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Lisa Vanderpump: Pink is her Favorite Color

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21 hours ago, langford peel said:

Of course Lisa plays favorites. Everyone does. She has stated that she has a strange affection for Jax because he reminds her of Ken back in the Day. There has long been a rumor that Max is Ken's son from an extramarital relationship. I bet Ken was a player and I bet he stepped out on her early in their marriage. They got over it and built the loving marriage they have now. Of course she continually puts down Ken with her English humor. That is how she can jerk the leash. She sees a parallel with Jax and Brittany which is why she gives him chance after chance.

Similarly she sees herself in LaLa. She was also a hot young hostess who snagged a rich older man. So she puts up with more of her crap than she would with a nonentity like Kristen or Katie. 

The two Tom's owe everything to Vanderpump Rules. I think they are smart enough to not bite the hands that feeds them. Of course if they listen to their wives or girlfriends and start a pissing match with Lisa they can blow the whole thing. So I hope they shut up and count their money. Anything else would be really stupid.

Lisa was not a hostess. She was an actress. It was her brother who worked for Ken and one night when she went to pick him up she helped at the door for a bit and that's when she met Ken.

Agree with the Toms bit and I especially believe that Sandoval will take the most advantage of the TomToms opportunity.

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6 hours ago, dosodog said:

I'm still stunned at Kyle's "we've all got problems" reaction on the stairs at VanderPups. 

Had we ever seen LVP vulnerable? Yet that was the reaction from someone who called herself a close friend and uses the phrase "I love you" while insinuating LVP is a liar. 

Kyle saw that scene play out.  Did her blogs or tweets show remorse for being so selfish in that moment?   Has she ever acknowledged that sometimes you put your problems away when faced with someone's less then a year old grief?

Totally agree, and even now, with the defensiveness and annoyance at fan reaction. Kyle does not ever consider the possibility that she could be wrong.

She "moves on" from things, but I've never seen her say, You know what, I was wrong about him/her/that.  She thinks moving on (as in, I accept that you did crappy things, but I'm so noble, I'll forgive you) instead of really examining her role and her interpretation of events, imo.

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13 hours ago, langford peel said:

Any or all of the cast can be reply tomorrow by a bunch of monkeys. 

I don’t know about monkeys, but apparently Raquel now works at SUR, so...

On 4/24/2019 at 12:11 PM, eleanorofaquitaine said:

I see that, too, but I'm thinking of the ways she dismisses others' feelings by essentially telling them that they aren't important enough for her to care about. (We she flat out said to Stassi). So I think we're saying similar things in different ways. 

Not that Lisa can’t be dismissive—I see it—but it seems like many times she uses it as a tool/cattle prod. In the case of Stassi, I feel like (a) it was warranted at the time and (b) as suggested earlier re: Ken, done to jerk her chain and keep her in place. 

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Did anybody else catch the episode last night that had a "behind the scenes" bonus?  It was actually the episode with Denise's wedding, and there were running sub-titles telling the producers' point of view.  

The question was asked if LVP actually uses her microwave, and the answer was that the producers have seen LVP use every kitchen appliance she has!  They said that she is a "consummate cook."  They also mentioned that Kyle cooks well, and Dorit's cooking is amazing!  Who knew since we all witnessed Dorit being unable to use a blender! 

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On 4/26/2019 at 3:00 PM, Jel said:

Totally agree, and even now, with the defensiveness and annoyance at fan reaction. Kyle does not ever consider the possibility that she could be wrong.

She "moves on" from things, but I've never seen her say, You know what, I was wrong about him/her/that.  She thinks moving on (as in, I accept that you did crappy things, but I'm so noble, I'll forgive you) instead of really examining her role and her interpretation of events, imo.

Kind of like LuAnn from NYC. Actually you could say that about most if not all of the NYC crew. They move on like nobody's business. 

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4 hours ago, PhilMarlowe2 said:


Pretty much the entire main cast of "Vanderpump Rules" confirming the same issues with Lisa Vanderpump that the RHoBH cast members have with her - they characterize Ken and Lisa as aggressive, vindictive and unable to admit any fault.

In the RHoBH episode threads I have said that LVP is far more shady than depicted in RHoBH. The reason we know this is because on Vanderpump Rules, LVP thinks so little of the cast that she doesn't bother to try to hide her lies and manipulations.

In one of the best examples, LVP's "purchase" of Stassi's sex tape was so perplexing that there were really only a couple of conclusions one could reach: she's an imbecile who's terrible at business or she was lying about a ton of the details. LVP never got the video, never saw if it was deleted, never knew if there were additional copies, never got reassurances that it would never be shown again, never had a damages provision if Stassi's ex tried tried to sell or show it again, and got nothing in writing. Stassi was rightly dumbfounded and kind of pissed that LVP expected her to be grateful. And I remember that one of the things that was going around some of the gossip blogs was that LVP was being shady about Stassi's ex's past wages (and let's not act like she'd be the only restaurateur to do so) and she used the sex tape to cover up money she should have paid him some time ago. She tried to hide it because it was around the time of their other employee lawsuits.

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Wow, what terrible judgment Ariana has to speak like that about her boss on tv. Same for all of them. 

Their 5% vanity share should tell them that they aren't running anything and never will. How can they be over 30 years old and not know that?

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2 minutes ago, walnutqueen said:

Those chucklefucks still haven't grasped the concept of not biting the hand that feeds you ...

I'm kind of blown away by that footage. Aren't these the guys who showed up to a business meeting still half drunk? One of them bounced his investment cheque and then puts cash in small bills in a briefcase to pay his debt?  All I ever see them doing is either being "zany" or endlessly sucking up -- in my experience, neither works well if you want to be taken seriously in business. 

But Ariana thinks they've been working really hard. I wish she'd said at what.

They were so, so lucky to get 5% each. 

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Regardless of the advisability of the folks from VPR talking that way about LVP, it does indicate that the people who work with her most directly aren't as enamored with her as many viewers are. When you have two different casts talking about how manipulative and vindictive you can be, maybe it's time you take a step back and look at your own behavior, rather than insisting that everyone else is the problem. 

I truly have no doubt that LVP can be generous and kind. I also truly have no doubt that LVP can be vindictive and mean.  And after it while, it must be tiring to have to constantly proclaim that LVP is so wonderful when there are times when she isn't wonderful. I would be frustrated, too, to always have to couch criticism of LVP with "but really, she's just a flawless queen" in order to not get a bunch of hate directed at you by LVP's fans on social media. 

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Whether it’s Ariana confronting Lisa (last night on VPR) or any of the Housewives trying to hold her accountable for words and actions over the years, LVP always turns to her big pink bag of tricks:

“Hmm, what can I use on this one...

gaslighting, projection, triangulation, a jab disquised as a joke, deflection, passive aggression, hoovering, love bombing, grooming, manipulation, a divide and conquer tactic, smear campaign, sarcasm, patronizing remarks, shaming, feigning innocence, or playing the victim?”


Edited by nexxie
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1 hour ago, RealHousewife said:

I have only seen a little bit of VP Rules. How did Lisa treat Kristen? 

Kristen was a terrible employee (much like the rest of them except for Scheana). Kristen brought her personal issues into the workplace, would drink on the job and would behave belligerently (again, much like everyone else except for Scheana). Kristen got so pissed off one day (I think it was about Sandoval and Ariana) and when the manager or business partner tried to calm her down and get her to the leave the restaurant, Kristen told her to suck a d*** and then LVP eventually fired her over the incident. 

This was years ago and though Kristen has been apologetic, for whatever reason, LVP still seems to harbour a dislike for Kristen meanwhile she has forgiven and brought the likes of Stassi, Jax and James back into the folds of her good graces even though they were always fucking up. Maybe LVP never really had an affinity for Kristen the way she does the others, and so she doesn't give her the same leeway but if that's the case, then it's at the point where LVP should just own that rather than act like Kristen is exactly the same person she was years ago. Kristen is still crazy but she's not the same level of crazy she was years back. 

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10 minutes ago, RHJunkie said:

Kristen was a terrible employee (much like the rest of them except for Scheana). Kristen brought her personal issues into the workplace, would drink on the job and would behave belligerently (again, much like everyone else except for Scheana). Kristen got so pissed off one day (I think it was about Sandoval and Ariana) and when the manager or business partner tried to calm her down and get her to the leave the restaurant, Kristen told her to suck a d*** and then LVP eventually fired her over the incident. 

This was years ago and though Kristen has been apologetic, for whatever reason, LVP still seems to harbour a dislike for Kristen meanwhile she has forgiven and brought the likes of Stassi, Jax and James back into the folds of her good graces even though they were always fucking up. Maybe LVP never really had an affinity for Kristen the way she does the others, and so she doesn't give her the same leeway but if that's the case, then it's at the point where LVP should just own that rather than act like Kristen is exactly the same person she was years ago. Kristen is still crazy but she's not the same level of crazy she was years back. 

Interesting, thank you. 🙂

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54 minutes ago, RHJunkie said:

Kristen was a terrible employee (much like the rest of them except for Scheana). Kristen brought her personal issues into the workplace, would drink on the job and would behave belligerently (again, much like everyone else except for Scheana). Kristen got so pissed off one day (I think it was about Sandoval and Ariana) and when the manager or business partner tried to calm her down and get her to the leave the restaurant, Kristen told her to suck a d*** and then LVP eventually fired her over the incident. 

This was years ago and though Kristen has been apologetic, for whatever reason, LVP still seems to harbour a dislike for Kristen meanwhile she has forgiven and brought the likes of Stassi, Jax and James back into the folds of her good graces even though they were always fucking up. Maybe LVP never really had an affinity for Kristen the way she does the others, and so she doesn't give her the same leeway but if that's the case, then it's at the point where LVP should just own that rather than act like Kristen is exactly the same person she was years ago. Kristen is still crazy but she's not the same level of crazy she was years back. 

Might be because Kristin doesn’t sufficiently grovel.

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2 minutes ago, nexxie said:

Might be because Kristin doesn’t sufficiently grovel.

Kristen has shed tears, has apologized repeatedly and has even attempted to sit down with LVP and broker a truce between the two of them. She has done more than Stassi and Jax have ever done in trying to mend fences with LVP. The only person that genuinely grovels is James. Based on your various posts, it seems you like to think of LVP has the devil incarnate or something but I'm inclined to think that not everything boils down to LVP being a horrible human being. I had googled the Kristen/LVP situation right after responding to the other poster and it seems that in older interviews, Kristen says that she and LVP's personalities always clashed so as I mentioned previously, it seems that Kristen's rope is so short because LVP doesn't have a personal affinity for her. LVP has mentioned on several different occasions having a soft spot for Stassi, Jax, and James for various reasons which would explain why she has 'forgiven' them yet still gives Kristen the cold shoulder even after all these years.

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3 minutes ago, RHJunkie said:

Kristen has shed tears, has apologized repeatedly and has even attempted to sit down with LVP and broker a truce between the two of them. She has done more than Stassi and Jax have ever done in trying to mend fences with LVP. The only person that genuinely grovels is James. Based on your various posts, it seems you like to think of LVP has the devil incarnate or something but I'm inclined to think that not everything boils down to LVP being a horrible human being. I had googled the Kristen/LVP situation right after responding to the other poster and it seems that in older interviews, Kristen says that she and LVP's personalities always clashed so as I mentioned previously, it seems that Kristen's rope is so short because LVP doesn't have a personal affinity for her. LVP has mentioned on several different occasions having a soft spot for Stassi, Jax, and James for various reasons which would explain why she has 'forgiven' them yet still gives Kristen the cold shoulder even after all these years.

Not “the devil incarnate “ - just a garden variety narcissist who’s all about image. Kristen doesn’t defer to LVP, as if she were a queen - and never will. 

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8 hours ago, Jel said:

But Ariana thinks they've been working really hard. I wish she'd said at what.

Exactly. They'd all be living on waitress and bar tending wages if not for Lisa and VR. And what would happen when their looks faded? Slinging hash at a local diner?  What a bunch of morons.

And btw - I thought Lisa looked stunning at the engagement party (which never could have happened w/o this show.)

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9 hours ago, walnutqueen said:

Those chucklefucks still haven't grasped the concept of not biting the hand that feeds you ...

Except Bravo feeds them, not LVP. 

And it's obvious what an absolute narcissistic nightmare LVP must be to deal with. If two entire current casts, as well as previous cast members, are all saying the same thing... come on. 

I love that Ariana is speaking up. The VPR cast are at a point where they don't have to pretend to work at SUR anymore. Stassi doesn't, Kristen doesn't. Hell, LVP wanted Kristen fired from the show after the first season and Evolution said, "No ma'am." That should tell you how little control LVP has over the production of the show. 

And let's not act like the cast of VPR isn't who built the show. Yes, LVP pitched it based on their indiscretions, but it's those same indiscretions that has made the show a hit, not LVP walking around like she's God's gift. 

I really hope she leaves RHOBH. 

Edited by PerPlexied
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Kristen kept saying negative things about Lisa, on the show and in the press.  I don't think that's smart, just practically speaking. We're all entitled to our opinions in this world, and no one has to like anyone, but maybe exercise some discretion when voicing those opinions, as dissing your boss in public is never a good idea. That's true at every job; most bosses aren't cool with being told to suck a dick.  And lots of people don't like their bosses but find a way to stay employed despite their feelings. 

Despite creating a ton of drama at work, Kristen got more than one second chance.  I'm not surprised Kristen doesn't work there anymore, as she didn't seem well-liked by most of them at the time. I remember how happy the kitchen staff was when she was fired. Perhaps that factored into Lisa's feelings about her as well; James got fired for being awful to the other employees.

As for Lisa's feelings about Kristen, I think it's pretty natural to dislike people who speak badly about you.  Not everyone has Stassi's "I'm gonna make you love me" issues. And also, like Kristen's mom told her (or should have) not everyone in this world is going to like you. That's okay, you'll be alright anyway. 

If Kristen was smarter about how she handled things, like Jax, she might be back at Sur by now if she wanted to be.  Jax at least had the sense to bite his tongue from time to time, like many people do at work everyday.  

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15 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

The reason we know this is because on Vanderpump Rules, LVP thinks so little of the cast that she doesn't bother to try to hide her lies and manipulations.

I only have the Housewives show to base my opinion of LVP by.  I tried to watch VP Rules one time and didn't like it.  From reading the forums, I didn't miss a thing!  

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Just now, ChitChat said:

I only have the Housewives show to base my opinion of LVP by.  I tried to watch VP Rules one time and didn't like it.  From reading the forums, I didn't miss a thing!  

A lot of people love the show, including friends of mine. I’ve tried giving it a chance more than once. I don’t find any of the cast members interesting.

The RHOBH are beautiful, glamorous women who have a lot going on-Hollywood careers and connections, gorgeous Porsches, mansions, paparazzi at their weddings, etc. 

VP Rules are full of folks around my age I feel I could know who just happen to work at SUR and perhaps their behavior is more outrageous. I don’t covet their lives.

No offense to all the lovely posters here who are fans! We all have our tastes. Some people don’t get why anyone would spend their time watching RH.

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On 4/30/2019 at 6:40 AM, walnutqueen said:

Those chucklefucks still haven't grasped the concept of not biting the hand that feeds you ...

On 4/30/2019 at 4:12 PM, PerPlexied said:

Except Bravo feeds them, not LVP. 

And it's obvious what an absolute narcissistic nightmare LVP must be to deal with. If two entire current casts, as well as previous cast members, are all saying the same thing... come on. 

I love that Ariana is speaking up. The VPR cast are at a point where they don't have to pretend to work at SUR anymore. Stassi doesn't, Kristen doesn't. Hell, LVP wanted Kristen fired from the show after the first season and Evolution said, "No ma'am." That should tell you how little control LVP has over the production of the show. 

And let's not act like the cast of VPR isn't who built the show. Yes, LVP pitched it based on their indiscretions, but it's those same indiscretions that has made the show a hit, not LVP walking around like she's God's gift. 

I really hope she leaves RHOBH. 

How many shows along the lines of Vanderpump Rules have crashed and burned? On Bravo, we've seen failures like Timbercreek Lodge and Apres Ski. There's also been What Happens at the Abbey, Lindsay Lohan Beach Club, and Dash Dolls. The last 3 are especially bad because What Happens at the Abbey was set in one of the most famous gay clubs in the country with an especially attractive cast, Beach Club involves internationally infamous disaster Lindsay Lohan, and Dash Dolls was a Ryan Seacrest Production and a spin-off of the Kardashians and they're all non-starters.

Even something like Below Deck is different because starting in season 3, Vanderpump Rules stopped focusing exclusively on individuals who worked at SUR. And for whatever ability LVP has to scout the messy individuals who count as "talent," it is the "talent" who 9 times out 10 make the show worth watching. Invariably LVP is the least interesting part of the show every week. I'd say that her one stand out moment was making fun of Randall's shitty Gotti movie. But the primary action of the show has less and less to do with LVP and her restaurants every season. Even TomTom, which was hugely important this season, had maybe had 90 minutes and maybe up to 2 hours of screentime over 21 episodes. This show lives and dies by the chucklefucks and the more LVP starts meddling in their lives, the worse the show gets. I think she's started to get this because we don't see nearly as many broken bird chats at Villa Rosa as we used to. These guys need LVP, but she really NEEDS them. She's turned this block of restaurants into a zoo/amusement park/attraction and the SURvers are the animals/rollercoasters/ exhibits. You can live your life without ever going to a zoo and seeing a lion or a panda. But once you're conditioned to expect lions, you'll be disappointed when you don't see them. LVP needs these idiots because the food and drinks are apparently aggressively mediocre which people over pay for because they expect to see Jax, Scheana, Sandoval, Schwartz, Kristen, and company.

The special alchemy that is this show has very little to do with LVP.*


On another note, you can see LVP's kitchen remodel in the background of her Easter Instagram videos. It's lighter, but it's too busy and really pretty tacky.

*It's kind of interesting that the two shows that I see people admitting that they never watch are Bravo's most prominent shows. Vanderpump Rules is the one that gets all of the press: Vogue, the New York Times, the New Yorker, New York Magazine, the Atlantic, etc and Real Housewives of Atlanta, which is despite ratings slippage the highest rated housewives show by a significant margin.

Edited by HunterHunted
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I have zero reason to watch RHOBH without Lisa, Ken, dogs, swans and her gorgeous home.

Kyle was primarily of interest because of her once-sweet friendship with Lisa.  I love her dogs, but they are not reason enough to watch.

Erika is a cartoon who spends far too much for her paid gay "friends" to look so dated and tacky.  I could buy something from Goodwill, put a Gucci logo on it, and she would wear it proudly.  Her home is morose and old.

Rinna, unless her dogs or husband are present, I FF.  I have seen way too much of her anatomy.  Automatic FF with any scenes with her daughters.

Dorit can fxck off.  I don't think any of the reasons are required here.  Pick one, or ten.

This show has gotten so bad compared to the early years.  Often I find myself looking at my phone or writing lists or texting while it is on.  The show ends and I have no memory of so much I read on these forums.  The forums will be good enough/better than the show if Lisa goes.

The only scenes that grab my attention are of Lisa's home, work for various causes, and her restaurants.

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On 5/1/2019 at 12:48 PM, PumpkinPK said:

This show has gotten so bad compared to the early years.  Often I find myself looking at my phone or writing lists or texting while it is on.  The show ends and I have no memory of so much I read on these forums.  The forums will be good enough/better than the show if Lisa goes.

Season 1 was my favorite. If the limo incident never happened, it would have had no serious heaviness, but was still very entertaining imo. I enjoyed getting to know the ladies, the lifestyle porn, and how lighthearted it was for the most part. The drama between Camille and Kyle was so tame compared to following seasons. The OG cast had a great chemistry. 

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Season One had two main rivalries and conflicts.

Lisa Vanderpump vs Adrienne Maloof.

Kyle Richards vs Camille Grammer.

They just seemed much more evenly matched. 

Currently it seems much less even with a bunch of pygmies trying to bring down the Queen. The only potential conflict would be if Erika went out of stealth mode and attacked Lisa Vanderpump directly. She supposedly has the wealth and the assets to do that but with the news of her husbands financial trouble that is off the table.

Camille has been humbled and defanged. Kyle is too stupid and cowardly and easily manipulated. 

The others are nonentities.

They need to recast. Badly.

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I remember Adrienne and Lisa at least played friendly with each other season 1. They were the two who didn’t get into the drama much. It was season 2 that it got nasty. I don’t think ALL the problems are due to jealousy with this group, but I think Adrienne Maloof was absolutely jealous of Lisa’s status on the show. Maybe she thought she’d be the queen due to her vast wealth and name. 

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Adrienne just wasn't liable. Her fights with her husband were cringe inducing and just made her look terrible. 

Nobody wants to see couples fight. Especially when it gets as nasty as Paul and Adrienne.

Even Kelsey and Camille was not that bad and mainly conducted off camera. 

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I pretty much like Adrienne.  Unfortunately, she had a crumbling marriage, a husband who wanted to be a housewife and then dealing with Brandi outing that her boys had a surrogate.  I can never forgive Brandi for that one.  Those were innocent kids.  Screw you Brandi.

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18 minutes ago, breezy424 said:

dealing with Brandi outing that her boys had a surrogate.  I can never forgive Brandi for that one.  Those were innocent kids.  Screw you Brandi.

That was pure evil. I will never feel sorry for Brandi.

Edited by Happy Camper
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On 4/26/2019 at 2:00 PM, Jel said:

Totally agree, and even now, with the defensiveness and annoyance at fan reaction. Kyle does not ever consider the possibility that she could be wrong.

She "moves on" from things, but I've never seen her say, You know what, I was wrong about him/her/that.  She thinks moving on (as in, I accept that you did crappy things, but I'm so noble, I'll forgive you) instead of really examining her role and her interpretation of events, imo.

She really blew it. I'm kind of ready for LVP to go. But I won't forget that Kyle pushed a "good friend" under the bus while she was grieving and didn't believe her when she swore on her kids. And over a woman who abandoned two dogs, that's never been in dispute. I see who Kyle is. With her sister being gone, I'd forgotten.

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36 minutes ago, breezy424 said:

I pretty much like Adrienne.  Unfortunately, she had a crumbling marriage, a husband who wanted to be a housewife and then dealing with Brandi outing that her boys had a surrogate.  I can never forgive Brandi for that one.  Those were innocent kids.  Screw you Brandi.

She absolutely didn’t deserve Brandi’s wrath.

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25 minutes ago, ShawnaLanne said:

She really blew it. I'm kind of ready for LVP to go. But I won't forget that Kyle pushed a "good friend" under the bus while she was grieving and didn't believe her when she swore on her kids. And over a woman who abandoned two dogs, that's never been in dispute. I see who Kyle is. With her sister being gone, I'd forgotten.

I hear you and I kind of feel the same way (maybe for different reasons, but we're at the same place it seems).  For me, Lisa on the show is fun and glamorous and interesting, but it's the other stuff she does that makes her a hero of mine. 

Just seeing this trifling, petty bullshit week after week is depressing when it's a) reason-trying ridiculous and b) directed at someone who I think makes a positive impact in the world. 

I'd miss her on the show, just as a character, but if it's just going to be more of the same, then I do wish she'd just focus on other things instead of RHoBH.

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I don't think Lisa had anything to do with Radaronline article, and here's why.

The following direct quotations from the article make it feel to me like the leak is actually screwing with LVP.  She's been accused of holding a grudge.  I think that line is a humorous dig at that.   I also don't think Lisa would make London any part of the article if she did it.  I just don't think it feels organic.

“She knew Paul from London and because of their friendship, she brought Dorit on RHOBH. Dorit would not be on the show if it weren’t for Lisa, so of course Lisa is feeling extra hurt by this.”

“Although it is too late for that, Lisa did get the dog back and the animal is with a proper home. Of course Lisa will forgive her. She is not the type of woman that holds onto grudges very long.”

I think Lisa is capable of leaking to the press, I just don't think she did it here. 

Also, I think LVP's go to mode is to have people sucking up to her and groveling at her feet.  If LVP was behind Radaronline, she wouldn't have said what she did to TMZ.  If LVP did leak this article, it would be so that Dorit groveled and kissed up to her.  Immediately exonerating her would not accomplish this.

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51 minutes ago, druzy said:

Is Lisa referring to Mauricio?


With this group, it could be almost anybody.  Mauricio's lawsuits, Erika's husband's lawsuits, Dorit being followed around a pool by creditors...

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On 5/4/2019 at 6:00 PM, izabella said:

With this group, it could be almost anybody.  Mauricio's lawsuits, Erika's husband's lawsuits, Dorit being followed around a pool by creditors...

...it could also be Lisa Vandepump and Ken - a judge found them personally liable for $100k in punitive damages to one of their waitresses who sued for sexual harassment. You may not have heard about this, however, because Lisa actually lied to the press and said they won the case when they in fact did not - but, oh yeah, LVP is never one to use the press to her advantage...

Edited by PhilMarlowe2
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5 minutes ago, PhilMarlowe2 said:

...it could also be Lisa Vandepump and Ken - a judge found them personally liable for $100k in punitive damages to one of their waitresses who sued for sexual harassment. You may not have heard about this, however, because Lisa actually lied to the press and said they won the case when they in fact did not - but, oh yeah, LVP is never one to use the press to her advantage...

Yes, and there has been more than one harassment complaint against Ken. A complaint does not mean something actually happened or wasn’t misconstrued or used to a person’s advantage (which I give a side eye too). There does seem to be a pattern with Ken, though, based on my extensive (ha, ha - I have had some wine) Google research - there have been complaints going back as far as 2014.

i hope it’s not true but there does seem to be a pattern....

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On 5/4/2019 at 9:00 PM, izabella said:

With this group, it could be almost anybody.  Mauricio's lawsuits, Erika's husband's lawsuits, Dorit being followed around a pool by creditors...

Don't forget to include LVP and Kenny.  They have had multiple.

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37 minutes ago, Abby2197 said:


After listening to everyones side (not just this link) I am beyond done with Lisa.  She's a has-been and pitiful schemer. Bravo, fire this old bag.  

That was long, but informative. Too bad the show couldn’t have wrapped up that storyline by going over the facts in a timeline. I understand that decreases tension and drama (not what these shows are about), but I hope that now Lucy is in a happy, loving forever home. 

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I guess if you want to get your LVP fill without the women of RHoBH or John Sessa being her shadow, you can check her out on MasterChef Celebrity Family edition. If you don't like Pandora, you're SoL because LVP is competing with Pandy.

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