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Jenelle: Birther Of 3, Mother To None


Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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"That’s like their job; that’s like their profession.”

It sounds like she thinks hater is an actual job. Maybe she should tell Kale.

Well, if she means people who write gossip columns - Perez Hilton and the like - I suppose it is. But it's also an easy way to discount any criticism from anyone else, especially if it is on the internet. Some people have fans, and some people have "haters," and while some of that is unfair, it also has a lot to do with what you put out there.


I don't think I hate her. I'm just gobsmacked and sad and hope that family and the courts can protect her kids from her while she grows up - if she does. She didn't ask for my pity, either, I suppose, but she's well compensated for it and could choose to behave better and/or stop putting her life on TV. 

Edited by akr
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Well, if she means people who write gossip columns - Perez Hilton and the like - I suppose it is. But it's also an easy way to discount any criticism from anyone else, especially if it is on the internet. Some people have fans, and some people have "haters," and while some of that is unfair, it also has a lot to do with what you put out there.

Jenelle seems to spend an awful lot of time on MTV's payroll being a 'hater' of her mother, and encourages her lemming minions and rotating harem of sleazy greasy men to do so as well.

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In that interview, she also talked about how her arrests affect her medical career.

Janelle recently graduated a medical assistant program and, while her haters have been skeptical that she will be able to get a job in the medical field due to her insane arrest record, Jenelle said it hasn’t been a problem.

“I was just offered a job this week, so I might start working soon,” she said. “I’m really excited and I love the medical field. I want to go back [to school] for surgical tech.”

Jenelle, who stated that even she has lost count of the times she’s been arrested, said that her arrest history hasn’t hurt her career choices.

“When I have background checks done, I had my record expunged for all the dismissed charges I’ve had,” she said. “Really, I don’t have anything on my record other than arrested numerous times. I’m not having a hard time. I have people coming to me saying, ‘Hey, can you come work for us?’ They’re really excited to have me as part of their team, and it makes me really happy for them to be excited and not look down on me.”

Somehow, I find that hard to believe. Even if she did get her arrest record & felonies expunged, she still does not look good in the court of public opinion. I don't know any employer who would want her considering she has such a poor control of her emotions. Google spoils her chances, every single time. She will have to stay on the MTV gravy train for as long as possible, or work in the field where she does not interact with people.

  • Love 11

In that interview, she also talked about how her arrests affect her medical career.

Somehow, I find that hard to believe. Even if she did get her arrest record & felonies expunged, she still does not look good in the court of public opinion. I don't know any employer who would want her considering she has such a poor control of her emotions. Google spoils her chances, every single time. She will have to stay on the MTV gravy train for as long as possible, or work in the field where she does not interact with people.

I find that hard to believe, also. Even if she has had some things expunged, there is plenty out there on the internet about her arrests and behavior. Also, she is a recovering (?) addict -- is a medical office with possible access to prescription samples the best place for her to work? I know most places have protocols in place to prevent theft of medicines, particularly controlled ones, but Jenelle might not be the best person to work in such an environment.

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To be honest, even if both houses were wonderful and meeting Jace's needs, he might still be acting out after coming back. It's just hard on a kid to go through that transition. I was a child of divorce and I hated it. I loved both my parents and they were good to me, but their homes were different - different rules and expectations, different vibes, everything. You get used to one place, then you go back to the other. Plus, I never felt I "fit" anywhere because both my parents remarried and had more kids, so I was always the odd one out. 


Anyhow, I'm sure a lot of it has to do with how Jenelle is currently trying to manipulate him, his worry over hurting Barb and making Nips angry, his fear that he may really have to go live in Casa de Loco full time, etc. But a lot of it just might be the transition itself. Also, I do think Jace acts out with Barb a lot because she is tired and doesn't follow through with discipline. From what we've seen, she yells a lot, but there's little follow through. Barb has also made him Gabriel's scapegoat and threatened to make him live somewhere else if he doesn't behave. 


No wonder that kid is a mess. 

Edited by ghoulina
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I'm surprised that with all his behavioral issues, the school psychologist hasn't evaluated Jace and recommended some type of therapy.

There's just so much instability in his life the poor kid doesn't know whether he's coming or going. Barb's heart is in the right place, but at the end of the day her home is still dysfunctional. It's leaps and bounds better than anything Jenelle could provide, but the fact is Jace is in her custody the majority of the time. Jenelle is a huge part of the problem, but I think it's fair to say Barb has a role in Jace's issues as well.

  • Love 2

I'm surprised that with all his behavioral issues, the school psychologist hasn't evaluated Jace and recommended some type of therapy.

There's just so much instability in his life the poor kid doesn't know whether he's coming or going. Barb's heart is in the right place, but at the end of the day her home is still dysfunctional. It's leaps and bounds better than anything Jenelle could provide, but the fact is Jace is in her custody the majority of the time. Jenelle is a huge part of the problem, but I think it's fair to say Barb has a role in Jace's issues as well.

Barb did raise Jenelle, after all...look how that turned out

  • Love 4


Jenelle is a huge part of the problem, but I think it's fair to say Barb has a role in Jace's issues as well.


That's what pisses me off the most about Jenelle. I am sure if you asked her, Jenelle would be the first to insist that Barb's the reason she's so screwed up (I don't agree with that, but Jenelle probably thinks it's true). Yet she had a baby that she abandoned to her mother! Barb would remind her she had an infant to take care of, and Jenelle would walk out the door for the night anyways, confident that Barb, unlike Jenelle, wouldn't be cold enough to let an infant go hungry or sit in an unchanged diaper all night. Neither of these women had any interest in (or really, any business) raising a baby at that point in their lives, but Jenelle was the one who wouldn't let Jace go. She didn't want to raise him herself, she had to know Barb wasn't equipped to do it either, and she kept him anyways. She is just a heinous human being.

  • Love 9

That's what pisses me off the most about Jenelle. I am sure if you asked her, Jenelle would be the first to insist that Barb's the reason she's so screwed up (I don't agree with that, but Jenelle probably thinks it's true). Yet she had a baby that she abandoned to her mother! Barb would remind her she had an infant to take care of, and Jenelle would walk out the door for the night anyways, confident that Barb, unlike Jenelle, wouldn't be cold enough to let an infant go hungry or sit in an unchanged diaper all night. Neither of these women had any interest in (or really, any business) raising a baby at that point in their lives, but Jenelle was the one who wouldn't let Jace go. She didn't want to raise him herself, she had to know Barb wasn't equipped to do it either, and she kept him anyways. She is just a heinous human being.

That's the difference between Jenelle and Kailyn. Kailyn's mother was toxic, and she acknowledged that and has kept her away from her kids for the most part. (Except for when she was really hard up for a babysitter) Jenelle will claim that Barbara is the root of all of her problems, and it's very likely that Barbara did make a lot of mistakes parenting Jenelle. (Sorry, Babs, I still love ya!) But the difference is that Kail worked to keep her kids away from her mother that she perceived to be a toxic person, whereas Jenelle simply didn't care enough to do the same (not that Jace should have been kept away from Barbara, I think she was the best thing for him.)

  • Love 7

Nobody wants Keifer and his artisanal hand-carved drug paraphernalia back on the show more than me, but the source of that info was a parody Instagram page, right?

Yes the source quoted above was Barb's parady account but Jailnelle really did spend the weekend with Keiffer, she posted a video of him in the shower with just a washcloth for modesty and was photographed by fans out with him.

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Jenelle uploaded the shower video in 2012 I thought. Oh well. I hope he's back. I hope they're high, high, both of ya high!

I saw the pictures and read that there was an altercation when Nathan found Keifer at Janelle's on Saturday. It better be true, it's not nice to toy with my emotions!

Oops I did not know that, I saw it in a feed and did not want to see it so assumed it was new video. It would be Janelle's dream to have Nathan fight for her shows that it is tru luv.

I think this has to be regarding Kaiser. Jace is in school now, so I wouldn't think he would be in daycare. If anything he would be in camp. And when was the last time Andrew did anything? Kaiser is a little over a year old, kids his age aren't steady walkers, and fall down a lot.


Well, I disagree that Jace couldn't be in daycare. When I was a kid, I went to daycare full time in the summers when school was out. It sucked. But I do think it's Kaiser given that Jenelle is using this as a platform to shame the father. I think Andrew was written off as a loss years ago so not sure she'd feel the need to call him out publicly or even notify him. She likely doesn't even have his contact information. Also, when was the last time she was around Jace for long enough to note a 2 hour crying block?

  • Love 5
If her son may need to go to the hospital, why in the hell is she on social media writing to a bunch of strangers and complaining about Nathan?! Take him to the hospital, fool!

I can picture some poor patient in the doctors office with a blood pressure cuff around their arm, having their arm turn purple as Jenelle is screaming into her cell phone at Barb.

Edited by charmed1
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Okay, so the Kaiser/Nathan thing and the concussion makes more sense than Jace/Andrew, but why did Jenelle try to put a child who fell on his forehead, and suspected he may have a concussion, to sleep?  I agree, charmed1.  Why didn't she go to the hospital sooner?  Who has time to facebook, or text, or whatever Jenelle was doing, while their baby is crying and throwing up? 

  • Love 7

Okay, so the Kaiser/Nathan thing and the concussion makes more sense than Jace/Andrew, but why did Jenelle try to put a child who fell on his forehead, and suspected he may have a concussion, to sleep?  I agree, charmed1.  Why didn't she go to the hospital sooner?  Who has time to facebook, or text, or whatever Jenelle was doing, while their baby is crying and throwing up? 


Because she's not concerned about her kid; her primary concern is making Nathan look like an asshole. Her kids are nothing to her but vehicles for her to lash out at whoever has pissed her off.


I hope Kaiser is okay.

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I hate to sound like a snotty elitist, but Jenelle is a medical assistant, which is a certificate program. She doesn't have a four year Bachelor's and an RN, nor is she a medical doctor. Basically she weighs people and takes blood pressure readings when they come into the office. Not trying to shit on anyone's profession, but she's not qualified to make a diagnosis on Kaiser, which is why she should have had him checked out immediately.

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 "OMG prayers for youre sun Jenelle shake da haterz off cuz ppl shud rly mind there own biznes luv ya girlie!"

That hurt my brain trying to figure out... I don't think I could last through what her idiots say. Are they really like that???? UGH

Also I hope she got that boy to the hospital... I freak out so easily with my daughter, and would rather be safe than sorry. And I couldn't imagine going to twitter with that crap. Put your child in his car seat, SECURE IT, and take him to see someone. Ugh. 

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Jenelle Evans, M.D:  "His pulse and respirations are normal, but he threw up and has been crying for two hours."


Janelle, you fucking idiot, get him to an ER.  If he has a concussion or worse, his pulse and respirations may very well be normal.  It's wonderful that your trade school taught you how to check those two things, but they really don't mean shit as far as your son's condition is concerned.

Edited by Bella Roche
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I like how she throws in her medical terminology to remind us all that she's helping take care of people in a professional capacity.

It's like if they put Bernie Madoff in charge of the U.S. Treasury.

That hurt my brain trying to figure out... I don't think I could last through what her idiots say. Are they really like that???? UGH


That would be one of the most literate examples. I'm sure one of her minions by now has hate-tweeted Pope Francis for not canonizing Jenelle as a saint yet.

Adam Lind also had some adoring social minion posts after Taylor gave in on the custody battle with him, congratulating him and telling him he was the world's bestest dad. Ugghhhhh.

Edited by cheatincheetos
  • Love 6

Janelle recently posted "revenge" beach pictures of her boobs hanging out, so Nipples followed up with photos of himself and his babe Jessica.  In some of the pictures she looks like Farrah Abraham.


Somewhere in all of that mess is little Kaiser, who probably never was taken to see a doctor about his head injury.  Priorities.



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Apparently Jenelle dumps the Roll off at daycare so she has the whole day free to loll around at the beach and take suggestive photos of herself. Or whatever else she does all day. For sure, it's not looking for a job. Then she doesn't seek medical attention when he's throwing up and crying. What a mother.

Edited by Miss Chevious
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If your kid throws up a few hours after hitting his head you take him to the hospital. Really, idiot Jenelle? Seriously?

This.^^^ If you google "baby fell down/off..." you get a ton of sites telling you to monitor the situation BUT go straight to the hospital if a list of things happen, one of which is VOMITING.

I know Jenelle knows how to google even if she wasn't taught this in her classes. But nope, she's just on social media blasting Nathan. I hope someone gets over there and takes him to the hospital when they read this (like Nathan's mom).

I also hate how she she says "my son" without clarification of which son it is...she didn't write "my youngest son" or "my son Kaiser." Way to remember Jace, Jenelle. Although maybe she has come to terms with the fact that she's not really his mom and Barb is (fat chance, I know).

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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In that interview, she also talked about how her arrests affect her medical career.

Somehow, I find that hard to believe. Even if she did get her arrest record & felonies expunged, she still does not look good in the court of public opinion. I don't know any employer who would want her considering she has such a poor control of her emotions. Google spoils her chances, every single time. She will have to stay on the MTV gravy train for as long as possible, or work in the field where she does not interact with people.



I find that hard to believe, also. Even if she has had some things expunged, there is plenty out there on the internet about her arrests and behavior. Also, she is a recovering (?) addict -- is a medical office with possible access to prescription samples the best place for her to work? I know most places have protocols in place to prevent theft of medicines, particularly controlled ones, but Jenelle might not be the best person to work in such an environment.


In some states,  people applying for certain types of jobs (medical jobs included) can expect to have their  record-- even expunged records-- disclosed to potential employers. 


Anyway, as everyone pointed out, the expungement would not even help that much. Anyone can google her name and find out about her antics. 

Edited by evilmindatwork
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Well thanks Jenelle, for making me see red yet again. I thought it was basic human knowledge that if a baby hits their head you should monitor the situation closely, much less is the baby is sick, in pain, or vomiting. I was taught that when I was barely out of childhood. Poor Roll, I hope she surrenders him to Nip's parents soon to commence her loser safari. In her custody he will be lucky to make it out of toddlerhood.

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Okay, so the Kaiser/Nathan thing and the concussion makes more sense than Jace/Andrew, but why did Jenelle try to put a child who fell on his forehead, and suspected he may have a concussion, to sleep?  I agree, charmed1.  Why didn't she go to the hospital sooner?  Who has time to facebook, or text, or whatever Jenelle was doing, while their baby is crying and throwing up? 


Hell she was probably on a dating site trying to find some guy to hang out with her in the ER while she waited for care for her child. ugh.

  • Love 7

Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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