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Past Seasons Talk: The Tribe Has Spoken

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I don't think that Rudy was a homophobe. I think that Rudy was raised in an era were homosexuals were hidden and were homosexuality was seen as abnormal. He served in the SEALs, one of the most difficult groups to join and stay in where I am sure there is a certain type of masculinity that was expected, especially when he was a member. He made some statements that are not even close to politically correct and for that people call him a homophobe. In reality, Rudy never spoke down to or treated Richard poorly. He treated Richard as an equal and was more then willing to work with him. Yes he rolled his eyes at some of Richard's antics, but that is exactly what Richard wanted.


I never saw any malice out of Rudy. The language he used was laughed at when the show aired, today that would not be the case, but he was not all that off of how many people discussed gay people. If he had been a homophobe, he would not have worked with Richard and I am guessing the two would not have remained friendly after the show.

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I remember Rosie O'Donnell even thinking Rudy was funny. She realized he was way old school and wasn't being malicious about it. I think she had him on her show back then, too. I think a lot of people knew/know a Rudy.

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Yea, I feel like I can see why Jonathan was not trusted. Now, why they treated him like shit (literally) I don't get.

Because Parvati, Candice, and Nate are/were kind of assholes.


EDIT: I forgot Adam.  Which seems appropriate, frankly.

Edited by enlightenedbum
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I think Candice came to really regret that.  IIRC she went to him and apologized either at Ponderosa or right after filming was over.  They made up and have been close ever since that. I've seen some tweets back and forth.


On my re-watch of Heroes v. Villains, it's interesting that  I think if you didn't know, it would be hard to realize that Parvati and Candice played together before that season.  It's probably just editing, but they just never engage each other or bring up history between them.  It's not even that they don't like each other.  I just got the impression there wasn't much of any relationship there at all.

Edited by vb68
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Even the Redemption Island people who voted him out early didn't hate him; they seemed to genuinely view him as a threat. [Russell]


Any time somebody is introduced to the hoi-polloi by Jeff personally as 'one of the best players ever', they are by definition a threat.  Not a threat that they'll dominate the game so much as a guaranteed camera-hog.  Your chances of getting any sort of favorable edit rest on getting rid of this person ASAP.

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It was the first season of Survivor - it was expected that virtually all of the players would be naive.


Point absolutely well taken. Still really hard to watch. Borneo has not aged well.

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Yea, I feel like I can see why Jonathan was not trusted. Now, why they treated him like shit (literally) I don't get.


If I'm remembering exit interviews from around that time period, it sounded to me like Adam and Candice had an alliance with him and use to badmouth him to keep it hidden. Flicka hated him and thought he was inappropriate with Candice (of a married older guy acting flirty with a younger woman variety.) When they did that tribe swap, Flicka was badmouthing him for personal reasons, Candice for game reasons. I think it really twisted the perception of him by Becky and Sundra. Then you had his flip and general combative personality, getting into it with the younger, immature group. I think it all just built and built until he was completely hated out there by everyone except Yul. 

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Man, for me nothing Survivor related will ever compare to that first season in the summer of  2000, as much as I still enjoy it, I'm just chasing the dragon at this point. It's definitely different to watch now and see everyone in such a moral quandary over the idea of alliances, but if anything, I kind of miss that naivete. 

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On my re-watch of Heroes v. Villains, it's interesting that  I think if you didn't know, it would be hard to realize that Parvati and Candice played together before that season.  It's probably just editing, but they just never engage each other or bring up history between them.  It's not even that they don't like each other.  I just got the impression there wasn't much of any relationship there at all.

It was confirmed by both Parvati and Candice that if Candice hadn't turned down Micronesia Parvati would not have been on that season.

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Man, for me nothing Survivor related will ever compare to that first season in the summer of  2000, as much as I still enjoy it, I'm just chasing the dragon at this point. It's definitely different to watch now and see everyone in such a moral quandary over the idea of alliances, but if anything, I kind of miss that naivete. 


I miss the relative innocence of the game too, not to mention the Pier 1 Imports set decoration (remember the treasure chest full of fake money? Mmmm, cheeeese). Although alliances were the established blueprint by the Outback season, I think the game remained relatively pure for the next few seasons. I'd say Pearl Islands and All-Stars is when things started to change. In PI you had the first two really over-the-top characters in Rupert and Fairplay, and then All-Stars made all subsequent players start thinking about getting a return invitation, so those things combined contributed to people playing for the camera as much as, if not more than, they were playing the game. This is how we got Dan. This is how we got Dan, people. Then TPTB started thinking they needed a new twist every couple of seasons, which is how we ended up with bullshit like the Medallion of Power. It's funny because I remember after the first episode of Africa, I thought, "well, crap, this show is done," and that was only Season 3; when I rewatched it for the first time a couple of years ago, I was surprised at how good it was. I don't necessarily think I was wrong at the time, I think it's just that my standards for what this show are get lower every season. I mean, just the fact that I wrote a somewhat pro-Russell post upthread tells me that. I shudder to think about what future player might make me look back on Will and think he's not such a bad guy.

Edited by fishcakes
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It was confirmed by both Parvati and Candice that if Candice hadn't turned down Micronesia Parvati would not have been on that season.

Man, I do not get this show's fascination with Candice.  Is being so in lust with friggin' Adam you destroy your game intentionally really that interesting?

Edited by enlightenedbum
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The producers always look very favorable on flippers. It's a style of play that they like and usually they get a very good edit. And if you look at each individual season Candice was nearly on, it kinda makes sense:


FvF - She would have been on a tribe with Penner. 


HvV - I think the producers trying to fill the cute girl quota and were struggling. She was basically the hero's version of Danielle. I wish they went with Michelle Yi considering how badly she got boned in Fiji.


BvW - Last second replacement for RC and her father. I think the producers actually wanted her husband more than they wanted Candice. 

Edited by loki567
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Man, I do not get this show's fascinating with Candice.  Is being so in lust with friggin' Adam you destroy your game intentionally really that interesting?


I think she was appropriate for Micronesia. Cook Islands was 3 seasons before I remember when the cast was announced I was surprised she wasn't on it.

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Besides the fake chest of money, I remember the conch shell and the gong.  The shell seemed to disappear early on in the first part of the first season, but the gong stayed until the end.  Some good memories from that first season.  It still ranks as my all time favorite, because it was the original.  Watching it back, there's just something about the level of excitement that disappeared when Outback premiered.  I also miss the naivete.  Now people know that there are idols, advantages, and this past season seemed like everyone was too scared to make moves or were thinking 20 steps ahead of where they needed to be.  There's something less spontaneous.  Back in the day, it was good strategic game play that could get you far, not relying on an idol to save you or getting ousted by one.  And I agree, that seemed to be back when the big characters seemed more genuine, not like they were purposely playing for TV time or hoping to garner an invite (or 4) back.  The rise of SM probably hasn't helped that, as contestants have other ways to reach out to their fans and tell them to pester CBS that they want them back.


I was a teen when the first season premiered, and I remember thinking that the show would be off the air long before I would age qualify for it (the age requirement back then was 21).  I figured by season 4 or 5 it'd be done.  

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HvV - I think the producers trying to fill the cute girl quota and were struggling. She was basically the hero's version of Danielle. I wish they went with Michelle Yi considering how badly she got boned in Fiji.

It was classifying Candice as  a "hero" that made me roll my eyes to the back of my head.  She got the big bad edit more than most of the "villains" for stepping off that mat and her other antics in The Cook Islands.  I feel like that was a clearer case than most and by having her as a hero, it was harder for me at the time to buy into the individual designations of hero and villain.


Another thing that is funny about Candice being a three-time player is that from Probst's commentary before and during The Cook Islands, I feel like he didn't even try to hide that he couldn't stand her. I remember when she was doing her exit interview with Dalton Ross when she was voted off, Jeff zinged her hard with his taped comments.   He would usually at least try to be complimentary in those bits with other players, so it really stood out. 

Edited by vb68
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I honestly think that they need a season where the twist is that there is no twist. Play it old school. Let the audience know but don't tell the players. Watch as people's head explode. It would be the reverse of the fake merge in Thailand. No tribe swap, no idols, no advantages, no exile, no redemption island, just classic Survivor.

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A season of truly old-school Survivor with all new players would be awesome.  Start with 16 players, throw in the old-fashion gross eating challenge, no idols or other advantages, give away a Pontiac Aztec, have a merge and encourage alphabet voting strategies.

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I don't know, an old school season with returning players would be kind of fun. All the pre-made alliances and plans would probably explode. And it really would be fun watching them scramble to look for crap and make plans based on idols and advantages that simply don't exist.

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I don't think they make the Pontiac Aztec anymore, so it would have to be a used one, that would be pretty funny.


Pretty sure they don't, but if you're going to go old school you should go old school all the way.  And make sure whoever wins it doesn't win the game.

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Man, I do not get this show's fascination with Candice.  Is being so in lust with friggin' Adam you destroy your game intentionally really that interesting?

Having just rewatched HvVs and currently rewatching Cook Islands, I don't get it either. She's just so....blank. I'm sure she's an intelligent person and all, but from what we see of her on the show, she just seems inarticulate and passive. She's really not compelling TV. 


As for Adam, I can't get over how much he looks like a male version of Season 1 Colleen. The squinty eyed smile is exactly the same and they kinda have the same haircut too, lol.


On my re-watch of Heroes v. Villains, it's interesting that  I think if you didn't know, it would be hard to realize that Parvati and Candice played together before that season.  It's probably just editing, but they just never engage each other or bring up history between them.  It's not even that they don't like each other.  I just got the impression there wasn't much of any relationship there at all.


I hadn't thought about that (probably because in illustration of your point, I had completely forgotten that they had played together!) but you're right. I guess there was just no game impact that made it worth showing any interaction between them.


From the Marquesas season, aside from John, both Neleh and Sean have always been very vocal in wanting to return.  


I'm a little surprised Sean would want to go back, he didn't seem like he enjoyed it that much the first go around. 



I think I'm the only one, but I ended up really not liking Gina. The first time I watched that season, I didn't have an opinion on her one way or the other, but on rewatching it years later, I wondered why I hadn't noticed how bitter she was under what looked like a fakely sweet veneer. She was so mad at everyone on Maraamu after Hunter was voted out, and she badmouthed them constantly after the tribe shuffle.

I didn't care for Gina either (or Hunter, for that matter.) I don't know if I just preferred the stronger personalities of Rob/Sean or what, and Gina and Hunter were kinda blandly perfect, capable folks who weren't that interesting to  watch. 


I didn't necessarily think she was fake sweet (that designation belongs to Neleh from that season for me), but she couldn't handle not fitting in with the vibe of the group once Hunter left. 

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For a long time I've wanted a season of the first person booted off their season. It would practically like new players especially for people like me who don't remember them. The only one I remember is Sonja from the first season....and maybe abpostal worker who was sick the whole time? I think Survivor: Biggest Losers would be cool.

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I always wanted a returnee season that included more pre-jury boots.  It's why I was excited about the inclusions of Kimmi, Jeff, and Andrew for second chances, because they didn't really get a chance to get to that stage of the game where it gets interesting.  Some people deserved their early exit, others just got unlucky.  I actually wouldn't mind seeing So from this current season back.  Couldn't stand her at the time, but as the season progressed, I think she would have been far more interesting to watch than some of the ones we were left with.  Palau would be another fun season to bring back the pre-jury crowd, since all but one of them hailed from the same tribe (minus the 2 who weren't even picked for a tribe).

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I would also love to see an 'old school Survivor' gimmick for a season, that would be terrific.


Penner always struck me as a bit similar to Sugar....they're both actors, so they know how to play to the camera and semi-create their own narrative within the confessionals.  Amongst the actual tribemates, however, they're both widely disliked and distrusted, perhaps since they come off as phony in "real life" in camp that we're not seeing since CBS likes to craft them into popular characters.  Penner was also doubly a threat since he's clearly a smart guy and is clearly playing the game hard, so he comes off as a bigger target.


Re: the Russell discussion from a few pages ago.  The key to Russell being a terrible Survivor player isn't that he has a poor social game or even that he's a huge jerk --- as we've seen, you can win Survivor while being kind of an aggressive "jerk" type and even a backstabber, just as long as you make sure you're sitting at the end with someone even less liked, or at least less respected as a player than you.  (i.e. Brian over Clay, Tony over Woo, Jenna over Matt, Sophie over Coach and Albert, Tyson over Gervase and Monica, etc.) If Russell goes to the final tribal council with, say, Mick and Shambo, he totally wins the jury vote since nobody seemed to care for Mick at all and Shambo's old tribe all hated her.  Jaison probably also doesn't get much support in a FTC since he almost semi-quit the game several times. 


The fact that Russell didn't realize that Natalie was the ONE PERSON in his alliance that he absolutely couldn't beat is his biggest flaw.  He made the same mistake with Sandra in HvV --- if Russell goes to the end with, say, Candice and Danielle, he actually stood a decent shot of winning, though I suspect Danielle still wins in that scenario.  (In fact, coming up with alternate scenarios for Russell in HvV may be a moot point since he very probably loses no matter who he's against in the FTC.  Hell, even Amanda could've delivered another of her disastrous jury speeches and still beat him.)

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I would include the woman from Exile Island who had just lost her son right before that season.  It seemed very obvious that it was very fresh and raw for her, and I always wished they had held her for a later season. 



He made the same mistake with Sandra in HvV


It amazes me how Sandra was overlooked as a previous winner.  I think that other players dismissed her because of the challenges, but what Sandra proves is if you can hang in there and get to the finals, selling yourself with a good argument is what matters at the end.  Russell had obviously never watched her season. But she turned the tables on him so fast and easily that he really had no idea what to say.


And I had forgotten it, but when Parvati says she kept him as her "pet", it makes me burst out laughing.  You know he was burning on the inside.

Edited by vb68
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I would include the woman from Exile Island who just lost her son right before that season.  It seemed very obvious that it was very fresh and raw for her, and i always wished they had held her for a later season. 


That was Tina.  I actually liked her, for the short time she spent out there.  That first challenge they were so close to winning-and the younger mens tribe almost lost it.  I wish they had kept that gimmick of the tribes divided by age/gender another episode.  I never understood why they divided them up like that, if only through the first boot.  There were a couple of other early boots that season, Bobby and a girl named Misty, that stuck out to me.  Misty got unlucky being swapped to Terry's tribe who had the whole boys club going on (and keeping the weaker Ruth Marie around since she was an easy vote for him).  She seemed disappointed in some of her post boot interviews, and was a big fan of the game.  Bobby was a character.  I didn't like him at the time, but found him pretty funny after watching that season again.  He had a real attachment to that fully functioning outhouse and toilet paper his tribe won. 


Even though I didn't really like these particular contestants, the two people who were unofficially voted off Survivor Palau by not being picked for a tribe I always thought should get another shot, just for that very reason.  That had to have been really rough.  I'm glad they haven't repeated that stunt again.

Edited by LadyChatts
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I would include the woman from Exile Island who had just lost her son right before that season. It seemed very obvious that it was very fresh and raw for her, and I always wished they had held her for a later season.

It amazes me how Sandra was overlooked as a previous winner. I think that other players dismissed her because of the challenges, but what Sandra proves is if you can hang in there and get to the finals, selling yourself with a good argument is what matters at the end. Russell had obviously never watched her season. But she turned the tables on him so fast and easily that he really had no idea what to say.

And I had forgotten it, but when Parvati says she kept him as her "pet", it makes me burst out laughing. You know he was burning on the inside.

Not only was she overlooked according to to her post game interviews Randy and Coach approached her to vote out Paravati because she was a former winner!
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It's funny because I think being a former winner is why Sandra got taken to the finals of Heroes vs. Villains instead of Jerri. I've always suspected that if there wasn't a formal alliance of the former winners who returned for Heroes vs. Villains, then they all had the same vague awareness that at least a couple of jurors would hold their previous win against them if they're at Final Tribal Council with someone who hadn't won before. It's less about the money and more about the idea that a previous winner has had their turn as Sole Survivor, so it "should" go to someone new.


Anyway, even if not all of the returning winners were trying to keep each other around, I think Parvati definitely had it in the back of her mind, especially since it was one of the reasons she was a target. Russell didn't know he had lost Samoa while he was filming Heroes vs. Villains and if he wasn't outright saying he won his previous season, then he was definitely heavily implying it to everyone. So either Russell was also thinking along the "keep winners around" lines anyway, or Parvati pointed it out to him at some point.

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It's funny because I think being a former winner is why Sandra got taken to the finals of Heroes vs. Villains instead of Jerri. I've always suspected that if there wasn't a formal alliance of the former winners who returned for Heroes vs. Villains, then they all had the same vague awareness that at least a couple of jurors would hold their previous win against them if they're at Final Tribal Council with someone who hadn't won before. It's less about the money and more about the idea that a previous winner has had their turn as Sole Survivor, so it "should" go to someone new.

Parvati mentioned on RHAP that Russell didn't pay any attention to the jury during tribal councils and had it in his head that the jury liked Jerri and didn't like Sandra. Parvati said the opposite was happening whenever Sandra talked the Heroes would pay attention and when Jerri spoke they would roll their eyes.

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Thanks —I don't listen to RHAP, so that's news to me. Did she say how the jury was responding to her (Parvati)? I'm not convinced that Jerri would have lost against Parvati and Russell—really just Parvati, since there's no way Russell was ever going to get anyone's vote on Heroes vs. Villains, but I haven't seen that season since it aired, so I've probably forgotten a lot.

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Thanks @chocolatechip45—I don't listen to RHAP, so that's news to me. Did she say how the jury was responding to her (Parvati)? I'm not convinced that Jerri would have lost against Parvati and Russell—really just Parvati, since there's no way Russell was ever going to get anyone's vote on Heroes vs. Villains, but I haven't seen that season since it aired, so I've probably forgotten a lot.

I think Parvati knew the jury didn't like her. I know Jerri has said she would have won. It's kind of hard to take Parvati seriously on why she lost though she has given so many reasons over the years from Sandra only winning cus she was a mother, The Heroes guys would have never voted for her based on her Micronesia game play and that the jury responded positively whenever she talked. I know the Heroes all said in interviews that Parvati and Russell's favorite past time at camp was reading JT's letter and making fun of him.

Edited by choclatechip45
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I know the Heroes all said in interviews that Parvati and Russell's favorite past time at camp was reading JT's letter and making fun of him.

I still don't see why they took that so badly.  He deserved it for such an idiotic move.

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I still don't see why they took that so badly.  He deserved it for such an idiotic move.

I think because they all supported the  move.  I agree the move was idiotic, but it's probably not smart to rub a dumb move  in their faces when they can decide if you get $1 million.

Edited by choclatechip45
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Because Parvati, Candice, and Nate are/were kind of assholes.


EDIT: I forgot Adam.  Which seems appropriate, frankly.

I just rewatched Cook Island! Fun to see posts about it!

Parvati, Candice, Nate, and Adam really didn't get that this was a game - and that Jonathan played it that way. They didn't care that the moves Jonathan made which they found offensive (flipping tribes twice) were his only hope of staying in the game.

They derided him for lacking integrity but I think they were mostly pissed because his flipping diminished their chances of advancing. They were being clickish and selfish.

Related...I posted elsewhere how different this season was compared to S30. Cook Island had a TON to do with popularity and the ability to win challenges. There wasn't much strategic gameplay going on from anyone other than Yul and Jonathan (although far less successfully than Yul).

Edited by Jextella
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I know the Heroes all said in interviews that Parvati and Russell's favorite past time at camp was reading JT's letter and making fun of him.


I still don't see why they took that so badly.  He deserved it for such an idiotic move.

Once would be understandable, but he was apparently doing this on a daily basis, just to rub it in and piss them off more (further showing that Hantz could never win because he never understood jury management).


However, I'll give Parvati a pass on being a part of this.  The idol, note, and all the rest of this took place after she had seen first hand what a loose cannon Russell really was.  One day, Coach was their ally.  The next (after just a word from Sandra), he's the target.  Parv most likely knew that the daily letter reading was a horrendous idea in regards to the jury, but went along with it so that Russell wouldn't have a reason to turn on her.

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Once would be understandable, but he was apparently doing this on a daily basis, just to rub it in and piss them off more (further showing that Hantz could never win because he never understood jury management).


Yeah, I agree, at some point enough is just enough.  I can very easily see how that would get old fast.

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If you sign up for the CBS All Access, you get a week free.  They have every Survivor season uploaded.  I had to go back during the voting for S31 to remember some of these people (and promptly remembered why I hated them in the first place).  That's the only place I know of.

I'm going to sign up for this free week to catch up on some of the recent seasons I missed (watched this past season and the Philippines season, otherwise haven't watched since Heroes Vs Villains.) 


Obviously not going to have time to catch up on more than one or two, are there any particular standout seasons from Seasons 21-29 (minus Philippines) that anyone could recommend? Don't want to waste my free trial on a clunker season! 

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I would say Cagayan (S28)  is a good one.  That was a weak period of Survivor for me, but Cagayan was one of the best seasons Survivor has produced.  I also liked Blood vs Water (S27) but between the two, definitely S28.


You do have to have a form of payment when signing up for the all access, so just make sure you watch your week because they don't give you any warning when it is over.  They automatically start deducting.  My friend signed up and was able to cancel without any problems once her free trial was over.

Edited by LadyChatts
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Hulu Plus also has several seasons.  Not all, but 12 through 26 and the first of course.  And they're also doing free trials of 1 week (at least.  You might be able to find some websites offering longer free trials.)  So it's an additional option.  Same rules apply as CBS All Access though; credit card needed at sign up, but you can cancel before getting charged.


If anyone decides to do both, I'd recommend using CBS's site to watch any/every season that Hulu does not have.


There's also the official DVD sets of seasons 1,2,7,8,9 and 10.  The discs should be available via Netflix, but not streaming (CBS and Hulu have that on lockdown.)  And Amazon is also selling the VOD DVDs of many more seasons.  So there are legal ways of seeing every season.

Edited by SVNBob
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I miss the relative innocence of the game too, not to mention the Pier 1 Imports set decoration (remember the treasure chest full of fake money? Mmmm, cheeeese). Although alliances were the established blueprint by the Outback season, I think the game remained relatively pure for the next few seasons. I'd say Pearl Islands and All-Stars is when things started to change. In PI you had the first two really over-the-top characters in Rupert and Fairplay, and then All-Stars made all subsequent players start thinking about getting a return invitation, so those things combined contributed to people playing for the camera as much as, if not more than, they were playing the game. This is how we got Dan. This is how we got Dan, people. Then TPTB started thinking they needed a new twist every couple of seasons, which is how we ended up with bullshit like the Medallion of Power. It's funny because I remember after the first episode of Africa, I thought, "well, crap, this show is done," and that was only Season 3; when I rewatched it for the first time a couple of years ago, I was surprised at how good it was. I don't necessarily think I was wrong at the time, I think it's just that my standards for what this show are get lower every season. I mean, just the fact that I wrote a somewhat pro-Russell post upthread tells me that. I shudder to think about what future player might make me look back on Will and think he's not such a bad guy.

In case it makes you feel any better, just know that, when I read that part of your post, I was like: "Who is Dan?  Dan...(thinking cap)....Dan?  Do they mean Dan from Big Brother?"  I had to google Survivor Dan to figure out that you were talking about Dan from this past season.  Either he is even less memorable than he thinks, my memory is even worse than I thought, or I have a brain tumor.  I am going with the first option with a small assist from the second.

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I would say Cagayan (S28)  is a good one.  That was a weak period of Survivor for me, but Cagayan was one of the best seasons Survivor has produced.  I also liked Blood vs Water (S27) but between the two, definitely S28.


You do have to have a form of payment when signing up for the all access, so just make sure you watch your week because they don't give you any warning when it is over.  They automatically start deducting.  My friend signed up and was able to cancel without any problems once her free trial was over.

I just signed up for this and none of the videos will play (naturally, the ads work perfectly fine, but the videos themselves will not play.) Have you watched previous seasons this way and is there a trick to it? 


ETA: Never mind, waited a bit and got it to work! Watching the premiere of Beauty, Brains, Brawn. On a purely shallow note, the "beauty" tribe includes quite a few people who wouldn't even qualify as the token hot chick on other seasons. They certainly have the obnoxiousness thing down though. 

Edited by ljenkins782
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I just signed up for this and none of the videos will play (naturally, the ads work perfectly fine, but the videos themselves will not play.) Have you watched previous seasons this way and is there a trick to it? 


ETA: Never mind, waited a bit and got it to work! Watching the premiere of Beauty, Brains, Brawn. On a purely shallow note, the "beauty" tribe includes quite a few people who wouldn't even qualify as the token hot chick on other seasons. They certainly have the obnoxiousness thing down though. 


I've had issues now and again with getting the videos to play.  Just the other night I was trying to watch the PI reunion, and it kept freezing up on me.  But of course, all those Buick and Home Depot ads play without a hitch.  For the most part, though, I've never had any issues and am able to watch the videos perfectly.  I also watch old seasons of TAR and BB, and none of those ever seem to act up for me.  Hope you enjoy S28!  I remember when that theme was introduced, people said similar things about the beauty tribe (and I tend to agree).  Then there was groaning that the brawn and brain team would likely dominate and the beauty tribe everyone seemed to hate before the season got started.  But they all delivered.  I always feel like with these themes, there's people that will fit it, then the leftovers get divided among the tribes that need people.  That's how I felt with the WA collar theme, which to me was just a poor man's B/B/B gimmick anyway.

Edited by LadyChatts
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