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19 Things I Hate About You: How the Duggars Infuriate

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Yeah but I bet you don't go on anti-Catholic rants without really knowing anything about Catholicism  the way Ben does.  He probably doesn't even know much about the history of Christianity, let alone the practice of other religions.



          Oh, I totally disagree! When you disagree with something, a subject you know about, you DEBATE the subject, or, at least, have an intelligent conversation! Those who are totally IGNORANT, which can even apply to College Professors, (which many saw at the last Presidential Election-There were a few C.P.s that failed, threw students out that held conservative views, different from the teacher, so 'wrong'!).  The difference from a 'debate' and a 'rant'? You can normally tell right away-Those who rant get louder and louder, do not let opposing views in, or tell them they are outright WRONG!.


Rants often apply to religion, the color of a person, their countries, or, politics. Like I said, the last Presidential Election! It applied to both sides-Radio, T.V. ads with LIES against both candidates. People, supposedly intelligent people, spewing lies against the 'other party', and if you said you were from that party-well, you were 'stupid', 'wrong', and for one party- a 'Racist'..


Ben supposedly was going to Community College when he started seeing Jessa, but, of course, that had to stop when he moved into the 'Duggar Compound'. I do not put that much into 'going to Community College'. Don't get me wrong, show me you graduated with an associates degree, and I will congratulate you! But, if C.C. in ARK. is like C.C. in N.Y., they have to take ANY, and EVERYONE in the State! Of course, you need to have a G.E.D or High School diploma, or earn on there.. and in the case of N.Y., they TEST you before you are able to take College Courses. Test you, even if you just graduated from H.S. See if you are able to write a Composition, able to do basic Math, Read! If you are not up to snuff-then you need to take some remedial courses first, then you are able to enroll in the classes. We have no idea how far Ben was in C.C.-Yes, he is 19? now, but when did his mother graduate him from  'H.S.'? When did he start C.C.? Does Ark require testing for basics? For all we know, since originally, JimBlob put out that Ben had his own 'Windshield Wiper Repair' Business..  and working at a country club, he might have been P.T at C.C. or still doing remedial courses. Doesn't matter does it? He now works for Jim Bob.. and his Real Estate ventures..


If you have the time.. Go to the State of Arkansas-and look up the individual counties near where the Duggars live-Forgot their town, but near Fayettville.. You can find each property Jim Bob owns and it isn't much. His mom owns a lot more. So, his real estate 'Kingdom' is not that big. Figure when the show goes bye bye.. The properties will be sold, and jobs will be needed by ALL..

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          Oh, I totally disagree! When you disagree with something, a subject you know about, you DEBATE the subject, or, at least, have an intelligent conversation! Those who are totally IGNORANT, which can even apply to College Professors, (which many saw at the last Presidential Election-There were a few C.P.s that  The difference from a 'debate' and a 'rant'? You can normally tell right away-Those who rant get louder and louder, do not let opposing views in, or tell them they are outright WRONG!.



But that's exactly what he did.  Quoting from his deleted post:


"I will in no way support, but will call them out because I love them and desire that they be turned from their deadly errors..."

Edited by Gianthambeast
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I really hate it when people say "You are wrong because I said so".  Unless I missed the memo, you are not the oracle of all knowledge and your word is not law. 

It would be far more mature to say "This is my opinion and if you hold a different one, let's just agree to disagree".  


The Duggars could also learn some tact lessons.  I'm a sinful agnostic but Christians are far more likely to turn me if they make an effort to be friendly, focus on love/grace/mercy and are open to debate.  Just repeating "YOU ARE WRONG AND I AM RIGHT" or "GOD WILL JUDGE SINNERS" is not going to convince me and will probably just put me off. 

  • Love 9

I'm still irritated that they are on TV and do magazine interviews and they aren't allowed to watch or read anything that isn't Gothard approved. The kids are missing out on a lot of great pop culture and it makes me sad for them. I just want to rescue them from constant religious indoctrination and let them see the wonders of the world. I think Jill, JD and Josh are lost causes but the rest can be saved.

I mean JoyAnna, Jessa, Jinger and Jana would love Pretty Little Liars and a whole host of shows on ABC Family, MTV and the CW.

If Jana saw "teen mom" on as TV guide she'd probably think it was a story about a life similar to her own.

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Yeah, I think about the pop culture aspect, too.  When I think of all the great music of the last century that they'll never know, the Oscar winning acting performances, the classic TV shows.  Well, speaking of TV, if they're allowed The Andy Griffith Show, maybe the married ones will sneak a peak at I Love Lucy or The Honeymooners.  Most likely, though, they'll discover the countrified shows of the 60s, i.e. The Beverly Hillbillies, Petticoat Junction, and Green Acres.  I love those shows, too, but I'd like the Duggars to be able to experience the excellence of The Dick Van Dyke Show, The Mary Tyler Moore Show, The Carol Burnett Show, Taxi, All in the Family, Cheers, Frasier, Seinfeld, Everybody Loves Raymond, etc.  Such a vast treasure trove of pleasurable viewing awaits them, if they only knew. 

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I agree with you. Everybody Loves Raymond may not make their Approval list. One of my favorite episodes is when Frank unknowingly gives the neighborhood kids condoms for Halloween, thinking they are candy.

Oh yeah, Raymond is much too blue! I like the one where Marie creates a sculpture that everyone finds a bit . . . Sapphic.

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Barb23: Once again, I'm with you! That episode was a classic....being a New York Italian myself, Marie was much like my own mother was..only she was off the boat herself..she brought with her the "old country" thinking, which was quite controlling by 1970s American standards and made it difficult for my sister and myself to actually "live"...so I can relate to the stiefling Duggars and their children....it's not a way to guide your children in to appropriately thinking adults...they are tall children..

But, yes, I'm quite sure 'Raymond" would NEVER ben approved by this family...such a shame as it is true to life, just not their life.

Also, all of the above mentioned TV shows, even the early sanitized TV sitcom classics ALL show young people and adults actually dating and spending time alone together before marriage, whether it be in a malt shop or a vehicle, etc....so what they don't allow...they are very much out of reality.

Oh yeah, Raymond is much too blue! I like the one where Marie creates a sculpture that everyone finds a bit . . . Sapphic.

Gotta chime in here. My fave was the one where Raymond was trying to take pictures of Robert in the basement with the fan going. I about died laughing at that one. Sculpture one comes close too tho!
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I LOVE Anne of Green Gables. Went to PEI for my honeymoon!

Would the Duggars watch/read Anne of Green Gables? I was adopted, named for her, became a teacher like her (on purpose) and went to PEI not long after our honeymoon (or first long trip). I can't imagine a Christian of any variety not encouraging their children to read the series. 

As we are a season behind in Australia, we are only just seeing the countdown to Jillick's wedding. On a pre-wedding double date with JB &M, M goes through a workbook with Jillick on marriage. One of the questions is about financial stuff. JB starts asking his own questions about debt, what would Derek do, would he use a credit card, why he didn't have college debt, all sorts of stuff. He passed JB's test without really answering the question.

This really annoyed me because in earlier episodes they clearly showed buyers at the family car yard filling out loan forms. So while the Duggars may not go into debt themselves, they have no problem making money out of others going into debt with both the profit on the sale of the car and the commission made on the loan. The inconsistencies drive me mad.

  • Love 16

Isn't it about time for us to see MEchelle, Jana and Josie make the trek to Arkansas Children's Hospital AGAIN? I'm sure there's a new batch of parents waiting for MEchelle's encouragement and maybe some of us have forgotten & need to see the isolette where Miracle was? (Sorry I don't mean to make light of babies in NICUs or that Josie is a miracle.) What we would like to see is MEchelle telling the parents what type of intervention Josie has needed growing up, how it has helped her, etc. but we will NEVER see that because in the Duggar's minds, Josie is perfect & growing normally.

Totally off topic...I'm watching a cooking show where rice is the topic. They said Arkansas is the state that produces the most rice. Have we ever seen the Duggars use rice in cooking or eating something made with rice? Anna seems to use it alot, think it was shown her using a rice steamer & making rice baby cereal. You think they would -it's basically cheap & there are different varieties they can use. Were rice steamers/cookers on the bridal registries?

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Thinking about President Obama's stirring speech today at the Edmund Pettus Bridge to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Selma March and the fact that the Duggar's abhor everything that POTUS said today makes me feel sad for the kids all over again. It's so deplorable that they will never know the true history of the United States since they live in such a fundie bubble.

  • Love 6

As we are a season behind in Australia, we are only just seeing the countdown to Jillick's wedding. 

Australia represent! I'm in the same boat and its super frustrating!  The other thing that bugged me about the auction was that they bought used mattresses. Maybe it is just me but I would much rather shell out the money for a new mattress and they certainly have the money.  

And also, the stupid little notes like "In their lifetimes the Duggars will eat enough frozen yogurt to fill a swimming pool".  NO ONE CARES HOW MUCH FROZEN YOGURT THEY EAT.  

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Australia represent! I'm in the same boat and its super frustrating!  The other thing that bugged me about the auction was that they bought used mattresses. Maybe it is just me but I would much rather shell out the money for a new mattress and they certainly have the money.  

Buying used mattresses turns my stomach. When they bought a bunk bed for the younger boys in a thrift shop it came with a single mattress and a double futon. Both looked like they should have been burned. And then the boys were jumping and rolling all over them with no mattress protector or sheets.

And the lounge suites and chairs they bought would need a good deep steam clean before I would even think of sitting on them. I felt like I needed a shower after watching that episode.

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Oh yeah, Raymond is much too blue! I like the one where Marie creates a sculpture that everyone finds a bit . . . Sapphic.

Ha! That was the first thing that came to mind! lol! Of course, that's the one part of the anatomy which seems to have a certain...immunity...as long as it's spitting blessings out into the world.

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I know a guy who opened a group home for kids, bought used mattresses and got bedbugs as well as these hard to place teens.  He had to get new mattresses within a couple months.  But then those new mattresses are used to the next kids who come rotating through.  And I watched some of those shows where they go into hotels and inspect them.  Every time you go to a hotel you are on a well used mattress.  They can be awful, and the fanciness of the hotel doesn't indicate anything.  


There are many things I'm better off not knowing.  I won't be watching those shows much anymore.  I don't watch a lot of cooking shows or read about food.  It sickens me.  I'm also old enough to know that dire reports about the dangers of this or that food today are disproved the next day.  Actually, my career was in research and I can explain the unreliability of the crap that is done every single day.  Medical journals are no better than others.  Just live your life and enjoy it.


That said, of course I wouldn't buy a used mattress.  I picture them coming from an alley, although that isn't the case.  Don't eat out of garbage cans either.

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I wish I had time to read all 38 pages, but here are just a few of my hundreds of complaints:


They are dishonest and NEVER answer any remotely interesting questions on their Q and A shows. It's a well known fact, based on an old interview they gave to a newspaper when Boob was running for office, before they got famous, that they spank, but you can believe they'll never admit to that now.


They allow the kids to walk and run around in a MOVING VEHICLE on the highway. That is incredibly negligent and dangerous. Do they have any idea how bad it would be if an accident were to occur?


This is really a complaint about Gothard, and one that's been made many times, I know, but it never ceases to irk me that his/their "modesty" standards are arbitrary. I still remember when they paraded into the fire department in knee length skirts to ask the guy if they would be okay instead of the loose fitting uniform pants they were supposed to wear. In what world is it more modest to invite men to look at your legs than it is to just wear the pants? And then they had no awareness at all that feet are a sexual fetish for many! You know the producers were barely containing their snickers when they asked about footwear modesty when they were shopping for shoes for Jill's wedding. And it had never occurred to any of them. Why? Because Gothard's standards have been drummed into their heads that they think it's some kind of universal thing. If they really, truly wanted nothing but their "countenance" to draw attention, they would not wear makeup and wear such increasingly form-fitting shirts. I grew up in a fundie home, not as bad as theirs, but my mom was hung up on modesty and I was not allowed to wear shirts as tight as theirs.


The fact that they are unwilling to ever mention the name of Gothard, and to own up to what a horrible person he is. And, of course, that they subscribe to such a cultish, patriarchal disaster of an organization.

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Totally off topic...I'm watching a cooking show where rice is the topic. They said Arkansas is the state that produces the most rice. Have we ever seen the Duggars use rice in cooking or eating something made with rice? Anna seems to use it alot, think it was shown her using a rice steamer & making rice baby cereal. You think they would -it's basically cheap & there are different varieties they can use. Were rice steamers/cookers on the bridal registries?

Since you can do so much with rice, I'd be surprised if the Duggars don't use it. I've had rice from Arkansas (wish I could remember the brand) and it was one of the better rices I've had! Heck, they could even change up their tater tot casserole with rice instead of tatertots. They just aren't creative people. (Or rather Jim Bob and Michelle aren't and they've taken any creative "thinking outside the box" away from the kids.)

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Since you can do so much with rice, I'd be surprised if the Duggars don't use it. I've had rice from Arkansas (wish I could remember the brand) and it was one of the better rices I've had! Heck, they could even change up their tater tot casserole with rice instead of tatertots. They just aren't creative people. (Or rather Jim Bob and Michelle aren't and they've taken any creative "thinking outside the box" away from the kids.)

I believe that's all they used to eat before TLC stepped in. They had it 3x a day, IIRC.

Their eating habits bug the crap out of me. It's not that hard to throw chicken , turkey or roast in the oven , fix a salad and for heavens sake cook some fresh veggies. I don't recall ever seeing fresh corn, green beans or any veggie that wasn't in a can. Do they even drink milk or fresh OJ?

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I tend to think Josh watches whatever he wants to on TV and on his computer these days.  I think that was one of his first breaks with his parents.  

I can see him watching Family Guy every chance he gets.   I can see Mikey watching it with him.  lol

Edited by truthtalk2014
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Watching a recent episode, I finally put my finger on what drives me so crazy about this bunch: they are BORING. And I say that not because they're simple, clean-living, small-town folks--heck, those words describe many of my best friends--but because they NEVER HAVE ANYTHING REMOTELY INTELLIGENT OR INTERESTING TO SAY ABOUT ANYTHING. (Someone remind me again--why am I watching?)

  • Love 15

Long time lurker, first time poster. A while back, Jill (or maybe it was Jessa) posted about some sermon she'd listened to while at the gym. It irks me that none of these kids will ever know about the power of great workout music. I couldn't get through a workout without SOME kind of fast-paced music. Sometimes you just need Kool and the Gang while sweating it out on the elliptical.


Which leads me to what gets on my nerves: the enormity of what they're missing. All the great secular music they're unaware of:  Prince, the Commodores, Rick James, Elvis, etc., etc., (just pulled artists off my workout playlist). Others have said it better in this thread, but a lack of curiosity about anything secular in the world is sad. They have no idea what it is to truly fall for a song on the radio, or have a perfect song to get them through a hard time, or dancing along to a good beat.


Then I thought about all the good literature and poetry they're missing out on (the Harlem Renaissance poets immediately come to mind) and felt even sadder.


As I write this I remember most of them play an instrument, so at least there's that. And so they must know some really great classical artists and their work. But sometimes you just want to party like it's 1999.

  • Love 13

Long time lurker, first time poster. A while back, Jill (or maybe it was Jessa) posted about some sermon she'd listened to while at the gym. It irks me that none of these kids will ever know about the power of great workout music. I couldn't get through a workout without SOME kind of fast-paced music. Sometimes you just need Kool and the Gang while sweating it out on the elliptical.

Which leads me to what gets on my nerves: the enormity of what they're missing. All the great secular music they're unaware of: Prince, the Commodores, Rick James, Elvis, etc., etc., (just pulled artists off my workout playlist). Others have said it better in this thread, but a lack of curiosity about anything secular in the world is sad. They have no idea what it is to truly fall for a song on the radio, or have a perfect song to get them through a hard time, or dancing along to a good beat.

Then I thought about all the good literature and poetry they're missing out on (the Harlem Renaissance poets immediately come to mind) and felt even sadder.

As I write this I remember most of them play an instrument, so at least there's that. And so they must know some really great classical artists and their work. But sometimes you just want to party like it's 1999.

I wonder how they avoid music when they grocery shop? It makes me wonder if any of them turn on the radio in the car. They are a bunch of dullards. I was flabbergasted that even outside of the grip of Jim Bob and Michelle, Jill would rather listen to propaganda than venture outside her bubble and listen to music.It just goes to show how brainwashed she is.

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I wonder how they avoid music when they grocery shop? It makes me wonder if any of them turn on the radio in the car. They are a bunch of dullards. I was flabbergasted that even outside of the grip of Jim Bob and Michelle, Jill would rather listen to propaganda than venture outside her bubble and listen to music.It just goes to show how brainwashed she is.

They might have Sirius XM in their cars set to religious music stations and/or podcasts. Or Creed CDs (although maybe Creed is too secular for them, heh). Although I bet one of them, at least once, found themselves tapping their foot to a catchy pop song in the grocery store, with most of the innuendo going over their heads. And maybe one of them has a secret pop song they love without anyone else knowing.


Your last sentence is pretty grim - they're so clueless they don't know they're clueless.



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