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Ramona Singer: The Turtle Time Walk of Shame

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Nope, don't think so.  What Moaner does now is up to her & Mario couldn't give 3 shits.  He's clearly really into this Casey chick.


I'm kinda wondering if Moaner is gonna give Harry a call.

Sometimes a guy gets pretty sentimental when he has to start signing over deeds and writing big checks.  I went back and read some of Ramona's old blogs. . .weeding out the oops I should not have said that to (pick a name any name) I had forgotten all the people and men in particular she has crossed paths with--in a good way. 


I hope Ramona stays strong in moving forward.  What was sad about reading a bunch of old Ramona blogs-is she had it bad for Mario.  I think she has done her best to make the marriage work-time to move on while she is still in the third quarter.

  • Love 3

I wonder what the real deal is between Mario & Kasey.  Had he been seeing her all along -- since the showdown in the beginning of the year?  He seems sorta obsessed with her.  Sure, she's a loon.  But a very different kinda loon than Moaner.  This one seems really unhinged.  Eh, maybe men like Mario look for that kinda drama & lunacy.  He's gonna regret getting involved with her.  She trouble.

  • Love 8
Sometimes a guy gets pretty sentimental when he has to start signing over deeds and writing big checks.  I went back and read some of Ramona's old blogs. . .weeding out the oops I should not have said that to (pick a name any name) I had forgotten all the people and men in particular she has crossed paths with--in a good way.


I've seen this so many times.  That's not gonna get this chick outta his system.  Who knows why he's obsessed with her.  But he clearly is.  Is it cuz she's so much younger or she brings some drama & craziness, that even Moaner doesn't anymore?  Whatever it is, he ain't goin' back to Moaner till he's over Kasey and dat's it.


Will Moaner be so eager to divorce when she hears what's likely to happen?  They're gonna have to sell all their property.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs

The side piece is going to do to Mario what she did to her ex married boyfriend less then 2 years ago. Forget what Mario has to pay Ramona. It's going to be even more with this crazy chick. Apparently the side piece was arrested in April for disorderly conduct too.


I can only imagine what Mario told Ramona about the side chick. Probably saying it was all a lie or he was set up. He certainly seemed to try to win Ramona back after she filed for divorce the first time.


Watching previous seasons I think Ramona was genuinely in love and attracted to Mario. I don't think she married him for his family fortune or to get a title. In her mind, she thought she really did have a perfect trifecta. If someone brought up the possibility of Mario having an affair, I'm sure she dismissed it as jealous people trying to cause trouble.

  • Love 3

I wonder what the real deal is between Mario & Kasey.  Had he been seeing her all along -- since the showdown in the beginning of the year?  He seems sorta obsessed with her.  Sure, she's a loon.  But a very different kinda loon than Moaner.  This one seems really unhinged.  Eh, maybe men like Mario look for that kinda drama & lunacy.  He's gonna regret getting involved with her.  She trouble.

I would wager a guess, yes. Wasn't it back in April or something that Kay-Kay sent Ramona a letter basically informing her as such? lol. I wouldn't doubt that while maybe Mario wasn't seeing her as much as before, they were still fooling around all the while. 


Kasey seems rather scary. What with her past affair-gone-wrong and her willingness to taunt the wife of the man she's banging....~Psycho music~  Didn't this chick also go blonde, get a nose and chin job etc when she 'arrived' on the NY scene? I seem to remember before/after pics and 'friends' outing her agenda....to land a sugar daddy. Seems she's done that. 

  • Love 1

I think Sonja has made it pretty clear on at least two occasions that Ramona is fairly conservative in the bedroom -- but coming from Sonja who's a Back Door Betty, conservative may be all relative. I tend to believe it though because Ramona quickly shut down Carole when she suggested the use of toys to spice things up.

ETA: I am sure Kasey is anything but conservative and I'm guessing she's blowing Mario's mind, among other things, with some crazy sex in ways and places Ramona's never been.

Edited by msblossom

I've alwasys wondered over the years how 'perfect' Ramona and Mario's marriage really was.  It seemed to me that Mario had a wandering eye and if they were sooo perfect, why the comments in Morrocco when the fortune teller said there was another woman.  Why did Luann ask Ramona the way she did when she asked Ramona, "How's that going?" about her and Mario at the trifecta lunch.  It was as if she knew there were rumors out there.  I don't doubt Ramona was crazy about Mario but I do wonder if Mario felt the same way. 


I also don't see Ramona out there dating for a good while.  I think she's absolutely crushed and humiliated.  I just don't have a lot of sympathy for her.  Yeah, divorce is devestating but it's hard to ignore the things she has said to other people about their marriages, children and husbands.  She's proven her own lack of empathy and regard for other other people over and over.  She's been totally condescending.

  • Love 5

I agree, breezy424, I always got the impression that Mario did more than leer at women. He was pretty handsy with Sonja, there were several pictures of Mario with has hands on her ass with them in bathing suits. In some of the photos of the three of them, it would be hard to figure out who he was with if you didn't know he was married to Ramona because Mario's body would be turned away from her and pressed into Sonja -- not saying he had anything going on with Sonja, but he gave me the impression he was turned on by her.

I wouldn't put it past him if he's had some one night stands and such, which would be hurtful to Ramona but probably not something she would end her marriage over. He was so giddy when she went on all-girls trips over the seasons. You saw him living it up playing pool and flirting with the cocktail waitresses and female patrons when the other husbands and SO's were missing their wives.

Edited by msblossom
  • Love 2

I think Sonja has made it pretty clear on at least two occasions that Ramona is fairly conservative in the bedroom -- but coming from Sonja who's a Back Door Betty, conservative may be all relative. I tend to believe it though because Ramona quickly shut down Carole when she suggested the use of toys to spice things up.

ETA: I am sure Kasey is anything but conservative and I'm guessing she's blowing Mario's mind, among other things, with some crazy sex in ways and places Ramona's never been.

My friend at work said something similar regarding Tori Spelling and Dean (see how important our work talk is). I had an instant dislike to the conversation because I interpreted it as "if she had only been wild in the sheets this wouldn't have happened". It doesn't sit right with me.

I do believe that isn't the intent implied by either speaker, but a part implies that it's the woman's fault for not doing (insert crazy sex here).

I think Ramona is bat shit crazy. And would be a gigantic pain in the ass to live with. I think Mario is hot and always has been. I doubt he was a virgin which makes me think he's had plenty of hot and awesome sex. With Ramona or otherwise. I like to think it's the whole she is a pain in the ass that he cheated rather than she didn't take it up the ass.

Eta: I'm still cutting him slack which I don't want to do. He shouldn't have cheated at all. I sound like a recently burned divorcee here and have never been married, lol. Just one of those things I say No! Divorce and get your rocks off, asshole.

Edited by KnoxForPres
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Normally I would agree about the slut shaming but you have to agree that Mario is a big ol slut. Just sayn'


Er, dat's exactly who I was referring to as a slut before -- not Kasey.  Mario is a dawg, who really humiliated his wife.  He deserves to be shamed.  Have no idea or could care less whether Kasey is slutty.  That's not the point about her anyway.  She seems seriously deranged.  Big difference than Moaner's mere wackiness.  This woman is capable of anything.  She skeers me.

  • Love 2
I had an instant dislike to the conversation because I interpreted it as "if she had only been wild in the sheets this wouldn't have happened". It doesn't sit right with me.


Me either -- and yet Mario strikes me as the type who would be tempted away from his wife by a few blow jobs.  And maybe he does wanna be seen with a much younger woman to prove his virility to himself and/or others.  Mario seems shallow as all fuck.  But isn't this what Moaner wants & what she bragged about was so much better than Jonathan?  Well, you wanted this slimy piece of shit, Moaner, so this is what it got ya.


I'm glad Avery seems to have stayed out of it.  It's none of her business   If her father has the itch to bang a young skank & squire her all around town it has absolutely nothing to with Avery & she's not gonna be able to do shit about it.  Guilting him ain't gonna do shit either.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 2

 Why did Luann ask Ramona the way she did when she asked Ramona, "How's that going?" about her and Mario at the trifecta lunch.  It was as if she knew there were rumors out there.

LuAnn and her family seemed to be based out of the Hamptons.  I'm sure Kasey wasn't the first mistress that Mario took to their Hamptons home while Ramona was away on business or even just away filming Housewives stuff.  LuAnn has probably been hearing things about Mario for years.  Just speculating, of course. 


Makes me wonder if Jill knew anything, or Sonja.  Sonja's tearfulness after the fortune teller in Morocco was verrrrry curious.  Looking at that scene with fresh eyes now.  LuAnn was very serious, wasn't joking around, and Sonja had a meltdown.  They've both known Ramona and Mario for years. 

  • Love 4

Makes me wonder if Jill knew anything, or Sonja.  Sonja's tearfulness after the fortune teller in Morocco was verrrrry curious.  Looking at that scene with fresh eyes now.  LuAnn was very serious, wasn't joking around, and Sonja had a meltdown.  They've both known Ramona and Mario for years. 

Yep, Sonja tearing up and her "you enable him" whispered were very troubling.

And Ramona's first reaction, to thank her for her concern, was to attack Sonja "my marriage is strong, I didn't wed for money like you".

Second actually, after saying that LuAnn was hitting on Mario when she first met him and implying she was probably the woman the fortune teller was talking about.


At least, Ramona is consistent throughout the years, I'll give her that.

  • Love 1

Ramona idles at inappropriate in her conduct towards others but one thing she always is -supportive of Mario.  I went back and read several years of blogs and Mario was always Ramona's hero. Do I think she was blind to some cheating? Absolutely.  If the worst thing  about you is you turned a blind eye to your husband's cheating-or put your heart out there to give him a second chance on a 21 year marriage and you were betrayed again  then you probably aren't alone.


Countess started with a rocky marriage and used it as a sympathy ploy.  I don't think we will ever hear Ramona demean Mario because she values the relationship he has with Avery.  Do I think she will show us a good time if there is a Season 7?  Absolutely.  Does Ramona need to give a blow by blow of the middle and end of her marriage-no.  Nobody else did.


Heather was pretty shitty towards Ramona and Mario so the very tame comments made towards Jonathan -I think he should be able to shoulder.  Mario did.  I sure would like to see the big numbers Jonathan is putting up there in commercial real estate.  Titles are easy to come by proven earnings not so much.


So for all those that regale in Ramona's pain- I think she has a few chapters left in her-if the show is picked up again.


PS-LuAnn would do Mario in a heartbeat if the opportunity arose.

Edited by zoeysmom
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I don't know about any of this - I don't care about Ramona, Mario or Kasey anyway very much. Not likable people, imo. But obviously I am here and watching the show.


I can't think Ramona is wonderful to live with.....and values many of the wrong things....like where you live and have second homes, or travel to.


As far as casually dressed Mario and Kasey looked fine, imo. It seemed like a lazy outing rather than an event to dress for.


I tried to find what restaurant Ramona owns but couldn't find anything. Anyone know?

  • Love 1

It has been mentioned before here.  Alfredo 100.  It's gotten decent reviews on Yelp, but it is quite expensive for pasta.


Interesting report on Mario & some predictions for Moaner for next season here-



Ramona idles at inappropriate in her conduct towards others but one thing she always is -supportive of Mario. I went back and read several years of blogs and Mario was always Ramona's hero. Do I think she was blind to some cheating? Absolutely. If the worst thing about you is you turned a blind eye to your husband's cheating-or put your heart out there to give him a second chance on a 21 year marriage and you were betrayed again then you probably aren't alone.

Countess started with a rocky marriage and used it as a sympathy ploy. I don't think we will ever hear Ramona demean Mario because she values the relationship he has with Avery. Do I think she will show us a good time if there is a Season 7? Absolutely. Does Ramona need to give a blow by blow of the middle and end of her marriage-no. Nobody else did.

Heather was pretty shitty towards Ramona and Mario so the very tame comments made towards Jonathan -I think he should be able to shoulder. Mario did. I sure would like to see the big numbers Jonathan is putting up there in commercial real estate. Titles are easy to come by proven earnings not so much.

So for all those that regale in Ramona's pain- I think she has a few chapters left in her-if the show is picked up again.

PS-LuAnn would do Mario in a heartbeat if the opportunity arose.


I don't recall Heather being "shitty" towards Ramona and Mario. Mario was on very little this season, "word on the street is" he was pretty busy. He did show up to sing and kiss the ground Heather walked on, because she was taking Ramona out if town. Heather and Ramona had issues last season but I can't think of anything else this season, well except when Ramona insulted Heather's home and husband. I thought Heather dealt with Ramona pretty well all season.

Why does it matter if Jonathan does or does not make big numbers in commercial real estate?

Edited by imjagain
  • Love 5

If the worst thing  about you is you turned a blind eye to your husband's cheating-or put your heart out there to give him a second chance on a 21 year marriage and you were betrayed again  then you probably aren't alone.


Heather was pretty shitty towards Ramona and Mario so the very tame comments made towards Jonathan -I think he should be able to shoulder.  Mario did. 


PS-LuAnn would do Mario in a heartbeat if the opportunity arose.

Sadly, Ramona turning a blind eye ISN'T the worst thing about her. The worst thing about Ramona is that she genuinely doesn't give a fuck if she hurts someone as long as it makes her look/fee; good in comparison.


Lousy marriage? She'll point it out to the world, then point out her "perfect" Mario. Troubled kids? Look at Avery, and how good a mother I am. As long as she feels good, she doesn't factor in the feelings of others. Especialy if it's a juicy bit of gossip about a castmate.


Mario and Ramona were rude, smug & condescending to Heather from the 1st second.-- NOT the other way around. I don't believe anyone, til now, has actually insulted Mario (correct me if I'm wrong), so he's had nothing to "put up with". Jonathan's earnings won't impress me nearly as much as his calm demeanor and mud-survival skills do. Not to mention his fidelity (as far as I know).


As for Luann's marriage--she never, in any season, said one bad word about the Count, even after the cheating occurred, even after the divorce, even when with Jacques. She had plenty of opportunity onscreen and off, and said nothing. She didn't play up her marriage for sympathy at all in the 1st season, and didn't bring up her divorce in the 2nd. You can thank Ramona for the spotlight on Luann's marriage. Moreover, Luann managed a discretion and grace under pressure that makes Ramona's antagonistic flailings even more comical.


And yes--Luann would definitely do Mario. But Mario would ABSOLUTELY do Luann, judging from the chemistry in their few scenes together.

  • Love 5


I don't recall Heather being "shitty" towards Ramona and Mario. Mario was on very little this season, "word on the street is" he was pretty busy. He did show up to sing and kiss the ground Heather walked on, because she was taking Ramona out if town. Heather and Ramona had issues last season but I can't think of anything else this season, well except when Ramona insulted Heather's home and husband. I thought Heather dealt with Ramona pretty well all season.

Why does it matter if Jonathan does or does not make big numbers in commercial real estate?

Last season Heather was pretty shitty to Ramona and Mario.  Of course I find Heather just annoying all the way around.


My point with Jonathan is he has a fancy title-does he have the numbers to back it up or is more F&%^% branding?


As for Luann's marriage--she never, in any season, said one bad word about the Count, even after the cheating occurred, even after the divorce, even when with Jacques.

She did imply that the Count was an anti-Semite, when she told Jill that he would freak if he knew she were dating a Jewish man. And when asked about it on WWHL, she hesitated so long that the next week when Kathy Griffin was on, she was talking about how you handle that question even if it is true. Luann also talked about how the "Ethiopian Princess" was not an actual princess and that was a put on to make the relationship seem less sleazy on one of the reunions. 


I will give her credit for never overtly calling out the Count, but she has definitely done her share to get in the digs when she could.

  • Love 2

Last season Heather was pretty shitty to Ramona and Mario.  Of course I find Heather just annoying all the way around.


My point with Jonathan is he has a fancy title-does he have the numbers to back it up or is more F&%^% branding?


I remember last season differently.


What is the significance of Jonathan backing up his title with numbers?  There's been no claims by Heather or Jonathan of how much Jonathan makes.

  • Love 4

I don't care for either of the Singers but if it's true that Mario has met someone he wants to be with more and wants out of Ramona, who am I to shame him?


If he put Ramona through levels of hell that might have been avoided, and he probably did, then, yeah, not great on his part -- And he will pay the price eventually.  Because as LuAnn reminds us, Karma is not only a Bitch but The Bitch -- and in situations like this one a quick bitch. 


Breaking up IS hard to do -- especially after so many years of marriage -- and one absurdly tacky vow renewal -- but I can't say that I blame him for wanting to get out.  It would have been decent of him not to put her through two tons of humiliation -- witch that she appears to be -- but, hey, monogamy isn't meant to be a death sentence. 


As for the other woman involved -- good luck with that. He's going to need it. Ramona never entirely convinced with her great big love story either.  A really happily married broad, sorry, I mean woman doesn't spend her time being the super nasty and erratic piece of work that is Ramona.  Or drink that much all the time every day.  


On the upside for Moaners, I am applauding what looks to be her take down of Aviva -- and her telling her flat out in the last epi that she would have been better off keeping her nasty mouth shut about Carole writing related rumours.  Why bother repeating, rhetorical question style, the nasty BS you heard.  One of the very few moments I have liked Ramona.  Maybe that's really who she is when she's not playing a bitch on teevee.

Edited by copacabana
  • Love 5

Sadly, Ramona turning a blind eye ISN'T the worst thing about her. The worst thing about Ramona is that she genuinely doesn't give a fuck if she hurts someone as long as it makes her look/fee; good in comparison.


Lousy marriage? She'll point it out to the world, then point out her "perfect" Mario. Troubled kids? Look at Avery, and how good a mother I am. As long as she feels good, she doesn't factor in the feelings of others. Especialy if it's a juicy bit of gossip about a castmate.


Mario and Ramona were rude, smug & condescending to Heather from the 1st second.-- NOT the other way around. I don't believe anyone, til now, has actually insulted Mario (correct me if I'm wrong), so he's had nothing to "put up with". Jonathan's earnings won't impress me nearly as much as his calm demeanor and mud-survival skills do. Not to mention his fidelity (as far as I know).


As for Luann's marriage--she never, in any season, said one bad word about the Count, even after the cheating occurred, even after the divorce, even when with Jacques. She had plenty of opportunity onscreen and off, and said nothing. She didn't play up her marriage for sympathy at all in the 1st season, and didn't bring up her divorce in the 2nd. You can thank Ramona for the spotlight on Luann's marriage. Moreover, Luann managed a discretion and grace under pressure that makes Ramona's antagonistic flailings even more comical.


And yes--Luann would definitely do Mario. But Mario would ABSOLUTELY do Luann, judging from the chemistry in their few scenes together.

This is just me-if I am new to a group of people I don't try and take over the conversation and storyline.  Why is it the new ladies go to Ramona's home and think it is okay to insult her?  Kristen did the very same thing this year. And, if one has a disagreement with someone and they choose not to discuss it one would never chase someone around at a party with that annoying insincere smile chiding someone.  Go back and read the blogs-Heather is quite proud of the fact she is able to get under Ramona's skin with that annoying grin and recognizes the immaturity of it.   


LuAnn and Jill over the years took their fair share of pot shots at Ramona and Mario marriage-even this year-LuAnn said Mario is "no Sinatra".  I think couples should defend their spouses and it has not always been Ramona just taking potshots at the other couples.  As to LuAnn and the Count-she bitched him out for being late, she cried about the injustice of the ending of her 16 year marriage and that he tossed her off by e-mail and ran off with some sort of princess.  The spotlight on LuAnn's marriage was she was lying and pretending to be married and she was in the press for a crotch grab.  One doesn't go on a "Real Housewives" show and misrepresent the status of you marriage and ask the others to go along with it.  LuAnn since the show began has been called out many times for her condescending remarks towards others and misrepresentation of the status of her family.


As to the kids-Jill and LuAnn and I believe Kelly all made a big deal over who had the better Sweet Sixteen party between Victoria and Avery. It was one giant put down about Ramona and Avery. So there is a fair share of unclean hands on the show.  Here's the thing with me-I find Avery very vanilla.  She is not particularly pretty, she has no discernible talent and I think she has a bit of a smart mouth-the smart mouth Ramona has acknowledged.


I find LuAnn's dalliance with the pirate anything but graceful-she cheated, while in a committed relationship, was caught on audio tape asking for an alibi.  LuAnn becomes so indignant when caught with her pants down and throws out insults to diffuse her bad behavior

  • Love 2

I dunno -- Getting your pirate on, losing your shit, making stupid mistakes and acting like a ninny.  Been there -- kinda done that.  A long long time and not on tv and for reasons that weren't lofty but had to do with hurt and urges. 


I give the ladies some slack in this regard ... And don't mean anyone else needs to. 


Guys engage in these kinds of mishaps all the time and sometimes the ladies fall into the same traps.  I can't get too upset about any of this really. 


Unless the chick wants to act like she never fell off and had a moment.  But that's just me a long long, sob, long time ago.  I'm all for women being able to have the indiscretions that men engage in.  Just because and even though we pay a similar price. 

  • Love 6

Yawn.  Interesting that Ramona was the one who filed for divorce both times but Mario is the one acting like he doesn't want to be married.

I think it's telling. He's giving her reason and opportunity to file. He's even forced the issue a day after her blanket denial--not by filing himself, but by being so public with his sidepiece.


If I had to guess, he'd probably given Ramona a heads-up as to his exit a LONG time ago (as in "when Avery's outta here, so am I") and told her that she could be the one to file for divorce. Maybe that was even the arrangement. Ramona seems like the type to stick her head in the sand and stubbornly refuse to see that her marriage was over (which is exactly how she's acted) no matter what agreement or what Mario did.


Maybe the first time they stayed together for the sake of the show--i.e. not letting their divorce play out on the show or the reunion. But clearly, Mario isn't "fine" with Ramona saying her marriage is "fine" on the reunion.


All conjecture, but it does fit in with everyone's behavior--Mario, Ramona, the tabloids, and also  the Housewives, who seemed to find Ramona's claims of "perfect" marriage sad, rather than aggravating, at this reunion. I think everyone knew; I think Ramona was expected to pull the trigger on ending the marriage or at least fend Andy off gracefully and ask for some privacy. I think her "everything-is-rosy/fuck-off" attitude was very unexpected by all.


Either way, the reunion was clearly some kind of deadline, and Mario is OUT.

  • Love 4

I might have some sympathy for Ramona if she - as others have pointed out - hadn't put her marriage/spouse on a pedestal at the expense of insulting others. As it is, boofuckinghoo. And while cheating is wrong, it still takes two to make or break a marriage, and we don't know what kind of wife Ramona has been behind the scenes.

  • Love 4

Ramona has not scrubbed almost all of the images of Mario from her Facebook page. 


I just went thru a ton of her pix there, and Mario was very present right up through summer 2013.


Saw their wedding picture, Avery's christening, and so much joy through the years. 


So so sad.  

I stand corrected. Ramona has scrubbed almost all of the *recent* images of Mario from her Facebook page.

  • Love 1

Now my biggest wish about this show is that Mario hooks up with Lu. Talk about something that would send Ramona over the edge. How delightful that would be to watch.

Lu might have very well been living a lie during her first two years. I have no idea what kind of arrangement she had with her Count. What I do believe is the case, and that will come out in divorce proceedings, is that Mario has been cheating with his side piece for months. The original reporting - which looks to have been accurate - was that he met this chick around July 4th at a party in the Hamptons, and started seeing her - not so discreetly - after that. Since this season had just started filming, I guess that means Ramona was living a big fat lie this season as well. When she was sitting on Mario's lap in their bedroom crooning about how she didn't need any therapy because she had a great life and a happy marriage, that was a lie and she knew it. When she was bragging about the song that he sang to her at the end of the season, she probably wondered who he was singing too, right? Not a peep of any concerns or troubles from Ramona's lips. Does that make her a lair? When she was going on and on about how wonderful he was compared to Jonathan? I would contend that it does not, anymore than it did with Lu. What it makes both of them are gals who were not ready to make public things they were trying to deal with privately at the time.

I have no issue with this - zero in fact - unless it is something they are talking about openly in the press, then attempting to deny on the show. Teresa G is a great example of this. Giving interview after interview about how scared she was of going to jail, and how bad their financial and legal issues were. She would get paid for these stories, but then refuse to discuss or even acknowledge they were happening on her REALITY SHOW, where she was earning a paycheck. That is the shit that pisses me off.

This is where Ramona gets in trouble. She has talked about how hard this year is on Beth's show. She filed legal documents for divorce. Then she wants to act like it isn't even happening when she gets on the reunion stage. After she has hammered away at Lu for being less than honest about her own marital issues. She is a hypocrite who needs to be called out on that reality. I wonder if we will see more of this topic tomorrow night. I believe the last words we heard last week were from Lu making her Karma statement. I hope Andy follows up on it on Part 3. With what we now know about the state of their marriage, I would love to watch Ramona dig an even bigger hole for herself with adamant denials about any pain and continued assertions about "allegations".

Edited by motorcitymom65
  • Love 3

Like the countess said once they don't love they don't love you. Ramona is still the mother of his child and it pains me how willing he is too embarrass her.

ITA. Not a Ramona fan and I have no problem with the Countess calling her out, but a man she has been with for decades who is the father of her only child owes her more.

Not to stay in a dead marriage, but you can leave a marriage with dignity and  mutual respect and THEN get on with your life. 


It's not like the douche didn't know she already made a fool of herself on the reunion just days before he makes a public appearance with the skank.


Josh may be a douche but Mario has claimed the crown.

Hey gang, while it is fine to talk about all the recent photos, divorce talk, all that junk lets not slut shame anyone ok? Thank you! 

Could you clarify? I am not being snarky, I really don't understand. We can't slut shame a slut that breaks up a marriage?

  • Love 6

Actually, I think she looks a lot better with the darker hair.  Eh, I'm not up for calling any woman a slut.  Kasey ain't married to Moaner.  She didn't break up nothin'.  What's strange to me is the timing of this.  Mario musta been seeing her for a while.  But when was the reunion done -- last month?  So Moaner was pretty much lying when she was saying everything was fine & dandy with her marriage?  Oh man, there's a lot they're all hiding.

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OMG ! it was not "that" long until Mario "officilaize" his new relationship :D : http://www.crazydays...girlfriend.html


They certainly are favoring the casual look, aren't they?  She looks like absolutely nothing special.


And according to all reports (and posters here) apparently Mario just traded one crazy ass bitch for another.  Nice.


Man, I really feel for Avery.  

  • Love 1


Hey gang, while it is fine to talk about all the recent photos, divorce talk, all that junk lets not slut shame anyone ok? Thank you!
Could you clarify? I am not being snarky, I really don't understand. We can't slut shame a slut that breaks up a marriage?


Of course you're being snarky.  Just for me I get sick of reading this bullshit about the eeeevil other woman when you have the Moaner's own husband only to happy to hold his mistress by the hand in broad daylight in Manhattan the same week his psychotic beloved wife's blink blink blink 'we're great!!!' response to questions about their marriage airs on TV.  It's always the third party who gets the scarlet fucking A when there were no rings and no vows on her end.  Especially if she's a she.

  • Love 6
Man, I really feel for Avery.


She's off at school mostly now.  It might be worse if she were living at home.  Anyhoo, it's best that everything is out in the open now.  Maybe that's why Moaner was acting so defensive & even loonier than she usually is.  She didn't wanna talk about what was really going on -- that maybe Mario hadn't moved out, but he was seeing Kasey.  This is difficult stuff.  Being on a reality show sucks.  I couldn't imagine doin' it -- ever.

  • Love 1

I think Ramona will hit the dating scene quickly. I think there will be a huge need to be spotted out and about shaking her grove thing and reminding Mario that there are men out there that would fancy a fuck or two, despite the fact that her crazy eyes must be freaky to behold when passion takes over. Yikes indeed.

I think the attached article gives clues as to what single Ramona will be like. Her desperate need to prove that she is attractive and desirable, despite how desperate it makes her appear.


  • Love 1

Of course you're being snarky.  Just for me I get sick of reading this bullshit about the eeeevil other woman when you have the Moaner's own husband only to happy to hold his mistress by the hand in broad daylight in Manhattan the same week his psychotic beloved wife's blink blink blink 'we're great!!!' response to questions about their marriage airs on TV.  It's always the third party who gets the scarlet fucking A when there were no rings and no vows on her end.  Especially if she's a she.

Yes, I commented on that in the post above thi one you responded to.. I absolutely always blame the spouse that is cheating. However, that does not, IMO, absolve the other woman (or man as the case may be). I will sometimes give a really young girl a semi-pass for not knowing better, but cheating with a married person is never OK.

  • Love 7

Actually, I think she looks a lot better with the darker hair.  Eh, I'm not up for calling any woman a slut.  Kasey ain't married to Moaner.  She didn't break up nothin'.  What's strange to me is the timing of this.  Mario musta been seeing her for a while.  But when was the reunion done -- last month?  So Moaner was pretty much lying when she was saying everything was fine & dandy with her marriage?  Oh man, there's a lot they're all hiding.

The darker hair is an improvement.

I'm not cool with cheating on your spouse -- if you're that unhappy, then get a divorce. I do wonder if it's a case where Mario has been trying to get out of the marriage graciously and Ramona was in denial and/or desperate to hang onto him and things spun way out of control and she flat out refused to give him a divorce and tried to will him back to her. And instead of handling things quietly and respectfully he reacted by being balls to the wall and very ungraciously put his intentions out publicly so there was no going back.

I'm not saying it's okay, but I do know when a person is so fed up and at their limit that they don't care how bad it looks because they're tired of being manipulated.

  • Love 5

She's off at school mostly now.  It might be worse if she were living at home.  Anyhoo, it's best that everything is out in the open now.

I agree.  Avery might also be relieved.  I remember at her age thinking it might be best if my parents would just divorce and get it over with.  We all had 5 very tense years and they might have been better off apart than together.  (Could it have been compounded because they had 5 teenagers at the time??)  That said, I'm glad they didn't.  They just celebrated their 60th.  But my dad didn't cheat and publicly humiliate my mom.  There would be no coming back from that for me.


Unfortunately, even if Avery is relieved that it's out in the open, I don't think she'll understand the ramifications until she's older.  The holidays, her wedding, birth of her children, possibly/probably new step parents and step siblings for her....Yeah.  I feel a little sorry for her.

  • Love 6


do wonder if it's a case where Mario has been trying to get out of the marriage graciously and Ramona was in denial and/or desperate to hang onto him and things spun way out of control and she flat out refused to give him a divorce and tried to will him back to her. And instead of handling things quietly and respectfully he reacted by being balls to the wall and very ungraciously put his intentions out publicly so there was no going back.


I wondered about that too. The only thing that points to it not being the case is that she did file for divorce. So, why did he go through the motions of reconciling if he wanted out so badly? Seems he could have let her follow through with the divorce the firs time she filed rather than humiliate her this way. Also, they both filed a cease and desist along with a restraining order (I think) against Kasey during their reconciliation. That was what led to Kasey's crazy ranting interview in some magazine. Maybe it wasn't an interview, now that I think about it. I think it was a letter to Ramona that was published either online or in a magazine.

Edited by MatildaMoody
  • Love 2

Unfortunately, even if Avery is relieved that it's out in the open, I don't think she'll understand the ramifications until she's older.  The holidays, her wedding, birth of her children, possibly/probably new step parents and step siblings for her....Yeah.  I feel a little sorry for her.


Yes, even if the child is grown, there are ramifications to parents divorcing.

  • Love 1
Unfortunately, even if Avery is relieved that it's out in the open, I don't think she'll understand the ramifications until she's older.  The holidays, her wedding, birth of her children, possibly/probably new step parents and step siblings for her....Yeah.  I feel a little sorry for her.


I can't blame Avery if she's somewhat horrified at the thought of Kasey as a stepmother.  But it could be worse Avery dear -- what if it were Aviva?

  • Love 3

I don't think this has been posted on Previously TV yet; it may have been over on the old TWoP.


That said, ...you've got to view this ! Here is a video clip of Mario's side piece, Kasey Dexter, in an appearance on Million Dollar Listing - New York from two years ago (MML's first season). She has a date with real estate agent, Ryan Serhant. Bravo recently re-aired this when they were doing a marathon of MML this summer. (Bravo addict that I am , that's how I knew to look for the clip online to post here.)


She really dialed up her sexpot. Yes, while some of her schtick and ridiculous reparte' with Ryan may have been for the camera, I believe this chick is truly nasty. 


Suggestion: watch the entire 4 min clip because it bounces back & forth between two story lines from the show's featured agents on "dates", so you don't miss the entire Kasey "performance" as they get into the back of the limo.


Serhant summed up his encounter: “Kasey’s the kind of girl you go out with for a night to have a little fun with. Am I going to fall in love with her? Am I going to marry her? I don’t think so."


....and just how did she get this gig? She sure does get around. 



Edited by Bossa Nova
  • Love 5

Yes, even if the child is grown, there are ramifications to parents divorcing.

One Christmastime I was overwhelmed with a 6 month old and all the festivities we were expected to attend. I told Mr. Ryebread that I felt pulled in 50 directions by both sides of the family.  I'll never forget this - we were riding in the car to our nth family gathering and he gently reminded me how lucky we were that both sets of our parents were still married.  He asked me what I thought holidays would be like if both sets had divorced, married other people.  Even if everything was amicable, the aftershocks would continue for a lifetime.  But if there was animosity between any or all parties??  Yikes. 


That snowy day, I quit my bitching about how haaaard our families were being on me. LOL.  I was such a baby.  Just to have family, period, is such a blessing.

Edited by ryebread
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