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Ramona Singer: The Turtle Time Walk of Shame

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http://www.elliman.com/long-island/southampton-village-hamptons-xxqgazq  Ramona's house in the Hamptons.


LuAnn's new home http://www.newsday.com/classifieds/real-estate/real-li-1.812034/luann-de-lesseps-of-real-housewives-buys-sag-harbor-home-1.7394130


I kind of wondered why LuAnn was going on and on about the big rambling houses that weren't properly staffed.  I guess LuAnn has moved into smaller digs.  BTW I don't think a 6,500 square foot home really warrants a full on full time staff.


LuAnn's Hampton's has the price lowered again. http://hamptons.curbed.com/archives/2014/07/28/once_more_unto_the_pricechopper_for_countess_luann.php

Ramona's house is up for sale?  When did this happen?

Did Ramona make a statement to Facebook or elsewhere when she first filed?  Because part of me thinks they may still reconcile, but I also agree with copacabana upthread that sleeping with his mistress in their home and taking her out, along with being photographed with the other woman during the time period when the reunion aired and he MUST have known Ramona was going to answer nothing, shows an incredible level of contempt.  I wonder how long that kind of stuff has been going on, and I do think it predated the show by a lot.  He has always been eye-rollingly impatient with her.  Seeing that in couples - all y'all know exactly what I'm talking about, and it tends to get exaggerated when people drink - makes my blood run cold.  


Ramona looked the best she's ever looked on her last WWHL appearance and during this reunion, to me.  I don't think she'll have a good, successful time dating, and it's not because of her appearance or her age.

First thing Ramona needs to do is change her bedroom-no straight man could ever maintain an erection in her bedroom on 83rd and 3rd.  And I hope she is never photographed or seen by any prospective date with that gawd awful roller in her bangs.  I have several suggestions for Ramona but most of them involve never bringing up Mario to any of you dates.

  • Love 3

Oh no, what will she do now....I believe it was Mario's thing organizing their yearly summer trip to Capri and Positano. lol. I guess they didn't go this year. She might just look in that Big Book of Manhattan Luxury Package Tours now....lol


The good old days.... 


Now, out of spite, that dick-head snake Mary-oh will be organizing the yearly summer trip to Capri and Positano for he and his new side piece.  You watch. 

Edited by beesknees
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IF viewers thought Bookgate was a snore I don't think the producers are going to subject the viewers to a patent infringement suit. 


I don't think Ramona is going to want or bemoan any support from her co-stars.  Sonja is a loon, LuAnn can't wipe the smile off her face, Heather wants an apology first and Carole and Kristen have nothing to add.

Gawd.  I hope not.


I can see the other Hos doing a 180 and coming around to Ramona's side.  If she'll talk about the divorce (and I think she will) she might have a decent storyline.  Single Ramona in the City.  She could get a spin off.  If RHONY gets cancelled, you can bet your great ass that Holla, Writer Girl, the Countess  and/or the Pretty One will all clamor to be Ramona's friend.


She should hire Camille Grammer's image consultant to gain the viewer's favor. Her redemption is happening already. Although there's a lot of hate on her blog, many people are still calling her out as a hypocrite but then telling her they wish her the best, nobody deserves to be treated this way and Mario is a no good, rotten scoundrel. 

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I really do wonder what happened between Mario & Ramona in the last year or two, bc he's so open w/ the sidepiece that it DOES show a lot of contempt. I smell some kind of failed agreement....maybe Ramona stalling on filing divorce proceedings when it was agreed upon?


Pure conjecture on my part, I admit. But I still feel that Ramona, rather than Mario, forced this issue...she refused to admit to the reality of marital problems until those problems were once again on Page Six. Maybe it's the only way to breakupRamona's fantasyland of denial and delusion--put it ine newspapers until no one, including Mario, is ignoring it.


marriage + reality tv = Such. A. Bad. Idea.

  • Love 5
Shocking to see a photo of KD with my beloved Phillip Seymour Hoffmann.


Sigh, that is actually upsetting to me he knew this crazy skank.  I saw him on the street several times before his tragic death & man, he really looked awful.  I moved away when he stood next to me, while waiting to cross 23rd Street cuz I thought at first glance he looked like a strung-out dangerous homeless man.  I can only assume his judgement was way, way, way off to have anything to do with her.  As others have said, Mario likes da cra-zazy.  


On the plus side for Moaner, she's certain to be guaranteed a spot for the next season.  Everyone else, they must be seriously considering getting rid of.

So Sonja retweeted Moaner's announcement of booting off Mario, but made no comment on it.  Everyone else, including Jillzy & Bethenny have made no comments or Tweets on it.  Altho Bravo gave a sympathetic comment on Moaner's Twitter.  I'm thinkin' that's a good sign they want her back.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
First thing Ramona needs to do is change her bedroom-no straight man could ever maintain an erection in her bedroom on 83rd and 3rd.  And I hope she is never photographed or seen by any prospective date with that gawd awful roller in her bangs.


She could go the Kelly way -- to paying young guys to hang with her.  If you pay 'em, that is their job -- to stay around, no matter what.  I'd say she should look up the amazing Max, Kells' old hooker, who Sonja had before the judgement against her, when she had dough to pay young guys to hang with her.  But I heard amazing Max moved to LA.  Eh, I'm sure there are other hooker guys Moaner can find.

  • Love 1
But isn't Fabio ... gay?


I've never heard of him being gay, unless his interest in Moaner may have indicated a fake interest in women?  Ugh, as a gay male myself, I'm kinda hoping he isn't . . . just cuz.  I think he's still single, so maybe Moaner can look him up now.  Think of all the dating choices Moaner has before her now -- Peyman, the hot Turkish pussy guy, Nick Gregory, the Gorton's fake fisherman, Fabio & the amazing Max.  Hey, what about Harry?  Man, the possibilities are endless, eh?

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 2

I've never heard of him being gay, unless his interest in Moaner may have indicated a fake interest in women? Ugh, as a gay male myself, I'm kinda hoping he isn't . . . just cuz. I think he's still single, so maybe Moaner can look him up now. Think of all the dating choices Moaner has before her now -- Peyman, the hot Turkish pussy guy, Nick Gregory, the Gorton's fake fisherman, Fabio & the amazing Max. Hey, what about Harry? Man, the possibilities are endless, eh?

As a straight woman, I get where you're coming from. I'd like to think Fabio is outside of my team too...just because. But I guess somebody has to claim that cheesy margarine salesman. You guys sure you don't want him? If not, I guess the next best thing is to pawn him off on Ramona. Two birds, one stone, all that.
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She looks great in photos and when you have the TV on mute, but what kind of a man who runs in the circles that she thinks are the end all, be all would be willing to deal with her personality just to be able to have sex with her, or possibly spend the rest of his life with her?  There are lots of attractive women out there who aren't mean, shrieky, demanding banshees.  She looks good for her age, but by this age she should also have honed herself into the person that she truly is at her core.

Considering Mario's choice of mistress, I think the answer to your question about who would be willing to deal with her and have sex with her is kind of obvious. Mario seems to really enjoy crazy. At 57 Ramona is still better looking than the pictures I have seen of the mistress. So, add that to the mistress wanting to proclaim all of her encounters (or near encounters) with Ramona to the tabloids, and I have to suspect that Mario simply likes the crazy narcissistic type in his women. 

  • Love 5

Yes, I agree that Mario is the obvious answer to "who would be interested in marrying Ramona".  But since he did that and they are presumably getting divorced now, my comment was about who else, besides Mario, would want to sign up for Ramona's very specific brand of crazy. 

Edited by Irritable

Considering Mario's choice of mistress, I think the answer to your question about who would be willing to deal with her and have sex with her is kind of obvious. Mario seems to really enjoy crazy. At 57 Ramona is still better looking than the pictures I have seen of the mistress. So, add that to the mistress wanting to proclaim all of her encounters (or near encounters) with Ramona to the tabloids, and I have to suspect that Mario simply likes the crazy narcissistic type in his women.

I've gotta say that sadly, even in my boring suburban city at the ripe old age of pushing 40 many of my friends, male and female, straight and gay, are still not over crazy. I think a surprising number of people never grow out of that teenage mentality that crazy drama = passion. So I think Ramona will be just fine in the dating arena. She has money. She has fame. She looks damn good. She has lousy taste in men. She will be alone for about 10 minutes. Life is unfair like that.

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Oh my, here's another pic of Mario & Kasey holding hands. Idk, Moaner's behavior at the reunion seems even dumber now.


Lord the beard. He's just the douchiest douch to ever douch his way out of douchtown. Isn't he?

Maybe Ramona is keeping silent on advice of council. Like she trying to negotiate a better settlement and her lawyer ( knowing who she is) has advised her not to say anything at all on camera.

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My best guess as to how Ramona will play this one:


You know what, in all sincerity, I was planning on talking about the end of my marriage of 21 years to a handsome man-—unlike Luann who was married to a man twice her age—but, you know what happened? I had forgotten that we still had to tell Avery. Seriously. No, seriously! So when Andy asked me how we were doing, in all sincerity, that's when I remembered we had to tell her so I just said we were fine. And then Andy kept insisting and...oh, it's making my flesh crawl just thinking about it! Andy reminded me of my father and the trees and then my face just froze and actually, in all sincerity, I panicked. **Where's my Ramona Pinot?** So, in al sincerity, it wasn't because things were bad between us. Seriously. No, seriously! Things were really great, because, actually, I'm a great person. I look gorgeous for my chronicle age. I have successful businesses and my own money, and  I also have a wonderful daughter who gets straight A's in school—unlike Luann who married for money and whose daughter sells pornographic images on her website. I also have a new restaurant and a handsome soon-to-be ex-husband who is so handsome that he didn't have to wait until after we were separated to find someone new. So I didn't lie about everyone in my family doing well and I'm sorry you think I lied.


Well done!  Bravo! 

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In the very first episode, season one, Avery is already rolling her eyes in reaction to Ramona's choice to dress "young." I cannot imagine how appalled Avery must be these days.


I know.  But, with a 16 year old daughter, I'm finding out she can act out that way in front of people but she loves me dearly and so loyal to me it shocks me.  I'm thinking, "have you heard our fights?"  It shocks me.  I'd punch me in the mouth when the 'clean your room' crap starts. 


My gut (not so big gut anymore, ya me) tells me Avery is appalled by her father.  The cheater.  Thankfully, Avery is becoming her own woman and starting her own life, but a girl always loves and looks up to her daddy, her parents.  Doesn't matter what age a daughter is, it's gotta hurt when you think "Did I really know my dad?  How can he hurt my mom."  Mario must really love that vagina.  Does ho on the side play tennis?  Gosh dang, I hope she has the right shoes for tennis and has a good back reach, I mean swing, I mean serve, I mean return.  Whatevs.   Hope it was worth it for him.


Another Real Howive marriage bites the dust.  When are they going to learn?

Edited by Lablover27
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Oh my, here's another pic of Mario & Kasey holding hands.  Idk, Moaner's behavior at the reunion seems even dumber now.





Oh, me thinks his side has a night bag around her shoulder.  Betch ya we are going to see her change her hair, her style, her shoes very quickly. 

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Just watching season 4 episode 9, the infamous moroccan fortune teller. The real psychic in the room was not her but Sonja. Right after the reading, during her conversation with Ramona, she literally says : "what if your husband leaves after your girl go to college ?". 

The bitch really has powers, let me tell you !


A little bit later she states in her TH "I know Ramona a very long time. And before Mario and trust me, nobody wants to see Ramona single again". 

Sounds juicy, now I want to know Ramona single !

  • Love 5

Oh my, here's another pic of Mario & Kasey holding hands.  Idk, Moaner's behavior at the reunion seems even dumber now.


Oh, me thinks his side has a night bag around her shoulder.  Betch ya we are going to see her change her hair, her style, her shoes very quickly.


I thought the same thing from that photo ! She's got an overnight bag with her. In every public pic so far, she looks like a slob.


What the fuck, Mario?! It's totally Little Mario that's doing the thinking. 

Edited by Bossa Nova
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This '04 flip phone camera realness right here.  Why is the quality so poor?  I haven't taken a photo that grainy since, I don't even know, I used one of those disposable underwater cameras on a family vacation in the late 90s.

Why is she carry luggage?  Is it some kind of bed roll she whips out for a quickie?  Looks like Mario has some also. . . unless he has taken to carry a purse.

Ramona posted her tweet on her Facebook page and Sonja responded to that.  I saw it myself and I hit like.

Don't you mean a homeless Irish girl?  We all know Sonja is too busy to manage her social media.

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 2

Why is she carry luggage?  Is it some kind of bed roll she whips out for a quickie?  Looks like Mario has some also. . . unless he has taken to carry a purse.

Don't you mean a homeless Irish girl?  We all know Sonja is too busy to manage her social media.

Zoesymom, you are cracking me up.  This, coupled with your awesome call out that no straight guy will be able to get a boner in Ramona's bedroom with the current decor, have kept me in stitches. 

Why is she carry luggage?  Is it some kind of bed roll she whips out for a quickie?  Looks like Mario has some also. . . unless he has taken to carry a purse.

Don't you mean a homeless Irish girl?  We all know Sonja is too busy to manage her social media.

By the looks of it, Mario hooked up with the homeless Irish girl.

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I couldn't figure out precisely where to put this, but since Ramona is rumored to be the last (wo)man standing, I decided to post in her thread.


As far Aviva coming back as a guest star?  Kinda doubting that one right off the bat, but a total cast overhaul wouldn't surprise me in the least.


I've also read that Jill and Bethenny may be returning. 


Bravo can shake up this cast and any other cast they desire, and they still will not have solved the problem of lost viewers.


There was nothing wrong with the original cast, just like there is nothing wrong with this current cast.  All of these women seem to lead interesting lives.  The problem is that somehow Bravo has decided that what viewers want to see is women screeching, back stabbing, lying, turning on each other, all in the same of so called drama. 


It started with the addition of the Gorgas/Wakiles to NJ and the subsequent Teresa pile up from the rest of the cast.  Viewers may have found it interesting at first, but as time went on, one could see the editing holes, and, when it continued, I think people got sick of it.  I know I did.   Bravo seemed to think it worked, and all their HW shows subsequently turned into verbal (and physical in some cases) slug-fests.


Add to that, Bravo's idea that viewers want to see people like Richie Wakile and George.  Not in MY tv room. 


Bravo, I believe, continues to have its collective head in the sand as to what viewers want to see, and unless they seriously rethink what they are presenting to viewers, ratings will continue to decline. JMHO.

  • Love 5

It's definitely them.

Same clothes and shoes on both.

Earlier I said I thought the restaurant photo may have been taken in the Hamptons. But now I believe they were in Manhattan by the looks of the street crossing.

I thought I read the restaurant was on long island, but that does looks to be in the city. Hmmmmm, maybe that skank called the paps to follow them. Or just had a friend snap some pics of them. You know, just to make sure Ramona saw them out and about together.

As many have said it's not even about the affair ( I'm sure that hurts)it's the way Mario has humiliated Ramona. He is a ass.

Edited by imjagain
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Ramona's house is up for sale?  When did this happen?

I think it was up for rent.  From my understanding Ramona said-anything is for sale if the price is right.  At that juncture LuAnn, Kelly's and Ramona's homes were all featured.  Kelly's finally sold at about 60% of the asking price and LuAnn's price continues to drop.


If I were Ramona-the Hamptons house would be on the market.

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I always feel such empathy for somebody having to go thru the pain of somebody cheating on them. (Been there, done that.) Especially if they have children, grown or not.  It’s a horrendous experience.  But in this case, I only have a teeny smidgen of sympathy for Ramona, only because of her utter delight in seeing someone else being in pain.    I get that she’s had a rough childhood; but that bitch has got to get some self awareness, and realize the painful things she’s said and done to others.
Spouting off hurtful things,THROWING things and being an all around bitch from hell gets no break from me. 

After some intense therapy , only then can she move on and really have a decent relationship.  But alas, as others have said …. someone just as douchy as Mario will take some perverse pleasure in banging crazy ass Ramona and yet another horrible relationship will begin.

  • Love 7

Oh that is definitely Mario and Kasey. I assume the photo is bluured because it was zoomed a lot. But, same clothes on both. I also think her hair looks exactly the same.


They are carrying overnight bags (Mario included). I assume they're shaking up in hotels/going back and forth between places. 


Whatever happened between them, Mario is out to slay Ramona for some reason or other. No discretion. I loathe Ramona, but it does seem cruel. Hence why I am so curious as to what's been going on since February. lol

  • Love 4

Oh that is definitely Mario and Kasey. I assume the photo is bluured because it was zoomed a lot. But, same clothes on both. I also think her hair looks exactly the same.


They are carrying overnight bags (Mario included). I assume they're shaking up in hotels/going back and forth between places. 


Whatever happened between them, Mario is out to slay Ramona for some reason or other. No discretion. I loathe Ramona, but it does seem cruel. Hence why I am so curious as to what's been going on since February. lol

Mario strikes me as the type of guy if Ramona starts dating a suitable man he will be beating a path back to Ramona's door.

  • Love 2

I always feel such empathy for somebody having to go thru the pain of somebody cheating on them. (Been there, done that.) Especially if they have children, grown or not.  It’s a horrendous experience.  But in this case, I only have a teeny smidgen of sympathy for Ramona, only because of her utter delight in seeing someone else being in pain.    I get that she’s had a rough childhood; but that bitch has got to get some self awareness, and realize the painful things she’s said and done to others.

Spouting off hurtful things,THROWING things and being an all around bitch from hell gets no break from me. 

After some intense therapy , only then can she move on and really have a decent relationship.  But alas, as others have said …. someone just as douchy as Mario will take some perverse pleasure in banging crazy ass Ramona and yet another horrible relationship will begin.

And nothing else needs be said.  Well, for me, anyway. I'm far less invested than most of you in the show.  I only started watching it last year when I chanced to see some really skinny chick say, "I'm a princess but not a drama queen" and when I found out she was the widow of Anthony Radziwill, ... well, my gateway scene, shall we say.


I've known women like Ramona - most of them, thankfully, in grade school and high school.  Revel in other people's distress, shoot off her mouth and then give a big smirk and run away, excuse herself with "I'm just speaking my mind!" and "apologizing" with "sorry if your over-sensitive feelings were hurt, you big baby."  And crying and screaming for justice and revenge when she feels she's been wronged in even the slightest of ways.


I haven't seen Luann be a snobby prick, have never seen JZ, KB or AMc (except on her The Stir commentaries) at all. I don't need to.  In watching exactly one episode, last year, I saw enough of Ramona's modus operandi to peg her as an extremely self-absorbed bully and coward.  I've wondered how Mario kept his countenance and behaved so neutrally during most of his appearances and it's fairly likely - he was still on a high from bedding his most recent conquest.  Or glass of pinot grigio.  Adulterous skank he may be, but I have to acknowledge that he's put up with marriage to an extremely self-absorbed bully and coward for two decades.   


They're both independently wealthy or if not, Ramona will doubtless get a great settlement from his fortune.  They're both in good shape physically and can navigate the social waters perfectly. 


I do agree that it's kind of sad for both of them that they may not feel the need for self-examination, since self-awareness could really help them have good relationships from here on out.


Anyway, that's all the energy I'll devote to this.


Oh, also -- I think it was zoeysmom who channeled Ramona's explaining-away of this?  Priceless!

  • Love 10

I don't even wish infidelity on Aviva, and I think in the show, she is way worse than Ramona.


Mario is doing a hurtful thing. Plus, his piece should know … if he can cheat with you, he can cheat on you.


But his behavior seems to be so cold to his wife of many years, and mother of his child. 


I can't help but feel sad for Ramona, and wish her the best. 

  • Love 6

I don't even wish infidelity on Aviva, and I think in the show, she is way worse than Ramona.

Mario is doing a hurtful thing. Plus, his piece should know … if he can cheat with you, he can cheat on you.

But his behavior seems to be so cold to his wife of many years, and mother of his child.

I can't help but feel sad for Ramona, and wish her the best.

Yeah, I know what you mean. I hate to see the old girl down and out. I do feel invested in the people on the reality shows I watch, and don't enjoy any misfortune they may fall into...even if they've been less than kind to others.

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Ramona has scrubbed almost all of the images of Mario off her facebook page.  She still has this one up of when Avery was an infant.  Ramona looks so young and so 80s!



Oh wow, great find.  Ramona was a bit of a beauty, wasn't she?  I believe her when she says she had a lot of guys after her.

Edited by candy moocher
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Watching back the first season (Sasha inspired me for an encore) with Ramona's future divorce in mind is really akward. Red flags are flying everywhere.

Even something as innocent as "Mario wakes up every morning to go with Avery to school" reads as : he's doing it to flirt with all the mothers who do the same.


On the bright side, Ramona looks as good now as she was then.

She had the greatest ass. Sorry Carole, you're my girl but at the same age, Ramona's was 15 times better. Mostly because you can actually spot it.

  • Love 4

Ramona has scrubbed almost all of the images of Mario off her facebook page. She still has this one up of when Avery was an infant. Ramona looks so young and so 80s!

https:// www.facebook.com/54651190425/photos/a.385463035425.173012.54651190425/10151955196545426/?type=1&theater

Her post was so sad, "First family pic". She may have thought everything was fine.

  • Love 1

What? The Kasey chick doesn't have a home of her own?

My guess is Kasey is in it with Mario until he buys her a place.  My second guess is Ramona's attorneys will be asking the Court to not allow any pre-settlement distribution of funds.  I read where Kasey had a ten day stint in a mental institution after her break up with the last married guy she tangled with and she sued him.


Now that Ramona has thrown in the towel I am wondering if we will see many more Mario and Kasey pictures.  Something tells me Kasey does not want to be ignored.  I think with Ramona moving on Kasey and Mario may become a non-story unless they are misbehaving in public. 

Edited by zoeysmom

Ramona has not scrubbed almost all of the images of Mario from her Facebook page. 


I just went thru a ton of her pix there, and Mario was very present right up through summer 2013.


Saw their wedding picture, Avery's christening, and so much joy through the years. 


So so sad.  

Edited by Bossa Nova
  • Love 3

I've also read that Jill and Bethenny may be returning. 


Bravo can shake up this cast and any other cast they desire, and they still will not have solved the problem of lost viewers.


There was nothing wrong with the original cast, just like there is nothing wrong with this current cast.  All of these women seem to lead interesting lives.  The problem is that somehow Bravo has decided that what viewers want to see is women screeching, back stabbing, lying, turning on each other, all in the same of so called drama. 


It started with the addition of the Gorgas/Wakiles to NJ and the subsequent Teresa pile up from the rest of the cast.  Viewers may have found it interesting at first, but as time went on, one could see the editing holes, and, when it continued, I think people got sick of it.  I know I did.   Bravo seemed to think it worked, and all their HW shows subsequently turned into verbal (and physical in some cases) slug-fests.


Add to that, Bravo's idea that viewers want to see people like Richie Wakile and George.  Not in MY tv room. 


Bravo, I believe, continues to have its collective head in the sand as to what viewers want to see, and unless they seriously rethink what they are presenting to viewers, ratings will continue to decline. JMHO.



  • Love 3
Mario strikes me as the type of guy if Ramona starts dating a suitable man he will be beating a path back to Ramona's door.


Nope, don't think so.  What Moaner does now is up to her & Mario couldn't give 3 shits.  He's clearly really into this Casey chick.


I'm kinda wondering if Moaner is gonna give Harry a call.

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