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LuAnn de Lesseps: No Longer a Countess, Still Never a Princess

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2 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

What a great turretsy rant this will make for Bethenny.  

Luanne can write a book about her time in jail..."In the Clink with the Countess."  Tips on how to get along with any felon, which spork to use for prison loaf, etc...

Luann doesn't care one iota that she got arrested.  From now to eternity she is going to play the poor, cheated wife, her jail free card.

Now if she were arrested on West Palm Beach, then her humiliation would be complete, but Palm Beach? Nah 

Somebody as shallow and social climbing as Luann only cares about appearances of wealth, nothing else. 

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Yeah, well, at least I can say I'm the one who said Lu's stumbling & falling down drunk scene this season was sad.  Sad, sad, sad.  That's all that scene struck me as.  Many thought it was hysterically funny.  Not me.  Because it didn't look to me like a one-time thing.  Sigh, yet another one with possibly severe mental heath issues who Satan Andy has roped into his shows.  Ugh.

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1 hour ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Yeah, well, at least I can say I'm the one who said Lu's stumbling & falling down drunk scene this season was sad.  Sad, sad, sad.  That's all that scene struck me as.  

I posted about my disgust with that whole falling down drunk (twice!) thing, as well. Got told I had no sense of humor, that I needed to appreciate how much FUN it would be to hang and party with Luann, that there was no reason to think she had a problem with booze because she was just having some FUN on vacation. She was handling her cups with charm, supposedly. She was just being FUN Luann and it was awesome and so much FUN. That I should give her credit for being able to laugh at herself. She was just having FUN!


I wonder if Luann was laughing at herself when she woke up in the Palm Beach County jail in the morning. Did the friends she was with that night have a great time partying with her as she went off the rails and threatened to kill people ? Did the cop she tried to kick find her charming?  

I guess it turns out that Luann Des Lesseps isn't quite as much FUN as some may have thought. 

Edited by Celia Rubenstein
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9 minutes ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

I posted about my disgust with that whole falling down drunk (twice!) thing, as well. Got told I had no sense of humor, that I needed to appreciate how much FUN it would be to hang and party with Luann, that there was no reason to think she had a problem with booze because she was just having some FUN on vacation. She was handling her cups with charm, supposedly. She was just being FUN Luann and it was awesome and so much FUN. That I should give her credit for being able to laugh at herself. She was just having FUN!


I wonder if Luann was laughing at herself when she woke up in the Palm Beach County jail in the morning. Did the friends she was with that night have a great time partying with her as she went off the rails and threatened to kill people ? Did the cop she tried to kick find her charming?  

I guess it turns out that Luann Des Lesseps isn't quite as much FUN as some may have thought. 

If we only go by what we have seen on the show, then all of these HWs have drinking problems, Ramona, Sonja, Dorinda, Carole, Bethenny, Tinsley and Luann have been drunk at some point, especially on the girls trips. Is Luann an alcoholic? It's possible but we don't have all the info about this incident yet either, so I will wait to pass judgement until we do. LOL

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13 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

If we only go by what we have seen on the show, then all of these HWs have drinking problems, Ramona, Sonja, Dorinda, Carole, Bethenny, Tinsley and Luann have been drunk at some point, especially on the girls trips. Is Luann an alcoholic? It's possible but we don't have all the info about this incident yet either, so I will wait to pass judgement until we do. LOL

I think Luann has some issues that remain from her time with Tom.  Oh well, she has the rest of the season to redeem herself.  I know she always bounces back but I do think the situation with Tom has marred to an extent she has yet to come to terms.  Should be an interesting season.  It would not hurt Luann, Sonja or Ramona to cut back on the sauce.

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22 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

I think Luann has some issues that remain from her time with Tom.  Oh well, she has the rest of the season to redeem herself.  I know she always bounces back but I do think the situation with Tom has marred to an extent she has yet to come to terms.  Should be an interesting season.  It would not hurt Luann, Sonja or Ramona to cut back on the sauce.

Yes, I do think Luann still has some unresolved issues with Tom/Divorce/him dating an ex friend of hers (who I think is the "source" for most of the gossip to the tabloids about Luann's arrest/behavior). 

As for the 3 cutting back on the drinking, I agree and would add Tinsley and Dorinda to that list for this show. LOL

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1 hour ago, zoeysmom said:

I think Luann has some issues that remain from her time with Tom.  Oh well, she has the rest of the season to redeem herself.  I know she always bounces back but I do think the situation with Tom has marred to an extent she has yet to come to terms.  Should be an interesting season.  It would not hurt Luann, Sonja or Ramona to cut back on the sauce.

Yes, ZM, you hit on exactly what I was thinking.  It's not about accusing anyone of being an alcoholic.  The heavy drinking we see these broads do at various points is merely an extension of the issues they ALL have.  I suspect ALL of them have had or still have mental health issues.

The weird thing to me is -- if I had to pick one out of the cast who seemed the LEAST likely to cause a scene amongst the fancy-shmancy set in PB, it would be Lu.  Not just because of the irony that she "wrote" a book on manners, but also because she's always seemed so casually confident & strong-willed & sure-footed.

Look, I don't like Lu.  Never have.  She's too much of a phony for me.  But hearing about this story made me feel a bit (just a bit) sorry for her.  She must be in a really, really bad way to pull a stunt this publicly embarrassing.

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1 hour ago, WireWrap said:

If we only go by what we have seen on the show, then all of these HWs have drinking problems, Ramona, Sonja, Dorinda, Carole, Bethenny, Tinsley and Luann have been drunk at some point, especially on the girls trips. Is Luann an alcoholic? It's possible but we don't have all the info about this incident yet either, so I will wait to pass judgement until we do. LOL

I'm not just going by the show to decide Luann has a problem with alcohol.  Stories of her drunken antics were in the news long before she did her double face plant in Mexico. She apparently has a long-standing reputation as a hard drinker who gets loaded and makes an ass of herself. 

Add to this the fact that she was just dragged off by the police and thrown in the drunk tank after getting plastered and going ape shit in public. Which, I must add, Luann does not even deny. Instead she issued a public apology.  I really don't know what more it would take to convince someone she has a problem. I think it's pretty much a settled issue after this weekend.

Whether some of her castmates appear to have a problem with alcohol as portrayed on the show is irrelevant and, in my opinion, no reason to disregard what is known about Luann.

Moving on, regarding her statement, I realize Luann is trying to save face and explain her behavior. But it's troubling to hear her trying to make her arrest sound like some kind of aberration that was a response to a particular emotional state she found herself in.  Lots of people have bad divorces and experience emotional triggers but they don't get hammered and attack a cop. Essentially, rather than explaining what happened, what Luann's statement says to me that she relies on alcohol to manage her emotional state and cannot control herself when she's under the influence. 

She should've listened to the judge and just kept her mouth shut - or at least just stuck with the simple "I'm sorry."

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I have read the various reports and they are sadly lacking in detail.  I read rampage-what did in entail?  There is a door involved.  Did she get mad at room service, jump on the stage and refuse to leave, the possibilities are endless.   Kim Richards had a similar situation where she kicked a police officer and she got community service.  I am not too worried about Luann spending the balance of her fifties in the clink.

Was she truly in Palm Beach or West Palm Beach?  I know Tinsley will find these details important.  

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6 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

I get the underlying behavior for the arrest-what did she do that required the cops coming out-and a door?  I figure it can't be too serious the judge did not order her to post bail.

The judge said that three of the charges were felonies, so it sounds pretty serious. I think the no bail is because she's a high-profile, public figure and poses absolutely zero flight risk.


7 hours ago, bosawks said:

I wonder if the court case will last longer than her marriage?

If she gets sensible advice from a good lawyer (and takes it), her lawyer will negotiate a plea bargain conditional upon her going into rehab. Perhaps she'll have to do some community service or something like that. Maybe this is her rock bottom. It can't have been an easy year for her, particularly for someone with her ego to admit she made a mistake in marrying Tom.

And if she does go to rehab, I think it'll be much harder for her than she might think.  If she decides she wants to get sober, she'll need to drop all the 'Countess' pretence and be stripped right back to being Luann from Connecticut, which is who she actually is. Whether she'll be able to do that after so many years of living as her alter ego of "The Countess" - well, that's a whole other story, which will no doubt be the subject of a Bravo spin-off.

I wish her the best, I truly do. I've been sober almost 19 years. My drinking was like one of those old-fashioned roller-coasters - you know the ones, where it seems to take forever to get up the incline to that first drop, but then you go over that tipping point and it just careens out of control.  Maybe Luann's gone past the point of no return too. Once a pickle, never a cucumber again. She has a hard road ahead of her, whether she chooses sobriety or drinking. Neither will be easy, but I know which fork in the road I'd take ...

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10 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Yeah, well, at least I can say I'm the one who said Lu's stumbling & falling down drunk scene this season was sad.  Sad, sad, sad.  That's all that scene struck me as.  Many thought it was hysterically funny.  Not me.  Because it didn't look to me like a one-time thing.  Sigh, yet another one with possibly severe mental heath issues who Satan Andy has roped into his shows.  Ugh.


8 hours ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

I posted about my disgust with that whole falling down drunk (twice!) thing, as well. Got told I had no sense of humor, that I needed to appreciate how much FUN it would be to hang and party with Luann, that there was no reason to think she had a problem with booze because she was just having some FUN on vacation. She was handling her cups with charm, supposedly. She was just being FUN Luann and it was awesome and so much FUN. That I should give her credit for being able to laugh at herself. She was just having FUN!


I wonder if Luann was laughing at herself when she woke up in the Palm Beach County jail in the morning. Did the friends she was with that night have a great time partying with her as she went off the rails and threatened to kill people ? Did the cop she tried to kick find her charming?  

I guess it turns out that Luann Des Lesseps isn't quite as much FUN as some may have thought. 

I was right there with y'all too.  I don't find drunkenness cute or funny or entertaining. 

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Most celebrities go to rehab (quickly before the trial date just to spin it in a positive light for the judge) once they have been caught in a situation like Luanne is in now however I doubt she will go to rehab if RHNY is still filming, she would not want to miss out on camera time.

So many quasi famous people have been arrested in Palm Beach, is this the new way to launch your career?  Will Lu's music career take off now?  LOL.

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On 12/24/2017 at 3:53 PM, RedheadZombie said:

I always knew that Countess Luann was no more than skin deep.  This is Lu, the broad from Connecticut.  

Who smiles in mug shots.  Other than Mel Gibson, of course.

Didn't Nicole Richie give a self-satisfied smirk in hers, too? 

Guessing Lu still had a buzz on when they snapped that mug shot. 

How does a mother lecture her daughter about DUIs after something like this? "Yeah, well, Mom, at least I didn't kick a cop."

I love how she had to appear in handcuffs wearing either a Ralph Lauren floral print dress (is that the one she wore to Sonja's garden party?) or Laura Ashley. 

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1 minute ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

Didn't Nicole Richie give a self-satisfied smirk in hers, too? 

Guessing Lu still had a buzz on when they snapped that mug shot. 

How does a mother lecture her daughter about DUIs after something like this? "Yeah, well, Mom, at least I didn't kick a cop."

I love how she had to appear in handcuffs wearing either a Ralph Lauren floral print dress (is that the one she wore to Sonja's garden party?) or Laura Ashley. 

These people make me mad because they have more than enough money to hire uber, or even a limo when they go out partying.

1 minute ago, Mindthinkr said:

Did the Judge ask her to turn in her passport? I'm sure she wouldn't be as stupid as to try to use it but how stupid do you have to be in today's climate to tell a police officer that you're going to kill them? 

It makes me think that there was a whole lot more than alcohol involved.   Drunk Lu seems happy and affectionate.

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10 minutes ago, hoodooznoodooz said:


I love how she had to appear in handcuffs wearing either a Ralph Lauren floral print dress (is that the one she wore to Sonja's garden party?) or Laura Ashley. 

I am dying to know this also! Inquiring minds ! That rag needed to be retired back THEN! 

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3 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

Did the Judge ask her to turn in her passport? I'm sure she wouldn't be as stupid as to try to use it but how stupid do you have to be in today's climate to tell a police officer that you're going to kill them? 

Looks like no overseas trip this year. It'll be interesting to see Lu before the arrest and Lu after the arrest. No more drinking and cavorting.

Lu thought she could get away with threatening and assaulting a police officer because she's an insufferable rich white lady. Same thing with Kim Richards. It's the same way Dorinda could drunkenly assault someone at The Regency and nothing would come of it.

Edited by HunterHunted
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2 hours ago, diadochokinesis said:


13 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Yeah, well, at least I can say I'm the one who said Lu's stumbling & falling down drunk scene this season was sad.  Sad, sad, sad.  That's all that scene struck me as.  Many thought it was hysterically funny.  Not me.  Because it didn't look to me like a one-time thing.  Sigh, yet another one with possibly severe mental heath issues who Satan Andy has roped into his shows.  Ugh.


11 hours ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

I posted about my disgust with that whole falling down drunk (twice!) thing, as well. Got told I had no sense of humor, that I needed to appreciate how much FUN it would be to hang and party with Luann, that there was no reason to think she had a problem with booze because she was just having some FUN on vacation. She was handling her cups with charm, supposedly. She was just being FUN Luann and it was awesome and so much FUN. That I should give her credit for being able to laugh at herself. She was just having FUN!


I wonder if Luann was laughing at herself when she woke up in the Palm Beach County jail in the morning. Did the friends she was with that night have a great time partying with her as she went off the rails and threatened to kill people ? Did the cop she tried to kick find her charming?  

I guess it turns out that Luann Des Lesseps isn't quite as much FUN as some may have thought. 

I was right there with y'all too.  I don't find drunkenness cute or funny or entertaining. 


Me neither.  I have zero tolerance for it.  People are right, most of these women drink too much.  But falling into the bushes drunk?  Falling off a deck drunk?  Kicking a cop drunk?  Not cool.  Not fun.  Not sophisticated or soignee or anything like that.  Just trashy thoughtless rotten behaviour.

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11 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

I get the underlying behavior for the arrest-what did she do that required the cops coming out-and a door?  I figure it can't be too serious the judge did not order her to post bail.

She is probably charged with a misdemeanor.  I suspect no bail needed is typical for those.  I see an apology and community service in her future.  Maybe some substance abuse counseling since the Judge seems to have mentioned it at the arraignment (wonder if the judge is a RH fan???).

Edited by Mrs peel
Sentence wasn’t clear.
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39 minutes ago, Mrs peel said:

She is probably charged with a misdemeanor.  I suspect no bail needed is typical for those.  I see an apology and community service in her future.  Maybe some substance abuse counseling since the Judge seems to have mentioned it at the arraignment (wonder if the judge is a RH fan???).

She was charged with 3 felonies. She assaulted 2 police officers. No bail was needed because the judge figured she was famous enough to find. 

Edited by HunterHunted
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2 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

Did the Judge ask her to turn in her passport? I'm sure she wouldn't be as stupid as to try to use it but how stupid do you have to be in today's climate to tell a police officer that you're going to kill them? 

Drunk stupid. 

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I’m not a huge Luann fan but find her arrest really sad. It seems obvious she is horribly unhappy. Being in proximity to Tom and his new woman in PB must have been so painful that she self medicated with booze. The judge that released her mentioned her having a problem with alcohol. Guess she has a new storyline now, but, not sure how a sober, new and improved Lu would fit in with the show. 

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6 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

I have read the various reports and they are sadly lacking in detail.  I read rampage-what did in entail?  There is a door involved.  Did she get mad at room service, jump on the stage and refuse to leave, the possibilities are endless.   ...

Was she truly in Palm Beach or West Palm Beach?  I know Tinsley will find these details important.  

I KNOW! I want the details, too.

Who was she with? Where was she staying? Where had they gone that night? Who did they run into? Where were they at when the incident began? What had Lu been drinking? How much had she consumed? What started the ball rolling (downhill)? Who was involved? What was said? What door got slammed? Who called the muskers?

Dammit, do I have to email my ex back in West Palm to have him ask some cop he knows for details? (I am sure it must be quite the LOL fodder among the police, laughing about which one of them got a kick to the balls from the Real Housewife Countess as a lil' Christmas present). 

Seriously, tho ... why hasn't someone spilled some tea already? I guess maybe because of the holiday all the snitches out there have been busy.

Well Christmas is over, snitches! Back to work!

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Not sure this belongs here but Ramona and Sonja are going to have a field day. 

If I could find my sense of humor ... I’d say let’s open a thread for one liners we expect the ladies to throw at LuLu from now until the end of filming. 

Too soon?



One more ... 


What Celia said Times 10. 

I don’t have an ex there but I’ll be happy to email Celia’s ex too if it would work. 

Edited by Ellee
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Public intoxication and assault of an officer is no joke. She looked like she may have still been drunk in the mugshot. I cannot imagine how horrible it would feel to wake up in a jail cell with a raging hangover, and even worse, embarrassment and regret. Time will tell if Lu will be truly contrite and get the help she seems to need, or, will she be defensive and assign blame on others instead of herself. 

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Yes, she was charged with 3 felonies.  However, the fact she was released without bail and without travel stipulations likely means the prosecutors office intends to accept a plea.  Someone upthread compared it to Kim Richards (who also purportedly kicked a cop).  She eventually pled no contest to resisting arrest, the other charges were dropped, and completed community service. I predict Luann will end up with a similar deal.

I read in one of the reports that the person she attacked was a firefighter, not a cop, but that the charge is the same regardless.  Not saying that's any better, but I do wonder if the person was on or off duty at the time.  Like everyone, I need more details on how this all went down.  Here it is, they make it sound like she attacked a firefighter and then kicked an officer.  Yikes.


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5 hours ago, oakville said:

I feel bad for Luann. She was so happy one year ago When she married Tom. Now she is a mess. I hope she gets help.

Was she happy a year ago? Her friend, Barbara, who sued to get her audio removed from the show, said that Luann felt she had gotten herself in too deep and had to go along with the entire marriage fiasco because she'd made too big a deal over her relationship with Tom. If that relationship had been approached with any normal amount of judgement, Tom might still be some dude she's dating.

Edited by HunterHunted
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1 hour ago, Juliegirlj said:

Being in proximity to Tom and his new woman in PB must have been so painful that she self medicated with booze.

That is on Luann.  Why is she in Pum Beach where as she says she was there exactly a year ago at her sham wedding? Was her imaginery"group of Italian friends" there?

She should of gone back to St. Barths to bang the pirate again.

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I was completely unprepared for this. I didn't expect to receive a Christmas Gift from Luann. And the fact that it happened while they were filming vs. during the hiatus makes it all the more special to me. Really, Luann, you shouldn't have gone to so much trouble. The ridiculous marriage and the obvious divorce would have been enough. 

Edited by gundysgirl
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1 hour ago, Ellee said:

Not sure this belongs here but Ramona and Sonja are going to have a field day. 

If I could find my sense of humor ... I’d say let’s open a thread for one liners we expect the ladies to throw at LuLu from now until the end of filming. 

Too soon?

Not for me! No one was really hurt (Luann's pride doesn't count) so what the hell, have fun with it, I say.

I anticipate a lot of forced, unnecessary (but entirely funny) uses of the word "kick."   As in "I get a kick out of Luann" or "don't kick Luann when she's down" just to be snarky.  That's all I got for now. As more details emerge, hopefully perhaps more material will become available.

I'm looking forward to Tinsley clearing up any confusion regarding where exactly Luann was when she got busted, too ... Lu totally deserves some shade for finally making it onto the island, only to be arrested. Ha!

I wonder if Tinsley will say anything about the fact that if Luann had actually been a real resident of the island, the Palm Beach police would probably not have hauled her in. It's a rather poorly kept secret that when a Palm Beacher gets stopped for a DUI or merits a drunk and disorderly charge, they are (quite often) just quietly taken home instead of arrested.  Although I'm not sure how the Palm Beach police might respond to a local trying to kick them ... that might be too much to overlook.  But one thing is for sure ... no damn way was a non-resident getting away with it, that's for sure!  They have an extremely low tolerance rate for riff raff crossing the bridge and making trouble in their precious little hamlet.  Seriously, if you're not driving a fancy shiny expensive new car on the island after dark you can expect to get pulled over for some bullshit reason. That or the cops will tail you until you feel so much pressure you just leave the island ... lovely little town, isn't it?

Edited by Celia Rubenstein
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6 hours ago, diadochokinesis said:
16 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Yeah, well, at least I can say I'm the one who said Lu's stumbling & falling down drunk scene this season was sad.  Sad, sad, sad.  That's all that scene struck me as.  Many thought it was hysterically funny.  Not me.  Because it didn't look to me like a one-time thing.  Sigh, yet another one with possibly severe mental heath issues who Satan Andy has roped into his shows.  Ugh.


I with you, I did not find a falling down drunk 50+ year old amusing.  It was really sad and pathetic.  I can see where a young person in their early 20's can lose control of their drinking because they are young immature idiots.  However, by the time you reach your late twenties you should have figured out that you need to limit your alcohol intake so you don't act like an idiot and that vomiting and hangovers are not "fun" anymore.  When you are still "socially" drinking to excess on a regular basis in your 30"s, 40's and 50's, you probably have a serious problem.  I am not a prude about drinking, it is not troubling to me to see someone getting a little tipsy at a party, but when you frequently get shitfaced at social gatherings it is obvious that you have a problem.  

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34 minutes ago, Ellee said:

If this is true, she's a damn mess. Stayed in the same hotel as her wedding, picked up a dude, drunkenly assaults the police, and escapes custody like she's on World's Wildest Police.

I suspect Julie got back into the room when security and the police were trying to negotiate with Luann to put on her clothes and leave the hotel. Julie probably talked her way into the room hoping that she could reason with Luann. I imagine when Julie's efforts seemed to not be working, police and security told Julie to leave.

Here is the actual Page Six story:


Edited by HunterHunted
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