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19 Things I Hate About You: How the Duggars Infuriate

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I believe we might be in pointless speculation territory about the thing that JimBob didn't send back because he couldn't figure it out, is inherently dishonest, realized it was flawed, stood on his head while reading the instructions, inhaled too much hairspray, etc.


Please find another dead horse to beat.



  • Love 5

I wouldn't even try flushing that stuff.  I'm very careful because I'd had, and come to hate, plumbing problems.  And if you threw the circulars in a trash can in the bathroom, the next sucker to use the john might innocently pick it up to read it.  OH NO.  

Come to think of it, with that many people and babies in diapers, their houses must have stunk to high heaven.  At least the TTH is BIG and has more toilets I hope, but still the upstairs at least must really stink.  I hadn't thought of that before.  If I was Megn I'd have come in an RV so I wouldn't have to use their toilet under any circumstances.  Oh puke!

  • Love 1

I'm almost ashamed to admit this, but I've incorporated the "Nike" strategy in my weight loss challenge. Hear me out first!

On my walk into work, I have to pass several fast food joints to get to my office. Instead of looking at people chomp on doughnuts and pastries. I look down at my shoes and whisper "Loafers!" I've lost 3 pounds so far. So...thanks Duggars?

  • Love 20

The phrase they constantly use - 'we are so blessed' it comes across as saying - 'another stamp of approval from God'.  God thinks we're wonderful so we keep getting more blessings.  Every kid for them is like another stamp of approval from God for them.  Other people use that phrase and it just doesn't come across the same way but JB & Michelle seem to really feel that they are blessed because they are so incredibly wonderful. We are blessed, we are blessed, we are blessed, another blessing.....for our greatness. 

  • Love 11

They do have a real problem with humility. I think though, that this is because at heart, they are deeply insecure, not that they are strong people. Of course, I've always thought this, and knowing that they've had this secret that they carried around with them only makes their verbal arrogance and robotic tics more understandable to me. They have to keep repeating how blessed they are, but it sounds weird because at some level, they really don't believe they are worthy of it. Not saying they are even conscious of it, just that at some level, they feel that.

  • Love 7

True and now that they can't make their own personal blessings from God they'll be counting every grand-duggar as their own personal blessings somehow.  Need those stamps of approval from higher ups.


Its amazing that they can't follow God's will even though they tell every once else to

and claim too.They can't look at it and feel Blessed to have nineteen kids and are

healthy. No they can't focuson the kids they have. Then again normal people

(assuming you were crazy enough to have that many kids) would focus on that and

how they still have kids to raise for awhile and will probably have the kids in their home

for the next ten to twenty years.  Nope But of course they can't do that.

Edited by andromeda331
  • Love 2

Back to the toilet paper for a minute in their pre-TLC days they probably went to a kid's eat free night restaurant and used the restrooms helping themselves to every roll of toilet paper they could find to bring home with them.  They figured it wasn't stealing since it was there for the purpose of the customers to use, just guessing, don't know if they actually did that or not but I can picture it, after all - the world owes them for having all of those kids.

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I don't know why kid free nights even exist.  I think Jon and Kate did that and the Duggers do it and it just strikes me as so incredibly greedy.  You can't stay in business that way, and you, as a business owner, must feel like such a fool when these mega families descend upon you.  The restaurants even seem to use plates, so there is clean up of all of those little slobs too.  Don't mean disrespect to the kids, they don't know better than to be slobs with an actual plate and glass.

  • Love 6

Jim Bob's running out of young children. Only Josie, Jordyn, Jennifer, and maybe Johanna qualify. Johanna's rapidly approaching the cutoff age at a lot of places - which seems to vary anywhere from 8-10-12.


I think the eating out will markedly slow down now that the show's over. Too expensive. Michelle and Jim Bob will still go out on date night, of course (gag), but whole-family meals? Maybe once or twice a year.

  • Love 2

Josie could pass for younger than her age, but I'm sure all the restaurants in town are familiar with her 'miracle premie' story.

The company showed themselves to be a good company. They got tons of free publicity. I really can't see how they were taken advantage off here.

The company has the TTH floor plans on their website. I think that shows they're on good terms.
  • Love 1

Jim Bob's running out of young children. Only Josie, Jordyn, Jennifer, and maybe Johanna qualify. Johanna's rapidly approaching the cutoff age at a lot of places - which seems to vary anywhere from 8-10-12.


I think the eating out will markedly slow down now that the show's over. Too expensive. Michelle and Jim Bob will still go out on date night, of course (gag), but whole-family meals? Maybe once or twice a year.

Yes 'date night', they're the kids, the kids are the parents.

  • Love 3

The phrase they constantly use - 'we are so blessed' it comes across as saying - 'another stamp of approval from God'. God thinks we're wonderful so we keep getting more blessings. Every kid for them is like another stamp of approval from God for them. Other people use that phrase and it just doesn't come across the same way but JB & Michelle seem to really feel that they are blessed because they are so incredibly wonderful. We are blessed, we are blessed, we are blessed, another blessing.....for our greatness.

I have a theory. The only child JB and Michelle had because they *wanted* a child was Josh. He's the only one Michelle seems to have anything close to typical maternal feelings for. Every pregnancy since the "birth control induced" miscarriage is an attempt to gain God's forgiveness for their "sin". So, in a very real way it is about the numbers and not so much about the people they're bringing into the world. Each pregnancy is an atonement. And underlying it all is guilt and insecurity.

  • Love 13

I have a theory. The only child JB and Michelle had because they *wanted* a child was Josh. He's the only one Michelle seems to have anything close to typical maternal feelings for. Every pregnancy since the "birth control induced" miscarriage is an attempt to gain God's forgiveness for their "sin". So, in a very real way it is about the numbers and not so much about the people they're bringing into the world. Each pregnancy is an atonement. And underlying it all is guilt and insecurity.

There's some truth to this. Because I think they would have wanted two, maybe even three more children in a natural way over time if they (especially Michelle) could have chosen those times. There's a difference between not having a "heart for children" and raising your own smaller family (especially as I think Michelle enjoys her older children as much as JB enjoys the younger ones, and plenty of excellent and functioning families work well with that split) and just being overwhelmed.

  • Love 1

I have a theory. The only child JB and Michelle had because they *wanted* a child was Josh. He's the only one Michelle seems to have anything close to typical maternal feelings for. Every pregnancy since the "birth control induced" miscarriage is an attempt to gain God's forgiveness for their "sin". So, in a very real way it is about the numbers and not so much about the people they're bringing into the world. Each pregnancy is an atonement. And underlying it all is guilt and insecurity.

That's good psychoanalyzing I think.  Now since Jubilee I guess they have to rely on the grandchildren to wash away their 'sin'. 

As someone who has a husband in global trade, I will throw out there the possibility that shipping the component pieces were more expensive than the pieces themselves. (Especially back then, before the trade routes and distribution hubs were as streamlined as they are now.). And the kits might have been put together at such a time or place (say, in China) that it was impossible to ship only the one part and not the whole kit without setting off a Custom's nightmare.

I have no idea what the truth is, but I know a lot about international shipping.... :/



The company told them to keep it. What were they supposed to do? Trash it? Then people would have complained that they'd wasted resources that could've been used with a little modification. Donate it? Then people would've said they'd done so only for the publicity. Send it back at their own expense when the company who made it didn't even want it? In most scenarios, and certainly in this one, the Duggar family can't win for losing. It's not as if they used the faulty kit without the company knowing. Everyone knows they went on to use it after modifying and correcting it. I'm sorry, but that doesn't equal dishonest no matter how you slice it. 

I don't think I explained myself well enough. My point wasn't that they should have tried to ship the "damaged" pieces back, but rather that they shouldn't have asked for the free ones at all considering they used the "damaged" ones with apparently no trouble. But oh well, moving on. There are far worse things to complain about!

  • Love 8

The company sent them a free replacement and told them to not to bother to send the other one back. How does that make the Duggars con artists?


IMO, they're absolutely con artists because they went on to use the supposedly-defective first kit in their home. If the original kit was indeed faulty or unusable, how is this possible? And it was good enough to use, as it apparently was, they weren't entitled to a free replacement kit in the first place. The problem is that the Duggars always want to have their cake, and eat it too. And then they want more free cake - because they're so wonderful.

  • Love 8

So, very, very bizarre coincidence today considering the topic at hand the "free" third of the TTC - but I've received three packages from Amazon to my exact address, but to a totally different person in the last two days. Apparently he lived in my home before I moved in nearly two years ago. I contacted Amazon, and they told me to "just keep it" and they'd re-ship another order to the intended recipient. That didn't sit well with me - the packing slip has over $150 dollars of merchandise, and it didn't seem fair, right, or proper to just keep the merchandise other people had ordered, even if it was some AWESOME, very expensive gourmet sauces and condiments from a chi-chi, posh little company from the hipster haven of Williamsburg, Brooklyn, NYC. 


I found the guy who ordered the products online very quickly, spoke to him, a lovely older gentleman, and arranged to deliver the packages to him tomorrow - turns out he still attends the church he'd gone to for decades when he'd lived here, right down the street from me. He then contacted Amazon to let them know he'd be getting his order after all, and corrected his address, so no need for a duplicate order. All was well. 


I know - long story to make a point, but I think my feelings are clear here - I did the right thing, and that's not a humble-brag, it's just the way I am and the way things should be. I didn't want the man to lose his purchases, and I didn't think that letting Amazon "take the hit", even if they are a multi-bazillion dollar company, was the right thing to do. It was minimal effort and a bit of goodwill to right a wrong. 


I think JB absolutely did the wrong thing, and smiled his cheesy, Lego Head chompers through the whole thing. If the kit they ordered was manufactured so incorrectly, then how/why did they end up using it ? They got the Triple TTC, rather than the double - that's just dishonest to me, plain and simple. It reminds me of a long-ago co-worker who would buy dresses from Saks Fifth Avenue in the 4-5 hundred dollar range but keep the tags on, wear it a time to two, and then return it for a full refund, deodorant stains and all. It was an indication of her poor character and entitlement, and was the cherry on top of the WTF sundae that ended our friendship.


"Buy used and save the difference" ???


More like "Steal or finagle new, and smile through your dishonesty..."




I wish I had the strength to sit through even part of those financial seminars that Boob took back in the day. I bet I'd learn a lot of "creative methods" for obtaining free or radically-discounted goods and services. I don't imagine that many would qualify for the "How would Jesus do it" list, however.

  • Love 4

I wish I had the strength to sit through even part of those financial seminars that Boob took back in the day. I bet I'd learn a lot of "creative methods" for obtaining free or radically-discounted goods and services. I don't imagine that many would qualify for the "How would Jesus do it" list, however.

Slumlord 101. Or for JimBob, Remedial Slumlording. Edited by Kokapetl
  • Love 2

IMO, they're absolutely con artists because they went on to use the supposedly-defective first kit in their home. If the original kit was indeed faulty or unusable, how is this possible? And it was good enough to use, as it apparently was, they weren't entitled to a free replacement kit in the first place. The problem is that the Duggars always want to have their cake, and eat it too. And then they want more free cake - because they're so wonderful.


They used it after they corrected it at their own time and expense. Not a thing wrong with that. And since the company features their house on its website, obviously they don't feel cheated, either.

New theme song for 19 kids and counting, now 19 kids and ending, the old Dire Straights song - money for nothing and your chicks for free, that ain't working that's the way you do it money for nothing and your chicks for free, I want my MTV.

in the Duggar's case it might be Money for Nothing and Chick-fil-A for free.. 

  • Love 4

Proof, in my opinion, that they're not "devout," as they're often characterized. They're not adult, they're not "believers," they're not a "good Christian family" following the tenets of a faith that they share with others. All JB and M are (and, by some appearance, a lot of the older kids as well) is big selfish babies who invented a "God" in their own image -- somebody in heaven whose sole concern is providing things that these selfish infants want, hating people that these selfish infants find yucky, looking down on people that these selfish infants want to see as lesser and in need of their "charity" because it makes them feel good, "requiring" things that make these selfish infants feel powerful and good about themselves. Etc.

You just articulated exactly how I feel about all organized religion. :) Neat! And yeah, I was under the distinct impression that everything that happens is God's plan, including reality show cancellations in the wake of sex scandals. 

  • Love 10

Proof, in my opinion, that they're not "devout," as they're often characterized. They're not adult, they're not "believers," they're not a "good Christian family" following the tenets of a faith that they share with others. All JB and M are (and, by some appearance, a lot of the older kids as well) is big selfish babies who invented a "God" in their own image -- somebody in heaven whose sole concern is providing things that these selfish infants want, hating people that these selfish infants find yucky, looking down on people that these selfish infants want to see as lesser and in need of their "charity" because it makes them feel good, "requiring" things that make these selfish infants feel powerful and good about themselves. Etc.

Well said!

  • Love 5

Proof, in my opinion, that they're not "devout," as they're often characterized. They're not adult, they're not "believers," they're not a "good Christian family" following the tenets of a faith that they share with others. All JB and M are (and, by some appearance, a lot of the older kids as well)

I honestly think all of the kids have this view. And they'll have it until shit hits the fan and kicks them around a bit. They where raised to believe they where the chosen ones on earth, and its probably part of the reason why they're still devote and not questioning their lives.

Once the Duggar money runs dry though, all bets are off. I'm still counting on Josh to be the first one to split, after all... a pretty decent part of the reason his life has went to shit is how his religion, and his parents handled the situation.

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