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LuAnn de Lesseps: No Longer a Countess, Still Never a Princess

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7 minutes ago, Rap541 said:

Oh my precious Megyn! She looks so fantastic! You just know she and Luann had hot lez sex after! And *before*.

But, being Luann, she took Megyn to the Good Morning America studio for sex thinking it was still the Today set.

Afterwards she tried to steal one of those tourist double decker buses but a passenger (hero) knocked her out when she started to sing.

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But, being Luann, she took Megyn to the Good Morning America studio for sex thinking it was still the Today set.

Afterwards she tried to steal one of those tourist double decker buses but a passenger (hero) knocked her out when she started to sing.



Cherrio, please marry me!

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Lu says, “you know” so many times during the first five minutes of that interview.

She seemed more upset about not being able to buy the first-choice house upstate than anything else. 

She makes it seem as if the only reason they filed a complaint is because the kids really love the house in the Hamptons and didn’t want her to sell it!!

At the end, she thanks Beth, Anne and Barbara. I wonder if it’s the same Barbara who said that Lu would rather go through with the wedding and then get divorced than cancel the wedding. 

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5 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

She makes it seem as if the only reason they filed a complaint is because the kids really love the house in the Hamptons and didn’t want her to sell it!!

I’m confiused.  The house that she is in now, with the harbor front, the renovation etc. is NOT the house the kids grew up in.  Victoria was gone and her son would stay in the guest house with his buddy Adam.  She sold the house they had during the marriage.  Why does she talk about this house like the kids took their first steps there?  

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I think she needs to go back to her publicist and rethink her strategy. 

Even implying that your kids are suing you for financial impropriety as revenge for their anger over you selling a house and that they are the reason you relapsed, that is not a good look.

Maybe a good, old fashioned, "I done fucked up", would be the way to go here.

I generally find her entertaining but these interviews make me want to drop kick her to the curb, no matter how much I would miss her.

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2 hours ago, bosawks said:

I think she needs to go back to her publicist and rethink her strategy. 

Even implying that your kids are suing you for financial impropriety as revenge for their anger over you selling a house and that they are the reason you relapsed, that is not a good look.

Maybe a good, old fashioned, "I done fucked up", would be the way to go here.

I generally find her entertaining but these interviews make me want to drop kick her to the curb, no matter how much I would miss her.


I used to like her, and was pulling for her to get over this whole Tom debacle, but then Palm Beach happened, and now we find out about this whole not to be trusted to set up a trust "oopsie".

It was obvious to me that Luann wanted control over the interview with Meghan Kelly. She came with a prepared script (or at least a detailed outline) of how she wanted to present her situation and side of the story. Meghan let her get away with it by not pointing out and questioning the inconsistencies between Lu's story, the news reports, and the lawsuit filing. No respect for either of them.

Edited by SweetieDarling
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I’m wondering if Luann had a dual diagnosis- something about her affect on the interview seemed flat, as if she was medicated. Lu definitely had a script running in her head and was attempting damage control. 

She kept saying “her house”, yet isn’t it Their house( hers and her kids) 

I hate it when she refers to her kids as “ The Children “. 

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4 hours ago, QuinnM said:

I’m confiused.  The house that she is in now, with the harbor front, the renovation etc. is NOT the house the kids grew up in.  Victoria was gone and her son would stay in the guest house with his buddy Adam.  She sold the house they had during the marriage.  Why does she talk about this house like the kids took their first steps there?  

You’re correct. I think that the Hamptons house that was referenced in the divorce decree was the one that she had the estate sale in. Lu has not owned the current Hamptons house for very long. 

Lu is a sloppy liar. 

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I probably missed this being discussed, but I just read where Luann was "dumped" by her latest boyfriend right before she went to rehab for the 2nd time.

His name is Rich Super, he is her "agent" and also reported to be married. Married?

Who made the biggest fuss about Bethenny and her still married boyfriend? Li-ann.

Another reason she flew the coop into rehab to avoid the reunion.

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Lu is really shady to rip-off her own children - first selling the childhood home they were supposed to inherit, and then trying to sell the Hamptons place quickly and putting all of the money into a big place upstate instead of giving the kids their cut. That story about already living there in her head with a new baby grand piano, and blah, blah, blah, was so selfish and sickening. What a scumbag for a mother!

Edited by nexxie
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29 minutes ago, nexxie said:

That story about already living there in her head with a new baby grand piano, and blah, blah, blah, was so selfish and sickening.

What Victoria and Noel must have felt when they heard her say that.

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19 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

I just went back looked through this thread. Prior to Luann's terrible decision-making with Tom her thread was 9 pages long. Even after her marriage to Tom, the thread had only grown to about 17 pages. Once she announced her divorce a year ago, the thread has ballooned to it's current length. She has had at least 18 months of spectacularly terrible decisions. There has been this weird bit of desperation motivating her decisions in the past 2 years. I don't know if it's just show related, but she's been unraveling for quite some time.

I think she is pretty much out of $ except for this show and that is driving her to drink in excess and pick the wrong men because she is looking for financial security (it also explains her clothing style's downward spiral).  I think had Tom been more discreet she would have continued to put up with his wandering, ahem, eye and just live in his penthouse in the style of which she has grown accustomed.  I also think she is one of those that B referred to when stating if the music stops they are going to get into some trouble.  I mean she STOLE from her children.  No one who isn't desperate does that.  I also wonder if there are other issues that can be helped by rehab.  B made some comment after Lu got arrested that certain types of people are out at 4am (don't recall exact wording) so my mind went to cocaine.  A drug that has been hinted about with other HWs as well.  I COULD see she and Dorinda doing rails.  Never know what goes on behind closed doors.

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7 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

I think she is pretty much out of $ except for this show and that is driving her to drink in excess and pick the wrong men because she is looking for financial security (it also explains her clothing style's downward spiral).  I think had Tom been more discreet she would have continued to put up with his wandering, ahem, eye and just live in his penthouse in the style of which she has grown accustomed.  I also think she is one of those that B referred to when stating if the music stops they are going to get into some trouble.  I mean she STOLE from her children.  No one who isn't desperate does that.  I also wonder if there are other issues that can be helped by rehab.  B made some comment after Lu got arrested that certain types of people are out at 4am (don't recall exact wording) so my mind went to cocaine.  A drug that has been hinted about with other HWs as well.  I COULD see she and Dorinda doing rails.  Never know what goes on behind closed doors.

I think you’re right. So that makes it particularly insensitive, since Lu chose Beth to be her official spokesperson, announcing to the press that Lu re-entered rehab.

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I also watched the video upthread. I also laughed when Lu said that the house in Sag Harbor was the children’s home so she understood why they’d be upset if she sold it. And she kept it because she loved them. What a load of horseshit. Apparently, she forgot that the real story had already hit the press.  She violated the divorce decree when she didn’t set up the trust for her kids. Her ex-husband and kids have had to sue her to force her to live up to the agreement. A pox on a woman who would cheat her own kids. Low life.

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2 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

I think you’re right. So that makes it particularly insensitive, since Lu chose Beth to be her official spokesperson, announcing to the press that Lu re-entered rehab.

I still think Lu didn't pick B as her spokesperson but Bravo did -- as in: "All right Luann --we can't really stop you from skipping the reunion when you are claiming a medical necessity but we will control the narrative with our highest-profile cast member and you will go along with it unless you really want the HWs in the rear-view mirror. Mmm, clever girl, we knew you'd agree."

Lu has a team of publicists and sycophants who could have been her mouthpiece. Hell, Sonja would have been a more logical choice than Bethenny but Bravo was probably afraid she'd call a press conference and flash her hoo haw while updating.

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20 hours ago, Maharincess said:

A sincere congratulations on your year and a half, that is a hell of an accomplishment.  I haven't had a drop of alcohol since 12/29/1995 and I can tell you it gets so much easier. I don't even think about alcohol anymore. 

Had to edit,  I've been sober since 1995, not 85. So sorry for the typo. 

Congratulations to you too! That’s incredible! A year felt like so long, but nearly 28 is unreal. In some ways, my second year has been harder than my first (my first was filled with death and just general awfulness so I threw myself into the program) because it’s been very quiet and “normal”! But the cravings are fewer and far between, and I’m glad to hear that they’ll get even better.

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6 hours ago, NoWhammies said:

Did I really just hear Lu in that video blame her relapse on her children??????


Honestly stealing from the kids by not establishing the trust was bad enough but this is unconscionable. 

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On 8/14/2018 at 1:51 PM, Mozelle said:

Thanks! I'll check out Page Six for the recap.

It amazes me that LuAnn would talk about all the drinks she loves to drink and then have the audacity to say about Dorinda that "she's starting to turn." I don't care much for Dorinda, but now I can see why she'd go off on LuAnn who not only was off the heels of "rehab" and assaulting an officer and the like, but who is no stranger to knocking back and mixing alcohols. LuAnn does all of this but still does not call herself an alcoholic. Yet she sure could clutch her pearls at what Dorinda said about her.

When Lu drinks water her liver is surprised, but to be fair at least she's a happy drunk. 

Lu was calling the exact time Doris was turning nasty.  I don't think she meant it in a judgmental way.  I think she meant it in a "I know Dorinda really well and ... " way. 

All she was saying was that Doris is predictable.  But then again, I don't happen to hold the pc belief that judging is wrong.  It's why we were given brains.

Edited by Anne Thrax
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Oh Lu....next time you're at one of those A.A. meetings...the ones that you just talked about in your T.V. interview...listen up when  they read the traditions:

"...Tradition Eleven – Our public relations policy is based upon attraction rather than promotion; we need always maintain personal anonymity at the level of press, radio and films".

The reason is to prevent anyone from becoming a bad public role model...like...well....you.  There will now be some people who will judge how A.A. might work for them by how its working, or not working, for you.

We all know stars who are probably in the program - people who were a mess and then turned their life around.  In their interviews, they refer to vague "support meetings" or talk about using a "support group".  If big stars can honor the traditions, so can cabaret stars.

If you want to talk about your AA experience to total strangers, pick a user name and an image for it and join us in these forums.   

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I've got nearly 20 years of sobriety and, boy oh boy, is Luann going about this the wrong way. In the early days of recovery, I had to treat it like boot camp - 90 meetings in 90 days, staying away from the people, places and things that made me drink and immersing myself in learning a sober way of living (which was entirely new to me , because I'd been drinking for 25 years).

There's a good reason why people are advised not to get into any new relationships in the first year of sobriety. I can only speak for myself when I say that my ability to make rational, sensible decisions when I was newly sober was non-existent. I needed to learn to take care of myself first before I thought about anything else. Over time, I learned a new way of living. These days (and for many, many years) there's been no problem for me if I go into a bar, or hang round with people who drink normally. It still baffles me that someone can nurse a beer for an hour, or leave an inch of wine in the glass and walk away from the table. But I don't feel any desire to drink, because I've learned the 'spiritual fitness' that stops the "f**k it" switch from going off. That took a hell of a lot of soul-searching, looking at aspects of my character and behaviour that I was ashamed of, and facing up to the consequences of my drinking.  Today I have healthy relationships with people who do not bring toxic energy into my life. I used to be a bit of a drama queen, but now I avoid drama at all costs. It's just another form of narcissism.

From what I understand, Luann has been hanging out with the same people, in the same places, and doing all the same things she did when she was drinking. As long as she goes about sobriety in a half-assed way, she'll be in danger of relapse. And if she's 'one of us', it only gets worse, not better. There are three choices for a drinking alcoholic - you can get sobered up, locked up or covered up (buried). I wish Luann well, and I wish her sobriety more than anything else.

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1 hour ago, essexjan said:

I've got nearly 20 years of sobriety and, boy oh boy, is Luann going about this the wrong way. In the early days of recovery, I had to treat it like boot camp - 90 meetings in 90 days, staying away from the people, places and things that made me drink and immersing myself in learning a sober way of living (which was entirely new to me , because I'd been drinking for 25 years).

There's a good reason why people are advised not to get into any new relationships in the first year of sobriety. I can only speak for myself when I say that my ability to make rational, sensible decisions when I was newly sober was non-existent. I needed to learn to take care of myself first before I thought about anything else. Over time, I learned a new way of living. These days (and for many, many years) there's been no problem for me if I go into a bar, or hang round with people who drink normally. It still baffles me that someone can nurse a beer for an hour, or leave an inch of wine in the glass and walk away from the table. But I don't feel any desire to drink, because I've learned the 'spiritual fitness' that stops the "f**k it" switch from going off. That took a hell of a lot of soul-searching, looking at aspects of my character and behaviour that I was ashamed of, and facing up to the consequences of my drinking.  Today I have healthy relationships with people who do not bring toxic energy into my life. I used to be a bit of a drama queen, but now I avoid drama at all costs. It's just another form of narcissism.

From what I understand, Luann has been hanging out with the same people, in the same places, and doing all the same things she did when she was drinking. As long as she goes about sobriety in a half-assed way, she'll be in danger of relapse. And if she's 'one of us', it only gets worse, not better. There are three choices for a drinking alcoholic - you can get sobered up, locked up or covered up (buried). I wish Luann well, and I wish her sobriety more than anything else.

I'm about a year and a half sober, so I'm still pretty new, but the first year alone of learning to deal with my feelings without a drink to numb me was difficult. I feel like it's just now that I'm learning to live life on life's terms. I cannot imagine jumping back as quickly as she did into my old life and having anything good come out of it.

I'm also curious, because she's been throwing around a lot of AA speak, if she's actually worked her steps.

Edited by ShawnaLanne
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27 minutes ago, ShawnaLanne said:

I'm about a year and a half sober, so I'm still pretty new, but the first year alone of learning to deal with my feelings without a drink to numb me was difficult. I feel like it's just now that I'm learning to live life on life's terms. I cannot imagine jumping back as quickly as she did into my old life and having anything good come out of it.

I'm also curious, because she's been throwing around a lot if AA speak, if she's actually worked her steps.

Yes, I'm not seeing much humility, taking responsibility or making amends in what we've seen of Luann so far ...

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11 hours ago, ShawnaLanne said:

I'm about a year and a half sober, so I'm still pretty new, but the first year alone of learning to deal with my feelings without a drink to numb me was difficult. I feel like it's just now that I'm learning to live life on life's terms. I cannot imagine jumping back as quickly as she did into my old life and having anything good come out of it.

I'm also curious, because she's been throwing around a lot of AA speak, if she's actually worked her steps.

When in rehab (or even after time spent in rehab), is there...not a requirement, per se, but maybe an expectation to call yourself an alcoholic? Like, to use that actual word?

I ask because I don’t think that LuAnn has yet to use it in reference to herself.

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On August 17, 2018 at 5:58 AM, Mozelle said:

When in rehab (or even after time spent in rehab), is there...not a requirement, per se, but maybe an expectation to call yourself an alcoholic? Like, to use that actual word?

"The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking" (From the AA 12 Steps)

Rehabs vary.

On August 17, 2018 at 7:15 PM, ShawnaLanne said:

Thank you! I'm amazed at how clueless I was to my own asshole behavior and in how much denial I was in.

Right????  'Been there!  I'm definitely NOT getting the AA vibe from Lu.  But you never know when it's going to happen. It took me YEARS oF being in and out of the program for it to stick.

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19 minutes ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

Until she's 85 yrs. old ladies and gentlemen.  Because Luann and Chita Rivera are one.

I thought she was in on the eye-wink, the louche charm of of it all -- jesus, the nerve of her --  yes, you fucking narcissistic child-thieving off-tune fool, you are exactly like one of America's most gifted performers ever, a triple threat who has kept going because her talent (huge and vast and mighty) has been driving her for all these decades, and driving audiences to see her.

Edited by film noire
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1 hour ago, Maharincess said:

I just need to add my opinion here.  There's more than one way to get and stay sober. I didn't go to AA and I never lived their principles or anything like it.  Just because a person isn't working steps or doing 90 in 90, doesn't mean they're not in recovery.  I dislike AA for a variety of reasons and have never once been to a meeting. I've been sober since 95. 

I'm not knocking anyone who gets sober through AA, I just wanted to point out that it's not the only way. 

Congratulations to everyone who is sober, if it's a year or 20 years, it's a big accomplishment to get and stay sober. 

Thank you for this. It can feel like the AA/12 step method is the only way to deal with problem use. And that’s not true. I support and congratulate  anyone who has had success with an AA/12 step type program, but it isn’t the only option. Luanne isn’t obligated to call herself an alcoholic or use an abstinence only program or anything else. I’m going to side eye her post Palm Beach Orange is the New Black behavior all the live long day. But it’s because Luanne is kind of shady, not because she refuses to use the right label.  

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6 hours ago, Maharincess said:

I just need to add my opinion here.  There's more than one way to get and stay sober. I didn't go to AA and I never lived their principles or anything like it.  Just because a person isn't working steps or doing 90 in 90, doesn't mean they're not in recovery.  I dislike AA for a variety of reasons and have never once been to a meeting. I've been sober since 95. 

I'm not knocking anyone who gets sober through AA, I just wanted to point out that it's not the only way. 

Congratulations to everyone who is sober, if it's a year or 20 years, it's a big accomplishment to get and stay sober. 

An understatement.

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7 hours ago, Maharincess said:

I just need to add my opinion here.  There's more than one way to get and stay sober. I didn't go to AA and I never lived their principles or anything like it.  Just because a person isn't working steps or doing 90 in 90, doesn't mean they're not in recovery.  I dislike AA for a variety of reasons and have never once been to a meeting. I've been sober since 95. 

I'm not knocking anyone who gets sober through AA, I just wanted to point out that it's not the only way. 

Congratulations to everyone who is sober, if it's a year or 20 years, it's a big accomplishment to get and stay sober. 

Thank you for this.  There is no scientific evidence that AA and the 12 Steps work any better than all the other ways to get and stay sober.  In my opinion, it is an over-rated and antiquated system of beliefs based on a book written in 1939.  I could go on, but I'm bound to offend a lot of people (much like my views about religion), and I have no desire to start or engage in a debate about it.

Suffice to say, I think Luann's rehab and "recovery" is entirely situational, and I doubt she'll be identifying as an alcoholic in the long term.

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I have a complicated view of Luann choosing to not define herself as an alcoholic. My opinion, ok? Not judging anyone other than Luann who might have a problematic relationship with alcohol. I'm talking specifically about Luann who was arrested for her drunken behavior and who has since gone to rehabilitation twice for alcohol and thrown at least one public hissy fit over how she's horrified that anyone would throw the fact that she got arrested for being a public drunk ass when you know, she has a problem... but she's not an alcoholic, but she doesn't have any control and also this all stems from her psychological trauma and maybe she was roofied and its all really kinda sorta not her fault....

Either Luann is responsible for her actions, or Luann is an alcoholic. It's one or the other, due to the nature of the disease in question, it can't be both. If she isn't willing to be an alcoholic publically, fine. She's not, She's just a dumbass bitch who assaults cops and really should be in jail since she is an grown adult capable of making choice and she made the choice to assault a cop and scream "I'm gonna fucking kill you!". She has no excuse for that behavior and she should be in jail because we all know as responsible sober adults that Luann committed a crime.

As it happens, Luann played the "I'm an alcoholic" game to avoid jail. She went to rehab, twice. She theoretically goes to AA meetings. Her public persona is that she's in recovery... except that she really is offended at the idea that a friend/coworker like Dorinda said the basic truth that Luann is presenting, that she's a drunk who got arrested for the behavior she committed due to her alcoholism.

Basically, as long as Luann gets all the positive aspects of being an alcoholic, she's an alcoholic. She gets to be praised for her strength and determination, people feel sorry for her because of her trauma, and she's an all around hero for fighting her addiction like a trooper! But the second there's any negative connotations, the second she gets the vibe that people are looking down on her as a drunk, the second her arrest is raised as anything other than Luann being victimized, she's pissed. Pissed and offended that *she* is being treated as though she's the dirty drunk who can't control herself, pissed that her being drunk and arrested is somehow not a badge of honor and then its "thats what she really thinks! OMG I'm so hurt!!"

I'm ok with Luann not wanting to call herself an alcoholic as long as she's not blaming her addiction for her actions. But Luann is the one who got drunk and got arrested so she doesn't get to insist on being treated with kid gloves because she was sick if she's not willing to own the downsides of admitting to having that sickness. 

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On 8/15/2018 at 2:58 PM, NoWhammies said:

Did I really just hear Lu in that video blame her relapse on her children??????

Because of their lawsuit I guess - but probably not because she realized what a scumbag she’d been for stealing 5 million from her kids, and trying to steal 3+ million more.

I hope for the best regarding Lu’s sobriety, but it’s easy to imagine her using alcohol as an excuse for a lot of bad behavior without taking responsibility for anything.

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LuAnn is not innocent in the trust fund litigation.......far from it!    However, she did NOT steal 5 million nor did she try to steal another 3 million.  The Bridgehampton house sold for 8 million.  Deduct any outstanding mortgage, property taxes plus real estate broker commissions.   She bought the Sag Harbor house for 3 million so she had to pay capital gains taxes on the money NOT spent on the new house.   The kids share should have been about 2.5/3 million.   That said, technically she has until 2026 to pay it out since Noel can't collect it until then. 

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On 8/20/2018 at 11:25 AM, AnnA said:

LuAnn is not innocent in the trust fund litigation.......far from it!    However, she did NOT steal 5 million nor did she try to steal another 3 million.  The Bridgehampton house sold for 8 million.  Deduct any outstanding mortgage, property taxes plus real estate broker commissions.   She bought the Sag Harbor house for 3 million so she had to pay capital gains taxes on the money NOT spent on the new house.   The kids share should have been about 2.5/3 million.   That said, technically she has until 2026 to pay it out since Noel can't collect it until then. 

I've been confused about this - at the time of the divorce settlement was the house appraised before the Count signed it over? At the time let's it was worth 6M and she was supposed to put 3M of it into a trust? Does Luann owe 3M plus interest accrued (between divorce date and present date) to the kids?

Or is it based on when she sold the house for 8M? As far as I know when the Count signed it over to her - there was no mortgage. So does she owe the kids 4M (plus interest accrued between sale date and present date?)

Also their share would be minus closing costs, minus half of the property taxes, minus real estate commission.

Anyone have an updated status or court date for this lawsuit?

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15 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

I've been confused about this - at the time of the divorce settlement was the house appraised before the Count signed it over? At the time let's it was worth 6M and she was supposed to put 3M of it into a trust? Does Luann owe 3M plus interest accrued (between divorce date and present date) to the kids?

Or is it based on when she sold the house for 8M? As far as I know when the Count signed it over to her - there was no mortgage. So does she owe the kids 4M (plus interest accrued between sale date and present date?)

Also their share would be minus closing costs, minus half of the property taxes, minus real estate commission.

Anyone have an updated status or court date for this lawsuit?

I think one needs to be an attorney and a CPA to understand the agreement.    I don't think LuAnn was required to set the trust up after the sale of the first house.  I believe she was allowed to use those proceeds to buy a new house, which she did.  She could then set the trust up for the kids giving them half of the new house.   I don't know how that  would work since the new house is worth much less than the marital home was.  There was also capital gains taxes on the proceeds of the first home not used to buy the second home.  If the trust was simply half ownership on the deed, there's no interest to calculate.  It's half ownership of a property not a bank account. 

Edited by AnnA
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44 minutes ago, AnnA said:

I think one needs to be an attorney and a CPA to understand the agreement.    I don't think LuAnn was required to set the trust up after the sale of the first house.  I believe she was allowed to use those proceeds to buy a new house, which she did.  She could then set the trust up for the kids giving them half of the new house.   I don't know how that  would work since the new house is worth much less than the marital home was.  There was also capital gains taxes on the proceeds of the first home not used to buy the second home.  If the trust was simply half ownership on the deed, there's no interest to calculate.  It's half ownership of a property not a bank account. 

If only we knew an attorney here on the boards. That would be a great help!

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4 minutes ago, Martinigirl said:

If only we knew an attorney here on the boards. That would be a great help!

Or a family psychologist. When she was selling out of the Hamptons and moving to the Catskills there was a lawsuit. She says she’s not selling and suddenly has reconciled with both her children.  In fact a young woman with a number of femal friends answered the door at her place in the Hamptons when they served the papers last week.  So this was all about two entitled children using their mothers home as a summer flop house.  If they had gotten the money they would have had to buy their own place and it wouldn’t have been nearly as nice, no boat and Noel wouldn’t have his private boat house to entertain the ladies.  But she raised them.

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54 minutes ago, AnnA said:

I think one needs to be an attorney and a CPA to understand the agreement.    I don't think LuAnn was required to set the trust up after the sale of the first house.  I believe she was allowed to use those proceeds to buy a new house, which she did.  She could then set the trust up for the kids giving them half of the new house.   I don't know how that  would work since the new house is worth much less than the marital home was.  There was also capital gains taxes on the proceeds of the first home not used to buy the second home.  If the trust was simply half ownership on the deed, there's no interest to calculate.  It's half ownership of a property not a bank account. 


9 minutes ago, Martinigirl said:

If only we knew an attorney here on the boards. That would be a great help!


1 minute ago, QuinnM said:

Or a family psychologist. When she was selling out of the Hamptons and moving to the Catskills there was a lawsuit. She says she’s not selling and suddenly has reconciled with both her children.  In fact a young woman with a number of femal friends answered the door at her place in the Hamptons when they served the papers last week.  So this was all about two entitled children using their mothers home as a summer flop house.  If they had gotten the money they would have had to buy their own place and it wouldn’t have been nearly as nice, no boat and Noel wouldn’t have his private boat house to entertain the ladies.  But she raised them.

Anna: I think she was supposed to set up a trust after the sale of the first home. The first house is what is in the divorce decree. I think the reason they've stopped the sale of the Sag Harbor house is because they found out she never set up the trust. They stopped to sale to freeze assets. Where did the 8M go?

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5 minutes ago, QuinnM said:

Or a family psychologist. When she was selling out of the Hamptons and moving to the Catskills there was a lawsuit. She says she’s not selling and suddenly has reconciled with both her children.  In fact a young woman with a number of femal friends answered the door at her place in the Hamptons when they served the papers last week.  So this was all about two entitled children using their mothers home as a summer flop house.  If they had gotten the money they would have had to buy their own place and it wouldn’t have been nearly as nice, no boat and Noel wouldn’t have his private boat house to entertain the ladies.  But she raised them.

According to the agreement, the kids don't get the money until 2026 when Noel turns 30

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On 8/16/2018 at 6:40 PM, ShawnaLanne said:

I'm about a year and a half sober, so I'm still pretty new, but the first year alone of learning to deal with my feelings without a drink to numb me was difficult. I feel like it's just now that I'm learning to live life on life's terms. I cannot imagine jumping back as quickly as she did into my old life and having anything good come out of it.

I'm also curious, because she's been throwing around a lot of AA speak, if she's actually worked her steps.

As Dorinda would say, “I’m so proud of you”, but, I mean it.

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1 minute ago, AnnA said:

According to the agreement, the kids don't get the money until 2026 when Noel turns 30

While they might not have access to the trust until Noel turns 30 - the money was supposed to be in a trust when they were younger so that it could grow with interest.

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2 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

While they might not have access to the trust until Noel turns 30 - the money was supposed to be in a trust when they were younger so that it could grow with interest.

That won't add up to much. Can Luanne argue she was investing the trust money?

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3 minutes ago, Martinigirl said:

That won't add up to much. Can Luanne argue she was investing the trust money?

I dunno. The Bridgehamptons home sold for 8M in 2014. Even if she put 4M in the bank for the kids - it would have grown with interest over 4 years.

If she can claim she invested the money and "lost" it - like on her music videos? Bwahahahaha

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10 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

While they might not have access to the trust until Noel turns 30 - the money was supposed to be in a trust when they were younger so that it could grow with interest.

That's not exactly right.  The trust was half interest in a house and not cash.    Since the 2nd house cost less than the first house there is some cash left over after all the expenses are paid.  If she keeps the Sag Harbor house until 2026 and half of it is in a trust, the kids still don't have access to that money.  There has to be some provision for her buying them out.   What if she doesn't want to (or can't afford to) buy them out?   

Edited by AnnA
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