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Jenelle: Birther Of 3, Mother To None


Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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On 5/16/2017 at 3:39 PM, TheRealT said:

Why do these people even want kids?

I'm convinced there is some truth to Simon and others saying MTV pay goes up with more kids and live in partners.  

My heart hurts for Jace.  Locally our last day of school is next Friday, but I don't know when his last day is.  Since his court custody case is after Memorial day, he may have his last day of school not knowing yet if he will ever see his friends or teachers again.  

The way most courts favor reunification, I really don't see Barbara keeping Jace.  Sorry east coasters, but I'm hoping for another hurricane to delay the proceedings another year.

  • Love 8
2 hours ago, TaxNerd said:

I'm convinced there is some truth to Simon and others saying MTV pay goes up with more kids and live in partners.  

My heart hurts for Jace.  Locally our last day of school is next Friday, but I don't know when his last day is.  Since his court custody case is after Memorial day, he may have his last day of school not knowing yet if he will ever see his friends or teachers again.  

The way most courts favor reunification, I really don't see Barbara keeping Jace.  Sorry east coasters, but I'm hoping for another hurricane to delay the proceedings another year.

They usually favor it when CPS is involved but they usually favor the status quo in most other custody cases. Jenelle has an uphill battle to prove that there is a significant change in circumstances at Barb's house that would seem Jenelle's home would be better. Otherwise it is not in the best interest of Jace to disrupt his life. 

I do expect Jenelle will get some sort of mandated visitation. 

  • Love 7

The twitter shit talk now is that Endwhatever is always lying on her back so her hair isn't even growing on the back of her head. Of course we have only seen pics of the kid lying down, but that doesn't mean it's true. But Janelle does seem to be outside watching creepy uncle green gardener doing the lawn most of the day. And Chelsea's pics are all of an adorable active baby. And Jenelle is jealous of Chelsea but still can't get her kid up and moving. 

  • Love 7
15 hours ago, EmeraldGirl said:

The twitter shit talk now is that Endwhatever is always lying on her back so her hair isn't even growing on the back of her head. Of course we have only seen pics of the kid lying down, but that doesn't mean it's true. But Janelle does seem to be outside watching creepy uncle green gardener doing the lawn most of the day. And Chelsea's pics are all of an adorable active baby. And Jenelle is jealous of Chelsea but still can't get her kid up and moving. 

Hell, Maryssa is so busy taking care of Kaiser, cookin', cleanin', schoolin' and keepin' track of Jenelle's flower crowns,  she doesn't have time to flip Endtable every couple hours. It's been too many years to remember, but shouldn't Endtable be rolling over by herself now?

  • Love 11

Ensley is what? Three and a half months? Rolling one way at this age is pretty normal, but not all babies are the same. 

Turning every few hours in the crib isn't really done anymore because of SIDs. Parents are instructed to sleep babies on their backs until they can roll on their own. At that point, there's no sense in trying to flip them back. And, by then, they have better neck control and are less likely to suffocate on anything. 

All my kids' hair rubbed away on the backs of their heads because of that. And my kids HATED tummy time for the first few months of their life. I know it's encouraged, but I wasn't going to make them miserable. I'd do it on MY tummy and that helped. But yea, they were in their little chairs a lot, with big bald spots on the backs of their heads. Ha! They're all fine now. 

Jenelle is a POS mom, that's no question. But this Jessica seems like a real piece of work herself, and it's hard to know what's true and what's not between the both of them. I just don't like it when petty crap like this is brought up - not because I care about Jenelle being called out. But if you're calling her out over something that is, IMO, not a big deal, it might make other moms feel bad as well. 

Now, using a child's toothbrush to clean a toilet because you're mad at them? That's just awful. If it's true. I can totally see Jenelle doing that, and being jealous if David gives his daughter more attention than her. But Jessica sounds like a whackjob and who knows if she's making half this shit up. 

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I can't imagine Jenelle and UBT taking good care of an infant. We know that Jenelle has no experience in that arena and I doubt UBT does either. They are both invested in "proving" that they are already good parents, so it's doubtful that they'd have the humility to read up on how to care for a baby. (Plus, they don't seem like the type to "read up" on anything.) UBT may be better than Jenelle at meeting the baby's (very) basic needs, but he doesn't seem to have the patience or empathy to be really invested in taking extra care of a child and he obviously doesn't know better than to do stuff like take the baby out on a boat in the sun (or to post it on SM). 

The thing is, they probably both think they're taking much better care of Ensley than they did their previous children and they are probably right. Jenelle left Jace with her mom all the time to go party and let Kaiser cry himself to sleep in his crib when she was too "stressed" to deal with him. I don't think UBT was allowed to be around his son when he was born and I doubt he was a great dad to baby Maryssa. We know he wasn't a good enough dad to avoid losing custody of her. Since their older children "turned out fine," why would they put any effort into trying to do things differently? They both probably think they're doing really well with Ensley because they're still together, they have a house, they haven't been arrested recently, and CPS hasn't opened an investigation on Ensley (yet). For them, those really are huge accomplishments compared to where they've been in the past.

Hopefully, UBT's relatives who are allowed to babysit are better equipped to take care of a baby and willing to take Ensley and the others as often as possible. 

  • Love 5

Whew, I haven't been in this forum for a few weeks and it has taken me an hour to read through Janelle's pages and pages of comments and links, read the links and comments on those articles, come back here and the hits keep coming. Jessica really isn't saying anything we haven't heard about Jenelle a thousand time before, or saw on photos Jenelle posted herself or on the show. Smoking pot while pregnant? You don't say! Wait a minute, that's old news...she posted photos of her pregnant with bongs in the photos. I suppose, like Maci, we can't prove she used it, but she did. Jessica just put the fact she is trash out to the world. Even if you don't believe anything Jenelle says about her, that voicemail proves her unhinged and as trashy as Jenelle. Wasn't the abuse of David's pregnant girlfriend alleged to be the result of coke rage? His coke use isn't new information and has been rumored several times, but I no longer try and keep track of the facts with these people. 

My sister and I haven't gotten along for years, since she caused me thousands of dollars of debt and got away with it. Our mother lives with me, in my home, that I paid for and pay the bills on, and she still considers it Mom's house and that I live with her. I really don't care since I don't talk to her, but only share that for context of the rest of this "too much information" post. She and her husband moved to North Carolina a few years ago. Earlier this week, one of the men my BIL served in Afghanistan with overdosed on heroin, and the came up on Wednesday for his service. She showed up at my house, unexpected and uninvited, because they didn't have the money to eat since gas was more than they expected and completely ravished my kitchen. I actually think they took some food with them, because not even Cait and Ty could polish off that much food in twelve hours, unless maybe Ty's mom was there, too. They then made themselves comfortable on the couch and living room floor to spend the night, again without asking, but expecting it was fine for them to do these things because it's Mom's house and she wouldn't mind. Mom tells me the next day that she'll go to the grocery to replace the food, and she was actually much more pissed than me, because I expect this from her now.

So, I come here, read the back and forth between Jenelle and Jessica, and realize my sister isn't that bad. Her Facebook page is full of poor me posts, but has never trashed me, that I know of since I don't have a FB page. I do, however, have a ton of family members who wouldn't be able to keep themselves from stopping by to tell me what she said if she were posting crap, because I have several cousins who are Jenelles and take pleasure in annoying others.

TL:DR: Jenelle unintentionally added context to my life. 

  • Love 16

When everyone gets into a pissing contest about drugs and kids? They lose all the kids. Meaning every freaking one of them needs to be adopted somewhere else. These butches (whoops, not butch yet - just bitches) couldn't care less unless - they can one up each other. 

I sadly and evily pray for a massive drug bust that sends all the kids to CPS. Wipe out all the extended family in one fell swooop. What a clusterF.

Edited by EmeraldGirl
  • Love 5

I made that post about Jenelle and immediately lost power. There were storms and the neighbors also lost power, but I know a smackdown for reading about Teen Moms when I see one. Hmmm, wonder what will happen when I hit send this time...

ETA: I hit send and nothing happened. I guess He has his hands full with Jenelle's upcoming custody case.

Edited by Christina
Added paragraph
  • Love 11

My heart goes out to the victims of the bomb at the Ariana Grande concert in Manchester... and I long ago accepted that many of my thoughts are a one way ticket to hell in a hand basket... so I'm just going to say one of my thoughts... I wonder how long it'll be before Jenelle makes some kind of statement making this about her, like "we went to a concert it could've been us"... I know I know, I'm a jerk

  • Love 12
49 minutes ago, MargeGunderson said:

It wasn't a Ke$ha concert so Jenelle's safe. 

Wasn't today her court date? I want to know what happened but I'm not going near Jenelle's Twitter feed, that's too much crazy for me.

No, her court date is tomorrow and Thursday if necessary. She'll probably be wearing her classy court heels! Hope whatever judge she gets makes the right decision.

Edited by Miss Chevious
Was one letter off in a word
  • Love 4
21 minutes ago, Booger666 said:

Does anyone familiar with custody cases know how the next steps play out?  Will there be a decision at the end of the hearing or is there a delay?  If custody changes will Jace be allowed to finish school year with Barb or would he immediately go to Janelle's?

I can't imagine Janelle being awarded custody -- but on the odd chance that it happens -- it would be in Jace's best interest to finish the school year.

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, leighroda said:

The Ashley had a quote from Nathan, some people tweeted him about the bruises, and he basically said if anyone laid hands on his kids he'd go off.

I thought I saw Jenelle posted yesterday about being nervous about going to court, I would think she'd feel right at home. 

Especially with her classy court heels.

  • Love 3
4 hours ago, CofCinci said:

I can't imagine Janelle being awarded custody -- but on the odd chance that it happens -- it would be in Jace's best interest to finish the school year.

The only thing going for her is she's the bio mom. They tend to get favoritism. 


Just imagine this scenario though. You have a father that has multiple arrests over the years along with drug use. They don't pay child support. They then petition for custody from the mother who has taken care of the child and provided for 8 years. The mother has had no arrests or drug use. The mother also has a stable job where she's worked the child's whole life. You think the judge would give custody to that father?????? Because that is the situation but it is just between a mother and grandmother. If Janelle gets custody it would be a landmark case of proof that courts have favoritism and bias towards birth mothers. It is already known, but this would be a pretty egregious example. 

Edited by ClassyCourtHeels
  • Love 7

I really hope Jace had a court appointed guardian at litem. He really needs a nonjudgmental professional that will encourage him to vocalize his feelings and will truly listen to him. Barb and Jenelle spend a lot of their energy sniping at each other, although lately Barb has seemed to pull back and not get sucked into all of the craziness at Chez Jenelle. 

This whole thing has come to a head only because UBT has been pushing Jenelle to seek custody. She's only doing this to accommodate him. Complete with the token lip service. Her actions speak otherwise. If she was that serious about having Jace full time she would have made more effort. Like living closer to him, taking him to school & picking him up on a regular basis, being a room mother or volunteering at his school, and keeping him on the weekends she said she would, not ditching him for trips or other foolishness. 

Barb isn't perfect by any means, but she's a whole hella lot better than Jenelle. If Jenelle ends up with Jace, the only thing he's going to see is the top of her head while she's playing on her phone, or the TV screen he'll be spending countless hours in front of. Hope they give Maryssa a raise.

Praying for Jace.

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I don't really know how custody works, my parents divorced, but my dad moved away, so shared custody was never an issue... the article said this agreement will keep Barb from withholding Jace from Jenelle... I don't really know how I feel about that because I honestly think withholding him is in Jaces best interest a lot of the time (it's hard to say because I don't know the circumstances). Now that Jenelle has 50/50 we'll see how often she gives up her time when it's convenient, like if she wants to go on a trip or something... if I were Barb I'd say too bad you're the one who wanted full time custody, if you can't even handle 50/50 what makes you think you could do full time.

  • Love 5

If they have a shared arrangement, how on Earth will Janelle get Jace to school each day?! She's not going to exercise her authorized parenting time. This is such a joke. Barb most likely maintains school/decision making and I doubt she'd pull him out of his school and away from his Boy Scout troop.  If Jenelle was serious about mothering Jace, she could have purchased close the Barb 

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, Miss Chevious said:


I really hope Jace had a court appointed guardian at litem


I was a Guardian Ad Litem in Florida.  We represented children in abuse and neglect cases.  I've never heard of a GAL involved in a custody case where State-investigated abuse/neglect is not an issue.  Just my experience...

  • Love 7

Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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