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S05.E02: Scared and Unprepared

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Jazz is sacred. Jazz feels unprepared.  Or, more likely, whoever writes the episode titles liked the rhyme. 

More talk about genitals! More Jazz speaking in odd voices!  More odd shots of Jazz's family's kitchen!  Join us, won't you?

Original air date 2019.01.08

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Poor Sander!  I’m kind of surprised that the guys were ok with (literally) airing such personal and difficult feelings, but I’m glad they did because I thought it was interesting.  I also liked Jazz’s attempt to intervene with Griffen on Sander’s behalf.

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3 hours ago, TomGirl said:

Poor Sander!  I’m kind of surprised that the guys were ok with (literally) airing such personal and difficult feelings, but I’m glad they did because I thought it was interesting.  I also liked Jazz’s attempt to intervene with Griffen on Sander’s behalf.

I thought it was annoying the way Sander was moping and complaining about Griffen having a girlfriend. He's just pissed off because he doesn't have one, too. It will happen soon enough, then he will totally understand and they can double date! I also thought the parents and Jazz should have told him exactly that instead of coddling him and making Griffen feel like he's doing something wrong. Good for Griffen for standing up for himself and not listening to this family's BS. 

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I’m not a very good lip-reader, but when Jazz and Janelle were in the car discussing Jazz’s love life, or lack thereof, and Jazz gets pissy with Mom and snaps “Beacuse I (bleeep) have a (bleeep)!”, does anyone know what the bleeped out words were?


I find it strange that Janelle is running around with just a few weeks to go until Jazz’s surgery getting allergy testing done and chatting with Skylar’s mom about aftercare.  With so much of Jazz’s focus being on getting a vagina, one would think Janelle would be getting all knowed up about the particulars well in advance since she is the one that is going to be responsible for much of her aftercare and is a big participant in a successful outcome for Jazz.  One example, the dilator-does she have one yet, has she become familiar with its proper use, cleaning routine, etc.?  Maybe it is just the show manipulating the dialogue or the scenarios but it just struck me as bizarre that Janelle finds herself unprepared.

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5 minutes ago, kicotan said:

I’m not a very good lip-reader, but when Jazz and Janelle were in the car discussing Jazz’s love life, or lack thereof, and Jazz gets pissy with Mom and snaps “Beacuse I (bleeep) have a (bleeep)!”, does anyone know what the bleeped out words were?

She said, “I have a (f***ing) dick!”

28 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

I thought it was annoying the way Sander was moping and complaining about Griffen having a girlfriend. He's just pissed off because he doesn't have one, too. It will happen soon enough, then he will totally understand and they can double date! I also thought the parents and Jazz should have told him exactly that instead of coddling him and making Griffen feel like he's doing something wrong. Good for Griffen for standing up for himself and not listening to this family's BS. 

I don’t disagree with this, but Griffen was being a bit of a prick, too, telling Sander that he (Griffen) has “matured”, implying that Sander hasn’t. And who among us hasn’t experienced the sting of losing a good friend who has no time for us once a boyfriend or girlfriend enters the picture?  Imagine that impact on a twin sibling.

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I really wish they wouldn't treat the hippy dippy psychic as something legitimate. She's either a scammer or has a mental illness if she truly thinks she is talking to an angel. Oh wow, she told Jazz she has a big medical procedure coming up! Because that is such a big secret that no one else knows about. It's not like Jazz has been on national television talking about it nonstop. *eye roll*

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Jazz must have mentioned vagina a hundred times last night. Enough. I hope the surgery will make her feel confident and I am sure it will to an extent. But she will have to work on her shyness and personality flaws if she wants to fall in love. I feel a bit scared for her that she has no real friends except her mom and spends most of her time either filming or at charity/educational events. Those are good things but she still needs to have one on one friendships and hobbies. I'm not convinced she is really close with Noelle and the other transwomen on the show. 

I also think Jeanette should hire a nurse for Jazz for a few days after surgery. I know they send plastic surgery patients to hotels for a few days but it is usually with a nurse in attendance and Jazz is having a serious operation. As far as the twins, they seem like nice guys going through normal sibling stuff. I like the family in general, they all really seem to love each other. 

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I think both Griffen and Sander are being a bit jerky in this situation. Griffen was definitely condescending about Sander's feelings, and Sander does need to branch out and take charge of his own social life. I'm guessing this is Griffen's first girlfriend ever and he is, as we used to say, p***y-whipped. Not to say that the girlfriend is being bossy or controlling, but sometimes guys are so into the sex that they have blinders on to everyone else and will do anything to keep their girlfriend happy. (Girls do this, too.)

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i agree about hiring a nurse and think it should be for the whole time they are in NY. Or put her in a nursing facility like her friend. They can certainly afford it. Jeannette is not prepared for post-op care. It's so hard to see your child suffer and she needs a nurse to take care of the medical stuff and administer pain medication. it will be very hard for both of them for Jeannette to be involved with that intimate care, especially with such a painful operation. i feel sorry for both of them.

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The pressure being put on this surgery to be a panacea for everything wrong in Jazz's life is ridiculous.

I don't feel like cameras should be in therapy sessions but I would really like to hear more about the therapy that Jazz went through to prepare for this surgery and manage expectations. All we saw last season was Jazz throwing a tantrum about therapy and then sulking at the therapist who was Jeanette's cousin! We know that 2 letters were required (personally I don't think a family member like a cousin should be allowed to sign off on this kind of thing but thats cousin Marilyn's decision to write the letter as a family member and Dr. Bower's decision to accept a letter from a family member) I would love to know the process for the 2nd letter and if Jazz had to go through actual therapy to get it. 

This surgery is a huge short term and long term commitment for Jazz and whatever about not being prepared for the physical aftermath, the emotional aftermath is life long and should have been the main thing taken care of when the decision to do it asap was taken.

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I felt bad for Sander.... right up until I saw how he was acting around Griffen. How many times did he mention Griffen having sex with the girl friend? Almost as many as Jazz mentioned her vagina. And Sander's little "party" of nothing but girls and 1 male friend was just a ploy to start a fight between Griffen and his girl friend. 

I'm surprised any surgeon would be willing to do surgery on Jazz until they ruled out any possibility of an allergic reaction, especially with Jeanette as her "nurse". Hell, my mom has a latex allergy. She know this, and tells doctors. She had to have a biopsy on a cyst in one of her breasts a few years ago. She told them, they assured her they didn't use latex bandages. Too bad the glue in the tape they used to hold the non latex bandage down had latex in it. She ended up with a massive spot where the glue caused a reaction, but at least that was something that was pretty darn visible and easy enough to change a bandage on. I showed a nurse the picture my mom had sent me and the nurse was appalled at how bad it was. I can't even imagine what kind of bandages Jazz would have and the potential reaction in obviously very tender areas. You'd think they would have slapped a few areas on her arm or leg with what they planned on using to test it out just to make sure. 

Jeanette just needs to stop with her pushing Jazz to date. Holy fuck. If Jazz is smart, she'll head for the hills the second she can. No wonder Ari and now Griffen have bugged out. And you can't tell me Jeanette couldn't put two and two together to figure out why Jazz isn't all hot and heavy. Jazz doesn't even seem to know if she's looking for a boy, a girl, or both. How about we let her figure out her new self before we try to set her up? 

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1 hour ago, Fostersmom said:

I felt bad for Sander.... right up until I saw how he was acting around Griffen. How many times did he mention Griffen having sex with the girl friend? Almost as many as Jazz mentioned her vagina. And Sander's little "party" of nothing but girls and 1 male friend was just a ploy to start a fight between Griffen and his girl friend. 

I'm surprised any surgeon would be willing to do surgery on Jazz until they ruled out any possibility of an allergic reaction, especially with Jeanette as her "nurse". Hell, my mom has a latex allergy. She know this, and tells doctors. She had to have a biopsy on a cyst in one of her breasts a few years ago. She told them, they assured her they didn't use latex bandages. Too bad the glue in the tape they used to hold the non latex bandage down had latex in it. She ended up with a massive spot where the glue caused a reaction, but at least that was something that was pretty darn visible and easy enough to change a bandage on. I showed a nurse the picture my mom had sent me and the nurse was appalled at how bad it was. I can't even imagine what kind of bandages Jazz would have and the potential reaction in obviously very tender areas. You'd think they would have slapped a few areas on her arm or leg with what they planned on using to test it out just to make sure. 

Jeanette just needs to stop with her pushing Jazz to date. Holy fuck. If Jazz is smart, she'll head for the hills the second she can. No wonder Ari and now Griffen have bugged out. And you can't tell me Jeanette couldn't put two and two together to figure out why Jazz isn't all hot and heavy. Jazz doesn't even seem to know if she's looking for a boy, a girl, or both. How about we let her figure out her new self before we try to set her up? 

This family!  I have to believe that all of this allergy testing/Jeannette unpreparedness is being recreated for the show timeline; it would be very out of character for her to have just let everything go.  And I bet they have a nurse or rehab center all lined up too.  But I really don't think that Jazz hangs out with her "friends" unless they are filming.  And she did seem to like Victoria, but guess what!  If you drop her until filming picks up it's likely she will find someone else to date.  Jeannette seemed proud to finally get poor Jazz to admit -on camera- she finds dating uncomfortable because of her body parts.  And Sander - if you want "bro time" hit a pub or a basketball court with your brother, rather than your backyard with a gang of girls.  Although that was the lamest party ever, or just a set-up for a filmed fight.  (You be the judge :D)

ETA:  I almost forgot - Jazz tells her mom she wants to see a psychic about when she will find love - so her mom takes her to one?  WTF? is all I have to say to that.

Edited by princelina
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It’s weird the way the show has been pushing this “Jazz needs to find love” storyline ever since she was 14 years old. And it always goes the same way, she meets someone, they click, it’s built up like it may last and next season it’s like it never happened.

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That psychic was a terrible actress relaying her info from beyond "I'm getting something about a procedure? maybe medical? I'm getting June? a 2 and a 6? does that mean anything June and a 2 and a 6? The angel is saying it's something that will be life changing that you wanted your whole life? maybe it would be best to wait a year and a half?- does any of this make any sense to you?" For fucks sake! Like does Jazz not know that she is so easy to google? I wish they would not show this shit on the show it's total crap.  

I wanted to KILL Jeannette badgering Jazz about the dating.  when Jazz said I'd love to have that, I'd love to find love, I really would. Her mother says in a nasty tone  "well I don't think you do because you are not taking any steps to find love! You say that but you don't do anything toward that goal!" Oh shut up. It's like if I say "I really want to go to Japan, I really really want to" and a loved one said to me "I don't think you really want to go or you wouldn't be eating out all the time, you would be saving that money for your Japan plane fare, and taking steps toward it, you would be looking at hotels and keeping a Japan scrapbook! I see no steps in that direction, therefore you don't really want to go to Japan!"  Jeannette was so nasty about it and then was pestering her to say it was because she was not happy in her body. I don't think that is the only reason, that she isn't coming on to boys and listing herself on Teen Tinder.  Then telling her that she was loose and went out with a million guys and a lot of them treated her like shit which is how she learned what a good man was. Therefore Jazz wanting to just find love without dating a ton of losers first is a stupid idea.

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I absolutely hate when reality TV shows have psychics.  As @calpurnia99 says, um, Jazz, honey, she googled you.  Mm-kay?  She had to agree to be filmed and to be on the show.  I think she could find out damn near anything she wants to know about you.  I'm surprised she didn't follow up with " I see you in a large, sack-like tie-dyed dress that makes you look incredibly large.  Have you ever seen anything like that?", "I sense you will feel pressure from a parent, maybe your mother, to date, but you don't feel very ready to do so; you can wait a bit."  Or perhaps, "the angels feel a kinship for you with a creature that is somehow human and not human, with perhaps a mermaid?"  Give her time and she'll also suggest that in the future Jazz will curl her lips in unattractive ways while using an annoying voice.  Alright, clearly I'm a wee bit cranky today. 

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Jazz seems even more immature and her mother caters to every whim.  Does anyone ever say no?   jazz wants to see a psychic, Jazz this, Jazz that.  

I am not surprised Sander is struggling with his twin having a girlfriend.  The twins have probably been second fiddle to the whims of Jazz.  Their parents, especially Jeanette, is obsessed with pleasing Jazz.  The family dynamics all revolve around their special child.  Siblings may develop self esteem issues. 

Jazz thinks this surgery will fix all that is wrong in her life.  Her mother buys into this and her father probably just gave up. This massive surgery is not a one and done fix.  Just wait until jazz faces complications.  I wish her the best but I don’t see eternal happiness around the corner. 

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Just popping in looking for updates. I only catch the show now on rerun...

Is the plan/schedule for the surgery THIS season ?

Any updates on the older sister Ari ?  Last time I saw her, she seemed to be very happy at college.

Have they shown the know-it-all grandparents ? Sorry, the last time I seen the grands, they were a little too-much "all in" in the  goings on with Jazz. They must have an excellent inner support circle of friends to discuss and turn to. My grandparents (God, rest their soul)... naww...

I did like seeing  Griffen and Sander. It shows they are growing up and there are other personal feelings / growth  going on. Hang in their Sander  !

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19 hours ago, Madding crowd said:

Jazz must have mentioned vagina a hundred times last night. Enough. I hope the surgery will make her feel confident and I am sure it will to an extent. But she will have to work on her shyness and personality flaws if she wants to fall in love. I feel a bit scared for her that she has no real friends except her mom and spends most of her time either filming or at charity/educational events. Those are good things but she still needs to have one on one friendships and hobbies. I'm not convinced she is really close with Noelle and the other transwomen on the show. 

I also think Jeanette should hire a nurse for Jazz for a few days after surgery. I know they send plastic surgery patients to hotels for a few days but it is usually with a nurse in attendance and Jazz is having a serious operation. As far as the twins, they seem like nice guys going through normal sibling stuff. I like the family in general, they all really seem to love each other. 

it looks like this family is well off. for janette to be nursing jazz after this operation, when she has no nursing experience is insane. hire a nurse or go to a recovery place. it's obvious she isn't capable. she didn't even do any research. what an idiot. 

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I did laugh when they were at the beach and Skylar and Jazz went for a walk. Jeanette said something like 'talk to a guy. Or talk to a girl. Talk to ANYONE!'  I agree she's pushing it, but it was something I could hear my mom saying to me as a younger person.

2 hours ago, sATL said:

Have they shown the know-it-all grandparents ? Sorry, the last time I seen the grands, they were a little too-much "all in" in the  goings on with Jazz.

I don't think we've seen Jack and Jackie (LOL) yet this season.

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22 minutes ago, woodscommaelle said:

I did laugh when they were at the beach and Skylar and Jazz went for a walk. Jeanette said something like 'talk to a guy. Or talk to a girl. Talk to ANYONE!'  I agree she's pushing it, but it was something I could hear my mom saying to me as a younger person.

I don't think we've seen Jack and Jackie (LOL) yet this season.

Jackie was shown shopping at a grocery store with Jeannette either this episode or the last one. 

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20 hours ago, Madding crowd said:

Jazz must have mentioned vagina a hundred times last night. Enough. I hope the surgery will make her feel confident and I am sure it will to an extent. But she will have to work on her shyness and personality flaws if she wants to fall in love. I feel a bit scared for her that she has no real friends except her mom and spends most of her time either filming or at charity/educational events. Those are good things but she still needs to have one on one friendships and hobbies. I'm not convinced she is really close with Noelle and the other transwomen on the show. 

I also think Jeanette should hire a nurse for Jazz for a few days after surgery. I know they send plastic surgery patients to hotels for a few days but it is usually with a nurse in attendance and Jazz is having a serious operation. As far as the twins, they seem like nice guys going through normal sibling stuff. I like the family in general, they all really seem to love each other. 

I just got a picture of Andy C on WWHL when he points to a word where image appears for the viewers...then normally says a corny line about having a drink when you hear the word.

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I would drink every time Jazz says vagina but I don't want to die of alcohol poisoning. 

I absolutely do not believe that Jazz will only have Jeanette helping during her recovery.  This appears to be for the dramahz! While a nurse may not be there 24/7, I expect they will have a nurse coming in daily to help.  I also assume we will see some kind of complication or other drama.  Wouldn't be TV if it all went smoothly.  

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On 1/9/2019 at 6:14 PM, Heartismyarmor said:

It’s weird the way the show has been pushing this “Jazz needs to find love” storyline ever since she was 14 years old. And it always goes the same way, she meets someone, they click, it’s built up like it may last and next season it’s like it never happened.

I think it's because they (and by they I mean Jeanette) want to portray Jazz as just a normal young gal looking for love like they all do, but that's just not true.  And I'm not trying to say that she never will, but as a transgender teen with a nationally televised tv show - it's not happening right now.

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ok, i know this has been asked before but i have to know why jeannette's mom wears an (ill fitting) wig and has an eye condition. no disrespect, it is just bugging me. what do or what did her parents do for a living. they sound educated for the most part. the twins are nice looking kids. jazz is bugging with the vagina-ness. she is going to be 100% disappointed because she is expedition something that is not possible. has she even seen a picture of one. 

so she has had the surgery since this summer, correct? anyone know what has happened since?

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Ii have only watched the last couple of episodes of this show, so I'm probably completely wrong about this, but Jazz is a spoiled brat, and very immature.  In my unprofessional opinion, she needs some therapy, and her surgery should be put off for a while.   Her Mother is an over-bearing bitch.  What will she ever do when Jazz moves out and far away from her (I hope)   I like Jazz's Father for the most part.

Help me out on something.  As a trans woman, if Jazz dates women, does that make her a lesbian

Edited by Honey
Because hen and When aren't the same.
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1 hour ago, 17wheatthins said:

hmm. i guess her daughter doesn't follow then. i have a feeling she either has female alopecia due to hormones/heredity or has some sort of condition (due to the eye problem) because if you look at the sides, she has no hair where "sideburns" would be. again, i'm not being hurtful, i'm just curious. this family certainly SHAREs ,so well...i want to know more. 

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13 hours ago, asemumma said:

Grandpa is a retired physician. Not sure if they’ve mentioned what Grandma may have done professionally. 

Ahhh... that explains a few things..So he can use his former (or retired I'm sure) colleges and professional medical resources . I thought he seem too "ok" with all of this - for a grandparent.  What was his specialty ? 

On 1/11/2019 at 12:33 AM, princelina said:

I think it's because they (and by they I mean Jeanette) want to portray Jazz as just a normal young gal looking for love like they all do, but that's just not true.  And I'm not trying to say that she never will, but as a transgender teen with a nationally televised tv show - it's not happening right now.

From the 20+/- minutes I saw on a recent rerun - Jazz seems to be looking for more 'love". It was the episode when they were shopping for a DR to do the surgery. Jazz was concerned about what her partner would think her vagina would look like. And she asked her mom about the inside of one. Her mom replied she has never seen the insider of hers'. I know teens have sex in high school, but Jazz is appearing a little "too ready" to take that step .It was almost like once the surgery/recovery is over, now its time to  "lets-get-it-on"... {rest in peace Marvin Gaye}.

In the recent episode did Janette talk with Sander about looking for love? Any updates on Ari  - has she found someone or have love concerns now that she is close to finishing college? Janette and/or the father should be entertain love questions of all of their kiddies - not just Jazz.

Edited by sATL
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10 hours ago, Honey said:

Help me out on something.  As a trans woman, if Jazz dates women, does that make her a lesbian

Like any woman, if she is attracted exclusively to other women, she'd most likely identify as lesbian; transgender or cisgender makes no difference, as gender identity and sexual orientation are two separate things.  Right now, Jazz identifies as pansexual (as far as I know - I only watch sporadically - but I believe I heard her reiterate that in the conversation with her friends as they got ready for prom).

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On 1/12/2019 at 9:06 AM, sATL said:

Ahhh... that explains a few things..So he can use his former (or retired I'm sure) colleges and professional medical resources . I thought he seem too "ok" with all of this - for a grandparent.  What was his specialty ? 

From the 20+/- minutes I saw on a recent rerun - Jazz seems to be looking for more 'love". It was the episode when they were shopping for a DR to do the surgery. Jazz was concerned about what her partner would think her vagina would look like. And she asked her mom about the inside of one. Her mom replied she has never seen the insider of hers'. I know teens have sex in high school, but Jazz is appearing a little "too ready" to take that step .It was almost like once the surgery/recovery is over, now its time to  "lets-get-it-on"... {rest in peace Marvin Gaye}.

In the recent episode did Janette talk with Sander about looking for love? Any updates on Ari  - has she found someone or have love concerns now that she is close to finishing college? Janette and/or the father should be entertain love questions of all of their kiddies - not just Jazz.


I skimmed over the Jennings’ offspring social media accounts and it was somewhat enlightening.

I can’t tell if Griffen is still dating the girl from summer of 2018 or anyone new. Scanning Twitter, it appears as if all of the family members use it primarily as a platform to plug the show (tons of TLC retweets) and LGBTQ+ issues. I’d bet that the boys prefer a modicum of privacy, as they should, especially when it comes to their personal lives. 

Per Instagram, Ari has a boyfriend. Her posts and word choice make me think it’s either a serious or long term relationship. Ari’s is also the most “normal” account; one would never know that her family is on TV simply by looking at her page.

Edited by Bridget
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On 1/9/2019 at 2:48 PM, maggiegil said:

The pressure being put on this surgery to be a panacea for everything wrong in Jazz's life is ridiculous.

I don't feel like cameras should be in therapy sessions but I would really like to hear more about the therapy that Jazz went through to prepare for this surgery and manage expectations. All we saw last season was Jazz throwing a tantrum about therapy and then sulking at the therapist who was Jeanette's cousin! We know that 2 letters were required (personally I don't think a family member like a cousin should be allowed to sign off on this kind of thing but thats cousin Marilyn's decision to write the letter as a family member and Dr. Bower's decision to accept a letter from a family member) I would love to know the process for the 2nd letter and if Jazz had to go through actual therapy to get it. 


While I agree on the panacea remark, one item the show absolutely nails is that the thought of surgery is ALWAYS that in your face if you're in my shoes or Jazz's shoes, and what it will be perceived to mean--it really does take that other aspect away, it gives you the anatomy of any other woman. Give me a TLC camera at the same age, and I would've said the same about my (then) future vulva. It really was that much on my mind for similar reasons like dating and happiness. I'd like to think I'd talk about other topics too, but it really would take up the majority of time. Jazz is no exception to that, and it's likely a common theme among any teen needing sex reassignment surgery.


Cousin Debbie, love her to bits, is not a PhD or an MD. Cannot sign off on a surgery letter. Dr. Volker, MD, is unrelated but an old friend of the family (Jeanette specifically, I believe). The process for getting the letters is an interesting one, as it genuinely does depend. One therapist wanted $400 for having the session and writing one of mine. Hell no. So, I went to two old therapists for a one-off session where they'd evaluate me, much like a normal session, nothing special to it, at the normal therapist rate. If they approved, and they did, letters would be in the mail about a week later that could then be sent off to Dr. Bowers. Jazz's case was probably similar to my own within the session: Knew all my life, this surgery will mean a ton to me in ways XYZ. Basically the standard episode.

On 1/12/2019 at 3:25 PM, Bastet said:

Like any woman, if she is attracted exclusively to other women, she'd most likely identify as lesbian; transgender or cisgender makes no difference, as gender identity and sexual orientation are two separate things.  Right now, Jazz identifies as pansexual (as far as I know - I only watch sporadically - but I believe I heard her reiterate that in the conversation with her friends as they got ready for prom).


Yeah, basically this. Since I like guys exclusively, I consider myself straight. Jazz is pansexual, publicly so since 2015, told me as much the year prior. That's been very consistent with her.


So...yeah, the psychic. Looked her up, appears legit, but my oh my, that was kind of an awkward segment. I mean, really? Could've made that about any other topic to make that segment by far more fascinating. Should be said, Jazz has always liked knowing the future, having her cards done, wants to know more about it, and how to do so. Kind of makes sense they'd include this topic as a side interest they haven't especially tapped on all that much.


So, personal story time about this as a result! Jazz and I decided to get a reading done a few years back. Jeanette was a little creeped out, but couldn't help but watch from afar to see what the reader would say, with intrigue, before being drawn in,  She had those mom eagle eyes to ensure all was going well. Jazz's wish was to know about the future for people, hoping for equality and rights for all, having some fun with the cards before anything was drawn. Genuinely thrilled, with a dentist's model smile. We get told things will get better eventually, but not at this time, still troubled. Jazz was okay with this, if a little worried, as was I, noting that "As long as it's good long term!" Take the psychics for what they're worth, but the next day was the Orlando Pulse shooting. Kind of eerie, isn't it?

On 1/10/2019 at 9:25 AM, msrachelj said:

I'm not convinced she is really close with Noelle and the other transwomen on the show. 

I oddly can't speak to Jazz and Noelle on this but know Jeanette and Noelle's mother are rather close. That family is really that busy though, pretty much all the time. If they're not filming or speaking, they're usually vacationing. Kind of crazy, but I'd totally sign up for that life of a reality show like this, myself.

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I imagine that anyone who is waiting for surgery for a problem that's been troubling them greatly would be somewhat obsessed with it and have it on their mind as their main concern in life. When people have back problems, they can't talk about anything but their backs. When it's the knee, that's all they think about. So for Jazz to be talking about her genitals a lot, it's a little awkward because most people are not that open about their genitals, but it makes a kind of sense that it's on her mind and really something she urgently wants dealt with. If it was a hernia, people would understand.

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On 1/11/2019 at 9:55 PM, asemumma said:

Grandpa is a retired physician. Not sure if they’ve mentioned what Grandma may have done professionally. 

I suspect grandma never worked a day in her life.

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4 hours ago, readheaded said:

Even if she never worked for pay, she raised children who’ve seemed to turn out pretty well, so I’d say she did lots of hard work. 

I don't know if I'd consider raising Jeanette a success story, but maybe she has other well-adjusted children...

i wonder what's up with greg's family. I'd love to see what they are like! It would be funny if they were normal and just wanted nothing to do the show, all the while feeling sorry that their son is stuck in such a dysfunctional family. 

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Jeanette has a brother who’s been on the show.  Whether any of us agree with or like Jeanette, she’s a functioning adult.  I think we’ve all seen much worse examples on reality shows and even IRL.  

It doesn’t look like Greg’s stuck.  There are happy photos on the Jennings family’s social media of them with Greg’s family.  I don’t think they live near each other, though. 

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It is so obvious that for the first time in his life Griffen is getting sex "on the regular".... No way in hell is he giving that up to spend time with Sander... The fact that Griffen can't even admit that to himself proves that he's just as immature as he claiming his brother is.  They're both just growing up,  they will get through it.

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1 hour ago, Caracoa1 said:

It is so obvious that for the first time in his life Griffen is getting sex "on the regular".... No way in hell is he giving that up to spend time with Sander... The fact that Griffen can't even admit that to himself proves that he's just as immature as he claiming his brother is.  They're both just growing up,  they will get through it.

Yeah. These guys are brothers and twins- they love each other and are just going through an adjustment period.

BUT I think it’s good Sander is comfortable expressing his feelings and the fact that he misses his brother. Our culture does a horrible job of acknowledging that men need non sexual emotional intimacy and friendship with other men. The fact that he’s even able to articulate that he misses his brother and not be ashamed is good. 

Given all this I’m more team Sander than team Griffin. Not saying Griffin is a bad guy or anything but I HATE when people think that THEIR romantic relationship is the be all and end all of everyone else’s life, and others aren’t allowed to have feelings. When this girl is gone and their romance is a fond memory Sander will still be his brother. Have some empathy dude. 

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On 1/20/2019 at 11:25 AM, Scarlett45 said:

Given all this I’m more team Sander than team Griffin. Not saying Griffin is a bad guy or anything but I HATE when people think that THEIR romantic relationship is the be all and end all of everyone else’s life, and others aren’t allowed to have feelings. When this girl is gone and their romance is a fond memory Sander will still be his brother. Have some empathy dude. 

Yeah, same here.  He's obsessive over Alexa, and straight up ditched his brother for her.  However, as others have pointed out, this is probably the first time he's had someone's undivided attention... So it is understandable. I was like that with my first boyfriend as well so I get it.  But I do feel really bad for Sander.

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