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Jenelle: Birther Of 3, Mother To None


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On 4/21/2017 at 10:26 PM, bethster2000 said:

That shouldn't even be part of the conversation.  United Airlines planted those "facts" with the media in an attempt to remove liability from themselves for their shocking, criminal behavior.

Like Matt, court documents do exist to confirm facts about that passenger. As for Jenelle, she too has a criminal past, however, she is a liar and has no cedibility, thus my reason for pointing out Dao's past because I would believe him over Jenelle any day of the week IN SPITE OF his criminal convictions.

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On 4/21/2017 at 10:06 PM, bethster2000 said:

I've been sick for the past couple of days and bored on the couch needing something to watch.  There is an entire season of 16 and Pregnant on OnDemand, including Jenelle's first episode.

If you need more to watch, search for "Underage & Pregnant" on YouTube- its a British series just like Teen Mom- tons of episodes.

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This is what she wakes up to?  Is she fucking serious?  The dogs are huddled next to her door because they don't want to be outside all night long.  There's nothing cute about this photo.  So what if they have a doghouse?  It isn't going to protect them from predators that don't respect private property boundaries, even if it is seven acres.  She's gone from keeping dogs in cages inside a garage to leaving them outside in the wilderness to fend for themselves.


Edited by Snarky McSnarky
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2 hours ago, Snarky McSnarky said:

This is what she wakes up to?  Is she fucking serious?  The dogs are huddled next to her door because they don't want to be outside all night long.  There's nothing cute about this photo.  So what if they have a doghouse?  It isn't going to protect them from predators that don't respect private property boundaries, even if it is seven acres.  She's gone from keeping dogs in cages inside a garage to leaving them outside in the wilderness to fend for themselves.


It's also been chilly in NC the past few days and rainy as all get out.  Pits also have less fur than other dogs; my pit mix gets very hot and very cold easily.   One can only hope those dogs run away and find some owners who'd actually take care of them. 

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So, on top of making them stay outside, they're running loose on unfenced property all night long. It's just a matter of time until they start getting in trouble while wandering onto someone else's property and will end up with animal control or someone will shoot them. I think one of our sleuths here noticed they're not neutered, either.  You guys know I live on a farm and have livestock. In 30 years, the only predators I've lost livestock to are dogs. People move to some acreage and think it's just fine to let their dogs roam because 'they're out in the country'. Wrong! The sweetest, best behaved family dog loses all sense when they're allowed to roam, especially if they hook up with another roaming dog. Pack mentality kicks in and any prey drive they have goes into overdrive. The dogs that killed my ewe and her unborn lambs were the sweetest couch potatoes you'd ever meet. 

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It's only a matter of time before they get picked off by coyotes or a neighbor shoots them for wandering onto his land. 

I had a pitbull who HATED cold weather and I live in freaking Vegas, ffs. If there was even the slightest sprinkle of rain, he'd sit in a chaise lounge under the pool umbrella and it if was chilly he'd sit inside the doorway of the garage and watch while the other dogs played in the yard. I would never, ever have left him outside overnight. Jenelle's dogs look cold and miserable. 

Edited by BitterApple
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Someone once posted Jesus has his hands full with Jenelle's kids. Hopefully, he is overlooking the dogs, too. With all the creatures that exist in the swamp nearby, I hope those dogs don't end up as lunch. Sad. 

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48 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

It's only a matter of time before they get picked off by coyotes or a neighbor shoots them for wandering onto his land. 

I had a pitbull who HATED cold weather and I live in freaking Vegas, ffs. If there was even the slightest sprinkle of rain, he'd sit in a chaise lounge under the pool umbrella and it if was chilly he'd sit inside the doorway of the garage and watch while the other dogs played in the yard. I would never, ever have left him outside overnight. Jenelle's dogs look cold and miserable. 

I can't believe she proudly posts photos like this on social media.  You don't have to be a dog person to see those babies are not happy at all.

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She really is one of the dumbest people on God's green Earth. I can almost look past the fact that she constantly makes stupid decisions like leaving her poor dogs outside all night--not because I condone it, but because I just don't expect descent human responses from her anymore--but her need to get validation and show off her piss-poor decision making skills on social media is just....something. I don't even have words for her anymore. 

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22 minutes ago, Birdee said:

She really is one of the dumbest people on God's green Earth. I can almost look past the fact that she constantly makes stupid decisions like leaving her poor dogs outside all night--not because I condone it, but because I just don't expect descent human responses from her anymore--but her need to get validation and show off her piss-poor decision making skills on social media is just....something. I don't even have words for her anymore. 

Got that right about her stupidity.  When she does things like this, I keep asking myself, who looks at this and thinks Jenelle  is intelligent? The girl doesn't even have any common sense and no street smarts. Jace is the one with intelligence in that family gene pool. 

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I hate to side with Jenelle, but dogs can stay outside if they have a shelter that protects them from the elements. It's not something I would do to my pets but many in rural areas keep their dogs outside. To be honest, the dogs are probably safest outside because David seems like the type to kick a dog if he's angry and the dog is right there.

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1 hour ago, CofCinci said:

I hate to side with Jenelle, but dogs can stay outside if they have a shelter that protects them from the elements. It's not something I would do to my pets but many in rural areas keep their dogs outside. To be honest, the dogs are probably safest outside because David seems like the type to kick a dog if he's angry and the dog is right there.

Depends on the type of dog.  My Norweign Elkhound I had as a kid, loved sitting on the tallest snowbank, face into the wind during a blizzard--he was "dressed" to be in that weather.  Now my Bulldogs (they have the same kind of "dressing" as a Pit) would freeze to death.  

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On 4/22/2017 at 4:01 PM, leighroda said:

This reminds me of Jenelle 

for those unfamiliar with Miranda Sings, she is a YouTube personality, the actress modeled her after people at her performing arts college who thought they were all that and a bag of chips. Listing Jenelles accomplishments including modeling reminded me of this song, and of course the "haters"

That's really funny. My reluctant TM2 fan husband watched the episode last night when Jenelle had to fess up she was pregnant cause of drama queen's "abdominal pain" after minor fender bender. He kept trying to pause to get all the great Twitter comments MTV showed from her "haters". 

Please tell me those poor dogs are fixed. I guess Jenelle can't tell when her dogs are miserable since she posted it on social media. I'm giving her some credit though, cause I think she's actually had the grey pit for awhile (vs. TM "Disappearing Pets Syndrome"). The black one with the Boston Terrier face is really cute. Whatever happened to that cat though? I'm guessing David didn't like it...

I'm going to refrain from three paragraphs of the idiocy of letting your pit bulls roam with no fence (unfixed - really?). I love Pits. They might be the most human-friendly dog breeds I know. When a 40-70 lb. dog is trying to sit in my lap - it's usually a Pit. But they're also unfortunately Terriers with incredible jaw strength. Terriers don't give up shit when their mind gets fixated on it (E.g. - if a Jack Russell had the physical capabilities of a Pit - we might have no more rats in the world, but less humans and family pets). And also unfortunately - it's not a rumor, Pits (especially unfixed ones) don't always get along with other dogs. 

Is it wrong to think it would be funny if one of them gets bitten by a rabid fox/bat whatever and goes Cujo on Jenelle and David? Probably. Bad Jen! OK - definitely. 

Edited by Jennifersdc
Bad grammar
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On 4/25/2017 at 11:12 AM, Snarky McSnarky said:

I can't believe she proudly posts photos like this on social media.  You don't have to be a dog person to see those babies are not happy at all.

Jenelle is incapable of empathy.....for people or animals.  Homegirl is a narcicist. (And an idiot. Narcicists have to guess at and/or copy other normal humans' responses to others' pain/feelings. She's obviously really bad at doing so because she's an idiot.)

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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34 minutes ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

Jenelle is incapable of empathy.....for people or animals.  Homegirl is a narcicist. (And an idiot. Narcicists have to guess at and/or copy other normal humans'

 responses to other's pain/feelings. She's obviously really bad at doing so because she's an idiot.)

I guess when you encourage your dog to chase and fetch lit fireworks, making them stay outside in the elements is really no big deal.


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She also owns this house and not just renting so more concerned about dogs damaging HER property.  

Those cute dogs look cold to me.  I had the best pittie for 10 years.  She wanted to play in the snow, but would get so cold.  Heat was even tougher on her.  My boxer now is same way.  

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On 4/25/2017 at 0:40 PM, GreatKazu said:

Got that right about her stupidity.  When she does things like this, I keep asking myself, who looks at this and thinks Jenelle  is intelligent? The girl doesn't even have any common sense and no street smarts. Jace is the one with intelligence in that family gene pool. 

I maybe the one who thinks she might be somewhat "innately" intelligent. Well - compared to the rest of the TM cast. But her narcissism gets in the way (unfortunately encouraged by MTV).

My husband is too funny. Catching up with the episode after Javi gets home and Kail won't let him borrow car seats, open his mail or use her garbage (cause she's moved on). Hubby was WTF? How's he supposed to have a house set up from Qatar? During we discussed the difference between psychopaths (maybe David), sociopaths (maybe Kail - though Hubby also adds soulless) and whatever Jenelle is...

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I think Jenelle sometimes gets labeled as "intelligent" because she did reasonably well in high school and in jr. college/for-profit certificate program when she was applying herself. We've also seen her behave reasonably professionally years ago when she was waitressing and whatever else and she can be moderately articulate (compared to the people she hangs out with/other Teen Moms). If she could get the mental illness(es) and attendant bad choices under control, I think Jenelle could be capable of holding down a job and coming off as relatively "normal." I think Barb harps on how "smart" Jenelle is because she's her mom and she loves her and wants to see the best in her. Dr. Drew says it because it's written on his cue cards. The MTV people write it on the cue cards because of the reasons above and because there isn't much other positive stuff to say about Jenelle.

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Unless Jenelle's high school grades were posted somewhere, I don't think we know how well, or how bad she did in high school.

Jenelle once tweeted she was a waitress. I don't recall the show airing any scenes of her working. That's probably because she lasted a week before quitting or getting fired.

Jenelle graduating from high school really doesn't equate intelligence. Leah Messer graduated from high school and she is, well, not smart at all.  Jenelle says "dramastically" instead of "drastically". She has her own language.

Barb will say what she thinks she needs to say in order to get Jenelle motivated. That's what parents do sometimes.

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In the first season, Jenelle worked as a waitress for like a week, then stole Barb's credit cards and went on a trip to New Jersey with Keiffer. She didn't even bother to call in to work and was surprised when she got back that she didn't have a job anymore. 

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I remember a scene of her waitressing in which she was being polite and seemed competent. I think there was also a scene of her talking with her boss about something. At the time I was like, "Wow, Jenelle can actually behave like a reasonable human being..." Of course it all went to hell very quickly, but it did show that she was capable of behaving "intelligently." I can believe that Jenelle was an A/B student in high school. I think she finished high school more or less on schedule despite having Jace and Barb and (the less reliable) Drew have said she was a good student. Barb said that Jenelle was on the dean's list in her medical assistant (or whatever) program, which I'm sure wasn't super challenging, but it probably took some level of organization and ability to learn to get good grades. In terms of raw intelligence, I think Jenelle is smarter than Leah and Chelsea.

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1 hour ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

In the first season, Jenelle worked as a waitress for like a week, then stole Barb's credit cards and went on a trip to New Jersey with Keiffer. She didn't even bother to call in to work and was surprised when she got back that she didn't have a job anymore. 

That is exactly how I remember it. Jenelle was fired and acted as if she shouldn't have been. She also missed a lot of work prior to being fired. 


I think there was also a scene of her talking with her boss about something.

It was about her not being a responsible worker. She was trying to lie and wiggle her way out of her incompetency as an employee, lying about why she missed work on numerous occasions. He let her know that he relies on his employees to call in when they are going to miss work. 

Here is a synopsis:


Jenelle has never been responsible. 

What good is any book smarts? Jenelle is horrible at the choices she makes in her life and it affects her children. That is not smart. That is abusive. 

I look at the person as a whole and how they handle their responsibilities, the choices they make, and where they are at currently at this stage of their lives.  Jenelle is nowhere on her way to no place. 

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11 minutes ago, SPLAIN said:

That is exactly how I remember it. Jenelle was fired and acted as if she shouldn't have been. She also missed a lot of work prior to being fired. 

It was about her not being a responsible worker. She was trying to lie and wiggle her way out of her incompetency as an employee, lying about why she missed work on numerous occasions. He let her know that he relies on his employees to call in when they are going to miss work. 

Here is a synopsis:


Jenelle has never been responsible. 

What good is any book smarts? Jenelle is horrible at the choices she makes in her life and it affects her children. That is not smart. That is abusive. 

I look at the person as a whole and how they handle their responsibilities, the choices they make, and where they are at currently at this stage of their lives.  Jenelle is nowhere on her way to no place. 

I miss Crushable!  I love how at that time, they're talking about how fucked she is b/c she's unlikely to land another waitress job...

if only that was what happened & TM never blew up the way it did and that was her worst dilemma.  I wonder if she would've straightened her act out

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46 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

I don't think that a woman who believes a Ke$ha concert is a legit reason not to have to go to jail could EVER be considered intelligent. Not even a little bit. But that's just me. 

hey @ghoulina welcome back!  you were missed, hope your trip was beyond fabulous!!

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17 minutes ago, teapot said:

hey @ghoulina welcome back!  you were missed, hope your trip was beyond fabulous!!

Thank you! It was a dream come true, but I am so beyond jetlagged right now. I ended up watching the new Teen Mom OG episode at 3 am this morning when I couldn't sleep. Those bitches are even scarier when you're running on fumes!

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15 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Thank you! It was a dream come true, but I am so beyond jetlagged right now. I ended up watching the new Teen Mom OG episode at 3 am this morning when I couldn't sleep. Those bitches are even scarier when you're running on fumes!

I was gonna ask you how your DVR was doing!!

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LOL, my DVR was a bit overloaded. I had to reassess my life. What does it say about me that I'm gone one week and had about 12 hours of TV to catch up on???? But at least I've never stole my mom's credit cards or fought a girl over a hoodie. #winning

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4 hours ago, ghoulina said:

LOL, my DVR was a bit overloaded. I had to reassess my life. What does it say about me that I'm gone one week and had about 12 hours of TV to catch up on???? But at least I've never stole my mom's credit cards or fought a girl over a hoodie. #winning

So good to have you back!  Hope all want very well.

Did you meet with some dude over there for some work like Jenelle? lol

Edited by GreatKazu
Damn auto-correct keeps misspelling Jenelle's name
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45 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Haha, yes, I'm now an international brand representative. Be prepared for the upcoming commercial and Instagram hawking! 

Whoo hoo! Ching ching!$$  Now, you can just lie around and do nothing for the rest of your life.

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On 4/27/2017 at 2:45 AM, TheRealT said:

I think Jenelle sometimes gets labeled as "intelligent" because she did reasonably well in high school and in jr. college/for-profit certificate program when she was applying herself. We've also seen her behave reasonably professionally years ago when she was waitressing and whatever else and she can be moderately articulate (compared to the people she hangs out with/other Teen Moms). If she could get the mental illness(es) and attendant bad choices under control, I think Jenelle could be capable of holding down a job and coming off as relatively "normal." I think Barb harps on how "smart" Jenelle is because she's her mom and she loves her and wants to see the best in her. Dr. Drew says it because it's written on his cue cards. The MTV people write it on the cue cards because of the reasons above and because there isn't much other positive stuff to say about Jenelle.

I think it's probably the moderately articulate thing to me. Though I howled at one of the TM specials when Jenelle said "she speaks really well" as one of her best traits...

On 4/27/2017 at 4:06 PM, ghoulina said:

I don't think that a woman who believes a Ke$ha concert is a legit reason not to have to go to jail could EVER be considered intelligent. Not even a little bit. But that's just me. 

Then there's that...

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She did complete Early College, and they don't let in dummies. In a small, SMALL way, I think she may have done better without TM, because she should have graduated high school with an associate's degree, or at least a lot of credits towards one. She probably had a decent life plan at one point, probably in eighth or ninth grade. 

I could see Barbara telling eighth-grade Jenelle that realistically, they weren't going to have a lot of money to go towards a 4-year degree, so early college would get many credits for free. She would have had to have good grades in middle school to get in, as well as undergo an interview process. They specifically look for people in that program who are excited about learning and plan to not throw away this opportunity, because if the person drops out, they can't replace them, and one other person loses their chance at free college credits. They would have to be really sure that Jenelle was intelligent and driven to let her in. I feel like we have seen glimpses of this person that she probably used to be, and probably could have become, if she hadn't gotten on the wrong track with boys/drugs. 

Edited by Christina87
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Jenelle has a slew of issues. Those issues are a major roadblock to her functioning as a decent person in any capacity. She cannot even function as a SAHM. She can barely muster the energy to parent the children she has in her care. Tossing weenies, pizza and video games at them is her idea of being a good parent. Imagine her working at a full-time job with the stress that comes with most jobs? 

Her addiction was just a big symptom of a much bigger problem that exists to this day. I will never believe if Jenelle never had a drug issue, she'd be this bright person who seeks a higher education with the hope of seeking employment and living a better life. The girl is not a drug user now and still has not made any strides in her life except to pop out more babies. Upon graduation, she immediately feined being ill, coming up with a hundred symptoms. She wasn't ever going to seek a job. 

Edited by SPLAIN
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5 hours ago, Christina87 said:


She did complete Early College, and they don't let in dummies.

In my county, any high school student can participant in that program with the community college. 

Edited by CofCinci
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On 4/21/2017 at 10:54 AM, Jennifersdc said:

So I just read Jenelle's biography for her upcoming book (obvious loser with too much time on my hands). Among her many accomplishments she includes "model".

WTF did this narcissistic bitch ever model? Instagram pics don't count. I give her a pass on "actress" cause drama queen certainly can act her ass off...

She modeled for those photos Duffy spread around the internet. ;) 

On 4/27/2017 at 10:57 AM, TheRealT said:

I remember a scene of her waitressing in which she was being polite and seemed competent. I think there was also a scene of her talking with her boss about something. At the time I was like, "Wow, Jenelle can actually behave like a reasonable human being..." Of course it all went to hell very quickly, but it did show that she was capable of behaving "intelligently." I can believe that Jenelle was an A/B student in high school. I think she finished high school more or less on schedule despite having Jace and Barb and (the less reliable) Drew have said she was a good student. Barb said that Jenelle was on the dean's list in her medical assistant (or whatever) program, which I'm sure wasn't super challenging, but it probably took some level of organization and ability to learn to get good grades. In terms of raw intelligence, I think Jenelle is smarter than Leah and Chelsea.

Barb has always said she got good grades. The margins are all tiny here, but I'd agree that in terms of a basic IQ test (nothing to do with psychological issues, drugs, social skills, emotional intelligence, common sense, etc), Jenelle would fare at least a bit better than Leah or Chelsea. Leah in particular is very dim. 

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I agree Jenelle isn't ever going to get a real job. The one time we saw her actually working (as a waitress, no less) she lasted about two days then she was off on her wild weekends with Kieffer. So her boss fired her for being a no-call, no-show. 

She has such a casual attitude about putting in an honest day's labor so I don't think that's ever going to happen for her. Right now she's coasting on the coattails of her "celebrity" status and is probably expecting to parlay that into something more permanent. Although I can't imagine what. Is there life after Laboraide? 

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Jenelle would fare at least a bit better than Leah or Chelsea. Leah in particular is very dim. 

I still remember it was Chelsea who pointed out Jenelle and Leah's vocabulary during one of the after show specials. She pointed out how they were mashing up words and using the incorrect words. LOL 

Edited by SPLAIN
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Chelsea has a ditzy vibe, but I don't think she's the dumbest one of this bunch. She has a quick wit and is able to carry on conversation with Nessa much better than some of her counterparts. Leah often just stares with this open-mouthed gape, like a deer in headlights, as if she doesn't get the question. Jenelle will pop off with an answer, but it's often not related to the question that was asked, which leads me to question her comprehension skills. Chelsea isn't going to be a Mensa member any time soon, but I sometimes think she isn't as ditzy as she comes off. 

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Chelsea's also not addled by drugs, the way Jenelle and Leah are.  Granted, I doubt either of the latter would be Mensa members without drugs (particularly Leah), but the drugs sure don't help.

I suspect Chelsea could do a lot more if she wanted to, but she doesn't and has arranged her life (plus being born to Randy) so that she doesn't need to.

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