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Having never heard of Don Jason, I googled him.  I found a 2009 article in which he talks about his experience of leaving CO$, and the blow drill they used when he escaped.  Here's a link for anyone interested.  http://www.tampabay.com/news/scientology/man-overboard-to-leave-scientology-don-jason-had-to-jump-off-a-ship/1048124


The article states he left before his sister.  I'm so paranoid about CO$ that I was tempted to ask you to edit the name to protect him and his sister.  But they've been out for years, and CO$ has lost a lot of their power.



Wow and oh my god.  Unbelievable and worse than what I have read thus far.   Thanks for that link.  

  • Love 1

Well he was involved with Nicole before he filed for divorce with Mimi.  He also became involved with Penelope Cruz while he was still married to Nicole.   The director of Vanilla Sky, Cameron Crowe, once stated how beautiful it was to watch Penelope and Tom fall in love on set.  I found it in extreme poor taste to say that, not to mention completely insensitive to Nicole.  Vanilla Sky was filmed from late 2000, to March 2001.  Tom blindsided Nicole with divorce papers in February 2001.  He really needs a jump off before he leaves his current wife.  I think his marriage was already compromised by CO$ covertly alienating Tom from Nicole, but by all appearances, Nicole thought she was happily married.  In fact, their ten year anniversary was 12/24/2000, and Tom had thrown her a big ten year anniversary party.


I don't follow Travolta so I'm not really familiar with how he handles rumors.  I do know that several male masseuse claimed they were sexually assaulted by Travolta.  Each case was dropped, which leads folks to believe either he or the "church" paid them off.



I don't know what link but COS decided Nicole was an SP and demanded he divorce her.  Cruz was the next approved conquest.  I am sure it looked like they were falling in love because Tom was trying to make it happen.  


In 2012, Rathbun told Vanity Fair writer Maureen Orth that Scientology had a hand in ending both relationships: “I participated in the Mimi divorce and in the Nic divorce. Both women got cold on Miscavige. He was integral to the breakup of the marriages,” Rathbun said. But Orth offered no more details on what had happened with Rogers. In Lawrence Wright’s 2013 book, Going Clear, which Gibney’s film is based on, there are a few more details about the split, including a quote from Rathbun about how he took divorce papers to Mimi and told her it was the best thing for Scientology.



From this link.  http://tonyortega.org/2015/04/12/how-scientology-broke-up-tom-cruise-and-mimi-rogers-the-story-you-havent-heard/

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The Enquirer is a tabloid but known for pretty much dotting their is and crossing their ts after being sued years ago.  If they are claiming Tom hasn't seen Suri in 800 days, they have covered their ass and have proof.  I believe it.  This to me further cements my belief that Suri is not his biological child.  As intense and controlling as he is - - and the fact that he went after and got primary custody of Bella and Connor - - I cannot believe that he would just give up custody and visitation with Suri.  Either it was part of their agreement from the beginning or Katie threatened to expose it and it was not covered in their contract. 


I have heard that Tom had a case of the mumps (I think?) when he was young that left him sterile.  Cannot prove it one way or the other but it's interesting that both Mimi and Nicole went on to have biological children with other men. 


As far as what ended his marriages, I think it was CofS with all three.  None of the ex-wives are involved in Scientology - - and Mimi was in when they met and married.  She introduced Tom to the cult.  And she left.  I think he became so obsessed and militant about it, there was simply no way for any marriage (real or contract) to survive. 


Regarding Mimi's statement I also think it's accurate and real.  There are so many things a woman could say, especially a scorned one.  If your spouse was cheating, would you say he refused to have sex with you, claiming he needed to be celibate?  Or would you say something insinuating this wasn't the first time, that he can't keep it in his pants, etc.?   Cruise is known to be weird, intense, controlling, focused, a lot of things.  Never a cheater. 


I also don't believe Katie is a naïve victim, or was a naïve victim.  I think she's very shrewd and she was determined to Kidman her career.  On paper, it should have worked.  But Cruise went off the deep end, went way over the top and Katie wasn't a decent enough actress to pretend being in love with him. 

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There was a DNA test done on Nicole's last miscarriage because Tom knew how bad it looked that he dumped his pregnant wife. He was confirmed to be the father. Some people are just not compatible to easily become pregnant. My cousin and his wife were married for fifteen years and only had one child, and they never used birth control. After divorcing they each were surprised at two unexpected pregnancies with their new partners. Each were at or around forty years old.

  • Love 3

For some reason I do think Suri is Tom's. Katie had some moments that I almost believed her pregnancy was fake. Her bump changed sizes inappropriately and she was hidden away near the end of it. That was always fishy.

But Nicole had at least two miscarriages during the marriage and the last was proven by DNA to be his. Suri used to look exactly like Katie, but she's got her dad's nose. I also think Suri's Tom's bio child because of some comments during and after the pregnancy. I don't remember them verbatim, but I am adopted and I was a little offended at how he was acting like this was his first child. He made some borderline comments that implied his bio child was more special than his adopted children.

I really think he's disconnected from Suri because her mother's an SP, and Suri will become one. He didn't have this problem with Bella and Connor because they stayed in the "church".

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I really think he's disconnected from Suri because her mother's an SP, and Suri will become one. He didn't have this problem with Bella and Connor because they stayed in the "church".



This goes against the CofS' beliefs, from what I have heard.  Minor children are not considered SPs or disconnected from.  Tom is so militant about Scientology, I can't believe he would go against that, especially with his own child. 


I do have to wonder if the arrangement from the beginning was that Katie and Tom would be together for a predetermined amount of time, with Katie leaving with Suri at the end.  And neither being a Scientology member.




What I really want to know is what Katie has on Tom to get custody and a swift divorce.  I really don't care who Suri's father is.  It is fun to research though. This entire COS horror fascinates me. 


Right?   She had something and/or their contract allowed her a speedy exit.  Tom Cruise threatens to sue for every little thing and yet he didn't object or oppose to this ridiculously speedy divorce and allowing Katie to have full custody of Suri?  Nope, I just can't swallow that.  Especially given how much he was with her/pimped her out for years. 

  • Love 3



Regarding tonight's story, where a woman claims that 50 years ago her premature infant was stolen from her after she was falsely told the baby had died.


I kept an open mind and was leaning toward the stolen baby claim to possibly be true, until all of the evidence discounting the story was presented.  Now I'm sure that the story is false.  I think the mom didn't want a baby when she was in the middle of a divorce, especially since the baby was fathered by another man, and she was creating a local name as a talented gospel singer.  I'm not sure if she ever realized that the baby was deaf, but if she did, it's possible she didn't think she was capable of raising a child with a disability on her own.  


If anyone else watched tonight's show, I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on this story.

Edited by Zahdii
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I watched and she is lying... Looking for money and 15 minutes of fame. It is a shame putting those other mothers hopes up only to be hurt again.


I don't see her looking for fame.  The spotlight is on her and I am sure she would prefer her daughter had never found her.  But she contacted a lawyer to investigate the hospital.  ???


The story is fishy.  150 women losing their babies under suspicious circumstances at the same hospital.  There is clearly a baby selling ring going on.  


Did the gospel singer know about this and decide to hitch her wagon to this train when her daughter showed up?  Or did her claim that Diane had been stolen bring this baby ring to light?  


This story was incomplete.  Or maybe I missed something.  Multi tasking often betrays me. :>)

Edited by wings707
  • Love 2

Having never heard of Don Jason, I googled him.  I found a 2009 article in which he talks about his experience of leaving CO$, and the blow drill they used when he escaped.  Here's a link for anyone interested.  http://www.tampabay.com/news/scientology/man-overboard-to-leave-scientology-don-jason-had-to-jump-off-a-ship/1048124


The article states he left before his sister.  I'm so paranoid about CO$ that I was tempted to ask you to edit the name to protect him and his sister.  But they've been out for years, and CO$ has lost a lot of their power.


The sister I'm friends with was never a Scieno.  She thinks it's a big bunch of bullshit.

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Over the years the Tampa Bay Times has done a really good job reporting on the scienos. Clearwater is in their bailiwick and they have looked askance at this cult for decades.

The St. Pete Times used to also keep tabs on them but I don't know if their articles are now archived w/in the TBTimes.

I believe at least one Pulitzer has been won for their scieno reportage.

Edited by NewDigs
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If these stories are true, WHY haven't they been shut down?  The police should get a warrant and check out the nurseries. 



They are true, substantiated by multiple sources.   It is complicated to understand why nothing is being done.  The church is wealthy and world wide.  Probably not as big a membership as they boast but big enough.   It would take a monumental effort and I don't think the FBI cares.  It will self destruct before anyone can galvanize into action.  

If these stories are true, WHY haven't they been shut down?  The police should get a warrant and check out the nurseries. 


They are true, substantiated by multiple sources.   It is complicated to understand why nothing is being done.  

A bunch of reasons I'd think. First of all, even still the SciHeads have juice in the communities they have big enough populations in to need their weird kiddie-work programs/creches. And we aren't talking about Cops here--the Department of Child and Family Services (or whatever the local name in each place for that is) would be who'd react. Secondly, as an adjunct to the first point, the work programs were out in the boonies (for example Gold Base is in the middle of nowhere), and while nurseries probably weren't, it's honestly not like the Scientologists did this with every kid. It was just the kids of people who got suckered into Sea Org. Third, the (older) kids lied about the work programs if asked, and as for the babies living in pig sties, I've heard they magically got cleaned up in a flash whenever there was any kind of official visit, because the Sciheads usually had someone on their payroll to tip them off. Fourth, they probably AREN'T actually doing it anymore, since big media attention started focusing on the issue 6 or 7 years ago. So the DPS or Police or FBI or whoever would only be looking at proving/prosecuting old incidents now. 

Edited by Kromm
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Regarding tonight's story, where a woman claims that 50 years ago her premature infant was stolen from her after she was falsely told the baby had died.


I kept an open mind and was leaning toward the stolen baby claim to possibly be true, until all of the evidence discounting the story was presented.  Now I'm sure that the story is false.  I think the mom didn't want a baby when she was in the middle of a divorce, especially since the baby was fathered by another man, and she was creating a local name as a talented gospel singer.  I'm not sure if she ever realized that the baby was deaf, but if she did, it's possible she didn't think she was capable of raising a child with a disability on her own.  


If anyone else watched tonight's show, I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on this story.

I agree with you. The gospel singer seemed like a really nice woman, but her story just doesn't seem to be true. 

Tony Dovolani said he believed COS followed him during his time as Leah's partner on DWTS. And that he was not afraid. http://m.tmz.com/#article/2015/11/30/tony-dovolani-scientology-leah-remini/


Thanks for this.  It is hysterical that COS found a need to follow Tony!  What on earth did they think they would find?!  She was no longer a part of their church and was none of their business and Tony certainly was not their business!    


They have a group that harass defectors called Squirrel Busters.  How mature.  


Edited by wings707
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It is hysterical that COS found a need to follow Tony!  What on earth did they think they would find?!  She was no longer a part of their church and was none of their business and Tony certainly was not their business


Because "hook-ups" have been known to happen on DWTS, perhaps they were hoping to find something suspicious. Regardless of the fact that Leah was no longer part of the cult, they would salivate to find anything to discredit her.

Because "hook-ups" have been known to happen on DWTS, perhaps they were hoping to find something suspicious. Regardless of the fact that Leah was no longer part of the cult, they would salivate to find anything to discredit her.


Yes, clearly.  I find it even more hysterical that they have a need to go after defectors to find dirt that "proves" they should not be believed.   OR we will smear them across the tabloids to get even.  HA!  So there!


So pathetic. 

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If these stories are true, WHY haven't they been shut down?  The police should get a warrant and check out the nurseries.

I think things have changed in the last twenty or so years - which is when the sick babies being neglected accusations originated. I think they no longer accept young children into Sea Org. It's also discouraged (if not outright banned) for Sea Org members to have children now. There are accusations of coerced, or even forced, abortions in Sea Org. In one story I've read, a married Sea Org member found out she was pregnant. She was not even allowed access to a phone to discuss the situation with her husband. She was forced to have an abortion. This obviously greatly reduces the number of sick and neglected babies.

Thanks for this.  It is hysterical that COS found a need to follow Tony!  What on earth did they think they would find?!  She was no longer a part of their church and was none of their business and Tony certainly was not their business!    


They have a group that harass defectors called Squirrel Busters.  How mature.  



In the Going Clear documentary, Marty Rathbun (who was once VERY high up in the Scieno ranks, one of the top 5) blew and said the Scienos were following him for more than FIVE YEARS.  Even going so far as to buy the house across the street from where he and his family lived, spy on them and make various threats.  They are a despicable bunch.


Given that Tom Cruise has claimed to personally get someone off heroin in three days and the many addicts in this world, you would think they could find better ways of using their mad skillz instead of harassing and spying on people.

Edited by psychoticstate
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In the Going Clear documentary, Marty Rathbun (who was once VERY high up in the Scieno ranks, one of the top 5) blew and said the Scienos were following him for more than FIVE YEARS.  Even going so far as to buy the house across the street from where he and his family lived, spy on them and make various threats.  They are a despicable bunch.


Given that Tom Cruise has claimed to personally get someone off heroin in three days and the many addicts in this world, you would think they could find better ways of using their mad skillz instead of harassing and spying on people.


Yes and wow, fucking wow. 

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Caught red-handed on tape trying to have her husband killed and sentenced to 20 years, she's getting a new trial.  And she wants you to know it was all just for getting a reality show folks, she is a really sweet person.  I wonder how long she practiced her "sincere" expression in the mirror to get it down pat.

She is confined to her home but that didn't stop her from getting botox injections.


She's a victim, people, a victim!

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She's so full of shit. If it was for a reality show why didn't she tell cops that when she was arrested? What reason did she give? That she was too much in shock to tell them? Yeah, OK.

She must have been using that lisp and those fake lips to blow the judge in order to get a new trial. The case was pretty open and shut in my opinion with the bitch on tape hiring a hitman so why a new trial?

There's something about the husband that rubs me the wrong way. I don't know if its his arrogance or what but I don't like the guy. He didn't deserve to have a hitman on his ass but he doesn't seem like a very good guy to me.

  • Love 7

She's so full of shit. If it was for a reality show why didn't she tell cops that when she was arrested? What reason did she give? That she was too much in shock to tell them? Yeah, OK.

She must have been using that lisp and those fake lips to blow the judge in order to get a new trial. The case was pretty open and shut in my opinion with the bitch on tape hiring a hitman so why a new trial?

There's something about the husband that rubs me the wrong way. I don't know if its his arrogance or what but I don't like the guy. He didn't deserve to have a hitman on his ass but he doesn't seem like a very good guy to me.

yes to all of this. I fell asleep towards the end. How was she able to get a new trial? And when will it be? I too think she is as guilty as sin.
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This church has to crumble at some point.  Articles conflict as to it's membership but I have to believe the numbers are much lower than COS reports,  because they are a lying sacks of shit.  


The COS definitely pads and outright lies about their membership numbers.  They count anyone who has taken a single class at any time as well as anyone who has purchased anything from them.  So their figures are wildly exaggerated.  And they are lying liars who lie. 


Per the Going Clear documentary, the IRS knows they are fraudulent but does not want to deal with them in any capacity.  So they continue to get a pass. 


I would hope with the documentary and most recently Leah's book, something will be done.

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I'm just now reading her book at just got to the part where they were accusing her of ruining TC wedding.   Tom Cruise sounds like a total wacko.  The information she provided while at his house and he was freaking out about the cookie dough was actually crazy.    He seems to act like a total immature kid and he is coddled constantly.  


And the amount of money she has given the church is unbelievable.  I can only imagine how much money they get from bigger celebs. 

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I'm just now reading her book at just got to the part where they were accusing her of ruining TC wedding.   Tom Cruise sounds like a total wacko.  The information she provided while at his house and he was freaking out about the cookie dough was actually crazy.    He seems to act like a total immature kid and he is coddled constantly.  


And the amount of money she has given the church is unbelievable.  I can only imagine how much money they get from bigger celebs. 



This was the most peculiar incident for me.  Maniacal display.   Arrogant, egotistical prick.  


He hasn't been in the media so he must be making a movie.   I am shocked he still has office box clout and that is not all about COS either.  I have never liked him.   He is a homunculus.  

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