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S17.E01: John Kasich, Marshawn Lynch, Erick Ericsson, Barney Frank, and Catherine Rampell

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 John Kasich is the Top-of-Show Interview Guest; Marshawn Lynch is the Mid-Show Interview Guest; Erick Erickson, Barney Frank and Catherine Rampell are the Roundtable Guests

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So, hey Bill welcome back. To start on a positive note I loved Barney Frank and Bill’s new rules was fierce and funny. And I appreciated that at least Bill made an effort to challenge Kasich’s non-answers.

But actually, fuck you, Bill.  Fuck you and your asswipe “he must have just read the signals wrong” bullshit excuses.  Yeah, of course you assume the poor guy was just understandably confused by that nasty woman’s actions, whatever they really were  or weren’t.   You want to know why she didn’t just “tell him to get his fucking hands off her”?  I don’t know for sure but it could involve her being worried about losing her job if he was a superior or ongoing retaliation if he was a coworker or maybe being intimidated by someone larger and stronger or any number of reasons.  But that doesn’t really matter because the burden shouldn’t be on her to tell him to keep his hands to himself, it should be on him to , you know, actually keep his fucking hands to himself.  The fact you didn’t hold the guy at all accountable speaks volumes about what a sexist fucktard you can be, Bill.  I’m glad Barney and that other panelist called you out on your total dickishness. 

And if you would like to know why Bernie and his campaign should be called out for what happened, even though the stuff that was reported wasn’t, as you so asshatedly put it “all that bad”, then I would refer you back to this ep’s New Rules.  Just like legroom in an airplane, someone’s rights, dignity and safety can be taken away inch by inch so gradually that you don’t realize how much is gone until it’s too late.  So it’s kind of important to not give them that first inch without a fight.  

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I really liked Erick Erickson on the show.  I definitely am not his target audience, but his candor over the past few years has been spot on, and his blog is always entertaining.  


Also, Bill?  STOP PAWING PEOPLE!  Keep your hands to yourself.

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Though my politics always leans a little left of Republicans, I’ve always had a warm place in my heart for John Kasich. Last night, however,he left me cold. I don’t know whether it was Bill’s interview style or just Kadich’s prickliness but it was not his finest moment and I couldn’t wait until he was off the stage

Edited by Caseysgirl
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I got excited at first thinking maybe Bill had done some thinking and growing over the break - he actually challenged Kasich for tossing around generalities with nothing behind them instead of spending the whole time kissing his ass for being brave to come on and then agreeing with him even when it contradicts everything else he says. But it was pretty much downhill from there with the exception of a strong New Rules and some interesting comments from the panel. With everything that's happened when he's off and everything that's going on today we have to waste time with his tired whining about women not wanting to deal with harassment? And basically being the real life embodiment of the Bernie Bro stereotype? I might be more willing to listen if this wasn't yet another show with one woman and five men. Also Bill - you played a big role in Ann Coulter's rise so knock off the whole thing about having her on because she's a news maker. OTOH I really liked Overtime - this was a really interesting panel and the audience did a good job coming up with things for them to talk about. Much better than the guy who's job it is to do just that.

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Also, Bill?  STOP PAWING PEOPLE!  Keep your hands to yourself

I didn't understand the point of having the football player on - but I was even less understanding of why Bill was so handsy with him. What gives with that?

That was particularly awkward (perhaps telling?) given his over-defensiveness regarding the accusations against the Bernie campaign guys. It was almost like Bill felt he was defending himself since, in his view, he seems to do stuff like this all the time and no one should question his "innocent" behavior. Look he's doing it right now!

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First show of the year, and Bill is already in full insufferable Whinny Little Bitch™ mode. With all the shit that's been going down recently, from the shutdown to the BuzzFeed story, Bill felt it very important to defend Bernie Sanders from the accusations about male members of his campaign team sexually harassing female members under his nose - and to throw in poor old Al Franken for good measure - while attacking the left for "eating their own". If St. Bernie is unaware of something like this happening behind his back, what would it be like if, God forbid, he were to become president, pushing eighty and automatically being the oldest person presiding in the White House? But no, Bill feels it's important to stand by people when they do stupid bad stuff the way Republicans do. Bravo to the panel for verbally smacking Bill around for saying misogynistic shit like that.

Bill has every right to invite the disgusting Ann Coulter on. It's his show and Coulter is somewhat newsworthy given her part in the shutdown. But Bill is the one who needs to suck it and stop attacking the audience when they boo her. Especially given how Bill is somewhat responsible for her rise in the first place.

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If Ann Coulter is on the show next week, I'm not watching it. I know Bill is friends (why?) with that witch, and I'm not going to give any support to a show that  features a person who spews hatred and vile lies and was an influence in shutting down the government, along with Limbaugh and Ingram.

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I'm so with those of you who are done with Bill and his "friendship" with Ann Coulter. I mean, off-camera, he can do whatever floats his boat. But there have been times when he and that "hatchet-faced bitch" (TM the British comic was on the Rob Lowe roast) were almost literally playing footsie with each other, and that is just revolting. I've said (to the screen, like that would do any good), "Bill, if you can't keep it in your pants when you have her on the show, DON'T HAVE HER ON!" Also, basic much, Bill? Yeah, she's blonde (cough-probably fake) and wears slutty dresses, but she is absolutely vile and, on top of that, is very masculine....no shade, that's fine, but that isn't his usual "type". Just b/c she is blonde and wears the cocktail dress? Really? That's enough for you, Bill? Ugh. I'm ranting. RE: the show....I get where he was going on the "Don't touch my fucking hair!" and Bernie Sanders maybe not being cognizant of everything going on in the campaign....namely, Dems keep shooting ourselves in the foot in an effort to have the moral high ground, going wayyy back to Gary Hart, and more recently, Al Franken, who should NOT have had to resign. Sigh. So discouraging....

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2 hours ago, ahpny said:

Also, Bill?  STOP PAWING PEOPLE!  Keep your hands to yourself

I didn't understand the point of having the football player on - but I was even less understanding of why Bill was so handsy with him. What gives with that?

The funny part was, the football player specifically mentioned that he didn't like taking pictures with men--because men are always trying to get too huggy and handsy with him. And Bill was like whaaat, reallllly? LOL

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1 hour ago, Kenz said:

If Ann Coulter is on the show next week, I'm not watching it. I know Bill is friends (why?) with that witch, and I'm not going to give any support to a show that  features a person who spews hatred and vile lies and was an influence in shutting down the government, along with Limbaugh and Ingram.

Bill Maher sees himself as a performance artist, in my opinion, and likely sees Ann Coulter the same way. They have both spent decades reminding the public of their moral superiority and of how neither party can ever understand how special and smart they are. 

I noticed how stiff and actor-ish Maher was in his "New Rules" about the near-extinction of the middle class. He was only really interested in talking about when he used to enjoy flights and the rest was all amateur dramatics. It didn't feel remotely natural, likely because he has not been in that position of struggle in a very long time. He was posturing, almost bemused at times, with the camera reinforcing this by cutting to smirking from horrible, horrible people like Eric Erickson, who is, like Ann Coulter, in on the joke with Maher. 

None of these people care about anything but themselves. It doesn't matter what Ann Coulter says or does. It's a game to all of them. They always win, and we always lose. 

Edited by Pete Martell
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2 hours ago, Liamsmom617 said:

I get where he was going on the "Don't touch my fucking hair!" and Bernie Sanders maybe not being cognizant of everything going on in the campaign....namely, Dems keep shooting ourselves in the foot in an effort to have the moral high ground, going wayyy back to Gary Hart, and more recently, Al Franken, who should NOT have had to resign. Sigh. So discouraging....

When one party represents the rights of women and the issues closest to them, like abortion and workplace harassment, and the other party has a terrible time concealing their dislike of women and their issues, it's a little bit difficult for that one party to champion their concerns if they try and brush off serious allegations of one of their own like it was nothing, lest they receive a non stop barrage of (hypocritical) criticism from the right. This is something that tends to go over the pointy head of someone like He-Man Woman Hater Bill.

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41 minutes ago, Victor the Crab said:

When one party represents the rights of women and the issues closest to them, like abortion and workplace harassment, and the other party has a terrible time concealing their dislike of women and their issues, it's a little bit difficult for that one party to champion their concerns if they try and brush off serious allegations of one of their own like it was nothing, lest they receive a non stop barrage of (hypocritical) criticism from the right. This is something that tends to go over the pointy head of someone like He-Man Woman Hater Bill.

Believe me, I agree. I just think Dems sometimes (often?) shoot ourselves in the foot. 

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Kasich has been running for president for 2 years. I have to give him credit for paying the reasonable tactic, which is easy next to Trump. But yeah, no on the "both sides" are broken. We're not doing false equivalencies this year as facts. 

You got the same tired policies as the test of the GOP. Please run though. Do that. 

Just now, Liamsmom617 said:

Believe me, I agree. I just think Dems sometimes (often?) shoot ourselves in the foot. 

For sure. They are their strongest opponent. Stop running against perfection. Just be good and practical. That's enough for votes. 

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1 hour ago, Pete Martell said:

Bill Maher sees himself as a performance artist, in my opinion, and likely sees Ann Coulter the same way. They have both spent decades reminding the public of their moral superiority and of how neither party can ever understand how special and smart they are. 

I noticed how stiff and actor-ish Maher was in his "New Rules" about the near-extinction of the middle class. He was only really interested in talking about when he used to enjoy flights and the rest was all amateur dramatics. It didn't feel remotely natural, likely because he has not been in that position of struggle in a very long time. He was posturing, almost bemused at times, with the camera reinforcing this by cutting to smirking from horrible, horrible people like Eric Erickson, who is, like Ann Coulter, in on the joke with Maher. 

None of these people care about anything but themselves. It doesn't matter what Ann Coulter says or does. It's a game to all of them. They always win, and we always lose. 

Sadly, I have to agree. It came off as fake and smarmy when Bill tried to act like it hurts his heart to hear people talk about not being able to pay their mortgage or prescription co-payments if they miss just one paycheck. While I agree with Bill on most things re: politics and religion, it's obvious he's in the top 1% financially, and likes it that way. 

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I thought Bill did well in the interview with Kasich. He really wanted to come in and do his deal and Bill did push back on that. 

I can't say that I see it being a leader by taking free money from the federal government. Kingdom of the blind and all. 

Actually I think "if you come at the king, you best not miss" is probably the best strategy on impeachment. 

I'm actually with Frank - the voters have been being a pass. They were marks and got conned. And the tragedy is, they're the ones most affected. 

Also quite a good job showing the headlines and fox news. 

Does Bill not know that Lynch has never stood for the anthem? 

I thought it was Laura Ingram and not our friend Ann that told Trump to change his mind? I am glad the woman in the middle brought up that there was a deal done. Only PBS really keeps bringing it up. 

Edited by ganesh
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Ann Coulter is a newsmaker and I'm Brad Pitt. 

Frank killed it with the head joke and the railroad joke. 

As much as I will defend Bill on his pov on religion, he needs to stay away from harassment issues because he's not good with it. 

Sanders response was wrong and shallow and myopic. That's it. Do better. 

Again, I think Frank got to the right 

Edited by ganesh
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Kasich would be wise to pick a Dem running mate and run as an Independent ticket.  I think it's his best shot and I dont even like the guy.  He only seems normal compared to the batsh!t insanity we deal with every day now.

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Eh. I was expecting a better show, considering everything that's happened since Bill was off-air. 

He needs to just stop talking about topics pertaining to sexual harassment. I cringe every time. 

19 hours ago, CaliCheeseSucks said:

I like Marshawn but his comments about hitting someone with his head, "it's the first to go..." it genuinely made me concerned for him. 

Glad it wasn't just me who felt uneasy after he said that. I know he was just joking but still. 

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That's a fair point. I don't think that the majority of men that are fans of Lynch are gay men though. I think his stance about not taking pics with men is more of a push back against 'dudebros'. There's also a lot of men who would want to take those pics and then sell or auction them. That's not fair to legit guys who just like him and would like to have a picture. That's not fair, but I don't fault him for having a line. 

I mean, honestly, I'm a grown man. Sure, if I met a pro athlete that I knew something about, I'd say, "hey, good work. Stay healthy." I'm not going to ask them for a picture. That's weird. 

Lynch is an introspective person. Bill tried and was well meaning, but you're just not going to draw him out. I was actually surprised he was on the show. 

(I got to see him play at Cal when I was there against USC and we were on Tighwad Hill. Really fun time.)

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Of all the big-mouth right-wing phonies, Ann Coulter is the phoniest.  I have heard her speak too many times, and I cannot recall ever feeling even once that she actually believed what she said.  Her only goal is to sell more terrible books and gathering fees for appearances.  She is a grifter in a time of grifters.  Maher should be ashamed to have her on his show and give her a forum for her horrid opinions.

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5 hours ago, crookedjackson44 said:

Of all the big-mouth right-wing phonies, Ann Coulter is the phoniest.  I have heard her speak too many times, and I cannot recall ever feeling even once that she actually believed what she said.  Her only goal is to sell more terrible books and gathering fees for appearances.  She is a grifter in a time of grifters.  Maher should be ashamed to have her on his show and give her a forum for her horrid opinions.

 In a way, that makes her worse than if she actually believed the vile trash she's spewing. God, I hate her.

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Kasich has been running for president for 2 years. I have to give him credit for paying the reasonable tactic, which is easy next to Trump. But yeah, no on the "both sides" are broken. We're not doing false equivalencies this year as facts. 

You beat me to the punch once again, ganesh. Both Kasich and Ericsson can go FOAD with this "both parties are broken" bullshit. They're trying to distinguish themselves as "reasonable" Republicans (as opposed to Trump supporters) but they still have to show their conservative bona-fides by trashing Democrats. The problem with Democrats is that the party is so much more diverse that not everyone it it agrees about everything. The Republican base is in lockstep with their agenda because they are all basically the same person. 

Marshawn can go FOAD too. He said he didn't vote on Overtime. Sorry, buddy, but you simply don't understand how things work in the world. You're part of the problem if you don't vote. And I'm sure he would have voted if Obama had been running again so this is more of an emotional choice than a practical one for people like him.


Eh. I was expecting a better show, considering everything that's happened since Bill was off-air. 

Yeah I thought the same thing. I was underwhelmed.

Hopefully Coulter will be the top of the hour interview so I can fast forward through it.

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I think I will have to give the show a pass next week - I won’t be able to listen to Ann Coulter or to Bill scolding the audience when they react negatively to her. “Newsmaker”, my ass, he’s hoping she’s a ratings grabber.

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2 hours ago, iMonrey said:

The problem with Democrats is that the party is so much more diverse that not everyone it it agrees about everything.

Even more so now. The challenge is that, like Frank said overall, to be practical and not beat each other up. Perfect being the enemy of good, as we've said here many times.

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kasich has been going around the last 2 years like he is the anti-trump reasonable compassionate concervative. I can only say he is slightly better than Trump. I too was hoping bill would give him tougher questions and call him out in things like

1) completely defunding planned parenthhood in ohio

2) is part of the lawsuit tha eventually lead to marriage equality (  hint..he was not on gay right side. 

3) opposes same sex. Adoption

4) opposed collective bargaing for police officers. And apposed benefits to family and children of fallon first responders

5) cut funding to public education,

He is a wolf in sheeps clothing. Cant wait till someone calls him out.

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Oh yeah. Except for taking the extension, which I don't think taking free money is 'leadership', his record is awful (but typical gop). 

But his job is easy - all he has to do is not be crazy compared to Trump. He doesn't need to win over republicans because his policies are all the same. 

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Man I was so ready for this show to return. It started off good and then just went downhill fast. Like others have stated, Bill needs to just never ever speak about sexual harassment because he just doesn’t get it.

I’m so glad that both Rampell and Frank schooled him on that.

I don’t understand why Lynch was even on and just wasn’t interested when he said he didn’t vote because he thinks it doesn’t matter. At least Bill gave him examples of why voting is important.

My favorite part of New Rules was the Airplane analogy/example of First Class, Business Class, etc. And agree about everything he said when it came to service. I remember the days when alcohol was free. As someone who sat in coach.

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On 1/20/2019 at 12:02 AM, Victor the Crab said:

I'd prefer booing her. And if Bill doesn't like it, TOUGH!

Because the old crow doesn’t give a s#$t. She thrives on that stuff. However, I wish he wouldn’t have her on. She’s no good for our country. 

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I say about Kasich what others have said, correctly, about Pence. Kasich is what happens in a democracy when you lose. Trump is what happens when you lose your democracy. So I'll take an American adult who's wrong on every policy question over a Russian puppet man-baby all day long and twice on Sunday.

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6 hours ago, HelenBaby said:

Because the old crow doesn’t give a s#$t. She thrives on that stuff.

That's why the perfect audience response to Coulter would be silent indifference and refusal to take the bait. Don't feed the troll.

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Since Ann Coulter wasn't on this episode, let's table the conversation about her until her appearance on this week's episode. 

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Ericcson can still fuck off.  His body of work speaks for itself (just see his recent "logic" tweeted, Re: #MAGA hat wearing snotty boys taunting a Native American veteran).  I won't laud him simply because he succeeded in not drooling all over himself on an episode of RT.

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