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The good start last season wasn't tossed out so much as Whoopi dismantled it one piece at a time - from the set, to the setup, to the co-hosts.


I disagree this show can be saved - at least until it decides what kind of show it wants to be.  Hell, even when it was a just a show for snark material (which for me was the last 6/7 seasons it was still fun.  I found the last few months honestly unwatchable.  


But first ABC needs to pick some POWERS THAT BE, and then TPTB need to decide what kind of show it is: political, celebrity gossip, whatever.  I think Wendy's show works because she picked a lane and stays in it.  The View is all over the place without a rudder or an anchor. 


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Great news for the show. Joy is well-informed and will push back on whatever crap D.J. Tanner spews out. She also has Barbara's trust. If they can't make a go of it with her, the show needs to be put out of its misery.

Lol, I wonder if Sherri is annoyed that she's only recurring and Joy will be there every day. I wonder what Bitsy thinks. On one hand, she's with hosts now who befit her ignorance and meanness. On the other hand, The View is a much easier gig (only one hour, on later in the morning, better guests.)

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It will be interesting to see how Whoopie reacts to Joy's presence!  She sure didn't like sharing the spotlight with Rosie O'Donnell and I suspect she will resent Joy as well.  You'll all have to report in on this since I will never watch the show again!  I haven't watched since Rosie O left the second time!

Edited by bonnierae
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It will be interesting to see how Whoopie reacts to Joy's presence!  She sure didn't like sharing the spotlight with Rosie O'Donnell and I suspect she will resent Joy as well.  You'll all have to report in on this since I will never watch the show again!  I haven't watched since Rosie O left the second time!

I think the difference is that Joy is not a sensitive flower like Rosie. I like Rosie, but she tends to crumple under pressure. Can't see that happening with Joy. 

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Jeez, they must have offered Joy stupid money and a greater level of creative input to get her to come back. Joy will be a welcome return IF she actually shows up, if you know what I mean. I like Joy, but for all intents and purposes she was largely checked out those last few years. She really needs to bring it or she'll just be another chair warmer kowtowing at the throne of Queen Whoopi.

Did you also see that they're going live five days a week? No more pre-recorded Friday shows apparently. Interesting. I'll bet that wasn't a popular decision with some [*cough* Whoopi *cough*].

  • Love 10

Ugh....why Joy, you were out and done.  I only hope that Joy comes out swinging for Whoopi's ass, remind her who is the head bitch in charge.


I have a feeling this live for five days will last as long as the new format of the show from last season, remember the coffee table and chairs....Whoopi will push back and it will be four days live and the Friday's pre-taped.  I give it two months, not that i'll be watching.

  • Love 5

This is great news.  Joy is the sort of person who is not only informed, but deep-thinking and never spouts loonie crap.  She can carry a really good on-camera conversation with just about anyone.  She will not take sh*t  or crazy talk from Whoopi or DJ Tanner and will likely put them in their place with a fact-based/logical response that would subtly show their stupidity (or whatever).  That's good for snark!  


I look forward to Joy waving Whoopi off and throwing down a "so what, who cares."  :)

Edited by MatchaLove
  • Love 10

Damn...that may be true for me also.  I wasn't expecting to watch with the addition of CCBure, but I do love some Joy!


So there's going to be SIX co-hosts???


Me too !!!  I thought I was finally done with The View, as there was no one I wanted to see, but I've always liked Joy's intelligence and wit, and will definitely tune in to see her return.


Wonder if, especially with the extra contributors, the full-time hosts will only work 4 days a week, and each have a day off every week.

Edited by buffynut
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I think the regulars will be taking extra time off....ie WG for projects and probably Fri's), DJ Tanner for her 2 tv shows etc. So plenty of time for regular guest co-hosts to fill in.

Perhaps they won't take so many weeks off during the year...T-day, Xmas, winter break, spring break, summer break etc. Perhaps those with existing contracts prior to these new decisions could not have their contracts changed. AND perhaps they are getting ready to let WG go when her contract is up. And Joy become moderator. Joy seems to have received the money and creativity she wanted and probably nice time off as well unlike the others.

  • Love 5

AND perhaps they are getting ready to let WG go when her contract is up. And Joy become moderator. Joy seems to have received the money and creativity she wanted and probably nice time off as well unlike the others.

Took the words right out of my mouth.  Things might get interesting. bwahahahahahaha!

I'm sure whoop will have Friday's off. Yea!

And Joy.  She's spends her weekends in the Hamptons.

Edited by Eire
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Joy has said that she wouldn’t come back unless she had some control, so I don’t think she will be playing second fiddle to Whoopie.  I may have to start watching the show instead of just reading here.  Nothing would give me greater pleasure than to see Joy put Whoopie in her place a time or two, and it’ll be fun to see how she handles the two twits, Candace and Raven.

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I am so glad that Joy is back! I really thought they were bringing back dumbass, crazy Sherri full time. But why on earth would they bring back Sherri at all. Sorry, but someone who can't be sure the world is round shouldn't be on a panel. I remember Bill Maher saying she was so stupid should shouldn't be allowed to have kids! lol kidding from her screwed up life, he had a point! She is a hot mess in everyday possible. She and Bitzy were dumb and dumber .

I also read that Molly Sims was going to be a contributor? Sadly, she is the stereotypical dumb blonde model. She is so dumb she's irritating. The only thing she has going for her is that she didn't seem mean.

  • Love 3


Joy has said that she wouldn’t come back unless she had some control, so I don’t think she will be playing second fiddle to Whoopie.


Wasn't Rosie O told the same thing and we all saw how that played out.  We have to remember the last time Joy was an active member of the panel was during Whoopi's "going through the motions" stint, then Rosie O came on and basically pushed back and woke the beast up.  I have a feeling Whoopi will be just as defensive this time around but now it will be towards Joy....and Candace.

  • Love 3

This was quite important I thought... and it was at the bottom of the article

The new season of "The View" premieres Sept. 8. It will be live five days a week and will feature appearances by regular contributors including former co-host Sherri Shepherd, Padma Lakshmi, Stacy London, Ana Navarro and Molly Sims.

I wonder if they will each get a day


This was quite important I thought... and it was at the bottom of the article

The new season of "The View" premieres Sept. 8. It will be live five days a week and will feature appearances by regular contributors including former co-host Sherri Shepherd, Padma Lakshmi, Stacy London, Ana Navarro and Molly Sims.

I wonder if they will each get a day


Maybe the Second String (aka The contributors) work Fridays! 

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Plus Rosie O was going through some awful things at home as well as work and was not able to adapt except when WG was out for her back. Joy can blow WG off easier than RO could.

Plus Whoopi has been ugly in so many other ways I bet the show can't wait for her contract to be up...and not renew it. Voila, Joy becomes the moderator.

  • Love 10

I was just thinking the other day that I don't miss The View while it's on hiatus, and was considering deleting it off the DVR completely.  But, like Joy, just when I thought I was out.....


Seriously, Joy coming back is one of the very few things that would make me watch again.  I hope they realize how important she is to viewers like me, and many of you, and treat her with the respect she deserves.  Her popping up five minutes a show to sell crap for Manic Monday won't do it for me.


I'm really, really happy.  Now, if they could get rid of the announcer, who sounds like Burt Ward from the old Batman show, then I'd have nothing to complain about.

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This is the best news!!! Also great to see Padma will be one of the few contributors. I'd have loved her to be a part of the panel rather than Faris or Raven.

I personally don't remember Joy ever not "bringing it." She won't be intimidated by any of these women; she stood up to Whoopi back when they friends and I'm sure Whoopi knows she can't affect Joy the way she did with Rosie O. Tbh, the writing is on the wall that Whoopi will be gone soon; it was already there with the forced apology about Cosby, but now bringing back Joy full-time and live daily, too, gives me such a renewed interest after what the behind-the-scenes people allowed Whoopi to do to the show this year. I can already imagine the eyerolls Raven will be sending her way.

Edited by TheGreenKnight
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They have to regret re-upping Whoopi considering how she pretty much drove the show off a cliff.   

LOL, I love this description of what Whoopi did with the show.  Perfect! 


This was quite important I thought... and it was at the bottom of the article

The new season of "The View" premieres Sept. 8. It will be live five days a week and will feature appearances by regular contributors including former co-host Sherri Shepherd, Padma Lakshmi, Stacy London, Ana Navarro and Molly Sims.

I wonder if they will each get a day


Hmmm, interesting.  That would be a good idea.  


I like Joy well enough but not enough to counter my dislike for four of those names (everyone but Padma) plus Whoopi.    I wonder if Joy even watched this show this year?  

Edited by Cosmocrush
  • Love 5

Maybe the Whoopster will be less cranky since this is her last year. I think losing Joan Rivers, Mike Nichols, and Robin Williams hit her hard.

There was also a lot of BTS chaos last year, and weren't there reports that Rosie drove her crazy with her perfectionist ways? I think Whoop can relax if the producers display stability. Joy being back should help, since everything fell apart after she left.

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They should just fire Whoopi and not look back.  She's a legend in her own mind and her rock n roll, laid back, Obi-Wan crap is laughable, really.  All she ever contributes is the tireless defence of the most disturbed pigs in the headlines, descriptions of her gross body parts/bodily functions,  and annoying "voices," for which she always expects an eruption of applause.  The audience is not a group of toddlers doing jumpy-claps, you idiot.  Go home, Whoopi.

Edited by MatchaLove
  • Love 12

The new season of "The View" premieres Sept. 8. It will be live five days a week and will feature appearances by regular contributors including former co-host Sherri Shepherd, Padma Lakshmi, Stacy London, Ana Navarro and Molly Sims.

I wonder if they will each get a day

Wow, just stopped by, out of habit, to read recent posts and what great news! Joy will be a panelist (I hope she held out for big bucks and has been tasked with holding her own against all other panelists), the show is live 5 days a week (no more non- news Friday show which is great fir an election year...but you know Whoopie hates not having a long weekend anymore!), and rotating cohosts which, except for Sherri, I can live with in small doses. The show will go back on my DVR schedule, at least for the first couple weeks, so I can check it out.

Do you think there will also be a new set again? Hah! And should we take bets on whether Barbara will make an appearance (prerecorded) to kick off the new season?

Edited by CathInAZ
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I wonder if Joy even watched this show this year?



I bet she did...took notes and had a lot (A LOT!) of stipulations before she signed a contract for this season.

They have to regret re-upping Whoopi considering how she pretty much drove the show off a cliff.



Huxtable.     Sorry...I couldn't resist "finishing" the above sentence.

  • Love 15

IMO Joy's hire means we'll be seeing less of Whoopi which is a very good thing. Now I wonder if the decision makers regret signing on Michelle and Raven. They have to regret re-upping Whoopi considering how she pretty much drove the show off a cliff.   


Whoopi didn't get a new contract did she?  (That, would be a terrible mistake after her mess last season.)


Huh, I'm not sure that Joy can offset my hate for Bure.  I thought Bure was going to be rotating?  This sounds like it could either be good or a complete disaster.  From what has been previously reported, they must have offered Joy a fortune.

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When Joy was on the show full-time, The Whoopster rarely came out of her dope coma except when there was food to steal.  Ever since she took over as moderator, it's like she feels the power & that is where she's getting her high.  Just sayin'.


I feel I need to clarify this--When Whoopi was hired, it was to be the moderator. So it's not a position she got after Bawawa left. The fact that she didn't act like one, and like others have stated, was checked for most of her tenure, is beside the point. Remember, Rosie O'Donnell was the moderator, and when she left, Whoopi was hired to replace her.

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