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S03.E10: Are You Saying I'm an Alcoholic?

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Annnnnd I'm back to liking Mama Dee.  This episode.

Biscuit is cute!  I like that this franchise has dogs.  All of them have dogs.

LeeAnne did not imply you adopted Bruin.  She used it as an example of how out of line your questioning was in regards to her engagement. Brandi is everything she complains about LeeAnne. EVERYTHING. 

9 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

This is really Stephanie’s season to get the really good edit lol she is just coming across has a really sweet normal relatable person .......

I know!  I sincerely did not like her for the first 2-phony.  Now I really enjoy her.  She gets along with everyone, but doesn't lose sight that Brandi is her "soulmate" and is now opening up to everybody. 

D'Andra.  You KNOW L and B hate each other, so why DID you tell Brandi stuff?  Particularly when you're pissed about $200.

Oh LeeAnne. Why, why, why did you bring up D'Andra's having past drinking problems?

Was Joyce supposed to be a Ho wife?  Why do we keep seeing her?  Ho away.  You're adding nothing.  Not even an odd hair attachment.....Marie.

Wait!  What!  Cary didn't automatically assume LeeAnne said the stuff she's accused of?   I'm kind of shocked. 

Brandi is delusional.  And a hateful drunk with the maturity level of a hormonal 13 year old girl.

  • Love 24

Ugh this was the least fun episode ever. Brandi is so full of shit to say that she was coming from a good place when she was talking to Leann. DAndra has been awful to Leann. Leann had to know she was hitting a very sensitive topic with DAndra and it was wrong of her to discuss that on camera. DAndras fathers death sounds horrifying.

You can tell that the laser center is a real business because Cary did not make it her story line and was essentially like STFU to Leann and Brandi when they were approaching a fight in her lobby. Good for her!

  • Love 19

Brandi is one of the most awful housewives in history. 

I finally figured out why I can’t look at her...  her hair, her eyebrows and her skin are the exact same color of red. It’s disturbing and this is coming from someone that is enthralled by redheads. 

Why do so many of these women need nannies? My mother raised 6 of us whole working full time and no nanny in site. Brandi gets a third child and looses her shit.

  • Love 17

At this point I feel like they are all being deliberately obtuse.  Not only about "misunderstanding" what others say, but about how to dress in public.  Was there someone who's outfit at Cary's party wasn't ugly?  Because if so I must have blinked when that person was on.  That being said, Deandra wins the prize for what might possibly be the Worst Look Ever!  Hideous, tacky blouse, matronly pants, goofball hairdo, and absolutely gross makeup, with the dark red lipstick bleeding into every one of her wrinkles.

  • Love 16
13 minutes ago, princelina said:

At this point I feel like they are all being deliberately obtuse.  Not only about "misunderstanding" what others say, but about how to dress in public.  Was there someone who's outfit at Cary's party wasn't ugly?  Because if so I must have blinked when that person was on.  That being said, Deandra wins the prize for what might possibly be the Worst Look Ever!  Hideous, tacky blouse, matronly pants, goofball hairdo, and absolutely gross makeup, with the dark red lipstick bleeding into every one of her wrinkles.

Okay, now I have to watch the show again. Obviously not paying close enough attention!  ??

  • Love 5
21 minutes ago, princelina said:

At this point I feel like they are all being deliberately obtuse.  Not only about "misunderstanding" what others say, but about how to dress in public.  Was there someone who's outfit at Cary's party wasn't ugly?  Because if so I must have blinked when that person was on.  That being said, Deandra wins the prize for what might possibly be the Worst Look Ever!  Hideous, tacky blouse, matronly pants, goofball hairdo, and absolutely gross makeup, with the dark red lipstick bleeding into every one of her wrinkles.

I agree.  It surpassed Kim Richards Christmas Wrapping paper blouse from several RHOBH.

  • Love 7

No wonder Momma Dee loves LeeAnn: she recognises the same ability and willingness to mess with D'Andra's soft head in LeeAnn. And why was D'Andra in kabuki tonight? LeeAnn is just ruthless and masterful with the psy ops when she's attacked. I believe LeeAnne is mostly wrong here. She's actively messing with D'Andra and Brandi under the guise of speaking honestly and false concern. Again, ALL D'Andra had to do, and I counseled this 2 episodes ago, is 'never apologise, never explain'. If she'd just refused to continue the discussion with LeeAnne, she'd have been speaking a language LeeAnne respects. But D'Andra just can't help herself. It was the same with the '$200 bank balance'. She's her own worst enemy because she's desperately insecure and needy for approval. I think Kam was trying to play nice on this topic, btw, by making the comment about D'Andra shopping at Net A Porter, which means she needs a lot more than $200 in her bank account. It's the first time in 2 seasons that my blood was not completely cold enduring Kameron.

Really not interested in Carey's new laser place. We'd all been speculating about the absence of Brian and bingo, here he is. In all his toned down douchery. Loved seeing that clip of him flying the full douche flag we know he's still capable of, though.

I heart poor Stephanie so much. Brandi is so blinded in her own issues with being branded 'low class' that I don't think she even considered the effect of her words on Stephanie regarding LeeAnne's friendship. I don't trust LeeAnne with Stephanie for a second, but Steph has to figure that out for herself. She seemed genuinely heartbroken that her best friend doesn't think she could possibly be deserving of friendship on her own merits. I think Brandi is really stretched thin at present, her judgement is all out of whack. 

  • Love 8

I just cannot watch this show because of the Sparkle Dog Queen who apparently thinks speaking like a Valley Girl makes her sound "cute".   She sounds ignorant, shallow, and obnoxious.   I can't figure out just why she feels like she can look down upon any other human.   YICCCCHHH!

I can handle any of the others - even on their worst days - with no problem, but holy nails on a chalkboard -  I cannot take that one.  

During my brief attempt to watch, however, I was left wondering why nobody told D'Andra that her makeup combined with that "blouse" made her look like a circus clown who was also the victim of a heavy-handed Juvederm injector.

  • Love 19

Mama Dee is right.  D'Andra needs to focus more on her job versus acting like a petty high school girl.  I have to remind myself at times that she is nearly 50 years old.  She should be using the exposure she has on TV to pimp her company like so many of the other Housewives do (take the lead from Tamra and wear a product hat or something) but she's failing miserably at that. Guess that she has no product to pitch.  

Loving Stephanie this season for growing a set of balls.  Her BFF Brandi is fun to watch at times but has become increasingly annoying with her stupid, drunken behavior.  Would think she'd be more mindful of how she appears on the show as she looks to adopt her newborn son.  Used to find LeeAnne to be bitchy but for some reason, I'm liking her more this season.  

  • Love 11

I really don’t like Brandi at all anymore. She’s a total fake bitch and I used to kind of enjoy her. D’andra and Brandi together is such an unlikeable pairing.

Brandi pretending like she was coming from a good place with Leanne was funny. How was what she saying going to be helpful at all. Also I think the reason why she’s so upset about the adopting to fix her marriage comment is because it’s true. Brian can go back to disappearing. She acts like she was going to die without the nanny. Calm down you don’t work and have 3 kids. Altho the twins are terrors. Her life isn’t that great to be jealous of either. She’s got a weirdo douche husband that most likely cheats on her and 2 kids that she’s made into complete monsters. That poor nanny.

My dislike of Brandi is making me like Kam this is weird lol.

  • Love 21

We need to keep in mind that LeeAnne, in her TH, straight up declared that  D'Andra had struggled with alcohol in the past. Then, when D'Andra collapsed with Stephanie, Brandie, Carey and Kam (?), one of them straight out asked D'Andra if she had issues with drinking. And D'Andra gave a firm 'NO'. So. Either way, LeeAnne is coming really hard for D'Andra. She has either spilled a secret that she would have known in confidence (and therefore taken a wrecking ball to their friendship), or she is straight up lying to all of us out here in reality tv land.  D'Andra is going to have a conniption when she sees this TH. She's fundamentally unable to cope with loss of social esteem. It's either going to explode over the next few episodes, or it's going to be major reunion material. 

The ONLY way I see LeeAnne wriggling out of this one, is if I got her words correct above and she said that D'Andra had 'struggled with alcohol in the past'. And when she's questioned (it's going to be an attack, D'andra is going to utterly lose her shit), LeeAnne's spin is going to be 'I meant her father. His alcoholism and death were things D'Andra struggled with in the past! Ah would NEVAH slur someone's sobriety!'. LeeAnne's reaction to abandonment, or perceived abandonment, has always been swift and scorched earth. LeeAnne sees D'andra slipping away over to Brandi. These women! 

  • Love 12

In the first season, didn't Stephanie continually complain that her husband was a micromanager, constantly telling her what to do, and that she knew how to run the house and take care of the kids? Now all of a sudden she's afraid of being alone for six weeks or however long it is? That she doesn't feel capable, despite having nannies and staff?

She's the most superficial Dallas housewife, and the most crafty. Her personality is extremely contrived and subtly manipulative.

  • Love 8
9 hours ago, rustyspigot said:

SO Brandi is awful and Dee wants LeeAnne to be her daughter more than D'Andra. Or at least have her drive.

I'd like to see a Trading Spouses type episode where LeeAnn becomes Dee's child for a week.


9 hours ago, bagger said:

Brandi is one of the most awful housewives in history. 


Why do so many of these women need nannies? My mother raised 6 of us whole working full time and no nanny in site. Brandi gets a third child and looses her shit.

Probably because she didn't do a very good job raising the first two. When I had my third I became very overwhelmed, but they were all 18 months apart. Brandi's girls are ostensibly old enough to help. But they're like little babies themselves. 


18 minutes ago, pasdetrois said:

In the first season, didn't Stephanie continually complain that her husband was a micromanager, constantly telling her what to do, and that she knew how to run the house and take care of the kids? Now all of a sudden she's afraid of being alone for six weeks or however long it is? That she doesn't feel capable, despite having nannies and staff?

She's the most superficial Dallas housewife, and the most crafty. Her personality is extremely contrived and subtly manipulative.

I don't see why this is hypocritical or confusing. She also stated she was very coddled as a child. And then she married a controlling husband. While his micromanaging may annoy her, it's also crippled her and I get her being scared to be alone. I think it has more to do with the boys than anything. Travis seems to handle them better.

  • Love 11

I get what Brandi said to Stephanie was a little fowl (However I dont think she meant it in the thats the only way she would be your friend way...just in the she fucks with me on the daily and It wouldn't be out of her wheelhouse to do something like this kinda of way ....which from the moment LeeAnne sat down with Stephanie she talked MAD shit about her best friend Brandi and every time she is around her she keeps bringing up how bad of a person Brandi is or how she should be her own person and not hang around you guessed it Brandi and how her and Dog food Barbie are the correct people to hang out NOT Brandi ...its DOG OUT Brandi at all cost every conversation she has).........How can everyone IGNORE how Shit Show Leeanne has made it her Mission to DESTROY Brandi (and now D'Andra because she is batshit crazy and thinks her friends cant be friends with anyone but her) after Brandi told about Leeannes "Hands" and what they can do.... EVERY interaction she has with D'Andra (and now Stephanie) goes back to and involves Brandi and talking shit about her in one breathe and the next its I dont want to talk about Brandi I dont want to come between your friendship but here's more word Vomit about Brandi ....I swear to god Leeanne talks more about Brandi then anyone in Brandi's life.... its so transparent that I'm not gettin why no one calls her out on it....we are talking about the weather arnt those clouds pretty and here goes Leeanne you know who hates clouds? Brandi let me launch into a 10 min tirade about how much i dont want to talk about her but let me talk about her anyway.......GOOD GOD LeeAnne get a life .......And now she is aiming at D'andra and trying to take her out of Dallas Society by spreading a rumor about once again Brandi making her become an Alcoholic (thats super fowl esp when she just said she would never say anything to hurt Dandra or go after her)  you cant say how you would never act that way in one breath then in the next run and act that way then try to play the victim.......LeeAnne is a master Manipulator I have known these kind of people in real life and it baffles me how no one really sees this .....Is Brandi innocent in all this? NO HELL NO should she keep her mouth shut most of the time yes....but the difference is shes not doing things to be Malicious! shes feeling attacked ( which she is being attacked all the times just replay Leeanne talking out of both sides of her mouth just pick any episode and press play and 9 times out of 10 its LeeAnne talking shit about Brandi )shes defending herself when it comes to LeeAnne and her thought out attacks.

Edited by Keywestclubkid
  • Love 13
11 hours ago, dosodog said:

LeeAnne did not imply you adopted Bruin.  She used it as an example of how out of line your questioning was in regards to her engagement. Brandi is everything she complains about LeeAnne. EVERYTHING. 

Omg, I hope Brandi watches the tape and realizes how badly she treated LeeAnne and that she made a big effin' deal and twisted what LeeAnne said. I don't like LeeAnne but she deserves an apology for that mess. I will say the same for LeeAnne's convo with D'Andra. What she was saying about D'Andra's drinking to her and in her TH was way out of line. These women are not fun to watch and are mean spirited to the core. 

D'Andra looked like Cruella de Ville with that makeup and outfit. Does that woman have a stylist? She needs one. 

  • Love 9

D’Andra and her mom act like D’Andra is a young woman just beginning her career. In most family businesses  there is a succession plan that is put into play gradually over the years. The entire storyline is ridiculous. 

Mama Dee is right about D’Andra staying out of Leeann’s business but.....she gets joy from reprimanding her 50 something daughter which is not cool. 

Stephanie has a spa bathroom, a gazillion rooms in that mansion, yet she bathes her dog in the kitchen sink. 

  • Love 12
31 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

I get what Brandi said to Stephanie was a little fowl (However I dont think she meant it in the thats the only way she would be your friend way...just in the she fucks with me on the daily and It wouldn't be out of her wheelhouse to do something like this kinda of way ....which from the moment LeeAnne sat down with Stephanie she talked MAD shit about her best friend Brandi and every time she is around her she keeps bringing up how bad of a person Brandi is or how she should be her own person and not hang around you guessed it Brandi and how her and Dog food Barbie are the correct people to hang out NOT Brandi ...its DOG OUT Brandi at all cost every conversation she has)

Yes KWCK! This is exactly what's going on. Sure Brandi misinterpreted the convo at the benefit - though she was so drunk, I'm not surprised - but she's not wrong about what LeeAnne is doing to her. LeeAnne does take every opportunity in every conversation she has with Stephanie to at some point mention Brandi in a negative way. Same goes when she talks with D'Andra, though there she's usually a bit more direct about it given their friendship. I don't think she has decided to befriend Stephanie solely to get between Steph and Brandi (and thus torture Brandi), but I think it's a big reason for her wanting to be "friends" while taping. And if Stephanie is going to be "hurt" about what Brandi said then she's doing just as much willful misunderstanding of a conversation as Kam, Brandi, and D'Andra have done this season. 

I've run the gamut with LeeAnne, sometimes have felt bad for her because so much of her behavior seems to stem from a very deep-seated insecurity, sometimes have liked her humor, sometimes dislike her, but right now I'm kind of admiring her reality show game. She's controlling the drinking (and thus the true crazy shit) and is gas lighting Brandi very effectively.

Earlier in the season when Brandi said she was upset about LeeAnne warning everyone she's low-class and a bad influence I took her tears with a grain of salt. Now I think she was right - and do wonder if the filming of that scene actually happened a lot later in the filming schedule (out of sequence). That's what LeeAnne has been doing all season. She has been oh so concerned for D'Andra and the influence Brandi is having on her, suggesting she's now drinking too much and is in danger of losing her place in Dallas society, etc. And with Steph it's all about how empowered she is without Brandi strong-arming her into things, how independent she can be away from Brandi, etc. And she's enlisted Kam to spread the word about "low-class" behavior. How many times has Kam mentioned the keurig cup thing to anyone and everyone and used it as an example of how Brandi is dragging D'Andra down? She does so again in the previews for next week where it looks like LeeAnne is going full on "CONCERNED" about D'Andra's drinking (even going to her mom).

I'm not a huge Brandi fan, but she's not wrong about what is happening.

  • Love 20
6 minutes ago, Pop Tart said:

Yes KWCK! This is exactly what's going on. Sure Brandi misinterpreted the convo at the benefit - though she was so drunk, I'm not surprised - but she's not wrong about what LeeAnne is doing to her. LeeAnne does take every opportunity in every conversation she has with Stephanie to at some point mention Brandi in a negative way. Same goes when she talks with D'Andra, though there she's usually a bit more direct about it given their friendship. I don't think she has decided to befriend Stephanie solely to get between Steph and Brandi (and thus torture Brandi), but I think it's a big reason for her wanting to be "friends" while taping. And if Stephanie is going to be "hurt" about what Brandi said then she's doing just as much willful misunderstanding of a conversation as Kam, Brandi, and D'Andra have done this season. 

I've run the gamut with LeeAnne, sometimes have felt bad for her because so much of her behavior seems to stem from a very deep-seated insecurity, sometimes have liked her humor, sometimes dislike her, but right now I'm kind of admiring her reality show game. She's controlling the drinking (and thus the true crazy shit) and is gas lighting Brandi very effectively.

Earlier in the season when Brandi said she was upset about LeeAnne warning everyone she's low-class and a bad influence I took her tears with a grain of salt. Now I think she was right - and do wonder if the filming of that scene actually happened a lot later in the filming schedule (out of sequence). That's what LeeAnne has been doing all season. She has been oh so concerned for D'Andra and the influence Brandi is having on her, suggesting she's now drinking too much and is in danger of losing her place in Dallas society, etc. And with Steph it's all about how empowered she is without Brandi strong-arming her into things, how independent she can be away from Brandi, etc. And she's enlisted Kam to spread the word about "low-class" behavior. How many times has Kam mentioned the keurig cup thing to anyone and everyone and used it as an example of how Brandi is dragging D'Andra down? She does so again in the previews for next week where it looks like LeeAnne is going full on "CONCERNED" about D'Andra's drinking (even going to her mom).

I'm not a huge Brandi fan, but she's not wrong about what is happening.

Can i just love everything about this response? I really thought I was the only one seeing this........ 

  • Love 9

I agree that Dee’s conversation with D’Andra about taking over the business was strange. Why isn’t D’Andra more prepared? Did she not take initiative? Does she not have the ability? Or did Dee prevent her from learning?

Everyone’s outfits at the laser center opening seemed so odd. Everyone (except Cary) looked like they were going to a holiday party. Why were they all wearing glitter or sequins? Wasnt this filmed in like March or April? Cary’s dress was appropriate but also hideous. I’m sure it’s Gucci or something but I hated the pattern.

I agree that Leann is trying to make Brandi look back but Brandi is taking the bait hardcore. If she shut her mouth about Leann, she would be looking much better this season and Leann would seem like the crazy one talking all about her.

  • Love 11

I do take great offense at what LeeAnne told Rich about Brandi and me being drinking buddies and not trusting someone who drinks. I’m sorry, did IQs just suddenly drop from the last episode? I had one lunch in three months with Brandi…yes…you read that correctly—one lunch! We are NOT drinking buddies and have NEVER been drinking buddies. Neither one of us has time to sit around and drink as we have careers and/or families to attend to! Meanwhile, LeeAnne is sipping a margarita at lunch with Rich as she so pointedly makes this revelation??   ....."When a toxic person can no longer control you, they will try to control how others see you by using misinformation about you".................................YESSSSSSSS see this is what I posted earlier about LeeAnne talking out both sides of her mouth ***sips cocktail***





Edited by Keywestclubkid
  • Love 12
8 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

I do take great offense at what LeeAnne told Rich about Brandi and me being drinking buddies and not trusting someone who drinks. I’m sorry, did IQs just suddenly drop from the last episode? I had one lunch in three months with Brandi…yes…you read that correctly—one lunch! We are NOT drinking buddies and have NEVER been drinking buddies. Neither one of us has time to sit around and drink as we have careers and/or families to attend to! Meanwhile, LeeAnne is sipping a margarita at lunch with Rich as she so pointedly makes this revelation??................................YESSSSSSSS see this is what I posted earlier about LeeAnne talking out both sides of her mouth ***sips cocktail***


They also drank a bunch of of tequila shots together while shopping in Colorado and did beer bongs together at the rodeo, but okay, sure. It was one lunch. 

  • Love 18
16 minutes ago, Panda Bear said:

They also drank a bunch of of tequila shots together while shopping in Colorado and did beer bongs together at the rodeo, but okay, sure. It was one lunch. 

She was stating that she doesn't run off with Brandi and get white girl wasted......Go back other then that one lunch you never see just Brandi and D'andra drinking......  everyone including LeeAnne, DogFood Barbie, Carrie, and Stephanie were all there drinking with them doing the shots and beer bongs ..To try to paint it like its all Brandi making her drink like the other girls arnt around doing shots and drinking is what she is trying to do its called being a hypocrite and  Gaslighting. so its ok for her to drink with all the other girls but when she does it with Brandi around she is suddenly an alcoholic? what the what? I mean if we want to call a spade a spade lets roll the tape of every time LeeAnne was drinking around the girls and say shes the reason they ALL drink and she is making them an Alcoholic ....... come on now 

Edited by Keywestclubkid
  • Love 10
8 hours ago, Marley said:

Her life isn’t that great to be jealous of either. She’s got a weirdo douche husband that most likely cheats on her and 2 kids that she’s made into complete monsters. That poor nanny.

Honestly, I wouldn't blame him.  He might be a weirdo but Brandi is horrible.  She is quickly reaching Vicky Gunvalson levels of housewife vileness.

  • Love 11

Brandi isn't even my favorite housewife but i feel like i need to defend her here ...she isn't the only Parent thats supposed to be raising these children. Why is she getting all the blame for how the girls have turned out while the husband is getting a pass? Why is the children's behavior all her fault? Seeing how there are TWO parents not just her. She's getting all the heat and called a bad mother a bad parent a bad wife and just thrown under the bus?? When has she been shown to be a bad wife? This claim is what throws me for a loop. And what makes her such a bad mother? Is she beating her children? Not feeding them? Not clothing them or giving them love? She was shown already at a breaking point because she wasnt asking for help with the kids thinking that she should be able to do it all. Work (yes she does have a business to) Take care of the kids, take care of her husband, take care of her house, and still somehow have time for herself and this show. Did that somehow get forgotten? Stephanie isnt disciplining her children and no one is saying shit about her or her husband or that it would be perfectly ok for Stephanie to be cheated on .....  AAAAAAND No one deserves to be Cheated on or to even have the thought of its ok to cheat on them thrown up..... No one deserves that......there is NO EXCUSE for someone cheating, leave the relationship!!!! ....It shouldn't be  gloated over the fact that someone is so Horrendous (and how is she such a horrible person again?) that they should be treated like dirt and basically told that they are such a bad person, a Bad Parent, that the husband wouldn't be to blame if he did cheat.. Cheating effects the entire family, there are kids involved in this and no child even bratty ones deserve that ......We really dont know these people. In reality we only see snips of their life edited to make a story line and even then with all those EDITS Brandi really hasn't done anything that BAD to anyone on this show to warrant that. She might have a personality that not everyone likes (being goofy ) but AGAIN that doesn't make her a bad person.. she has shown she really does love her husband and her family deeply and she is doing the best she can when it seems like her husband is always working.( and a lot of parents overcompensate when with daddy or mommy isn't around let me let you get away with things because i want you to feel loved and not neglected and it becomes hard to discipline them because of that ) .....And IF IF IF  he is cheating does that make it ok for him to be an absentee father in his kid's lives and to drop all the responsibility of raising THEIR, 3 children on Brandi? I'm not saying that is what he is doing but again with the Editing of the show thats what it looks like ........

Edited by Keywestclubkid
My brain works faster then my fingers
  • Love 9

D'Andra and her 15 year old girl style complaining about how her mom won't let her have her company. I can't take it anymore. Start your own company.

I thought LeeAnne was way out of line bringing up her "concern" about D'Andra's drinking, while letting us all know that D has shown some problem drinking in the past. That she chose to do that with cameras rolling implies it was more punitive than compassionate. Don't weaponize someone's problem. Minus one, LeeAnne -- I'm keeping score.

Brandi -- getting worse by the episode.

Stephanie -- getting better by the episode

Kameron continues to be a shining beacon of awesome, clad in a pink tent (from net a porter!)

Edited by Jel
  • Love 9

This Brandi/LeeAnne feud is really no fun to watch. They are both so focused on bringing the other down they cannot see the damage that they are doing to their other friends. And, neither of them have any ability to be at all reasonable about the situation. It's almost like a couple getting a divorce that use an manipulate the children (intentionally and unintentionally) in order to hurt the other side. And, none of the other ladies will step up and really call them out. Deandra is in the middle of it, and has no credibility with LeeAnne anymore - and, none of the other girls seems to want to step into the fray. 

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

Brandi isn't even my favorite housewife but she isn't the only Parent here. Why is she getting all the blame for how the girls have turned out while the husband is getting a pass? Why is the children's behavior all her fault? Seeing how there are TWO parents not just her. She's getting all the heat and called a bad mother a bad parent a bad wife and just thrown under the bus?? When has she been shown to be a bad wife? This claim is what throws me for a loop. And what makes her such a bad mother? Is she beating her children? Not feeding them? Not clothing them or giving them love? She was shown already at a breaking point because she wasnt asking for help with the kids thinking that she should be able to do it all. Work (yes she does have a business to) Take care of the kids, take care of her husband, take care of her house, and still somehow have time for herself and this show. Did that somehow get forgotten? Stephanie isnt disciplining her children and no one is saying shit about her or her husband or that it would be perfectly ok for Stephanie to be cheated on .....  AAAAAAND No one deserves to be Cheated on or to even have the thought of its ok to cheat on them thrown up..... No one deserves that......there is NO EXCUSE for someone cheating, leave the relationship!!!! ....It shouldn't be  gloated over the fact that someone is so Horrendous (and how is she such a horrible person again?) that they should be treated like dirt and basically told that they are such a bad person, a Bad Parent, that the husband wouldn't be to blame if he did cheat.. Cheating effects the entire family, there are kids involved in this and no child even bratty ones deserve that ......We really dont know these people. In reality we only see snips of their life edited to make a story line and even then with all those EDITS Brandi really hasn't done anything that BAD to anyone on this show to warrant that. She might have a personality that not everyone likes (being goofy ) but AGAIN that doesn't make her a bad person.. she has shown she really does love her husband and her family deeply and she is doing the best she can when it seems like her husband is always working.( and a lot of parents overcompensate when with daddy or mommy isn't around let me let you get away with things because i want you to feel loved and not neglected and it becomes hard to discipline them because of that ) .....And IF IF IF  he is cheating does that make it ok for him to be an absentee father in his kid's lives and to drop all the responsibility of raising THEIR, 3 children on Brandi? I'm not saying that is what he is doing but again with the Editing of the show thats what it looks like ........

preaching it all the way to the back row.......you are 100% correct with this .  

  • Love 6
3 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

She was stating that she doesn't run off with Brandi and get white girl wasted......Go back other then that one lunch you never see just Brandi and D'andra drinking......  everyone including LeeAnne, DogFood Barbie, Carrie, and Stephanie were all there drinking with them doing the shots and beer bongs ..To try to paint it like its all Brandi making her drink like the other girls arnt around doing shots and drinking is what she is trying to do its called being a hypocrite and  Gaslighting. so its ok for her to drink with all the other girls but when she does it with Brandi around she is suddenly an alcoholic? what the what? I mean if we want to call a spade a spade lets roll the tape of every time LeeAnne was drinking around the girls and say shes the reason they ALL drink and she is making them an Alcoholic ....... come on now 

They do all drink and I think it's a bit much for LeAnne to call them alcoholics.  I am gonna have to see more evidence of that.  It is also way uncool to out a problem like that on tv without some sort of preceding scene of someone doing something really out of control and harmful.  They are coworkers who MAY have some sort of outside friendship.  LeAnne is trying to control a narrative here and she is using Kam because she knows Kam is a dog with a bone.  Exhibit A the Keurig cup thing and De'Andra as well as the Stephanie/Brandi adoption brouhaha.  She just does not let anything go and is so easily wound up.  By the way, I live where she is from and NO ONE speaks like that.  They may have her attitude in Montecito but they do not speak in that way <just clearing that up, bugs me she is making us all look/sound bad!>.  Brandi is crass and I am not a fan of bathroom humor.  She has raised some hellions and I admit I laughed when the one was licking the camera in the car BUT I would hate being around them.  Also she gets a fuck you from me re her remarks about being childless.  She is also, bless her heart, a little dim.  I got what LeAnne was saying re Bruin, Brandi was just too lit to get it or wasn't capable of understanding.  

BEC moment, D'Andra looked horrible.  She does need a stylist and why she doesn't have one with her funds I don't know.  I want Dee to get a new wig.  I am tired of this one.  

  • Love 8
12 hours ago, queenjen said:

We need to keep in mind that LeeAnne, in her TH, straight up declared that  D'Andra had struggled with alcohol in the past. Then, when D'Andra collapsed with Stephanie, Brandie, Carey and Kam (?), one of them straight out asked D'Andra if she had issues with drinking. And D'Andra gave a firm 'NO'. So. Either way, LeeAnne is coming really hard for D'Andra. She has either spilled a secret that she would have known in confidence (and therefore taken a wrecking ball to their friendship), or she is straight up lying to all of us out here in reality tv land.  D'Andra is going to have a conniption when she sees this TH. She's fundamentally unable to cope with loss of social esteem. It's either going to explode over the next few episodes, or it's going to be major reunion material. 

The ONLY way I see LeeAnne wriggling out of this one, is if I got her words correct above and she said that D'Andra had 'struggled with alcohol in the past'. And when she's questioned (it's going to be an attack, D'andra is going to utterly lose her shit), LeeAnne's spin is going to be 'I meant her father. His alcoholism and death were things D'Andra struggled with in the past! Ah would NEVAH slur someone's sobriety!'. LeeAnne's reaction to abandonment, or perceived abandonment, has always been swift and scorched earth. LeeAnne sees D'andra slipping away over to Brandi. These women! 


6 hours ago, Pop Tart said:

Yes KWCK! This is exactly what's going on. Sure Brandi misinterpreted the convo at the benefit - though she was so drunk, I'm not surprised - but she's not wrong about what LeeAnne is doing to her. LeeAnne does take every opportunity in every conversation she has with Stephanie to at some point mention Brandi in a negative way. Same goes when she talks with D'Andra, though there she's usually a bit more direct about it given their friendship. I don't think she has decided to befriend Stephanie solely to get between Steph and Brandi (and thus torture Brandi), but I think it's a big reason for her wanting to be "friends" while taping. And if Stephanie is going to be "hurt" about what Brandi said then she's doing just as much willful misunderstanding of a conversation as Kam, Brandi, and D'Andra have done this season. 

I've run the gamut with LeeAnne, sometimes have felt bad for her because so much of her behavior seems to stem from a very deep-seated insecurity, sometimes have liked her humor, sometimes dislike her, but right now I'm kind of admiring her reality show game. She's controlling the drinking (and thus the true crazy shit) and is gas lighting Brandi very effectively.

Earlier in the season when Brandi said she was upset about LeeAnne warning everyone she's low-class and a bad influence I took her tears with a grain of salt. Now I think she was right - and do wonder if the filming of that scene actually happened a lot later in the filming schedule (out of sequence). That's what LeeAnne has been doing all season. She has been oh so concerned for D'Andra and the influence Brandi is having on her, suggesting she's now drinking too much and is in danger of losing her place in Dallas society, etc. And with Steph it's all about how empowered she is without Brandi strong-arming her into things, how independent she can be away from Brandi, etc. And she's enlisted Kam to spread the word about "low-class" behavior. How many times has Kam mentioned the keurig cup thing to anyone and everyone and used it as an example of how Brandi is dragging D'Andra down? She does so again in the previews for next week where it looks like LeeAnne is going full on "CONCERNED" about D'Andra's drinking (even going to her mom).

I'm not a huge Brandi fan, but she's not wrong about what is happening.

Agree 100% with both of your posts @queenjen and @Pop Tart

LeeAnn is a master manipulator and I think this goes back to her carny past and was further cemented during her pageant days.  It's unfortunate really that Brandi and D'Andra are playing into LeeAnn's hands that "aren't knives, but they work quite well." Indeed! 

5 hours ago, nr65000 said:

Honestly, I wouldn't blame him.  He might be a weirdo but Brandi is horrible.  She is quickly reaching Vicky Gunvalson levels of housewife vileness.

Brandi will never reach the vileness that is synonymous with Vicki Gunvalson unless she too participates in a cancer scam and is first and foremost a narcissistic asshole.  

  • Love 12
6 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

I do take great offense at what LeeAnne told Rich about Brandi and me being drinking buddies and not trusting someone who drinks. I’m sorry, did IQs just suddenly drop from the last episode? I had one lunch in three months with Brandi…yes…you read that correctly—one lunch! We are NOT drinking buddies and have NEVER been drinking buddies. Neither one of us has time to sit around and drink as we have careers and/or families to attend to! Meanwhile, LeeAnne is sipping a margarita at lunch with Rich as she so pointedly makes this revelation??   ....."When a toxic person can no longer control you, they will try to control how others see you by using misinformation about you".................................YESSSSSSSS see this is what I posted earlier about LeeAnne talking out both sides of her mouth ***sips cocktail***

There she goes again. D'andra needs a plaque by her desk, just like Momma Dee's that says 'NEVER APOLOGISE, NEVER EXPLAIN'. I said it above, it's the same with the $200 rumour. D'Andra giving a dozen different versions about why she isn't an alcoholic and why she made that comment about $200 makes her look either crazy or as if she prostest too much. 

Absolutely agree about LeeAnne and her deepseated manipulative behaviour. She can't help herself. Brandi is right, but she's not doing herself any favours by engaging with LeeAnne at this point either. I still think Brandi is unbalanced due to the baby, lack of sleep, Brian or whatever and over reacting, which is a wet dream for LeeAnne and her plans for world domination.

I'm going to watch the scene between LeeAnne and D'Andra again. Because that was some weapon grade gaslighting from LeeAnne. She implys D'Andra is drinking too much. With Brandi. At events etc. By the end of the conversation, you could see D'andra was beginning to doubt her self 'AM i drinking too much?', 'Worse, does it LOOK like I'm drinking too much to 'Dallas society'?" "Do people think I'm a drunk and I'm the only one that can't see it!!!!!". And of course, all of this undermined Brandi also. LeeAnne is nothing if not effective.

Edited by queenjen
  • Love 10

D'andra is going to start losing her mind as rumours of her 'past struggles with alcohol' leak into the public domain. The Vulture recap refers to D'andra struggling with alcohol. D'andra has gone to the trouble in her blog to tell us she does indeed struggle with her father's death from alcoholism and that she has had non specified but not alcohol related 'struggles' of her own. In the past. This is LeeAnne going scorched earth on D'Andra: LeeAnne may be able to wriggle out of responsibiity for implying D'andra is or was an alcoholic, but the damage has been done. People are getting the message that D'andra Simmons has a drinking problem. 



  • Love 4

If LeeAnne had been Dee's darling daughter, she would've inherited her empire long ago, due to Dee's "untimely death".


ETA - and my answer to LeeAnne's drinking "concerns" would be "At least I never got so drunk I took a shit in a basket in front of my friends, bitch".

Edited by walnutqueen
  • Love 21

mic drop @walnutqueen and omg, the famous crap in a basket! How did this escape me?!

LeeAnne's instincts, honed since carny days, have her picking off the weak. These are currently D'Andra (no social skills and a quivering wreck if she thinks anyone thinks badly of her and with a mother who seems bent on destroying her only daughter and who is in league with LeeAnne), Brandi (unbalanced due to lack of sleep, Brian, or something undisclosed) AND Stephanie, her new 'friend' and conduit through which will inevitably pass LeeAnne's steady drip feed of bile against Brandi. Notice she's not messing with Carey at the moment and she'd never go for Kam because of her elevated social position. 

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