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Tamra is just vile.  What a total snake she is, not that this is anything new...

I am guessing Shannon will be done with the show after seeing this episode (and WWHL) this evening.  She should be, it’ll be SO much healthier for her and for her girls.  

Go away, Gina.   This group already has a major league shit-stirrer.  No need for a second.   

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I'm seeing things differently than many. 

For the first time in a long time I liked Tamra.  I think Eddie's health problems have put things in better perspective for her.  She's still a shit-stirrer but more tame about it.  Vicki has been highly entertaining.  Kelly has been easier to watch this season too (except when she laid into Emily's husband)

I like both of the new wives and think they are a breath of fresh air - not only for the OC but in general.   Not heavy on the drama, etc.  

Shannon is a mess.  She is everything the others say about her.   She really can't see things objectively.  She only sees them through her own lense.   This could be because she is depressed or it could be she's just that way.  I think it's a little of both, but she needs some self-awareness therapy sessions either way.  David is doing a redemption tour right about now.

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Lines from Shannon

-I'm a kind friend

-I know that I'm a good person.  I know I'm a good friend.

And yet she is practically cracking up?  This is what cognitive dissonance looks and sounds like.

Edited by MajorNelson
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2 hours ago, Reality police said:

I would have been DONE with Tammy Sue at the dinner table when she said nothing about the friendship with Shannon. That silence and trying to look innocent. I would have been in a cab to the hotel, moved to a private villa, and dared TS to come near me. Couldn't believe she didn't immediately rip in to Tammy Sue.

That was a very pregnant pause and Tamra's stumbling to come up with anything showed Shannon that Shannon's opinion about herself was wrong, and that really put her on 'tilt.'

3 hours ago, Gem 10 said:

Shannon doesn’t believe in drugs.  She is “natural” everything.  She will go to Dr.Money .. er, I mean Dr.Moon.

Well hopefully we will get to see her as a literal pincushion then!  And also we can all be surprised when she announces she's all fixed, and then of course have the same meltdowns and runaways.


(darn merged comments)

Edited by MajorNelson
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39 minutes ago, Jextella said:

Shannon is a mess.  She is everything the others say about her.   She really can't see things objectively.  She only sees them through her own lense.   This could be because she is depressed or it could be she's just that way.  I think it's a little of both, but she needs some self-awareness therapy sessions either way.  

I see it like this too.

Edited by MajorNelson
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5 hours ago, lunastartron said:

I’m mystified that Shannon has managed to retain distinction among certain viewers as classy and/or intelligent, erudite, polished, etc. This is a woman who has been stumbling out of social gatherings cum work events in varying degrees of drunken hysterics for five years running. She asked her husband to fish out an enema tube from her anus on national television and unabashedly recounted sopping her gullet with alcohol to the point of discovering herself blocks away from the restaurant at which she was drinking with her husband before subsequently attempting to beat down a door in order to physically attack her husband. She has characterized a costar’s accent as “creepy.”

More specific to the criticisms leveled at her during this episode, she has been vocally hapless since she began appearing on the show. She showed up to veritable stranger Heather’s house to grouse about the “hardest night of her life” in season nine. The next year, David took her out to a venue too plebeian for her tastes on their anniversary with their kids in tow; she exuded enough discontent that her children literally began pleading with her to “be happy.” She sneered at the necklace he gifted her. Fast forward another two seasons and she was once again stumbling out of parties while simultaneously ascribing her aggression to the personal difficulties she was enduring yet failing to extend any such considerations to how the pain of others (burying a parent and undergoing a double mastectomy right before filming, let’s say) could yield erratic behavior. 

She herself has stated repeatedly that she’s gained weight because she’s medicating herself with food and, to a lesser degree, liquor. 

She is both demonstrably sick and profoundly ugly. 

If I could like this a thousand times I would.  I cannot believe the Shannon love here! 

Look, I don't really like anyone on this cast (Emily is ok, Kelly has her moments) and I think Tamra and Vickie are generally just bad people, but Shannon is insane.  Her flagrant displays on this show detailing her divorce court squabbles, and previously the affair, for her daughters to see on TV is just nuts.  They are going to need some major therapy.  


She was acting like an entitled idiot and she is never nice to anyone new.  She constantly referred to Emily and Gina as "these girls... don't listen to these girls" and I'm like, "They have names you witch!"  She is horrible and I am so glad she was finally called out.

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6 minutes ago, Wicked said:

My biggest take away from this episode is that Vicki STILL will not take responsibility for her part in cancer gate.  She is vile.  How this has been brushed under the rug I just don't understand.

It certainly hasn't been brushed under any of my rugs.  I will neither forgive nor forget what she is.

Shannon seems to have found the turned worm at the bottom of the mescal bottle.

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23 minutes ago, Wicked said:

My biggest take away from this episode is that Vicki STILL will not take responsibility for her part in cancer gate.  She is vile.  How this has been brushed under the rug I just don't understand.

By these dumb broads maybe and bravo execs but not here!

She is blaming Crooks as if she didn't help him lie and then try to make coins off it. Vile bloated sow AMD I enjoy immensely that her exterior matches her interior. And the bitch just keeps trucking on looking a vile clueless mess.Unfortunately the bloated sow is still making coins. 

17 minutes ago, ButterQueen said:

It seems like Tamra has gotten together with Gina and Emily to take Shannon down.   It’s not going to work....I hate them all.  

Tamra is a snake.

And stupid. Shannon gets no love from me. I like her as a character because she's reality TV gold. She has no filter and that's what's  makes her entertaining. Backing those boring two and the bloated sow are going to get her ass The unemployment line with her arch nemesis gretchen.  Neither of those three can carry a show. 

Edited by lamujerdecente
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9 hours ago, Duke2801 said:

Agreed! But I knew Shannon would never go for it. She’s too far into that homeopathic essential oil woo.

Until it comes to having her eyelids lifted. 


8 hours ago, UsernameFatigue said:

I have yet to see Fun Gina, Fun Tamra or Fun Emily

I guess constantly commenting on someone else's lack of having fun makes YOU fun by default??

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8 hours ago, Gem 10 said:

Shannon doesn’t believe in drugs.  She is “natural” everything.  She will go to Dr.Money .. er, I mean Dr.Moon.

Shannon hsoud have tried the local “natural” drug available in Jamaica. Smoke some ganja Shannon and chill. Don’t want to toke Shannon because you are allergic to smoke, then eat some gummies or cookies. I do not think that she could handle mixing alcohol with the marijuana so I doubt she’d try it. She’d get DT’s judging by the copious amounts of alcohol she can put down and function (somewhat). 

I get why they’re drinking so much booze (even for breakfast), but the Blue Mountain coffee there is delicious. 

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11 minutes ago, ButterQueen said:

I have a feeling that Gina and Emily just lost their oranges, and Shannon will freeze Tamra out.  

They have been gunning for Shannon all season, and she is hurt and embarrassed.

If I were Shannon, I would get the hell on a plane and go home.  

These ladies admit that Shannon is struggling, so hey, let’s gang up on her on television and tell her she needs pills.  What bitches.

Tamra is just the worst.

But they are just enabling her if they put up with her BS behavior.  Shannon's comments at dinner under her breath, her scrolling on the phone if anyone is talking about their issues, her incessant need for attention and inability to cope with life at all is simply astounding.  And they are all STILL trying to be friends with her toxic self.  I think Shannon is getting off easy, a person can only take so much negativity and entitlement. Good lord.  

14 minutes ago, ButterQueen said:

I have a feeling that Gina and Emily just lost their oranges, and Shannon will freeze Tamra out.  

They have been gunning for Shannon all season, and she is hurt and embarrassed.

If I were Shannon, I would get the hell on a plane and go home.  

These ladies admit that Shannon is struggling, so hey, let’s gang up on her on television and tell her she needs pills.  What bitches.


I totally disagree that anyone has been gunning for Shannon.  She has been a downright bitch to Emily and Gina from the beginning, been needy, negative and an attention-whore, but everyone has handled her with kids gloves until now.  

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I am unconformable with anyone's mental health being dissected by non professionals. Shannon was being a Dick and annoying AF but Tamra was leading that conversation into dangerous territory. She does this to everyone but don't u dare point out her kid wants nothing to do with her. 

Tamra to Me seems the type to cozy up to you go get the goods so she can lead a take down on  u later. She does this all the time.

2 minutes ago, ButterQueen said:

Emily and Gina, you are boring....and STOP bringing up Shannon.  You are NOT her friends.

I’m not sure those texts were from Eddie.  

Maybe. Eddie seems like he's just here for a check these days. Hes ill too so I don't blame him too harshly. Hes at the mercy of this bitch and her earning potential. And she earns money being vile on TV. 

He knew that early tho. 

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I can't stand Shannon. Her woe is me attitude is getting so fucking old. Everything needs to be done on Shannon's time and everything needs to be done to appease Shannon. 

She acts like a baby and can't stand to not be the center if attention. She's spoiled. Everyone tip toes around her for fear of upsetting her. She acts as though she is the only person in the world going through a tough time. Newsflash, everyone has something going on. The way she dismisses everyone else's challenges in life as not as important as hers is disgusting. She's a very selfish person. 

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Shannon is a tiresome person. Her fun is being drunk and woohooing. If people aren't doing that , they can be pampering her and fawning over her. Those are the 2 options. 

I can see why David hates her, she was a stay at home mom that never got up with the kids for bfast or to take them to school. Didn't pay any bills?  I'm damn sure she wasn't cleaning the house herself.  He probably has a lot of resentment. 

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1 hour ago, Wicked said:

To clarify, I did mean that cancer gate was being swept under the rug on the show, not here!


I know! I just like rubbing it in because I hate the bloated sow. And I am petty AF. 

Edited by lamujerdecente
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12 hours ago, ivygirl said:

STOP SCREAMING FOR ONCE!!!! —Tamra, screeching 


I’m going to post something controversial. I’m actually going to defend Tamra a tiny bit. Tiny. Everyone here knows I detest Tamra with the burning strength of a thousand suns....buuuut....I really think shannon was having a bit of a psychotic break. Shannon was in the throws of pure fury at Tamra when she started ripping off her mike. They very rarely break that wall and allow camera guys to be seen. I’m not saying Tamra is an angel but I really think she had reached her limit with Shannon at that moment, and also isn’t great at dealing with anger directed at her, and reacts like a cornered badger. The scene was reminiscent of scary Island between Kelly and Bethenny right before Sonja, the cooler head, stepped in and calmed everyone down. Kelly’s and Shannon’s episodes were different but similar. I recognize something in Shannon’s behavior, unfortunately. I believe she has a disorder for which there is no cure sadly. She will succeed in driving every friend away eventually. Excessive alcohol is a symptom, as is anger at not being coddled and catered to. It’s a complicated thing, but I believe Shannon has BPD. That’s not to say she’s not likeable and charming when she wants to be. If she’s never been to a therapist, it’s probably not even been diagnosed and her poor family is suffering and don’t know what they’re dealing with or how to handle this. I can spot this pretty quickly as I’ve had many years of experience in dealing with it. 

Edited by VedaPierce
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9 hours ago, islandgal140 said:

Can we please stop calling whatever the hell Vicki was doing twerking? That was more like a lower body spasm.

I’m going to be mean.  She looked like shamu caught in a net.

that wasn’t twerking.  That wasn’t clothes.  Just a bloated, sweaty, ugly woman with all her junk hanging out.  Why yes, let’s go out in the woods and do the bobsled thing in lingerie, which was stretching and straining to the point where it was almost bursting.

vivki is an ugly woman.  She should keep as much of that ugliness under wraps as possible.

the earlier ensemble with her boobs hanging out was just as bad.  I saw more of her nasty ass tits than I think is legal on tv.

 Tamra and icki, no one wants to see your tits.  Put that shit away.  Have some respect for the people living where you travel.


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I haven't watched yet (I always check here to see if it's a "must watch" or "background noise while you're getting dressed for work" - looks like this episode is that latter.  I absolutely loathe Gina.  First of all, toots, it's NONE of your effing business what Shannon did or did not do when Eddie was ill.  And while we're at it, since Boobs McTamtrash is running all over the Western Hemisphere flashing her titties to everyone, she doesn't seem overly concerned about the medical state of her husband either.  

I think I'm out of this show for the rest of the season.  I don't like any of the cast at this point and I'd personally rather watch infomercials for Dr. Ho relieving back pain.  

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2 minutes ago, Mu Shu said:

I’m going to be mean.  She looked like shamu caught in a net.

that wasn’t twerking.  That wasn’t clothes.  Just a bloated, sweaty, ugly woman with all her junk hanging out.  Why yes, let’s go out in the woods and do the bobsled thing in lingerie, which was stretching and straining to the point where it was almost bursting.

vivki is an ugly woman.  She should keep as much of that ugliness under wraps as possible.

the earlier ensemble with her boobs hanging out was just as bad.  I saw more of her nasty ass tits than I think is legal on tv.

 Tamra and icki, no one wants to see your tits.  Put that shit away.  Have some respect for the people living where you travel.


I forgot how ugly that dress at dinner was?. She looked like she was wearing her bata (Spanish word for old lady nightgown, I own several) wandered in hungover after being hit with the ugly stick for over an hour. 

Shannon was losing her shit. The mic thing was really uncomfortable.

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11 hours ago, chewycandy said:

You don’t flip a switch on depression.

Tamra can’t help the bully in her. She is really “helping” Shannon by yelling at her to keep crying.

I don’t think it’s depression only, if it even is depression. This hysteria has been going on for years. We are aware of Shannon and David’s domestic disturbances where the police were called, Shannon trying to break down a door,scuffling to the point of falling and being bruised up...her birthday dinner at the restaurant with her family was cringe-worthy. Lack of gratitude even on camera, even in front of her girls. The way she stormed off and ripped her mike off at that conflict with Lydia and her mother. The way she stormed off at her daughters’ band Showcase during her conflict with her mother-in-law. The crazy, screaming, plate-throwing fight with kelly at The Quiet Woman. This is what WE see...imagine what we don’t. Yes, the situations involved some sort of assholery or another...but the way Shannon escalates it...zero to sixty...is just not normal. I’m sure there’s some depression in the mix, probably due to regret at her previous epic meltdown, but that’s not Shannon’s main problem.

I thought Heather was vile when she first suggested that Shannon was having a mental break, but now I think she may have been right. Maybe Heather recognizes it right away due to her experiences with it....

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9 minutes ago, Carolina Girl said:

I think I'm out of this show for the rest of the season.

Me too. I don't watch the NJ or ATL franchises because I don't like the women.  OC is rapidly approaching this list for me.

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I watched maybe half of the first episode of the current season.  That's it.  Pretty sure I watched less than that of the previous.  I get enough from reading here, and some Instagram stuff like above, to fill my RHOC tank.  I don't expect that to change, unless the show gets a 100% re-cast.  Since Andy's head is parked halfway up Vicky's colon, I don't expect that to happen.

Edited by SuprSuprElevated
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11 hours ago, Pondlass1 said:

With screeching screaming friends like this, who needs enemies?  And I saw the self satisfied  smirk on Gina’s face as she watched them surround, attack and point fingers at Shannon. A job well done.  I dislike shit stirring Gina intensely , I hope she is gone soon.

Tamra is despicable, but at least I’m used to her. 

The others, Vicki and Kelly just go with the mood of the room.

Shannon is self absorbed but she didn’t deserve to be ganged up on like that.

Gina ugh ?go away!!

I agree with what you said about Gina, but after watching WWHL last night, I think she’s here to stay.  The callers like her and so does Andy, unfortunately.

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2 minutes ago, VedaPierce said:

I thought Heather was vile when she first suggested that Shannon was having a mental break, but now I think she may have been right. Maybe Heather recognizes it right away due to her experiences with it....

This is why we need Heather back - evey RHW franchise needs a voice of reason, otherwise it becomes a screaming shit-show like his episode was.  Or bring back Megan King Edmonds PI!

Shannon really is becoming Bethenny!  When she rolled her eyes at dinner and mocked the conversation because it had nothing to do with her - Bethenny did the exact same thing on vacay last season on RHoNY.

Emily may be obnoxious asking for Fun Shannon to come back, but she has a point.  I don't like crying, screaming, woe-is-me Shannon, she gives me a headache and when I  know people like that in real life I avoid them when possible.  She is that person who will cry to you about her hangnail and not even notice the cast on your broken arm.

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11 hours ago, FlyingEgret said:

I'm shocked that the resort made the women move their own luggage to the new villa...

Omg! ESPECIALLY since it’s the resort’s fault for having broken AC at a tropical luxury resort to begin with!!

Edited by VedaPierce
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It looks to me like Tamra and Vicky are trying very hard to secure that orange.  Tamra overacting, and Vicky dressing like a young sexy girl with her boobs out down to her navel.  Don’t even get me started on her “twerking” with her big fat old ass.  Steve should run away after last nights display.

Changing subject, that river ride in Jamaica looks nice.  Wonder if any reptiles are in that water?  The guide should carry a gun should anything climb aboard.  Ha.  I mean it.

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7 minutes ago, Gem 10 said:

I agree with what you said about Gina, but after watching WWHL last night, I think she’s here to stay.  The callers like her and so does Andy, unfortunately.

She was quite smug.  And it didn't help that Mary McCormick fawned all over her.

The callers were in love with Gina too.  However, they all sounded slurry.  Like pills or alcohol slurry.  Andy pointed that out.

Well.  If we are stuck with her next season I guess we get to see Disney Divorcee next season.

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Tamballs was screaming more than usual .. I thought her extensions would fly off her head.  She better go back to her husband before he takes a hike.  BTW, who’s minding the gym?  Eddie must like loud trashy insensitive women.

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