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S06.E13: Win, Place, Or Sonja

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smashing glass when Ramona threw a plastic glass at Kristen.

This actually has me wondering something. Why haven't any of the women mentioned that the glass was plastic during filming? The reason it stood out is because at the engagement party when the women were discussing how horrible Ramona was, someone actually said "I requested the glasses be plastic" right before Cody was asked if Ramona threw a glass at her. 


And, yet every episode since the glass throw no one not even Ramona has said that the glass she threw was plastic.

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And, yet every episode since the glass throw no one not even Ramona has said that the glass she threw was plastic.


Actually Ramona did say it was plastic on her Twitter account right after that episode aired.  She was doing some type of viewer Q&A fucknuttery and kept using the hashtag #plasticnotglass, for whatever that's worth.  I don't follow her other social media so I'm not sure if she was touting this hashtag in other places.  


(ETA:  I also read somewhere there was a video of her and Sonja watching the episode and pretty much laughing the entire incident off since it was "just plastic."  Which obviously in their world must mean chucking that oar at Kristen's face was no big deal, either.)

Edited by Persnickety1


Actually Ramona did say it was plastic on her Twitter account right after that episode aired.  She was doing some type of viewer Q&A fucknuttery and kept using the hashtag #plasticnotglass, for whatever that's worth.  I don't follow her other social media so I'm not sure if she was touting this hashtag in other places.


Again, this all came after the filming was wrapped. During the actual episodes NO ONE not even Ramona has said the glass was plastic. It only came after the episode aired a year and a half after it was filmed.

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Dana Cody is ripping into Carole Radziwill via Twitter (George is retweeting all of them).


I don't understand what that's about, and I'm not savvy enough to figure it out from tweets.  What did Carole do?


I did notice a couple tweets about a wedding special (ew) and adding her as a Housewife.  I wish she'd have just faded away and had a happy life.  Now I'm starting to conclude that she's a famewhore.

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I thought it was interesting that Aviva is not interested in an inheritance from her father.  Either she got a boatload from her late mother or Reid is loaded.  Honestly, I think the reason she's accepting of any woman in her father's life is because she doesn't want to have to take care of the bastard herself, so may as well pawn him off on any willing takers.


Cody seems nice enough I guess, but gtfo of here with being attracted to his sexual prowess and intellect.  We all have proof that he's severely lacking in the latter and I'm willing to bet the former as well.  She met him on a dating website for sugar daddies and by her own admission was his "little black secret" for a long time. 

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So is it irony or hypocrisy that last season, Aviva professed to be so "worried" over her white trash frenemy, Sonja, because she was on a downward spiral just like Anna Nicole Smith, a gorgeous but tragic woman who famously married a wealthy octogenarian...


And now, Aviva is becoming the daughter-in-law of a gorgeous young woman marrying a wealthy octogenarian?  A young woman dealing with tragedy and what must be a profound sense of aloneness in the world thanks to her loss of both parents?  And Aviva shows not a whiff of a worry, if we are to believe the way she imitates the emotions real humans feel.  It's just true love, folks.  As if Aviva knows what that is.  


Edited to fix shit I said wrong.   

Edited by OhGromit
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I am a very long time lurker from TWOP and Previously. For years following the snark --- but this episode has gotten the best of me and I just have to say something.

Ramona's remarks were horrible to Cody. No doubt Ramona is about the most insensitive person I have ever ran across in my 65 years. George however is a pervert of the worst class. He not only Sexually assaults and harasses--- he then has to open his perverted mouth!  I agree entirely with the article that Alex Zeidel wrote on this forum. I have to question the sanity of Bravo, of George and myself for listening to a

statement like : “You know what I’m going to do at your funeral? I’m going to lick my lips and put my hand on your vagina.” Since I am not insane, I guess my choice is simply to stop watching. I cannot stand this man any longer!

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Oh, and we all know why Sonja and Aviva appear to be friends.  They are a political alliance, each of them a country with something to gain from that wealthy nation known as Harry.  Sonja needs him to serve as a candidate for sugar-daddy status, if she can catch him.  His presence in her life lets her keep her hopes up that she still has it, and one day, a rich man will save her.  Aviva needs Harry to keep paying that child support (please keep paying it Harry, please, Harrison's so many years away from turning 18), and because being "friendly" with him lets Aviva perceive herself as one of those cool, laid-back women who can totally be friends with their exes.  


This isn't a friendship, it's a partnership, an effort by Sonja and Aviva to each retain their most-favored-nation status with the realm of King Harry.  Or Prince Harry, I guess.  His wealth is totally inherited.  He apparently failed at his half-hearted efforts to be a finance guy.  Trust fund babies don't always make it in the real world. 


I don't understand what that's about, and I'm not savvy enough to figure it out from tweets.  What did Carole do?


I believe that torrent of outrage was triggered by Carole's blog for this episode.  Here's a link: 



Cody seems nice enough I guess, but gtfo of here with being attracted to his sexual prowess and intellect.  We all have proof that he's severely lacking in the latter and I'm willing to bet the former as well.  She met him on a dating website for sugar daddies and by her own admission was his "little black secret" for a long time. 

Seriously, candy moocher, I have a hard enough time believing he can actually get it up, even with the help of Viagra, Horny Goat Whatever-it-was, or even a forklift, to also believe he's got any kind of skills. And intellect? George?  Mr. Trailer Turd? Don't think so.

Oh, and we all know why Sonja and Aviva appear to be friends.  They are a political alliance, each of them a country with something to gain from that wealthy nation known as Harry.  Sonja needs him to serve as a candidate for sugar-daddy status, if she can catch him.  His presence in her life lets her keep her hopes up that she still has it, and one day, a rich man will save her.  Aviva needs Harry to keep paying that child support (please keep paying it Harry, please, Harrison's so many years away from turning 18), and because being "friendly" with him lets Aviva perceive herself as one of those cool, laid-back women who can totally be friends with their exes.  


This isn't a friendship, it's a partnership, an effort by Sonja and Aviva to each retain their most-favored-nation status with the realm of King Harry.  Or Prince Harry, I guess.  His wealth is totally inherited.  He apparently failed at his half-hearted efforts to be a finance guy.  Trust fund babies don't always make it in the real world. 

Harry doesn't have any money of his own - his parents pay his bills.  I think Sonja likes dating him but there's no money to marry, just expense account money.

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I really wish Bravo could see how disgusting and uncomfortable George makes people.  All they care about is ratings, so if they think viewers are enjoying him, they'll keep bringing him back and having him amp up his shenanigans, not caring one bit how uncomfortable he makes the women on the show.  I looked at the comments on Aviva's blog last week and the vast majority of them find her father hilarious, it was really depressing.  Obviously Bravo finds nothing at all wrong with his foul and over the line comment about desecrating Ramona's corpse, or else they wouldn't have aired it.   I shudder to think where the line actually is with them.


I give the comment on the Bravo site the side eye as they are reviewed before posted. I have tried several times to post before and never got lucky so I give up, so Bravo has a story line for each lady and the comments on their site adhere to that story line they are trying to promote.


Actually is kind of funny, when Bravo is mad at any castmember their way to show it is by letting all kind of comments even the nasty ones come up on their site. Am I the only one who has noticed this?

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This season is all about aged perv's hitting on much younger age inappropriate victims. Carole, Sonja and George are taking turns grossing us out. It seems like a recurring motif like bankruptcy on Jersey or bad plastic surgery in the OC.


It is all very distasteful and vaguely gross like most of Ramona's wardrobe.

Who did Carole hit on that was of such a young age it was inappropriate? The surf instructor? I pegged him at mid to late thirties. Younger than Carole but I don't see it as being inappropriate.


Who did Carole hit on that was of such a young age it was inappropriate? The surf instructor? I pegged him at mid to late thirties. Younger than Carole but I don't see it as being inappropriate.

Agree. Plus, Carole didn't even really come across as flirty in that conversation so much as "interview" mode. If she had behaved that way with the guy Luann set her up with, it would have been a far less cringe worthy date to watch on television.

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I totally think Sonja got pissed off when the rest of the girls won $$$ and she didn't.  But seriously, who goes to a casino or racetrack and SHARES their winnings with the friends in the group? Uh.. nobody I know.  The winner might buy a round of drinks or something, but I've never thought anyone who spends their hardearned $$ betting should SHARE the winning with everybody else.   Then she just turned tail and ran off to talk to some random by the paddock.  I have to admint though, that the bets the girls were making were a LITTLE out there, but hey! They won cash!


Sonja trudging off with her suitcase down the sidewalk in the dark made me LAUGH OUT LOUD!! WHAT an idiot!


Thanks to the link to Carole's blog. Interesting that she didn't say anything like that to George when she had the opportunity face to face. Instead she asked about squirting and laughed.

I think Carole was exercising what Kathy Griffin refers to as "good manners." She was humoring them (especially George) and not saying what she really thought - instead she waited and talked about them behind their backs. Actually, I think Ramona would have fared much better if she had done the same thing. 

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Cody's other responses to Carole's blog

I really wish Bravo could see how disgusting and uncomfortable George makes people.  All they care about is ratings

Bravo may want to think again because week to week the ratings are making new records and not in a good way. RHOC is holding its own since their recent big switch so it's unfortunate that NYC is still not catching on.  


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I'm new to this website. I don't know how to copy and paste links. But there is a website called Stoopidhousewives.com that has proof that the engagement and so called relationship between Cody and Pervy George is all fabricated by Bravo.

Seems Cody's real name is Dana Cody and she's on the show to promote her nail business . She also has a Twitter account. @tippietoediva, which is interesting to read. She doesn't even mention Pervy or being engaged.

So if this is all true, and I believe it, shame on a Bravo for thinking us viewers are all Stoopid.

Maybe she is or maybe she isn't, but I think a true fiancée would have a reaction to her affianced grabbing another woman's breast at her engagement party.

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Ramona is right. In the unlikely circumstance that Cody loves him it is probably a need for parental nurturing, and it is absolutely selfish to ask Cody to spend her young adulthood with him and throw her the bone of leaving her with his unviable sperm so she can be a single mother in 10 years when he is dead. I suppose they will hire a private nurse to change his diapers and then she'll stay on to change the baby's. I hope Cody IS a gold digger -- I'd rather George be used for money than Cody's youth sucked away for an old pervert's amusement.

Also, what a pathetic attempt at a zinger by George. I'm going to sexually abuse your corpse! BAM! Now who looks stupid, Ramona! Not me, the necropheliac! K.O.


I haven't met anyone as bad as him, but I have met people who turn the most innocuous statements into something sexual not because they're drunk or flirting, but because it's how they relate to the world 100% of the time. "I need to run the dishwasher" is met with "I'd like to run YOUR dishwasher" or something equally nonsensical. So nasty and so rude.

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
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Maybe because it wasn't. I think Ramona's twitter claim that it was plastic, not glass, was just post-show damage control.


I wish there was a definitive statement on this from Kristen.


think it was Ramona doing damage control (honestly, a video of them watching and commenting on that episode...Since when do they do that???) and her #plasticnotglass hashtag crap, yet I've never heard Kristen refute that claim to say that it wasn't plastic.  If I were Kirsten and it had been a glass-glass, I'd have been all over social media calling Ramona a liar face (thanks for that one, Vicki!) and disputing it.  


I'm hoping this comes out at the reunion and that Kristen validates it if Ramona still maintains it was plastic.  


I think glass or plastic is semantics in this case, since a nearly-60-year-old woman who claims to run in such impressive society circles should have sufficient self-control to not be throwing objects at another person, whether it's glass, plastic, a freaking canoe oar, or anything else.


Well, except maybe water with the caveat that the person is actually on fire.

Edited by Persnickety1

Ramona is right. In the unlikely event that Cody loves him it is probably a need for parental nurturing, and it is absolutely selfish to ask Cody to spend her young adulthood with him and throw her a bone that he'll leave her with his unviable sperm. I hope she IS a gold digger -- I'd rather George be used for money than Cody's youth sucked away for an old pervert's amusement.

Also, what a pathetic attempt at a zinger by George. I'm going to sexually abuse your corpse! BAM! Now who looks stupid, Ramona! Not me, the potential necropheliac! K.O. I haven't met anyone as bad as him, but I have met people who turn the most innocuous statements into something sexual not because they're drunk or flirting, but because it's how they relate to the world 100% of the time. "I need to run the dishwasher" is met with "I'd like to run YOUR dishwasher" or something equally non-sensible. So nasty and so rude.

Well, it is kind of cute that George thinks he'll outlive her.  That's an insult right there.

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Speaking of ratings-RHONYC continue their downward trend: http://bravoratings.com/2014/03/12/real-housewives-of-new-york-city-season-6-ratings/#more-8859


This show is no longer fun or glamorous.  It just seems like Heather and Kristen want to take every opportunity to take Sonja and Ramona down.  LuAnn is in the background cheering them on.  Perhaps there is more these women have to offer but this year the downward spiral continues.  Carole is becoming a joke with her penis and sex cracks.  If Sonja is an alcoholic-as others on the show claim both she and Ramona are-this is just becoming very tired.  I haven't really seen Ramona drunk this season but I am sure if she is Kristen will be certain to point it out.


Alex McCord weighs in on the changes in the show from previous seasons: http://thestir.cafemom.com/entertainment/173241/ramona_singer_may_finally_get


Sources are reporting another big cast shake-up is in the future.  Oh please let it include George.

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Thank heavens I had not just taken a sip of tea when I read this! Totally LOL perfect! 


Anthony Radziwill must be spinning in his grave. UGH! Did she talk that like when she and her husband were hanging out together? He certainly was raised better. I don't see why Carole thinks it's cute to laugh off or along with George's despicable behavior. She's done it before this and it's one of the reasons I don't like her.

I also found that disgusting. Lee must just be bursting with pride. As I mentioned on a previous forum, although both Lee and Jackie were both known to have a pretty bawdy sense of humor in private, they were careful to always maintain their ladylike images in public.


It has seemed to me that Carole has been trying to be gross and offensive this season. Maybe Andy suggested it. I am not sure, but I went from her being my favorite last year to not liking her at all this year. I guess the only saving grace is I really am not sure I like any of these women any more except Heather and the Countess, and I thoroughly detest Aviva. 

It must be a measure of just how despicable I find George that Ramona's rudeness didn't faze me a bit last night. Yeah, she was awful, but he deserved every second of it. And sorry, don't try to sell me that anyone is marrying that disgusting man for any reason other than money. Particularly when you met him on a site for women looking for sugar daddies. To actually sleep with him? There is not enough money in the world.


More sick of Kristen. WTF was that with her chasing Heather out when she was trying to talk to drunk Sonja, and then she tried the same thing? Is Kristen some kind of expert on talking to drunken lunatics? I would guess not since she hasn't done so well with Ramona. Or is she just learning from her BFF, Brandi the Skank, how to get more screen time. I don't like Kristen. Geat Hair Color though. 


I am just not liking most of these women much. But loving the Countess. More Countess. NO MORE GEORGE.

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It just seems like Heather and Kristen want to take every opportunity to take Sonja and Ramona down


I don't think Ramona and Sonja need anyone else to take them down.  Ramona can't seem to keep her foot out of her mouth, and just comes off looking like an ass at every event she attends.  She never knows when to shut her mouth.  Sonja's drinking and desperate attempts for male attention, along with her delusion about her current state of affairs, makes her look like an ass too.  Any downfall they experience is due to their own behavior.   

  • Love 6

Cody is 29.  And here's a clip of her on the Oxygen show:




From IMDB:

Find Me My Man Full Episode (The Rude Girl and the Crude Girl)
Description: Dana is smart, successful, and sexy, but her self-proclaimed "bitchiness" sends men running for the hills. Mercedes is a grad student with an unusual interest in the male anatomy.

Edited by Lola16
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The women all looked lovely in their hats when trying them on at the hat shop, but I didn't think any of the hats they all ended up wearing to the horse track were flattering.  


Although Ramona clumsily expressed herself, I do understand her desire to want to talk anyone, even a perfect stranger, out of marrying George.

I thought the same thing, clearly none of them bought hats there. They just made the staff uncomfortable....

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Aloha all!


Am I the only one who finds those pointed talons loaded with Swarovski crystals hideous and tacky beyond belief?


And yet she was there putting the same stuff on Sonja's fingers, although I noticed Sonja's nails were the normal length and not pointed.


I loathe George and would be happy if Bravo just decided to dump him and his perverted behavior off this show!

  • Love 8

Dagnabit. The multi-quote function (or whatever it is that happens when you click more than one quotation mark icon) didn't work. 


To the topic of Carole being lumped in with Sonja and George for behaviors with age inappropriate folks, I'm not certain how it's the same thing when 50 year old Carole flirts with/asks question of a 33 year old surf instructor. Is 33 age inappropriate these days--I mean, when the person is 50, that is? Compared to an 80 year old man becoming "enagaged" to a 25ish year old man or a 49 year old woman throwing herself at a 20 year old kid (who'd still need Sonja to buy him liquor (or resort to using a fake ID to buy liquor)), I don't think the comparison even stands up.


The other comment was someone upthread positing a theory about Sonja being so far up Aviva's bum because of Harry. I've been having similar thoughts. Harry may not have any liquid cash, but he's probably still got more than Sonja does, and it's probably not tied up in bankruptcy litigation. Besides, Sonja's been sexing him up and down Manhattan (most likely just on the Upper West side, though), and I wonder if she figures that it bodes well for her not to be in a fight with the mother of Harry's son. Otherwise I can't think of any other reason for why Sonja's so rah rah Aviva now.


Speaking of Aviva--well, speaking of Ramona meeting with Aviva and George--did anyone notice some red marks on Ramona's back as she got up to walk away from George's disgusting behavior? I couldn't figure out what it was. At first I guessed cupping, but those marks looked like scratch marks...and I didn't want to think about how she could have gotten those.

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I give the comment on the Bravo site the side eye as they are reviewed before posted. I have tried several times to post before and never got lucky so I give up, so Bravo has a story line for each lady and the comments on their site adhere to that story line they are trying to promote.


Actually is kind of funny, when Bravo is mad at any castmember their way to show it is by letting all kind of comments even the nasty ones come up on their site. Am I the only one who has noticed this?

Annal, I have also noted that Bravo is doing this. I had posted to Ramona's current blog. Although I condemned Ramona's action, the majority of my post was regarding the sexual harassment and denigration of women by George. Several other post occurred after mine that indicated the same view point. In less than an hour all of the post were deleted. It is very reminiscent of George Orwell's book, 1984. Instead of Big Brother watching you --- it is Bravo.

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Speaking of Aviva--well, speaking of Ramona meeting with Aviva and George--did anyone notice some red marks on Ramona's back as she got up to walk away from George's disgusting behavior? I couldn't figure out what it was. At first I guessed cupping, but those marks looked like scratch marks...and I didn't want to think about how she could have gotten those.



Yes, thank you, I forgot about that. (I must have lost my train of thought trying to forget George's nasty necrophiliac comment.) I thought it was cupping as well. Man, I don't want to rewatch that just to get a second look though. Maybe some kind poster will take one for the team?


What is cupping?

Also, first look at 10:45 p.m. tomorrow night.


It is a recent fad therapy that many stars are currently using in which heated cups are placed on the skin which is supposed to suction the skin up to promote blood flow and relieve pain. Hands can also be used in sort of a cupping fashion, pounding on the back I think to do the same thing. I call it a fad therapy only because it was not really practiced or heard of much here in the West, but has been around in Eastern medicine for a long time I believe.


ETA:  or better yet, what Rhetorica said :)

Edited by KicksandGiggles
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I also found that disgusting. Lee must just be bursting with pride. As I mentioned on a previous forum, although both Lee and Jackie were both known to have a pretty bawdy sense of humor in private, they were careful to always maintain their ladylike images in public.


It has seemed to me that Carole has been trying to be gross and offensive this season. Maybe Andy suggested it. I am not sure, but I went from her being my favorite last year to not liking her at all this year. I guess the only saving grace is I really am not sure I like any of these women any more except Heather and the Countess, and I thoroughly detest Aviva. 


Honestly, if I were Carole, why would I give two shits what the Radziwill/Kennedy family thought.  They may have maintained their "ladylike" image but they certainly weren't the most moral people.  They also lived in different times where what you said and did weren't captured by cameras and social media.  And the Kennedy family is littered with borish, piggish behavior.  Her comments were flippant and in reference to something gross he said.  

Edited by sasha206
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