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S01.E08: MAFS: Happily Ever After?

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Season 1 Finale: Beginning of the Happy Ending "The experts" infringe check in on each couple's life and see if they are on the road to Happy...no thanks to them...Bobby slacks with a bottle of suds (lord, beerme strength) as Danielle whines about him not working hard enough to stage their home for sale (geez, Danielle maybe he is not fully on board with selling his home and you getting rid of all of his stuff), Shawniece has a teary confessional to Jephte

Edited by humbleopinion
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 Season Finale:

Final Dog report:

Jephte finally gets Keke on the leash and having her pee and poop outside instead of on Shawniece's floors.

Glaring lack of HENRY in the finale...WTF???  Where was Nellie?

Hank made the season tolerable....

Pastor Cal called the  Baby Dodd...Bobette...totally nailed the name

Bobby blowing on the mouth organ (harmonica) requesting Danielle to do the dishes...what of waste of getting her to do something she doesn't normally want to do...Ricky Bobby would have her blowing on his personal harmonica...if you get my drift.....

Danielle's TH stating she's learning to compromise...what a knee slapper.....am sure the production crew was guffawing

Danielle is willing to entertain compromise but she just hypnotizes Bobby with a bat of her fake, expensive eyelashes....on a lighter note...her eyebrows don't annoy as much, either she has toned them down or we have gotten used to their garishness

The movers packed Ricky Bobby's balls with shrink wrap and they went to the dump with his recliners.....buh bye....

Anyone get the feeling that Jephte has a couple of side girlfriends...and maybe a couple of more kids out in the world?

Shawniece's post pregnancy body has snapped back...good genetics at work.

The Jackson-Pierre family is very photogenic.

Ashley totally blowed up...her last months, she will be lumbering...

Doubtful Ashley will like being an hour away from her sister...and visa versa...that was a stunt house to protect Antonia's new crib and baby crib location...

MAFS:Happily Ever After Scorecard

Shawniece will continue to be wary of Jephte's proclamations of devotion to her...

 Jephte will continue to struggle with allowing his penis do the thinking

Anthony will be a blubbering mess when Antonia arrives....adorbs

Ashley is done with being on basic cable TV shows, she barely cracked a smile the whole 8 episodes.....She will smile when she get her Lifetime paycheck....if it is big enough...

Danielle will be jealous of Bobette because she won't be the shiny new object when the Fam gets together...

Ricky Bobby will eventually be the father of 4 girls, becoming the SAHD he was always destined to be... running carpool and cutting orange slices for soccer games.

He will have the 4 hunting and golfing buddies he's always wanted....

Danielle will have a high paying corporate career, happily going to work with everything taken care of at home by Ricky Bobby....

Edited by humbleopinion
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I only watched the first 15 minutes of this so far.....Too busy today, will watch the rest later.  But there was a lot in that 15 minutes!  

Danielle actually has to ask Bobby "do we have a broom?".  Seriously, like she doesn't even know if they have a freaking broom,  much less where it is.  And then she complains that he has to do a lot more work - what about all the work he does for her on a regular basis?  And flat out says "no" to his recliners.  Wow, she is just unbelievable.  I hope this is just some kind of production plot, not her real personality.

As for Ashley and Anthony - Wow, they have soooo much to do before the baby comes.  Let me get out my little violin.  When I was their age I was working FULL TIME, going to grad. school FULL TIME and MOVING, which for me meant packing up all my own boxes and helping to load the truck.  Plus I managed to squeeze in the time for the gym and a bike ride every week.  So I have absolutely NO sympathy for them at all.  Same goes for Danielle and Bobby - Paying movers to come to pack their boxes - They aren't under the gun to get out of the place so what's the rush?  Pack your own freaking boxes.  Hey, that's a way to save some money, but nooooo.  Just lazy.

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Bet the Fam offered to help with packing up to save money...but Danielle didn't want to hear their opinions all day about how moving was a bad financial idea...she has Bobby and Bobby Senior charmed but not Mama Dodd......she sees Danielle...

Edited by humbleopinion
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21 minutes ago, Yeah No said:

 Same goes for Danielle and Bobby - Paying movers to come to pack their boxes - They aren't under the gun to get out of the place so what's the rush?  Pack your own freaking boxes.  Hey, that's a way to save some money, but nooooo.  Just lazy

I was thinking the same thing, but likely the producers brought in the movers. Looked like they were moving around some empty boxes!!

Why did I even watch this show???

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On 12/19/2018 at 10:34 AM, OnTime said:

I was thinking the same thing, but likely the producers brought in the movers. Looked like they were moving around some empty boxes!!

Why did I even watch this show???

We are all gluttens for punishment.

Edited by Racj82
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Bobby: Let me Goggle "broom" for you and show you what it looks like. I'll send a youtube to your phone how to use it...

Danielle: Don't be silly, of course I know what a broom looks like...but I'm gonna need the youtube to show me how to "broom"...

Bobby: I think you mean "sweep"....

Danielle: Whatever.....

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I thought this episode was a rather lame attempt to rehab Danielle's image, capped off with Bobby saying with conviction, "Danielle *does* do things to let me know she loves me," or something like that.  But, I'm sorry, when you craft an entire season around Danielle being a self-centered taker, it's going to take more than "just kidding, it's not really that bad" and tying it up in a big red bow to convince most people that she actually does have thoughts about something, anything, other than herself (and her dogs, of course).

8 hours ago, seacliffsal said:

I had the "feels" during that last Shawniece and Jepthe segment.  I hope they make it.  The photo shoot was everything.

I actually hope that all three couples/families make it and do have their happily ever afters.

Me too!  It bugs the crap out of me, lol, but I can't help pulling for Jephte and Shawniece.  Not that I want an of them to end up divorcing, and especially now that they all have children, but I've had a definite soft spot specifically for J & S almost since they were introduced on the show.

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Still can't stand Danielle. I know Bobby will adore his baby girl though and be the best daddy!  I'm not rooting for jephte and shaniece. For Shawnieces sake I hope they split up. Any man who can cheat on his pregnant wife (and give rhe excuse that it was because his feelings were hurt by the big mean people on social media) can never be trusted again. Jephte is a grown man. He acts like a child half of the time. Shaniece will spend her life wondering if hes being honest and if he's going to cheat again. She will never be able to trust him and she deserves better than that. 

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The "experts" of doom - just seeing their THs as they blab about helping these guys - and then in goes "Pastor" Cal - "Hey, Danielle and Bobby - still feeling perfect?  Bobby was really throwing down the complaints at the last guys' night!"  Whether she deserves it or not, that type of comment isn't really conducive to "happily ever after"

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14 hours ago, Kiss my mutt said:

Could this finale be any more boring? Whole lot of hand-waving trying to tie up loose ends 

And did you catch the "closing credits" about J&S...it said that Jephte was taking a 3-month paternity leave, but since he's a teacher, um, doesn't he have 3 months off every summer?  The cynic in me (and from watching this show from the start!) can't help but think there's some misrepresentation going on here.

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16 hours ago, SabineElisabeth said:

I thought this episode was a rather lame attempt to rehab Danielle's image, capped off with Bobby saying with conviction, "Danielle *does* do things to let me know she loves me," or something like that.  But, I'm sorry, when you craft an entire season around Danielle being a self-centered taker, it's going to take more than "just kidding, it's not really that bad" and tying it up in a big red bow to convince most people that she actually does have thoughts about something, anything, other than herself (and her dogs, of course).

Me too!  It bugs the crap out of me, lol, but I can't help pulling for Jephte and Shawniece.  Not that I want an of them to end up divorcing, and especially now that they all have children, but I've had a definite soft spot specifically for J & S almost since they were introduced on the show.

I'm scared for J & S because Jepthe just doesn't love her. I don't buy any of Pastor Cal's bullshit. After a year if you still have no feelings they ain't gonna happen. That will lead to him messing around, he will fall in love, then buy buy Shaniece.

29 minutes ago, LuvMyShows said:

And did you catch the "closing credits" about J&S...it said that Jephte was taking a 3-month paternity leave, but since he's a teacher, um, doesn't he have 3 months off every summer?  The cynic in me (and from watching this show from the start!) can't help but think there's some misrepresentation going on here.

Where I taught you could take 3 months off with pay. I'm sure dad's are now given the same leave. I took 3 months with my son then extended another year with no pay.

Edited by retiredviewer
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Whew! Glad that's over! I thought we were going to get through ONE episode without Shawniece crying, but no, in the last 3 minutes here comes the waterworks. I think the drama with Bobby and Danielle and Anthony and Ashley was largely manufactured, but I will be completely shocked if Shawniece and Jephte are still together in six months......at least they have that beautiful baby....

Oh well, I'm ready for Philly now............Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays everybody - see you in two weeks when the next shit show begins!

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Although it wasn't my taste Bobbys stuff was not awful at all, looks like good den furniture or office or heaven forbid live with a bit while your baby throws up and smears sticky stuff on it. My late second husband was red/green color blind and had a bubble gum Barbie pink lounge chair a modern fainting couch. He got that and his wife got the washer and dryer. I let him keep one piece of wall art a medal mushroom that went in a corner.  

I Hope they all make it also. 

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After seeing Bobby and Danielle in the finale, I'm beginning to think their entire storyline is made up by producers. Danielle is still annoying as fuck, but they seemed warm and affectionate on the couch (RIP) and like a normal couple after barely smiling all season. It's like someone yelled cut and they went back to just hanging out, whereas the previews made it look like Bobby was fuming over the move and on the verge of verbal altercation. So is Bobby actually starved for affection, or is that just their canned scripted conflict?

Nothing is fake about the Shawniece/Jephte debacle though. Watching the experts pressure Jephte to magically make himself attracted to Shawniece is painful, as is watching Shawniece desperately try to convince him to love her. You can't rekindle what was never there. It's not like they're high school sweethearts who've hit a rough patch after 20 years ; he never loved her and will always be apathetic/have a wandering eye because he thinks he deserves someone hotter. He liked the attention and convenient sex, that's it. The baby just makes him feel temporarily obligated to stay, but he'll be trolling for his dream light skinned Instagram models in no time. 

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I'm a big observer of body language.

In that last talk with Pastor Cal and Bobby & Danielle, he was sitting looking straight at Pastor Cal, with his right hand very close to, or on, Danielle, the whole time.  She was sitting to Bobby's right, up against the arm of the sofa.  As the interview went on, her body kept leaning back and towards the sofa arm, away from Bobby, and her head was as physically far away from Bobby's as she could get it.  She put her right arm up on the sofa arm and looked like she'd have crawled away if there wasn't a huge sofa arm blocking her.

Girl isn't in this for anything other than to be taken care of by Bobby.  He seems like such a goody guy.  Sad.

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So glad to (hopefully) see the last of Danielle, her limp hair, her GIANT forehead, and her vocal fry.  Gwad, she's annoying.  Bobby deserves better.

Awwww Shawniece, Jephte just isn't the one.  When they visited the wedding site, and Jephte was reminiscing, he actually said that he didn't know what to expect on the wedding day because 'it was "my first wedding" afterall'.  That just says volumes.   :(

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1 hour ago, ezzy4 said:

So glad to (hopefully) see the last of Danielle, her limp hair, her GIANT forehead, and her vocal fry.  Gwad, she's annoying.  Bobby deserves better.

Awwww Shawniece, Jephte just isn't the one.  When they visited the wedding site, and Jephte was reminiscing, he actually said that he didn't know what to expect on the wedding day because 'it was "my first wedding" afterall'.  That just says volumes.   :(

While I agree Shawniece/Jephte aren't necessarily a good match,  I took his comment about it being his first wedding, as he had never been to a wedding before, and didn't know what to expect.   

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On 12/21/2018 at 12:46 PM, After7Only said:

While I agree Shawniece/Jephte aren't necessarily a good match,  I took his comment about it being his first wedding, as he had never been to a wedding before, and didn't know what to expect.   

Jephte is an educated man, a teacher. That means he talks to parents on a very regular basis, and I'm sure some of them are married! 

Even though Jephte's own parents apparently weren't married, and even though he's pretty much said that none of his friends are married, either --Jephte applied to be Married at First Sight. So yes, he knew what marriage was, and even if it's true that 'he'd never been to a wedding', he'd obviously been 'briefed' by the producers, the 'experts,' etc. on what to expect.

I don't buy that ridiculously lame lie/excuse at all.   

Edited by Crazy Bird Lady
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11 hours ago, Crazy Bird Lady said:

Jephte is an educated man, a teacher.

An educated teacher who says things like "...you wasn't doin' nuthun'"- on TV.  

12 hours ago, Crazy Bird Lady said:

Even though Jephte's own parents apparently weren't married, and even though he's pretty much said that none of his friends are married, either --Jephte applied to be Married at First Sight. So yes, he knew what marriage was, and even if it's true that 'he'd never been to a wedding', he'd obviously been 'briefed' by the producers, the 'experts,' etc. on what to expect.

I also believe he was speaking about the actual marriage & not the wedding. As for marriage, he didn't prepare himself at all & was no where near ready. Not only that, he signs up for a show to match him with a life partner, UNsafely ASSuming he'll get an "Instagram model", because as we all know, an "Instagram model" wife is a perfect wife, & there wouldn't have been any issues - at least until he got tired of screwing "Instagram model" wife, that is, of course, ASSuming "Instagram model" wife even liked Jephte at all. But I guess that possibility never occurred to Mr. Imperfect himself...

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12 hours ago, gonecrackers said:

An educated teacher who says things like "...you wasn't doin' nuthun'"- on TV.  

I also believe he was speaking about the actual marriage & not the wedding. As for marriage, he didn't prepare himself at all & was no where near ready. Not only that, he signs up for a show to match him with a life partner, UNsafely ASSuming he'll get an "Instagram model", because as we all know, an "Instagram model" wife is a perfect wife, & there wouldn't have been any issues - at least until he got tired of screwing "Instagram model" wife, that is, of course, ASSuming "Instagram model" wife even liked Jephte at all. But I guess that possibility never occurred to Mr. Imperfect himself...

Exactly, Gonecrackers. It's really lame, and it's no excuse for treating Shawniece as 'just an available uterus to make all my babies for me, since Laura turned out really adorable and I want them all to be her full siblings.'

Shawniece brings in money, and does all the work whenever she's home (except for when Jephte feels like cuddling and playing with the baby). So Jephte will make that 'terrible sacrifice'...  

Edited by Crazy Bird Lady
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On 12/23/2018 at 10:19 AM, Crazy Bird Lady said:

Exactly, Gonecrackers. It's really lame, and it's no excuse for treating Shawniece as 'just an available uterus to make all my babies for me, since Laura turned out really adorable and I want them all to be her full siblings.'

Shawniece brings in money, and does all the work whenever she's home (except for when Jephte feels like cuddling and playing with the baby). So Jephte will make that 'terrible sacrifice'...  

I haven’t watched any episodes, just read the boards, so I don’t know....did Jephte actually SAY Shawniece was an “available uterus” or just imply it by his attitude and actions? I need to decide how much to hate him.

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5 hours ago, scruffy73 said:

I haven’t watched any episodes, just read the boards, so I don’t know....did Jephte actually SAY Shawniece was an “available uterus” or just imply it by his attitude and actions? I need to decide how much to hate him.

No, he didn't say that, nor did he imply it. Don't hate him. He's in a crazy situation but it dealing with it maturely and intelligently and is trying to make it work.

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12 hours ago, scruffy73 said:

I haven’t watched any episodes, just read the boards, so I don’t know....did Jephte actually SAY Shawniece was an “available uterus” or just imply it by his attitude and actions? I need to decide how much to hate him.

He has said he wants to have more children with her, so they will have the same parents, however, he does not love her.  He also admitted to cheating on her while she was pregnant, which is beyond immature but actually cruel & cowardly.  She's desperately needy & unfortunately will probably put up with whatever he does until he realizes he can't force himself to love her & finally leaves.

Maybe it will work, but I'm not seeing intelligent or mature in Jephte, or Shawniece for that matter.

Edited by gonecrackers
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13 hours ago, scruffy73 said:

I haven’t watched any episodes, just read the boards, so I don’t know....did Jephte actually SAY Shawniece was an “available uterus” or just imply it by his attitude and actions? I need to decide how much to hate him.

He never used the phrase, "available uterus". 

If you haven't watched any of the episodes, Scruffy, you probably aren't aware that Jephte and Shawniece split up for a couple of months after they were on MAFS, but got back together just before "Happily Ever After". During that time, Jephte admitted he had sex with other women (plural) but it was 'no big deal' because he considered it "just me doing me". 

By the way, Jephte did say that 'since Laura turned out so adorable, he wanted to "try to" stay married to Shawniece, because he wants "his"' other kids to be her full brothers and sisters'.

Edited by Crazy Bird Lady
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Sooooo......Jephte is a child in a man’s body. Got it. 

Seriously, without a consistent male role model modeling the RIGHT things, it is hard for some men to figure it out. Doesn’t he have 13 siblings and an absentee father? Maybe he has heard his father say “it’s just me doing me”. Who knows? But he is still an asshole for leaving Shawniece in limbo with the “try to stay married” piece. She had a great life before him and he is adding nothing of substance to her - except Laura Denise - and she deserves better. If he doesn’t find her up to his “standards” he can go look for “better” too.....on his own time, without a wife to keep coming back and forth to.

I really had high hopes for them. But I also thought they were both mature and honest. Jephte is neither.

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50 minutes ago, scruffy73 said:

I really had high hopes for them. But I also thought they were both mature and honest. Jephte is neither.

Shawniece deserves so much better. Jephte showed his ass on MAFs and I should have believed him. I relented when he finally deigned to act semi-nicely towards his wife, but he was just fronting after all. 

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Never having seen Shawniece before this series, I am not sure I know if she is exceptionally needy.

There is a concept in psychology called "state or trait" - which is pretty self-explanatory.  Is the behavior/emotions/thinking a person is exhibiting a state, related to current circumstances or events, or is a trait - long-standing and persistent in a variety of situations and relationships.

I am open to the idea that Shawniece acting needy is a state, triggered by getting pregnant and having a baby with a man who doesn't adore and cherish her.  I wonder what she would act like if she had a Bobby instead of Jeppers.

Edited by ChristmasJones
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On 12/28/2018 at 5:35 PM, ChristmasJones said:

Never having seen Shawniece before this series, I am not sure I know if she is exceptionally needy.

There is a concept in psychology called "state or trait" - which is pretty self-explanatory.  Is the behavior/emotions/thinking a person is exhibiting a state, related to current circumstances or events, or is a trait - long-standing and persistent in a variety of situations and relationships.

I am open to the idea that Shawniece acting needy is a state, triggered by getting pregnant and having a baby with a man who doesn't adore and cherish her.  I wonder what she would act like if she had a Bobby instead of Jeppers.

Shawniece presented as needy in the original show but that could have also been because Jephte was an asshole and she was trying to get something out of a man who she believed was as committed as she to the process and marriage.

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On 12/20/2018 at 10:00 AM, LuvMyShows said:

And did you catch the "closing credits" about J&S...it said that Jephte was taking a 3-month paternity leave, but since he's a teacher, um, doesn't he have 3 months off every summer?  The cynic in me (and from watching this show from the start!) can't help but think there's some misrepresentation going on here.

I don't think it's summertime so it makes sense that he's taking a parental leave that coincides with the his family's needs and not wait for the summer. 

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I adore Japheth & Shawniece.  They’re REAL, unlike Danielle & Bobby.  And they complement each other. Yes, it’s unfortunate he cheated (they were separated, not that that’s an excuse), but marriages DO survive cheating.  I do kinda hope the fabulous Antonio kicked his ass a bit, tho.

BTW, they just bought a house, so I’m guessing it’s working out.  Also he has said that he loves her, several times.  I think he’s been expecting fireworks & lovebirds chirping.  He doesn’t really understand that real love is deeper, yet comfortable. He just doesn’t express himself well, and never has (that we’ve seen).

Does anyone know if Bobette has arrived yet?

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