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32 minutes ago, blondiec0332 said:

Jenny has said after she became a co host Barbara wanted her to assume the conservative role.

10 minutes ago, RHJunkie said:

She also shared a story about how she made a pop culture reference during a topic and got kicked under the table or something and was questioned by Barbara afterward about what she was talking about. I haven't been a steady viewer of the show so I can't attest to the content throughout the years, but it does seem like today's content mixes in pop culture with politics more than the days of Jenny and Sherri. The political content is more divisive today but in quantity, it seems less than the days of Barbara. Given her reputation of being a very proud person, I can see why she wouldn't want to attach her name to a show that wasn't anything but serious content because she is a serious journalist.

My comment that Jenny was brought on when they were trying to steer The View away from politics comes from this Vulture article on the new Ladies Who Punch book.


As she waited for an offer, she pursued an opportunity with CBS for her own daytime show. It would be filmed in Chicago, where she lived with Evan, but Jenny didn’t want to become another celebrity with a flop in the afternoon. She believed, perhaps naïvely, that there would be more job security on The View. “I would rather be on a show that’s established,” she told herself.

That summer, in 2013, CBS tried to get her to sign with them. Jenny called Geddie on the July 4 weekend to let him know that she was about to accept the deal.

“Shit,” he said. “Give me an hour.”

Geddie had been trying to find the perfect co-host to replace Joy and Elisabeth Hasselbeck, to bring more pop-culture expertise to The View. Since the network wanted the show to steer clear of politics, the new hire would need to be fluent in celebrity gossip and reality TV, such as The Bachelor and Dancing With the Stars. That was the winning formula on The Talk, which still trailed The View in the ratings. Geddie had tested Brooke Shields for the new seat, but market research revealed that viewers found her too stiff. “I liked her,” Geddie said. “For some reason, our audience never warmed to her.” Another option: the comedian Ali Wentworth, from In Living Color, who was married to GMA co-anchor George Stephanopoulos.

Since Barbara didn’t feel strongly about any of the options, she let Geddie choose his favorite. “I always thought early on, if we could have gotten Jenny McCarthy, we would have,” he told me. “She was too big of a name then.” He made the case to ABC, and they drafted a contract. “I thought that for the show they wanted to do, she was a good choice.”

Edited by General Days
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Just now, General Days said:

My comment that Jenny was brought on when they were trying to steer The View away from politics comes from this Vulture article on the new Ladies Who Punch book.

I ordered the book the moment I heard about it--actually one for me and one for my best friend (since 1948) who watches "The View," and likes both Whoopi and Meghan (her favorites, but Joy is "okay").  I didn't say she was my brightest or most discerning friend.   Amazon promises arrival on the first sale day, April 2.

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6 hours ago, blondiec0332 said:

Quoted from the above about the release of O'Donnell's memoir after the events of her first season on the show:


According to Setoodeh, O’Donnell sent a copy of her book to Walters, who wasn’t speaking to her at the time. The book portrayed Walters as narcissistic boss who, among many issues, became annoyed when fans in the show’s live audience would praise O’Donnell. O’Donnell also wrote that she felt it was time for Walters to retire, and blamed Geddie for keeping Walters on air well past her retirement age.

This has got to be the funniest damn thing I've ever read. That she would actually send the book to her pre-release for Walters to read that. I was LMAO. But then the rest of the story:


Walters was infuriated, according to Setoodeh, and gave a copy of the book to ABC News and ordered them to deal with the impending fallout. ABC management arranged to have the book leaked to the New York Post, but there were strings attached, Setoodeh says. The Post could get the exclusive, as long as they framed O’Donnell as the villain and had psychologists analyze her mental health for the story based solely on reading the book.

Doing so would violate the so-called Goldwater Rule by the American Psychiatric Association, which says that psychiatrists should never offer their professional opinion unless they have examined a patient themselves.

ABC ― whose own news standards say that psychiatrists can’t be quoted breaking the Goldwater Rule ― engineered the hit piece, according to Setoodeh.

In the fall of 2007, the Post published a story with the headline “In the mind of Rosie O’Drama.”

The story started this way:

Ranting Rosie O’Donnell is full of rage, has a profound distrust of men, craves public adoration, shows signs of post-traumatic stress disorder and dishes out her anger mostly to women because of deep-seated abandonment issues over her mother’s death, said a psychiatrist after reading her latest memoir, “Celebrity Detox.”

O’Donnell never knew that Walters was behind the organized leak of her book, Setoodeh writes. 

Just wow. Barbara should be ashamed for that. Back when Rosie returned for her 2nd season, she seemed to be giving Rosie the go-ahead to takeover the show after her retirement. Maybe she considered that her way of making up for the above (among other things).

I've heard Rosie talk elsewhere about The View post-her 2nd season (I believe it was the Andy Cohen appearance with Joy Behar) and she mentioned the dysfunction behind the scenes of the View "family," and brought up someone having baby from an affair with a co-worker. Now that was explained here as being a reference to Gentile.

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I will never look at Barbara or Rosie the same again. Though I do love Rosie I feel Rosie has a lot of unresolved issues with her childhood that is causing her to have outbursts of anger and thats why she may not be all there when she may get angry, which is why a lot of the staff is in fear of needing to call human resources. 

A lot of what is said about Whoopi her behaviour has changed over the years. In 2014/2015 Whoopi would SCREAM over the table and not let one person speak with their own opinion. Yes there are days where she is coming for Sunny but not as hard or nearly to the degree as she would back in 2014/2015. What I am getting off of this is that Whoopi was in distress during that time just with the show had a lot of shake ups to the point where you don't know who is even coming on or not with different guest co-hosts every single day. 

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I remember Rosie's book being rather fair to Barbara -- if anyone is a villain in it, it's Trump. And Rosie writes about the big blow-up in the dressing room after the winter break when all the shit hit the fan.

Get it from the library if you can. Some of the language is really flowery and cringeworthy, but there's some good dirt in there.

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1 hour ago, JakeyJokes said:

I remember Rosie's book being rather fair to Barbara -- if anyone is a villain in it, it's Trump. And Rosie writes about the big blow-up in the dressing room after the winter break when all the shit hit the fan.

Get it from the library if you can. Some of the language is really flowery and cringeworthy, but there's some good dirt in there.

Barbara said some awful stuff  about Rosie to Trump and he told the world about it. Barbara never denied she said those things and that hurt Rosie.  Rosie expects too much from people and when they disappoint her like Barbara and Elizabeth, she lashes out in a way that backfires on her..

Edited by Apprentice79
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40 minutes ago, Apprentice79 said:

Barbara said some awful stuff  about Rosie to Trump and he told the world about it. Barbara never denied she said those things and that hurt Rosie.  Rosie expects too much from people and when they disappoint her like Barbara and Elizabeth, she lashes out in a way that backfires on her..

While I admire Barbara for all her accomplishments she hasn't always treated her co hosts well.  In addition to how she treated Rosie Star Jones was unhappy with her because she hired Rosie after Rosie has said some things about Star's weight loss.  It was reported that Star said how could you hire her after how she spoke about me.

And speaking of Star I'm waiting for all the dirt about her.

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32 minutes ago, blondiec0332 said:

While I admire Barbara for all her accomplishments she hasn't always treated her co hosts well.  In addition to how she treated Rosie Star Jones was unhappy with her because she hired Rosie after Rosie has said some things about Star's weight loss.  It was reported that Star said how could you hire her after how she spoke about me.

And speaking of Star I'm waiting for all the dirt about her.

I think that Barbara was very shady to the ladies at some point or another.   They all have Barbara Walters stories.  I remember her not letting Sherry come on a show because she determined that she was not smart enough to participate with the guest that was there that day.  Towards the end of her run, Whoopie was over her.  Barbara used to let her know that she was the boss and not her. At one point, Whoopie offered to leave on the air if that would make her happy and Barbara backtracked real fast..  I will always love Star for telling us live on air that her contract was not renewed when Barbara wanted her to say that she was leaving. She was banned from ABC and Barbara trashed her in the papers..

Edited by Apprentice79
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2 hours ago, TheViewFirst1 said:

I will never look at Barbara or Rosie the same again.

I'm lucky that I never revered Barbara and thought she would do (did) anything/everything to boost her career...while trying to be the genteel sophisticate.

Rosie...for me, too broken and mean to be trusted much. She could turn on a dime.  I don't like the trucker-tough broad persona.  She kept it under wraps (mostly) when she had her own show...and that served her well.

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3 minutes ago, HaaCHOO said:

I'm lucky that I never revered Barbara and thought she would do (did) anything/everything to boost her career...while trying to be the genteel sophisticate.

Rosie...for me, too broken and mean to be trusted much. She could turn on a dime.  I don't like the trucker-tough broad persona.  She kept it under wraps (mostly) when she had her own show...and that served her well.

The massacre at Columbine triggered Rosie's demons. She slowly became very political on her show and started becoming very vocal about gun control. She even clashed with Tom Selleck who was her guest when she was considered the Queen of nice as she was called back then. Once she came out as a lesbian and became more vocal about others, it started a backlash against her. I did not like how she made comments about Star lying about how she lost her weight. We all knew that Star was lying, but, I felt that Rosie was out of line with her comments, even though I agreed with her.  It was not her place to say these things out loud in public..

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I sure loved this show at its inception, however my feelings are mixed now.  I've read in various places about the commentary being scripted.  Indeed, this book seems to confirm that, at least in part.  I can only imagine the pressure experienced by the co-hosts at least in the latter years of it.  I was never impressed with Barbara being an authentic personality.  And, the recent disclosures about her are more than unflattering, aren't they!  I did like that about Rosie, and still do about Joy and Sunny, and Nicole.  My dream composition of gals for the show would be: Joy, Ana, Sara, Nicole and Sunny.  But, these days too many shows are dependent upon contrived strife as a ratings grab.  I guess they desire the squabbles go viral as a measure of relevance.  How very superficial.  I am looking forward to a juicy read of this book, which should be arriving at my doorstep shortly.

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4 hours ago, Apprentice79 said:

Another unnecessary feud by Rosie...

I remember watching that episode and wanting Clay Aiken to put his hand over Kelly's mouth cause she would not stop interrupting him.  When Kelly made her snarky comment, I certainly didn't take it the way Rosie did.  But she was going after everyone with her "issues" at that time.

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2 hours ago, scorpio1031 said:

I remember watching that episode and wanting Clay Aiken to put his hand over Kelly's mouth cause she would not stop interrupting him.  When Kelly made her snarky comment, I certainly didn't take it the way Rosie did.  But she was going after everyone with her "issues" at that time.

I remember Kelly asserting that she would never let anyone put their hand over her mouth because....germs, and it is just so unhygienic and rude.  And then people found clips of her putting her hand over Regis' mouth. 😁

The part of this story that I found upsetting was that Rosie outted Clay Aiken without his agreement.

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I guess I'm the outlier, because I don't understand or see why Rosie should stay quiet. As some have stated, one can't "see" or "hear" the tone in her remarks. So, she should just stay silent while others drag her through the mud like Bitsy did with her OFFENSIVE "grooming" comments?😒😡

I remember, before Rosie returned, she was a guest on the show, and she made a remark about Bitsy, throwing shade, which.was.HILARIOUS. Along with the smile and tone. I remember laughing giddily and mentioning it.

Granted, she's got her demons, and there are things I wish she wouldn't have said, but I'm not going to begrudge her right to say them, and I'm not one to censor her. That's a double standard that I'm not willing to defend. Of course, just my opinion and feelings on the matter.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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10 minutes ago, Gemma Violet said:

I don't know if this has been posted here before.  It's audio of Elizabeth's explosion backstage when Barbara reprimanded her on air.  (TooFab is TMZ's sister site.)


It's been posted and is being discussed in the Small Talk Thread.

4 hours ago, TheView said:

They both act like people who could've been on The Real World. 

They are ridiculous. But my fave was when NutMeg was trying to show us where her heart is and she pointed to her spanxed belly and then later to her breasts.  I am not mocking her weight it was just so weird the way she did that.

There was one moment where they kind of acknowledged that they have been harsh to each other on air (meaning NutMeg to Abby) and then they said they talk about it off air and how it would never affect their relationship, but Abby was more like, that shouldn't happen (meaning, on air).

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2 minutes ago, TheGreenKnight said:

SNL just lampooned The View. It was fantastic. Joy was played by a woman this time (Kate McKinnon)!

I just saw it.  And no Sunny?  But glad Ana was there.  And they did the split screen with Joy and Meghan.

They should have left Jenny McCarthy off the sketch and given us more of the others.

It was cute, but I would have had Whoopi catering to "baby" Meghan as she pouts, and also Meghan should have been speaking 90 mph so they could barely understand her. Some missed opportunities there.     

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9 minutes ago, TheGreenKnight said:

SNL just lampooned The View. It was fantastic. Joy was played by a woman this time (Kate McKinnon)!

Yes, Abby is vapid, joy is one note " I dont like trump."  

And Meghan calls herself "the princess of arizona," and is AWFUL.  Meghan and joy get into it, and Meghan says "it's your job to listen to me."  Whoopi shuts them down by spraying from a squirt bottle.

The portrayal of Meghan is hilarious.

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2 hours ago, HaaCHOO said:

Poor Sunny...poor left out Sunny.  She wasn't included in the sketch (tho' Ana was), so she Tweets a suggestion (Maya Rudolph*) to portray her.

*Maya would have to be a cameo or guest star. She left SNL in 2007.

If SNL does not have any Black-Latina-American regulars, I guess they cannot spoof Sunny, as putting blackface on a Latina or having a black actor salsa on stage and speak some words with a Spanish accent would be misappropriation, though it is OK (for now) to have men in womens' roles and vice versa if they have the same racial background.

Edited by deirdra
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