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19 Things I Hate About You: How the Duggars Infuriate

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But they have enough females in their family that they could have a quilting circle without the risk of hearing an outside opinion on anything. If they know how to sew in general, how hard would it be to get into quilting? As has been mentioned upthread, it would give them something useful at the end. They could use the quilts themselves or sell them, or even donate them to shelters or something. It's a wholesome activity to bring the family together and actually produce something. What else do they do all day? Well, other than MEchelle's housekeeping and child care. And homeschool and prayer, I guess. But quilting could be taught to some of the younger kids as a way of keeping them busy and out of trouble. A two-fer of child care and actual productivity. And lessons, either scholastic or religious, could be taught at the same time. Multitasking at its best!

I think they just had a Duggar version quilting party. It was Jana sewing ties and the rest sipping tea. Actually my Nana made simple quilts for missionaries so its a great idea.

eta: Local manufactures would give their leftover fabric edges to her. Mainly a Hawaiian shirt maker so I always imagined these festive lovely quilts all over Africa. I'd forgotten that sweet memory.

Edited by Almost 3000
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They could find the time to do it they same way pioneer women found the time to quilt, around their other chores.   But it got done because it you didn't make a quilt, it was a cccccccccoooooold winter.   


And they so could donate them to charity, imagine the bragging that would go on then.   

I was watching an episode of the Simpsons yesterday, where Brandine (of Cletus and Brandine, the backwards hicks with 17 kids), is standing at the stove, cooking something, when another baby just drops out of her. It made me think of Michelle for a minute, but then I thought, "except Michelle wouldn't be doing any cooking, and Brandine actually seems to like her kids."

  • Love 5

I think I know why they do not quilt. As a child I went with y grandmother to quilting bees. I was too young to quilt but old enough to eavesdrop. Things were said that would be very good for a Duggar female to hear. One thing I remember is every woman agreed they should hide cash somewhere hubby could not find it. LOL. And lots of sex talk but ... I was young.

My grandmother, who was not fundy, would refer to her sewing/knitting/quilting group as the 'Stitch & Bitch.' Yes, there was always much to hear in her circles.

  • Love 7

Things that bother me about the Duggars:


Their freaking obsessive preoccupation with SEX to the point of avoiding frontal hugs for fear of all genital contact! Seriously?  For people who are supposedly so spiritual they seem awfully fixated on what's going on in the nether regions of the body. It's like all virtue for them begins ends with the crotch: "Oh look at me I carefully police my naughty bits 24/7 and shield them from ever becoming tingly: Therefore I am RIGHTEOUS!"  Or "I am oh so-special and oh-so-very-virtuous because I only allow entrance into the theologically accepted orifices of my body after the pronunciation of the proper scriptural formulae! I deserve a Nobel Prize for VIRTUE!"   Sorry people, virtue and righteousness are about more than who's putting (or not putting) the right thing in the right hole.  It's really sad to see a faith reduced to that.  


Edited by Gianthambeast
  • Love 7

Same here. And, on the flip side, I don't think I've really ever seen them genuinely overjoyed about something. Maybe the little ones, or Jill with her engagement/wedding. But a lot of their happiness feels very forced, very Stepford. This mild, "Everything is cool" kind of vibe. 

The scenario reminds me of that amusement park that David worked at on Roseanne. The whole joke was that it was a brainwashing camp lol

  • Love 2

Thanks Wanderwoman & others who answered the Questions on the Question thread. I've watched the Duggars since the beginning but still learned a lot, especially about the TTH & location of rooms. I thought at one time there were plans or blueprints showing how the rooms are layed out on the manufacturer's site but they were taken down.

It seems when they designed the house, they didn't plan for the future. One thing I can't understand is the communal clothes closet being downstairs & why they even have one for their day to day clothes. When they lived in the tiny rancher, I'm sure one big closet was out of neccesity. I know it's close to the laundry room, but why didn't they put it upstairs closer to the dorms? I can't imagine how many miles the J'slaves have walked getting clothes out of the closet downstairs & getting everyone dressed upstairs. If the closet was upstairs, they would have to carry the clean clothes upstairs from the laundry, like most of us do. "Many hands make it quicker ....", or whatever it is they say. Or they could have put the laundry upstairs. My sister's house was built this way & luckily hasn't had any (flooding/plumbing) problems. They could still have a closet downstairs for seasonal items. It seems like the older girls already keep their clothes in the dorm closet.

The beds in the dorms are another example. I'm sure they knew they would have more children when the house was built but there wasn't extra space allowed for more beds. Ex: the Pak & plays the little girls slept in for a long time instead of cribs & youth beds.

One thing I can't understand is the communal clothes closet being downstairs & why they even have one for their day to day clothes. 


My family is waaaaay smaller than the Duggar family (I have four children). We have a family closet in our basement, too. The washer and dryer are in there, too. It reallhy does make laundry and dressing much easier. 


The Duggar's are the only people I've ever known other than us who have one.

Edited by duggarfan

This is a pretty good tour of the house:

I can't stand how Michelle refers to Jim Bob as "Daddy" throughout, though.


OMG - there really is a prayer closet? Good grief. I actually thought that was just a running joke among some of the posters...

Edited by NausetGirl
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NausetGirl, I was just as surprised as you about the prayer closet! I thought it was a running joke, also. I have wondered what that large area is by the side door down the hall from the dining area; does it have the elliptical exercise machine there? Why such a large space there? She didn't show that area to my disappointment. Also, she didn't spend much time showing us HER bedroom and bathroom. The girls room is more for little girls; certainly NOT any of the older girls, who are women and young women; quite juvenile. Michelle should have pulled rank ( if their preference was true), and realized that the boys and girls needed to be grouped according to appropriate age; IMO, a man of 24 shouldn't be sleeping with 9 year olds and a woman of 24 shouldn't be sharing a bed with a 4 year old sister....etc. Quite emotionally unhealthy, IMO, folks. Maybe that's why Jana just can't seem to grow up or dress like the almost 25 year old woman she is. No stimulating environment there for any of the older ones, as it's do your chores, but don't dare to "think" along the way and grow.

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NausetGirl, I was just as surprised as you about the prayer closet! I thought it was a running joke, also. I have wondered what that large area is by the side door down the hall from the dining area; does it have the elliptical exercise machine there? Why such a large space there? She didn't show that area to my disappointment. Also, she didn't spend much time showing us HER bedroom and bathroom. The girls room is more for little girls; certainly NOT any of the older girls, who are women and young women; quite juvenile. Michelle should have pulled rank ( if their preference was true), and realized that the boys and girls needed to be grouped according to appropriate age; IMO, a man of 24 shouldn't be sleeping with 9 year olds and a woman of 24 shouldn't be sharing a bed with a 4 year old sister....etc. Quite emotionally unhealthy, IMO, folks. Maybe that's why Jana just can't seem to grow up or dress like the almost 25 year old woman she is. No stimulating environment there for any of the older ones, as it's do your chores, but don't dare to "think" along the way and grow.

I think JB called that room the Goodbye Room. It always looked like a mud room that was never finished out until Michelle turned it into her mini gym when her Dr said exercise would help with the whole baby thing.

This is a pretty good tour of the house:

I can't stand how Michelle refers to Jim Bob as "Daddy" throughout, though.

A couple of observations about this video.  First Michelle looks noticeably younger there.  Was this taped after they finally moved in to the new house?  Second, Jim Bob often calls Michelle "mama".  This always bugs me, but I think it might be a regional thing. Finally, I heard once that Michelle wears a headpiece.  I think it's pretty obvious in the video.  Her back hair is very long and rather straight.  The front is on top of her head behind her bangs.short and curly.  Looks like she pinned a curly hairpiece on the top of her head behind her bangs.

Edited by Ilovemylabs
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This is one of the worse variations of her hairstyle I have seen. The obvious difference in the two lengths of her hair is just awful. Nothing good to say about it at all. She's a bit more relaxed in the curly department these days, but still in dire need of about 8 inches chopped off and completely re-styled.

  • Love 1

This is one of the worse variations of her hairstyle I have seen. The obvious difference in the two lengths of her hair is just awful. Nothing good to say about it at all. She's a bit more relaxed in the curly department these days, but still in dire need of about 8 inches chopped off and completely re-styled.


Mechelle should let the friend who did her "makeover" a while back do her hair again - and then she should leave it that way. She looked very nice in that style, about 10 years younger and needless to say, part of the 21st century. Her current style makes her look like a prairie wife in a sod lean-to on the Great Plains in the 1880s.

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The sad thing is she says she wakes up with straight hair and spends time doing that to herself and I believe it. When they were driving Anna to the midwife an hour away (and that's a whole other bug) Michelle's hair was straight and looked rather nice. I think she didn't have time to fix it.


Edited because fit and fix aren't the same.

Edited by Almost 3000
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What annoys me about these people is not so much the modesty rules they have, it's the logic that goes along with it. I know it's been said before multiple times that Michelle and Jim Bob don't allow their children harmless experiences that they once had throughout adolescence. Yes, that is sad but if they've truly had a change of heart in how to best raise children, then I'm not offended. But this is what's annoying: I remember thinking how ridiculous Michelle seemed in that episode when she was water skiing or wakeboarding--she was trying and failing to cover her knees all the while and doing it in a skirt. But then she was talking about how she used to be athletic and is good at that sort of thing. So if she can acknowledge that she can do sporty things and enjoy it as a woman, why can't they wear pants for sports? I bet Joy is the type who would do great playing soccer or softball or something. I mean some of the girls wore pants for those times they volunteered with firefighters and did skydiving; I'm pretty sure it didn't affect them any!

And I also get really annoyed that the children who are courting or have courted do not get the opportunity for even private conversations with the chaperone at a distance. That's going overboard. What if one of them secretly doesn't adhere to the whole "letting God decide the size of your family" thing? They would never get a chance to see if their future spouse is on the same page until after they wed.

ETA: I forgot to mention what I watched just last week that bugged the crap out of me. It was a recent rerun episode, one of the Jessa courtship ones, and Jonh David was all "Jana's made it to 24 without getting married, so we're doing a darn good job of watching over our sisters!" or something. I was thinking, "Um, so have you JD!" That must've been embarrassing for poor Jana to hear!

Edited by purpleflowers

What I heard Michelle say was that her hair was straight fresh out of the shower - very wet and that it would take too long to blow dry it straight.  She had bushy curly hair in all her younger/teenage pictures.  I agree that whatever she did or didn't do to it before going to Marcus's birth it looked a lot better than usual.  Perhaps that was after one of the nights when the older daughters had done her hair and she didn't have time to wash it in the morning.

A couple of observations about this video. First Michelle looks noticeably younger there. Was this taped after they finally moved in to the new house? Second, Jim Bob often calls Michelle "mama". This always bugs me, but I think it might be a regional thing. Finally, I heard once that Michelle wears a headpiece. I think it's pretty obvious in the video. Her back hair is very long and rather straight. The front is on top of her head behind her bangs.short and curly. Looks like she pinned a curly hairpiece on the top of her head behind her bangs.

When they were in the boy's room, the reporter asked if all the boy's sleep there. Michelle said yes, from John David who is 21 down to Jackson. So the video was done about 3 years ago since JD is now 24.

In the video, Michelle talks about Josie staying in the nursery nook of the master bedroom, plus she looks preggers so I'd say this was filmed when she was pregnant with Jubilee. I agree her hair was a mess.

That was a really rough video - not well filmed at all. I'm surprised it was a product of CBN. I still don't get how they can have such a huge house and so few bedrooms.

  • Love 1

Michelle does add fake hair to her real hair. Sometimes, and it might be due to the tv lighting, the color difference between the two is really obvious. She pins in those curly sideburn looking thingies on the sides.

I am in awe of how much effort she puts into achieving that horrible, outdated mess. I could understand if it was the result of going au naturel, but really, to work at it?

  • Love 3

I haven't read this whole thread and I've only seen a few of the episodes, but do the Duggars eat healthy food?  Or do they live on stuff like tater tot casserole and chili fritos?  The little I've seen of them discussing or eating food is such a contrast to Kate of Jon & Kate who would be obsessive about giving her kids healthy meals and snacks, organic vegetables, etc.  

I haven't read this whole thread and I've only seen a few of the episodes, but do the Duggars eat healthy food? Or do they live on stuff like tater tot casserole and chili fritos? The little I've seen of them discussing or eating food is such a contrast to Kate of Jon & Kate who would be obsessive about giving her kids healthy meals and snacks, organic vegetables, etc.

By what we've seen, they eat more processed food than fresh. We've commented with all their land, they could grow their own fruits & vegetables. It could even be a teaching lesson.

The tater tot casserole seems to be "the" main dish when company comes. On the episode where the family of Josie's preemie friend from the hospital (can't remember names) came for dinner, they even had the mom help make it. We've heard on Dishing with the Duggars that most of the kids don't even like it.

On the Mother's Day episode, the girls were shown putting a Stouffers lasagna in the oven. Even the salad they served came from bags. They made strawberry shortcake for dessert & used frozen berries. I'm all for convenience, but since Jill & Jessa were supposed to be impressing their future in-laws, making things from scratch would have been better.

We have seen MEchelle peel oranges or scramble up an egg but that's about it. On an older episode, the kids went to pick grapes & they were so excited because they rarely get them.

On the episode where Steve, the trainer, took Smuggars& Anna to a farmer's market for fresh fruit & veggies, they acted like they had never heard of or been to one. Whether it's filler episodes or not, we've seen Anna being shown how to cook healthy.

Most of the kids & Boob have a pasty washed out look. Probably due to lack of healthy foods & vitamins.

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Speaking of eating healthy, I wonder why we have never seen the Duggars either prepare or eat a soup,stew or stir fry which would incorporate vegetables into their diet and would be enough to prepare for a large crowd in one pot..even chili would be a good option. The boys are all old enough now to help with cooking and chopping vegetables would be fun for them. Anything homemade would also make it easier to control salt content, something that frozen/canned food tends to have too much ofl. They seem to make homemade bread , or Jinger does anyway...why not homemade stew or stirfry?

  • Love 2

I haven't read this whole thread and I've only seen a few of the episodes, but do the Duggars eat healthy food?  Or do they live on stuff like tater tot casserole and chili fritos?  The little I've seen of them discussing or eating food is such a contrast to Kate of Jon & Kate who would be obsessive about giving her kids healthy meals and snacks, organic vegetables, etc.  

I've been watching the show from the beginning and the Duggars only seem to showcase healthy food after there's been a boatload of negative comments about the kids' crap diet from the internet critics. Anna seems to be going above and beyond to prove she's feeding the 3M's organic produce, fish and healthy snacks, so I believe they're well aware of what's being said about them on the forums.


I think in terms of the stuff they eat, they honestly just don't know how to cook any differently. 

Edited by BitterApple
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I don't get the lack of stews and soups either. I make those all the time. Easy, feeds lots of people, not expensive, lots of veggies... seems like a no brainer to me. As far as the bagged salads.... I don't think that's so bad. I get the lettuce in bags often - either already chopped or as Romaine hearts. It's just so much easier especially when the kids want salads for lunch. 


Oh - and no... there is really no chance the boys will be helping with the cooking/cleaning. There is a very definite woman/man divide in the work. 

  • Love 3

I've been watching the show from the beginning and the Duggars only seem to showcase healthy food after there's been a boatload of negative comments about the kids' crap diet from the internet critics. Anna seems to be going above and beyond to prove she's feeding the 3M's organic produce, fish and healthy snacks, so I believe they're well aware of what's being said about them on the forums.


I think in terms of the stuff they eat, they honestly just don't know how to cook any differently. 


After observing for years as well, I think the Duggars' eating and cooking habits are based on a combination of factors: 1 - lack of education - as Bitter Apple says, they just don't know any better, and study after study in the US shows that the better-educated someone is, the healthier his/her cooking and eating habits are likely to be; 2 - money - Boob is just too bloody cheap to buy higher-quality and/or fresh foods; 3 - time considerations - because of their over-scheduled life, the Duggars need quick meals, and convenience foods are rarely healthy and lastly, 4 - laziness - it's far easier to reheat frozen and canned processed foods than it is to cook healthy.

Wonder how many kids Jill will have if she keeps having boys. :-)


Nowhere near 19, that's for sure...

Edited by NausetGirl
  • Love 3

I haven't read this whole thread and I've only seen a few of the episodes, but do the Duggars eat healthy food?  Or do they live on stuff like tater tot casserole and chili fritos?  The little I've seen of them discussing or eating food is such a contrast to Kate of Jon & Kate who would be obsessive about giving her kids healthy meals and snacks, organic vegetables, etc.  


I noticed in the tour video that they have nutrition posters on the wall of the playroom; I definitely saw a food pyramid. However, based on their behavior while eating out, I doubt they are adventurous eaters. I also can't imagine that these kids have much parental attention during meal time to make sure they eat vegetables, unless Sister Moms also do this. They strike me as a family that considers vegetables to be carrots, corn, and maybe some salad swimming in a bowl of ranch (but that's pure speculation).

  • Love 3

I don't get the lack of stews and soups either. I make those all the time. Easy, feeds lots of people, not expensive, lots of veggies... seems like a no brainer to me.

In addition to all the reasons already listed, soup is also a great way to avoid waste--a concept the Duggars should love. All the time I make soup by chopping up whatever's rolling around in the bottom of my crisper drawer and adding in any bits of meat left over from previous meals. If I don't have time to experiment with seasonings, I just throw in some chicken or beef bouillon. This is not gourmet cooking, yo! 

  • Love 7

In addition to all the reasons already listed, soup is also a great way to avoid waste--a concept the Duggars should love. All the time I make soup by chopping up whatever's rolling around in the bottom of my crisper drawer and adding in any bits of meat left over from previous meals. If I don't have time to experiment with seasonings, I just throw in some chicken or beef bouillon. This is not gourmet cooking, yo! 


I make my own stock by saving all the vegetable trimmings as I cook, throwing them in a ziplock bag, then eventually boiling them in water with salt + pepper, and freezing the results in smaller portions. If I have chicken, or other, bones, I'll throw that in as well. (I would just compost these things, but I live in a studio apartment.)

  • Love 2

I don't get the lack of stews and soups either. I make those all the time. Easy, feeds lots of people, not expensive, lots of veggies... seems like a no brainer to me. As far as the bagged salads.... I don't think that's so bad. I get the lettuce in bags often - either already chopped or as Romaine hearts. It's just so much easier especially when the kids want salads for lunch. 


Oh - and no... there is really no chance the boys will be helping with the cooking/cleaning. There is a very definite woman/man divide in the work. 

That's what I don't get. I live close enough to the Bible belt to know that stews and soups are commonly served at the dinner table. And most especially everyone who has a sunny garden plot raises a few vegetables. I get the full Romaine in bags and baby carrots and other culinary egregious choices, but I do gather onions and tomatoes and apples from our "back 40." 

Thanks for all the responses.  I agree about the soups and stews.  Heck, they could purchase three or four giant-sized crock pots and make some easy meals that way.


And yeah, they have the perfect site for a big vegetable garden and fruit trees.


I hope the kids are taking multivitamin supplements. 

Edited by Gemma Violet
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Oh - and no... there is really no chance the boys will be helping with the cooking/cleaning. There is a very definite woman/man divide in the work.

The way those boys sit around like lazy slobs while their sisters slave away in front of them outrages me. In the episode where Ben is going on a trip with the Duggars  (I don't remember where...), 4 or 5 Duggar boys are just sitting on stools playing cards or something, while the older sisters are lugging enormous suitcases and clothes racks out to the rv. The sisters were saying they spent a week packing up all this crap, and now have to lug it out by themselves. And the stupid Duggar boys are just staring at them, chuckling about how much work they are doing. And THEN, to top it all off, they make comments about how the only reason Ben is helping the girls is because he's trying to impress Jessa. Because you would never deign to help a mere woman lift something (a box full of your own clothes, no less) unless you still needed to convince her to have your offspring, right? And because a human being doing basic helpful things for their overworked family members is something we should all be "impressed" by, right? *rant rant*

  • Love 12

White the Duggar kids don't eat healthy, at least they seem to eat enough.  The 8 by Kate don't eat enough.  She posts pictures of their lunches she packs, and it isn't enough.  She controls portions size at home, and makes crappy food.  Her cookbook of a year or 2 ago was a big fail, despite having a pro take pictures of the slop.  It wasn't reviewed well; the reviewers didn't like the food made by actually following the recipes.  So take your pick 1) plenty of crap or 2) tiny portions of bad tasting stuff that are not at all filling.

Edited by Micks Picks
  • Love 2

The way those boys sit around like lazy slobs while their sisters slave away in front of them outrages me. In the episode where Ben is going on a trip with the Duggars (I don't remember where...), 4 or 5 Duggar boys are just sitting on stools playing cards or something, while the older sisters are lugging enormous suitcases and clothes racks out to the rv. The sisters were saying they spent a week packing up all this crap, and now have to lug it out by themselves. And the stupid Duggar boys are just staring at them, chuckling about how much work they are doing. And THEN, to top it all off, they make comments about how the only reason Ben is helping the girls is because he's trying to impress Jessa. Because you would never deign to help a mere woman lift something (a box full of your own clothes, no less) unless you still needed to convince her to have your offspring, right? And because a human being doing basic helpful things for their overworked family members is something we should all be "impressed" by, right? *rant rant*

That episode outraged me too. I think they were going to Erin Bates' wedding. Like you said, the girls & Ben were carting out the guys clothes, that the girls had packed. Unreal! What happened to their Servant's hearts that Boob is always talking about?

Another comment about their food. This is the time of year they could stock up on frozen turkeys that are on sale. They could roast one or two for meals & leftovers & make soup with the bones. They don't need to have all the calorie-laden Thanksgiving sides, just a few fresh veggies. How simple is that?

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