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Jenelle: Birther Of 3, Mother To None


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Just now as Jenelle is crying in NY about not getting her test results IN ONE DAY, there is a can of Corona Light behind her.  Right, Uncle Dave was drinking water in that picture.  Sure.

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Janelle makes horrible choices. She doesn't take the time to get to know men. She needs to test these men. They are horrible examples of me. Nathan is a mental case, and this new one is as dumb as dirt.  I have no idea how he has custody of his kids-- unless his last ex is as messed up as Jenelle.. I am sure he likes the same kind of woman.. crazy..

Barbara need to take it down a notch with the phone calls in front of Jace. That poor kid..

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3 hours ago, PenelopePendleton said:

Janelle makes horrible choices. She doesn't take the time to get to know men. She needs to test these men.

But who would she find that isn't horrible, considering she herself is horrible?

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With regards to her whole health crisis, she kept emphasising that she didn't think her symptoms were down to anxiety. But she was perfectly happy to accept a prescription for Xanax and only threw a tantrum when she was denied that. If she was so determined that it was more than anxiety, why was she so ready to accept an anxiety medication in lieu of a different diagnosis? Nice try Jenelle but it's obvious you only wanted the pills.

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Yeah, and since you're flagged in the national network for abusing prescriptions, your criminal record isn't the only thing that's gonna keep you from your job in the medical field.

Although that's a non issue, since it seems that phase was just her fitting the mold of the boyfriend at the moment. Now that she's with David, she's grown much more slovenly. Nathan would have had her finishing school while getting in her 'gym time'. Good lord when Nathan is the better person, it really fucks with ones faith in humanity.

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9 hours ago, NikSac said:

But who would she find that isn't horrible, considering she herself is horrible?

That seems to be the scapegoat for the guys who end up with these hot messes. Uncle Dave, Amber's creep, Poor poor Simon, and even Maci's walking beard, claim to have never watched the show before. I don't buy it.

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49 minutes ago, neatoburrito said:

With regards to her whole health crisis, she kept emphasising that she didn't think her symptoms were down to anxiety. But she was perfectly happy to accept a prescription for Xanax and only threw a tantrum when she was denied that. If she was so determined that it was more than anxiety, why was she so ready to accept an anxiety medication in lieu of a different diagnosis? Nice try Jenelle but it's obvious you only wanted the pills.

Jenelle needs to work on her acting game. I agree it was obvious she'd just memorized a list of symptoms to complain about so she could get pills. IMO, it would be a huge red flag when a patient comes in with 30 out of 30 symptoms used for prescribing narcotics. Jenelle must not realize doctors see this sort of thing all the time and are pretty hip to the game. She should've just asked Leah for her dealer's number and saved herself the hassle.

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5 hours ago, Rebecca said:

On paper and in action I think Jenelle is actually worse than most, or even all, of the guys she's dated.

That sounds like the worst contest that's ever been had by anyone in all of history...lol. 

@butterbody, SERIOUSLY! When I feel forced to make concessions to piece of shit, disgusting, sociopathic, drunk-driving, dangerous-as-fuck, scary-steroid, child-neglecting, daughter-ignoring, repeat-dog-abandoning, 'dramastic' 'ellenation' 'paranalia' 'You're trailer trash, dude' 'I've actually been at home this whole time' 'You got your daughter hooked on heroin, good job Barbara' Nathan, I actually feel terrified that I have let any of these people onto my screen or into my mind.

However, I can't ever not hate him. I have a visceral reaction to both him and Jenelle...when they come on the screen, I seriously feel a little sick. I can't listen to either of them speak for long. Together, they were this creepy hateful amoeba.

Edited by Lm2162
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7 hours ago, neatoburrito said:

With regards to her whole health crisis, she kept emphasising that she didn't think her symptoms were down to anxiety. But she was perfectly happy to accept a prescription for Xanax and only threw a tantrum when she was denied that. If she was so determined that it was more than anxiety, why was she so ready to accept an anxiety medication in lieu of a different diagnosis? Nice try Jenelle but it's obvious you only wanted the pills.

Right. What does Xanax treat, OTHER than anxiety?

i think MTV pushes those horrid car/speakerphone conversations with Barb.

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I think in the aftershow she said they still didn't know, but in an effort to rule shit out, she is no longer on birth control.

Now, I was an excellent speller, and I want to know what disease has a symptom of difficulty spelling words (other than dementia). 

After I had my kiddo, I find myself misspelling more things (also using the wrong form of they're/their/there and too/to - and I HATE IT). I don't like it one bit, but I didn't realize it was an illness that could be treated with xanax.  Where do I sign up for that?

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There was a blind item about a Teen Mom not being up front with her doctors about her drug use and everyone guessed it was Jennelle.  I wouldn't be surprised if she does have chronic pain from everything she's put her body through. 

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11 hours ago, guilfoyleatpp said:

I think in the aftershow she said they still didn't know, but in an effort to rule shit out, she is no longer on birth control.

Now, I was an excellent speller, and I want to know what disease has a symptom of difficulty spelling words (other than dementia). 

After I had my kiddo, I find myself misspelling more things (also using the wrong form of they're/their/there and too/to - and I HATE IT). I don't like it one bit, but I didn't realize it was an illness that could be treated with xanax.  Where do I sign up for that?

I get so flustered trying to talk sometimes that I can't form a full sentence without stumbling over some words. I think I can see molecules, too. Can I have some Xanax?

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I think it's a little weird that Jenelle can't get benzos... I have a friend who has been on methadone for years due to prior opiate abuse and he is on klonopin. He gets a refill every 30 days, just like anyone. He has abused every substance known to man (in the past, he's clean now). Is the difference that he is actively on methadone and therefore regularly drug tested? Was Jenelle ever on methadone? My friend (miraculously) has no drug charges - I think Jenelle has heroin possession? She definitely has marijuana possession but I don't think that would held against her the same way.

I'm loath to admit but, I think she has a point about being judged for her past before doctors and things meet her, since we all know her history or can easily learn it. No doctor wants to be the one. She chooses this price for her "fame" (infamy) and the $$$$$ though so...

Edited by Rebecca
Want to mention my friend hasn't abused anything in a few years, he follows the instructions.
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4 hours ago, poopchute said:

It's spring break!!!!!!  What adult with multiple children goes on spring break?  She's not a student. 

Spring break? With what job and schooling? Every fucking day is spring break for her.

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If you have 2 kids, spring break in Florida is not for you. A night out with the girls, a weekend getaway, a Kesha concert (unless it conflicts with a court appearance, of course), all fine, have your fun. But spring break? No.

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14 hours ago, poopchute said:

It's spring break!!!!!!  What adult with multiple children goes on spring break?  She's not a student. 

To paraphrase Michael Bluth, maybe she's orthodox and that's why she celebrates spring break.

This is the last time you're going to see THESE! SPRING BREAK WOO! -- Kitty

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It's quite possible the Jenelle doctor shops. Perhaps she had recently already filled a script, so she was flagged and not able to get another one just yet. We don't know what she was actually told by the doctor, if anything. It's not on film. So it's not 100% certain that she was flat out told she can't have any benzos, at all, ever. It might have been a simple case of, "The computer shows you just got Xanax filled last week from ___ doctor at "x" pharmacy. You can't have any more yet". 

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58 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

It's quite possible the Jenelle doctor shops. Perhaps she had recently already filled a script, so she was flagged and not able to get another one just yet. We don't know what she was actually told by the doctor, if anything. It's not on film. So it's not 100% certain that she was flat out told she can't have any benzos, at all, ever. It might have been a simple case of, "The computer shows you just got Xanax filled last week from ___ doctor at "x" pharmacy. You can't have any more yet". 

Of course she doctor shops.  With states toughening rules and enacting databases, she has to put more effort into doctor shopping.

Dirtbag Dave does have one good side --- it seems like he is trying to get her outside more.  Could be good for her recovery, similar to working out with Nathan.

Edited by CofCinci
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Unless he's getting her these "hosting" gigs, which is basically hang out at a bar and drink until you go blind while getting paid. Seriously, I can't wait for the Jenelle version of that Jake The Snake Roberts "after fame" documentary. 

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Is this the spring break she spent in South Padre Island at some club/bar? 


Edited because I found my own answer. Yes it is. Wonder why she didn't wear a bikini? 2udwevt.png 

There are tons of articles about her being in South Padre but claiming to be oh so sick.  

Edited by Mkay
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18 hours ago, Rebecca said:

I think it's a little weird that Jenelle can't get benzos... I have a friend who has been on methadone for years due to prior opiate abuse and he is on klonopin. He gets a refill every 30 days, just like anyone. He has abused every substance known to man (in the past, he's clean now). Is the difference that he is actively on methadone and therefore regularly drug tested? Was Jenelle ever on methadone? My friend (miraculously) has no drug charges - I think Jenelle has heroin possession? She definitely has marijuana possession but I don't think that would held against her the same way.

I'm loath to admit but, I think she has a point about being judged for her past before doctors and things meet her, since we all know her history or can easily learn it. No doctor wants to be the one. She chooses this price for her "fame" (infamy) and the $$$$$ though so...

Ok, but benzos are prescribed solely to treat anxiety AFAIK, and Jenelle made it clear that she did not think her symptoms were due to anxiety.

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Ha ha, a whopping two weekends a month? Whatever happened to full custody? I guess it would interfere with gym time. Well, for the first time ever Jenelle was right. Nathan was totally full of shit when he talked about how badly he wanted to see his son.

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This custody arrangement ensures continuing storylines for them both, so I'm sure they're both relieved. There will be plenty of "co-parenting" drama for the next 17 years. And I expect we'll have drama when Jenelle leaves Kaiser with Lurch's sister rather than Nathan. Or dumps him at daycare.  

Or maybe the opposite: "You always say you want more time with your son, well here he is!" She was happy to dump Jace with her Mom and I bet when the cameras are gone, she'll find reasons to dump Kaiser with Nathan more and more. When he's not useful for drama. Remember when she had a high speed car chase trying to dump the Roll with Nips? Either way, Jenelle can save a lot on daycare now.

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11 hours ago, BitterApple said:

Ha ha, a whopping two weekends a month? Whatever happened to full custody? I guess it would interfere with gym time. Well, for the first time ever Jenelle was right. Nathan was totally full of shit when he talked about how badly he wanted to see his son.

I feel like everyone on this show who talks big about how much they want custody of their kid would get the shock of their lives if it actually happened. In reality I think full or even joint custody would be Nathan or Adam's worst nightmare. Adam can't even have one day with his kids without trying to squeeze in some precious gym time, and Nathan usually can't wait to dump Kaiser on someone else.

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So let's recap...no custody and rare visits with one daughter (and language in the custody agreement that clarifies he can't be drunk around her), whose grandparents have custody of her, two weekends a month with a second son after making a huge deal about his mother being so abusive she's a danger to him, 3 DUIs, and a dog he abandoned 2-3 times. No one can ever convince me that Nathan is anything but worthless. He's no better than Jenelle. No redeeming qualities at all. 

Edited by Lm2162
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2 hours ago, Lm2162 said:

So let's recap...no custody and rare visits with one daughter (and language in the custody agreement that clarifies he can't be drunk around her), whose grandparents have custody of her, two weekends a month with a second son after making a huge deal about his mother being so abusive she's a danger to him, 3 DUIs, and a dog he abandoned 2-3 times. No one can ever convince me that Nathan is anything but worthless. He's no better than Jenelle. No redeeming qualities at all. 

He can probably open a stuck lid on a pickle jar better than she can.

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I guess this just goes to show that Nathan's "fight" for custody was more about sticking it to Jenelle than about Kaiser. Reminds me a lot of Jenelle vs. Barb for custody of Jace. 

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12 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

I guess this just goes to show that Nathan's "fight" for custody was more about sticking it to Jenelle than about Kaiser. Reminds me a lot of Jenelle vs. Barb for custody of Jace. 

While I've said that I thought Nathan would be a better parent to Kaiser than Jenelle, I had no doubt he didn't really want Kaiser full time.   Of course, neither does Jenelle.  I'm guessing Nathan did the whole full custody schtick because he was so pissed off that she wouldn't even let him SEE Kaiser.  It was more of a "you don't get to call all the shots" thing.   I'm glad he got visitation, if only to show Jenelle that she doesn't get to dictate Nathan's parental rights.

Now if only someone would take Kaiser and give HER restricted visitation.

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I just recently started watching this show on hulu.  Omg!  Janelle and the Kesha concert had me laughing for days! 

Janelle sucks,  but that was golden. 

Edited by imjagain
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Jenelle really does have the best excuses, doesn't she? 

"I can't go to jail. I have a Ke$ha concert."

"I can't go to Jace's soapbox derby race or watch him for the person who has taken care of him for me since he was born - I have SPRING BREAK, motherfuckers!"

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The sneak peek of Barb & Jenelle from next week is infuriating. Jenelle is supposed to bring Jace home and she hasn't shown up, so Barb calls her to find out why and tell her to get him home. First, Jenelle screams at Barb to come get him herself, then changes her mind and goes into a rant telling Barb to give her a reason, right now!!!, that Jace can't live with her. We hear Uncle Creepy mumbling some shit in the background while Jenelle screams at Barb that there is no reason Jace should stay with Barb. I was actually yelling at my computer for Babs to tell the little bitch that she hasn't show any growth or maturity at all and that she isn't capable of providing a stable home for Jace. But, Babs tells her that Uncle Creepy is the main reason Jace shouldn't be there and that Jenelle and Uncle Creepy are brainwashing Jace. Every week, I don't think it's possible for me to want to throat punch Jenelle more than last week and, every week, I want to smack her even harder. 

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Seriously, Jenelle has gone to new highs of delusion this season.  "She raised him and whatever but I'm his mother" is the perfect example.  Yeah to Barbra might have fed him, taken him to the doctor, enrolled him in school, taught him to walk and talk, stayed up with him when he was sick, sacrificed her well earned peace and quiet but Jenelle is his mother, y'all. 

And Jenelle might have left him unsupervised, given him sugary drinks, ignored him, let him play violent video games, used him as a pawn by pressuring him into answering a certain way (and that is just this season!) but she is his mother.  

And bullshit on the whole "I've been trying to get Jace back for years" thing.  She has made a token effort once a season to see a lawyer and that is as far as it goes.  She talks the talk but she isn't even prepared to pay attention to him when he is at her place.  

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I have never been more tempted to track down Janelle's Twitter and give her a piece of my damn mind. So MTV Editting monkeys are making her look like a bad mother? I guess they made her slap Kaiser in his bed all those times when he was distressed and screaming and she skipped off to chill with her newest loser and loser friends. Fuck you, Jenelle. Mtv can't show what you haven't done.

Edited by HeySandyStrange
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1 minute ago, HeySandyStrange said:

I have never been more tempted to track down Janelle's Twitter and give her a piece of my damn mind. So MTV Editting monkeys are making her look like a bad mother? I guess they made her some Kaiser in his bed all this times when he was distressed and screaming and she skipped off to chill with her newest loser and loser friends. Fuck you, Jenelle. Mtv can't show what you haven't done.


Ugh- from the article:

""You would think they would have shown by now how I've been trying to get Jace back for over a year, or how many great times we've had," she tweeted of her son."


Actually, Jenelle, MTV has shown you talking about getting Jace back for about 6 years now, and has kindly not pointed out that you drop the ball every time.


Heysandystrange- don't do that to yourself. If you comment on her twitter, you will be insulted by a legion of illiterate Jenelle fans incapable of critical thinking, and Jenelle will just delete your comment anyways.

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Jenelle mentioned something on Twitter the other day about how there is a new director and his goal is to make her look bad. Hahahaha I love it. It must be his idea to show Leah smoking instead of hiding it like it has been all these yr's. Jenelle hates him? I think I love him. Hahaha he's really letting us see how awful these girls are. I don't know if I can stomach watching the Jenelle preview. Sounds like it's going to make my blood pressure high high! 

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So true, Brooklynista. Even if they aren't showing all these so-called "positive moments", they're not making up the horrible ones that you're serving up on the regular. Take several seats, Jenelle. 


Side note, I really hate how Barb always blames the guys Jenelle is with for her bad behavior. Sure, they suck, but she sucks all on her own.

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