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S06.E11: Let Them Eat Chicken!


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11 hours ago, Flybutter said:

In a very early episode, Rhylee said she “co-captains” a boat in Alaska. Though we never heard her say it that way again (instead, it’s been, “I’m a captain”), I’ve not stopped wondering about the poor soul cursed with being her co-captain. If that person dares to watch this season, he or she must be rocking themselves in the fetal position to soothe the inevitable ptsd.

I wouldn’t be surprised if the boat she captains is a row boat with 2 oars.   And she’s screaming the whole time as she rows in circles. 

  • Love 20
4 hours ago, Flybutter said:

I get what you’re saying. And it’s true she’s a licensed captain regardless of her employment status. But believe it or not, becoming licensed only requires something like 360 hours of on-water working experience (whether as a stew, deckhand, first mate, or whatever), some references, an 11-day class, a written exam, and a background check and drug test. That’s for a large tonnage, inspected commercial boat captain’s license through the US Coast Guard. Not saying that all that isn’t damn hard, and I’m sure getting a job as a female captain (co- or not) in the Alaskan fishing industry makes it extra challenging. But Rhylee is 33 years old. Good that she has an achievement like that under her belt, but by that age, lots of hardworking people do. Which is why I wish she’d just shut up about it. And why I feel for anyone who has to work with someone as insufferable as she is.

Edited to add: If I sound dismissive about all this, it’s mainly because I can’t stand Rhylee and my bias is showing. :)


I'm one of the few that has been calling Rhylee out as an asshole since episode 1, so I agree, she needs to STFU.  But having been super critical of her, I'm probably more attuned to what she says than I should be as I'm excellent at being a hater.

3 hours ago, jmcd44 said:

What do these horrible people eat for Thanksgiving?  (I think they were American)  I had chicken for dinner last night so I'm biased and highly offended.

Thanks for outing yourself as a poor!

2 hours ago, noveltylibrary said:

It was annoying that they didn't make it clear what he did to save his life.

Steamed chicken, sounds like what is allowed for soft food patients.  He has a nerve getting mad at people for not liking what is not on their preference list.  Why fill out the preference list at all??

She should have panicked more, by actually yelling Man Overboard, it was pretty much mumbled!  She couldn't have been concerned that the guests would hear, she's never cared about yelling in front of them.

And whoever said she was a double 00, um, no.  

I think the one that was complaining the loudest had chicken on her preference list.  Kate said one of them did.  

1 hour ago, Jextella said:

When my dad was in high school, he and a few buddies were drinking and water skiing.  If I have the story right, my dad was on the skis and had the rope wrapped around his thumb.  The guys in the boat gunned it and it took my dad's thumb with it.  

The on-running joke is that when he does something good, people give him a high-four.

Yikes!  Your poor dad.  

54 minutes ago, Irritable said:

It was disturbing to me that on WWHL Andy Cohen kept bringing up Ashton’s stripping in the past, over and over, and even had a game designed to make him take his clothes off right there. Ashton was a good sport about it, but he very obviously did not want to take his pants off, and it was awkward with his shoes, socks and mic pack that had to be dealt with. Andy didn’t even ask about Ashton’s ankle, or if any permanent damage was done, how long the healing took ... nothing like that. Just always brought the dialog back to stripping.

I felt so bad for Ashton, and I don’t understand why it’s allowed that Andy can regularly do this to men on his show as if it’s somehow okay because he is gay.  He’s using his position of power to pressure men into showing him their bare bodies.  Is that not part of what the #metoo movement is about? Doesn’t he always pretend to be very serious and supportive about the #metoo movement? Doesn’t he want equality for the LGBTQ community? That means the rules should apply to him, too. He’s disgusting.

Now that we have finally seen the full overboard story, I am absolutely SALIVATING to see how Kate responds to Laura next week after saying she’s been cleaning up after Kate and Josiah this whole time.  Oh girl, did you see the look on Kate’s face? Get ready for both well-deserved barrels. I can’t wait!!!!


I was annoyed in the first couple minutes when it was super serious and then Andy changed topics to something ridiculous mid-stream with basically an "anywhoo" and it was obvious he was barely even listening to Ashton.  Then realized it was Andy and I was the asshole for expecting anything else.

Edited by yourmomiseasy
  • Love 18
3 hours ago, Caseysgirl said:

I wonder if Captain Lee, a legitimate yacht Captain, is rethinking playing one on TV. When your staff is an attractive but under trained bunch of mactors, it’s all fun and games until someone loses a foot or dies.  I realize that they have trained staff that we don’t see but with all shenanigans and fighting for camera time, it’s surprising we haven’t heard about more incidents. He looked very shaken by the incident and he was still emotional when he was on WWHL.

I think he regrets it every season. In season 1, he had them running fire drills because he didn't trust them and thought that they'd cluelessly let the boat sink or burn down to the water line in 90 seconds. In season 2, they gave him Andrew Sturby who flat out lied about having any experience. Season 3 saddled Lee with Leon, Rocky, Don, Dane, the kitchen fire, and Eddie being a dumbass by fucking Rocky and gaslighting her. Season 4 is Trevor the hair model, Kelley as a bosun, Nico running a shadow campaign to undermine Kelley, and the first mate coming dangerously close to seriously injuring or killing 2 guests. Season 5 is the season of actual true incompetence. It features a depressed and distracted Nico as the lead bosun/deckhand, a deckcrew so unskilled that they can't leave the dock and had to have the chef run out to help with docking, a temporary bosun who Nico undermined constantly, a deckhand who had to plan meals for the chef to cook because the chef's inspiration began and ended at chain restaurant salads, and an incompetent interior staff that forced Lee to hire temps when they were docked. Bruno actually gets a pretty serious rope burn.


In a lot of ways, this crew isn't that bad. Chandler was a bad bosun, but he was probably an ok deck hand. It seemed pretty obvious that Ross should have had the job all along. Rhylee is a combative loud mouth, but she's a hard worker when she isn't unprofessionally mouthing back to her supervisors. Caroline is a paranoid histrionic complainer, but it seems like she was doing the job about as well as Laura is doing. Caroline also never had the temerity to do a shitty job, relate it to Kate's diminished standards, and engage in a whisper campaign about how Kate isn't performing duties up to standards. Laura really reminds me of Trevor the hair model. Trevor talked shit about how bad the rest of the crew was at their jobs, he'd drunkenly make fun of their tattoos and life choices, and just generally be an ass. And when Kelley refused to let Trevor back on the ship after Trevor nearly provoked 2 drunken fights in one night, Trevor claimed it was because the crew was jealous that he was a hair model.

There are a whole host of issues that have never made it to air including the sinking of the production boat and at least two anchor snafus: one where the anchor nearly cut an underwater power line and blacked out an island and another where they had to assist raising an anchor by hand because it was dragging on something. Of course there is Sandy's season 2 twisted anchor debacle when she put 2 anchors down instead of 3 and the two twisted around each other, which forced Wes to slowly unwind the anchors for hours so that they could avoid cutting the anchor chain and ending the charter season early.

Edited by HunterHunted
  • Love 17
2 hours ago, noveltylibrary said:

I agree they are superficial aholes, but I still say he should go with guests' preference list, why else is it filled out?

But no one filled out that they didn't want chicken.  I might not put something on the preference sheet but that doesn't mean I don't want it.  Usually you put what you don't want on the preference sheet, like if a person has allergies or is a vegan or something.

  • Love 10
1 hour ago, Irritable said:

It was disturbing to me that on WWHL Andy Cohen kept bringing up Ashton’s stripping in the past, over and over, and even had a game designed to make him take his clothes off right there. Ashton was a good sport about it, but he very obviously did not want to take his pants off, and it was awkward with his shoes, socks and mic pack that had to be dealt with. Andy didn’t even ask about Ashton’s ankle, or if any permanent damage was done, how long the healing took ... nothing like that. Just always brought the dialog back to stripping.

I felt so bad for Ashton, and I don’t understand why it’s allowed that Andy can regularly do this to men on his show as if it’s somehow okay because he is gay.  He’s using his position of power to pressure men into showing him their bare bodies.  Is that not part of what the #metoo movement is about? Doesn’t he always pretend to be very serious and supportive about the #metoo movement? Doesn’t he want equality for the LGBTQ community? That means the rules should apply to him, too. He’s disgusting.

Now that we have finally seen the full overboard story, I am absolutely SALIVATING to see how Kate responds to Laura next week after saying she’s been cleaning up after Kate and Josiah this whole time.  Oh girl, did you see the look on Kate’s face? Get ready for both well-deserved barrels. I can’t wait!!!!

Andy is an asshole, and he is also an equal-opportunity exploiter, imo.  I, too, find it extremely offensive when he has all those "guest" bartenders, and the gay guys are always shirtless.  He gets off on embarrassing all of the "Bravolebrities" and most, like Ashton, are gracious enough to go along with it.  I don't know if it is because these people are looking for fame, or if Andy wields more power than we think.

  • Love 20
13 hours ago, howiveaddict said:



Carolyn is probably taking to twitter to complain that no one took care of her like that.

From Twitter

Caroline Bedol




I guess almost dying is what it takes to be believed. Now I know. And please stop saying I had a bug bite. Believe what you will but don't clog my feed up with #fakenews

  • Love 11
48 minutes ago, yourmomiseasy said:

I think the one that was complaining the loudest had chicken on her preference list.  Kate said one of them did.  

Didn't one of them say right away "did we have chicken on the preference sheet"?  I bet that's when the one that DID put in on jumped in to bitch, bitch bitch as a deflection.  

9 minutes ago, Reality police said:

From Twitter

Caroline Bedol




I guess almost dying is what it takes to be believed. Now I know. And please stop saying I had a bug bite. Believe what you will but don't clog my feed up with #fakenews

I guess Caroline is REALLY getting trolled.  She's "protected" her Twitter account.  

  • Love 8
25 minutes ago, Carolina Girl said:

I guess Caroline is REALLY getting trolled.  She's "protected" her Twitter account. 

She's really unhinged. Every time I think her Twitter feed can't surprise me, it does. Wow. She really should just take down her Twitter account for good if she feels so bullied. Feeding into it with hateful Tweets only incites things even more. 

  • Love 4

On a lighter note, I love Josiah! I was lmao when he was in the kitchen explaining to Adrian what he calls  that two flavored cake Adrian was icing and Adrian couldn't understand his accent. Frustrated Josiah said something like  "I just want to punch you right now"! That was a funny little scene, I'm glad they didn't edit it out. 

Edited by bichonblitz
  • Love 19
1 hour ago, biakbiak said:

The main thing about the chicken is that not one person said it was bad and even though they were all bitching several of them continued to eat it even if it was “beneath” them so they are all just obnoxious assholes.

The point was that they were being served "chicken" rather than something like "coq au vin". How are they going to impress their friends about the expensive cruise they took if they can't be pretentious about what they were served?

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, HunterHunted said:

How hard is it to say that the dish was good, but you were hoping to have your palate expanded and wowed a little bit more than you had been with the chicken dish. People understand that. Instead they had to make complete fucking fools of themselves.

I only began to watch BD and BDM within the last year or so, primarily drawn by the exotic locations, which I will never see.  Then, as with any soap opera and most reality shows, I became fond of some characters.  And I have to admit, one of the side "benefits" of watching the show is the chance to compare and contrast one's own behavior/outlook/values with the so-called well-off people who are on the charters.  We see guests be obnoxious (and get to think "I'd never do that!") or be gracious (and hope I would be that) and all things in between.  Sometimes, I have to shamefacedly admit I might be just as crass as some guests.

So, while I cringed and got my back up at hearing "Chicken is what poor people eat", I felt a twinge of sympathy at "I make chicken at home."   I might have been capable of saying a thing like that, or, at least, of thinking it (I'm pretty bold in thought, much less so with the out loud voice.)  I wondered if the primary couldn't have asked to have a private word with the chef later and said something along the lines of what HunterHunted suggested.  "Hey, the chicken was delicious tonight, but Tahiti is a once-in-a-lifetime treat for us.  So we are hoping you will give us more of the exotic, local flavors while we're here."  Or, more simply, more seafood!

  • Love 10
3 hours ago, ghoulina said:

They mentioned that chicken wasn't on their preference sheets. So that means it wasn't on there as a preference OR as a "no-no". 

IMO, preference sheets are a guide, but not an absolute. Otherwise, just let the guests create the entire menu. 

I gave Adrian a lot of shit for those lamb sliders when the guests specifically ASKED for burgers and fries. But I don't think he was in the wrong this time. He said they'd all had a scary day. It was comfort food. He did it in a different way, and everyone was raving about it. The guests even remarked how good it was. So it wasn't the taste, presentation, an allergy...none of that. It was the simple fact that it was chicken and they are too fucking good to eat chicken. 

I don't think he was in the wrong either, if they didn't want "low class" food, it should have been on their preference sheet.

  • Love 10
19 minutes ago, LoneHaranguer said:

For what they're paying, it shouldn't have to be.

.........and on the next cruise there'll be  someone who doesn't eat beef or shellfish or pork, and just wants chicken! Maybe if the Unicorn had fancied it up more?  I mean "steamed chicken breasts"  doesn't exactly make my palate stand up and shout "Woo hoo" in breathless anticipation.  Actually, I remember every time my mother would start a diet she'd start pounding down the chicken breasts. It was enough to turn me off chicken for life.   Even today just smell of chicken cooking nauseates me. So my preference sheet would definitely say "no chicken."

Edited by Skycatcher
  • LOL 1
  • Love 4
3 hours ago, Irritable said:

It was disturbing to me that on WWHL Andy Cohen kept bringing up Ashton’s stripping in the past, over and over, and even had a game designed to make him take his clothes off right there. Ashton was a good sport about it, but he very obviously did not want to take his pants off, and it was awkward with his shoes, socks and mic pack that had to be dealt with. Andy didn’t even ask about Ashton’s ankle, or if any permanent damage was done, how long the healing took ... nothing like that. Just always brought the dialog back to stripping.

I felt so bad for Ashton, and I don’t understand why it’s allowed that Andy can regularly do this to men on his show as if it’s somehow okay because he is gay.  He’s using his position of power to pressure men into showing him their bare bodies.  Is that not part of what the #metoo movement is about? Doesn’t he always pretend to be very serious and supportive about the #metoo movement? Doesn’t he want equality for the LGBTQ community? That means the rules should apply to him, too. He’s disgusting.

Now that we have finally seen the full overboard story, I am absolutely SALIVATING to see how Kate responds to Laura next week after saying she’s been cleaning up after Kate and Josiah this whole time.  Oh girl, did you see the look on Kate’s face? Get ready for both well-deserved barrels. I can’t wait!!!!

To be fair to that sniveling little Cohen, it was Jenny "Do not Vaccinate" McCarthy who made him take off his pants.  She could have elected to have him remove his blazer instead, or just his shoes for that matter.

  • Love 10
5 minutes ago, Honey said:

To be fair to that sniveling little Cohen, it was Jenny "Do not Vaccinate" McCarthy who made him take off his pants.  She could have elected to have him remove his blazer instead, or just his shoes for that matter.

 There are some "entertainers" who just automatically go into my cheap and tawdry file. She is one of them.  I suppose her "do not vaccinate" campaign lends her some pale aura of respectability in some circles, but I think she's looney tunes and not worth the effort it would take to change channels, unless it was to get away from her blatherings.

 For last night's WWwhatever show I saw her name and tuned out.   I didn't even realize Ashton with on.

Edited by Skycatcher
  • Love 14

RE:  Chicken.  I've been on the QM2 a few times, what people look forward to is the baked Alaska and Lobster Flambe, but most folks don't want that every night.  Most nights it's some variation of chicken or beef. 

Very "de classe" to say, "I don't want chicken," especially if no one said they didn't want chicken.  "Chicken is what poor people eat" is like saying, "Only the little people pay taxes."  

  • Love 11
2 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

I think he regrets it every season. In season 1, he had them running fire drills because he didn't trust them and thought that they'd cluelessly let the boat sink or burn down to the water line in 90 seconds. In season 2, they gave him Andrew Sturby who flat out lied about having any experience. Season 3 saddled Lee with Leon, Rocky, Don, Dane, the kitchen fire, and Eddie being a dumbass by fucking Rocky and gaslighting her. Season 4 is Trevor the hair model, Kelley as a bosun, Nico running a shadow campaign to undermine Kelley, and the first mate coming dangerously close to seriously injuring or killing 2 guests. Season 5 is the season of actual true incompetence. It features a depressed and distracted Nico as the lead bosun/deckhand, a deckcrew so unskilled that they can't leave the dock and had to have the chef run out to help with docking, a temporary bosun who Nico undermined constantly, a deckhand who had to plan meals for the chef to cook because the chef's inspiration began and ended at chain restaurant salads, and an incompetent interior staff that forced Lee to hire temps when they were docked. Bruno actually gets a pretty serious rope burn.



In a lot of ways, this crew isn't that bad. Chandler was a bad bosun, but he was probably an ok deck hand. It seemed pretty obvious that Ross should have had the job all along. Rhylee is a combative loud mouth, but she's a hard worker when she isn't unprofessionally mouthing back to her supervisors. Caroline is a paranoid histrionic complainer, but it seems like she was doing the job about as well as Laura is doing. Caroline also never had the temerity to do a shitty job, relate it to Kate's diminished standards, and engage in a whisper campaign about how Kate isn't performing duties up to standards. Laura really reminds me of Trevor the hair model. Trevor talked shit about how bad the rest of the crew was at their jobs, he'd drunkenly make fun of their tattoos and life choices, and just generally be an ass. And when Kelley refused to let Trevor back on the ship after Trevor nearly provoked 2 drunken fights in one night, Trevor claimed it was because the crew was jealous that he was a hair model.

There are a whole host of issues that have never made it to air including the sinking of the production boat and at least two anchor snafus: one where the anchor nearly cut an underwater power line and blacked out an island and another where they had to assist raising an anchor by hand because it was dragging on something. Of course there is Sandy's season 2 twisted anchor debacle when she put 2 anchors down instead of 3 and the two twisted around each other, which forced Wes to slowly unwind the anchors for hours so that they could avoid cutting the anchor chain and ending the charter season early.


Well when you put it that way...

  • Love 4

I didn't read through this yet because I'm just at the very beginning of the episode and I don't want spoilers so excuse if this has been mentioned.

I'm looking at Ashton going overboard. There's a white line that goes to to the tender. However, it seems to end where Ashton is holding onto it.... with the hand down by his ankle/foot. So there's two lines here...the white one and the brown one.  I'm slomo'ing this. The only thing I can figure is the white line that is connected to the tender, has to be tied somewhere along the brown line.... or not at all actually... and obviously not at an end of the brown line. But why would that be? What purpose would that serve?

What it looks like to me is that it wasn't the brown line that caught his leg and pulled him overboard, rather it was the white line he had in his hand and didn't let go of. The brown line followed him into the water because he had grabbed it as well and you can also plainly see the loop around his leg was very loose and open.... not a death grip by any form of the imagination.

What I think is that Ashton got pulled off the boat because he held onto the white tow line and didn't let go fast enough. His foot and other hand pretty much just dragged the brown line into the water with him.  It also looks like a 'noose' couldn't have formed around his ankle either once out in the water if you look carefully. How the heck can that rope be pulling him off when its in front of his leg, the loop opening behind his leg and all the rest of the rope is extending back on the yacht?

I'm not saying they faked him going overboard. He did it himself by not letting go of the white line fast enough. The brown line had nothing to do with it. The fake drama bit was with the production tarting up the danger he was in. Ashton made a yelp which they played over several times. He was fine.

Edited by 100Proof
26 minutes ago, Skycatcher said:

 There are some "entertainers" who just automatically go into my cheap and tawdry file. She is one of them.  I suppose her "do not vaccinate" campaign lends her some pale aura of respectability in some circles, but I think she's looney tunes and not worth the effort it would take to change channels, unless it was to get away from her blatherings.

 For last night's WWwhatever show I saw her name and tuned out.   I didn't even realize Ashton with on.

It shows how much I like Ashton that I stayed tuned in.  Hate that bitch.

  • Love 16
11 minutes ago, 100Proof said:

I'm not saying they faked him going overboard. He did it himself by not letting go of the white line fast enough. The brown line had nothing to do with it. The fake drama bit was with the production tarting up the danger he was in.

It will be interesting to see how you feel by the end of the episode. I think you'll feel differently. 

  • Love 14
26 minutes ago, 100Proof said:

I didn't read through this yet because I'm just at the very beginning of the episode and I don't want spoilers so excuse if this has been mentioned.

I'm looking at Ashton going overboard. There's a white line that goes to to the tender. However, it seems to end where Ashton is holding onto it.... with the hand down by his ankle/foot. So there's two lines here...the white one and the brown one.  I'm slomo'ing this. The only thing I can figure is the white line that is connected to the tender, has to be tied somewhere along the brown line.... or not at all actually... and obviously not at an end of the brown line. But why would that be? What purpose would that serve?

What it looks like to me is that it wasn't the brown line that caught his leg and pulled him overboard, rather it was the white line he had in his hand and didn't let go of. The brown line followed him into the water because he had grabbed it as well and you can also plainly see the loop around his leg was very loose and open.... not a death grip by any form of the imagination.

What I think is that Ashton got pulled off the boat because he held onto the white tow line and didn't let go fast enough. His foot and other hand pretty much just dragged the brown line into the water with him.  It also looks like a 'noose' couldn't have formed around his ankle either once out in the water if you look carefully.

I'm not saying they faked him going overboard. He did it himself by not letting go of the white line fast enough. The brown line had nothing to do with it. The fake drama bit was with the production tarting up the danger he was in.


If you look closely, the white line is also around his ankle.  It's hard to see it though. It's not him holding it that drags him in, and the black line didn't do anything to him.

I'll put this in a spoiler box, but it only has to do with the line positions.


One end of that white line is connected to the tender, which at that point is not moving, the other end is hooked to the yacht which is moving at a good speed, and in the middle in Ashton with it wrapped around his ankle.  Not good for keeping a foot attached.

Edited by Honey
  • Love 4
13 minutes ago, Honey said:

If you look closely, the white line is also around his ankle.  It's hard to see it though.

I was looking for that the white tow line to obviously continue back behind Ashton and back along the deck. That would be the only thing that makes sense. Going frame by frame, I haven't seen that. So far to me it looks like the white rope ends at Ashton. Unless the white line is actually part of the brown line.... you know, intertwined with it for some purpose. That makes sense. Have no problem proven wrong. Just looks fishy on the face of it

Edited by 100Proof
10 minutes ago, 100Proof said:

I was looking for that the white tow line to obviously continue back behind Ashton and back along the deck. That would be the only thing that makes sense. So far to me it looks like the white rope ends at Ashton. I'll look harder. Have no problem proven wrong. Just looks fishy on the face of it

Watch the whole episode, and you'll agree that you cannot fake that emotion.

  • Love 7
7 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

There's a lot of fuckery on these shows. But Captain Lee was near tears. He's a real captain. He knows when things are truly life-threatening and when others are being dramatic. His reaction was 100% authentic, IMO. I don't think there was anything fishy going on. 

You mean on that WWHL show?  Guess its a matter of perception then because I didn't see him near tears. I saw his reaction as being that man overboard never happened to him before and its that which he took very seriously..... because of course it could have ended  differently

Well, I'll get on with watching the rest of the show now

BTW, was it my imagination or did the preview last week made it look like Rhylee was about to take her top off in order to jump in for the rescue?

Edited by 100Proof
3 minutes ago, 100Proof said:

You mean on that WWHL show?  Guess its a matter of perception then because I didn't see him near tears. I saw his reaction as being that man overboard never happened to him before and its that which he took very seriously.

No, on the actual show.  Watch til the end.  They even broke the 4th wall to show the video of the accident to the crew.  I am as cynical as they come, but in this case, Ashton is very lucky to be alive.

Edited by Honey
  • Love 21
6 minutes ago, Honey said:

No, on the actual show.  Watch til the end.  They even broke the 4th wall to show the video of the accident to the crew.  I am as cynical as they come, but in this case, Ashton is very lucky to be alive.


Ah, but that's no arbiter. Its an immediate reaction to an obvious dangerous situation. He hadn't witnessed it himself (yet)

I'm ahead of myself.... got to watch the whole thing..... right... now, heh

Edited by 100Proof

Nothing screams, "I'm insecure" to me like a person who will not admit they made a mistake.  We've seen Ashton, Ross, and Adrian all own something that they'd messed up on, and not because the Captain told them they had to.  They take it on the chin and move on, confident that they will get it right next time and not be defined by their mistake.

Meanwhile Rhylee, Caroline and Lauren have explanations and blame to throw around for every mistake they make.  And we know from WWHL and Twitter that even now, with time and distance, watching themselves on TV they STILL won't own up to their mistakes!  I wonder if this has to do with being a woman in this industry or if these just happen to be three irresponsible people.

  • Love 9
12 minutes ago, 100Proof said:

You mean on that WWHL show?  Guess its a matter of perception then because I didn't see him near tears. I saw his reaction as being that man overboard never happened to him before and its that which he took very seriously..... because of course it could have ended  differently

Well, I'll get on with watching the rest of the show now

BTW, was it my imagination or did the preview last week made it look like Rhylee was about to take her top off in order to jump in for the rescue?

No, on the actual episode. He was SEVERELY shook up. Right after it happened. And really for the rest of the charter. 

  • Love 11

Ah ha!  Taking notice of the new deck guy up top releasing a brown line then following Ashton proceeding to go overboard, the brown on the deck farthest to the right of the frame I can barely make out what looks like the white line right along side it!  The white line is probably secured to the brown line somewhere. Perhaps like the heavy ropes ships use when docking have a thin rope attached to pull them. Case solved I guess then!

Maybe I'll look for a 1080p version for better resolution

Edited by 100Proof
37 minutes ago, 100Proof said:

I was looking for that the white tow line to obviously continue back behind Ashton and back along the deck. That would be the only thing that makes sense. Going frame by frame, I haven't seen that. So far to me it looks like the white rope ends at Ashton. Unless the white line is actually part of the brown line.... you know, intertwined with it for some purpose. That makes sense. Have no problem proven wrong. Just looks fishy on the face of it

How would it make sense for the tow line to not be attached to the yacht?  How was it going to tow?  Was someone going to just stand on the swim platform and hold it the entire time, pulling the tender behind like a child's toy? 

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, LoneHaranguer said:

For what they're paying, it shouldn't have to be.

But that's a ridiculously reductive argument on their part. Food trends fall in and out of fashion and true masters can make the humblest ingredients sing. Adrian isn't a true master, but a complaint about the execution is more appropriate. The dish might have been tasty, but they can express that they were hoping for something a little bit more adventurous. Earlier in the thread, I posted a link to some of el Bulli's most famous dishes; one of which is their chicken curry. I've had chicken curry that was from the lowest low to some pretty darn spectacular versions, but I sure as shit have never tried Ferran Adria's version.


Or taking a snobby and pedantic view of the ingredients rice and fish means that you can't make a distinction between grocery store sushi and Sukiyabashi Jiro or Red Lobster and Le Bernadin. So going "Ugh, chicken" tells me everything I need to know about these people with more money than sense.

Lobster and truffles used to be considered agricultural feed, lobster as little as 100 years ago and truffles as recently as 10 or 15 years ago in China. Chinese truffles are genetically identical to French ones. No one is quite sure if it's the different soil or harvesting them too early that results in a taste difference. But sitting around being dumb snobs about ingredients tells me they don't know anything about food. People created foods like prosciutto, pancetta, and lardo not because they were wealthy and indulgent, but because it was the only way to preserve as much as they possibly could of an animal. Foie Gras was discovered by accident. Roasted marrow bones were considered the poorest of the poor food as recently as a decade ago. Whereas aspics and gelees were considered very elegant and high class foods. Pickling, jams, jellies, and confits were techniques to preserve food that couldn't be had year round. So yeah, I'm not breaking my fucking neck to excuse idiots too dumb to understand how shit worked.

  • Love 19
1 hour ago, yourmomiseasy said:

How would it make sense for the tow line to not be attached to the yacht?  How was it going to tow?  Was someone going to just stand on the swim platform and hold it the entire time, pulling the tender behind like a child's toy? 

Read my last post.

However, weren't they in the process of getting ready to release the line to the tender in the first place? It's a bit confusing though. After the incident, Lee has Ashton follow in the tender because the swells too dangerous. But initially they were near shore and the water looked perfectly fine. So while they were near the shore were they trying to untie the tender or haul it in?

Edit: Ok, later in the show you can see the white line tied to the brown on the swim deck

Edited by 100Proof
1 hour ago, NoWhammies said:

Do you suppose the people who come on as guests watch themselves and cringe? If that was my choice of behavior on television, I certainly would.

 I was actually wondering if "chicken is for poor people" had a Twitter account that was getting lit up today.  $10 says they completely FORGOT about those elitist comments and when they invited all their friends over (for canapes and champagne no doubt - no Ritz and Sleazy Cheese) to watch their episode, they may have received some serious side-eye.  

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I really love captain lee and this episode made it stronger. After the crew meeting where he shows the video and then returns to the wheelhouse, he sits and puts his heads in his hands and lets the air out of his lungs. He understands that the dangerous buck just stopped with him. He was pissed at Ross from fear, but he takes the serious responsibility that goes with his job. He doesn't suffer fools but he's got the experience to see a much bigger picture. I appreciate that. I like seeing him handle the issues that arise, with grace and measured dignity. 

Laura, JHC! Opposite of grace and dignity! I can't believe she said "meh, i thought that's how it's done here" or some such bullshit about her turn down service. I hated listening to her yogi voice during that session.  She has no clue what an ass she is. 

Speaking of asses... chicken is what poor people eat?  i just can't...

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