should've just left when you wanted to go. 14 Link to comment
Madding crowd January 21, 2019 Share January 21, 2019 5 hours ago, Fouts said: Six thoughts: 1. Meri sure came off horrible tonight. It's almost as if the producers either had it with her personally, or they were setting up for her eventual departure. Meri's not going to be pleased with how she was portrayed. Girl appears not just selfish, but demented. 2. Did you catch the side-eye looks of contempt by Robin at Cody sitting next to her in Meri's living room? That bloom's long left the rose. 3. Meri loves to spring family meetings with secret and mysterious agendas on everyone but gets pissy when anyone else wants to host a meeting at all. 4. An earlier poster commented how they felt bad for Meri that the rest of the "adults" would meet without her. (I put "adults" in quotes not only because many of their children are of age, but Kody and his wives can be so infantile.) At first I had the same small moment of compassion for Meri about getting left out of the discussion. Then I re-wound the episode and saw where Meri instructs them all to "meet amongst yourselves" to talk over the B & B/financial issue. 5. Loved Janelle reluctantly explaining that they would all stay married together in the next life, according to their religion. They rarely like to spell such things out for us. Poor Janelle--getting stuck with Meri for eternity. I probably wouldn't have it in me to worry about my diet either if I knew what hell of eternity awaited me. 6. The wives seem to have made some off-camera pact to show a ton of support to Meri, no matter what. Are they worried Meri's one stroke of orange bronzer away from sanity, or are they scared she'll run away to her B & B alone and jeopardize their brand? I was the poster who said I would not want family members meeting about me without me. I never said I felt sorry for Meri. Meri did say she was not comfortable with them having a secret meeting and then calling her to discuss their conclusions. I can’t imagine being a polygamist and having various factions meeting in secret and making plans about my future. 1 Link to comment
Popular Post Kyanight January 21, 2019 Popular Post Share January 21, 2019 1 minute ago, Madding crowd said: I was the poster who said I would not want family members meeting about me without me. I never said I felt sorry for Meri. Meri did say she was not comfortable with them having a secret meeting and then calling her to discuss their conclusions. I can’t imagine being a polygamist and having various factions meeting in secret and making plans about my future. Except that Meri TOLD them to discuss it themselves. I know what you are saying, but it's hypocritical to TELL the family to discuss it and then get upset that they discussed it, lol. 29 Link to comment
VedaPierce January 21, 2019 Share January 21, 2019 7 hours ago, Sasha888 said: You apparently keep all the money you make from LuLaRoe to yourself, but they should want to LOAN you 40 grand. And when Janelle says "we want to help you do this", she says "You're not getting any control of my house!" I loved the subtitles to show exactly what Meri whispered to Janelle as Janelle play-supported Meri. The editors added those subtitles because they want us to see that. They want us to see what a giant bitch that Meri is. And after seeing Janelle's sniveling boot-licking, I see they deserve each other. 8 Link to comment
deirdra January 21, 2019 Share January 21, 2019 (edited) 51 minutes ago, VedaPierce said: Janelle is such a fake, phony sycophant! Her Strive followers are probably cancelling or not renewing their subscriptions, so Janelle wants to portray herself as a supportive voice to keep the cash flowing in (since her health advice obviously isn't working). Meri's family probably LOVE it when she puts up her walls and secludes herself in her 5-bedroom house, so they don't have to dill with her. I find it hard to believe that guests at the BnB would pay enough to even cover the mortgage, much less the $40K as well as the mortgage on her Wet Bar home and the inventory for her online sales. Edited January 21, 2019 by deirdra 9 Link to comment
Kyanight January 21, 2019 Share January 21, 2019 7 hours ago, Armchair Critic said: I checked and my DVR also recorded 'Countdown to the new Season', are we talking about that here too? I sometimes watch that but I've never seen it discussed on THIS board. 1 Link to comment
greekmom January 21, 2019 Share January 21, 2019 1 hour ago, MrsWitter said: I do feel horrible for Ysabel. She really did seem to be beating herself up a lot. And it sounds like she can’t play with friends, do any after school activities, sports, etc. because of her “exercise” schedule. Between the pressure her parents are putting on her with these exercises and the lack of relationships with kids outside the family, she has to feel very alone. That poor girl. Ditto. These nitwit grifters won't pay for the girl's surgery and on top of that play up her fears of surgery as well. How did they manage to shell out the cash when Dayton needed surgery a few years back (and had Sobyn complain she was in debt over that situation). I'm wondering at this point who is the favourite in Koduche's harem? Not Meri that's for sure. Sobyn looks to have checked out. Christine can give 2 fucks. Janelle maybe? 6 Link to comment
zenme January 21, 2019 Share January 21, 2019 Given their past history, I was ok with Janelle showing support for Meri since she knew Kody was going to ask the proper questions anyway. I think all the women, including Janelle want to support the venture, and I think Janelle is done with having an icky relationship with Meri. I don't blame her for not wanting to be the bad guy because I seriously don't think their relationship can withstand it. Geez, I'm not a fan of this lifestyle at all. I'm a live, and let live, type of gal, but this needs to be said every season of this show: Meri, you don't have the constitution or personality to live this lifestyle. You should practice monogamy. 9 Link to comment
SunnyBeBe January 21, 2019 Share January 21, 2019 1 hour ago, VedaPierce said: I couldn't believe they were calling Kody aggressive because he wanted to ask questions before he forked over 40k. WTF is wrong with these people? Have they never had adult conversations involving business topics? I didn't see any aggression from him, he was asking good solid questions. They make him do the dirty work of telling Meri 'no' then try to paint him as a bad guy. Yeah. I don't know how Kody tolerates thr degree of ignorance Meri demonstrates (plus the other wives who support that crap), but....he chose them. So, I suppose he has to deal with it. It might have been more kind to just have said from the start, "This is a hair brain scheme and I will take no part in it." And let the feelings start to heal. No one else wanted that property. If Meri had just told the seller, I will offer you one-third of your asking price and no more. Walk away and let her come to you when she's ready. Who else would have brought the place? I thought that Kody was the only adult who looked like they had not gained a lot of weight. 8 Link to comment
Kyanight January 21, 2019 Share January 21, 2019 Someone said that Meri was looking really good last night. I thought her hair was better than usual, but she still looks like an orange Oompah Loompah. WHY in the world do some women think that over-use of tanning beds make them look attractive? Even Simon Cowell has brought this up more than once. "You look like a giant orange. It's creepy". lol 15 Link to comment
Chicklet January 21, 2019 Share January 21, 2019 Quote 17 minutes ago, zenme said: eez, I'm not a fan of this lifestyle at all. I'm a live, and let live, type of gal, but this needs to be said every season of this show: Meri, you don't have the constitution or personality to live this lifestyle. You should practice monogamy. I agree, but but but...who would Meri complain to? She wouldn't have a built in audience as I'm sure her Lulano people wouldn't want to hear about her relationship problems. Meri should just live alone, she's not equipped for any relationship. 12 Link to comment
SunnyBeBe January 21, 2019 Share January 21, 2019 Kyanight, you make a good point about Meri's hair. It did look a little better, but, ..........I'll leave it at that. 1 Link to comment
laurakaye January 21, 2019 Share January 21, 2019 (edited) 13 hours ago, Pollo Loco said: Laughed out loud to Christine’s reaction to Meri pulling out yet ANOTHER person who was catfished. Really wish Meri would let this go. I don’t understand why she keeps searching for people and especially trying to push it in Mariah. Let. It. Go. Be happy that Mariah is speaking and having a relationship with you again. Meri will never be done with the Catfish saga because she will never be done chasing the high she got when she thought a tall, dark and handsome younger dude was going to sweep in and rescue her from the life she despises, and also, she will never admit any of this. Sign me up and pass the popcorn! 13 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said: "I am not a poopoo head. I am the only adult here" has to be a quote that will live forever. I actually thought I heard him wrong in the preview, but then I watched the show and heard Meri call him that....but the fact that he repeated this kindergarten-level name calling while staring at the camera with his dead-shark eyes gave me a really weird combo reaction of wanting to LOL off the couch and also hide behind it. Also, Kody's thread might need to be renamed "I am not a poopoo head." Just a thought. Here's what I cannot understand, at all - the juxtaposition of Meri asking for 40 grand while Ysabel potentially needs spinal surgery. I just cannot with that...even though this show's timeline is like a Rubik's cube, if I'm Christine, I don't know how I would be able to keep from throttling Meri if Meri actually has the unmitigated gall to ask for that much cash when a child of the family needs major surgery. As one of the weirdos that can't get enough of the catfish, the opening segment of "give me the money but leave me alone" actually lulled me to sleep so I missed the good stuff, LOL. Edited January 21, 2019 by laurakaye 18 Link to comment
TurtlePower January 21, 2019 Share January 21, 2019 (edited) 13 hours ago, Pollo Loco said: Laughed out loud to Christine’s reaction to Meri pulling out yet ANOTHER person who was catfished. Really wish Meri would let this go. I don’t understand why she keeps searching for people and especially trying to push it in Mariah. Let. It. Go. Be happy that Mariah is speaking and having a relationship with you again. And we all remember when she'd chastise anyone on social media who brought that up. Yet here she is, bringing it up. ETA: Just saw the bit about her "bringing awareness about catfishing": Gee, Meri, you KNEW Sam was fake when other people tried to warn you, you stupid dunce! New name for her: Meri-Two-Face Edited January 21, 2019 by TurtlePower additional comment 4 Link to comment
Kyanight January 21, 2019 Share January 21, 2019 Just now, SunnyBeBe said: Kyanight, you make a good point about Meri's hair. It did look a little better, but, ..........I'll leave it at that. Hey - I totally agree with the "but.......", lol 5 Link to comment
laurakaye January 21, 2019 Share January 21, 2019 4 minutes ago, Kyanight said: Someone said that Meri was looking really good last night. I thought her hair was better than usual, but she still looks like an orange Oompah Loompah. WHY in the world do some women think that over-use of tanning beds make them look attractive? Even Simon Cowell has brought this up more than once. "You look like a giant orange. It's creepy". lol Do you think it's a tanning bed or just massive overuse of the foundation shade called "Orange You Glad You're Not Meri?" I mean, between the foundation and the eye makeup, she's approaching Tammy Faye territory. She always looks hot and sweaty. Yuck. 21 Link to comment
Kyanight January 21, 2019 Share January 21, 2019 1 minute ago, TurtlePower said: And we all remember when she'd chastise anyone on social media who brought that up. Yet here she is, bringing it up. New name for her: Meri-Two-Face Meri almost demands that the family meet with Kristie who was catfished by the same fruitcake, thus keeping this subject on the front burner. Then when Kody DARES to ask her a question at this meeting of the bottom feeders* (what threats did fruitcake make?) Meri is OH-SO-OFFENDED and upset that he had the gall to ask. Yes - definitely two-faced!! Definition of catfish: Bottom Feeder. Jackie was the fisher"man", Meri and other victims the catfish. 9 Link to comment
Sandy W January 21, 2019 Share January 21, 2019 (edited) Did anyone notice that the subject of Meri's mother selling her home and contributing to the downpayment for the B&B came up in last night's episode and was glossed over? Some time ago, one of the intrepid detectives on this site investigated and found that she did in fact sell her Lehi home around that time. This would explain why they so casually tossed aside Annie as the hostess and installed Meri's mom, despite their misgivings about her personality for the job. Turns out they misjudged her abilities and from what has been reported here, she is doing a great job. It seems to me that this whole drama over the $40,000 downpayment is just that, drama for a storyline, which they desperately needed this year, Ysabel's condition cannot be exploited by them much more than they already have, the catfish SL has been around so long it reeks of dead fish and the Aspyn/Mitch nuptials are old news as they already sold the story to the tabloids and every detail was reported 6 months ago. Edited January 21, 2019 by Sandy W wrong child named 13 Link to comment
Kyanight January 21, 2019 Share January 21, 2019 Just now, laurakaye said: Do you think it's a tanning bed or just massive overuse of the foundation shade called "Orange You Glad You're Not Meri?" I mean, between the foundation and the eye makeup, she's approaching Tammy Faye territory. She always looks hot and sweaty. Yuck. Funny you should ask that! I was questioning myself AS I WROTE that post - but then I realized that her entire body is that weird shade of burnt umber, and unless she is smearing that makeup on her entire body with a spatula, it MUST be the over-tanning!! 6 Link to comment
Adiba January 21, 2019 Share January 21, 2019 2 minutes ago, laurakaye said: Do you think it's a tanning bed or just massive overuse of the foundation shade called "Orange You Glad You're Not Meri?" I mean, between the foundation and the eye makeup, she's approaching Tammy Faye territory. She always looks hot and sweaty. Yuck. LOL--should be the thread title for her! 14 Link to comment
toodles January 21, 2019 Share January 21, 2019 5 minutes ago, TurtlePower said: And we all remember when she'd chastise anyone on social media who brought that up. Yet here she is, bringing it up. New name for her: Meri-Two-Face One orange face is enough thank you very much☺☺ 7 Link to comment
TurtlePower January 21, 2019 Share January 21, 2019 2 minutes ago, Kyanight said: Funny you should ask that! I was questioning myself AS I WROTE that post - but then I realized that her entire body is that weird shade of burnt umber, and unless she is smearing that makeup on her entire body with a spatula, it MUST be the over-tanning!! Tanning generally doesn't tun anyone orange, but spray-tans or bad bronzers will. 8 Link to comment
Anlogle January 21, 2019 Share January 21, 2019 1 hour ago, jumper sage said: I know! If she wasn't looking she wouldn't have ended up being catfished. Oh, by the way Meri, there is a show CALLED Catfishing and they do it much better. So they have to pack up all those houses and move AGAIN? I think the women need to just leave Cody and the ones that get along stay together, or be neighbors. Not sure how that worked as a family. I keep wondering why they didn't enlist the Catfishing show to help them find out the true identity of the catfisher. 3 Link to comment
Kyanight January 21, 2019 Share January 21, 2019 2 minutes ago, TurtlePower said: Tanning generally doesn't tun anyone orange, but spray-tans or bad bronzers will. That's it!! Someone needs to tell Meri to stop using a bottle at a time. It is SOOO unattractive! 4 Link to comment
SunnyBeBe January 21, 2019 Share January 21, 2019 As loathsome as Meri is, I did get my anticipation up for the rest of the season. I think it'll be more of Meri exasperating Kody, Mariah, the sister wives and even her friend Kristie, Do you think there's a director behind the camera who signals to her when to turn on the waterworks? lol 2 Link to comment
Kyanight January 21, 2019 Share January 21, 2019 Just now, Anlogle said: I keep wondering why they didn't enlist the Catfishing show to help them find out the true identity of the catfisher. Because they already know her identity. What I keep wondering is if the other wives and Kody ever saw the banana photo or the bathtub photo with "Sam" scratched on her thigh and her orange sultry look for the camera (for Sam). 9 Link to comment
Anlogle January 21, 2019 Share January 21, 2019 I am so over Meri's never ending pitty party. I don't understand why she thinks she is judged by her Sisterwives. They seem very forgiving and seems like they have moved on from the whole Catfishing thing. 9 Link to comment
SunnyBeBe January 21, 2019 Share January 21, 2019 As I was watching last night, my mind just went to a terrible Kody really sleeping with those wives? I mean, REALLY sleeping with those wives? Meri, NO WAY, but, the others? IT's hard to fathom it. lol 5 Link to comment
Anlogle January 21, 2019 Share January 21, 2019 12 hours ago, GladysCravits said: As usual, Mary wants what Mary wants and she better get it, or look out. She needed the Butlers Pantry or whatever it was in her new house, she got it. Mariah had to go to an expensive school, she got it. In addition, there’s her hilarious tales of being catfished, when we all know she thought she had snagged a good looking, rich man and was ready to run. Although why she would ever think that is, is a real mystery. She’s so horribly self centered. That will never change as season after season has proved. They all coddle Meri and I don't think that is helping her. She will never get over the catfishing unless she finally accepts some responsibility for her choices. She has to stop talking about her imaginary walls and get real about what happened to her and her family needs to get real with her as well. They need to stop coddling her. Maybe then her pitty party will finally end. 10 Link to comment
laurakaye January 21, 2019 Share January 21, 2019 (edited) 10 minutes ago, Kyanight said: Because they already know her identity. What I keep wondering is if the other wives and Kody ever saw the banana photo or the bathtub photo with "Sam" scratched on her thigh and her orange sultry look for the camera (for Sam). My guess is that they've all seen everything, but won't admit it to one another to feign consideration for Kody's poor widdle man-feelings. These women need each other to fall from grace in order to move up the Kody Totem Pole (eww) so there's no way they all haven't looked and listened to Meri's shenanigans to mentally file away and smug over. I'm surprised none of them has invited Meri to dinner and served banana bread and fried catfish. Edited January 21, 2019 by laurakaye 12 Link to comment
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