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S01.E09: A Fox, a Rabbit, and a Cabbage

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Insight to the title riddle is below. When my Dad told me this one, it was a Fox, duck, and corn.

A man comes to a river with a boat. He has with him a wolf, a rabbit and a head of lettuce. The man can only carry one single passenger besides himself in the boat. How can he get them all to the other side without the rabbit eating the lettuce, or the wolf eating the rabbit?

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Ok, assuming the wolf doesn't like veggies....the man rows the rabbit across the river. Then he comes back tor the wolf. When he gets to the other side, he lets off the wolf, and brings the rabbit back with him. When he gets to the original side, off goes the rabbit, on comes the lettuce. After rowing the lettuce over, leaving it with the meateater wolf, he goes back one more time to fetch the well-traveled rabbit.


Talk about getting your workout in for the day! :)

Edited by A Boston Gal
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Well to be fair you don't have to actually solve them to watch the show. :)  I bet most of the viewers don't even know about them...

Well ya but that's not the point.  I see no need for the writers to try and fuck with my mind, that's all.

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Guess I'm in the "no" vote!. Just concentrate on the plot writers! Heck not that many people even read the titles no matter trying to figure them out! Heck not that many people know who the Vice President is!

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Guess I'm in the "no" vote!. Just concentrate on the plot writers! Heck not that many people even read the titles no matter trying to figure them out! Heck not that many people know who the Vice President is!

But aren't you just a bit curious?

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That guy in the lounge and the elevator with Loren and the two ladies (hookers?) looks a lot like good old Kentucky Federal Judge Mike "The Hammer" Reardon from Justified (actor Stephen Root).  I love that guy.

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Lester was so great at the beginning, so full of himself. He sees Malvo, he thinks, "He'll be so impressed with the man I've become. He'll think of me as an equal, a peer." Ten seconds in an elevator proved to Lester without a doubt, they're really, really not. Lester's still a lowly piece of shit, as that last scene showed.

Nice to see Lorne hasn't lost any of his troll tendencies. That scene with the family that bought Lester's old house was awesome.

Key and Peele came off as much more competent here. You know, except for the fact that this is the second time they've been five feet away from Malvo.

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This show makes me say "Holy Sh**" quite frequently. That was an incredibly tense 75 min.

Everyone was so close to catching Malvo.

And why would Malvo be listening to the Lester recording?

Only one fault though-- it was good of Linda to cover for Lester by saying she was home-sick, but after Solverson left she should have asked Lester why she had to lie.

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General rambling: Well, ignore anything good or forgiving I may have said about Lester. As he was asking his wife to get the passports, I thought something was wrong, but as soon as he gave her his coat, I knew some stuff was up. Bastard. He knew she might be killed and sent her in anyway.


I have to admit my mouth dropped open during the elevator shoot out. Not expecting that. I gather that neither did Lester.


The scene with Molly's husband (why can't I remember anyone's name?) in the postal vehicle when Malvo goes by was a bit scary. It reminded me of the trooper in the movie. Thank goodness Malvo didn't shoot him. I would have been too freaked out.


Every time I see Keith Carradine, I think about him in 'McCabe and Mrs Miller.' Time changes us all, I suppose.

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So why doesn't Lorne shoot Lester in the elevator? What's the point to waiting to try to track him down at home?

I also find it hard to believe Lorne would not check out Lester's car at the end. Lester also seemed a little too upset, given that he purposely set up his wife as a target.

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No joke, I almost passed out from holding my breath during the scene with Malvo and Lou at the diner because I thought Lou was going to die.  Malvo's line about not having pie that good since the Garden of Eden, wow even he believes he's the devil.  Great line though.  Other standouts include: "Later I'm going to put my whole thumb in your ass."  "I'm a rascal."  and "Natalie said in Acapulco you can drink rum right out of the coconut."


Loved the entire scene where Malvo ensured the 2 little kids would have nightmares for years to come.  


I know I shouldn't expect much from a guy that bashed his 1rst wife's head in with a hammer but dayum sending his new wife to her death was evil and cowardly as hell.



Also got a kick out of Key and Peele, wouldn't mind a File Room spin-off.  Snorted a little @ "Why would George W. Bush have a fox, a rabbit and a cabbage?"


 I thought the episode was fricken Aces!  Can not believe I have to wait an entire week for the finale.

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Oh, Lester, you stupid fuck.  If Malvo tells you to walk away, you walk away.  But no, your new-found machismo wouldn't allow that.  Freeman was brilliant in the elevator -- sick to his stomach as he realized all over again what Malvo was, but still too proud to say "no" and get off when he asked "Is this what you really want?"



The scene with Molly's husband (why can't I remember anyone's name?) in the postal vehicle when Malvo goes by was a bit scary. It reminded me of the trooper in the movie. Thank goodness Malvo didn't shoot him. I would have been too freaked out.

I know, I was all tensed up!  But I don't think Malvo noticed Gus at all, having no reason to pay attention to a postal truck.  Another tense scene -- Molly's dad and Malvo.  Malvo wasn't even trying to be charming or deceptively ordinary.


"Best apple pie I've had since the Garden of Eden!"


Molly, Gus, his daughter, and Molly's dad must survive. 

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And why would Malvo be listening to the Lester recording?



I don't think he was.  It didn't sound like Lester and the scenario of the phone call, with a gun shot, didn't match Lester's phone call. I think it was some other poor sap whose life Malvo ruined through his "encouragement."  It was meant to show that Malvo hasn't changed even while stuck in KC, MO. 



So why doesn't Lorne shoot Lester in the elevator? What's the point to waiting to try to track him down at home?



Knowing Malvo, there are probably a few good answers to this.  It could be that he wanted to clean up the mess in the elevator and needed Lester's help for it.  He did ask Lester to help him move one of the bodies.  Another reason could be that he just wanted to play with Lester a bit for the fun of it.  Because honestly, that's the kind of guy Lorne is.


I thought this was another great episode.  There was so much tension in the episode from the elevator to the diner scene to Lester acting like a sitting duck in his own home.  It's just terrific. 

The only thing I wonder now is if some of the earlier storylines were just "side trips" and won't be revisited.

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Malvo didn't shoot Lester in the elevator because he wanted help with the bodies.  Lester would have been toast after that, and probably with Malvo's gun in his hand. 


Someone smarter than me can figure out the connection to the riddle.  Maybe it has to do with Lester using Linda as bait.  Lester's the cabbage and he gave Linda the Rabbit to Malvo the Fox?  Except that cabbages can't think.  I think Malvo knew who he was shooting.  They were face to face, and there was enough time for him to know it wasn't Lester.  I also think he knew Lester was in the car, but killing him there wouldn't be any fun.  Now we'll have Lester with another dead wife to explain.


The bear trap should be used next week. 

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How did the Las Vegas Police know Lester was a possible witness to the murders?

Security cameras saw him getting on the elevator with them.


He did ask Lester to help him move one of the bodies.  Another reason could be that he just wanted to play with Lester a bit for the fun of it.  Because honestly, that's the kind of guy Lorne is.



I think Malvo knew who he was shooting.  They were face to face, and there was enough time for him to know it wasn't Lester.

It looked to me like he shot her in the back of the head.  Through the hoodie.


Damn, Lester really IS a cowardly bastard isn't he?!

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How did the Las Vegas Police know Lester was a possible witness to the murders?

Security cameras saw him getting on the elevator with them.

How did they know who he was? If they knew who Lester was, why didn't they know who Malvo was? They saw him get on the elevator with his girlfriend, partner, and his partner's wife. If they have video of Lester then they have video of Malvo. Edited by Accidental Martyr
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Obvious comment out of the way: I thought this episode was "aces!" (cue Lorne's cheesy finger guns.)  And I should have suspected that they would bring a recognizable face like Stephen Root in this late, so they could just kill him off before the title card.  Still, it was fun seeing him, plus Helena Mattsson as Lorne's fiancee.  Of course, she would be expendable too.


But Lorne still has to catch up to Lester.  Wow, to recap.  Lester killed his first wife and he now send his second wife to die.  He had to be at least 99% sure Lorne was in there.  There is no excuses; he had her put on his coat and everything.  IMO, Lester really is a horrible human being.  Probably just as despicable as Lorne, even though both of them are different in their own bad way.  And, of course, all of it was because he had to be the "big man", and swing his dick around Lorne, and realized he couldn't handle the heat. What a putz.  The only solace I can take is I really can't see him getting away clean now.  No matter what excuses he tries to make, this will have to be too big to ignore.  Especially since his best ally, Bill, might not be as helpful now that Agents Key & Peele have joined the party.  Still, I have to say it again, but Martin Freeman is just owning it.  Can't believe this is the same guy who played lovable characters like Watson and Bilbo Baggins.


Loved that Molly is finally getting support and how happy she was, when she realized the agents were backing her.  I also liked though that she didn't rub it in Bill's face in anyway.  It wouldn't be in her character, IMO.  But Gus though, I'm worried.  I really hope he doesn't try to do anything by himself, because I don't see it ending well for him.


Glad the show found a way to get Billy Bob Thornton and Keith Carradine in a scene together.  I always like it when you see two pros like them, just play off one another.  A really great scene.


My biggest laugh probably came from Lester hitting Lorne from behind, and he sounded more annoyed then hurt, all "Dammit, Lester!"  Followed by Agents Key & Peele and the riddle that is the title for this episode.


Glad the finale will be an hour and a half.  Really can't wait to see how this goes down.  Besides everyone already here, I still suspect Mr. Wrench is going to come back into play, somehow.  I wonder if we'll even touch on The Supermarket King or Hess' widow and her sons.

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How did they know who he was? If they knew who Lester was, why didn't they know who Malvo was?


They were probably able to ID both, given the gravity of the crime.  I think we can presume that Malvo abandoned his 'Mike' identity there and then, leaving nothing behind that might lead anyone to 'Lorne Malvo'. 


Fucking Lester.  The only reason I can see that he made his new wife wear her hood up is so that if Malvo was there (which Lester obviously thought likely), Malvo would think she was Lester so she'd die before she had the chance to tell Malvo anything.  Jesus penis, Lester, I do hope Malvo kills you, but ending up in your brother's cell might be even worse.  

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Excellent episode.


Fabulous scene between Lou and Malvo.  Lou had obviously been a good cop because he knew what Malvo was.  I think I held my breath during their entire exchange.


I didn't think Lester could fall any lower than framing his brother and nephew, but when he sent his wife to certain death and made sure that she put that hood up, that was one of the most cold-blood things I've ever seen.  Total sociopath piece of shit.

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So Lester thought he was hot shit in Vegas.  But when confronted with Malvo's true evil, he turns back into the quivering milquetoast we saw in the beginning.  Who kills his second wife.  Can't wait to see him go down.


So Malvo is Lucifer and is invisible on some security cameras?  But Lou sees him for what he is.


Also, Bill is in witness protection and Malvo was one of Saul Goodman's clients back in Albuquerque so he's protecting him.  No? Okay, it was worth a shot...

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I created an account just to say that the riddle that makes up the episode's title was also used in an episode of the original British version of The Office, which feautured Martin Freeman as one of the stars. I don't recall if it used the rabbit, fox and cabbage specifically. It was in episode 104 "Training".


Can't help but love Malvo. He's Anton Chigurgh from No Country for Old Men. He exists to disrupt the lives of anyone he encounters, no matter who it is. The only real difference is that he actually has a personality and a sense of humour. Stephen Root was also killed by Chigurgh in the same movie.

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My goodness how I loved this ep!


Lorne metaphorically pulling teeth with his good buddy brother of the witness whilst he actually pulled actual teeth as a dentist!   He endured six months of that?!!

I'd love to know the back story of all that.


While I enjoyed the meeting of Lou and Lorne, it felt too contrived.  Lorne has so much success due to his ability to read folks.  He would have known Lou was not a guy to mess with by giving too many suspicions.  LM pressed too hard for info, imo.


Another theme was reinforced with the murder of the seemingly innocent wife.  She got her jollies by lying for Lester.  So, she lost the "protection" of the light.  In the world of this show, most everyone dabbles in selfish and evil behaviors.  The shock is that anyone in the show is shocked when they reap a whirlwind of darkness.  


I was put off a bit with Lorne's flashing the knife as he approached the old Nygaard homestead.   As I've written before, the elegance with which he operates is special.  This felt too rageful and crude.  However, putting those nightmare thoughts in the father and sons?  Epic!  


I was sad watching the previews.  It's all coming to an end and I may never see Lorne again.  My guess, and hope, is that not all doors will be closed.

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No joke, I almost passed out from holding my breath during the scene with Malvo and Lou at the diner because I thought Lou was going to die.  Malvo's line about not having pie that good since the Garden of Eden, wow even he believes he's the devil.  Great line though



God, I was so sure he was going to die.  I'm glad he didn't, but still it was so intense.


I LOVED those FBI guys giving the smackdown to stupid Bill for overlooking the solid evidence that connected to Lester to Malvo.  I hope his ass gets fired for his incompetency.


Jesus H. Tapdancing Christ, I hate Lester so much that I hope he's the one that winds up in the woodchipper for the finale.  That poor wife didn't deserve that.  The only thing she was guilty of was being dumb enough to love and trust Lester (and cover for him in the interview with Molly).  My friend and I kept saying, "That poor girl" over and over again.  His comeuppance is long overdue.

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The bear trap should be used next week.

IIRC there was a point in one episode where Lorne was telling someone about seeing a bear in a trap (I think it was a bear) and how the bear basically ripped off its own leg in order to get out of the trap - and how Lorne saw the bear, down the road, dead, a bit later - wonder if that was intended to be a foreshadowing of what happens to Lorne in the finale.

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The question I have is not how did they ID Lester and not Lorne.  This is Vegas so I am sure their security team knew who both of them were, but Lorne was not registered as as Lorne Malvo. I am sure someone out there know who it really was, jut not the LVPD.The question I had about that scene is why didn't they see the triple murder in the elevator?  Again, this is Vegas. There are cameras everywhere, in every hotel and casino. Are we supposed to believe that there are cameras in the lobby outside the elevator, but not in the elevator? Not in every hallway of every floor?


IN the end I want Lester caught.  I want him pulled through a bathroom window sniveling like a little baby, while trying to escape. I want Molly vindicated and Bill humiliated.  But I also kinda want Lorne to get away like the serpent he is. But I would not say no to him going in a wood chipper via the "Deaf Fella."  And I want Lou to take his new granddaughter fishing.

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After nearly dropping the show because I thought the middle episodes were so stupid, I have to say I was pretty pleased with the last two.  Particularly this one.


I didn't think Lester could possibly sink any lower but he manages to do so every week.  I'm looking forward to him getting what's his.  Lorne might get away with it (I hope Molly brings him down though)although I'm glad he didn't kill Lou.  As for why he didn't kill Lester straight up, I think he enjoys playing a cat-and-mouse game so much.  He likes going back to the scene of a crime too.


Was glad to see Bill finally get put in his place for his incompetence and terrible police work.  Bob Odenkirk does do a great job though.


Really liked the interaction between Lou and his new granddaughter.

Edited by benteen
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I didn't think Lester could fall any lower than framing his brother and nephew, but when he sent his wife to certain death and made sure that she put that hood up, that was one of the most cold-blood things I've ever seen.  Total sociopath piece of shit.

Lester's cold-blooded penchant for setting others up to take his fall goes all the way back to the first show.


Remember when he called Lorne at the motel?  And then got out the shotgun?  And practiced saying, "YOU killed her!"?

Lester didn't call Lorne to help him clean up his mess.  He called Lorne because he fully intended to set up Lorne as Pearl's killer!  And himself as the brave husband who shot the "burglar" who had attacked his wife.  


I suspect Lorne figured that out, too, and that's why he came in the back way.


But Lester's been a sneaky bastard from way back.

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I am still the lone voice calling in the wind that Lorne is way more evil than Lester.  Lester is still a criminal of convenience setting up folks to save his own hide, but Malvo just kills for the sport of it.  Even Molly's dad recognized the wanton evil in Malvo. Look - Lorne is evil because he practiced dentistry without really knowing what he was doing - that is sheer evil.


I was a little surprised Lester's wife agreed to go in.  It was fairly clear she knew there was trouble brewing when she suddenly jumped in and covered for him with Molly. I suspected she might have been smarter than she seemed. Guess not.


Was I the only one to wonder if Stephen Root's brother was Mr. Wrench?  I do not think we have seen the last of Mr. W.


BUT, great episode!  Wonderful performances all around (loved Lester's wife), and happy that Key and Peele are out of the file room.

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Fabulous scene between Lou and Malvo.  Lou had obviously been a good cop because he knew what Malvo was.  I think I held my breath during their entire exchange.


It was like seeing two gunfighters meeting up in a bar. Without any introductions, they know who is in front of them and keeps the eyes open as they circle around each other.


I thought that Lorne mentioned the story about the bear that tore off its leg to get out of the bear trap and made it to the river before dying.

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Lester also seemed a little too upset, given that he purposely set up his wife as a target.

I honestly don't think he was as upset about his wife as he was about having confirmation that Malvo was in town and looking to kill him.


Freaking Lester. The minute he sent her into that office I wanted to reach through the screen and slap him silly.


I was also afraid Lou was going to die, and was relieved when Malvo left. I was surprised, though, when Lou just labeled him as a random nut, rather than knowing something sinister was up. That said, at least he didn't tell him where Lester lived... he was smart enough to not go there.


And YAY! for Molly validation. She's the only one who has known what was going on, so it's nice to see someone other than her family finally realize it.

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It was like seeing two gunfighters meeting up in a bar.


I had two associations. One was an exorcism priest confronting Satan. The other was John Gavin "pleasantly conversing" with Anthony Perkins across the motel desk in Psycho.

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