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S15.E08: Blowin' in the Wind

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Note: Grey's Anatomy airs on Wednesday nights in Canada so if you enter this episode thread, you may be spoiled!



Seattle is hit by a huge wind storm and Grey Sloan becomes inundated with patients. Alex and Jo are stuck at home and decide to make the best of it by having a second honeymoon, while Meredith confronts Richard about getting his life back on track.



Original U.S. air date: 11/15/18

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
  • Love 1

Fucking seriously, Maggie? You couldn't give Catherine the chance to tell Jackson about her illness? Sure, Meredith made a huge mistake in telling Maggie, but Maggie couldn't wait a day. Hell, she couldn't wait a couple of hours! I do genuinely try to like Maggie but....the show makes it really hard. This wasn't her secret to tell. It wasn't Meredith's either, which is why I also am not impressed with her. Like, come on! How dare she tell Jackson about Catherine's illness? Catherine just found out herself and Maggie robbed her of the chance to tell Jackson on her own terms. It's not like Meredith told Maggie that Catherine was planning on hiding her illness from Jackson.

If Krista is wanting us to root for Maggie staying with Jackson, she's handling it badly.

So...everyone's stuck in an elevator! Ok, not everybody, but quite a few people. Andrew/Meredith are stuck in an elevator after some romantic tension. Am I supposed to be rooting for them? Is this gonna lead to some huge romantic moment, or will it lead to one of them realizing that they don't want to give it a shot and turn down the other? 

Also took Teddy long enough to tell Owen about her pregnancy. My god, even though she's only been in about four episodes total so far, it feels like ages that she's kept this secret. 

I still don't care for Nico or Glasses, but damn if HAOG (Hot Asian Ortho God) wasn't a complete dumbass while Glasses was actually telling him something useful! And now they're stuck in an ambulance, having sex. I can't say I care about them. 

Alex and Jo are at least having a good day. 

  • Love 19

Praise be, Teddy told Owen.

Richard and Miranda's rapport is one of the few remaining highlights of the series for me. I always enjoy their scenes together.  

Meredith and Andrew are laughably awkward and mismatched. I can not believe that tptb think this is the best they can do for Meredith's next "twu wuv". 

You'd think a hospital would have generators. And thanks to the end of season 9/beginning of season 10, we know SGMWGSM keeps theirs indoors in a basement of sorts...where a windstorm can't touch them. 

Two HIPAA infractions in the first third of the season might be a new record for these (un)professionals. 

  • Love 15
5 minutes ago, GSMHvisitor said:

I am stuck in a train for unknown time right now, can anybody who watched the Canadian airing spoil what exactly was going on with Alex and Jo? Surely there had to be more than just fluff and fun at the loft? Or at least I hope so?? Did they get some sort of cliffhanger at least?

No they actually barely had any screentime. They couldn’t make it to work and decided to have a second honeymoon in their apartment.Then they discovered they never sent in their marriage licence but I don’t know if anything else was said about that.

In the end they decided they are returning all their wedding gifts for the money and will buy a new tv. Even tho I’m sure Alex can afford a tv at this point in his career lol. Well Jo too I’m sure.

  • Love 8
6 minutes ago, Marley said:

No they actually barely had any screentime. They couldn’t make it to work and decided to have a second honeymoon in their apartment.Then they discovered they never sent in their marriage licence but I don’t know if anything else was said about that.

In the end they decided they are returning all their wedding gifts for the money and will buy a new tv. Even tho I’m sure Alex can afford a tv at this point in his career lol. Well Jo too I’m sure.

Thank you!

WTF, though?? That sounds like utter nonsense! And they got a press release mention for that?

As a Jolex fan I find this really annoying. Can their stories and interactions be deeper than a puddle just for once?

  • Love 2

Alex has been an attending for years now. Jo is on a fellowship so she's getting decent money too. A friend of mine just bought a 42" TV for $130.  IIf Alex and Jo can't afford that, 'm sure there is just one wedding present that cost that much that they can return.  Is this the show's attempt to say that these highly paid doctors are just like us? Because, no.

Richard, you need more than AA if your self-esteem and your trust in Catherine is so low. Get a therapist.

Looks like breaking HIPAA is catching.  The time it was Meredith telling Maggie, last time it was Maggie telling Meredith. Is Amelia going to catch it next?

Of course Teddy told Owen in the middle of a packed operating room so now everyone knows. (Yet another person with no self-control.)  Shut up, Jackson, about how wonderful it is for Owen. Has Maggie not told you where Amelia has been staying? And you were married to April, the most committed to Teddy that Owen's been is a sex weekend.

  • Love 11
12 hours ago, funnygirl said:

Richard and Miranda's rapport is one of the few remaining highlights of the series for me. I always enjoy their scenes together.  

I really liked how he talked some sense into her re: her "marriage sabbatical" because the entire thing is beyond stupid. If the problem is that she's worried about her husband's safety, not living with him isn't going to help it in any way. Seriously, WTF. 

Why are people going around telling their patients' confidential medical history they're explicitly told not to share? Maggie doing it TWICE in the matter of weeks just pushes the borders of ridiculousness ever further. This is now the LVAD-territory, literally.

Alex and Jo love each other. Good for them, but FFWD time for me. 

Teddy actually told Owen about the baby and he didn't overhear it or hear from someone else! I'm impressed! Of course, she did it in the OR in front of a bunch of their colleagues because why not, but the way things were going there, I thought she'd blurt it out in the middle of the surgery and that a huge fight would erupt between the two while they're standing above a patient with his chest cut open, so thankfully that didn't happen. Always be grateful for small things! 

Glasses and HAOG played out exactly like I thought it would, so yawnzzzzz. Except for a second when I thought they'd get electrocuted while having sex in that ambulance car, but probably not. I guess it wouldn't be the worst way to go, if you must, but it would kinda suck for their newfound love. 

They're actually going there with Meredith and DeLuca and I can't even. 

Edited by Joana
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  • Love 10

I couldn't believe Maggie telling Jackson about Catherine.  I know it was played as Maggie feeling all sad and tortured, but I also kinda feel like it was also payback for Jackson knowing about Maggie's Mom's illness and not telling Maggie.  

Still - this time Catherine is going to find out that someone talked, and I can't imagine her taking anyone breaching her confidence lying down.  I hope she sues Meredith and Maggie both for HIPPA violations.  Seriously - there are very few things that drive me crazier than betrayal of confidential information for no good reason.  

  • Like 1
  • Love 16
14 minutes ago, Infie said:

I couldn't believe Maggie telling Jackson about Catherine.  I know it was played as Maggie feeling all sad and tortured, but I also kinda feel like it was also payback for Jackson knowing about Maggie's Mom's illness and not telling Maggie.  

Still - this time Catherine is going to find out that someone talked, and I can't imagine her taking anyone breaching her confidence lying down.  I hope she sues Meredith and Maggie both for HIPPA violations.  Seriously - there are very few things that drive me crazier than betrayal of confidential information for no good reason.  

I feel like only we make a big deal out of HIPPA, plus it’s meredith and maggie...I won’t be surprised if it’s never brought up or Catherine thanks them for doing it so she didn’t have to. 

  • Love 5
11 hours ago, Marley said:

No they actually barely had any screentime. They couldn’t make it to work and decided to have a second honeymoon in their apartment.Then they discovered they never sent in their marriage licence but I don’t know if anything else was said about that.

In the end they decided they are returning all their wedding gifts for the money and will buy a new tv. Even tho I’m sure Alex can afford a tv at this point in his career lol. Well Jo too I’m sure.

And most importantly, there was a reference to Jo living in her car! Phew, I was already worried that this crucial piece of infomation has been forgotten! 

  • Like 1
  • Love 16
13 hours ago, Marley said:

Richard tries to call his wife and Koracik answers and he doesn’t even ask for her he just jumps straight to her having an affair? Wtf chill out Richard.

In an earlier episode, didn't they show that Catherine and Koracick knew each other from before and implied at least a fling?  That would explain the immediate conclusion jumping.

And I did like Delucca telling it straight up to the matchmaker that there was a good chance the transplant wouldn't work but she wanted to go ahead anyway and go out fighting.  I understood her POV, but it bothered me that she was taking a chance to live away from someone with a fighting chance.  Especially when they also explained that she was way down the transplant list because she was high risk but with the storm, or something, she could have the organs.

Edited by DEL901
  • Love 3

It wasn't just implied, Richard knows they had a fling, long before he and Catherine became an item, let alone got married. Catherine never kept it a secret. 

Richard is not a teenage girl, he's a grown-ass man (who used to have an affair with a married woman himself, so he should know how things work), so immediately assuming his wife is cheating on him simply because someone else picked up her phone and spiralling into completely irrational jealousy is not at all believable IMO. 

  • Love 8
4 minutes ago, skermac said:

why was Jackson mean to jaggie at the very beginning? she made a comment about the weather and he answered very rudely, she should get far away from him, I never cared for him much and I still dont

Cause last episode he poured his heart out to her and made himself incredibly vulnerable emotionally and she walked out on him! After emplored him to open up to her...and now she wants to talk about the weather...cmon now. 

  • Love 13

I think Jackson is still mad at Maggie saying that messaging his ex, and the woman from the retreat about religious topics is somehow equivalent to cheating on her.  I think he's also still mad that Maggie is treating his religious searching as a strange obsession, and thinks he'll get over it.     She's so selfish.  

That was the big pregnancy reveal?  Over a patient's body in the operating room?     


Everyone on this show seems to think even talking to a person of the opposite sex is equivalent to an affair.    I guess Webber never left his phone behind anywhere, and someone else answered it.   And Glasses and the HAOG or however it's abbreviated, are not an attractive couple at all, more of a big cartoon than a relationship.    Couldn't the show runners have found a better match than Glasses?     

Another night, another couple of HIPAA violations, and violations of the secret of Catherine's condition.   That's robbing a person of the chance to tell her family in her own way, and not over the phone, or from a third party that should shut up about other people's business.

Was there a cliff hanger cliche that they missed tonight?    Stuck elevators, patient in peril in elevator, pregnancy announcement, and over a patient's open body in surgery, new lovers in peril from the storm and electric lines, marriage crisis for Bailey, Richard assuming the worst about his wife, and whatever Meredith dating every man in sight.       The only thing they didn't steal from a soap opera is amnesia.  

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
  • Love 7
13 minutes ago, moonorchid said:

Cause last episode he poured his heart out to her and made himself incredibly vulnerable emotionally and she walked out on him! After emplored him to open up to her...and now she wants to talk about the weather...cmon now. 

well the wind was damaging everything, its what most people would talk about during a big storm, im sorry but I take jaggie's side on this she said what most would say in this weather sitution

  • Love 2
22 hours ago, Pepper the Cat said:

Winds so strong that the Chief of Staff of a huge hospital makes no attempt to go into work?

I wonder if this is going to be addressed in the next episode(s). Despite the storm, everyone managed to make it to the hospital, including someone who doesn't even work there, except for the Chief of Surgery Everything. That really doesn't reflect well on him. 

  • Love 17
3 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

Was there a cliff hanger cliche that they missed tonight?    Stuck elevators, patient in peril in elevator, pregnancy announcement, and over a patient's open body in surgery, new lovers in peril from the storm and electric lines, marriage crisis for Bailey, Richard assuming the worst about his wife, and whatever Meredith dating every man in sight.       The only thing they didn't steal from a soap opera is amnesia.  

They just need Teddy to go into labor.  That little plot device she's carrying will be full term by the time the show returns.

  • Love 8
3 hours ago, skermac said:

did Meredith violate HIppa by telling Jaggie about Catherine?

Yes.  Meredith is acting as Catherine's doctor and so telling anyone else is violating HIPAA. 

She told Maggie so that Maggie would be more sympathetic to Jackson but that wasn't Meredith's call to make.  Maggie told Jackson because she was acting as his girlfriend and wanted him to know about his mom and how ill she is.

  • Love 2

The morons who write this show clearly have no idea how strong wind needs to be to accomplish some of those injuries, and frankly, until Seattle is capable of being hit by a Category 5 hurricane or an EFC 4 or 5 tornado (which will be loooooooooong after we're all dead), those injuries will remain completely unrealistic.

The more the writers give Glasses to say, the more they make up his past, the less believable I find him and HAOG, and the more I fucking HATE him.  Seriously, I HAAAAAAATE him.  And he and HAOG have no chemistry, and I find the latter's attraction to the former ridiculous.  I hope they both get electrocuted by one of those live wires, Glasses dies, and HAOG lives to get paired with anyone else.  Really, anyone else will do.

I can't be bothered to care about Meredith telling Maggie telling Jackson about Catherine, but that might be because I usually can't stand Catherine.  Also, next episode, someone else will violate HIPAA, and I'm just numb to it.

I really like DeLuca, but he and Meredith do not set my world on fire at all.  Nor do she and Linc.  It's ridiculous how much better suited she and Koracik are and how much better chemistry they have.

What, is Owen going to run back to Teddy now?  That would be just like his capricious ass.  He looked like he was going to dump Amelia immediately.  I've actually been liking Amelia a lot this season, and Teddy's become insufferable, so that would be his loss.

  • Love 19

I have leftover animosity toward Teddy, and what is going on this season hasn't done that any good. She holds on to her secret forever, then decides to tell it to everyone in OR with her. And now Owen is looking at Caterina like she just landed from Mars.

I've lived in Buffalo and Chicago, the two windiest cities in the lower 48, and we've never had to board up our windows. Shonda sure loves her assault by flying projectile stories. It's getting old.

I'm still trying to get over Japril and NOW Jackson wants to give God a chance? Maggie's still annoying with him.

I'm aggravated at yet another cliffhanger, and what the heck is "Grey's Anatomy will be back sooner than you think" supposed to mean? I guess maybe they will be back before May.

Yep, I'm grouchy over this whole thing. And I don't like Station 19. I think the whole plot line about Bailey's "sabbatical" is idiotic. Who worries less about someone's dangerous job just because they are not around?

Sorry to vent about old business, but I didn't earlier and I needed to spew.

  • Love 16

I agree about the unrealistic wind storms. Yes, we get wind storms up in this area, but not to that degree. If they wanted to have a more realistic regional disaster, why not a major earthquake? Or if they want to be regional AND exotic, go for a volcano eruption? That would produce a hell of a lot more casualties than a wind storm and has high potential for craptastic ridiculousness. 

I figured this was the fall finale, but it didn't leave me on the edge of my seat like it was supposed to. You know this hospital has generators, so I didn't buy that they would just lose ALL power to the hospital. 

I was rather shocked Meredith broke HIPAA and Maggie did as well. I would love to see some actual professional consequences for such illegal behavior, but that's never going to happen. 

All in all, I don't particularly care about these personal storylines, but we'll see what happens next year. 

Edited by ForeverAlone
  • Love 13
37 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

How is Betty even able to be fostered by Amelia? She does have parents. They washed their hands of her when she got into drugs and got pregnant, but I presume they still technically have their rights.

I actually think it would be easier to go to Betty's parents and ask them to sign over gaurdianship to Amelia then bothering with foster care. It's a much simpler process in most states. Although that could risk the parents taking her back or deciding they want Leo.  I almost wondered if that was what happened when Betty disappeared. That she decided to move back in with her parents and didn't know how to tell Amelia.

  • Love 3
22 hours ago, GSMHvisitor said:

Thank you!

WTF, though?? That sounds like utter nonsense! And they got a press release mention for that?

As a Jolex fan I find this really annoying. Can their stories and interactions be deeper than a puddle just for once?

Alex let on that he knows what ramekins are. There's that.

Which just proves your point.

  • Love 9

I've watched every season of Grey's and the only reason I'm watching at this point is because I have a bad habit of finishing things even when they become terrible.

I've always liked Karev, but I can't stand Jo's voice and for me she's the least credible medical genius I've ever seen cast.  Maybe she would have worked in her native accent, but although Camilla is a beautiful woman... that character is terrible.  Because of this, watching them take up so much storyline is also terrible.

Mere having two super handsome men head over heels over her feels like fan service for all the long time faithful viewers... but whatever, surprisingly it's one of the least annoying plot lines.

Kepner and Jackson were semi interesting... Maggie and Jackson are boring af... made me appreciate what Sarah Drew brought to the show.

It's no longer enough of a plotline to have a gay man struggling with coming out in 2018.  The characters actually have to be well written and compelling... Nico and glasses are just paper thin caricatures.

When Richard and Amelia have become the most sympathetic characters you know the show has gone horribly wrong.

I long for the days of ER, prime Grey's Anatomy, St. Elsewhere.

Medical shows, Medical shows, everywhere... and not a drop to drink

  • Love 16

When Bailey said the hospital was a brick house that couldn't be blown down, I was just waiting for karma to drop an airplane on top of the building. I guess having everyone stuck in elevators will have to do for now.

Then we got the big sign that said, "CA$H FA$T! I'LL BUY YOUR HOUSE ANY CONDITION!" outside of Alex and Jo's place so I was waiting for them to blow up the house when they tried to light the gas stove. I had to laugh when Jo suggested they use the day for a second honeymoon and Alex's reaction was "With no food?" I see where your priorities are, Karev!

Although it was good to see that Alex felt a responsibility to be at the hospital because he's the interim chief, part of me was glad that Bailey was there to take care of all the organizational stuff. She's good in this kind of crisis, as we saw when she quickly decided who would go where and how to use the space best to treat trauma patients.

Karev and Jo's "uh oh, are we not married?" thing was funny only because the same thing happened to me. Mr. EB and I signed all the documents after the ceremony and put them in a manila envelope. Much later, I opened the big scrapbook we had used as our guest book and in the very back between the last page and the back cover, I found a manila envelope with our paperwork. I was like OMFG, DID WE NEVER MAIL THIS PAPERWORK?! ARE WE NOT MARRIED? I don't think people HAVE to get married and I know that it's just a piece of paper, but I just thought it was hilarious that we thought we were married for all this time (and it was MUCH longer for us than it's been since Jo and Alex's wedding). And then I remembered that after we got married, I added Mr. EB to my health insurance because my employer had better coverage and prices. I was like crap, is it insurance fraud if we never actually got married? It turned out that what I found was just our copy of the paperwork, but still.

Ugh, Schitt needs to STFU. There's no need to be rude to HAOG who is trying to be professional and courteous about helping with your patient. I was kind of hoping that Schmitt's arrogance would end up killing the patient in a horrible way so that he would get fired. I am so disappointed that HAOG was at all moved by Schmitt's D&D speech to the point that they were having ambulance sex. When that electrical line crackled overhead, I found myself wondering if there was any way for it to hit the ambulance in a way that would kill Schmitt but not HAOG.

I totally cracked up when Maggie told Meredith about how Jackson said she doesn't talk about her feelings and Meredith said that Jackson should do surgery with her more often. I was actually thinking the same thing since Maggie (and half the doctors here) treat the OR like a confessional.

Even though it's been established that the nurses at GS are just background characters, I would love to have a scene where the nurses are all sitting around gossiping about all the personal shit that the doctors discuss/fight about in the middle of surgeries.

Speaking of having personal discussions in the OR, Owen was driving me crazy. Teddy said she wanted to talk to you LATER. She specifically said she didn't want to discuss it here and now, so what's your response? To badger her during surgery in front of Jackson, the nurses, and the rest of the staff about whether she's sick or what. But that's Owen - refusing to respect personal boundaries after someone has told you what they are. Has it ever occurred to you that not everyone wants to discuss their personal lives surrounded by ten other people? Let's say Owen was correct and Teddy had some kind of illness. Do you think she wants to announce it in front of other people, including her former coworkers and random strangers who have been hired since she left? When she finally told him in the OR in front of all those people and he was speechless and everyone else froze or their heads jerked up, I just laughed and laughed. You asked for it, Owen. You wanted to have this discussion in the OR! Jackson's reaction was hilarious: "Congratulations...?"

On a similar note, Maggie was all bent out of shape because she thought Meredith wasn't on her side about the Jackson situation, just because Meredith wasn't discussing it in the OR in front of people who are Jackson's coworkers.

And no, Meredith, you and Maggie aren't even because you both violated HIPAA. That's not how it works.

OF COURSE Maggie's reaction was to immediately tell Jackson that Catherine is sick. Ugh. I know that when someone confronts her about it, she is going to justify it by saying that she didn't know her mother was sick and she wishes that someone had told her sooner. Who cares about the legalities of patient confidentiality when Maggie has feelings about something?

Normally I like Richard, but assuming that Catherine is cheating on him just because Koracik answered her phone? First of all, the fact that you don't trust your wife says a lot about both you and your relationship. Secondly, STFU. Just because you cheated on your spouse doesn't mean that Catherine is going to do the same.

I LOVE that Richard pointed out exactly what I said when Bailey decided to have this marriage sabbatical - having Ben move out of the house isn't going to magically make you stop worrying about him dying every day at work!

  • Love 16

This episode was cringe-worthy from start to finish. Maggie incessantly whining about her "problems" with Jackson while examining and operating on patients. cringe

Meredith violating HIPAA. cringe

Meredith and Deluca, who have zero chemistry and nothing in common. cringe

Teddy announcing her pregnancy to a room full of people during surgery. cringe

Glasses and Nico (?). cringe X a million Glasses is uber-annoying -- more annoying even than Maggie -- and I wanted nothing more than for them to be somehow electrocuted or otherwise eliminated in that ambulance. Another "couple" with zero chemistry and Glasses is just really childish and whiny.

Jo and Alex will probably have to get re-married, depending on how long it's been since their wedding. Marriage licenses do expire, and I'm sure there was a reason it was mentioned.

  • Love 16

I actually thought this episode was good.  

I don't want to stick up for Maggie but I feel you guys are not calling out Avery enough here.  Yes Maggie is annoying and selfish but Avery is sort of mess.  He's not over April and I don't think he thought she would get married to someone so quickly.  Also Maggie is right, texting random girls while you are in relationship is sketchy.  He could be talking to a therapist about the same issues.  

Meredith and Delucca:  I am into it...I know...

Jo and Alex:  They still bore me.  I am not excited by them as a couple and have never been. 

Someone explain to me who Betty is...yes I know she lives with Owen and Amelia but at first I thought she was their nanny...also I can we get rid of her...because all these Bettycentric plots are annoying.

I am glad Teddy told Owen but Owen isn't into Teddy romantically, he only uses her as an emotional security blanket when he can't have the person he actually wants.  I feel bad for her because she generally loves him but she is his back burner girl.  

I mean Richard, I love Richard he's the only Grey's character that when he's hurt, I actually feel my normally cold heart melting for...

Edited by dmc
  • Love 5
17 hours ago, DEL901 said:

And I did like Delucca telling it straight up to the matchmaker that there was a good chance the transplant wouldn't work but she wanted to go ahead anyway and go out fighting.  I understood her POV, but it bothered me that she was taking a chance to live away from someone with a fighting chance.  Especially when they also explained that she was way down the transplant list because she was high risk but with the storm, or something, she could have the organs.

I did not get this at all. Are doctors in the US not obligated to tell their patients the risks of procedures and such? I wondered why he was apologizing and then why for fuck's sake Meredith said she was proud of him because not every doctor would be brave (???) enough to say it? Like, what the hell? That should have been the second thing out of her mouth when she told CeCe about the organs.

11 hours ago, Court said:

Ugh ugh Meredith why did you tell Maggie?


Maggie is a self righteous, self involved immature brat. I can't stand her. No one told you to tell Jackson about his mom! I hope this leads to a huge fight between Mere and Maggie. 

Same! I never expected Maggie to tell Jackso, silly of me I know, and figured Mere told her so she would support Jackson once Catherine broke the news to him herself.

10 hours ago, Joana said:

I wonder if this is going to be addressed in the next episode(s). Despite the storm, everyone managed to make it to the hospital, including someone who doesn't even work there, except for the Chief of Surgery Everything. That really doesn't reflect well on him. 

I doubt it. Maybe Bailey will fire him and take her job back, because she'll feel back to normal (and realize this job is what she needs to calm down/distract her from Ben's job or whatever kind of nonsense) just because of what Richard said to her.

8 hours ago, Starscream said:

I was actually more irritated with Maggie for her attitude towards Teddy than blabbing about Catherine.  She should be begging Teddy not to report her, not badgering her about telling Hunt.

I was like, 'get off your high horse, Maggie, just yesterday you ran off while the man you claim to love was opening up about his feelings/issues  because you asked him to and now all you can do is comment on the weather when you see him again'. The not begging hadn't even occurred to me but yes, she should've been on her knees, kissing the ground Teddy was walking on.

8 hours ago, NUguy514 said:

The morons who write this show clearly have no idea how strong wind needs to be to accomplish some of those injuries, and frankly, until Seattle is capable of being hit by a Category 5 hurricane or an EFC 4 or 5 tornado (which will be loooooooooong after we're all dead), those injuries will remain completely unrealistic.


What, is Owen going to run back to Teddy now?  That would be just like his capricious ass.  He looked like he was going to dump Amelia immediately.  I've actually been liking Amelia a lot this season, and Teddy's become insufferable, so that would be his loss.

I was so confused about those terrible winds. All we saw was a cardboard box moving over the ground and Alex & Jo being all like "oh no, we can't leave the house" which was ridiculous. As was HAOG getting blown against the ambulance.

On 15-11-2018 at 8:56 AM, GSMHvisitor said:

Thank you!

WTF, though?? That sounds like utter nonsense! And they got a press release mention for that?

As a Jolex fan I find this really annoying. Can their stories and interactions be deeper than a puddle just for once?


7 hours ago, renatae said:

Alex let on that he knows what ramekins are. There's that.

Which just proves your point.

And there was an Izzie mention, which kinda felt like foreboding to me in combination with not filing the marriage certificate... are we even sure he and Izzie got divorced? Did he ever submit those papers?

6 hours ago, Sentient Meat said:

I've always liked Karev, but I can't stand Jo's voice and for me she's the least credible medical genius I've ever seen cast. 

Such a medical genius that she hasn't done any of the work on her idea that practically overtook her honeymoon. The only thing we saw was in an earlier episode when she and Bailey were talking about which mechanisms or proteins or whatever to use and she, in  all her medical genius, remarked that she had no idea there were so many possibilities...

2 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Then we got the big sign that said, "CA$H FA$T! I'LL BUY YOUR HOUSE ANY CONDITION!" outside of Alex and Jo's place so I was waiting for them to blow up the house when they tried to light the gas stove. I had to laugh when Jo suggested they use the day for a second honeymoon and Alex's reaction was "With no food?" I see where your priorities are, Karev!


I totally cracked up when Maggie told Meredith about how Jackson said she doesn't talk about her feelings and Meredith said that Jackson should do surgery with her more often. I was actually thinking the same thing since Maggie (and half the doctors here) treat the OR like a confessional.


Speaking of having personal discussions in the OR, Owen was driving me crazy. Teddy said she wanted to talk to you LATER. She specifically said she didn't want to discuss it here and now, so what's your response? To badger her during surgery in front of Jackson, the nurses, and the rest of the staff about whether she's sick or what. But that's Owen - refusing to respect personal boundaries after someone has told you what they are. Has it ever occurred to you that not everyone wants to discuss their personal lives surrounded by ten other people? Let's say Owen was correct and Teddy had some kind of illness. Do you think she wants to announce it in front of other people, including her former coworkers and random strangers who have been hired since she left? When she finally told him in the OR in front of all those people and he was speechless and everyone else froze or their heads jerked up, I just laughed and laughed. You asked for it, Owen. You wanted to have this discussion in the OR! Jackson's reaction was hilarious: "Congratulations...?"

On a similar note, Maggie was all bent out of shape because she thought Meredith wasn't on her side about the Jackson situation, just because Meredith wasn't discussing it in the OR in front of people who are Jackson's coworkers.


When we first saw that exterior shot of their house I thought it was some abandoned place where Betty was hiding/drugging.

Meredith's delivery was perfect. Even I was tuning out Maggie at that point.

Yeah, Owen is such an ass.

34 minutes ago, Jillybean said:

This episode was cringe-worthy from start to finish. Maggie incessantly whining about her "problems" with Jackson while examining and operating on patients. cringe

Was she actually examining or operating? Felt like she was just standing there talking, while Meredith tried keeping the patient alive and teaching the intern.

2 minutes ago, krankydoodle said:

Did I miss some Nico scenes in previous episodes? Because I don't know anything about him except that he showed up at the same time as Linc and is strangely attracted to Glasses.

No, that's about it.

  • Love 12
19 hours ago, Joana said:

And most importantly, there was a reference to Jo living in her car! Phew, I was already worried that this crucial piece of infomation has been forgotten! 

I was so annoyed when that came up--I was really hoping we could continue the trend of no living in my car references. And are we supposed to believe she cooked meals in her car using a Bunsen (sp) burner? hooked up to what? I may have mis-seen that part.

I was really hoping Glasses would get electrocuted when that line came down; I was so disappointed it didn't happen.

The scene with Ben coming over to board up the windows was bizarre for so many reasons (a) you're going to do that in the middle of the storm? it was already there. and where did you get all those boards right quick? (b) Bailey worrying about waking up Tuck--is he aging down? he's a teenager; not a baby; who the heck cares if he wakes up while someone boards up the windows; and (c) no one else on the show was bothering with that.

On HIPAA--(a) Catherine can't sue; there is no right to sue under HIPAA; she can complain to OCR---she might have a complaint under state law; (b) Maggie didn't violate HIPAA; she was not a treating physician/didn't receive the info in that role. Meredith on the other hand. . . (c) but this is normal for this show. We've seen worse.

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Also, I was pissed that the matchmaker lady got the organs that should have gone to others.   That blonde intern really pissed me off because she was one of the ones almost jumping for joy when the impaled patients came into the ER, and she was so gleeful that the other woman died so that the organs would be available to the matchmaker.  

I'd like to see Glasses and blonde intern gone by the end of the season, either by death or by firing. 

  • Love 9

I'm not getting Mere with Linc or with Deluca. Korasic is fine. So either pair her up with him or make Linc/Deluca something that they think about but doesn't work--and introduce some other character she can date and have chemistry with.

I thought Avery was overly snappy complaining to Maggie about talking about the weather--given that they've established it's such a terrible storm that people need to board up windows. Talking about that is different than "hot enough for you?"

I hated Owen acting like he's thinking of dumping Amelia the minute Teddy is pregnant. Not a big Amelia fan but they were becoming a cute family unit; I understand Owen being shocked but no reason to react like he did. I always hate it when character blurt out things in the middle of surgery. I hope real surgeons actually focus on what they are doing.

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6 hours ago, dmc said:

Someone explain to me who Betty is...yes I know she lives with Owen and Amelia but at first I thought she was their nanny...

Betty is the mother of Owen's foster child. She's a teen ex machina: the reason Owen and Amelia began to share a home again, with Owen inviting Betty to stay with him and Leo so that she could feel connected, and Amelia choosing to sponsor Betty at very close range. She'll play a crucial plot point in the ultimate resolution of the Owen/Amelia/Teddy/Leo/baby-to-be-named-later storyline. 

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