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Carole Radziwill: She's a Real Princess!

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Someone posted the Macy pajama ad on Twitter.   The only thing I can think of that Carole may object to is the same sex parents featured in the ad.    That doesn't seem to fit with her new "drinking tea" now unless that was just more Carole BS



Edited by AnnA
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It's in her Instastory, not her regular pics. You have to click on her user icon to view her stories. Carole uses stories a lot more than anything else. Anyway here it is. People are upset because the only black family in the ad is a single mother while the white families are all 2-parent/nuclear types.

I agree with her, it's incredibly tone-deaf. Representation matters to people and advertisers are especially aware of that. The fact that no one at Macy's thought about this is kind of bizarre to me. 


Screen Shot 2018-11-18 at 3.53.51 PM.png

Edited by Otherkate
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17 minutes ago, Otherkate said:

It's in her Instastory, not her regular pics. You have to click on her user icon to view her stories. Carole uses stories a lot more than anything else. Anyway here it is. People are upset because the only black family in the ad is a single mother while the white families are all 2-parent/nuclear types.

I agree with her, it's incredibly tone-deaf. Representation matters to people and advertisers are especially aware of that. The fact that no one at Macy's thought about this is kind of bizarre to me. 




I guess I'm tone deaf too because I didn't pick up on it.    Are my eyes failing or is that a mixed race gay couple with one white and one black child?

Edited by AnnA
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3 minutes ago, AnnA said:

I guess I'm gone deaf too because I didn't pick up on it.    Are my eyes failing or is that a mixed race gay couple with one white and one black child?

It is. Lots of people were happy to see a gay couple in the ad. 

Separately, people were upset that the only black family had no father -- feeding into the long-held stereotypes about black families. All of the other families had fathers.

Edited by Otherkate
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1 minute ago, Otherkate said:

It is. Lots of people were happy to see a gay couple in the ad. 

Separately, people were upset that the only black family had no father -- feeding into the long-held stereotypes about black families. All of the other families had fathers.

I wonder if Carole noticed that it's the same white couple in both pictures.     

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It's important to some people, clearly. And, certainly, people can care about more than one thing at a time. At this point, I think we're all caring about 5 million things that are distressing on any given day. Feels that way to me anyway. 

I'm not black, but I understand how this could be upsetting. 

I've done a lot of magazine covers in my life and you pour over the dumbest seemingly inconsequential details for a reason. You go weeks staring at the same damned cover pic and cover lines. Things matter to people. More than a few people were paid a SHITLOAD of money to get this right and they should have been sweating the details. They didn't. If they reported into me, there would be a problem. 

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3 minutes ago, QuinnM said:

That’s what I saw as well.  But we are still missing a lesbian couple, a single dad and of course a white single mom with children from multiple dads.  Oh, wait a family with adopted children.  I’m sorry it’s just 4 pictures.  We are not going to get everything’s want.  I don’t think Macy’s had a chance of getting this right if that is the criteria.

78 people are dead from forest fires with over a thousand missing.  Macy’s not doing diversity correctly, when they obviously attempted to showcase diversity, is really not important.

You're right.    There will always be someone complaining.    Why does it have to be "single mother?"    Why can't it be a mother with her children and dad is taking the picture?    

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If they didn't include a single mother, there would be outcry about that - that single mothers weren't being represented. They obviously were trying. We need to calm down with the hypersensitivity and be a little more tolerant. IMO.

Edited by Teri313
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People are mostly just rolling their eyes and asking why it happened. No one is throwing bricks through their windows or anything. Macys has already apologized.

There is a very real stereotype in America about black families - that black mothers are single mothers because black men abandon their children. That's why people were upset that the one single mother in this ad is a black mother. It was a dumb mistake.

The upside is that there are now tons of black families posting pics of their own families all in matching PJs which is adorable.

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I don’t usually agree with Carole but I understand why she and other people are upset about this. It’s not about making sure every single type and permutation of American family is represented, it’s about one of the families that they chose to represent plays into a negative, hurtful stereotype.

Sometimes, simply trying isn’t good enough. No, it’s not the most important thing going on in our country now but no one is saying it is, and just because it isn’t the most important thing doesn’t mean it can’t be important. Clearly, it’s important to Carole and many other people, and, in my opinion, being dismissive of that is itself an act of intolerance.

Edited by link417
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2 hours ago, AnnA said:

You're right.    There will always be someone complaining.    Why does it have to be "single mother?"    Why can't it be a mother with her children and dad is taking the picture?    

Because that is not the setup of the other families’ pictures.

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10 minutes ago, QuinnM said:

Well the two dads could be a polyamorist family with the mom taking the picture. 

or 2 single dads with their kids. Or 2 murderous stalkers that lured some kids from the park. 


Why do we, as a society, put so much effort into finding things to be offended by?

Can't we all just get along?

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Just now, SweetieDarling said:

or 2 single dads with their kids. Or 2 murderous stalkers that lured some kids from the park. 

You say this like murderous child stalkers who lure kids from the park into creepy matching pajama photo shoots are somehow wrong. 

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Aside from Carole's Instagram where did this ad appear?   We're talking about it as if it was the cover of People magazine.  It's an ad for pajamas!

And how many people actually bothered to comment on it or post their own all inclusive family photos? 

Edited by AnnA
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This is Carole’s thread and it was a post on her insta, that’s why the ad is being discussed at length.

LOL, nobody is putting effort into being offended; I’m sure these people don’t sit around scouring the news and internet for something to be offended by. And who is not getting along? I’m not sure why pointing out why you find something to be problematic is considered to be some sort of antagonistic act.

Is it not presumptuous (or maybe there is a more accurate term that I can’t think of right now) to think that because you do not find something offensive, it is objectively inoffensive and those who feel differently are being hypersensitive?

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I think more is being made of people being offended in here than was made about the ad. No one is not getting along because of the ad. People were saddened by it and found it depressing, some people rolled their eyes, some people @ messaged Macy's on Twitter. It was a dumb oversight that shouldn't have happened when these things are done by creative branding professionals. They do this for a living and what they do affects the brands they do it for. The ad will appear everywhere because it is their Holiday ad. In magazines, online, on giant bought ad spaces on city streets like NYC. Macy's apologized. People started posting tons of their own photos of their black families in matching pajamas. It was cute. Honestly, kind of the end.  And, yes, there are lots of terrible things happening in the world, but thank goodness we are able to think, care and talk about more than 1 thing at a time. Like things that are massively important to the world internationally and also less important things like whether or not Lu is paying for her new round house with her cabaret money or wtf is going on there. 

I came in here to talk about how a former coworker of mine (high up in the Cosmo masthead now) eye-rolled my mention of Carole at an event last week, but instead got all distracted in here by this. LOL. 

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1 minute ago, Otherkate said:

I came in here to talk about how a former coworker of mine (high up in the Cosmo masthead now) eye-rolled my mention of Carole at an event last week, but instead got all distracted in here by this. LOL. 

Now I’m intrigued!

Can I throw some shade Carole’s way and ask (rhetorically) why she still has her own thread and is not relegated to the past housewives thread? Maybe with some more distance from her voluntary (wink) departure, interest in her will die down and she can take her rightful place in the has-been thread.

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20 hours ago, Otherkate said:

It is. Lots of people were happy to see a gay couple in the ad. 

Separately, people were upset that the only black family had no father -- feeding into the long-held stereotypes about black families. All of the other families had fathers.

I also think it's odd (from an advertising perspective) that the Gay Parent Family and Black Parent Family aren't interacting with each other. They're looking at the camera,  or looking off into space, while the white familes are so into each other, they need to get a room (apparently, if your parents are Gay, these pajamas will make you pose as if for a Royal Photo, if black,  cause you to avoid eye contact while dying of merriment, if white, then you all connect and turn to each other as a family). Why such different visual cues? So sloppy. If you're linking your product to familial togetherness, show all the families connecting with each other. 

This is a very (ahem) tone deaf tweet from Radziwill, imo  (wives aren't responsible for the choices their husbands make, Carole -- if you want John Legend to not perform at the Macy's parade, contact HIM, not his wife).  

@chrissyteigen I hope you see this. I just read that your husband is performing at the Macy's parade. Along with Diana Ross...(oh the irony here..) Let's get Macy's to pull their TONEDEAF ad or at least issue an apology. DM me..

5:11 PM - 18 Nov 2018

Edited by film noire
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1 hour ago, film noire said:

This is a very (ahem) tone deaf tweet from Radziwill, imo  (wives aren't responsible for the choices their husbands make, Carole -- if you want John Legend to not perform at the Macy's parade, contact HIM, not his wife).  

I think a lot of this, for me, was that this appears to suddenly be a soapbox for Carole.  She has never gone off on this type of thing before.  I do follow celebs on twitter who are all about this type of ad stereotyping.  Then some that are all about the air brushing of models.  But Carole?  Nope this is just out of the blue.  Now she is on the Victoria Secret issues.  So she’s about 2 weeks late to that dance.  It’s just odd.  In fact I would not have even mentioned this if she was on about animals or animal rescue.  But she has said nothing about the rescue efforts in California.  The only animal posts seem to be her in a gown, in the NYT, with fancy friends for a animal adoption gala.

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2 hours ago, film noire said:

This is a very (ahem) tone deaf tweet from Radziwill, imo  (wives aren't responsible for the choices their husbands make, Carole -- if you want John Legend to not perform at the Macy's parade, contact HIM, not his wife).  

@chrissyteigen I hope you see this. I just read that your husband is performing at the Macy's parade. Along with Diana Ross...(oh the irony here..) Let's get Macy's to pull their TONEDEAF ad or at least issue an apology. DM me..

5:11 PM - 18 Nov 2018

Well, listen. We know that Carole feels it's important to go through the girlfriend or wife before daring to speak to the man. That's on the record!

Especially weird that she tweeted this out for everyone to witness instead of simply DMing Chrissy herself. 

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I'm just a little meh on Carole's level of offense and her pick of hills to die on.

First, I didn't find the ad offensive. It covers multiple family types, different races, and the single mom with the three healthy happy kids in matching expensive holiday pajamas? Seemed to be a rather positive thing, a mom who is doing a great job raising her kids. I get what bothers people but honestly, it does feel like people being a little over sensitive, but thats just me. 

So, this is Carole's fight now? I just honestly don't believe this is about anything but Carole garnering attention. I mean, she tweeted to Chrissy Teigan, OMG she's such a fighter for black single moms!

Does Carole even know any black single moms?

This is the issue that Carole takes a stand on? That Macy's is wrong to depict the single mom in their holiday pajamas ad with a black woman? And her stand is to bitch at Chrissy Teigan on twitter?

No wonder Hillary lost of this is Carole's balls to the walls support. 

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13 hours ago, Otherkate said:

I came in here to talk about how a former coworker of mine (high up in the Cosmo masthead now) eye-rolled my mention of Carole at an event last week, but instead got all distracted in here by this. LOL. 

Not at all surprised about that Cosmo thing.  She probably missed (yet another) deadline.  And then pranced into the offices all winsome (except this time without a camera crew in tow) and expected everyone to chuckle merrily about her wanton winsome ways and give her an extension.

Except that life without a camera crew is very different to life with a camera crew.  

As I'm sure Carole has found out by now...

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Folks, this thread is about Carole, not about Macy's, so let's make sure we keep the discussion about Carole's reaction, not the ad in general, and please be sure not to use this or other Instagram stories as a jumping off point into general political discussion, which we're approaching here.

Regarding the existence of this thread - other former housewives also still have threads, they've just dropped down the forum thread list due to not being used. Carole is a recent departure so her thread will stay live for a while, since there is still a lot of people who would like to discuss her, and that's ok!  

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2 hours ago, Rap541 said:


So, this is Carole's fight now? I just honestly don't believe this is about anything but Carole garnering attention. 


2 hours ago, quaintirene said:


Except that life without a camera crew is very different to life with a camera crew.  

As I'm sure Carole has found out by now...

Yes.  This is all about Carole garnering attention.    She was used to being on TV and having a camera crew follow her around.   What is her job now?   Advertising herself on social media and trolling A-list celebrities?   I'm surprised that there are people interested enough to check out her Instagram.   IMHO Carole isn't just a "has been" she's a "never was."

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On 11/18/2018 at 9:19 PM, Otherkate said:


I came in here to talk about how a former coworker of mine (high up in the Cosmo masthead now) eye-rolled my mention of Carole at an event last week, but instead got all distracted in here by this. LOL. 

We need more details...spill all the tea!

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I’m still a Carole fan, but I am a bit disappointed by how she professionally backslid more with each successive season of Real Housewives. She was actively writing and promoting her writing career in the first two seasons, but by her third season she obviously was all out of fucks and it showed—-somehow she thought it’d look cute that she was skipping deadlines and not pursuing more writing gigs because she was too busy riding bike handlebars and posing as a carefree hipster maven.

I honestly think the money and opportunities started coming in way too easily and she got swept up in the weird world of reality stardom. She forgot her true self and started playing more of an onscreen character archetype, enjoying all the invites, publicity and perks of the job.

”Writer Girl” lost her identity and forgot how she even got the gig, it seems.

I know she’s at her retirement age now and maybe she’s content to live the easygoing and carefree lifestyle she’s earned(after all, she had a rather hectic career for 20+ years before the show), but I hope we see glimpses of her former self and she somehow gets her groove back. I think she’s a talented writer and has a unique author voice when she has the motivation and proper platform to fully express herself.

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I began to follow Carole on Twitter ages ago when she began RHONY, but about the time of the Presidential election she became too over the top for me, so I unfollowed her. About 2 days ago her tweets began showing back up again (after a 2 year absence). Somehow it showed that I was following her again. I unfollowed her for a second time. If she shows up again, unless it’s a retweet of someone that I do follow, I’m going to block her. How the heck did this happen? Has anyone had this happen to them? I wonder if she is desperate for followers. Like I count...not. 

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On 11/18/2018 at 9:28 PM, link417 said:

Now I’m intrigued!

Can I throw some shade Carole’s way and ask (rhetorically) why she still has her own thread and is not relegated to the past housewives thread? Maybe with some more distance from her voluntary (wink) departure, interest in her will die down and she can take her rightful place in the has-been thread.

Now THIS!  A has-been HW's thread!  What fun we could have.  Would that start fights about who should be in it?  Maybe the Has Been thread could include still active housewives.  

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On 11/19/2018 at 4:14 PM, langford peel said:

I expect to see Carole on “Survivor” or “Celebrity Rehab.”

The only reality show she won’t be on is “Teen Mom.”

Nah, she and Adam will be on the couple one that Kim Richards was just on with her fake boyfriend.

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57 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

Nah, she and Adam will be on the couple one that Kim Richards was just on with her fake boyfriend.

Do you mean marriage boot camp? Ugh. I hope not. That would be so weird. 

Kim and her whatever....Gretchen and Slade....just EW.

Edited by Happy Camper
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On 11/18/2018 at 4:31 PM, AnnA said:

You're right.    There will always be someone complaining.    Why does it have to be "single mother?"    Why can't it be a mother with her children and dad is taking the picture?    

Why is Carole complaining in the first place?  Is she the voice of reason?  Nothing better to do?  I saw that ad lots of times and thought nothing of it.  Why open up a can of worms?  Macy’s is here a long time.  I’m sure they know what they are doing.  You can’t please everyone all the time.  Did Carole want a ten page ad so as to not offend anyone?  She should go write another book and keep busy, maybe about pajamas.

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5 hours ago, Gem 10 said:

Why is Carole complaining in the first place?  Is she the voice of reason?  Nothing better to do?  I saw that ad lots of times and thought nothing of it.  Why open up a can of worms?  Macy’s is here a long time.  I’m sure they know what they are doing.  You can’t please everyone all the time.  Did Carole want a ten page ad so as to not offend anyone?  She should go write another book and keep busy, maybe about pajamas.


Maybe she considers herself the Great 1% Savior Of The Oppressed (tm) !

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12 minutes ago, BckpckFullaNinjas said:


Maybe she considers herself the Great 1% Savior Of The Oppressed (tm) !

Yes, the millionaire "princess" who deigned to go to an Occupy Wall Street protest (but cameras were rolling and she needed to look like a SJW to keep with her fake hipster image) and then giggle at lunch asking if she was part of the 1%

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23 minutes ago, BckpckFullaNinjas said:


Maybe she considers herself the Great 1% Savior Of The Oppressed (tm) !

Is she considering running for office?

She's switching characters from Sex in the City. Instead of being Carrie Bradshaw, carefree sex kitten, she's trying to emulate Cynthia Nixon, New York governor wannabe?

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