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The Marvel Cinematic Universe: The Avengers, etc.


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Also if they are rebooting Spiderman again, are we going to get another damn origin story?


I'm hoping they just do what Incredible Hulk (and the Raimi sequels) did and do it as a credits montage or something.


According to Drew McWeeny, they're looking for an actor around 19, so I guess they're trying for high school/college-age Peter again, and someone who can play the character for at least a decade or so. Probably rules out people like Donald Glover.

The only X-Men I'd really want to see in the Marvel Cinematic Universe are Gambit and Madrox. I'd love for there to be a Netflix version of X-Factor Investigations, because that was one of the best X-books of the past decade. Really sharp writing by PAD, great character work on Madrox and the other characters, and a cool premise that was actually new for the X-books. And I'd like to see Gambit because he's always been my favourite X-Man (except for when writers who don't like him have tried their best to ruin the character).


But then, I'd also rather see a Runaways TV show than any more additions to the already overcrowded movie scene.

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I'm hoping they just do what Incredible Hulk (and the Raimi sequels) did and do it as a credits montage or something.


According to Drew McWeeny, they're looking for an actor around 19, so I guess they're trying for high school/college-age Peter again, and someone who can play the character for at least a decade or so. Probably rules out people like Donald Glover.

Given that Tobey Maguire was already like... 28... when he played the role, arguably this would be the FIRST time more than "again".


19 sounds even more like High School than College, since they usually cast over instead of under. And a High School Peter, while there are certain storytelling limitations, is kind of cool.

The only X-Men I'd really want to see in the Marvel Cinematic Universe are Gambit and Madrox. I'd love for there to be a Netflix version of X-Factor Investigations, because that was one of the best X-books of the past decade. Really sharp writing by PAD, great character work on Madrox and the other characters, and a cool premise that was actually new for the X-books. And I'd like to see Gambit because he's always been my favourite X-Man (except for when writers who don't like him have tried their best to ruin the character).


But then, I'd also rather see a Runaways TV show than any more additions to the already overcrowded movie scene.


I love me some Gambit. Oh. Just love. The backlash on him in the Marvel offices over the past decade or so has suuuuucked. But, hey, it was James Asmus' Gambit run that got me collecting comics again. (Digitally... but I'd been out of the game for almost fifteen years.) And, as such, led me back to Captain Marvel, Ms. Marvel, Guardians of the Galaxy, various Avengers books, various X-books... etc etc.


Hell, Gambit is what brought me into comics in the first place. So there, Marvel.

19 sounds even more like High School than College, since they usually cast over instead of under. And a High School Peter, while there are certain storytelling limitations, is kind of cool.

High school seems weird, to the point where it would almost seem out of place. I mean does any one want to see RDJ's Tony Stark facing off verbally against a high school kid? It seems like it would be ridiculous.

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It's disappointing that Andrew Garfield is out as Spiderman.  Him and Emma Stone were the best part of both ASM films.  Garfield seemed like someone who embraced the spirit of comic book movies.  I don't think that another high school/college Peter Parker is necessary after having two.  It would have been really fun to Garfield interact with the MCU casts.  


If Marvel reached some agreement with Fox about bring the X-Men into the MCU, it would be interesting.  It would break the internet if they could get Fassbender, Hiddleston, and Cumberbatch in a scene together. 

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I love me some Gambit. Oh. Just love. The backlash on him in the Marvel offices over the past decade or so has suuuuucked. But, hey, it was James Asmus' Gambit run that got me collecting comics again. (Digitally... but I'd been out of the game for almost fifteen years.) And, as such, led me back to Captain Marvel, Ms. Marvel, Guardians of the Galaxy, various Avengers books, various X-books... etc etc.


Hell, Gambit is what brought me into comics in the first place. So there, Marvel.


Asmus's Gambit book was excellent. Really true to the character and fun, without any of the angsty crap he's been lumbered with over the years. But that was the only comic book I was buying, and when it was cancelled I just stopped altogether. Nothing has grabbed me, and I feel like both Marvel and DC ruined most of what I used to love about their universes.


I think the backlash was because 80s fanboys were in charge, and wanted Wolverine, Cyclops and Rogue to be the big three, and also wanted to minimise anything that they didn't appreciate from their own childhoods. So Gambit, a character introduced in 1990, got incredibly shabby treatment. There now seems to be a new influx of talent raised on 90s comics, so Gambit's prospects might be looking better. 


It would break the internet if they could get Fassbender, Hiddleston, and Cumberbatch in a scene together.



It would break tumblr, for sure. Hopefully the rest of the internet could withstand the fangirl nonsense.

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According to Drew McWeeny, they're looking for an actor around 19, so I guess they're trying for high school/college-age Peter again, and someone who can play the character for at least a decade or so. Probably rules out people like Donald Glover.

Couldn't they just settle for someone who looks 19, like Andy Mientus?

I mentioned this in the Daredevil thread, but it would be cool if some show or movie dealt with how regular people are dealing with all the changes in their world.

I mean in the MCU there are aliens. All those crackpot ufo seeing people were right.

Plus there is a god that walks the earth, and saved it. But for the vast majority of people he is not their god. I am not expecting a watchmen kind of thing, but it would be interesting to see how these changes effect people and how they see the world.

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We know it won't be another origin film.  They've said that repeatedly.   What surprises me is that there's a big rumor going around that it won't be Peter Parker as Spiderman.  I think that's a non-starter.  For the first Spiderman movie with Marvel input, I think it has to be Peter.  Granted that's the Spiderman I grew up with going back to The Electric Company.  I could care less about his race. Peter could be any race, but switching Peter out would be like Bruce Wayne not being Batman.  I hope Marvel gets that.  If they want to transition to the Miles character taking over down the line, that's fine.  But if it just starts with him and Peter's not mentioned, I'm really not interested.  

Edited by vb68


At this rate, everyone will have 30 seconds of screen time.

I was thinking that myself. Haven't they learned anything from the X-Men movies? There It's a bunch of core characters and a bunch of cameos. Except these cameos have been major characters in other movies. What I'd like to see, more bad guys. Or more well developed baddies, the way Loki worked well for Avengers 1. Other than that, it just seems to be a matter of designated villan. Someone disposable for the heroes to defeat and then move on to the next threat.

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Yeah I basically started to watch MCU because of Avengers (I'm not big on superheroes, but I freaking love Whedon), and I love this movie, but I can't agree Loki was good in it. Everything I've enjoyed about the character in Thor movies was missing. He could have been switched for any generic villain and nothing would change aside from few Thor's lines.


Now, the amount of characters confirmed for AoU is kinda alarming. How long is it going to be? 3 hours? Otherwise, some of the supposed leads would probably be underused to make way for all these cameos and new characters that need to be set up.


I really don't care about Spiderman and have no interest of seeing him in MCU. I'd prefer more female characters.

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Anthony Mackie, Hayley Atwell and Idris Eba have been confirmed for Age of Ultron.  At this rate, everyone will have 30 seconds of screen time.

Wow I thought the number of characters, before this was announced was high (I think I figured it was somewhere around 15 characters with speaking roles). This makes it crazy. And if Avengers 2 is going to have something like 18 characters, how many are going to show up in Avengers 3/4 when you figure all the solo movies that are coming out between now and then and the fact that either 3 or 4 or both are going to have The Guardians of the Galaxy in them.

Anthony Mackie, Hayley Atwell and Idris Eba have been confirmed for Age of Ultron.  At this rate, everyone will have 30 seconds of screen time.


I look forward to the Brady Bunch grid of all the various faces... expanding to fill the movie screen before 'The End' flashes up and then we get our mid and end credit teasers.

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I haven't been posting here for quite some time, but something came to my attention and was wondering if anyone had any insight:  A friend of mine works in labor and delivery and noted, after seeing one of the first two trailers, that there was moment where you saw a table with some medical instruments on it.  One of them was very clearly forceps.  Is it a production design error or is there a delivery in the movie?   Any thoughts? 

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I haven't been posting here for quite some time, but something came to my attention and was wondering if anyone had any insight:  A friend of mine works in labor and delivery and noted, after seeing one of the first two trailers, that there was moment where you saw a table with some medical instruments on it.  One of them was very clearly forceps.  Is it a production design error or is there a delivery in the movie?   Any thoughts? 

Seeing as that's probably a Natasha flashback to the Red Room http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Room_(comics) it might be just a selection of medical tools. I wouldn't put it past the trainers and doctors to have done something to Natasha gynaecological-wise

Cap getting knocked on his ass by Quicksilver was surprising. My favourite part was at the end, with Hulk ripping apart all those ultron drones.

Quicksilver must run really really REALLY fast because it looked like Cap was standing completely still when Quicksilver punched him.

And it looks like Wanda is playing with their minds.

I swear I`ve watched this trailer like 7 times now. My fan girl is showing so hard, its getting embarrassing.


No matter what continuity, Wanda is always messing with peoples heads.


Seems like a lot going on in this movie, which makes sense. Its basically a sequel/continuation of, like, 30 things.


So Wanda and Pietro are Inhumans here, right? Or are they just going to say they were experimented on normal people? I just get a mental imagine of them trying to explain their power/back-story/family history, and it keeps cutting to a bunch of lawyers standing off to the side, holding up contracts, and shaking their heads.  

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I am not sure how true it is but I remember hearing that Wanda/Pietro were suppose to be called miracles.


I do wonder if this Quicksilver will be liked as much as X-Men's ended up being. To be fair I hear Aaron Taylor-Johnson's Quicksilver is suppose to be more serious where as Evan Peters was the fun comic relief.

Love the quick closeup of The Vision.

I am curious as to how much power they are going to give The Vision. I mean super strength, computer brain and flying isn't too big a jump for the MCU, but I wonder if they are going to give him the phasing/density control powers. Because those would be a pretty big deal for Tony or whoever to invent.

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Hawkeye and Quicksilver speak! In a new AoU TV spot which also has some cool new action:

Eeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!! I'm crushing on all the Avengers and Quicksilver and his walk at the end :-)

So Tony is designing the new stuff for the team awesome! I like Cap's magnetic shield and Thor and Cap America is becoming my favorite duo.



Hawkeye and Quicksilver speak! In a new AoU TV spot which also has some cool new action:


I am so excited for this movie! *flails*


Seriously, I cannot even ... *flails again*


I am taking May 1 off from work and will spend the day at the theater where there will be even more flailing. I've already got my tickets.

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