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S15.E07: Anybody Have a Map?

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Maggie is so annoying. Her text to Meredith at the end about the world ending just showed how immature and annoying she is. How old is she like 14? Who talks like that at 30. They need to just give up on Jackson and Maggie. It’s not working and probably never will.

I agree whoever said Meredith and Koracik have good chemistry. I liked watching the 2 of them together. Deluca and Meredith is already a bust to me. They don’t go well together and have no chemistry. Linc is better than Deluca but still Koracik. Sometimes this shows pushes the most annoying ppl together.

Sad about Catherine but I actually kind of forgot about her being on the show lol.

Edited by Marley
  • Love 17

Huh. I kind of liked Frankie in the few short scenes we got of her. I wish she was more established. The one thing about this series is that it doesn't utilize its nurses nearly enough. We've had a couple of nurses appear over the years, but they've been few and far in between. 

Richard's story was truly sad and they've been building it up for a while. I actually thought the bar scene where he's letting his anger out was a great scene. I've never been a fan of Richard but I thought this episode was stellar for him. 

I did feel bad for the Catherine stuff, but I'm not particularly invested in her story either. I did love the Koracick and Meredith stuff. They really do work pretty well together and would rather these two got together than Meredith/Andrew.  

So, Maggie and Jackson finally have an honest conversation. On paper, these two just aren't as compatible. Both have added to their issues that led to this episode. It's not just Maggie who's messed up, but Jackson's made a few mistakes as well. I guess it was good to hear these two really hash things out.

I guess I kind of get Maggie's anger at Jackson texting other women....but at the same time, she just sounds extremely jealous, which is a shitty look. I get it was really a mask for other issues, but I think Maggie's been looking for an out, even more so since he left, and she never stopped to really support him in this. Her consistent obsession with him texting other women just sounded petty. We get it; you're jealous that Jackson was texting other women, but she never considered that Jackson can be friends with other women, and that it HAD to be about sex. And her freak-out about Jackson texting April was....what? Maggie, they have a child together and were friends for about a decade. Of course they're gonna talk. 

Seriously, though, this episode portrayed Maggie worse than Jackson, I really believe that. Jackson basically called her out on her running away and ending relationships down the road while she's still in them, and then she proved him right. I don't want to pile on Maggie just because I don't care for her, but even looking at it objectively, Maggie is making some huge mistakes this season. She wrote Jackson off the moment he left. This episode seemed like it was her making excuses for them to break up, as if she's not into him anymore. I honestly thought that Maggie somehow got Dean from Station 19's number and was texting him. 

It would have been a twist if Maggie had stuck around after Jackson poured his heart out to her. Alas, the show is determined to break the two up by having Maggie cheat, aren't they? We're getting a Grey's version of "WE WERE ON A BREAK!" or they're going to talk about breaking up next episode and Maggie will then sleep with Dean from Station 19. Either way, I simply don't get what they're trying to do with Maggie because they're not making her look great. It's like they had her already checked out of the relationship long before he got back and she was just using an excuse to leave him. I don't know what else Jackson can do because this is entirely a Maggie problem and she's the only one who can make the next move now.

  • Love 9

Why oh why have they had Jackson find god?   I felt for Maggie when Jackson told her that if he'd had this epiphany earlier, he and April would still be together.  

Poor Richard.  Not a huge Catherine fan... did I miss why she had Meredith and not Amelia consult on a brain tumor?

As for the baby, I'm surprised they didn't have Owen around scooping it up.

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One thing I like about Koracik is that he knows how to read a room. He immediately knew that Meredith was not comfortable flying and right before thye took off, he asked if it would easier for her if he kept talking to distract her or if he shut up. I like him more and more every week. His drink order on the plane cracked me up too.

The look on Meredith's face when she walked into Catherine's hospital room and saw her singing with Koracik was great. I understand why Catherine hesitated to tell Richard anything until she knew for sure what her condition was. Some people don't want to worry anyone unnecessarily and knowing that her husband is an alcoholic just complicates matters. But I liked what Meredith told her - whatever her prognosis, she shouldn't cut people out of her life. And if Richard can't handle it, that's his choice to make, not hers. Part of me feels that your illness is YOUR illness and you shouldn't have to announce it to everyone. But your husband isn't just anyone. He is your husband! Your spouse should be the person you are closest to in the world. If you can't share everything with your spouse, why are you married to this person?

I knew Frankie would die because although she's not Geena Davis famous, she's a well known enough actress that they wouldn't cast her as a glorified extra (and let's be honest - that's what the nurses usually are on this show). I can't lie though - I wasn't mad at Richard for bashing up the bottles in the bar that offered shots in exchange for people's AA chips.

Oh, Maggie. While I don't think it was cool for Jackson to run off on his God quest without even having the common courtesy to tell Maggie that he was leaving town for an indefinite amount of time (and dude, he informed his employer he was leaving before he thought to tell his girlfriend), her immediate assumption that he was having sex with some other girl just showed her emotional immaturity. Girl, calm down! It might actually be worse that he was "only" sharing his feelings with this girl. I don't think that he's interested in having a relationship with this girl, but I do think that there's a problem when you're being emotionally intimate with someone in a way that you aren't with the person you're dating.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
missing a letter
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Great stuff all around... aside from the Maggie/Jackson scenes. Really, Maggie, you're mad that he's talking to the mother of his child? I thought it was so refreshing when they finally sat to have a rational conversation and then she blew it. Running off + sending that dramatic text to Meredith was so cringe. If I was Jackson, that would be the end for me. She needs to work on her emotional maturity. 

I loved the turn of Richard not drinking but instead having a sort of emotional explosion. I think we all assumed he'd turn to a drink, but that scene was even more powerful because it was unexpected. Great material for James Pickens. 

I liked all the Meredith / Tom interactions, too. I'm so glad they kept him around this season. Catharine has gotten more enjoyable as a character over the last season or so and I felt for her in the episode. Jackson and Richard finding out will be tough. 

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Words cannot express just how much I don't care for all the Maggie/Jackson drama. What the hell is that. At least "Friends" had the courtesy to keep Rachel and Ross together for an entire season or so before their BS started. Also, the decision to write April out is getting weirder with each episode. 

I'm sure Catherine will be miraculously saved, so I can't get too invested into that. I'm glad Richard didn't fall off the wagon - now that's a rare example of a Grey's storyline that's actually been followed through lately.

Teddy telling Owen about the baby is going to be winter finale cliffhanger, isn't it?

Edited by Joana
  • Love 19

Just dump him, Maggie. Jackson is a spoilt self-indulgent manchild who is attempting to justify his horrible behavior by putting it onto her. He runs away and is now having emotional affairs with two other women at the same time. April's marriage clearly won't last long at this rate which isn't a surprise. Jackson is an ass. Maggie can do better and deserves better. I liked her better with DeLuca anyway.

Richard was ridiculous smashing up that bar. I can't bring myself to care about Catherine's cancer because I am sure that she will be fine.

Edited by SimoneS
  • Love 7
19 minutes ago, Dee said:

James Pickens is AMAZING.


Maggie's reaction to Jackson talking to the mother of his child?   Um, yeah, no.  And they didn't even have her acknowledge that her take on that was a little unrealistic.  I get it wasn't talking to April but sharing with April that he objected to,  but she has to know where his head is at as they raise Harriet together.   It is a good thing!  And for her to be jealous of that without acknowledging that it is a little bit wrong... yeah, not okay.

And again, I'm just loath that they are telling this story without April (and I don't even need a Japril reunion but the pain of realizing that they are together and it is too late is something I should be seeing not hearing about.    

5 minutes ago, shantown said:

And after this episode I'm Team Mer/Koracick

Seriously I was all about April/Koracick last year and now this year I can get behind Mer and K.  i don't need it.  But he's an adult.  They have good chemistry.  She's not his student or his teacher. And it gets us more of him.  Win, win, win.

Edited by bybrandy
  • Love 22

Why was Alex in on that surgery in the first place? It wasn't a pediatric surgery. It wasn't even a fetal surgery. The baby was not supposed to come out, and even if it did, they'd have an OB present anyway. 

I don't remember Arizona dealing with pregnancies before her crash course in fetal surgery. It didn't make sense when she started doing it, but at least it was vaguely related to her area of expertise. For Alex it just feels very out of place. 

  • Love 2
10 minutes ago, Laurie4H said:


Maggie was with Deluca so Meredith and Deluca is just wrong.  Same with her being with Koracick since Amelia was with him.  Maybe I’m different than most people but I couldn’t hook up with people my “sisters” were with.


Yes, but presumably you live in a world with billions of people as opposed to the people at ummm ... I honestly don't remember the name of the hospital anymore...   the hospital who live in a world with maybe like 50 people.   And it has been years with Maggie and Deluca and Koracick and Amelia and Maggie Deluca was sort of a real relationship, barely... but Amelia? Eh, I would allow that if it was one of my sisters.   

1 minute ago, Joana said:


Why was Alex in on that surgery in the first place?


Because Kate Capshaw isn't on this show anymore.   

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I appreciated Jackson saying he was grieving he and April ( and their daughter's)  loss.. Personally I think their romance was over and shouldn't have been put back so I'm not really complaining.. Nonetheless they were beat friends and to not make it work is something to b sad about... Maybe in the middle of an already fraught conversation with ur current gf who just listed how she's emotionally ur junior and how ill-equipped she is for complex emotional states wasn't the right time for that nugget... Minus the end when she ran off that was progress... 

What type of scumbag takes sobriety chips for shots... I do think I could be at a place like that

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Joana said:

Why was Alex in on that surgery in the first place? 

My guess is that it’s because otherwise he wouldn’t have been in the episode? I don’t know, the never-before-seen nurse that had an entire hospital floor crying over her got the fast-forward treatment from me this week. I was thankful for an episode with no Owen/Amelia though! More of those please!

Edited by shantown
Clumsy thumbs
  • Love 13

That 'chips for shots' offer was disgusting. That bartender was lucky Richard didn't go upside his head with that bat. To trivialize the struggle of sobriety like that is just loathsome. 

Jackson, if what you need from your partner is a deeper emotional connection that's fine. Your needs are your needs. But you have to use your big boy words and say that. Texting with your ex for anything beyond your shared child is not okay. 

Maggie, when your partner vocalizes his emotional needs along with his concerns about you meeting them, the correct response is *not* to reassure them you can handle it then turn around and storm out. If you can't go that deep then say so and own it.

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29 minutes ago, hookedontv said:

I’m tired of Maggie acting like she’s 14 years old. And Maggie always has a look on her face as if she’s smelling something stinky. Sorry. 

Also she keeps using her age as an excuse. I know she’s younger than a lot of the other characters but she references it all the time and it seems a lot of time in regards to her relationships, like to Jackson, “you’ve lived so much.. “ ugh. 

  • Love 15

I have never been a Jackson/Maggie shipper. I never saw them together, next felt any chemistry from them, and was holding out for a Jackson/April reconciliation (until it was announced Sarah was being let go last season). So I do hope the Jaggie relationship comes to a halt, but if not, I don't see where the writers are going with this story. If they want them together, why not write a stronger story? If they are going to break them up before they really get started, why even bother in the first place? I have never been a fan of shows that constantly see saw relationships, because they are under the mistaken notion that relationship turmoil is inherently more interesting than stable, happy relationships. 

I had a sinking feeling Frankie wouldn't survive this episode, just because she was a fun character we had never seen before. I wonder what it was that finally killed her? I mean, I know her spleen was bleeding, but they removed it and she was still bleeding. Was there some sort of mistake or did they miss something? I am glad Richard didn't start drinking again (we have already been down that storyline before), so it will be interesting to see how it plays out with his arrest.

I always enjoy some good Koracic and that was definitely true this episode. I find him interesting, because he balances that snarky, sarcastic side with genuine empathy and the ability to be a good friend and listener when it is needed. While I am not rooting for him to hook up with Meredith (I like them as fellow surgeons and friends), I wouldn't run screaming from the room, just because he is her equal. 

  • Love 12
5 minutes ago, ForeverAlone said:

I had a sinking feeling Frankie wouldn't survive this episode, just because she was a fun character we had never seen before. I wonder what it was that finally killed her? I mean, I know her spleen was bleeding, but they removed it and she was still bleeding. Was there some sort of mistake or did they miss something?

When it all went to crap, Richard said she was in DIC (disseminated intravascular coagulation): https://www.merckmanuals.com/home/blood-disorders/bleeding-due-to-clotting-disorders/disseminated-intravascular-coagulation-dic

  • Love 3
44 minutes ago, hookedontv said:

I’m tired of Maggie acting like she’s 14 years old. And Maggie always has a look on her face as if she’s smelling something stinky. Sorry. 

Also having Jackson point out that Maggie never confronts anything. She runs away or just acts like she is some kid. Then having it where Maggie says that Jackson is: "Ahead of her" in the relationship department. I wanted to go: "What the hell is wrong with you? You are in the late 20s, not 14 anymore. I'm sorry, they tried this with April with her whole: "I'm a virgin who grew up on a farm." At one point in your life, you stop living under mom and dad's roof. You have to make adult decisions and it doesn't matter if you are going to medical school at 16 or 12. You grow up, you pay bills, you have to DEAL with other people. I don't care how much Maggie has said her adoptive parents were so great, apparently they never at any point told her to act like an "adult". They failed there and no matter how much the writers want to paint it, Maggie comes off as a poorly written character. 

  • Love 13

Dating is for learning about each other, and it seems Maggie and Jackson are learning that they aren't really good together, regardless of how they feel about each other.   It would be great if the show had them deal with that by having a mature break-up, but this is Grey's, so there will be drama.

I do not understand Maggie very well, but I can see that she's confused.  I'm not sure why she ran out right then.  She was doing fine, both expressing herself and listening to Jackson.  Suddenly, she couldn't handle it anymore. 

  • Love 9
3 hours ago, Joana said:

Why was Alex in on that surgery in the first place? It wasn't a pediatric surgery. It wasn't even a fetal surgery. The baby was not supposed to come out, and even if it did, they'd have an OB present anyway. 

I don't remember Arizona dealing with pregnancies before her crash course in fetal surgery. It didn't make sense when she started doing it, but at least it was vaguely related to her area of expertise. For Alex it just feels very out of place. 

Cause he and Jo are gonna adopt the baby. 

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, WhosThatGirl said:

Also she keeps using her age as an excuse. I know she’s younger than a lot of the other characters but she references it all the time and it seems a lot of time in regards to her relationships, like to Jackson, “you’ve lived so much.. “ ugh. 

She's only a couple years younger than Jackson. A year younger than April. 5 years younger than Meredith. Older than DeLuca. She's been a department head for years. Her age gap is a bullshit excuse. 

And she's 35. 

Edited by Layne
  • Love 21

As someone who is still friends with several of my ex-boyfriends, I have no issue at all with Jackson still being in touch with April. If your relationship wasn't just about sex, then of course you probably still have a friendship even after you break up. There's nothing wrong with that. Your ex can't be the #1 person in your life anymore, but they're still allowed to be in your life, be your friend, and be somewhere in the top 20. On top of that, Jackson knew that April would understand his spiritual struggle. To me, that's about on par with talking with your ex or any friend who's ever been in a situation similar to what you're currently dealing with (death of a parent, about to have a child, a family member with cancer, etc.). It's not automatically a bad thing.

And the fact that April and Jackson have a child means that they will need to be in contact for the rest of their lives. Even though they're divorced, they're still family and it's better for everyone involved if they have a good healthy relationship where they can communicate well. Maggie can't truly expect Jackson to cut April out of his life completely. I know several people who have remained good friends with their exes and are able to happily co-parent (and are married to other people).

Maggie's instant suspicion about the texts and then her immediate jealousy/anger about Jackson texting April tells me that she is not in a place where she can have a mature healthy relationship with Jackson.

Jackson, on the other hand, is not free of blame in this situation either. He didn't even think to tell Maggie he was going on a spiritual walkabout until after he had submitted his leave of absence at the hospital. If you're capable of making plans to leave town and thinking clearly enough to inform your employer, then there is no excuse not to tell your girlfriend. And a text?! Maybe I'm old but I think that deserves a conversation in person or at least a phone call. But a fucking text? Jackson is a big boy so he's allowed to go on a spirit quest or whatever but it seems like the least you could do is tell your significant other in person before you have left the state so she doesn't have to find out about it from your coworkers.

And I get that Jackson needs someone to talk to about all of this religion stuff because he's not wrong about Maggie. But he never expressed any of that to her. He just decided that she wasn't going to discuss it with him so he left and found other people to discuss it with. To put it another way, what if he decided that he wasn't getting enough sex from her so he just left town and started fucking other people? If the person you're with isn't fulfilling your needs, whatever they may be, the first thing you need to do is let them know what you need and give them a chance to rectify the situation. It's entirely possible that the other person doesn't even realize that this is an issue in your relationship. It's really not fair to find some kind of replacement in the form of other people before you even give your partner the chance to address whatever the problem is. To me, this says that Jackson is not in a place where he can have a mature healthy relationship with Maggie.

5 hours ago, WhosThatGirl said:

I really want to hit Maggie. April isn’t just “somebody (Jackson) used to sleep with” she’s his ex wife and not even just that, they share a CHILD together. Are you kidding with this reaction?

ITA - she's not some rando he met at a bar. They were best friends, then they got married, then they had a terrible situation with their first baby, then they had another baby. She isn't just some girl. They have a long history and they have a kid! It's really not fair for Maggie to describe her that way, as if she's someone of no consequence from a one night stand.

3 hours ago, shantown said:

the never-before-seen nurse that had an entire hospital floor crying over her got the fast-forward treatment from me this week.


1 hour ago, bybrandy said:

Wasn't Frankie in the first episode this season?  Maybe not the first episode but I swear there was a pregnant nurse complain about Karev not having the schedule done correctly earlier in the season.   

She was two episodes previous to this week (15.3 and 15.4). She was the nurse who complained to Bailey about the schedule on Alex's first day (and they made sure to have Bailey say her name, so I knew that she would get some kind of storyline). She also yelled at Alex and Jo when they were making out in his office that everyone could see them.

1 hour ago, izabella said:

Dating is for learning about each other, and it seems Maggie and Jackson are learning that they aren't really good together, regardless of how they feel about each other.   It would be great if the show had them deal with that by having a mature break-up, but this is Grey's, so there will be drama.

I agree that the point of dating is to get to know each other, but at this point I think all they've learned is that they like having sex with each other. And Jackson has obviously realized that she doesn't want to talk about stuff like his spiritual journey. And that she runs away a lot. What really annoys me is that dating is not a lifelong commitment. The whole point is to get to know each other so you can decide if you are compatible and want to continue seeing each other (as opposed to getting married five minutes after you meet). If you figure out that this is not the right person for you or that there are some major dealbreakers, you break up. It never ceases to amaze me when people find out that the other person has some major dealbreakers and then they continue to keep dating them. I had a friend like that who would complain about all the dealbreakers and then keep dating these people for another six months or a year. Why would you waste your time on a relationship that you know is going nowhere? Why would you waste your time with someone that you know is not compatible with what you want? I'm not talking little things either like "she thinks guacamole is weird." They were MAJOR issues that meant marriage was definitely never going to happen but he just kept dating them and complaining. I feel I should add that marriage is NOT the only goal in relationships, but in my friend's case it was. I don't think Jackson is bound and determined to get married again just for the sake of being married, but I do think he always viewed dating Maggie as more than a fling because they didn't want to jeopardize their parents' family dynamic for a casual sex only relationship.

  • Love 17

I really don’t know if we’re expected to be shipping Jackson and Maggie at this point?

It sort of reminds me of the ill filled Izzie and George relationship. I never ever shipped them, it was a real what the hell is the show doing moment but there were many a time during that terrible era where i really thought the show was trying to make it a thing to take it serious and then they would do something and be like “now you should not be shipping this” and I feel like that’s happening here.

Something tells me that Catherine’s illness will be the make or break it for this romance. Depending on how Maggie supports or doesn’t Jackson will be what determines the romance.

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, WhosThatGirl said:

Something tells me that Catherine’s illness will be the make or break it for this romance. Depending on how Maggie supports or doesn’t Jackson will be what determines the romance.

So they gave Katherine cancer to bond Jaggie over the potentially dying mothers?  Yeah, heaven forbid it be about Maggie stepping up for Richard.   

  • Love 6
3 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

I don't think Jackson is bound and determined to get married again just for the sake of being married, but I do think he always viewed dating Maggie as more than a fling because they didn't want to jeopardize their parents' family dynamic for a casual sex only relationship.

Quoting myself because I just remembered that Jackson brought up marriage with Maggie in the season premiere. If you're even considering marrying this person, then shouldn't you be able to communicate openly and honestly if you feel there is something major missing in your relationship (like the entire emotional intimacy component because she doesn't talk to you about things)?

  • Love 6

I actually knew Catherine was the sick one the minute they started to discussing who it might be. And I knew Richard wouldn't drink in that bar but rather has argue with the owner. I know he did much more than that but still... Greys became so predictible. But I'm glad Richard didn't start drinking again and was hoping Catherine wouldn't have cancer after all.

I didn't like that story with the nurse. It was pointless. All I was thinking during her operation was that Greys could have one more big cliche and bring Addison back. ;D Like she would be there in the right moment and the right time, totally accidentally... It would be so much soap opera plot, but I wouldn't mind because Addie would be back. ;)

Maggie and Jackson are sooo boring together... I don't like Maggie character and she does act like teenager but I get it why she got mad when she saw that text. I mean, come on... the guy can have as many friends as he wants to but he could at least tell her. If it wasn't anything shady he would just tell about it, she would know and everybody would be happy. And heart emojis? You don't sell them to poeple unless you really care for them. ;) Their relationship just lacks honesty and information. If they would just talk to one another it would be much better...

  • Love 4
11 hours ago, WhosThatGirl said:

Yeah it’s confusing that they had no stories left to tell with April when they’re telling one now? 

Does anyone wonder if maybe they're planning on bringing April back? Then DeLuca and Maggie could get together. Then Meredith could get with Linc (even tho I'm not sure about that one yet) If Teddy comes back, and she and Owen end up back together, Amelia could get with Koracek (sp?) because they had a "thing" at one time. Hmmm...makes you think.

All that being said - I wouldn't mind any of this happening except I'd like to see Meredith with Koracek too. If Amelia never graced our screen again, it would be too soon for me. Just don't care for her character. 

Edited by llewis823
added more
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2 hours ago, bybrandy said:

So they gave Katherine cancer to bond Jaggie over the potentially dying mothers?  Yeah, heaven forbid it be about Maggie stepping up for Richard.   

I mean I don’t want it to be about Jackson and Maggie but I would not be surprised if it turns out to be that way. Also considering how the episode ended with Maggie’s text to  Meredith compared to what others were going through... it’s how they write Maggie.

  • Love 4

Ugh, Maggie and Jackson. Never been a fan but that was just awful. And so cliche with the phone, jumping to conclusions, getting her foot injured (despite there being no blood or anything) and then Jackson trying to take care of her foot like she's not the damn head of cardio and could easily fix her foot. Granted, Maggie was being an idiot over the whole foot thing, trying to put on her shoes with glass in her foot and alleged bleeding like wtf? 

I don't blame Jackson for talking to friends who happen to be female about stuff Maggie obviously doesn't take seriously, and I'm saying this as an atheist myself. She mocks him with his "God Quest", can't be bothered to actually talk about it/listen to him and then acts like a thirteen-year-old child about him talking to other people about it. And apparently she's never even asked him about what he was up to during his quest or the friendship with the woman whose name I've already forgotten would have come up.

Now, Jackson isn't blameless here, he could have talked to her about it all sooner. But I can totally see why he didn't when she's being such a moron.

Someone else whose post I apparently forgot to quote mentioned something about how Jackson should have talked to her before going on his God Quest and informed his boss first and texted her after... but as I recall, Maggie had a voicemail from Jackson which she didn't reveal after some other character mentioned his email to everyone (but Maggie) about taking a leave of absence (again, nice you can just decide to do that and go off on your merry way at that hospital!). And we never heard the voicemail IIRC and she didn't say if she got it before he sent the email or after and when she first listened to it. For all we know, he'd tried calling her several times but she was in surgery (off-screen because all the surgeons barely perform surgeries these days) and finally left her a voicemail explaining what was going on.

Not saying that's right, but it's not as bad as a text/email. And considering how she's always fleeing the moment he wants to talk, I can see how telling her about the God Quest she's not taking seriously might be difficult for him, too.

(and oh man, did Jackson really tell her his God epiphany came too late because otherwise he'd still be with April but sure he loves Maggie now?)


What it all boils down to, for me, though is: why do Jackson and Maggie love each other? Seriously, why? What attracts them in each other, why do they care about one another? They can't even talk about something as profound as his religious experience or even his friends and she can't do anything other than look at him, whine/brag about her age/development and accomplishments and run off to buy milk. Honestly, people.


9 hours ago, breezy424 said:

I can't help but think the reason Alex was in the surgery was that he and Jo are going to end up adopting the baby.

I'm weary of the Avery/Maggie storyline.

I really like Richard's storyline but Catherine's has been done before.

I hadn't thought of the adoption thing, but now that you've mentioned it I can definitely see it happening... and they'd call the kid Frankie, probably. I thought Alex was there because they had to get the baby out and Richard was being unreasonable when he said it was too early.

9 hours ago, anna0852 said:

That 'chips for shots' offer was disgusting. That bartender was lucky Richard didn't go upside his head with that bat. To trivialize the struggle of sobriety like that is just loathsome. 


9 hours ago, deaja said:

I didn’t like Richard smashing the bar. The place was disgusting but that doesn’t give him the right to do that.

It was disgusting indeed, but the bartender wasn't wrong when he said that it was Richard who made the decision (paraphrasing), he wasn't forcing him into anything. I figured Richard wouldn't go ahead with drinking it, hoping that actually seeing those shots being poured would change his mind, but I hadn't expected him to be such an idiot and smash the bar. Just a quick google search tells me that, for a healthcare provider like a surgeon, in certain states a criminal conviction including some misdemeanors can constitute professional misconduct and result in suspension or revocation of a medical license.

But I suppose there'll just be some drama with Meredith and Richard keeping it from Catherine and Catherine and Meredith keeping her tumor from Richard instead and go the Alex route, resulting in no consequences for his career whatsoever.

Hoping Catherine will actually die because I can't stand the character/actress. Her tumor story line can cause a rift between Maggie and Jackson, or bring them closer together (ugh) and maybe for once Maggie can actually, you know, interact with Richard and try to support him as well. Maybe Catherine's death will lead to Richard falling off the wagon again but hopefully not, because I'm so over that plot.


1 hour ago, lorbeer said:

I actually knew Catherine was the sick one the minute they started to discussing who it might be. And I knew Richard wouldn't drink in that bar but rather has argue with the owner. I know he did much more than that but still... Greys became so predictible. But I'm glad Richard didn't start drinking again and was hoping Catherine wouldn't have cancer after all.

I didn't like that story with the nurse. It was pointless. All I was thinking during her operation was that Greys could have one more big cliche and bring Addison back. ;D Like she would be there in the right moment and the right time, totally accidentally... It would be so much soap opera plot, but I wouldn't mind because Addie would be back. ;)

Maggie and Jackson are sooo boring together... I don't like Maggie character and she does act like teenager but I get it why she got mad when she saw that text. I mean, come on... the guy can have as many friends as he wants to but he could at least tell her. If it wasn't anything shady he would just tell about it, she would know and everybody would be happy. And heart emojis? You don't sell them to poeple unless you really care for them. ;) Their relationship just lacks honesty and information. If they would just talk to one another it would be much better...

Totally agree, saw both coming as well. And ugh, the stupid story with the nurse. It would have been much more credible if it had been Boki (sp?) or the redhead nurse who've been appearing on the show every now and then for years. Boki is probably too old (although I'm not sure how old she actually is, just gives me the impression), but they could have given the story to the redhead which would have been far more credible with the IVF (why couldn't Frankie just use a sperm donor?) because she's older.

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23 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

One thing I like about Koracik is that he knows how to read a room. He immediately knew that Meredith was not comfortable flying and right before thye took off, he asked if it would easier for her if he kept talking to distract her or if he shut up. I like him more and more every week. His drink order on the plane cracked me up too.

The look on Meredith's face when she walked into Catherine's hospital room and saw her singing with Koracik was great. I understand why Catherine hesitated to tell Richard anything until she knew for sure what her condition was. Some people don't want to worry anyone unnecessarily and knowing that her husband is an alcoholic just complicates matters. But I liked what Meredith told her - whatever her prognosis, she shouldn't cut people out of her life. And if Richard can't handle it, that's his choice to make, not hers. Part of me feels that your illness is YOUR illness and you shouldn't have to announce it to everyone. But your husband isn't just anyone. He is your husband! Your spouse should be the person you are closest to in the world. If you can't share everything with your spouse, why are you married to this person?

I knew Frankie would die because although she's not Geena Davis famous, she's a well known enough actress that they wouldn't cast her as a glorified extra (and let's be honest - that's what the nurses usually are on this show). I can't lie though - I wasn't mad at Richard for bashing up the bottles in the bar that offered shots in exchange for people's AA chips.

Oh, Maggie. While I don't think it was cool for Jackson to run off on his God quest without even having the common courtesy to tell Maggie that he was leaving town for an indefinite amount of time (and dude, he informed his employer he was leaving before he thought to tell his girlfriend), her immediate assumption that he was having sex with some other girl just showed her emotional immaturity. Girl, calm down! It might actually be worse that he was "only" sharing his feelings with this girl. I don't think that he's interested in having a relationship with this girl, but I do think that there's a problem when you're being emotionally intimate with someone in a way that you aren't with the person you're dating.

agree; agree; agree.

I love Koracik. He's not just one note--he says his over the top things but reels it in at the right moments. He's believable.

I get Catherine's hesitation. I know she didn't bring this up as a reason--but for me, I've hesitated to tell my husband things before because telling him makes it real. I once had chest pains for a few days and ended up driving myself to the hospital after work. It was kind of awkward to call him "Hey, I'm in the ER because I wanted to get this checked out." and it was the first he'd heard of it--but I was trying to convince myself it was nothing (turns out it was) and telling him made it real.

Was Frankie ever on the show before? I don't remember her. I certainly suspected death the minute she showed up--along with how weird it was for Richard to be her treating physician. Too bad Arizona wasn't around. I was distracted by the constant crowd of nurses hanging out watching her exams. I guess she welcomed in her entire village. I would be fine with updating my colleagues but I don't need them all watching my ultrasound.

I'm sure Maggie and Jackson will end up back together (darn). At least they talked like real people for a bit. I agree with others--it doesn't make sense for her to be that out of shape about talking to April or even having April feelings. You know you are dating a guy who has been married and has a child--you don't have to like those feelings but you should expect to deal with them.

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9 minutes ago, Efzee said:

from Richard instead and go the Alex route, resulting in no consequences for his career whatsoever.

I think this bugs me more than the rest of it. Another storyline to just be resolved with no consequences. (See also- Maggie HIPAA, Alex assault, and a thousand other examples going back to Cristina and Burke covering his tremor).

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