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Director quits http://deadline.com/2015/06/the-view-director-ashley-gorman-exits-1201437431/article also says there will likely be more cast changes.

The pic they used with Rosie bummed me out! I know I'm stanning at this point, and the show was a mess, but oh what could have been.

My biggest take away from this article was the rather definitive tone in Wolfe's memo that there will indeed be a next season. I haven't checked the ratings recently, but they must be steady enough to keep the Titanic afloat for at least one more (election year) season. Hard to believe. Of course, as we've seen before things could change pretty dramatically in the next few months, but…

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Okay, so I watched that clip of Whoopi telling the Duggars what she did.  That one clip of the interview was...I have no words for such hypocrisy and the Duggars own definition as to who can be considered a pedophile/molester. Apparently it applies to everyone who is 15, except for their "child." Using words like technically. As if that excuses him. But normal folks, who are caught doing this, or arrested, it's perfectly legal to label them as sexual predators for the rest of their natural lives. 


And Good LORD, I never knew how much of an ignorant, tone-deaf IDIOT Molly Simms was. Just Shut UP and sit pretty. It seems that's all you're good for anyway.


Yes, I'm cranky this morning.

  • Love 4

...I have no words for such hypocrisy and the Duggars own definition as to who can be considered a pedophile/molester. Apparently it applies to everyone who is 15, except for their "child." Using words like technically.

Once upon a time dear old dad, Jim Bob Duggar, said those who did things like this should get the death penalty. Not sure if it was before or after his son was found to be a "molester" (an incestuous one at that).

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Whoopi and Raven defend Dolezal


Okay, someone correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Whoopi, at one point, say that unless you are actually Black, you cannot know what it feels like to be Black? I believe it was around the time when Elisabeth was in tears because she couldn't use the N word.


And now she's saying that if Dolezal feels like she's Black, then, that's okay. Even though when asked "Are you African American?", Dolezal just looked into space, her eyes rolling left to right, mouth open like a guppy, before she finally said "I don't understand the question."


So, since you're the expert, which is it, Whoopi?


Jon Stewart had a hilarious bit on it on The Daily Show last night.

  • Love 6

Whoopi and Raven defend Dolezal


Okay, someone correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Whoopi, at one point, say that unless you are actually Black, you cannot know what it feels like to be Black? I believe it was around the time when Elisabeth was in tears because she couldn't use the N word.


And now she's saying that if Dolezal feels like she's Black, then, that's okay. Even though when asked "Are you African American?", Dolezal just looked into space, her eyes rolling left to right, mouth open like a guppy, before she finally said "I don't understand the question."


So, since you're the expert, which is it, Whoopi?


Jon Stewart had a hilarious bit on it on The Daily Show last night.

Yeah, both Jon Stewart and Larry Wilmore kicked ass on the "crazy white lady" story.

My view is that The View ladies want to be open and friendly toward Dolezal in an effort to get an exclusive interview.

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Whoopi and Raven defend Dolezal


Okay, someone correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Whoopi, at one point, say that unless you are actually Black, you cannot know what it feels like to be Black? I believe it was around the time when Elisabeth was in tears because she couldn't use the N word.


And now she's saying that if Dolezal feels like she's Black, then, that's okay. Even though when asked "Are you African American?", Dolezal just looked into space, her eyes rolling left to right, mouth open like a guppy, before she finally said "I don't understand the question."


So, since you're the expert, which is it, Whoopi?


Jon Stewart had a hilarious bit on it on The Daily Show last night.

Yes, Whoopi has said those exact words - more than once.  The most recent example I can think of wasthis season.  Remember when Whoopi SCREAMED at RO that she couldn't possibly know anything about racism?  Yikes.


I saw TDS Moment of Zen last night starring Nicole getting all hot and bothered over Jeb Bush speaking Spanish.  It didn't even take a whole year for Nicole to become comedy fodder on that show; maybe a new record.  It took Bitsy years.  

Edited by Cosmocrush
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There is an article in Variety regarding the revamping of the show next seson. They may replace Rosie and Nicolle - keeping Whoopi and Raven (WTH?). And have 6-8 rotating co-hosts. Hugh sigh. But may hire Michelle Collins. Obviously make it more pop culture and less political. They admit they are having a difficult time booking A-listers.

I haven't been watching but do surf by and noticed no Rosie this week. Has she been on?

They sure don't get it, do they?

Hope someone can link for me....I saw it on their fb page.

Edited by maggiemae
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Doesn't surprise me all that the hosts have so little respect for their coworkers (not to mention their guests and audience) that they would keep an entire production waiting for an hour. They just keep trying to rearrange the deck chairs on the Titanic. It's done. For pity's sake, let it go.

Poor Bill Wolff. At this point, I wonder just how profoundly he regrets ever leaving MSNBC and Rachel Maddow. If he was hoping to parlay this experiment into something bigger and better within ABC News I suspect it's not going very well.

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From the article:

Whoever is doing the talking on the 19th season of “The View,” they can expect to continue in the less substantive direction that’s become more evident on Hot Topics. More and more discussions are devoted to reality TV and “Flash Sales,” where the co-hosts peddle merchandise a la QVC.


Hmmm, less substantive than fart jokes? 


A revamp of the reboot with the third year of rotating guest hosts and Whoopi as the only constant.   I love that so many of the behind the camera people have bailed out on this mess too.   I'm sure they were able to find better gigs; this show is so cheap they would rather rotate co-hosts than sign someone to a contract.   I think it's interesting that this article seems to blame the huge drop in ratings - especially with the 18-49 key demo - on Babs departure rather than Whoopi's dominance or RO's departure. 


If Rosie P does leave I'm thinking it's at the very least mutual. but in my head she would flat out quit.   Why would she (or any established actor) want anything to do with this current mess?   Personally, I'd side-eye any actor that signed up. 

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I wonder if contract talks are going on regarding the next season? Nicolle might be asking for a substantial increase and the leaked article about letting her and Rosie go may be ABCs way of sending her a message that they aren't going to up her salary a lot. Going into election years, I think the show benefits by having her and her political background at the table.

  • Love 1

Oh, this made me laugh hysterically:


Whoever is doing the talking on the 19th season of “The View,” they can expect to continue in the less substantive direction that’s become more evident on Hot Topics. More and more discussions are devoted to reality TV and “Flash Sales,” where the co-hosts peddle merchandise a la QVC.


When were they EVER substantive in the hot topics ever since Whoopi joined? That quote makes it sound like this is a new direction the show is going in. They've ALWAYS talked about reality TeeVee and nonsense ever since Meredith and Star left. I can't recall if in the early days they talked like idiots like they have ever since Whoopi joined.

  • Love 5

Oh, this made me laugh hysterically:





When were they EVER substantive in the hot topics ever since Whoopi joined? That quote makes it sound like this is a new direction the show is going in. They've ALWAYS talked about reality TeeVee and nonsense ever since Meredith and Star left. I can't recall if in the early days they talked like idiots like they have ever since Whoopi joined.


Back during the first season of Desperate Housewives, they used to have an entire segment on it even Monday morning during HT. Made sense - network synergy and all. But they just can't seem to get the balance right anymore. Fluff is fine, but you're also the show that was must-see political TV during Rosie's first stint. It's a shame that's dead, and that they seem to be giving up the ghost of it on the eve of a huge election. 

  • Love 5

I wonder if contract talks are going on regarding the next season? Nicolle might be asking for a substantial increase and the leaked article about letting her and Rosie go may be ABCs way of sending her a message that they aren't going to up her salary a lot. Going into election years, I think the show benefits by having her and her political background at the table.


I would tend to agree, except that the one thing that has been proven this season is that she is woefully inept at discussing just about anything other than standard political "talking points".  She appears to have zero knowledge/interest/exposure to anything other than politics and being a Mom.  While part of that may be all an act, to fit with the role the producers want her to play, I honestly think she has lived in her own Bush Bubble for so long that she really knows nothing of pop culture or even non-political current events.  


Someone at Variety loves the clickbait. They recycle/regurgitate non-news with breathtaking word counts.

Edited by SanDiegoInExile
  • Love 4

I would tend to agree, except that the one thing that has been proven this season is that she is woefully inept at discussing just about anything other than standard political "talking points".  She appears to have zero knowledge/interest/exposure to anything other than politics and being a Mom.  While part of that may be all an act, to fit with the role the producers want her to play, I honestly think she has lived in her own Bush Bubble for so long that she really knows nothing of pop culture or even non-political current events.  


Someone at Variety loves the clickbait. They recycle/regurgitate non-news with breathtaking word counts.


There is an article in Variety regarding the revamping of the show next seson. They may replace Rosie and Nicolle - keeping Whoopi and Raven (WTH?). And have 6-8 rotating co-hosts. Hugh sigh. But may hire Michelle Collins. Obviously make it more pop culture and less political. They admit they are having a difficult time booking A-listers.

I haven't been watching but do surf by and noticed no Rosie this week. Has she been on?

They sure don't get it, do they?

Hope someone can link for me....I saw it on their fb page.

Isnt it amazing that a "News" show would make the decision to go more pop culture in a Presidential Election year??  No wonder it is a train wreck..... I guess Whoopi ran out of A list celebritites

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I have never viewed this as a news show.  It is a mix of topics that are "hot."  Trump is hot at the moment so that is in the political arena, sort of.  I don't enjoy hearing people discuss politics.  Opinions fly back and forth and nothing is learned or accomplished.  


This show is done and should be replaced with totally different programming.   I stopped watching this show awhile back and doing a drive by to see what is up since I heard something about co hosts being let go.  I would start with Whoppie, personally!  Raven??  WTF?  


I suppose this is all life support before pulling the plug. 

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I was bored and looked at Elisabeth's tweets... havent done that in a while.

There was no mention of the SCOTUS decision on "Obamacare"..... this was the only tweet about the SCOTUS marriage equality decision.... and it was a retweet

elisabeth hasselbeck retweeted
Fox News ‏@FoxNews Jun 26

.@POTUS: The Supreme Court “reaffirmed that all Americans are entitled to the equal protection of the law.”


She doesnt share her opinions much at all..... but as we know... unless it is written for her.... or told to her in advance.... she really doesnt have opinions.... although she does like to share her daughter's opinion..... because that is where she learns

I thought I would share the news with her....my tweet....


@ehasselbeck Looking at your tweets you must have missed the news...SCOTUS upheald Obamacare...It will now stay the law of the land Yeah USA

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Here's an article from Yahoo about the View:




I hope Nicolle leaves because I can't stand her, and I hope Rosie leaves, because she isn't cut out for the show and it can't be making her happy, and I want her to be happy because I like her. I can't imagine who they will get to co-host this show, because anyone who has any self respect and talent would probably want to avoid it like the plague. Sure, they can get bland Molly Simms on or syrupy sweet Candace Bure, but wow, how boring. I think no one wants to take on Whoopi, so their choices are very limited.

Edited by Kenz
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Thanks for that, Kenz!


From the link:

But there are certain things it could do immediately to become more noticeable in the culture:


1. Hire a woman from Fox News who’ll really drive Goldberg nuts with assertive opinions. (Are the contracts of Andrea Tantaros or Kimberly Guilfoyle up for renewal over there?)


2. Stop with all the guest co-hosts who just smile pleasantly and read questions off cue cards because — well, they’re guests in that dowdy house, so they can’t really quarrel with Whoopi the way a regular can.

3. Move away from the celebrity plugs and post-mortems on the previous night’s reality-TV shows, and focus on controversial social and political issues. There’s a Presidential election in the offing, The View: Wake up and smell the issues.


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In its golden age, The View was both of those things, but only because Whoopi, Rose O’Donnell, Elisabeth Hasselbeck, and Joy Behar were such a feisty, combustible combination of personalities.



That was from the yahoo article.  Those four co-host were never on the show at the same time.  Whoopi was with Elisabeth and Joy and Rosie was with Elisabeth and Joy.  Whoopi was with Rosie only after Joy and Elisabeth left.  So I'm not quite sure what "golden age" the author is referring to.


IMO the golden age of the View was Meredith, Star, Joy and Lisa Ling.  It was great when Rosie was on the first time around but that was also when Elisabeth started becoming very shrill and obnoxious.  Since Whoopi came on board it has been steadily downhill.  I'm just waiting for this show to either finally crash in a huge ball of fire with literal punches being thrown or for it to simply just run out of steam.  With the bland co-hosts they seem to be looking at I'm guessing it will be the latter.

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How many times have we said "It's like re-arranging chairs on the Titantic", but in this case The Whoopster has been the looming iceberg since she came out of her "coma", got the moderator's seat & started to like the power & adulation.  Just sayin'.



Yes, that article is basically a quick summary of things that have been said on these threads for a while.   The comments even moreso, lol.   I love that Whoopi got pissed at the Variety article.  I might have to watch. 


At this point I think the biggest problem with The View is the name.  It needs to reflect what it really is: The Whoopi Goldberg Hour.  It's only still alive because of the name. 

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....Those four co-host were never on the show at the same time.  Whoopi was with Elisabeth and Joy and Rosie was with Elisabeth and Joy.  Whoopi was with Rosie only after Joy and Elisabeth left.  So I'm not quite sure what "golden age" the author is referring to....


Good catch. The author's name sorta rings a bell (an ex TV Guide writer?).  He lost credibility for me when he compared The View to "Kathy Lee and Hoda".  There is no such person as Kathy Lee.  Kathie Lee Gifford has been in the public view for 30 years.  Any knowledgeable, credible, honest TV writer would know her correct name.


I imagine this was some freelance job put out for hire when Yahoo needed some clickbait and saw how the Variety regurgitation percolated throughout news websites last month. 

Edited by SanDiegoInExile
  • Love 3

Good catch. The author's name sorta rings a bell (an ex TV Guide writer?).




IIRC Ken Tucker used to be the TV writer for EW.  I've read a lot of articles about the View that were clearly written by people who don't watch the show.  It's like  SanDeigoinExile said he probably read what another site posted and added his own thoughts to it. Every once in awhile I will read an honest review of the show but mostly it's either just a rehash of what has been said a thousand times before (by all of us here) or a verbal tongue bath by someone sucking up to ABC (or someone who is buddies with Whoopi's publicist).


To put it bluntly, the View isn't working anymore.  It's doesn't even have a train wreck appeal to it.  It was great when the original crew was there (well minus Debbie and plus Lisa) and it was snark worthy when Elisabeth and then Sherri was added. But now it's just tired.  No longer enjoyable.  No longer relevant.  It's time ABC just pulled the plug.  Because unless they scrap the whole thing and start from scratch I don't see it improving.  And for some unfathomable reason they insist on keeping Whoopi.  If all of us here can see what kind of damage she has done to the show why can't the suits see it?  So she is a movie stah?  Big fucking deal.  She sucks as a moderator and her "all knowing, let me tell you how it is" attitude is beyond obnoxious.  Get rid of her and maybe just maybe this show has a chance.

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Rosie was awful. She could barely speak properly nor read the TelePrompTer or the big blue cards. TPTB did an awful job casting the show this year. I think Whoppi, Rosie, Nicole & Rosie had only met the week before for publicity photos. Love them or hate them but Meredith, Star, Joy & Debbie actually auditioned together by siting in a room a discussion hot topics. What a novel idea?! LOL!!! Unfortunately, Ms. Goldberg will still be there. She's just as bad as Perez. She can't read to save her life and such an a** kisser with the Hollywood elite. They really should cancel this show and put OLTL back on. Hopefully, not another talk show. I could live with a stupid game show though.

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Not that I was a major fan of Barbara, but  sad to see that this is happening to her "baby."  It truly is a laughing stock. 


Barbara Walters wasn't perfect at any point in her career, but she was a trailblazer in many ways for women in TV news & I've always respected her contributions to that field.


I thought her idea for The View was a good one, & the show lived up to it for a long time:  women with different viewpoints are capable of having intelligent discussions about important topics & are not just a bunch of shrill dingbats who can only giggle or hiss or sob about trivial matters.  Now it's degenerated into exactly the insulting cliche about women that she deplored, & that's really a shame.

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