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This Thai Cave rescue story is absolutely fascinating.

What a group of smart, brave human beings. 

That one British diver could not be more chill. And facts are facts, my friend: you are a hero just like every other person involved in this rescue. 

Just amazing.

eta: RIP Navy Seal. Another true hero. 

Edited by woodscommaelle
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Not sure if anyone saw this episode back in 2013 but tonight they aired it again.   Father (Eric Myers) abandons his family for 16 years without a word, letting them all believe he's dead while he moves off somewhere and finds a boyfriend.  Then one day he decides to just come back and is overjoyed when his parents and siblings completely forgive him and life goes on like it did before.  Eric's wife and five children didn't seem to understand quite so well and two of the kids have had nothing to do with him, but hey - it's ALL GOOD - because Eric really doesn't care one way or the other.  He didn't miss them a bit while he was gone and he certainly doesn't need them now.  The homosexuality has been a non-issue with everyone - that's pretty immaterial since he could have found another woman or even no one at all - and that doesn't change the fact that he just dumped them all like garbage.  What really irritated me was that not one person on the show said, "Hey Dude - you ever heard of DIVORCE or separation?"  He could have taken off to clear his head and called them in a week or two or a month (not ideal, but still workable)  - and told them that he couldn't come back until he worked out whatever issues he needed to deal with - oh but no - then he might have financial responsibilities towards HIS own children and that would certainly ruin his good time! Definitely a narcissist, only his feelings and needs matter.  To top it off?  Wife and kids cashed in a life insurance policy to make ends meet financially when he was declared dead, and he feels he has NOOOOO responsibility towards paying back the money, because why should HE be accountable for his own choices and actions/decisions?  No sirree, his daughters can pay that money back, (he said.)  No wonder they don't even want to see him.   Disgusting waste of air.

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Last night's show was familiar to me, about the man who was obsessed with security cameras, had more than 20 just in his house, plus recorded all the convos in his house. Then his wife "goes missing" and so does all the security video for that period of time. (Of course it comes back on later.) He doesn't report her missing for two days, then doesn't go on the search for her ... while her naked dead body is found under some leaves just a short distance from their house.

She didn't take her purse, keys, phone, plus she had to have WALKED away since no vehicle was taken. What person bailing on a marriage does that? I'd drain the bank account, load up my car and take off WITH my phone and ID/credit cards, plus tell my daughter I'm gone. I'd at least put on clothes and shoes and grab my purse.

He doesn't go to the funeral or memorial service, then moves. He didn't even pretend he didn't do it or try to cover it up that he was guilty as heck. He doesn't even dump her body somewhere away from their home, like into a river or drainage ditch. But still, it took years to get enough evidence to put him away.

While I know kids stay faithful to their parent, how his two daughters couldn't see through his bogus story and therefore  testified that he couldn't have killed their stepmom is mind boggling. And his ex-wife being all googly about his "sexy eyes" was just creepy. Maybe this guy has some sort of Svengali effect in real life but it sure didn't come across on my tv. Glad he's put away for good.

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Did anyone watch last night's two hour episode about the foundlings? Shocking that the Mom abandoned not one, but three babies. Nice that the three siblings are reunited and will have each other. Something is not right about the mother. Obviously, the fact that she abandoned three infants, but that was cold that she met her daughter and didn't tell her who she was until the DNA test revealed it several years later. That's one cold woman.

As for the second case, it was heartbreaking that the biological mother wanted nothing to do with meeting her son. That's harsh. I'm thinking since it was a one night stand she didn't want to dredge up any of the memories of that period in her life after all these years. Of course, it's not my place to judge anyone and their choices. His biological father seemed like a nice man.

The mother that gave birth five times without her husband even knowing she was pregnant! How does that happen? The whole thing was so strange. This entire episode left me shaking my head.

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On 8/9/2018 at 8:09 PM, Kyanight said:

Not sure if anyone saw this episode back in 2013 but tonight they aired it again.   Father (Eric Myers) abandons his family for 16 years without a word, letting them all believe he's dead while he moves off somewhere and finds a boyfriend.  Then one day he decides to just come back and is overjoyed when his parents and siblings completely forgive him and life goes on like it did before.  Eric's wife and five children didn't seem to understand quite so well and two of the kids have had nothing to do with him, but hey - it's ALL GOOD - because Eric really doesn't care one way or the other.  He didn't miss them a bit while he was gone and he certainly doesn't need them now.  The homosexuality has been a non-issue with everyone - that's pretty immaterial since he could have found another woman or even no one at all - and that doesn't change the fact that he just dumped them all like garbage.  What really irritated me was that not one person on the show said, "Hey Dude - you ever heard of DIVORCE or separation?"  He could have taken off to clear his head and called them in a week or two or a month (not ideal, but still workable)  - and told them that he couldn't come back until he worked out whatever issues he needed to deal with - oh but no - then he might have financial responsibilities towards HIS own children and that would certainly ruin his good time! Definitely a narcissist, only his feelings and needs matter.  To top it off?  Wife and kids cashed in a life insurance policy to make ends meet financially when he was declared dead, and he feels he has NOOOOO responsibility towards paying back the money, because why should HE be accountable for his own choices and actions/decisions?  No sirree, his daughters can pay that money back, (he said.)  No wonder they don't even want to see him.   Disgusting waste of air.

A little late to agree with you on Eric Meyers but oh boy....not much to add as you summed it up so well!  Bolding mine:  Dude, you have a grown daughter who, 25 YEARS later, is still crying and upset over the whole thing.  You damaged her soul.   But hey YOU are happy so who the hell cares about the carnage you left behind??  You can love in Palm Springs or wherever but you care balking at forking over the life insurance payment?  Then argues that HE didn't cash it in therefore why should he pay it?  BECAUSE YOU FAKED YOUR DEATH ASSHOLE.  I hope you pay all that $800,000 and choke on your vomit.

Okay, I guess I had a little more to say......

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Did anyone catch the episode last night about the freakshow Tad Cummins, who kidnapped a 15 year old and drove her all over hell and back then tried to kayak from southern california to PANAMA?  Dude was messed up.  I am glad she has her life together, she was clearly brainwashed by a manipulating older (much older) man!!

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4 hours ago, ari333 said:

Paddle 3000 miles to panama. Alrighty then

Not the brightest bulb, no?  Not a boat, not a fishing boat....a kayak.   Per his own admission in court: "I am the one to blame for everything," Cummins wrote, although he added that "the devil was deeply involved."  Yeah, look in the mirror for the devil, mister.

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Last night's featured story on the prosecution of Jordan Brown was shocking. (The state charged him as an adult when he was 11 years old of murdering his dad's fiance, by shooting her in the head.)  It was moved to juvenile court, but, he was adjudicated delinquent and found guilty of the murder.  He was to be held in custody until he was an adult.  He always denied guilt and his father and attorneys stood by him.  ABC explored the evidence, interviewed the detectives and prosecutors, witnesses, etc.  It was very clear that there was really no evidence against the boy at all.  Those detectives seemed to have no clue how to work a case or what evidence really is.  It was the most bizarre thing I've seen.  Their arrogance made me feel ill.  Thank goodness, the case was appealed to the Supreme Court of PA and was OVERTURNED based on insufficient evidence.  To think their incompetence resulted in that child spending so many formative years in a correctional setting is horrific. The court opinion went on to say that they could NOT retry the boy and that it would be double jeopardy.  So, there is a guilty killer out there that they let get away as they falsely prosecuted an innocent child.  


Edited by SunnyBeBe
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I think I need more information. Was the boy violent? Did he get into trouble? Also did anyone hear him fighting with his stepmom or saying he hated her? Was he examined by a child psychologist and if so, what was the report.

Also it seems like the ex was ruled out because his father said he was home and because of a dusting of snow on the car. I think I would have canvassed the neighborhood to see if anyone saw his car around. Maybe all of this was done but they didn’t show it.

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The police didn't really investigate the ex or someone the ex could have gotten to do it.  They assumed so much.  Like, the ex's alibi witness as credible, that he didn't use someone else's vehicle, or, had someone else do it. Then, when it came to the child, they went in the other direction.  It was so sad.  I'm glad to learn the boy is a sophomore in college now. Still, such a horrible way to spend so many of your childhood and teen years.  LE seemed to feel very strongly that they felt the boy did it....but, feelings about things just aren't evidence and should not be relied on to such a great degree.  That LE team seemed so amateurish.  I wonder if they handled other cases so poorly.  

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A little late to this conversation but I felt that the boy probably did it but there was not enough evidence to convict him.  It just seemed the house was so remote and no one saw anything else or anyone.  Was the rifle the boy used the one used to kill the woman?  Not saying that means the boy did it, it just does not help the case.  So sad in any way you look at it!

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I just watched the episode regarding Jordan Brown's conviction, and I am stunned. The three police officers interviewed made ridiculous assumptions. I had little faith in them right off the bat, when they stated that Jordan was lying, because he added details to his second statement that he didn't provide in the first. But right after that, they talked about how the victim's daughter also added details to her second statement that she didn't say in the first one, including that she heard a shotgun blast. But in her case, they totally believed the details she provided in the second interview. 

One of them also stated that the shotgun must have come from the house, because it is a long gun and no one would carry that up the driveway. Why would they have to carry it up the driveway? If it was the ex boyfriend, he would have brought it in his truck. 

It is interesting that the younger daughter who was in the house with her mother doesn't think it was Jordan who killed her mother, but her grandparents still think it is. You would think she would have been swayed all these years into believing what they do, but she hasn't been. 

I am shocked that he was convicted the first time by a judge, with so little (or no) evidence. Thank goodness the conviction was overturned, and it is amazing that Jordan is able to get on with his life. Good on him. Those cops though - arrogant, smug and everything I do not want to see in an officer of the law. 

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I just watched the November 2 episode. The woman who helped two people via DNA to find the birth parents who abandoned them. The woman was abandoned in a hospital and was reunited with her birth father and siblings. The man was abandoned at a clothing donation box and was reunited with his birth father who states he met the birth mother at a bar. The man’s birth mother and aunt were found but via phone told him to never contact them again and go back to where he came from. How cruel. There is a special place for them. The man didn’t want a thing from them and told them there was no resentment. He wanted to know who his birth mother was, that’s it! 

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3 hours ago, sonder said:

The man’s birth mother and aunt were found but via phone told him to never contact them again and go back to where he came from. How cruel. There is a special place for them. The man didn’t want a thing from them and told them there was no resentment. He wanted to know who his birth mother was, that’s it! 

Was that where he called the alleged birth mom in his car while she was at work?  I felt so bad for him!!!  I was so sad he was alone while making that call.  Alleged birth mom and sister were in cahoots.

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On 11/10/2018 at 5:01 PM, Mrs. Hanson said:

Was that where he called the alleged birth mom in his car while she was at work?  I felt so bad for him!!!  I was so sad he was alone while making that call.  Alleged birth mom and sister were in cahoots.

Yes. Even if they have new lives and he is a secret they could have nicely told him that on the phone and explained why they can’t meet him. Lucky for the heartless women the show hid their identities. 

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6 hours ago, sonder said:

Yes. Even if they have new lives and he is a secret they could have nicely told him that on the phone and explained why they can’t meet him. Lucky for the heartless women the show hid their identities. 

Yes, I get it (as much as I can):  "Look, I gave birth to you so many years go, it was traumatic, no one knew, etc but here is some info you might need or want.  All contact in the future shall be initiated by me."  But they were mean and cruel about it.

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On 8/20/2018 at 8:33 PM, Mrs. Hanson said:
On 8/9/2018 at 9:09 PM, Kyanight said:

Not sure if anyone saw this episode back in 2013 but tonight they aired it again.   Father (Eric Myers) abandons his family for 16 years without a word, letting them all believe he's dead while he moves off somewhere and finds a boyfriend.  Then one day he decides to just come back and is overjoyed when his parents and siblings completely forgive him and life goes on like it did before.  Eric's wife and five children didn't seem to understand quite so well and two of the kids have had nothing to do with him, but hey - it's ALL GOOD - because Eric really doesn't care one way or the other.  He didn't miss them a bit while he was gone and he certainly doesn't need them now.  The homosexuality has been a non-issue with everyone - that's pretty immaterial since he could have found another woman or even no one at all - and that doesn't change the fact that he just dumped them all like garbage.  What really irritated me was that not one person on the show said, "Hey Dude - you ever heard of DIVORCE or separation?"  He could have taken off to clear his head and called them in a week or two or a month (not ideal, but still workable)  - and told them that he couldn't come back until he worked out whatever issues he needed to deal with - oh but no - then he might have financial responsibilities towards HIS own children and that would certainly ruin his good time! Definitely a narcissist, only his feelings and needs matter.  To top it off?  Wife and kids cashed in a life insurance policy to make ends meet financially when he was declared dead, and he feels he has NOOOOO responsibility towards paying back the money, because why should HE be accountable for his own choices and actions/decisions?  No sirree, his daughters can pay that money back, (he said.)  No wonder they don't even want to see him.   Disgusting waste of air.

A little late to agree with you on Eric Meyers but oh boy....not much to add as you summed it up so well!  Bolding mine:  Dude, you have a grown daughter who, 25 YEARS later, is still crying and upset over the whole thing.  You damaged her soul.   But hey YOU are happy so who the hell cares about the carnage you left behind??  You can love in Palm Springs or wherever but you care balking at forking over the life insurance payment?  Then argues that HE didn't cash it in therefore why should he pay it?  BECAUSE YOU FAKED YOUR DEATH ASSHOLE.  I hope you pay all that $800,000 and choke on your vomit.

Okay, I guess I had a little more to say......

Paying the money was the least he, and his forgiving parents, could do.  
I'm so angry about this POS.  If the wife and children (is wife alive?, and weren't there other children?), they should sue his ass.
They has every reason to think he was dead, and he wasn't providing child support, so the financial burden should be all on him.
He's one of the more loathsome people I've seen on these shows, and I see a lot of murderers.

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I just caught up on the episode about the Chris Watts case. I hadn't heard about how he got rid of his daughters until this. I'm not a death penalty supporter, but hearing Shanann's mom state she didn't ask for death for him...she's a lot more generous and admirable with her response to him than I think I would be in that situation. Honestly, though, I think he should spend the rest of his life sitting in an oil tank. What an awful, awful story. 

Edited by Annber03
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I haven't watched 20/20 for quite a while because I'm always disappointed.  Tonight I watched the Cape Cod murder & I'm angry with myself for wasting one & 1/2 hours.  They could have told the story in less time, but it's ends up that the POC gets hung out to dry.  I'm done with this show!!!

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1 hour ago, Medicine Crow said:

I haven't watched 20/20 for quite a while because I'm always disappointed.  Tonight I watched the Cape Cod murder & I'm angry with myself for wasting one & 1/2 hours.  They could have told the story in less time, but it's ends up that the POC gets hung out to dry.  I'm done with this show!!!

I haven't watched it in a long time. Got tired of it being a show that only covers murders or crime. I remember when 20/20 and Dateline were news magazines that covered a variety  of subjects. While watching GH earlier today I saw a commercial for next week's episode which is devoted to 2 hours of Lorena/John Wayne Bobbit they are calling "The Bobbitts: Love Hurts". On Thursday it's "The Last Days of JFK Jr." which they are describing as a 2-hour documentary event. They also have a bad habit of mining some things to death. That was a bad pun I know.

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10 hours ago, Jaded said:

I haven't watched it in a long time. Got tired of it being a show that only covers murders or crime. I remember when 20/20 and Dateline were news magazines that covered a variety  of subjects. While watching GH earlier today I saw a commercial for next week's episode which is devoted to 2 hours of Lorena/John Wayne Bobbit they are calling "The Bobbitts: Love Hurts". On Thursday it's "The Last Days of JFK Jr." which they are describing as a 2-hour documentary event. They also have a bad habit of mining some things to death. That was a bad pun I know.

... but it's so true!!!!

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I found A Killing on the Cape to be so frustrating. I don't enjoy shows that after 2 or more hours end with everyone saying "We still don't know who did it" and meanwhile there's someone sitting in prison for life who may or may not be innocent. This kind of show is the very opposite of catharsis and closure. I wish I could go back and unwatch it. 

That said, it was full of the inexplicable twists and turns that make these shows so fascinating. How could an intelligent woman think that sleeping with a married father of 6 in a tiny town was a good idea? What on earth would make her write that vicious letter to his wife, of all people? But then we find out she didn't send it. And then they all started having meals together! 

What would make the alleged killer tell that whole big story about he and someone else murdering her if it never happened? And everyone says he's such a nonviolent, kind person. But then we find out there are multiple restraining orders against him. But he looked so innocent at the trial. 

It's all in the "you can't make this stuff up" category because none of it is believable. And yet it happened. Well, something happened. But what? 

Edited by Melina22
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I remember watching the trial on CourtTV (RIP!) back in the day and the defense did put on a compelling case that Blake was not involved. Am I convinced he didn't have a hand in it? Not really. I thought the 20/20 episode last night was pretty well done but could have gone without the narration of people uninvolved in the case like Chris Connelly and that one young lawyer who was probably around 7 years old when the murder happened.

I really just wanted to see what Rosie looked like now which, of course, we were never shown. Ugh.

Also, Bonny Lee Bakely was such a trash person. The worst of the worst.

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On 1/12/2019 at 7:06 PM, partofme said:

I used to think he was guilty as hell and got away with it, but now I think Christian Brando is probably guilty.

One of them was mos def involved. RB's interviews didn't help him any IMO!!

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On 1/12/2019 at 6:06 PM, partofme said:

I used to think he was guilty as hell and got away with it, but now I think Christian Brando is probably guilty.

Agreed. Robert Blake is creepy, but I actually don’t think he’s guilty.

Also, I sort of like him.

Edited by Sara2009
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Bonnie Lee had extorted so many men over the years, and was still doing this, so the list of actual suspects that wanted her dead must have been huge, plus any of their relatives that found out about the entire sordid mess should be on the list too.    I don't think Blake had the intelligence to arrange the murder, and get away with it.   The two stuntmen that testified about the proposed hit were so ridiculous, and totally unbelievable.     


A funny story-When Baretta was so big, some friends of friends moved to L.A., and were living in a big fancy house, I guess in Beverly Hills, but it was where the people with the maps of stars' homes would tour.     The house next to their house was very well kept, and the gardener was working on it every day.    One day the friends were in their front yard, and some people pulled up and asked where Robert Blake lived, and the friends didn't know, and told them that.    Then the tourists went and asked the gardener next door who lived there, and if it was Robert Blake, and the gardener told them he moved a long time ago.     Then the friends went next door and introduced themselves, and realized the 'gardener' was actually Robert Blake, and between the TV show seasons, he did his own gardening.    The friends said he was nice, but not really sharp, and growing up when he did as a child actor, I doubt went to school very much, or had much experience outside the studio system.    

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Has Robert Blake's first wife ever talked about what it was like to be married to him? They were married for over 20 years of course that doesn't mean they were actually together all those years.

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According to what I found out, the first wife divorced him after over 20 years of marriage, but they seem to have separated by the 70's, and there was also a recent third wife that he divorced.     

The first wife gave a deposition in the civil trial that Blake was talking about having her and her current boyfriend killed in the 70's, and blamed on the Manson family, apparently they already separated in the 70's but didn't divorce for years after that.    The first wife didn't mention any of this claim in the criminal case, just the civil case.   However, the person who told the first wife about the supposed hit, and blame it on the Manson family was a producer or someone on the Manson movie the wife and her boyfriend were acting in, so maybe motivation for the role?      Sounds like a lovely marriage, doesn't it? 

The daughter from the second marriage still is being raised by Blake's daughter, and her husband, and is supposed to be doing quite well.   I'm just glad that the daughter ended up with her half sister, not Bonnie Lee's family.  

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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2 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

I'm excited to see that 20/20 is doing a story on Tammy Faye and Jim Bakker tonight.  They've always fascinated me. 

Me, too! While sadly, Tammy Faye is no longer with us, it seems Jim is still balls deep in the grift. He's now shilling buckets of slop you can feast on when Armageddon arrives all while "preaching the gospel."  

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Yeah, I remember seeing a thing on those two on some other show once and they mentioned how Jim still has a career and I was like, "...why?" 

This whole scandal happened when I was little, so I've only heard about it here and there on the occasional show over the years and know the basics, pretty much. But yeah, might give this a look tonight. 

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1 hour ago, Annber03 said:

Yeah, I remember seeing a thing on those two on some other show once and they mentioned how Jim still has a career and I was like, "...why?" 

This whole scandal happened when I was little, so I've only heard about it here and there on the occasional show over the years and know the basics, pretty much. But yeah, might give this a look tonight. 

It happened when I was pretty young too so I've been fascinated with the scandal for a long time. Especially finding pictures of what the former Heritage USA campus looked like from when it was being built to what it looks like now under the Morningside name. There's still a shell of a what was supposed to be a high-rise hotel tower standing from when Heritage USA still existed. Legal wrangling is still going on over it to this day.

It sickens me that people like Jim Bakker, Jimmy Swaggart and their ilk can eventually come back to exactly what they were doing before they got in trouble and continue making their living off of religion. People are still sending money to fund their "endeavors" like the stuff Jim Bakker and Tammy Faye the 2nd hawk through his show. Apparently they've started a home shopping channel online which Tammy Sue (Jim and Tammy's daughter) and other friends/family shill items through . Swaggart has his own religious network SonLife Broadcasting that's a family run affair.

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1 minute ago, Jaded said:

It sickens me that people like Jim Bakker, Jimmy Swaggart and their ilk can eventually come back to exactly what they were doing before they got in trouble and continue making their living off of religion. People are still sending money to fund their "endeavors" like the stuff Jim Bakker and Tammy Faye the 2nd hawk through his show. Apparently they've started a home shopping channel online which Tammy Sue (Jim and Tammy's daughter) and other friends/family shill items through . Swaggart has his own religious network SonLife Broadcasting that's a family run affair.

Agreed. You pull those kinds of scams, that should be the end of your career. 

And if any of the people who keep sending them money are among those who were old enough to remember the original scandal...that's just all kinds of sad. 

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So far I've only watched a few minutes of the episode. Yikes. I forgot what a gong show it all was.

I remember watching Tammy Faye on the Surreal Life many years ago. I believe this was after her divorce and her first bout with cancer. She seemed oddly nice and surprisingly normal at the time. Very little crying, thank goodness. But of course she had the OTT makeup as always. 

It boggles my mind that that family could still find people to give them money after everything that went down. People are weird. 

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