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19 Things I Hate About You: How the Duggars Infuriate

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After flashbacks to the SAT, I scored 35,300. I grew up with a mother who is a voracious reader and loves words.** Spelling & vocab were big at our house. We were encouraged to use new & "big" words, not to be obnoxious, but in the interest of trying new ways of expression/saying things. I love to read, was an English major (parlayed that into technical writing & editing) and later became a librarian.

**my mom (both of my parents, actually) was smart enough to go to college, but as the youngest of 9, it didn't happen (for any of them). Education was so important to my folks, that my brother and I didn't take it lightly, because we saw how badly our parents wanted something they couldn't have. So it irks the crap out of me to see the Duggars and their ilk not giving a damn if their kids can string together a coherent sentence, do basic math, or even locate the country they're visiting on a map. As someone very eloquently put it somewhere on this board, that family knows nothing.

Edited by Liz Tudor
  • Love 5

It's hard to know how to answer, sometimes, when asked if you know the definition of a word...there were many words there which I was quite familiar with, and would understand perfectly well in context if I was reading. I'm sure I'd have little trouble identifying the right definition in a multiple choice test (unless someone made it viciously tricky), but out of the blue, I couldn't actually tell you what it meant or give a synonym.

  • Love 3

I didn't think it was all that helpful a test.  A lot of those words were beyond archaic, to the point where I don't think anyone who's not actively trying to be intimidating has used some of them since William F Buckley died, and I'm not that sure he wasn't (can you say ses·qui·pe·da·li·an, kids? I thought you couldn't. I'm special). 

Edited by Julia
  • Love 1

I really hated it when Jim Bob took the whole family to a restaurant for "kids eat free night".  What an ass.  You could see the owners kissing the night's profits goodbye, but who is going to say "you have too many kids for the offer" with the cameras rolling?  I bet the cheap bastard gave the wait staff those ridiculous fake money tracts instead of tips too.

  • Love 11

I really hated it when Jim Bob took the whole family to a restaurant for "kids eat free night".  What an ass.  You could see the owners kissing the night's profits goodbye, but who is going to say "you have too many kids for the offer" with the cameras rolling?  I bet the cheap bastard gave the wait staff those ridiculous fake money tracts instead of tips too.


I could have said it. And wouldn't have any problem either. If I owned a restaurant in Arkansas [anywhere actually], I'd make sure the policy was clearly stated on the menu and on a sign at the door, and at the desk. "Kids 10 & Under Eat Free on Tues - Limit 3 Kids Per Family." In other words, the register starts running again if you have more than 3 kids. If Boob became upset, tough. I'm not obligated to lose money because a millionaire cheapskate is trying to work the system. PS - very doubtful that any segment like that would ever air anyway. 1 - I'd never sign the release form. 2 - Even if I did, what could Boob do besides stand there slack-jawed? I doubt TLC wants Howdy Duggar standing there looking like that [anymore than necessary, that is]. Actually I'm sure there have been instances when they've had too many kids for Free Night - and they either don't film the situation, or it ends up on the cutting room floor.

  • Love 12

I really hated it when Jim Bob took the whole family to a restaurant for "kids eat free night". What an ass. You could see the owners kissing the night's profits goodbye, but who is going to say "you have too many kids for the offer" with the cameras rolling? I bet the cheap bastard gave the wait staff those ridiculous fake money tracts instead of tips too.

You know he has no consideration of others. He sees his children as trophies.

  • Love 4

Surely no restaurant that has a "kids eat free policy" doesn't also have fine print policy that says something like "one free children's menu item per purchase of full price main course of equal or greater value".


You'd think so, but sadly, no. There was an episode where Boob loads up the stink bus for a Pizza Night Out, and heads for a place where "kids eat free..." While placing the order at the register, he had to point out how many offspring he had that were at or under the acceptable age. I'm guessing at that time maybe two-thirds of the kids were eligible for free pizza. In the end there were at least 10 or 12 pizzas produced for them. The management, as I remember it, was very pleasant about it - on camera. And on the surface. But I'm sure once the Duggars were fed and out the door, they made some immediate changes to that policy. I'm sure many other restaurants have done the same since then as well. 

Edited by Wellfleet
  • Love 11

Surely no restaurant that has a "kids eat free policy" doesn't also have fine print policy that says something like "one free children's menu item per purchase of full price main course of equal or greater value".


You'd think so, but sadly, no. There was an episode where Boob loads up the stink bus for a Pizza Night Out, and heads for a place where "kids eat free..." While placing the order at the register, he had to point out how many offspring he had that were at or under the acceptable age. I'm guessing at that time maybe two-thirds of the kids were eligible for free pizza. In the end there were at least 10 or 12 pizzas produced for them. The management, as I remember it, was very pleasant about it - on camera. And on the surface. But I'm sure once the Duggars were fed and out the door, they made some immediate changes to that policy. I'm sure many other restaurants have done the same since then as well. 

JB, and, by extension, Michelle, remind me of people who look at restaurants and 7-11's as load 'em up "shopportunities" - pilfering napkins, Splenda, straws, ketchup, etc, with abandon because "we paid for it !"


No, you assholes, you DIDN'T. You PAID for what would have normally been a regular restaurant experience, but you chose to flout convention and common decency and behave like looters, smug-mugging at the cameras while pointing to a sign that clearly didn't have the likes of you in mind. 


The only word that comes to mind for you you and your ilk is "entitled". Or maybe just plain "dishonest". Or, maybe just "assholes" will do...


You remind me of my elderly great-aunts, quite nice to me, but, truthfully, in their dotage, also entitled, dishonest assholes, cramming a bazillion Sweet-N-Low packets from every table they could get to, while parroting the line "Well, we ARE paying customers, aren't we...?"


THIS is why we can't have nice things. 

  • Love 22

JB, and, by extension, Michelle, remind me of people who look at restaurants and 7-11's as load 'em up "shopportunities" - pilfering napkins, Splenda, straws, ketchup, etc, with abandon because "we paid for it !"


No, you assholes, you DIDN'T. You PAID for what would have normally been a regular restaurant experience, but you chose to flout convention and common decency and behave like looters, smug-mugging at the cameras while pointing to a sign that clearly didn't have the likes of you in mind. 


The only word that comes to mind for you you and your ilk is "entitled". Or maybe just plain "dishonest". Or, maybe just "assholes" will do...


You remind me of my elderly great-aunts, quite nice to me, but, truthfully, in their dotage, also entitled, dishonest assholes, cramming a bazillion Sweet-N-Low packets from every table they could get to, while parroting the line "Well, we ARE paying customers, aren't we...?"


THIS is why we can't have nice things. 


Back in the old old olden days when restaurants served coffee cream in little glass or metal or china pitchers, an elderly relative of mine lifted one of those creamers from every restaurant she ate in. She had them arrayed in a big curio cabinet in her living room. It held nothing but stolen pitchers. Quite the judgmental old bitch, too. But, by damn, she was entitled to remove what she could carry from any restaurant that billed her for a meal apparently.

  • Love 10

LOL Churchhoney at your relative putting her thefts on display. That cracks me up.  

It's like Ross Geller's Nana and the never-ending-torrent of Sweet-N-Lows cascading from the closet shelf ! 


Funny on the show Friends, but not so much in real life. Especially with LegoHead and Xanax Stare grifting - yep, I said grifting - a fellow Southern, self-employed business-owner in rural Arkansas. Way to weed out the competition, you jerk-faced jerk...


Parroting the Gothard party line for the nice cameras from TLC = Do unto others in J.O.Y. - Jesus first, Others next, and then Yourself. 


Reality = Grab EVERYTHING you can, kids, and then RUUUUUUUNNN for the Stinky Bus, herp-derp ! Steal used and save the difference !


My dear, dear late father had more self-respect, character, and kindness in his little finger than JB and Michelle have in their entire bodies. Must be just fucking PEACHY to have them as parents...

  • Love 4

Admittedly, I'm not religious, so I'm probably seeing things differently, but I've never liked the idea of J.O.Y.

If you believe Jesus is real, you know doesn't need anyone's help. He's in heaven, living his eternal reward. It should be others first, because there are real people here on earth that need help beyond prayers, and then yourself, because you have to make sure you're as physically and mentally able as you can be (by which I don't mean be a greedy, grasping cheepskate, who only thinks of their own gratification), and then Jesus. Maybe spare a thought here and there to be thankful for what you have, if you're one who believes that God or Jesus have anything to do with it.

  • Love 8

Admittedly, I'm not religious, so I'm probably seeing things differently, but I've never liked the idea of J.O.Y.

If you believe Jesus is real, you know doesn't need anyone's help. He's in heaven, living his eternal reward. It should be others first, because there are real people here on earth that need help beyond prayers, and then yourself, because you have to make sure you're as physically and mentally able as you can be (by which I don't mean be a greedy, grasping cheepskate, who only thinks of their own gratification), and then Jesus. Maybe spare a thought here and there to be thankful for what you have, if you're one who believes that God or Jesus have anything to do with it.

I hate the way it seems to make Jesus the top priority in the marriages. Divorcing Josh is apparently out of the question, because the most important person in all of this isn't the M&Ms, Anna or Josh, it's Jesus.
  • Love 9

I hate the way it seems to make Jesus the top priority in the marriages. Divorcing Josh is apparently out of the question, because the most important person in all of this isn't the M&Ms, Anna or Josh, it's Jesus.


So do I. They use to keep them or making them think they can't leave. They don't know that Jesus would actually

say the opposite. Get out fast and get a divorce.

  • Love 1

I think that the show was on its way out, and the scandal(s) only hastened the process. The real problem that they had was the the children are growing up, and they are proving to be significantly less likable as adults than when they were children and we only knew them through their scripted comments about pickles, etc. I think even the most devoted humpers would have fallen by the wayside even without Josh's scandals. 


Josh worked for an extreme right-wing political organization.


Jill appears to have chosen the lifestyle of a grifter-missionary. Even her most ardent supporters seem to be wondering why they are funding "missionairies" with their modest pensions who have the means to fly back and forth between the US and Central America every few weeks.


Jessa has been exposed as an entitled mean-girl.


Jana appears to be sad and lonely, and her role as primary care-giver to her mother's children is becoming more and more obvious.


John David is 25 and has never had a girl-friend, and appears to have the emotional maturity of a middle schooler.


James is 11 and is entering the 4th grade. Huh, wait. Even the most ardent humper has a child or grandchild, or nephew, who is around that age, and that just isn't right, is it?


That's just a few things that popped into my head right now, there are many many more.


They haven't tried to hide any of this either -- they have been working hard to increase their media presence. Even without Josh, they have been chipping away at their image with their own hammers, and I think that even the most loyal fans would have had enough sooner rather than later.

Edited by cmr2014
  • Love 10

Actually for some reason their ratings were very high, maybe the highest on a consistent basis on TLC the last few years.  That is when the ENDLESS but short courtships of Jill and Jessa aired and covered their unbearably boring weddings.  So go figure, they get the highest ratings and most attention for the most mind numbing ridiculous, devoid of interest stuff, at least in my opinion.

  • Love 4

Actually for some reason their ratings were very high, maybe the highest on a consistent basis on TLC the last few years.  That is when the ENDLESS but short courtships of Jill and Jessa aired and covered their unbearably boring weddings.  So go figure, they get the highest ratings and most attention for the most mind numbing ridiculous, devoid of interest stuff, at least in my opinion.


I have a couple of theories about that:


It was the flame-out before the show died. Josh's FRC stuff was still kind of out of scope, and Jill and Jessa only got social media accounts after they began courting. It takes some time before die-hard fans are going to be willing to admit that the Duggars are really kind of unpleasant people. Both Jill and Jessa were cut an enormous amount of slack -- even by people on these boards when they were planning their weddings. I think that most normal people have a soft spot for young brides, wish them happiness, and are willing to ignore their failings.


They have been getting a lot more media exposure in the past couple of years -- i don't recall People magazine covering them at all before the courtship/wedding episodes. New people were being drawn in to watch who hadn't had a chance to really process some of the less desireable things about the family: their arrogance, lack of education for the children. controlling behavior of the parents, etc.


I still think that the whole thing would have collapsed under its own weight in a year or two.

  • Love 7

The weddings and courtships definitely made the show far easier to promote, but Jill and Jessa were really wearing out their welcome. I don't think the producers were that in tune with the viewing audience. The Smuggars in DC bored the hell out of me, watching Anna "juggle" being a stay at home wife and mother to three kids was not compelling. At least in Tontitown there was some drama when her husband's family visited her house every other episode and trashed it.

  • Love 4

Jana appears to be sad and lonely, and her role as primary care-giver to her mother's children is becoming more and more obvious.


THIS. I was re-watching the episode where Jill asks Jana to be her maid of honor last night and I caught a mumbled exchange that I had missed the first time that the episode aired:


Jill talking to Jana: "That means you have to help me out on my wedding day-"

Michelle: "She's been doing that all your life."

Jill (laughing): "That's true. That's true."


Coming from another family, it would've been a cute exchange, but from the Duggars, it just leaves a bad taste in your mouth when you know that Jana likely raised a good many of her mother's children. 

Edited by Guest

Actually for some reason their ratings were very high, maybe the highest on a consistent basis on TLC the last few years.  That is when the ENDLESS but short courtships of Jill and Jessa aired and covered their unbearably boring weddings.  So go figure, they get the highest ratings and most attention for the most mind numbing ridiculous, devoid of interest stuff, at least in my opinion.


Well, when you look at all the wedding-related, romance-related reality-tv stuff out there, I'm guessing that those subjects, rather than the particular people involved in them, just draw in a bunch of viewers. You'd think that The Bachelor and the Duggar courtships and Say Yes to the Dress and Bridezillas would have pretty much nothing in common as entertainment -- but I guess just the fact that they're about preparation for the most important day of a woman's life is enough to guarantee decent ratings. I don't get it, but it seems clear that a lot of people do. And I guess it's not surprising that the networks look to subjects that have guaranteed ratings when they do the planning.

Edited by Churchhoney

And, too, just think how many moderately-talented sort-of-attractive young women the Disney channel has propelled into careers because tweens and their grandmothers thought they were darling. Hell, think about the Olsens. People who aren't allowed to watch the handholding episodes of Andy Griffith most likely don't have access to any of that, but they do have Jill and Jessa, who they think are just like them but in Uggs and with Paris honeymoons and adoring husbands. 

  • Love 2

And, too, just think how many moderately-talented sort-of-attractive young women the Disney channel has propelled into careers because tweens and their grandmothers thought they were darling. Hell, think about the Olsens. People who aren't allowed to watch the handholding episodes of Andy Griffith most likely don't have access to any of that, but they do have Jill and Jessa, who they think are just like them but in Uggs and with Paris honeymoons and adoring husbands.

All of the people who can't watch anything post 1955 Hayes Code aren't watching any TV, let alone subscribing to cable. The Duggars were for mainstream consumption.
  • Love 1

Well, when you look at all the wedding-related, romance-related reality-tv stuff out there, I'm guessing that those subjects, rather than the particular people involved in them, just draw in a bunch of viewers. You'd think that The Bachelor and the Duggar courtships and Say Yes to the Dress and Bridezillas would have pretty much nothing in common as entertainment -- but I guess just the fact that they're about preparation for the most important day of a woman's life is enough to guarantee decent ratings. I don't get it, but it seems clear that a lot of people do. And I guess it's not surprising that the networks look to subjects that have guaranteed ratings when they do the planning.


Yes, 1000x this.  


In fact, it's a funny truism in the offices in Hollywood, apparently, and you'll never notice it so much as now you've been told - I laugh at listings of new releases of straight-to-DVD films still on the regular - if you want to sell a million copies of some random schlock that isn't worth a $100, just affix the word "Wedding" or "Bride" anywhere in its title.  To the point where I've often joked to an aspiring screenwriter friend that if he wanted to coin his own mint, he should figure out a logical way to call his next script "The Wedding Bride".  Heck, look at "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" for inspiration.


I mean, I really hate to think that women on the regular are that knee-jerkedly simple-minded, but I've seen my Bachelor/ette-obsessed sister trawl the Netflix app.  As long as it falls under the heading "romcom", it can have the world's worst production values, and a plot so hackneyed and stupid it looks like it would literally kill brain cells, if it involves smoochy-smoochy, she'll shove it on in there.  I've clutched my head and begged her not to watch some of the moronicity.  It has changed her opinion not.

Edited by queenanne
  • Love 6

I have a couple of theories about that:


It was the flame-out before the show died. Josh's FRC stuff was still kind of out of scope, and Jill and Jessa only got social media accounts after they began courting. It takes some time before die-hard fans are going to be willing to admit that the Duggars are really kind of unpleasant people. Both Jill and Jessa were cut an enormous amount of slack -- even by people on these boards when they were planning their weddings. I think that most normal people have a soft spot for young brides, wish them happiness, and are willing to ignore their failings.


They have been getting a lot more media exposure in the past couple of years -- i don't recall People magazine covering them at all before the courtship/wedding episodes. New people were being drawn in to watch who hadn't had a chance to really process some of the less desireable things about the family: their arrogance, lack of education for the children. controlling behavior of the parents, etc.


I still think that the whole thing would have collapsed under its own weight in a year or two.


Completely agree. "The flame-out before the show died..." - 100% accurate and spot-on. There is no way 19 Kids could have sustained the same interest level with 7 more weddings - of the girls. Even less interest for the boys weddings too. I think they could have kept going for several more years, but it would have required changes to which Boob would never agree.

  • Love 4

I liked seeing the family go out on those (non religious) field trips, like the Nasa space camp.

Completely agree. "The flame-out before the show died..." - 100% accurate and spot-on. There is no way 19 Kids could have sustained the same interest level with 7 more weddings - of the girls. Even less interest for the boys weddings too. I think they could have kept going for several more years, but it would have required changes to which Boob would never agree.

It honestly stopped being about 19 kids, and switched to 2 brides.
  • Love 2

Well, when you look at all the wedding-related, romance-related reality-tv stuff out there, I'm guessing that those subjects, rather than the particular people involved in them, just draw in a bunch of viewers. You'd think that The Bachelor and the Duggar courtships and Say Yes to the Dress and Bridezillas would have pretty much nothing in common as entertainment -- but I guess just the fact that they're about preparation for the most important day of a woman's life is enough to guarantee decent ratings. I don't get it, but it seems clear that a lot of people do. And I guess it's not surprising that the networks look to subjects that have guaranteed ratings when they do the planning.

The most important day of a woman's life?

I hope this is snark.

  • Love 6

Yup getting married and having my kids were the most significant days of my life, and I have accomplished many things. I will add that my wedding wasn't all that important to me though. However most of the brides-to-be that I have known is the past decade have prepared for their weddings with a lot of craziness and zeal.

  • Love 4

I consider myself a much better cook than the Duggar women. I'm sure most of you do as well. Unlike the Duggars, we actually use fruit & veggies in our meals. I hate how MEchelle pops in my mind when I make scrambled eggs. Or when I measure out something I occasionally think of how Jill couldn't figure out the rice servings when she ( & mostly Jana) were cooking Derick his Nepali meal. Then there was Jessa burning the rolls & making the strawberry shortcake frozen mess for the Mother's Day Lunch. How many of us can't look at a pizza without thinking about Josie licking all her toppings? I don't think there's enough brain bleach out there to wipe the Duggar cooks out of our minds.

  • Love 8

I consider myself a much better cook than the Duggar women. I'm sure most of you do as well. Unlike the Duggars, we actually use fruit & veggies in our meals. I hate how MEchelle pops in my mind when I make scrambled eggs. Or when I measure out something I occasionally think of how Jill couldn't figure out the rice servings when she ( & mostly Jana) were cooking Derick his Nepali meal. Then there was Jessa burning the rolls & making the strawberry shortcake frozen mess for the Mother's Day Lunch. How many of us can't look at a pizza without thinking about Josie licking all her toppings? I don't think there's enough brain bleach out there to wipe the Duggar cooks out of our minds.


True - especially because I used all the brain bleach in a vain attempt to get the mini-golf humping out of my mind.

  • Love 8

True - especially because I used all the brain bleach in a vain attempt to get the mini-golf humping out of my mind.

I drained whatever was left in the brain bleach bottle, thanks to "hey, hey, hey," which now gives me a severe case of the invountary dry heaves. No more "Fat Albert" or "Blurred Lines" for me.

  • Love 6

Wondering why, after nearly a week now, Michelle hasn't taken advantage of this little nugget of information - seems like it's right up their alley ! Even if Michelle didn't pull the exact same con I can still see her using the birthdays of each and every one of her children, grandchildren, in-laws, etc, to get her daily Starbucks fix so she can zone out with her FrappeMochaCcino on the treadmill while wearing a long denim skirt and wool tights...





  • Love 3

Wondering why, after nearly a week now, Michelle hasn't taken advantage of this little nugget of information - seems like it's right up their alley ! Even if Michelle didn't pull the exact same con I can still see her using the birthdays of each and every one of her children, grandchildren, in-laws, etc, to get her daily Starbucks fix so she can zone out with her FrappeMochaCcino on the treadmill while wearing a long denim skirt and wool tights...





But, how much is a Starbucks gift card? How is this cost effective? Hardly seems worth the effort. Or I'm missing something, probably the most likely explanation.

  • Love 2

But, how much is a Starbucks gift card? How is this cost effective? Hardly seems worth the effort. Or I'm missing something, probably the most likely explanation.

Basically, if you have the Starbucks rewards card (free) you can score a free drink on your birthday. Some douche nozzle figured out how to hack that to get a free "birthday drink" every day. So it's a lot of effort but could save you around $1,500 a year in free coffee.

Until Starbucks figures out how to stop this hack at least.

  • Love 2

Ahhh. Rewards cards. Now that makes more, monetary, sense.

The article:

In a confessional post on Kitchenette, Halsey recounts how this evil genius allegedly purchased 365 Starbucks gift cards and "registered every one of them online with a different birthday so that he gets a ‘free birthday drink' EVERY DAY OF THE YEAR."

I guess the barista doesn't quite get how the plan works. Or he is trying to forestall other "evil geniuses".

And I hesitate to use the word genius 'cuz this looks right up Duggar-alley. Put those Js to work! They can write. Kind of.

  • Love 3

Ahhh. Rewards cards. Now that makes more, monetary, sense.

The article:In a confessional post on Kitchenette, Halsey recounts how this evil genius allegedly purchased 365 Starbucks gift cards and "registered every one of them online with a different birthday so that he gets a ‘free birthday drink' EVERY DAY OF THE YEAR."

I guess the barista doesn't quite get how the plan works. Or he is trying to forestall other "evil geniuses".

And I hesitate to use the word genius 'cuz this looks right up Duggar-alley. Put those Js to work! They can write. Kind of.

The gift cards are a way to activate the rewards cards. Basically he did it so it couldn't be flagged as his name/info/cc being linked to multiple accounts.

Like I said, it was a ton of work.

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