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Sonja Morgan: Don't Call her White Trash

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I could only watch about 15 seconds of the clip…that was painful. Sonja's become the Snooki of RHoNY, but worse - Snooki could get away with the "I was young and immature" excuse, and she cleaned up her drinking and partying once she had a child, at least. Maybe Sonja takes negative attention as a positive - "at least people are talking about me still, and RHoNY isn't even on right now."


Sonja's no saint and she's definitely lost the sheen that she first had in S3, but these clips and articles, taking joy in her hot mess-ness, are cruel. Yes, she's putting herself out there and behaving this way (and her ex could have a good argument for full custody, if that was something he wanted) but enough already. I watched WWHL last night (Kristen Wiig and Bill Hader…yay!) and Andy asked them if they'd seen Sonja's burlesque routine in Austin. He said that it had gone on for 3 1/2 minutes, which - in TV time - is a long time. He showed the guests 11 seconds of a painful clip of Sonja's "act" and Bill Hader quipped "even that felt like 3 minutes."

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She was toasted but I actually expected worse.  I'm glad it wasn't as bad as the headlines made it out to be.  Brandi's drunken forays are worse, imo.  When Brandi's stumbling drunk, she looks like she smells like vomit.  Sonja was perspiring but managed to keep her privates private and her tampon string tucked away.  The way she kept pushing her hair out of her face indicates to me that she was still coherent enough to be concerned with the way she looked.  Brandi is just a sweaty, bloodied knees, falling down drunk. 


Sonja may, or may, not get that publicly wasted but I'm glad we haven't seen it yet.


Her body is beautiful and her skin is gorgeous.  Get it together, girl.  It's not too late.

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Call me 'old fashioned', but I think it's less than becoming, mature...whathaveyou, to be and appear in public falling down drunk. Male, female....but especially a parent. Especially an 'adult'. It stopped being funny for Lindsay Lohan once she hit her early to mid-20's, too. Tara Reid? I believe "pathetic" is the definition most used these days--not hot, fun, 'wild-child', etc.  


And Sonja has done this not only on the show, but "in real life" as well.....the woman had a freaking DWI. Being a teen or college age can be chalked up to youthful stupidity. But as an adult....really? Get your drink on at home, and hopefully not nightly. Trolling the nightclubs and falling over isn't sexy in any form, Sonja (or Brandi). 

Edited by diorella78
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The usually witless TMZ captioned Sonja's video as 'the straw that slurred the drink.'  Slow clap, TMZ. 


Um.  Wellll...personally, I don't see the point of compare/contrast in terms of Miss Morgan's ratchet, messy self and Brandi's ratchet, messy self: it's not zero-sum, they BOTH win!  Sonja's crew seems really shady and yucky - though the man she kissed at least recognized what was going on when he asked who was filming. 


It's tough because I love a broad who can have fun but Sonja seems equally Brandi-like to me, like a nightmare - what I think is likely is that you'd be in the bathroom at an event and one or both of them would ask you for coke or Adderall and if you weren't, you know, carrying or a dealer, they'd curse you out, or that they'd both try to rub your date/boyfriend's/husband's crotch in your presence (wait: to be fair, I only think that of Sonja), or that either would vomit on your shoes on the dance floor and maybe say sorry, and maybe not.  I will assume - as I do for Brandi in re her kids - that Sonja didn't have custody of her daughter that night, that she keeps it together when her kid is actually with her.  Fingers crossed.

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Call me 'old fashioned', but I think it's less than becoming, mature...whathaveyou, to be and appear in public falling down drunk. Male, female....but especially a parent. Especially an 'adult'.


I don't think falling down drunk - at home or in a night club - looks good on anybody no matter what age or sex they are.  It's just plain sad. Drunk-off-their-asses college kids aren't funny.  Maybe to themselves and to the other drunks but to me, there's nothing funny about getting that wasted and showing your ass.  Literally and figuratively.


Sonja and her girlfriends' behavior make them look obnoxious.  Lindsay and her girlfriends, the same.  52 or 22, it's sad and they look like dum dums.

Edited by ryebread
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SonJa is just sad at this point. Her ex husband's rich family are not all that wonderful either.His great great grandfather J.P. Morgan once stated that he owed the public nothing. He is part of the reason that President Roosevelt created the Sherman anti trust laws. Read your history folks, I for one will never do business with JP Morgan/Chase banks or entities.

Edited by mbaywife123
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I see Sonja's got herself a new boyfriend.  Looks smarmy.  Ah, but Sonja is still rockin' that wardrobe from 1996.  Same exact clothes Karen Walker wore in Will & Grace -- er, when it started in the '90's.  C'mon Sonja.  TJ Maxx is only a few blocks away from your dilapidated townhouse.  Time for a wardrobe update, gurl!



Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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I did notice the scarf oddly wrapped around the handle and wondered about the purse's condition. Don't you usually just loosely knot a scarf around the bottom of a handle and let it drape down. Hum, what is that scarf hiding???

I think that is old school Babe Paley, she always had a scarf around her purse handle, Sonja is very society (just ask her) she is imitating a true society maven with the scarf.

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So will Sonja finally be forced outta the townhouse?




I say it's only a matter of time.  Just shows lawyers can delay, delay, delay.  But they can't put off what's inevitable.  Don't see what the big deal is.  She makes enough from the show to afford a little place in one of those big ugly college dorm buildings nearby, like where Moaner lives.  Altho I doubt she could afford a 2 bedroom.  I'm thinkin' a cramped tiny one bedroom like what Beth had before she got her booze dough.  Sure, they're small, but comfy enough.  She really should start selling off that '90's wardrobe.  The decaying Chanel bags could bring in some dough.


I pass by Sonja's townhouse every day on my way to the subway.  There are construction barricades on either side of her place & across the street.  Looks horrible & there's massive amounts of noise during the day.  Ugh, how awful to live with that.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs

Ah, lookee lookee, Sonja has on another getup from 1996 she got on old man Morgan's black AmEx.  Looks like everything -- the bag, shoes, dress & wrap just came outta da mothballs.



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Ah, lookee lookee, Sonja has on another getup from 1996 she got on old man Morgan's black AmEx.  Looks like everything -- the bag, shoes, dress & wrap just came outta da mothballs.



By the look of the bottom of that dress it seems that it was in a garment bag for a while.  Sonja really should have had one of her many employees or interns steam the wrinkles out of that dress.

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Ah, lookee lookee, Sonja has on another getup from 1996 she got on old man Morgan's black AmEx.  Looks like everything -- the bag, shoes, dress & wrap just came outta da mothballs.





It *is* an old dress.  :-(  I knew I'd seen it before.


I'm all for recycling.  After all, a little black dress is a little black dress (although that one isn't so little).  It's all the accoutremonts (see what I did there?) that are accompanying it this time that makes the whole look problematic and dated.  And yeah, a little crazy cat lady. 


  • Love 3

I see Sonja's got herself a new boyfriend. Looks smarmy. Ah, but Sonja is still rockin' that wardrobe from 1996. Same exact clothes Karen Walker wore in Will & Grace -- er, when it started in the '90's. C'mon Sonja. TJ Maxx is only a few blocks away from your dilapidated townhouse. Time for a wardrobe update, gurl!


If this look is from 1996 then Sonja is making wise clothing choices because it doesn't scream "Karen Walker" or "20 year old outfit" to me. It looks tasteful and she looks lovely.

The boyfriend -- she looks more into him than he's into her, if we're going by body language. It looks like he's pulling away while she's kissing him.

ETA: ScoobieDoobs, on second thought, I get where you're going with the Karen Walker thing. There are a lot of similarities between the two: the updo, lots of black fitted dress ensembles, excessive drinking and public drunkeness, married to an older wealthy husband, lavish lifestyle snob. Well done.

Edited by msblossom
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Not really -- at least they're both fun, right?


Was thinkin' poor Sonja's hair is lookin' really dated too.  Influenced by Moaner maybe?  She certainly couldn't afford Moaner's stylist so I assume she's doing a DIY jobbie.  Anyhoo, she probably looked really great in that dress when she was old man Morgan's trophy wife in the '90's.

If this look is from 1996 then Sonja is making wise clothing choices because it doesn't scream "Karen Walker" or "20 year old outfit" to me. It looks tasteful and she looks lovely.


Actually, I totally luved Karen Walker's clothes.  And I agree Sonja looks nice, but this dress probably looked dated even in 1996.  I have a pic of my grandma from 1957 wearing nearly the exact same dress.  Anyhoo, if Sonja still has this old expensive stuff, guess she might as well use it, but she ain't foolin' anyone that it's anything other than pretty old.  With all the vintage stores around, particularly near where she lives, I'm surprised she hasn't unloaded this stuff to get some quick cash.

I'm all for recycling.  After all, a little black dress is a little black dress (although that one isn't so little).  It's all the accoutremonts (see what I did there?) that are accompanying it this time that makes the whole look problematic and dated.  And yeah, a little crazy cat lady. 

That picture reminds me of an episode in season 1 or 2 in which Bethenny tells Jill she is wearing waaaay too many accessories. Overall, I think Sonja's dress is nice and to me she looks nice in it. I like that she is not being a robotic slave to trends, particularly since she can't afford them. But she does need to reduce the number of accessories by about...well, at least half. Starting with the stupid headband/forehead necklace!

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Trash be trashin' - but hey, according to Sexy J, wearing jeans is just part of her amazing branding!  Along with being a rude dick during a small cabaret show, and otherwise drunkenly pouting that she's not the woman on stage.




Ugh.  This trick.  So not madcap, just so not a decent human being. 

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Trash be trashin' - but hey, according to Sexy J, wearing jeans is just part of her amazing branding! Along with being a rude dick during a small cabaret show, and otherwise drunkenly pouting that she's not the woman on stage.


Ugh. This trick. So not madcap, just so not a decent human being.

I liked this from the article:

"Because we all know Team Sonja operates according to their own rules, which may or may not include having a custom-made denim engineer create jeans from cotton developed by yak fur and dyed using the tail of a mermaid, and Sonja will soon be selling them as one of her exploding businesses for $9,200 per pair, but they’re only available in Kazakhstan."

She is just so sad, I hate to watch her. But I do...

Anyway, of course, So

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Oh, Sonja -- really?  Another young guy you want us to believe is your boyfriend?  You hardly have the cash to pay your monthly bills -- let alone a rent boy.  Come on, hun.




Btw, the Moaner's hair & face look nice in the pic at the bottom -- but her legs?  Eek!  Me thinks the Moaner should start wearin' hose.


And just what the fuckety fuck is Show magazine?  Never heard of dat one.  Anyone?  Oh, I just luv how these broads get their mugs plastered on the covers of magazines I've never heard of.

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And just what the fuckety fuck is Show magazine?  Never heard of dat one.  Anyone?  Oh, I just luv how these broads get their mugs plastered on the covers of magazines I've never heard of.

Show magazine was around in the late 50's, early 60's, I believe. It was just that, a mag about show business but with a serious, not terribly gossip lean. That was the mag which gave Gloria Steinem the assignment of going undercover at the then new and hot NY Playboy club...or that was the mag I'd heard of.


According to Wikipedia it's "Show is a bi-monthly magazine, founded and published by Sean Cummings in 2005. Show is geared toward young urban men and showcases glamour photography of female pin-up models from around the world. Sean Cummings was previously the editorial director of Smooth magazine and both the creator and editorial director of Smooth Girl magazine (2002–2005).".


Take your pick.

Interesting recap on Show magazine, but I wonder what the distribution on it is. I've never seen it in NYC anywhere -- er, ever. It's not on newsstands, or in supermarkets or drugstores or airports. And I've never seen it with the free pubs. Wonder where the heck it's distributed or how.

Eh, well, congrats to ya anyway, Sonja, on your rent boy & on the cover of a magazine with seemingly no distribution -- at least in NYC.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs

Holy Shitballs.....looks like things just got a lot worse for Sonja.  I wonder if we will get to see any of this since it is happening right in the middle of filming.


Poor Sonja....she really should have gotten that Toaster Oven off the ground. 



Wait, what???


Sonja is a clothing designer what? When did this happen? It must have happened very quickly too. I can't imagine Sonja having the wherewithal to put together a collection for NYFW. I'm stunned. I've heard her talk about writing a novel, then of course there's the toaster oven and her whole home furnishings line, her French shirts, her Nigerian football team perfume...


Well, she did do what Harry suggested - pick one thing and finish it. I'm not a fashion nut, but those photos didn't make me think that Sonja did anything new or innovative, and I don't see the Sonja Morgan Collection becoming a regular thing at NYFW. Very strange. And what happened to LuAnn's clothing line? I would think that getting a show during NYFW is highly competitive and they don't give a slot to just anyone. Maybe someone with some insight can weigh in here!

I'm completely baffled by this clothing line.  Did she get her interns/unpaid slaves to grab a few things from H&M and stamped her name on 'em -- Gretchen-style?  WTF???


Given the whole cast is in the audience for her show, I'm wondering if this is either a hoax or something totally paid for by Bravo & merely a fake set-up for the show.  Um, ya think?




And I really don't understand what happened with how she was able to keep the townhouse & what Old Man Morgan's part was in it.  Still the slippery con artist, eh, Sonja?

Edited by ScoobieDoobs

See, now I can understand Sonja getting the townhouse in the divorce settlement (I'm sure Mr. Morgan has plenty of properties to spare). It's how she was able to squander whatever she DID get during their split that I don't understand. Didn't she also get a vacation house or two that she ended up having to sell?


The contrast with Luann is very interesting to me. Luann seems like she was much more shrewd with her settlement package, cut her losses and seems to enjoy a labor-free life without much debt. Unlike Sonja, Luann seems very aware of needing to stay within a post-divorce reduced means, and yet she still manages to live comfortably.

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I need to give a big shout out to the posters who compared Sonja to "Grey Gardens." This was like a year+ ago on here or TWOP, but I always kept that in the back of my mind as a must-see documentary. TCM just played it, and OMG, this is without a doubt The Real Spinsters of East Hampton (40 years ago!) and Sonja could step in the role of the daughter Edie without skipping a beat! Not only with the ramshackle mansion crumbling around her, but the "costumes" (sweaters and the like pinned as dresses), and the performances (singing and marching routines), and the delusional ramblings of once was and what could have been (I should have married a Getty!...If only mother didn't have eye surgery, I could have gone off to the war and had a whole different life!...I could have been a stage performer in Paris! I [at 56] could still go!), and the young handyman kid who is their only friend (with talk of other friends in the past who were also lived there as employees, such as the composer). This woman is 100% Sonja Morgan.

Edited by JenE4
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Her ex is suing her?  I have to wonder if Old Man Morgan is not as obscenely wealthy as some think.  He could be nearing the dregs of generational money and can't simply let a million here or a million there get by him.  He could have some inherited art and property but still be (relatively) cash poor.  I don't see him on Forbes, is what I'm saying. 


I'm listening to Sonja's podcasts and she is truly delusional.  She is having a conversation with her astrologer about family and she says, "John Adams, John Quincy Adams... they're all relatives."  Hm.  For your ex-husband and daughter, but not you.  You don't share DNA.  Then she started talking about how she was going to Thailand over the holidays but would NOT be skiing in Gstaad because she needs to be in NYC for Fashion Week.  Give me a break, lady-- you're renting out your home!


ETA:  On her second podcast she says that she doesn't know why people think she married Old Man Morgan for his money because other men that she dated had more. 

Edited by LilaFowler
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