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Lisa Vanderpump: Pink is her Favorite Color

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I thought the same thing. But I don't live in a world where I think people just go around trying to offend others by being racist.


It's ones own perception, like everything else in life.  If you see it everywhere, examine yourself. Not others.


How can I examine myself for people doing themselves? Lol

It would be like if I was using the word cracker and not expect Caucasians to suspect I was a bigot.

It does not work that way.

  • Love 1

You can call me cracker, honky, ghost whatever. I don't think you are a bigot. I like your posts, not going to judge you for a word. Will say some of this is the industry we work in. If we were thin skinned, we'd be doing something else. Rejection teaches us to ignore the critics..


JMO These words for white folks won't ever have the sting/pain the N word does. White people didn't suffer slavery and all the other ugliness AA's have.

Grew up with the nickname Kraut, cause I'm german, have a german name, Looked like the St Pauli girl when young. It is what it is. Kraut in the 60's wasn't that far removed from WWII.   


Like someone famous said 'No one can make you feel inferior without your permission.'


Not a Faye fan but she's an attractive gal. So whatever races she is a blend of it works for her. 


Maybe it'd be fair if someone asked Lisa what she meant when using that word.


Maybe it'd be fair if someone asked Lisa what she meant when using that word.

Lisa did address her comment about Faye in her Bravo blog........ "It was a difference of opinion regarding that contentious character, which I had rather rudely referred to as an orangutan earlier. Shame on me, I shouldn't have...but I did. Her orangeness always conjures up that picture in my head. I should delete it and apologize. I should, but I won't."  So she, Lisa, WAS referring to Faye's orange spray tan and nothing more.

  • Love 8

I don't believe Lisa had any racist intent, but it's still jarring to hear a person who looks to be at least partly of African descent referred to in monkey-terms. I felt the exact same way with Lisa Rinna--I don't think she meant to say something racist either, but regardless of intent it was still inappropriate. Also, I think Vanderpump put that in the blog because she'd heard criticism that it was racist, in order to try to nip that in the bud. 


I know that Faye doesn't identify as black or mixed race, but it doesn't really matter since she looks mixed to most people. Monkey-related words have been used to dehumanize and degrade black people for such a long time, it's probably a good idea to avoid comparing non-white-looking people to apes.  


On Faye and fillers: she almost looks to me like she has some old silicone fillers that are causing trouble. She has that lumpy, face-melting look to her from certain angles. 

Edited by Atwood
  • Love 4

Lisa did address her comment about Faye in her Bravo blog........ "It was a difference of opinion regarding that contentious character, which I had rather rudely referred to as an orangutan earlier. Shame on me, I shouldn't have...but I did. Her orangeness always conjures up that picture in my head. I should delete it and apologize. I should, but I won't."  So she, Lisa, WAS referring to Faye's orange spray tan and nothing more.

Doesn't matter. LVP should know better than to refer to any woman, let alone a co-worker in simian or beast terms.  I think she was given a huge pass.   Obviously, Faye did not respond, but there was no need for LVP to say, on camera and to a friend of Faye's.  I am not buying the orange and orangutan -she had a couple of weeks to come up with an explanation.


Now on to the latest attack on LVP by Brandi:  http://www.etonline.com/news/181751_rhobh_brandi_glanville_claims_kyle_richards_not_at_monty_brinson_memorial/


Brandi can't seem to get any press, and to honor the putting her ignore, I thought I would just bring the link over to those affected by her NSFW comments.  LVP may have expressed frustration or even dislike for some of the others and it is something Brandi should be keeping to herself.  If LVP doesn't want to drive to Malibu to paint silly pictures and she told Brandi the same, she should keep it to herself.  I question Brandi genuineness because the main part of the story is about Kyle not attending Monty's memorial and lo and behold there have been retractions.  So I think Brandi barfed this tidbit up and most likely fed the story to RadarOnLine thinking Kyle would not refute it.  The irony is she comes off as the liar.


I will be interested to see if Kyle calls on the other RH during her tenure of Celebrity Apprentice.  Brandi claimed she called Yolanda but the ever so intelligent Yolanda could not get her credit card information in.  The same Yolanda that Brandi is claiming should be Queen Bee of the RHOBH.


Anyway I think she is being unfair to LVP because LVP can't really respond and regardless of what her private sentiments might be, I do think she is a team player. 

Faye just looks odd at this point. I'm sort of surprised Connie Britton is playing her, since Connie Britton is a blue eyed, pale, freckle faced auburn haired woman, and she doesn't have nostrils that let us see her brain, but then again, who does look like Faye, 1994 version or 2016 version?

Edited by Kokapetl
  • Love 1

I was just thinking.


All these years various "wives" have tried to point out the LVP is so manipulative.  Brandi, Adrienne, Kyle, Yolanda, now Lipsa and Eileen (and I'm damn sure I've forgotten many more!)  It's as if they want her exposed and off her fan pedestal and this exposure will do that! 


Have any of us ever really doubted LVP very housewifey skill of keeping her hands clean while making sure the shit is stirred so Bravo has a show?  On the contrary, for me at least, it's part of the reason I love having LVP on the show!  Her subtle skills, rather than shrieking hysterics, are a huge part of her appeal.  It's why I DO like her. 



  • Love 9

I think Ken is slowing down, the hip replacements and number 70 hit him hard.  But I think when Lisa looks at him she sees the man she fell in love with and he's still everything to her.   He goes along to these dinner because she wants him to, not because he wants to be there.   Speaking from over 35 years of marriage, when I see my husband, I still see him as he was at 30.  Oh sure the hearing goes - hopefully his eyesight is failing, because I agree with Lisa that you don't want him to see all the flaws that have crept in.    No, he isn't Maurico, but in Lisa's eyes, he's just a handsome, just as exciting, and I don't think she'd trade him for anything.

  • Love 10

I was just thinking.


All these years various "wives" have tried to point out the LVP is so manipulative.  Brandi, Adrienne, Kyle, Yolanda, now Lipsa and Eileen (and I'm damn sure I've forgotten many more!)  It's as if they want her exposed and off her fan pedestal and this exposure will do that! 


Have any of us ever really doubted LVP very housewifey skill of keeping her hands clean while making sure the shit is stirred so Bravo has a show?  On the contrary, for me at least, it's part of the reason I love having LVP on the show!  Her subtle skills, rather than shrieking hysterics, are a huge part of her appeal.  It's why I DO like her. 


I agree 100%. This is why she is fascinating to me and makes for great reality TV. I do think, however, that there exists a huge amount of people who don't believe this to be true. It is denied and argued all the time that she has any motivation/time/interest to behave behind the scenes in such a way. I personally believe that LVP loves the fact that she is seen as a person who has enough power and smarts to effectively drive the narrative in the way she does and still remain largely popular. I think she is having a ball this season in particular.


  • Love 3

I was just thinking.

All these years various "wives" have tried to point out the LVP is so manipulative. Brandi, Adrienne, Kyle, Yolanda, now Lipsa and Eileen (and I'm damn sure I've forgotten many more!) It's as if they want her exposed and off her fan pedestal and this exposure will do that!

Have any of us ever really doubted LVP very housewifey skill of keeping her hands clean while making sure the shit is stirred so Bravo has a show? On the contrary, for me at least, it's part of the reason I love having LVP on the show! Her subtle skills, rather than shrieking hysterics, are a huge part of her appeal. It's why I DO like her.


I also love Lisa. But I think they are ALL manipulative, Lisa just happens to be better at it than the rest of them, because Lisa is much better at controlling herself on camera. The rest of them go into on camera damage control. Lisa simply lets things play out while staying removed.

I personally don't think that makes her especially manipulative. It just makes her smart when it comes to being on a show like this. The other women are quick to condemn her, but they all use her same tactics when dealing with the cameras and each other on camera.

They just aren't as good at controlling themselves as lisa is. Lisa manipulates her own persona more than she manipulates any housewife.

Edited by MatildaMoody
  • Love 13

Yeah, she's a pro.  I admire that, kind of in the same way that I admired Camille's come back tour, and then leaving after her reputation was renewed that season.  I like watching smart women more than screeching glass throwing harpies who do nothing but complain about each other.  Show me some good old fashioned skills, that women can act like grown ups, learn, and cover their own asses.


Camille's media consultant was priceless, but she executed that redemption flawlessly.  Jill Zarin? That's how you do it.

  • Love 8

The reason why I can't give LVP props for being a master manipulator is the way she plays the victim constantly. It's just so disingenuous and annoying. Kenya does the same thing. It's like, if you're going to be a troublemaker, then own it - or, at the very least, don't act like this victimized, terrorized sacrificial lamb when people get mad at you.

  • Love 7

One thing I do like about LVP is her affinity for animals and animal rights. I would respect her a lot more though if she served pastured, grass-fed, organic meat at her restaurants. The meat industry is perhaps the biggest affront happening to animals today and I can't help but feel there is a bit of a double standard that LVP makes so much of her money off of selling the flesh of animals that were essentially tortured in their lifetimes. I always wonder if she is a vegetarian.

  • Love 6

Now that I think about it, I don't believe we've ever seen her eat meat on the show. She always orders a salad or fish. But then again, no one really eats on this show, they just push their food around the plate. I do believe some of the menu items specify free-range/organic but I'm not sure if that's due to her animal rights cause or if it's just the norm in WeHo/BH

  • Love 4

Now that I think about it, I don't believe we've ever seen her eat meat on the show. She always orders a salad or fish. But then again, no one really eats on this show, they just push their food around the plate. I do believe some of the menu items specify free-range/organic but I'm not sure if that's due to her animal rights cause or if it's just the norm in WeHo/BH

I think Lisa not only puts her money where her mouth is but she also walks the walk as well, which is rare. I don't know what the menu's for her restaurants look like or where they get their meat but Lisa does have to figure in cost to the customer. If having a menu of only high end, grass fed, organic beef/chicken and wild caught fish put her prices too high, they would not stay open for very long, she may offer some dishes of that type on the menu though.

  • Love 2




Excerpts from Jenny McCarthy interview with LVP - LVP says the season gets "worse" and she cried every night in Dubai.  She says she doesn't know if she will do another season, but I take that with a grain of salt.  Although of all them, she is probably in the best position to bail and just focus on PumpRules.

  • Love 5

I think pretty much all HWs (with the exception of maybe Heather Thomson) are full of shit when they say they're "not sure if I'm gonna do another season." It ranks right up there with "I never watched an episode prior to joining the cast!" as far as classic HW b.s. 


LVP knows her bread and butter is RHOBH. The bulk of her popularity is from this show, not her appearances on VPR. She would have left by now if the reverse were true, but I think she's savvy enough to know HWs is where she cements her fanbase.

  • Love 6

Something that annoys me a little about Lisa is that she's repeatedly said she's "a man in a woman's body." What's manly about her? To me she's an extremely feminine alpha female. Her style could not be any more frou frou. When you look at her, it's all pink, makeup, lashes, frills, jewels, cleavage. 


As for her personality or interests, I don't see her enjoying a game while drinking beer. Other than walking on a treadmill, she's always made it clear she's not very physical or athletic. When Adrienne brought up being able to take down a 300-pound man if you learn self-defense, Lisa said "why would you want to do that?" She is not nearly as easygoing and laid-back as she says she is. She is on a drama filled show just like all the rest of the women, engages in the talking back and forth, brings up small slights, holds grudges for years, how the heck is she a man or the stereotype of one?


The other women show more interest in stereotypically male hobbies, dress more casually, wear less makeup, it's funny to me the most feminine one is the one who fancies herself a man.


It seems like some girls claim to be manly in order to appear cool, but usually those chicks at least are somewhat tomboyish despite also having girlie qualities. Lisa seems pretty damn girlie through and through to me. Now as someone who's pretty girlie/feminine, I'm not putting anyone down if you like pink, prefer cooking and having tea to going to a gym or watching a football game. Just don't pretend to be something you're not when other women don't like something you said or did. If I were having a disagreement with a woman and she blurted out "I'm a man!" I'd think what the hell?! lol No you're a woman who either doesn't or refuses to see things my way.

Edited by RealHousewife
  • Love 5

Something that annoys me a little about Lisa is that she's repeatedly said she's "a man in a woman's body." What's manly about her? To me she's an extremely feminine alpha female. Her style could not be any more frou frou. When you look at her, it's all pink, makeup, lashes, frills, jewels, cleavage. 


As for her personality or interests, I don't see her enjoying a game while drinking beer. Other than walking on a treadmill, she's always made it clear she's not very physical or athletic. When Adrienne brought up being able to take down a 300-pound man if you learn self-defense, Lisa said "why would you want to do that?" She is not nearly as easygoing and laid-back as she says she is. She is on a drama filled show just like all the rest of the women, engages in the talking back and forth, brings up small slights, holds grudges for years, how the heck is she a man or the stereotype of one?


The other women show more interest in stereotypically male hobbies, dress more casually, wear less makeup, it's funny to me the most feminine one is the one who fancies herself a man.


It seems like some girls claim to be manly in order to appear cool, but usually those chicks at least are somewhat tomboyish despite also having girlie qualities. Lisa seems pretty damn girlie through and through to me. Now as someone who's pretty girlie/feminine, I'm not putting anyone down if you like pink, prefer cooking and having tea to going to a gym or watching a football game. Just don't pretend to be something you're not when other women don't like something you said or did. If I were having a disagreement with a woman and she blurted out "I'm a man!" I'd think what the hell?! lol No you're a woman who either doesn't or refuses to see things my way.

Maybe LVP gets along better with men like Martin and Mohamed.  These HWS are always bitching about her, so LVP thinks she is more like a man bc the men she hangs around with adore her and never complain that she is manipulating.

  • Love 5
Maybe LVP gets along better with men like Martin and Mohamed.  These HWS are always bitching about her, so LVP thinks she is more like a man bc the men she hangs around with adore her and never complain that she is manipulating.


I've wondered that too, but to me Lisa should say she's a "man's woman," like Erika. Erika got a lot of flack for saying she doesn't have many girlfriends, but at least she's honest. And yes I agree with both of them that women can be catty and competitive, but there are just as many good women as there are men imo. I think women who prefer the company of men either genuinely are more like men OR they treat men better than they treat women. 


If Mo were on the show and Lisa said "so tell me exactly how  and why you and Yolanda broke up? it's common knowledge you had affairs anyway!" I'd bet he'd be pissed as hell. He didn't seem to be thrilled with Lisa answering Kyle's question about his kids. 


And Lisa has also had issues with Cedric and different house husbands. And I'm not judging her for that because we're not all going to get along with everybody all the time, and at times she has really been hurt by different women AND men. But men will not let manipulation, intrusiveness, or just any joke slide. They do tend to not hold grudges that last for years though! lol

Edited by RealHousewife
  • Love 3

Something that annoys me a little about Lisa is that she's repeatedly said she's "a man in a woman's body." What's manly about her? To me she's an extremely feminine alpha female. Her style could not be any more frou frou. When you look at her, it's all pink, makeup, lashes, frills, jewels, cleavage. 


As for her personality or interests, I don't see her enjoying a game while drinking beer. Other than walking on a treadmill, she's always made it clear she's not very physical or athletic. When Adrienne brought up being able to take down a 300-pound man if you learn self-defense, Lisa said "why would you want to do that?" She is not nearly as easygoing and laid-back as she says she is. She is on a drama filled show just like all the rest of the women, engages in the talking back and forth, brings up small slights, holds grudges for years, how the heck is she a man or the stereotype of one?


The other women show more interest in stereotypically male hobbies, dress more casually, wear less makeup, it's funny to me the most feminine one is the one who fancies herself a man.


It seems like some girls claim to be manly in order to appear cool, but usually those chicks at least are somewhat tomboyish despite also having girlie qualities. Lisa seems pretty damn girlie through and through to me. Now as someone who's pretty girlie/feminine, I'm not putting anyone down if you like pink, prefer cooking and having tea to going to a gym or watching a football game. Just don't pretend to be something you're not when other women don't like something you said or did. If I were having a disagreement with a woman and she blurted out "I'm a man!" I'd think what the hell?! lol No you're a woman who either doesn't or refuses to see things my way.

I think she is talking about mind set/attitude. She has a "suck it up buttercup" style, a "take the bull by the horns" attitude, no crying, control you emotions and most of all, laugh it off. She is most defiantly feminine in looks but her attitude is a bit more masculine and IMO, it is because she is a business woman.

  • Love 12

I've wondered that too, but to me Lisa should say she's a "man's woman," like Erika. Erika got a lot of flack for saying she doesn't have many girlfriends, but at least she's honest. And yes I agree with both of them that women can be catty and competitive, but there are just as many good women as there are men imo. I think women who prefer the company of men either genuinely are more like men OR they treat men better than they treat women. 


If Mo were on the show and Lisa said "so tell me exactly how  and why you and Yolanda broke up? it's common knowledge you had affairs anyway!" I'd bet he'd be pissed as hell. He didn't seem to be thrilled with Lisa answering Kyle's question about his kids. 


And Lisa has also had issues with Cedric and different house husbands. And I'm not judging her for that because we're not all going to get along with everybody all the time, and at times she has really been hurt by different women AND men. But men will not let manipulation, intrusiveness, or just any joke slide. They do tend to not hold grudges that last for years though! lol


Mohamad and Lisa/Ken are still friends, his tweet supported Lisa, not Yolanda. As for Cedric, he was a user, a big time user and he tried to blackmail Lisa/Ken which failed because she called him out on his bluff. The other HW husbands, she gets along with them fine, even she/Mauricio made up and moved on and other than that, she has not had any problems with any other HW husband.

  • Love 6
Mohamad and Lisa/Ken are still friends, his tweet supported Lisa, not Yolanda. As for Cedric, he was a user, a big time user and he tried to blackmail Lisa/Ken which failed because she called him out on his bluff. The other HW husbands, she gets along with them fine, even she/Mauricio made up and moved on and other than that, she has not had any problems with any other HW husband.


I don't think Mo's statement supported Lisa, but he has forgiven her. I do agree that Cedric was a user, that's why I said I don't expect Lisa to get along with everyone, that's not realistic. And Taylor's late husband and Paul were both offended by things Lisa said. 


I have been on Lisa's side with certain issues, I just don't see this manly mindset she claims to have. That's where we'll have to agree to disagree. She goes back and forth with the girlie conversations, has in fact said she's cried over housewife stuff repeatedly, doesn't always laugh things off, holds grudges with different people. The only thing about her is that she's more aggressive, which is why I call her an alpha female. She's got a strong personality. 


The stereotype of a man, if he had run into Faye after years, he'd be friendly, say hello and that would be the end of it.

  • Love 4

Ken is about the only RH husband that regularly has issues with the other RH.  Russell had issues with Camile, Paul had issues with Brandi, David was just dismissive of Taylor-someone he knew form his previous marriage, Mauricio may have had issues with Brandi but it was  more over the surrogacy issue.  Ken has had his moments with Kim, Yolanda, Brandi, Adrienne, Kyle and to a certain extent Joyce and now Eileen (over the Hamptons).  Basically Ken departs from the other househusbands and fights his wife's battles.  LVP says she likes it and Ken claims he might as well be part of the conversation because he hears about it at home.  Michael also sticks up for his wife-to Brandi and Yolanda.  He should have given Yolanda a much larger dose.


The marriage seems to work for Ken and LVP so go for it.

  • Love 1

I don't think Mo's statement supported Lisa, but he has forgiven her. I do agree that Cedric was a user, that's why I said I don't expect Lisa to get along with everyone, that's not realistic. And Taylor's late husband and Paul were both offended by things Lisa said. 


I have been on Lisa's side with certain issues, I just don't see this manly mindset she claims to have. That's where we'll have to agree to disagree. She goes back and forth with the girlie conversations, has in fact said she's cried over housewife stuff repeatedly, doesn't always laugh things off, holds grudges with different people. The only thing about her is that she's more aggressive, which is why I call her an alpha female. She's got a strong personality. 


The stereotype of a man, if he had run into Faye after years, he'd be friendly, say hello and that would be the end of it.

I think Mohamed's tweet was in support of Lisa for 2 reasons. 1, in his tweet he repeated exactly what she said he told her. 2, he chastised Yolanda for talking about their children in a public restaurant (I suspect it was code for exposing his kids health ON camera though) then add in that he filmed with Lisa (barn scene) within a few weeks of her making the comment at Kyle's BBQ. In fact, so far, the only HW he has filmed with this season has been Lisa. LOL


Lisa was polite to Faye. She may have complained to Kyle about her but she was in fact polite to her face and I suspect that was more for the show than anything else, they couldn't have Kathryn be the only one that didn't like Faye, there had to be another HW tied in to it. Even when LisaR tried to stir up trouble between Lisa/Faye, Lisa was polite and let it go.

  • Love 2

Here is the statement by Mohamed:  http://www.bravotv.com/watch-what-happens-live/season-13/episode-18/videos/mohamed-hadids-statement-on-his-kids


I think he is talking about responding to LVP about how his children are doing while they are at a restaurant.  Mohamed plays both sides of the fence.

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 2

Here is the statement by Mohamed:  http://www.bravotv.com/watch-what-happens-live/season-13/episode-18/videos/mohamed-hadids-statement-on-his-kids


I think he is talking about responding to LVP about how his children are doing while they are at a restaurant.  Mohamed plays both sides of the fence.

I certainly didn't think Mo was supporting LVP with his tweet. He said he used the word "fine" which LVP said, but she also went on to say that "he said only Yo has it". That was where the drama kicked in, and is the important part of what LVP said. I also took the restaurant part differently. The conversation about Yo's kids didn't take place at a restaurant - it took place in Kyle's backyard. His tweet was sent immediately after that. I took it to mean that he and LVP had had their conversation about the kids when they were at a restaurant and he didn't want to get into it. He wasn't going to go into detail about his children's health in a restaurant. He is saying that when the topic came up over their dinner, he said they were fine, which he is now disappointed was misconstrued. I absolutely believe his tweet - and the timing of it - was in support of Yo. That is not to say that I don't think he and LVP are not still friends (I have zero idea how anyone knows one way or the other. As far as I've been able to tell, there has been no public communication between them for months, when they use to send tweets to each other all the time). I still believe that anything that LVP said was delivered with full knowledge that Mo was fine with it. They will probably just have to keep their friendship quiet for a while. My guess is we will hear updates on this at the reunion.

  • Love 6

I certainly didn't think Mo was supporting LVP with his tweet. He said he used the word "fine" which LVP said, but she also went on to say that "he said only Yo has it". That was where the drama kicked in, and is the important part of what LVP said. I also took the restaurant part differently. The conversation about Yo's kids didn't take place at a restaurant - it took place in Kyle's backyard. His tweet was sent immediately after that. I took it to mean that he and LVP had had their conversation about the kids when they were at a restaurant and he didn't want to get into it. He wasn't going to go into detail about his children's health in a restaurant. He is saying that when the topic came up over their dinner, he said they were fine, which he is now disappointed was misconstrued. I absolutely believe his tweet - and the timing of it - was in support of Yo. That is not to say that I don't think he and LVP are not still friends (I have zero idea how anyone knows one way or the other. As far as I've been able to tell, there has been no public communication between them for months, when they use to send tweets to each other all the time). I still believe that anything that LVP said was delivered with full knowledge that Mo was fine with it. They will probably just have to keep their friendship quiet for a while. My guess is we will hear updates on this at the reunion.

I was inarticulate-I thought he waived LVP's claims off by claiming the mighty Mohamed would never discuss his children's health in a restaurant.  I absolutely believe he told LVP that only Yolanda has Lyme Disease and the was probably with a wink and nod.  I don't see him being supportive of LVP at all.  My guess is if they are friends to appease idiot Yolanda, Mohamed and LVP are not issue any public support statements.  I can see where the Gigi and the non-Gigis have had it drilled into them they are always to be the happy family, overcoming huge obstacles to get where they are now.

  • Love 5

Maybe LVP identifies more with masculine traits/characteristics. The BEM Sex Role Inventory (BEMI) tests how one psychologically identifies oneself in terms of masculine/feminine (psychological androgyny) and gender roles.




I am a heterosexual female who wears dresses 99% of the time, has long hair and loves the color pink. I scored 67.5/100 masculine, 45/100 feminine, and 45.667/100 neutral. Based on score interpretation (per wiki), I am masculine. I vaguely recall taking this test in college and I fell in the spectrum of androgynous but more toward the masculine end of the spectrum. Wiki says the scoring is as follows: "androgynous is the result of scoring above the median in both masculine and feminine categories. Sex-typed scores, masculine and feminine, are the result of scoring above the median in one gender and below the median in the other. An undifferentiated score is now a result of scoring below the median in both masculine and feminine categories. In other words, since scores are based on normative data, an androgynous classification occurs when a subject scores above 50% of the comparison group in both masculine and feminine categories, while a sex-typed classification is the result of scoring above half the comparison group in only one gender category."


Personally I think that other than chromosomes and the reproductive system, it's all just culturally imposed bullshit and "male" and "female" should just be used in reference to chromosomes and the reproductive system. All the gender roles/traits that are defined as masculine or feminine by culture should be androgynous..... I think (reserve the right to change my mind, lol and I will make some allowances for evolution and hormones)

  • Love 7



Now you made me go and look.  Some of the questions were a bit difficult to answer, and I think the answers would vary depending on what time of life you are in.  For example, high powered job managing others, vs retired or new mother.


Still, 79 masculine, 65 feminine for me, even though a few answers could have gone different ways, and the questions, on this one anyway, were pretty obvious about which trait they would show.

  • Love 1

Quote from motorcitymom65 from the first look thread:


None of it changes the fact that LVP knew exactly what was going on, and knew the relationship between Scheana and Brandi and used it as a platform to kick off her show, then denied it time and time again later on (this is the problem and the manipulation - the fact that she kept denying it when the timeline would tell the truth).  I think it would have been fine with Brandi as long as LVP stayed friends with her. It only became a problem when Brandi walked the streets with a dangling tampon and LVP decided that enough was enough. You can out someone'e surrogacy on TV and hurt them and their family, but if you appear to be hurting yourself, that is simply a bridge too far.


I don't think it was LVP who turned on Brandi first. I know LVP did admit to distancing herself from Brandi because of Brandi's public antics, however, Brandi and Yolanda were already going after LVP behind the scenes before tampongate. Joyce revealed that they were going after her from the beginning of he season, and Brandi was also choosing to film one on one scenes mainly with Yolanda before the tampon incident (e.g. the trip to Sacramento).


We'll never know what really happened between the two of them but I've suspected two things as contributing to Brandi turning on LVP. One is Yolanda, and I think this might be the biggest factor. I thought it was pretty clear from the beginning of season three that Yolanda did not like LVP. I remember being surprised because I had assumed due to their connection to Mohammed that they were already friendly, although through comments made by Mohamed in later seasons (e.g. LVP is the best person he knows or something to that effect) I think maybe Yolanda wasn't happy about the relationship between her ex and LVP. My suspicion was confirmed when Yolanda bad mouthed LVP on camera, and when Kyle revealed at the reunion there was more stuff said off camera as well. I think that as Yolanda and Brandi grew closer, Yolanda started making talking negatively about LVP to Brandi, who I'm sure was also expressing her own annoyances with LVP. This brings me to the second factor. Scheana. I think Brandi was pissed off that Scheana was portrayed so positively on VPR and that LVP seemed to hold her in high esteem. There may have been other issues as well and I'm sure she and Yolanda talked about them. Given that they were already talking negatively about LVP behind the scenes at the beginning of season four, I suspect they had already decided to take LVP down before season four started filming.


Also, Brandi's reasons for agreeing to do a sit down with Scheana undoubtedly had less to do with LVP and more to do with Bravo. Whatever Brandi is, she was always willing to do whatever Andy and the producers wanted her to do, or what she thought they wanted her to do, except keep her mouth shut in interviews, of course. It's why Andy was so fond of her. She would have done that sit down with Scheana even if LVP was her mortal enemy if Bravo or Andy asked her to and I'm sure they did. 

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Moving my latest over here too, good point glowbug!

(from motercitymom65)

Every single news article I could find about Brandi joining the show called her "Eddie Cabrian's ex-wife" in the title. No way that there could have been any confusion about who she was. And I agree about not telling my mom everything about my friends private lives. The thing is that Pandy and LVP are also co-workers. If my mom and I worked together, and a new chick was just hired that was once married to a guy that another coworker had slept with and had talked about extensively - while still married to the new chick - we would be chatting about it.



Yes, it's really obvious, especially with those dates.

Sheaeaneaea shows up on RHBH less than 4 months after Brandi's first appearance on the show?

  •     December, 2009 - Scheana Marie goes on Access Hollywood to tell the world she is hurt because her married boyfriend is cheating on her with Leann.  She had just recently begun working for LVP.
  •     May, 2011 - The press reports that Brandi Glanville is joining The Real Housewives.  They have already began filming, and the news is everywhere.
  •     August, 2011 - Pandora Todd gets married - Scheana Marie is seen in wedding pictures.
  •     September 26, 2011 was Brandi's first appearance on RHBH I think, season two.
  •     April 4, 2012 Filming already in progress on VPR  http://www.usmagazine.com/entertainment/news/lisa-vanderpump-to-star-in-bravo-spinoff-sur-201244(There may be earlier announcements of this our there, not sure, but found this one.)
  •     Nov 15, 2012  Meet the Cast (of VPR) http://www.wetpaint.com/meet-the-cast-of-lisa-vanderpumps-spin-off-show-vanderpump-rules-photos-562818/
  •     January 16, 2012 Sheanneana (whatever) shows up on RHBH and Lisa launches SUR.   
  •     January 7, 2013 Brandi has her sit down with whatshername.
  •     January 7, 2013  Vanderpump Rules First Episode, no idea how long they were in pre-production or when they filmed though.

At the time, all the "wives" were filthy rich, or doing an impression of being that way, remember PamDana's sunglasses?  Brandi was far from that, FAR from that, she was pretty, but her value was as the scorned wife, to launch VP's new show.  So Lisa befriended her to make it voluntary, rather than have Andy's producers force the scene, and Brandi did it.

Her objections were to the later scenes, the ambushes, and frankly, on that stuff?  She was right.  It was dirty.

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