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"The View": Week Of 11/26/2018

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2 hours ago, Alexis2291 said:

So earlier when they were talking about Melania, Meghan didn't have an opinion because she was "bored and didn't care." Well, that's how I felt about the segment with Abby's baby. Cute kid but was that necessary?

The truth is we have more boring topics than usual because McCain goes into a shrieking fit whenever they talk about something "serious," because the "serious, scintillating pundint" can't keep herself composed for more than a minute and a half at a time. Maybe once they boot your spoiled ass out the door, McCain, they can drop these fluff topics already.

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5 minutes ago, Cementhead said:

Yes!!  I know all about little Haley Joy or whatever her name is and I don't even watch that show!!

God, Hoda is the worst.  She can figure out how to bring the kid up in every conversation.

Nice that the show gave Abby's daughter something for her room. A gift Abby could never afford and a gift the kid will never know she got.

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22 minutes ago, HaaCHOO said:

And just what ARE these red state/blue state things? 

Meghan needs to not ever talk about all of us getting along ever again.  She is a walking stereotype of what she thinks someone who lives in a red state is.

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1 hour ago, General Days said:

Oh, Abby is DEFINITELY pregnant, and she's a little defensive about Daddy, no?

A doctor I worked with had guessed, on two separate occasions, co-workers were pregnant.  I asked her how she could tell.  She said the first sign is a "softening"  of facial features - sometimes like a fullness under the jaw.  I noticed that with Abby a while ago, her chin/jawline was less angular. 

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1 hour ago, Alexis2291 said:


And oh God. Didn't take long for Meghan to say that if Sunny comes over to her ranch, they'll do "red state" things. Wtf? Why can't she have a normal convo without interjecting something about her political views?

Yes, it's one glaring thing that Meghan has in common with, as Whoopi calls him "the guy in the white house".   seeing EVERYTHING as red/blue, conservative/liberal, "us"/"them".  

She probably views "red state things"   as shooting guns, watching Fox News, grilling meat,  and drinking whiskey.  

I can't imagine what she thinks "blue state"  people do - order sushi and watch Rachel Maddow on TV?  drink wines from California?  Make protest signs?   Oh, I know!  we knit pink hats! 

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9 minutes ago, tinkerbell said:

I can't imagine what she thinks "blue state"  people do - order sushi and watch Rachel Maddow on TV?  drink wines from California?  Make protest signs?   Oh, I know!  we knit pink hats! 

She'd burst a blood vessel if she saw me in HER* "red" state with my sushi, my Rachel, and my yearning for one of those "pink" hats.  We have only one gun left...an antique rifle from my kids' great-grandfather...but as a teenager, I shot plenty-o-beer bottles, tin cans, balloons, targets out in the desert.  The boys who took us shooting did hunt...but it was a "boys' thing," and girls weren't invited.

*I was born in the same city she was, but DECADES earlier.

Edited by HaaCHOO
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1 minute ago, tinkerbell said:

.She probably views "red state things"   as shooting guns, watching Fox News, grilling meat,  and drinking whiskey.  

Right after she said that, Abby asked Sunny, "are you gonna shoot a gun when you visit Meghan?" I know she was attempting to make a joke but it's so cringe-worthy. Plenty of "blue-state" people own and shoot guns.


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I feel Joy should have handled/reacted like atheist, Madalyn Murray O'Hair, 'the Most Hated Woman in America,' with the Kid Rock's comment calling her a bitch. Madalyn basked in peoples ill-will and hatred of her. It's a PRIVILEGE to be HATED by some people... and apparently Kid Rock is one of them.  I wish Joy would have said that.

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2 hours ago, General Days said:

Oh, Abby is DEFINITELY pregnant, and she's a little defensive about Daddy, no?

If Abby wanted to make a clever "announcement," her baby would have been wearing a "Big Sister" shirt or dress.

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37 minutes ago, tinkerbell said:

Yes, it's one glaring thing that Meghan has in common with, as Whoopi calls him "the guy in the white house".   seeing EVERYTHING as red/blue, conservative/liberal, "us"/"them".  

She probably views "red state things"   as shooting guns, watching Fox News, grilling meat,  and drinking whiskey.  

I can't imagine what she thinks "blue state"  people do - order sushi and watch Rachel Maddow on TV?  drink wines from California?  Make protest signs?   Oh, I know!  we knit pink hats!

That sounds like an awesome night. I do all those things in a very Red ohio.😂

Edited by Coffeewinewater
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18 minutes ago, Alexis2291 said:

Right after she said that, Abby asked Sunny, "are you gonna shoot a gun when you visit Meghan?" I know she was attempting to make a joke but it's so cringe-worthy. Plenty of "blue-state" people own and shoot guns.


Megan knows nothing about conservatism and liberalism.  She spouts talking points and can never defend them when challenged. She is ignorant about basic political history in this country and the nuances that used to exist in both parties. Republicans in the New England area used to call themselves Liberal Republicans and the southern Democrats were called conservative Democrats.  There were differences within the parties based on geography and constituency. It is why you had Strom Thurman who was an unabashed segregationist and Joe Biden who is very liberal with a dash of conservatism can co-exist in the same party.  Megan needs to read books and study history. Hell! she can always go back to school for a political science degree.

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35 minutes ago, Coffeewinewater said:

That sounds like an awesome night. I do all those things in a very Red ohio.😂


And I do too next door in even redder IN.  (Salutes Coffeewinewater with a nice CA Chardonnay.)

23 minutes ago, May Jacks said:

There was a lot of yelling about Obama today, you'd think he was finishing up the first year of his 3rd term as President. What was Abby yelling about trump and his cronies being tougher on Russia than any administration since the Cold War, based on what? Your daddy's travel exploits? Stop it.

Anything the current administration has done regarding sanctions on Russia is in spite of Trump, not because of him. I have zero doubt that it took plenty of begging and pleading from the State Dept to get Trump to cancel his meeting with Putin.  Abby and Meghan give him too much credit. 

Edited by Haleth
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8 minutes ago, Haleth said:
43 minutes ago, Coffeewinewater said:

That sounds like an awesome night. I do all those things in a very Red ohio.😂


And I do too next door in even redder IN.  (Salutes Coffeewinewater with a nice CA Chardonnay.)

And I'm next door on the other side in blood red West Virginia.  According to Meghan we should all be in her tribe doing her tribal things.

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14 minutes ago, Haleth said:

And I do too next door in even redder IN.  (Salutes Coffeewinewater with a nice CA Chardonnay.)

Anything the current administration has done regarding sanctions on Russia is in spite of Trump, not because of him. I have zero doubt that it took plenty of begging and pleading from the State Dept to get Trump to cancel his meeting with Putin.  Abby and Meghan give him too much credit. 


Plus, there were sanctions passed that were veto proof passed by the whole congress with 2 people dissenting.  So, his hands were figuratively tied.  

Edited by Apprentice79
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Just now, HaaCHOO said:

WHY is MY U.S. Ambassador to Russia, sneaking diplomatic/behind-the-scenes information to one (more?) of his daughters before Trump's planned Argentina visit with Putin?  And then WHY is Ah-bee spouting it on national television?  

I wondered that also.  Pretty sure Abby doesn't have any sort of security clearance.

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39 minutes ago, blondiec0332 said:
42 minutes ago, Apprentice79 said:

Megan knows nothing about conservatism and liberalism. 

How is this possible?????  She has been in politics her whole life.

Sometimes it's difficult to hear EVERYTHING in the womb.

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49 minutes ago, blondiec0332 said:
52 minutes ago, Apprentice79 said:

Megan needs to read books and study history. Hell! she can always go back to school for a political science degree.

She strikes me as someone who isn't intellectually curious.  If she already doesn't know something she feels no need to learn it.


But BlondieC0332 and Apprentice79, it's so HARRRRRRD!  School was difficult enough 15 years ago, looking at all those pictures...and going to museums (especially with a hangover), walking, walking, walking.  My "assistants" had to remember so much and write a lot.  A lot!  They have more important duties these days.

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Just crap is what I have to say. Right out of the gate they show the brain trust Kid Rock blabbering  about enough of polical correctness and we should work together bla bla and then calls Joy a Bitch?!?!  So it's not ok for Joy to give her opinions that they find political not correct according to them? She has  had to apologize more than anyone I think. The people screaming at the table = not Joy.  I love that she gets a kick out of some twit calling her a bitch. Gee let's ask Ted Nugent his look at things. 

Why doesn't MM just get up and leave when they are discussing something she finds beneath her.?  You all  remember when Whoopi started she would slide down the couch and roll her eyes when anything to do with pop culture or some reality show was discussed. She'd do it even when BW was there. I'm s sucker for babies but I saw no purpose in the Abby baby segment, but it was of interest to MM that's what's important    I also think it was a crack at Joy to say the softest she sees her is when she talks about her grandson. I've seen her get choked  up on her own show while interviewing a young woman who had been traumatized. You can't judge someone's " softness " when you only have a work relationship 

The love fest between MM and Abby probably was some solidarity arrangement regarding Ana.

i identify so much with Joy I've toddled off to bed at my own party too. No announcement , just disappeared from the late night stragglers. 

BS on Trumps ups and downs like any marriage thus the new display of handholding. It's part of the arrangement/ agreement so it's not so apparent that she finds him repul$ive.

Edited by athousandclowns
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Nothing like ending off a speech that preaches unity and respect for all political opinions by calling a woman with a different political opinion from you a 'bitch', Kudos to the host for the way he handled the situation. Kid Rock wanted the applause but he wouldn't have even bothered to 'correct' himself if it weren't for the host showing obvious disagreement and discontent with his choice of words.

I would have handled Abby's arguments totally differently. For one, cable pundits don't create facts, they report on facts provided and interpret those facts to form opinions in which they share with the viewers. That is their job. They aren't the ones doing the research and verifying sources, they are the ones that simply rely on good intel to formulate a position on a situation and in many cases, sources (like stats, polling) can vary and pundits often lean toward the numbers that make sense to their natural bias. The rest of the world is not responsible for Abby not being clear on this and she shouldn't have gone unchecked with that comment. Secondly, I feel like Ana and Sunny would have explained their point more clearly and concisely if they had said 'maybe the policies are the optics'. Both women (and all of the women at some time or another) has admitted to self-serving interests of both Trump and Putin. It wouldn't be unfair for any of them to make the argument that they believe either man is capable of putting their self-serving interests ahead of their fellow countrymen and maybe Putin is putting up with sanctions because there's a bigger prize at stake.

Meghan acts bored about any conversation that isn't political or that she can't trace back to herself...fair enough, but stop acting like those other topics are beneath you because we all know that you're a trashy reality TV fanatic. Also, the scowl on her face after Joy's joke made me laugh. I feel like if you're going constantly use the phrase 'I can't fake it', a sex joke is basically mandatory, and from a comedian no less. Get a sense of humour Meghan.

I'm impressed that Abby's daughter can walk so well on her own at 1. I can't remember the last time I saw a baby walking by their 1st birthday...or maybe I just know a lot of lazy babies, lol.

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21 minutes ago, athousandclowns said:

Just crap is what I have to say. Right out of the gate they show the brain trust Kid Rock blabbering  about enough of polical correctness and we should work together bla bla and then calls Joy a Bitch?!?!

And I noticed the (too many) idiots behind him laughing and APPLAUDING!

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It was Joy's ill fortune to be looking down when MM told her she loved her . And then Meghan's offended reaction of You're looking down when I'm saying that ?

Yeah ..... probably to stop from laughing .

I feel bad . I forgot to send Abby's kid a present .

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24 minutes ago, athousandclowns said:

BS on Trumps ups and downs like any marriage thus the new display of handholding. It's part of the arrangement/ agreement so it's not so apparent that she finds him repul$ive.

I think she's just stringing him along, letting him know she's EXTREMELY HAPPY that he really listened to her and banned Jon Bolton's aide, Mira Ricardel, from the White House properties.  

We'll see her defiance soon enough...and it's SO ENJOYABLE to watch.

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2 minutes ago, geekburger said:

Today’s show was fun! Can this be the new full time panel if Whoopi decides to leave?

I'll agree, but only if both Abby and Meghan have in their contract that they need to lose their shit at the same time at least TWICE a week!

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3 hours ago, Alexis2291 said:

I’m just gonna leave this here. Meghan was insistent during the first segment that it wasn’t Pres. Obama.




I hope people on Twitter keep pointing that Obama did have something to do with it.  She was so nasty . How dare they say Obama had anything to do with it it was only St. McCain!!

Meghan is just always so miserable, my God get her off my television.   Joy's joke about her faking it in the bedroom really pissed her off. And everyone had to reassure the princess that Joy was joking , my God. 

Abby calm the f down.  Daddy daddy dady.

Meghan and  Abby definitely made a pact. They are absolutely nervous with Ana there.

Kid Rock is a scum bag.  Damn MM got pissed with a quickness, because Joy didn't look at her while she defended Joy. What an egotistical snowflake. I don't care how many times MM says she loves Joy.  I don't buy it. The funny part is , Joy really doesn't like Meghan and Meghan knows it.😂

Edited by Coffeewinewater
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5 minutes ago, Coffeewinewater said:

 Joy's joke about her faking it in the bedroom really pissed her off. And everyone had to reassure the princess that Joy was joking , my God. 

Sadly, Joy, you're going to have to give Meghan a blue card listing EVERY JOKE you plan...and where it fits into the conversation.  Spontaneity?  Quick wit?  We'll have NONE OF THAT!

5 minutes ago, Coffeewinewater said:

Abby calm the f down.  Daddy daddy dady.

Abby:  Daddy, Daddy, Daa...    Meghan: My father, my father, my father.   Abby:  Daddy, Daa...   Meghan:  MYFATHERMYFATHERMYFATHER!   Abby:  Never mind.

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12 minutes ago, Coffeewinewater said:

I hope people on Twitter keep pointing that Obama did have something to do with it.  She was so nasty . How dare they say Obama had anything to do with it it was only St. McCain!!

Meghan is just always so miserable, my God get her off my television.   Joy's joke about her faking it in the bedroom really pissed her off. And everyone had to reassure the princess that Joy was joking , my God. 

Abby calm the f down.  Daddy daddy dady.

I think you mean had nothing to do with it, right? Because he did sign it into law?

Oh, so did Abby do the "MydaddyMyfather" route today? If so, Can I say, in response, that her Dad is not as smart as she says he is?

And did anyone ON THE SHOW, CHECK Meghan to let her know, Obama signed it into law?

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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15 minutes ago, Orillia said:

It was Joy's ill fortune to be looking down when MM told her she loved her . And then Meghan's offended reaction of You're looking down when I'm saying that ?

Yeah ..... probably to stop from laughing .

I feel bad . I forgot to send Abby's kid a present .

This shows once again that Meggie is not a professional co-host.  Joy is the moderator so she is looking at her cards for prompts for the next topic, to remind herself.  And she is doing while the camera is on Meggie.  Meggie calls attention to it because Joy is not staring at her while she is making her brilliant commentary.

Abby definitely should not be telling anyone, let alone the world, that her father, the US Ambassador to Russia, is confiding in her about diplomatic efforts.  Holy shit!

After Joy made the bedroom joke about Meggie faking it, Joy quickly says: it's a joke!  Meggie's reply was: hilarious (and an eye roll).

When Abby said cable pundits are misstating the facts, she also interrupted herself to tell Meggie:  not you.  Hahaha!  Does that mean everyone else at the table is misstating the facts?

The actual topic was whether Ukraine was the real reason the meeting was cancelled.  They never discussed that, they went to whataboutism instead.  Joy as the moderator should have gotten them back on topic.

Ana shut down Abby by telling her she had a lot of time to make her point, and now Ana is going to make hers!

Silly me, I though Meggie said "rustic things", not "red state things".

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24 minutes ago, bannana said:

Meggie calls attention to it because Joy is not staring at her while she is making her brilliant commentary.

Perhaps that's her J-O-B !!!   She also chastises the audience for applauding or not applauding.  She blames her errors on the producers "in her ear."  She's a congenital screeching whiner-slash-tattletale.  (It looked better to write "slash" than to produce one.)  

Edited by HaaCHOO
misspelled this like this: screechiong
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1 hour ago, Coffeewinewater said:

I hope people on Twitter keep pointing that Obama did have something to do with it.  She was so nasty . How dare they say Obama had anything to do with it it was only St. McCain!!

Meghan is just always so miserable, my God get her off my television.   Joy's joke about her faking it in the bedroom really pissed her off. And everyone had to reassure the princess that Joy was joking , my God. 

Abby calm the f down.  Daddy daddy dady.

Meghan and  Abby definitely made a pact. They are absolutely nervous with Ana there.

Kid Rock is a scum bag.  Damn MM got pissed with a quickness, because Joy didn't look at her while she defended Joy. What an egotistical snowflake. I don't care how many times MM says she loves Joy.  I don't buy it. The funny part is , Joy really doesn't like Meghan and Meghan knows it.😂

In a weird way, she also wants Joy's approval, Megan has issues. She has convinced herself that she is supposed to hate Joy because she is a Liberal.  If Joy is able to forge a friendship with the likes of Ann Coulter that must mean Joy saw something beyond the hateful rhetoric that she espouses...Megan needs to grow up, she is truly losing it before our very eyes. It is the same thing everyday, it is not healthy to be so angry all the time. She is too young to be so bitter..

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54 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

I think you mean had nothing to do with it, right? Because he did sign it into law?

Oh, so did Abby do the "MydaddyMyfather" route today? If so, Can I say, in response, that her Dad is not as smart as she says he is?

And did anyone ON THE SHOW, CHECK Meghan to let her know, Obama signed it into law?

I was being sarcastic.  Meghan had a fit and said "Obama had nothing to do with it, and it was her father that did that,don't get that point confused !" Or words to that effect.  The absolute venom dripped from her mouth.  No one corrected her to your point that President Obama signed it into law.

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21 minutes ago, Coffeewinewater said:

I was being sarcastic.  Meghan had a fit and said "Obama had nothing to do with it, and it was her father that did that,don't get that point confused !" Or words to that effect.  The absolute venom dripped from her mouth.  No one corrected her to your point that President Obama signed it into law.

Ah, okay. I see what you mean.

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1 hour ago, Apprentice79 said:

She has convinced herself that she is supposed to hate Joy because she is a Liberal. 

Didn't she proclaim that as one of her first sentences/first day when she sat at the table?


2 hours ago, bannana said:

Abby definitely should not be telling anyone, let alone the world, that her father, the US Ambassador to Russia, is confiding in her about diplomatic efforts.  Holy shit!

If President Trump learns this breaking news was on "The View," Ambassador Huntsman might find himself raking leaves at his Utah mansion.

Edited by HaaCHOO
moved a "was" because it read better
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6 hours ago, General Days said:

However, the lack of paragraph breaks is killing me, Smalls.

My friend is an older lady, a traditional print journalist, and she now writes for an online news source. In training, they told everyone to write in much shorter paragraphs than they are used to in print media.

I contribute to a blog and I've started incorporating that in my posts and other online forums. Apparently there are proven reasons why it's more successful, not sure what they are, but it's changed how I write.

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I hope at the beginning of Monday's show that TPTB make Meghan correct her mistake and state that Obama signed the act into law, and have Abby tell us that her father will no longer be sharing state secrets with his blabbermouth daughter.

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Yeah, Miss Lisa....we love being mean and evil to RBM every single day. Join us, we will love you for it! God today it was such a scream fest between the two rich pretty gals I once again had to turn it off...it scared my precious old shih tzu once again with the screaming. And, honey he is more important to me than those vipers. Another reason to love My Joy, she is a shih tzu gal like moi! Bernie Rules.  

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